SUPER SCIO - Pilot (Ken Ogger killed at 2009)

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SUPER SCIO - Pilot (Ken Ogger killed at 2009)

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.

I have been involved in Scientology since 1965. I came in with great hopes and high goals, and since they were not entirely betrayed, I kept my mouth shut and hung on despite all of the obvious failings.

By late 1968, I had passed beyond the fanatic stage and could see that the organization and the tech had serious flaws. But I would not abandon the truths I had learned just because of Ron's imperfections or the Sea Org's insanities. Instead, I followed Ron's own advice, which was to ignore all authorities, including Ron, and evaluate each datum on its own merits and discover what was true for myself rather than simply believing in the subject.

When I finally finished my staff contract in the early 1970s, I was too disillusioned to continue working for the organization. But I still believed and continue to believe deeply in the expressed goals and purposes of the subject. I had made tremendous gains in auditing and helped others by auditing them (often for free on my own time). Any deficiencies I perceived in the tech and the organization were attributed to the incomplete research and the failings of the all too human members of the group. So I continued to study and do upper levels, and especially, I began to track down and study the thousands of hours of taped lectures from the 1950s, searching first for the origins of the almost magical materials we were using and eventually discovering that three quarters of the subject had been lost and that the bulk of later policy and flag orders were almost 180 degrees in conflict with the basics that were outlined in the early days.

And I decided to follow Ron's original ideas and inspirations in preference to the later dramatizations. And the further I went with this, the more I found myself at odds with the organization and its current policies and practices. I now firmly believe that the subject is still on a research line and that we do not have all the answers. I believe that Ron was right originally when he said (upon discovering implants and other advanced materials in 1952) that it would be deadly to make any of the tech confidential. And I think that he was spot on when he said that someday we will have to cry "Auditors of the world arise, you have nothing to lose but your certs" (auditors certificates).

For the last decade, I have been researching on my own, trying to carry the subject on to its next stage. No subject has ever been researched completely by a single individual, nor has two ever been enough. Its an ongoing process and the number of great names connected with even a single practical area such as electricity is enormous.

For all this time, I have kept quiet and supported the existing organization because I could offer nothing better. Now, however, its time to blow the lid off and give you everything I've got.

The first document in this series will shoot heavily at the existing organization. This is unfortunately necessary because there is so much wrong and the lies and overts block the road to truth. Certainly the anti-cultists will have a field day. But my goal is to bring about a reform rather than the destruction of the subject.

I am remaining anonymous at this time because I expect a severe knee jerk reaction from the organization. It's bitter medicine for them to swallow and they may lash out. But I expect that time will temper this, so my only purpose in remaining anonymous is to stay out of sight until things cool down a little. This will interfere with people sending me mail on the internet, but I will try to watch for general postings on the net which mention the "Pilot" in their message headers and will try to answer any reasonable questions that are posted. This is not an attempt to duck any responsibility. I will let you know who I am eventually, just give it some time.

I am making these materials freely available on the internet despite the tremendous amount of work that has gone into researching them and writing them up because the existing examples of what can happen to a spiritual subject when it is used to generate income is enough to make my flesh crawl. I ask only that you try to make the entire set of documents available rather than simply copying around document #1 which is a bit of an expose. I think it would be unfair to put out that much criticism without offering the positive materials that are in the remaining documents.

Also, the full set of documents, or at least #2 through #4, are necessary to convince the tech trained loyalists that reform is indeed possible and necessary. The auditors and case supervisors are the high priests of the subject and if they can be turned around, then the rest of the membership will follow. International management will have no choice but to go along.

For those who wish to destroy the subject, I would point out that it never works to persecute a religion. The faith and fanaticism always grow stronger. The only workable course is to change it into something better. In this I ask your help in keeping these materials available and helping to spread them to the loyalists. Let Scientology become what it pretends to be, a learning center for spiritual growth instead of a cult of greed and power.

I am not trying to promote a new subject or start a freezone organization. I have no personal vested interest in this. I'm just giving this stuff away.

If I receive any exchange for doing this, it will be in inspiring others to do research which will aid me in my own efforts. I don't think that I (or anyone else, including LRH) can go the entire route alone.

I don't think that there is any serious leagal liability in posting this or putting it up on the web. I need to remain hidden because it is a suppressive act (per policy) to attempt to reform the subject. Its hard to reform from within if you're officially kicked out. Also there is a slight chance that I might be placed in physical danger if my identity were exposed before any storm that I might be raising has a chance to settle out. Those outside of the subject might not think so, but some in management might consider this to be the most dangerous threat that they have ever faced because their own supporters might turn on them.

For any of my friends who might be in the middle of some Scientology level when they get ahold of these documents, I wish to warn them that they might want to finish what they are doing first before they plow into these materials. First of all, I believe that some of the things that I have found are considerably more advanced that anything being used currently in Scientology. And secondly, I believe that it is necessary to be totally unconstrained in discussing material that has been labeled confidential. Also, for anyone reading the internet it is a bit silly to worry about the confidentiality because almost all of the OT platens, clearing course materials, and full Nots auditors packs have been flying around on-line for quite some time now and a free and sensible discussion is liable to cool things down rather than stir them up.

I think that one of the major factors that dragged Ron down in the end was that he cut his own communication lines when he made the materials confidential. Until then, he was continually talking to his students (on the Briefing Course in the 1960s and in the Advanced Clinical Courses (ACCs) in the 1950s) and this probably acted to some degree like an auditing session, allowing the mental charge of what he was researching to flow away from him. When he cut that line, it backed up on him. This was a sad fate for someone who truly loved to talk and lecture.

I apologize for the fact that these files are very big. There is a lot of material. The contents are as follows:



This is my own attempt to map out the time track and the series of universes that we have come through.

One of the most famous abandoned lines of research. This is what I found and the tech for handling them.

A more basic theory on how and why auditing works. New advanced methods of processing. How to dig yourself out if you get overwhelmed by reading these materials.

On the early track we built universes that were tailored to implant (condition) each other. Especially the penalty universes of the home universe era. Here is basic data, road maps, platens, etc.

How to handle split pieces of yourself and various other advanced topics.


Lots of new ones that I researched, plus major corrections to the sketchy ones put out by Ron in 1963 before the development of R3M and decent listing techniques.

How I have been doing research. Also some more advanced materials and platens.

A hodge-podge of other stuff, some of it highly speculative.
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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.



This document attempts to confront various things which are wrong with Scientology. It is not idle natter or an unjustified viscous attack. I believe in the stated goals of the subject and wish to see them achieved. To some degree, the subject has become its own worst enemy and this needs to be handled so that forward progress can be made. It would be wrong of me to simply shoot without offering something positive as well. For this reason, I ask that anyone making this document available to others should also include the remaining, more positively oriented, documents in this series.


WHAT IS: That Hubbard was a self educated intuitive genius capable of great leaps of inductive logic.

WHAT ISN'T: The supposedly thorough research. It did not happen that way. LRH assumed that if something worked once, it would work again. He wanted to learn what he could from it and then go on to something else. Once the early Dianetic boom petered out, he was generally only teaching small classes of 10 to 20 advanced students and they jumped from one process to the next like jackrabbits. The techniques of one month were old in the next. The collection and codification of this material was left to others. Later, when there were thousands of practitioners, there was no room left for criticism of his words. He accepted little feedback from the field. In later days, backwards rundowns would be in use for years before any hint of failure filtered back up to the top.

WHAT IS: Scientology is a study of the mind and spirit.

WHAT ISN'T: Scientology has not really earned its claims of being a science. It might best be described as an "alchemy" sitting on the border between superstition and real understanding. Scientology works often but not always. The discrepancies are forced to fit by "Making it go right" and the failures are blamed on "out-Ethics" and hidden under the carpet least they blacken the reputation of the subject and thereby deny freedom to all mankind. This is a fanatical rather than a scientific approach.

WHAT IS: A science is the work of many individuals, each working independently. Hopefully there would be a free interchange of ideas but progress can occur even when this is absent. For example, Edison and Tesla were notorious enemies and yet the electricity in our homes depends heavily on both of their discoveries (Edison for the lights and motors and Tesla for the generators and transmission system).

Progress does not come from committees. Ideas, inventions, techniques, and discoveries do indeed originate from singular and individual sources. I have been on software design committees that achieved less than any of the individual members could have done alone. But this does not mean that everything comes from one single source.

WHAT ISN't: A complete science has never been originated exclusively by a single individual. In attempting to deny any possibility of other researchers, Hubbard has barred the road more thoroughly than any of the closed minds who reject the very existence of a spirit.

WHAT IS: The original foundations of Dianetics was in regression therapy. Ron made improvements, but the majority of the valuable enhancements came out in later years and are the valid product of years of running engrams on people.

WHAT ISN'T: The research line of regression therapy was never followed up properly by the professionals in psychotherapy. The problem was that regression therapy will quickly open up past lives. This made it obviously false to anyone who had the average scientist's anti-religious bias. In modern times, this prejudice has faded and you will find some psychotherapists practicing regression therapy, and it is almost always referred to as past life regression because that is what it inevitably leads to.

I doubt that Ron knew about this "bug" in regression therapy when he was writing DMSMH (Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health). He certainly doesn't mention it in the book and in his early lectures and taped demonstrations (1950), he forces the PCs (Preclears) into prenatal incidents as a solution to the inability to find basic incidents in the current lifetime. These prenatal incidents almost never show up in modern Dianetics and can safely be discounted as trivial and unimportant in most cases. This puts the entire Dianetics book in a bad light as far as any claims to producing real results or having been researched thoroughly.

Actually it was probably a lucky break for us (except for those who hate the subject) that he didn't do extensive research before he wrote the popular book and found himself committed to a supposedly invalidated technique. He opened his eyes, accepted the past lives, and ran with it.

WHAT IS: Many of the ideas and techniques in Scientology stem from earlier sources. Ron would say this quite freely in the early days. The Dianetic breakthrough into past lives (which strips away all the usual BS about everybody having been Cleopatra that comes up in many mystical circles) provided an organizing point (a stable datum) around which all the existing data in metaphysics and philosophy could be aligned. Scientology was originally a system for separating the wheat from the chaff (see the 1952 lecture "Scientology: Milestone One").

Ron pulled together stuff out of everything from General Semantics and Magic to Krishnamurti and the Tibetan materials. He distilled out the essence of what he saw as true, discarded the old superstitions that were mingled in, and pulled it together into what he considered to be a cohesive whole. Even as late as 1955 he talked about himself as being the great organizer rather than an originator.

From magic and Crowley he deduces that the one thing they were doing that worked was to practice clearly visualizing the effect of a spell before trying to cast it so as to avoid the spell going wrong and backfiring. Ron realized that when these spells work, it was this visualization and "The Will" which created the success rather than the mumbo-jumbo rituals. He distills this down to the mockup processing which is the mainstay of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course and he refines Crowly's idea of "Will" into a much more clearly defined concept of "Intention".

Early in this century, self hypnosis and auto-suggestion were in vogue and according to the unauthorized biographies, Ron jumped on the bandwagon with his "affirmations". This makes total sense because if you drop out the hypnosis (which Ron turned his back on fairly early) and evolve the concept into its highest imaginable form, you find yourself with the Scientology concept of making postulates. And that's quite a step above positive thinking (which also evolved out of auto-suggestion).

You'll find the "Yoga of the psychic heat" (see Evan's "Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines") in a vastly improved form among the Route 1 drills in Creation of Human Ability and you'll find that the "Meditation on a Breathing Object" is the forerunner of TR0. But the improvements made are vast and show real brilliance. He got very good at this over the years.

WHAT ISN'T: The subject of Scientology did not spring out of thin air. Hubbard didn't come from some advanced Galactic Civilization to teach us poor yokels. This is a weird idea that has gained popularity on the dumb rumor line within the subject. Of course he jokingly says that he's not from this planet, but neither is anybody else according to Scientology theory. He certainly never says that the subject came from off planet. In fact he says the exact opposite.

The subject evolved. It must continue to evolve.


WHAT IS: The Mind's Protection. If you read or talk about something, or even if you engage in consciousness raising techniques or processes, it is nearly impossible to do any lasting harm. If an idea is too dangerous to the person's current mental state, he will tune it out, misunderstand it, or simply consider it to be ridiculous. "They have ears that hear not" is basically a protective mechanism, and it works. LRH was a strong proponent of this idea.

WHAT ISN'T: The mind's protection does not work in the presence of duress or high pressure techniques. Brainwashing, hypnotism, and even the implants (electronic implantation of hypnotic commands as done in advanced space traveling cultures found in past life incidents) described in the Scientology literature illustrate this quite clearly.

Sea Org training techniques intentionally bypassed the mind's protection and made robots. Consider, for example, the early FEBC (Flag Executive Briefing Course) students studying with poor food and sleep in a dangerous environment (Ethics etc.) under heavy time and peer pressure with literal minded instructors and occasional bouts of physical duress ("run around the deck 10 times"). Listening to the course tapes in a reasonable environment, you might actually learn something from them. But most of the original students came back crazy as loons and acted like dramatizing psychotics.

Most auditing is light enough in its methods that the mind's protection concept is effective and keeps you from doing any long term damage. The rule against evaluating for the PreClear and telling him what to think rules out many of the potentially dangerous pressures that could be brought to bear. But there are exceptions. The most notable is listing techniques where the PC gives answers to a listing question (such as "What do you use to make others wrong") in an effort to find "The Real Answer". When the PC finds the correct answer, the auditor gives it back to him indicating that it is the correct answer. The technique is very powerful and can produce fantastic results. But the auditor can make a mistake and jam a wrong answer down the PCs throat. The questions are generally so hot and the answers of such importance that this puts significant pressure on the PC and the mind's protection idea ceases to work. Goofing this up can make the PC worse. There was an HCOB (Hubbard Communication Office Bulletin) to this effect at one time but it dived out of sight and is not in the Tech Volumes.

WHAT IS: The lower level grades of release can produce marvelous results. The grades 0 to 4 address communication, problems, overts, upsets, and fixed ideas. This was probably the cleanest and most thorough research done in the subject.

WHAT ISN'T: These grades were not well planned out and designed. Instead, they evolved on a hit or miss basis. They began as a hodge-podge of processes that handled things that Hubbard kept running into while trying to research the areas that he was really interested in. Eventually he packaged these up into the grades in 1965. But there were errors and mistaken assumptions and it wasn't until the 1970s that these were knocked around into a really workable form. Much of the compilation and even the process commands were put together by others and apparently not even reviewed by Ron because years later he was shocked at one of the processes being used (a particular grade 4 technique) and issued a bulletin saying that it was a dumb idea.

WHAT IS: These grades do work (unless grossly misapplied) to produce a state of release on the topic addressed so that the person not only feels better about the specific thing handled but also becomes free of the accumulated weight of the entire topic. For example, problems are handled until the mass of past problems that he is still carrying around suddenly falls away and leaves him much relieved.

WHAT ISN'T: The grade releases are known to be unstable. What was handled generally remains handled, but the extra effect of being free on the entire subject (e.g. can make problems vanish at will etc.) is a temporary condition. The area is not actually erased, it is only "keyed-out". If it later "keys-in" again, more processing is needed to rehabilitate the release.

WHAT IS: Ron believed that the "reactive mind" underlied the grades of release and that when it was erased by going clear, the underlying source of these grades would be gone and they would be automatically erased as a consequence.

WHAT ISN'T: This is obviously incorrect. All auditing sessions begin with handling any problems, upsets, etc. that have newly arisen. This is done even on Clears and OTs. You can see the effect of a grade release in that the PC doesn't come up with new problems for awhile after a problems release etc., but they certainly come up with them eventually even if the person is Clear or on the upper OT levels.

WHAT IS: The latest effort to explain why a clear has problems is to blame it on OT III or NOTs.

WHAT ISN'T: Again this is a mistake, and a bad one. The person is the source of their own problems. There is nothing on the upper levels which shows them to be a primary source and there is plenty of material on the grades themselves which logically speaking could be viewed as a primary source for aberration. The person does become free of problems by running Grade I and he does not do so by running OT III.

WHAT IS: The theory of the grades is stand alone and does not include anything which requires the prior existence of engrams, implants, entities, or anything else. The grades contain factors which could be operative on a god-like thetan who was incapable of being hurt whereas things such as implants and engrams require that the being has already sunk low enough to be kicked around. The idea of an upset god wildly committing overts is quite common and probably rests on real buried memories.

WHAT ISN'T: We've got it backwards. The grades are the ultimate OT levels. They are what was really wrong in the first place. Nobody in Scientology has ever erased the basic material on these grades. Total cause over communications would include the ability to acknowledge a speeding bullet and have it vanish.

WHAT IS: All that other stuff on the upper levels is there to be audited out. But it's minor stuff. A mere distraction which is in the way of getting to the basics on the grades.

WHAT ISN'T: It is not practical to try and erase the grades at lower levels. People are nowhere near being able to reach the original problems, overts, etc. which they had when they were early god-like beings and which caused them to postulate their own downfall. They can't even visualize the multi-dimensional realities that had to be present early on. They are fixated on an Earth-like three dimensional existence and you can only expect so much of them. So the right approach would be to get a release on the grades (the basic aberrations), then fool around with all the other stuff to get it out of the way and raise the guy's awareness, and then get back to the grade materials and really erase them in the basic area of his past existence.

WHAT IS: There is a state of Clear. It might be described as regaining control over painful mental pictures. Even the psychiatrists recognize that a person can get flashbacks of a violent incident. It is attained either by gradually accustoming the PC to recalling painful incidents (as in Dianetics) or by repetitive spotting of commands implanted with heavy force eons ago (as is done on the Clearing Course) until the person can confront the force in mental pictures without being bothered by it.

WHAT ISN'T: The wild ideas and sales talk about the state of clear in Scientology is mainly advertising and wishful thinking. The description of a Clear in the Dianetics book is an impossible condition since it assumes perfect recall etc. in one lifetime without any spiritual awareness or knowledge of earlier lives. It was never possible. If you extend the definition out into the realm of Scientology and expect full recall across the whole course of a being's existence, then we are talking about an ultimate super OT condition that Scientology is nowhere near achieving at this time, but which might be the ultimate target that we are working towards.

WHAT IS: There is a CofS policy to the effect that invalidating the state of clear is a suppressive act.

WHAT ISN't: The shortcomings of the definition of clear are not generally talked about among Scientologists and nobody dares say anything to mitigate unrestrained sales hype on the subject because that might well get them kicked out. People who have gone clear know what they did and didn't get from it but keep their mouths shut because it really is a wonderful state despite its limitations. The unfortunate side effect is that many who do achieve the state then look at the definition and invalidate themselves because they don't match up to what the book says. And so they have an entire auditing rundown (the CCRD - Clear Certainty Rundown) to cure the harm done by this wrong information.

WHAT IS: The clear cognition is the awareness that the individual is mocking up his own bank (reactive mind) and pictures.

WHAT ISN'T: Knowing this in the abstract is not the same as being aware of and in control of it. The cognition is not confidential and is mentioned often on Ron's Tapes. It is generally helpful for someone who is not clear to know it because it encourages them to take control over their reactive mind. It was common knowledge among most Scientologists in the 1960s. When they started letting people attest to Dianetic Clear, there was a technical bulletin saying not to push people into falsely attesting to the state by feeding them the Clear cog. This is commonly (but not always) misinterpreted to mean that the cog is confidential and so the cog has ceased to be common knowledge among lower level Scientology public.

WHAT IS: The Church's polices on confidentiality of upper level materials are quite drastic. Lose a piece of confidential paper and you may be disbarred from upper levels for life. Breath a word of it in casual conversation, even with others who have done the level, or forget to lock a briefcase, and you may be doing a substantial amends project.

WHAT ISN'T: The policy isn't successful except to harass their loyal members and generate a big mystery. Back in the 1950s, Ron used to talk jokingly about the cults which kept big hidden secrets in their inner sanctums so as to keep the bucks flowing. Just check out the introduction to Dianetics 55 ("Secrets, Secrets, Secrets) for a sample of this. As far as keeping anything out of the hands of their enemies, the confidentiality seems to have caused a publishing boom in unauthorized copies.

WHAT IS: In the early days, when Ron was digging up material on implants, issuing OT drills, and even coming up with early versions of the NOTs techniques (1952-1953), some of the students asked if this stuff should be confidential and he said that it must not be made confidential and hidden because then it will fall into the wrong hands and be used against people who are unaware of it. He said that the only safety was to shout this stuff from the rooftops and publish it broadly. The only real danger is in keeping it secret.

WHAT ISN'T: The horrible danger of seeing the confidential materials without proper preparation. It just doesn't happen that way. The mind's protection is at maximum when somebody is safely reading something on their own. You can sometimes get somebody sick by jamming this stuff down their throats, but that's true of force feeding any Scientology process or, for that matter, the techniques of other practices as well.

WHAT IS: The idea that entities are the source of bank, aberrations, and somatics is currently believed in the upper levels of the Church. Ron certainly ranted and raved enough about it in the Class VIII Course lectures and he theorized it as the source of somatics.

WHAT ISN'T: This is totally contrary to all basic Scientology theory. The whole reason that auditing works is that the person himself is generating all of his own ills.

WHAT IS: There is a benefit to running NOTs. The BTs (body thetans - entities) get in the way. They are a bit like a boat anchor that makes it difficult to build up any horsepower. They will amplify your pains and aberrations. But they are never the source. They are not worth bothering about while you have things to handle which are closer to home (such as problems, upsets, etc.) but eventually they need to be knocked out of the way. Blaming stuff on these guys is the exact reason that the org has trouble if a PC finds out about them at lower levels. It's a license to blame somebody else for your overts and problems and that has always been known (at least in Scientology) to be a sure way to get worse.

WHAT ISN'T: Most of the BTs are not independent beings. That is simply a mistaken idea. We all put pieces of ourselves on each other. Joe puts a bit of himself on Bill to keep Bill in line. Parents will instinctively shove a bit of themselves into their kids to keep tabs on them. The child would find these as "BT"s. The big mass implants were to make us do this compulsively and unconsciously so as to keep each other obedient and human. The implants didn't reduce the population at all.

WHAT IS: The solo nots technique is simple and useful. Everybody should know that you ask "What are you"/"Who are you" if an entity of some sort does pop up, and to encourage them to answer "Me" until they do so and stop fooling around with mocking themselves up as demons or whatever. This stuff does show up on rare occasions at lower levels, and the org leaves you stumbling around in the dark when an easy trick would handle it.

WHAT ISN'T: The idea of handling court cases by fooling around with the opponent's BTs at a distance was ridiculous. Maybe it would have worked if entities really were the source of all aberration, but they're only a minor factor. The auditors would have been better off visiting enemies in their sleep and trying to give them nightmares. But Ron used to joke about his students doing that to him, he just though it was funny and not very effective.

As a little aside, there is also an old Tibetan technique for handling demons. This is from the Book of the Dead. If a demon shows up to scare you, you mock yourself up as an even bigger and more horrible demon and scare him right back. If you really get in trouble with an entity of some sort haunting you, this does work as a last resort. Its not very nice so don't use it without just cause.

WHAT IS: The idea that if the specific details of implants were not kept confidential, they would be used in advertising etc. This was being spread about as one of the reasons for confidentiality.

WHAT ISN'T: It's just not an important point. Madison avenue has already found all the hottest buttons on people. They would laugh at using Scientology's stuff for this. If you find some really early implants, you will often find Gorillas, Tigers, Bears, Planes, Trains, Automobiles, etc. These are the hottest buttons. That's why this universe is so solid. Its all around us. Madison Ave. might not know about implants, but they sure do know about the key buttons and they push them with great vigor. By this time, we have become so thick skinned that we just shrug this stuff off with hardly a quiver.

By the way, the hotter TV commercials are good ways to spot implanted buttons. The advertisers do all the surveys for you and then you just notice what item had to have been implanted for the commercials to work. For example, "To be everybody" is not very hot as a sales button but "To be just like everyone else" is pretty good and is a popular underlying button in advertisements. Guess which one has the bigger kick on an E-meter. Of course the opposite was also implanted (implants often use positive/negative pairs) so that "To be different" is also a hot sales button and implant item.

WHAT IS: XENU (or XEMU) is a bad guy mentioned in the confidential literature. He's a villain comparable to Hitler except that he had a higher level of technology to kick people around with.

WHAT ISN'T: Scientologists who have done OT III don't have any particular flinch at this guy. Its not like you're talking about Satan or some evil god who can reach out and get you. He was just a bad guy. The flinch that you see when the "dreaded" name comes up is not fear of Xemu. It is fear of Ethics. I would not be surprised if you saw an OT turn green at the mention of him. But it's visions of being put on thousands of hours of amends projects or being permanently barred from upper levels that is scaring him.

WHAT IS: Ron was all excited about writing and filming a popular movie about Xemu. It showed him (Xemu) shipping all the malcontents and minorities to Earth and then bombing the volcanoes and ended with the brave fight of the loyal officers to bring Xemu to justice. It centered around a particular loyal officer and (for a sexy heroine) a movie starlet who find out about the plot but are too late to stop it. But they lead the revolution that overthrows Xemu. Of course there is no mention of BTs or past lives. The story is presented as a record left for future civilizations on Earth so they can know what happened when the dinosaurs died out. It is found by archeologists or something like that and shown to the president of the US who promptly has it destroyed.

WHAT ISN't: This movie, which was called "Revolt in the Stars", apparently isn't going to be made. There was an unsuccessful attempt to film it in the late 70s and a second try (which I think never got past the financing stage) in the early 80s. The screenplay circulated quite widely, being given out to anyone who they were trying to talk into taking a share in the financing. In the late 80s the SO got scared about this film (I can hardly imagine why) and started trying to gather up all the copies and jumping on anyone who had ever had their hands on the screenplay.

Maybe their attitude will change eventually. It wasn't a bad screenplay. Nowhere near as good as "Total Recall" but better than "The Black Hole". Maybe with all the ARS publicity (the alt.relegion.scientology newsgroup on the internet) it would do better if it was retitled "XENU, The Movie". I think LRH would have liked that.

WHAT IS: There are all sorts of parody's of Xemu and various OT levels floating around on the net.

WHAT ISN'T: I can't see the harm in this. Not only is it funny, but it helps you get exterior to the whole mess. By placing such fantastic importance on a few incidents and making them confidential, and furthermore loading them all with tons of sales hype, we have actually created a great deal of mental charge on this stuff and given it more power than it has. A few jokes can blow off this artificially built up charge and get the whole thing in perspective.

I particularly liked the parody of Incident One where a Ford Mustang comes out and turns right, then left, followed by the sounds of Snap, Crackle, and Pop, and then the being is overwhelmed by waves of soggy Rice Crispies.

WHAT IS: There is a Scientology policy against jokers and degraders issued around 1969 or 70. It basically makes it a suppressive act to make fun of the subject.

WHAT ISN'T: This is not a good policy. Humor is more than just entertainment. The ability to laugh at ourselves is a mechanism for social change. It is one of the few ways to relieve charge outside of auditing. It even works on groups, and relieving group charge has always been one of our biggest problems in Scientology.

WHAT IS: There used to be many jokes within the organization. We enjoyed laughing at ourselves. How many OTs does it take to change a light bulb? Seven. One to hold the light bulb and six to turn the universe around it. One of our layout artists once made up an ad about how the R6 course enlarged breasts, complete with before and after pictures. She pasted this into a ladies magazine in a vary professional manner and we used to hand it to unsuspecting students and staff members and tell them to look at the exciting new ad from St. Hill (the advanced training center in England).

One time we drew up an org board (Scientology organization chart) for a Scientology whorehouse. The examiner would check that the "session" went OK. There would be success stories, etc. We figured that it would be light years beyond the competition. There were slogans like "The Golden Age of Standard Screwing".

WHAT ISN'T: This kind of stuff is now forbidden. That, all by itself, I consider to be a key characteristic of a suppressive group.

WHAT IS: There are "group engrams" discussed in the early tech. Ron saw that groups did have many of the characteristics of individuals and could be bent out of shape by external impacts (or for that matter by committing overts etc.).

WHAT ISN'T: All attempts at group engram running failed. Ron finally concluded that it couldn't be done with the existing technology. He never got back to this topic and its still an area that is in desperate need of research. As a stopgap measure, he offered the idea of writing honest histories as the best way of blowing group charge. At one time he considered this to be of tremendous importance in keeping a group sane and true to its original goals. Now, unfortunately, the real stories of what happened are hidden and buried under a tidal wave of PR.

WHAT IS: To publish or even say anything publicly about Scientology, a Scientologist must first get "Issue Authority". This doesn't apply to talking to friends, which is dissemination, but it does apply to anything which reaches the public at large. This was the way it was in the sixties and seventies. They might call it something else now. One guy I know was all excited about Scientology and planned to give a little speech about it as part of a presentation he was doing at a computer conference and was stopped by the GO (this was late 1970s). Someone like Travolta would have to rehearse and clear exactly what he was going to say about the subject before making any statement on TV. But sometimes if they trust the guy's judgment (and maybe put him through some training) they will give someone a blanket OK to say things publicly, but even then the ethics officer will be looking over his shoulder to be sure that no out-ethics occurs, and anything that puts the subject in a bad light is considered to be out-ethics.

WHAT ISN'T: There isn't a lot of real communication from Scientologists on the internet. Of course they will let an innocent beginner blabber about how wonderful it all is and there are real professionals hatted up to handle the internet, but anyone else better be careful what they say or they'll end up in Ethics. You might still have a gutsy OT who takes his chances, but it would be rare. Also, since there is NOTS material on the internet, anyone who has not already started NOTS would be risking terrible amends projects or disbarment by reading ARS.

WHAT IS: The book "What is Scientology" and the other stuff that has been put up at the church's website obviously has issue authority. Therefore any member will be allowed to freely copy and spread this stuff around. I'm talking now about internal Church policies rather than copyright laws.

WHAT ISN'T: They can't normally say anything else. Even quoting an innocuous line from a technical bulletin might get one in deep trouble. Getting issue authority used to take many months and endless hassles and arguments. It puts a big stop on the communications. Their horrible spam (flooding the newsgroup with messages to drown out the opposition and break the communication line) might actually have been interesting and of use to some people if they had dumped megabytes of real material (maybe tape transcripts) onto the internet. There are about 3000 hours of taped lectures and most of them have been transcribed. They could have gone on for weeks without ever repeating themselves. Instead, they couldn't say anything worthwhile and had to keep repeating quotes from that shallow book which isn't even by Ron and is hardly more than a collection of sales hype.

WHAT IS: Some of LRH's most famous lines were "When In Doubt, Communicate" and "Communication is the Universal Solvent".

WHAT ISN'T: Current policy apparently frowns on applying this. But as is often the case, Ron's early statement was correct and the later policy is self-destructive. They have been trying to stop communications on the internet and it has been rebounding against them badly.

But they are not all stupid, and some of them know the early tech. I believe that there has been an internal push for many months now to give at least a few trustworthy OTs a blanket OK to really talk on the internet. The terrible failure of the existing effort to handle the net by spamming (which lead to all sorts of "horrible" consequences such as the Xenu message headers etc.) has probably caused enough of an upheaval internally that this OK may have been issued.

I believe that this is the status of "Clear Baby" who has shown up on the internet lately. I don't know for sure, but she does seem to be communicating rather freely without looking out for the Ethics officer. People like this will probably communicate honestly as long as you don't push them too hard on delicate issues or try to pull the Church's withholds. They might not even know anything about Flag Orders or the Church's internal operations. If OSA was smart, they gave this OK to devoted public rather than SO staff and are trusting to the person's love of the subject rather than trying to control the communication.

(Update: Clear Baby's identity was exposed and she now seems to be headed for the freezone).

Needless to say, I don't have any such OK. If you said the kind of stuff within the Church that I've been saying here, you'd be in Ethics the next day. That would happen even if you only said it in a confessional, nothing to say of blabbing it all over the internet.

WHAT IS: In the old days, Ron was basically honest with his course students. Occasionally he exaggerated or got carried away with himself or downplayed something, but he was not busily concocting lies or making up stories.

WHAT ISN'T: The various little biographical sketches placed in the books were highly inaccurate and were not written by Ron. His overt was in ignoring all the stuff that his staff was putting out. He really didn't care what they told the public. He was annoyed at society for ignoring his big discoveries and saw himself in competition with the heavy outpouring of false advertisement from big business.

The "Story of Dianetics and Scientology" tape that is available at the Scientology website is just one example of what he would really say to his students. Of course he shows himself in a good light, but he doesn't make false claims about having a degree in Nuclear Physics either. Quite the opposite.

Concerning that silly Nuclear Physics degree, someone in the org's PR department got the Academy of Scientology to issue an honorary degree in Nuclear Physics to Ron when they put out the Radiation book. He thought it was very funny and makes jokes about it with the students in his next lecture.

Concerning "Snake" Thompson (the unauthorized biographies claim that he was made up by Ron), the guy really did exist and he wrote a book called "The Navy Operations Manual on Psychoanalysis". It was used in the Navy in WW2 and is probably the underlying source for the popular picture of pleasant and sensible Freudian analysts in the military which we get from shows like "MASH". It was a very good and practical book and was reprinted as a popular paperback in the late 1950s. I think it even uses phrases like "This is an operation manual for the human mind" and includes techniques on regression therapy etc. I had a copy back around 1963 and it was the best book on psychoanalysis that I have ever read. Unfortunately, it was tossed along with loads of other psych books when I became fanatically inspired by LRH tech a few years later. If I'd known, I'd have hung on to it.

In the book, the commander discusses studying with Freud in Vienna and then going to various military bases in Asia to experiment with the techniques. I think that the timing was right for Ron to bump into him while sailing back to the US.

The org doesn't seem to be digging out this book and holding it up to prove Ron's story. Perhaps it has a bit too much of early Dianetics in it. Or more likely, he got the guy's name wrong. It has been over 30 years since I read the book and I'm not sure but it could have been by Commander Thomas something or other ("Snake" is obviously a nickname). The org wouldn't dare bring it up if Ron misremembered the man's name since a Clear should have perfect recall and since Ron was supposed to have studied with him instead of simply talking with him a bit (and maybe getting a copy of his book) during a long sea voyage.

WHAT IS: The unauthorized biographies of LRH are generally accurate as to verifiable facts but are badly slanted in terms of the stories they contain. Much of the material came from people who were very upset and pissed off at Ron and Scientology. They often had been abused and mistreated, but this makes them a very biased source and there is a tendency to exaggerate, make up things, and only tell one side of the story.

WHAT ISN'T: The SO can't really correct any of the inaccuracies or tell the other side of any of the stories because then they would have to admit all the bad things that really did happen.

Let's take, for example, Otto Roos' story about Ron demanding to see his own PC folders. Its not quite right. Ron ordered that his PC folders be taken away from Otto and carried to the Qual Sec (the Scientology name for the chief of quality control in a Scientology organization) for her to examine rather than looking at them himself. You might not think this is a big point but it is of significance to church members because the inaccurate story makes Ron seem hypocritical (PCs aren't supposed to look at their own folders).

However, Ron did indeed punch Otto and he did indeed have Rock Slam type discreditable meter reads (he freely talks about this on earlier Briefing Course tapes) and the org doesn't want to confirm any of that.

WHAT IS: In later times (1970s), Ron was notorious for his screaming rages.

WHAT ISN'T: This was not purely reactive. He had it firmly under control. There are many stories where somebody else would walk by and Ron would break off in mid-yell to give them a soft and pleasant "Hello, how are you" before jacking the decibels back up and resuming the attack.

I don't think this was a good way to handle people. It was based on a mistaken idea that you handle other people's bank (meaning the reactive bank or reactive mind) by exerting more force at them than the bank does. He would never have said that in the early days. Force begets force and causes the target to key-in more heavily. If force helped people, police states would be therapeutic. This wrong idea was simply his way of justifying to himself that he was correct in launching these tirades.

Here we see the real difference between a cleared and an uncleared individual. Before clear, the rage would have been a stimulus response blind rage that was out of control. After clear, it is all quite conscious and supposedly well thought out and is actually under the individual's control. None the less, the desire to throw that shrieking fit is not at all handled by going clear, and the impulse is quite abberated. In this case, I see the aberrations as coming from the mental charge that was bypassed by making errors in researching what, after all, is one of the most difficult subjects to figure out correctly.

WHAT IS: The first Clear to graduate the clearing course in the mid-1960s was John MacMasters (affectionately refereed to as "John Mac"). He had had cancer and had his stomach removed and was told that he only had a year to live back around 1960. He responded by getting into Scientology and auditing and training as hard as he could and was in much better shape and even capable of eating real food instead of gruel by the late 60s. He used to go around on world tours promoting Scientology and the clearing course.

WHAT ISN'T: He didn't like the Sea Org. They mistreated him. He had other interests. They called this "other intention-ness" and tried to put him in lower ethics conditions. He walked out. They declared him suppressive. He had been a known homosexual, but they could not use this directly at that time because there were many homosexuals in Scientology. So instead, they declared him for putting himself in a position where he could be blackmailed (supposedly for being a secret homosexual even though that was an "everybody knows" situation) because they didn't want to talk about his real reasons for leaving. This was sometime in the early 70s.

Later he became very bitter and said nasty things about his earlier experiences with Hubbard, but in the 1965-68 period he really loved the subject and would do anything for Ron. The love turned to hate after too much contact with later Sea Org craziness and that's what we hear in his later statements. He did well for quite awhile after leaving, but eventually he passed away. He used to talk about how he really wanted to drop his surgically mutilated body and go find a teenager in a coma in a hospital (because the thetan would have left) and pick right up again without all the troubles of having to reincarnate as a baby.

WHAT IS: The CofS is currently anti-homosexual. Practicing homosexuals are currently blocked from upper levels.

WHAT ISN'T: This was not the case until sometime in the 1980s. The only early reference by Ron was that thetans basically don't have a sex (there aren't male and female thetans). It was believed that people became homosexual due to mental charge of some sort (such as a bad incident that might need to be run out), but when this charge was removed, they tended to become bi-sexual (no longer blocked from heterosexual relations) rather than abandoning homosexuality.

There was even an idea circulating among staff in the 1960s that everyone should try a homosexual experience once just to get your TRs in on it (in other words, get your confront up on it). I know a few who tried it on this basis, and even one girl who decided that she liked being gay better. However, most of us (including myself) felt that just because you hadn't screwed a gorilla, it didn't mean that you had to go and do it just to get your TRs in. Even so, the place was liberal and safe for alternative lifestyles. The idea of removing mental charge was that nobody would be prejudiced or much bothered by anything as long as no one was getting hurt.

WHAT IS: The Sea Org is currently pushing a very conservative sexual morality. SO members can be put into liability (a lower ethics condition with amends projects etc.) for sleeping with someone outside of marriage.

WHAT ISN'T: This is again the reverse of the early attitude which was exceedingly liberal. Basically, there were no rules until the 1965 policy "Student's guide to acceptable behavior" and the sexual rules in this were canceled in 1967 by the policy "New Second Dynamic Rules" (the first dynamic is self, the second dynamic is sex/family/children, the third dynamic is groups, etc.) which says there are no rules except that ethics can hold you responsible if you mess up somebody's case.

Sometime in the 1970s, a Flag Order came out forbidding extra-marital sex by SO members. This was probably issued originally for reasons of PR, but since they are under these restrictions, they try and use this flag order on non-SO Scientologists. The result is a confusing mixture of the Flag Order, the 1965 policy, and the 1967 policy (which was never canceled but tends to be hidden from the membership).

Interestingly enough, when they started pushing strict sexual mores, an LRH technical bulletin came out called "Pain and Sex". This is actually from the 1952 tapes (see the technique 88 lectures) and is out of context. Pain and sex were indeed bundled up together by implants and thetans have committed many overts in the area, but Ron's advise at that time was not to abandon sex but simply to run out the incidents.

WHAT IS: The E-meter (a sort of lie detector) is used to do security checks on Scientologists. These "sec checks" are lists of possible overts (crimes etc.) which are called off while watching the meter for reactions so as to discover anything the person is withholding.

WHAT ISN'T: This wasn't designed to gain blackmailing material or to find out what a bad guy the PC was so as to bar him from further services. It was actually indented as a means of finding out the guy's overts and processing them to relieve the mental charge and free him from the overt/motivate sequence (the Scientology equivalent of Karma). Even in modern times they try to clean up the charge rather than simply finding out what he's done. On this basis, this could be considered to be a positive auditing action meant to better the person.

I personally had an extremely big gain while being run on a sec check once. The topic that produced the big result was implanting others. All of the current OT levels are highly motivatorish (a motivate is what happens to you as a result of the overts you have committed - a sort of karma). They address what has been done to the person instead of what he has done and this was known to be a mistake as early as 1952. A thetan could never have been implanted in the first place unless he had intentions to implant others sometime in the past (perhaps to make others good or keep them under control). The smart thing to do would be to have the PC run something like "Recall implanting another" somewhere on the OT levels. Since this is not done, the deficiency is to some slight degree remedied by means of sec checking. But its going the long way around. There are much better processes on grade 2 for handling guilt and overts. Instead, they hound people endlessly with these sec checks.

WHAT IS: In the 1960s, the sanctity of the confessional and the confidentiality of PC folders and the idea that whatever had been run out was therefore gone and should not be held against the person or even considered were all pushed as being of absolute importance. In ancient times, priests have let themselves be shot and their churches burned down rather than ever reveal or use anything told in a confessional. In the old days, we saw this as being more important than the survival of any Scientology organization because it was a key point in the survival of the entire subject. You would let an org collapse rather than using anything revealed in PC folders because if you did violate this, it would become unsafe for the PCs to run out their overts and it would permanently block the entire subject.

WHAT ISN'T: This has been grossly violated in modern Scientology. The first mistake was the idea of looking over the PC folders of someone who was being declared suppressive to see if he had made any gains (because no case gain was a suppressive trait). This evolved into checking the folder's of declared SPs for overts and withholds (this was considered acceptable because of the Fair Game law). It kept getting worse. Eventually, even the registrars (the org's salesmen) began looking through folders, supposedly with the excuse that they were double checking that the person had gotten all the hours of auditing they had paid for but really to get buttons to push on the person to get them to buy their next service. If there was ever a justifiable reason for declaring someone a suppressive, this would be it (just kidding, I really think you should straighten people out instead of throwing them out).

WHAT IS: Sec checks are often mis-audited, mis-used, and overrun endlessly when they are not the correct case action for the PC. There are times when they can do somebody some good, but not when they are run unnecessarily (especially at high prices) or audited in an accusative manner (which seems to be popular these days), and most especially not if you then send the person to ethics and "handle" the overts that have already been erased (that almost guarantees that the person will start committing overts). Because of this, the technology itself is unpopular and keeps being renamed, being called, at various times, Hubbard Confessionals, Integrity Processing, and the False Purpose Rundown.

WHAT ISN'T: Nowadays, they tell the PC "I'm not auditing you" in a ridiculous attempt to keep the PC from feeling that the safety of auditing has been violated. Maybe I'll put on a sign that says "I'm not really driving" the next time a cop tries to pull me over for a speeding ticket.

Sometimes something would come up that really would have to be handled in Ethics. For example, the PC has a kilo of pot in his closet and now that we have gotten him to swear off drugs, he's going to start selling it on the street to pay for his auditing. In such cases, I would hand carry the PC folder over to the Ethics officer myself and give him a lecture about maintaining the safety of auditing. The PC must not be made wrong or told to make amends. He should just be talked to in a reasonable way and coaxed into doing the right thing. You would expect a good ethics officer to know this, but often they did not have enough auditor training.

WHAT IS: Scientology administrative staff are not trained in the technology of Scientology. They are trained in organizational policy instead. An early 70s Policy letter started this. Sometimes you do get someone who has trained on both sides of the fence, but its contrary to the normal way things are done.

WHAT ISN'T: Most Scientology staff (only a small percentage work as auditors) have no real idea what Scientology IS except for some shallow beginner's level stuff and promotional BS. They are working on some sort of a vague purpose to save the world without having much of a clue as to what it is all about.

In the old days, an organization would often boom when they made all their staff train as auditors. Of course you can't just take an auditor who knows nothing else and put him on a management post without any training in his job. But knowing the technology of the mind is what Scientology is all about. As far as I'm concerned, a Scientology executive who has not also trained as an auditor isn't really a Scientologist (in the fullest sense), doesn't have any idea what he is doing, and tends to screw things up. On a new staff member, the lack of training in the subject is understandable, it takes time to learn things. But if he isn't studying the technology like mad, then what is doing there? The only answers are religious fanaticism (big Ron in the sky will solve all the guys problems for him?) or he's hoping to gain money or power or something.

WHAT IS: The org's registrars are really big league salesmen with worse behavior than the most extreme of the used car salespeople. They push buttons endlessly, hound people and threaten them with ethics, make false promises and try to get people to mortgage their lives away to raise the money to pay the orgs high prices. There are exceptions, especially when you get far away from the Flag organization (the closer they are to "Source", the worse they get), but they live on big commissions so that ethical behavior is invalidated and out-ethics is praised.

WHAT ISN't: It doesn't have to be this way. At one time there was a policy that "Only Accounts Talks Money" and the regs were forbidden to discuss it. Also, they did not receive any sales commissions. This kept them a bit more honest. The better ones stuck to their real job which was to explain what services where available and encourage people to do them.

By the way, standard org finance policy is to never borrow money but always pay cash (except that you may have to borrow money to promote with to get a business out of emergency, but you don't borrow for anything else). This is a good policy. Its an overt to talk people into doing the opposite.

WHAT IS: To complete a service at the org, you must write a success story. If you refuse or write one that is negative, the standard action is to handle you, either in review or ethics, to fix what is wrong. There are cases where this fix up does indeed correct something that was done wrong and which was contrary to standard tech. However, there are cases where the thing done wrong was correct per standard tech and is therefore unremediable, and cases where the course or auditing action was either unnecessary or not of great interest to the person. In these situations, a bad success story launches one into endless unnecessary or upsetting repair or ethics actions. So you always find something nice to say and write a PR success story unless you know that you're on firm ground in complaining that the auditor or supervisor has violated standard tech.

WHAT ISN'T: There is no way to evaluate the quality of service being delivered or even to determine if an action is positive or detrimental based on these enforced success stories. You'll get glowing success stories even on backwards or unnecessary actions unless the person is so upset that he doesn't give a damn anymore. There are real success stories, both unsolicited ones and ones that are written on completing something which really did have a magical effect on the person. But there is no way to separate out the wheat from the chaff.

It would not be a bad idea to have people rate the quality and effectiveness of the services delivered, like they do at some restaurants. Perhaps this should be done by checking boxes on a slip handed to you by the success officer and then placed into an anonymous voting box. Maybe the success officer should ask the person if he was happy with the service or wants something handled without pushing at him or insisting on anything. And then maybe he should ask the person if he feels like writing a success story, and should also have a big sign posted behind him saying that people are never required to write success stories.

With this, the success stories you got might really mean something. And if the voting slips were compiled on a weekly basis and the averages were computed, you would have a real gauge of what the public thought of your services.

* * *

WHAT IS: Per Scientology Policy, managers must manage exclusively by statistics. If the courseroom ceiling has caved in and the students are bleeding on the floor, the solution is to have them stay late so that the Scientology Academy will meet its quota of student points and course completions. Well, perhaps I am exaggerating. Most instructors would indeed put aside their fixed ideas and work like mad to care for their students in an emergency. But the stats would indeed go down and somewhere in upper management, there would be an executive who would refuse to be reasonable about any justification for downstats (as per policy) and some heads would roll.

WHAT ISN'T: Management by statistics alone is basically insane. It is a fixed idea that interferes with looking at what you are really doing. Its not that you shouldn't watch the stats, every successful corporation knows that you must keep graphs of production, encourage the uptrends, and remedy the downtrends. You can really make an organization fly by finding out what changed just before a radical shift in a graph. But it is only one of many indicators that monitor the performance of an organization and predict its long range expectations. Things such as employee moral, customer satisfaction, the potential depletion of non-renewable resources, and improving the product are all highly important.

As a staff member, every problem you can't solve or situation that you can't confront is handled by getting the stats (statistics) up with the idea that this will lead to the expansion of Scientology which in turn will result in the eventual solution of all problems and social ills. This is then used to justify committing overts on public and other staff members and that leads to the idea becoming fixed because they would have to face the overts if they let go of it.

The biggest mistake is to force the stats up when they start to collapse because this hides the real reason the stats are collapsing and eventually makes it impossible to spot what was messed up. For example, when the insane idea of harassing the student for MUs (Misunderstood words) every time he moved an inch while studying in the course room was put in, the academy stats collapsed. If they had been able to confront a down stat and tried to find out what had changed, they could have spotted this error right away and fixed it. Instead, supervisors got the stats back up by making the remaining students stay late etc. Of course the stat went into a slow downward collapse anyway so it didn't even work in the long term. A cute side note is that Ron used to tap his foot while studying, so in the Flag courserooms, this was known as the one body motion you could do without the supervisor hounding you to death.

WHAT IS: The supervisor isn't supposed to evaluate, interpret, or explain the course materials to the student. This is a reasonable idea. The student should find out for himself.

WHAT ISN'T: Per current policy, the supervisor does not need to be trained on the materials he's supervising. He often has no idea what the students are learning. If the student needs help, all the supervisor can do is robotically ask for MUs, often on words he himself does not know the meaning of. This is pure idiocy.

In the old days, we had instructors who knew their materials backwards and forwards and who cared about the students. The rules kept them from spouting off and overwhelming the student with too much evaluation but they weren't taken absolutely and the supervisor could help a lot, finding other references, giving examples from his experience, explaining lightly about things that weren't on the students course etc. If the student is studying, for example, level I (problems processing), the instructor should not be telling him the theory of the level or how to run the processes. It's in the students materials and he really should study it for himself. But the problems material also mentions GPMs (Goals Problem Masses) and that's not on the students level and he's not going to be auditing it without much more study, but he may need a few words of explanation and a pat on the back to get him going again on the materials that do pertain to his level.

WHAT IS: Current Scientology study technology tends to specialize in handling MUs and doing demonstrations of things in clay. These are useful techniques. Sometimes its enough, especially for adults who already have a great deal of knowledge and are doing a course with a great deal of enthusiasm.

WHAT ISN'T: This is totally inadequate for use in schools. The 1950s view was much broader and actually highlights how bad the current approach is. The basic Scientology idea on the whole topic is that understanding comes from affinity, reality, and communication (ARC). They still know this, but they have forgotten how to apply it. First and foremost, you need to get the students to like a subject. An interested student will learn the subject despite a bad teacher. You need to promote free and open communication about the subject, especially between the students (currently discouraged in the CofS). You need to see and examine things and try things out to build reality. You need to look through the materials multiple times rather than just working forward through a checksheet robotically. As a substitute for experience, you need to sit and imagine what you're going to do and how you're going to handle anything that could go wrong. And you need to decide that you invented the subject to make it your own and get it fully into your own universe (yes Ron actually tells students to do this on a 1954 tape).

WHAT IS: Training people with force makes robots who can't think with the data they have learned. This was well known in the 1950s. Pounding the data into the students head is totally contrary to all Scientology basics. But the original Class VIII auditor's course was taught by tossing the students off the side of the ship whenever they flubbed. "The auditor is trying to kill the PC, OVERBOARD 3 TIMES" was a common CS (Case Supervisor Instructions after reviewing a session done by the auditor).

WHAT ISN'T: The impact of these overwhelmed and unthinking CLASS VIIIs pretty much destroyed the subject within a few months. The entire backbone of trained auditors and old timers in the subject was destroyed. One org had about 50 trained auditors on staff (both shifts, including trained auditors who were doing other posts) just before they arrived (fall 1968) and only had a handful by mid-1969.

These original Class VIIIs, by the way, were not evil people. They all had intentions to help and to save the world. They had simply been turned, temporarily, into dramatizing psychotics. Most of them regretted it later. Some of them are busily sacrificing themselves for the sake of Scientology in a misguided effort to make amends (Artie Maren for example). Others started running freezone splinter groups. Many of them don't audit anymore.

WHAT IS: Standard Tech (everybody doing the same thing the same way without variation) was introduced by the Class VIII course. It is continually promoted as the ultimate in technical perfection.

WHAT ISN'T: Standard Technology does not mean the same thing as either correct technology or high quality technology. What standard tech really meant was that the same error was repeated consistently on everybody. This does have benefits for research since it makes it easier to see what is wrong with the tech. Unfortunately, this research gain is mostly wasted if you have a fixed idea about the tech already being perfect.

The introduction of standard tech caused a total collapse of Scientology in 1969. Luckily, it did make many of the basic errors visible so that eventually, when the screw-ups could no longer be ignored (late 1970), the worst faults were corrected and the subject rebounded.

They should have put standard tech in carefully and watched it with an eagle eye. If we hadn't had the fanaticism and the insistence on being right and the training by force, we could have spotted the errors in the tech within a few months and retained our backbone of sane and experienced auditors and executives. Instead, the subject fell into the hands (by and large) of fanatics and incompetents.

Even as the theory of auditing was getting straightened out and improving in the early 70s, the skill level of auditors was crashing because of the disappearance of the old timers, the gross mistakes on how to run a course, and the heavy threats and invalidation which were being brought to bear on students and auditors. The TRs and metering skills of an old Class IV cannot be found short of Class XII (if at all) in modern Scientology.

I remember doing the "dating drill" one time in the late 70s. This drill has nothing to do with picking up girls. It consists of the coach writing a complex date on a slip of paper and hiding it and then you try and find the precise date through e-meter reactions alone. I tossed the coach in the chair and pretty much read the date straight off of her with total accuracy in less than a minute. The sea org instructor didn't like this. I looked at the PC instead of the meter. I pleasantly asked questions instead of barking at the PC. I looked at her with a friendly and confident manner instead of drilling her with a death stare. These were all grievous faults. It took weeks for my skills to recover after having one of those incompetents on my back for five minutes.

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- Continued


Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.


WHAT IS: The Sea Org is set up like a military organization. This is not surprising since Hubbard's only management experience in this lifetime was his brief stint in the Navy. Remember, he was a writer, an entertainer, and pretty much of a lone wolf. As far as I know, he never worked a salaried job. His only experience with groups outside of the Navy was with social clubs like the Explorers and gatherings of science fiction writers.

WHAT ISN'T: Despite his lack of experience, the great wealth of his research into the human mind lead Ron to formulate many useful ideas about groups and organizations. Like most of us, he considered the military approach to be one of the dumbest ones. In the 1950s he encouraged the idea of having groups composed of true individuals, and considered that a few free and independent beings working together were comparable to a large army which only had a few non-robotic individuals doing all the thinking at the top of the command structure.

WHAT IS: Before the founding of the Sea Org, there used to be a rumor going around the organization about how the book "Mr. Roberts" was written about Ron by one of the people who served with him in the Navy. Of course we all thought that Ron was supposed to have been the wonderful junior officer who helps everyone in the story.

WHAT ISN'T: As we now know, Ron was the captain of that sub chaser, and the book pictures him as a psychotic. I can't say whether the book is an accurate picture or just sour grapes, or even if it was really written about Ron, but it certainly shows what's wrong with military organizations. Check out the movie sometime, its a lot of fun.

WHAT IS: The SO (Sea Org) is 180 degrees in reverse to Ron's theories from the 1950s.

WHAT ISN'T: There is no great heritage of early Scientology organizations. It was not Ron's area of interest or expertise and the early material has only the barest beginning of a true management science. The early organizations mearly got by rather than being dramatic demonstrations of some kind of an OT organization system. But they generally did so without crushing people and many good results were produced.

There are some later bits of brilliance in Scientology organizational theory, but they are overwhelmed and swept away by the grossly screwed up basic concepts which make robots and fanatics. Its very sad, especially as he knew the right basics in the 1950s and turned his back on them. For example, he considered that it was a suppressive trait to sacrifice the individual for the sake of the many and even in later times would point out that SPs (suppressive persons) would justify their overts on individuals by saying that they are working for the common good. And yet this business of working for the sake of mankind is the standard justification for the commission of overts in the church.

WHAT IS: The lower ethics conditions with their liability projects and abuse are in use in Scientology. The conditions formulas (for what to do when you're in the condition) are probably even correct or at least workable if you really are in such a condition and want to do something about it.

WHAT ISN'T: The idea that someone who has done $20,000 worth of work in the last year and has been paid only $200 could be a liability if he accidentally breaks an e-meter worth only a few thousand dollars is nothing more than gross exploitation. This is not a real example. The damage is usually something much sillier and inconsequential.

The lower conditions do not cure people of being liabilities and becoming enemies to Scientology. Instead, they take people who had dedicated their lives to the organization and turn them into enemies. There is no better demonstration of the Scientology idea that you create your own opposition than to examine the great vigor with which the CofS creates its own enemies.

WHAT IS: The RPF (Rehabilitation Project Force) exists in the Sea Org. It is a method for degrading people and beating them into agreement. I speak now from hearsay and observation rather than actual experience. When I was first working for a Scientology org, this kind of activity was called Not-ISness rather than rehabilitation and we knew that it was a sure route to failure because trying to make nothing of something never works in the long run.

WHAT ISN'T: The RPF was never intended to rehabilitate anyone. It seemed to me that it was always the most able and individualistic SO members who I saw being put into it (although I'm sure there were some exceptions). The actual intention was obviously to create compulsive agreement (this is my idea, I have never seen it in writing in a Policy Letter or Flag Order). As such, it is a dramatization of the basic intention behind every attempt to implant people.

WHAT IS: In one of his last writings, Hubbard labeled the suppressive influence up and down the whole track as being psychiatrists and priests. If we translate the Scientology terms "Auditor" and "Minister of the Church of Scientology" into ordinary English, we discover that they ARE the latest generation of psychiatrists and priests. How Sad!

WHAT ISN'T: That late bulletin, like many things in the later days, is not really correct. The psychs (or auditors) and priests (or ministers) are the only groups that might conceivably help mankind. These are the ranks that people join when they really feel an urge to aid their fellows. The truth of the matter is that these groups are so dangerous to the oppressive control and manipulation of the masses that they are constantly infiltrated and twisted against their own purposes. Sure there have been some bad psychs and priests but there have been many good ones too, ones who cared and tried to help. But it does seem like their information and techniques have been twisted and distorted by some subtle hidden influence so as to ensure their failure. The same could be said of Scientology.

People who live in glass cities shouldn't throw H-Bombs.

As an aside, I would say that the suppressive influence up and down the whole track of our existence consists of those who want to implant people to make them slaves and those who want to implant people to make them good. These two groups are diametrically opposed to each other, but both want to make the rest of us into obedient robots. The slave makers include some psychs such as Pavlov, but certainly don't include well intentioned men such as Freud and Jung. This group also includes a certain percentage of industrialists, rulers, fascists, etc., but don't make the mistake of generalizing. Not everybody wants slaves. And on the opposite side, there are those "priests" who would brainwipe you to make you "good" according to some arbitrary code (this especially includes the hell preaching demagogues), but they are only a small (but highly visible) percentage. Don't confuse them with the well intentioned majority. And please notice that these "do goodie" mind controllers also include a certain percentage of communists and even some teachers, lawyers, and politicians, etc.

It should be obvious that there are at least a certain percentage of robot makers (whether to get slaves or make others good) within the current Sea Org management hierarchy.

WHAT IS: The continual infiltration of CofS by covert operatives of various organizations. In the early days (1966-68) at one large organization, we discovered a newspaper reporter, an FDA agent, and an IRS agent. We completely missed another reporter who subsequently wrote an expose, and we were slow in catching a Mafia infiltrator who rose to an executive position before being found out. Notoriously absent were agents of the FBI, CIA, and KGB. But the E-meter only reads on overts and a loyal agent might well consider that he was doing a service for his country rather than committing overts and therefore might not react. Also, these guys are often trained and conditioned to fool lie detectors. So I would assume that there were a few of these agents in the organization as well and we never spotted them. In later days at least a few FBI agents were uncovered. Agents on being spotted usually confessed that they had been sent in to investigate but had been "converted" by the wonderful tech. So they often remained on staff acting as double agents. But this is a fairly standard intelligence technique when dealing with "culties" who will swallow anything if you start praising the glories of the cult. In all likelihood, most of these were probably triple agents who continued to do their work in a more exposed manner. I wonder if it might be considered entrapment (enticing someone to break the law) to have given CofS these double agents with their knowledge of Bureau internals.

WHAT ISN'T: There was a tremendous error in judgment in launching operation Snow White. The Church might well have felt that it was a justified tit for tat and in their mistaken egotism thought that Flag training and OT abilities would carry them through unscathed. But they were playing with the big boys, real professionals. Even so, Guardian Intelligence (the spy branch of the GO) put on quite a show and penetrated longer and more deeply than any amateur organization had a right to, but they were burnt in the end and the results were quite harmful. With Ron driven into hiding and Mary Sue in jail, it created a power vacuum about which much has already been written by others.

Around this time period, we also have the death of Quentin Hubbard who was the most likely heir to Ron's position. He was not only the oldest of Mary Sue's sons, but he was supposed to have a flair for the tech. He went around giving talks and he liked to tell stories about whole track (past life) civilizations. I had very little personal contact with him and I really don't know what the whole story is, but he seemed on the whole to be enthusiastic rather than depressed. The "suicide" looks like a gangster style fake. Probably someone was getting him out of the way, maybe to ensure that there was a really big power vacuum.

To her credit, Diane Hubbard tried to curb the SO craziness of the early 1980s but she failed and was slapped down for her troubles. As far as I know she has kept a low profile since and has little involvement with management. None of the other children ever swung much weight in the organization.

This is the same time period that David Mayo and other highly placed people were driven out of the subject. The power vacuum was so complete as to raise the suspicion that it was engineered. As to who did it and for what purpose, I haven't a clue. Maybe the attempt was defeated and loyal (but misguided) fanatics now guard the subject. Maybe the bad guys won and are in power now. It could be Mafia (lots of bucks flowing through there) or CIA (wonderful place for mind control experiments) or just a bunch of little messengers who wanted to be fanatically worshipped. For all I know, it could even be space aliens (just joking - I hope).

WHAT IS: The CofS declares its enemies to be "Suppressive Persons". It has family and friends disconnect from them. It has Fair Game laws (supposedly canceled but still followed in spirit) to harass them. And their members are pushed to believe that these people are real bad guys, rotten to the core.

WHAT ISN'T: There is Scientology processing technology on the subject of one person being suppressive to another. There is even an analysis of the characteristics of a suppressive person. All of this is ignored when the CofS declares someone suppressive. For them there is only one suppressive characteristic, and that is that someone is not in compulsive agreement with or obedient to the Sea Org.

As a side note, the entire suppressive person (SP) and potential trouble source (PTS) technology is slightly questionable since the person himself (rather than an SP) is supposed to be responsible for the condition he is in. Sometimes you do have to pry someone away from a suppressive influence so that they can cool down enough to get audited. This should always be looked on as a temporary measure. There are already Scientology processes for auditing out the situation (the Suppressed Person rundown) and the person who was being suppressed ceases to have problems with the "SP" and can communicate with them comfortably.

Somehow or other, this useful technology (to handle the guy who's continually caving in because someone in his environment is always cutting him to pieces), has become mixed up with witch hunts and inquisitions. And they do indeed have witch hunts, despite Ron's warnings about not doing that. Mass declares of SPs within the organization happen periodically. Its almost like the periodic purges that you see in the more viscous governments.

WHAT IS: Ron said that the greatest overt was making others guilty of committing overts.

WHAT ISN'T: This isn't the worst one. The real worst one is convincing others to commit overts that they wouldn't otherwise have done for the sake of a higher purpose. This is routine within Scientology. One of the many kinds of examples are the cases where someone turns against an old friend who has been declared (often without just cause) as an enemy of the church.

WHAT IS: A basic Scientology idea is that you are responsible for the condition that you are in. I might twist this slightly and say that you need to become responsible for the condition that you're in if you are to have any hope of changing that condition.

WHAT ISN'T: This doesn't mean that other people can't help or hinder you. It just means that in the final analysis, you need to be master of your own life and you will not make a lot of progress by sitting around and blaming others, even if they did work very hard to do you in.

But the CofS has continually twisted this datum to always place blame on the individual and never on the organization. If its an outsider screwing up the person's life, then the outsider is an SP and its the outsider's fault but if its the org that's screwing the guy up, then the guy is responsible for the condition he is in and the org is not to blame. There have been rare exceptions to this hypocrisy, because there are well meaning individuals mixed in among the robots, but you will almost never find the organization taking responsibility for any overts that it has committed.


WHAT IS: LRH never cared for the existing religions. He figured that they usually were based on some keyed out OT showing up and overawing the natives and making them worship. In one lecture he talks about Moses having been a high powered OT. The assumption is that Moses pretended that "God" did it so that the Children of Israel wouldn't blame things on him. If that is the case, then Genesis might be a vague sketch of the implants and past lives that Moses ran out (e.g. confronted and erased) while he was up in the mountains which resulted in his becoming a keyed out OT.

WHAT ISN'T: The dumb quote about Jesus being a pederast etc. is obviously not written by Ron. It was almost certainly written by Captain Bill. Captain Bill announced that Ron's thetan had left his old body (turning it over to BTs?) and had moved into Captain Bill's body and he would issue new bulletins etc. on this basis. The CofS, of course, declared Captain Bill suppressive.

Sometimes there's a processing rundown attached to this bogus bulletin when it appears on the internet. It might be the real CofS OT8 (attached to the wrong introduction), or an invention of Bill's, but more likely it is some older rundown (possibly from the 1st Melbourne Advanced Clinical Course) that Captain Bill was putting out as OT8.

WHAT IS: Ron preached tolerance for the poor Christians etc. who were busily worshipping some long gone OT. He did say that you might have to work hard to keep from laughing out loud when you were in church, but you should respect their beliefs and just keep auditing them. He expected them to cognite eventually.

Many of us in the early days had a fondness for Jesus, considering him to be an old OT who tried to do something about the sorry state of mankind. John MacMasters (while he was still a loyal CofS member) used to quote sayings of Jesus such as "Ye shall do greater things than I" in his talks.

WHAT ISN'T: When he messed around in OT III incident 2 and got all keyed in, Hubbard found that it included pictures of "Christ on the Cross" etc. He got pretty upset and over restimulated and decided that all of Christianity was an R6 dramatization (in this usage, R6 refers to the implant material found on Routine level 6 auditing which was considered to form the core of the reactive mind). Some of his comments on this are floating around on the internet.

This is obviously just the mental "charge" stirred up by getting an old incident half run out and messed up. He sees an implant picture of someone on a cross and gets upset and starts damning Christianity. The truth of the matter is that there are very early implants (much earlier than inc 2) which lay in the idea that the best of us must always sacrifice ourselves for others. They show you that it is your duty to get up on that cross and how wonderful it is to do so, but the real intention was to get rid of anyone who keyed out OT in a big way. Many great OTs have been done in by this implant during the course of our existence in this and earlier universes. There were others, such as Krishna, on this planet who had this happen to them. When Jesus got up on the cross, we lost a great teacher and eventually most of his wonderful teachings were lost or twisted out of shape as the Romans altered Christianity into a politically acceptable religion.

WHAT IS: Scientology has a rule against mixing practices. This is used in the CofS to make it an ethics offense to have anything to do with or even read anything from any other metaphysical subject, whether it be Zen or Astrology or Science of Mind. They have declared various other groups such as the Objectivists and the Edgar Cayce group (I forget what its called) to be suppressive groups. They don't dare do this with the big religions, but I'm sure that they wish they could.

WHAT ISN'T: This is NOT in Scientology auditing technology. There is a different point, which is that you mustn't mix up two things because they can get in each others way and you have no way of evaluating what changes came from which source if he's doing two things at once. On this basis, mixing Dianetics and Scientology processes together were at one time officially considered to be mixing practices and even now it is considered that the Scientology TR drills must not be done at the same time that a person is getting audited.

Of course Ron did consider that a number of subtle traps and backwards ideas had been planted in the various earlier metaphysical studies. For example, he considered meditations on "I am nothing" to be a mistake (he actually tried some processes based on this and they did not go well). He does recommend that you learn his stuff first before you go and study metaphysics. But he never tells you not to look. After all, he was reading tons of the stuff himself, at least in the early days. Some of the old timers used to send him books and things any time that they thought that another practice had come across something that might be useful.

The current rules block any comprehension of Scientology's backgrounds. They interfere with well rounded spiritual growth. They promote rigid thinking. And they are a direct attack on those other groups who might actually be considered closest to Scientology in their goals and ideas. This would only be sane if the org has the intention of becoming a monopoly in the field of metaphysical thought. Which is probably why they do it.

* * *

WHAT IS: OT (Operating Thetan) abilities. Mind over matter. Telekinesis and telepathy. Even teleportation (and Hubbard does not say this is impossible, he mearly says that it is done by disintegrating the object in one spot and recreating it in another rather than by shifting it). I have seen these things and I have done them. Almost any old time (pre 1968) auditor will swear that they are real even if he has left the church.

WHAT ISN'T: Stable OT abilities. Stable achievements of OT states. Repeatable demonstrations of OT powers at will. The current OT levels have been renamed PreOT levels because they don't produce these things. If the CofS had anyone who could repeatedly lift an ashtray at will, they would have him on TV the next day. These things are never demonstrated, not even in confidential briefings for OTs. Ashtrays have been lifted, but Scientology never produced anyone who could do it on demand.

WHAT IS: The keyed-out OT state. By keyed-out, we mean that some part of the person's mental blockage has temporarily moved out of the way. This has been the source of most of OT manifestations observed in the subject. The key-out is much less stable than that produced by lower level Scientology processes. It often only lasts hours or days. Mine lasted for three months. A rare few (possibly including Ron) may have kept the state considerably longer, but it is known to be an extremely unstable condition. Trying to study it, experiment with it, exercise it to build up strength, or demonstrate it are the fastest ways to bump into something that will turn it off and drop you back to human with a horrible thundering crash. I probably kept the state longer than most because I was young and innocent and wasn't pushing it. I could not do things at will. The abilities did not respond to mental effort and pushing. Just occasionally I would think something like deciding to grab a cup of coffee and it would slide to me across the table. The intention to do something, projected lightly and without effort, occasionally caused it to happen in a bypass of physical laws. The only thing that worked was to think to do something, with the thought and the deed becoming the same. It never worked to try hard to do something.

WHAT ISN'T: The processes that occasionally produced a keyed-out OT are almost never used in modern Scientology. These are a) the processes of 1952-54 (a few of them are in the book "Creation of Human Ability"), b) the power processes (never run on Dianetic Clears), and c) the old (before NOTS) OT levels 4 to 7. It seems like everything that did turn on OT abilities has been carefully pushed out of use. Those processes are being publicized now on the Internet and CofS seems to be upset about it. Maybe we'll start seeing some more OT manifestations as people try this suff.

Note that there has never been a process in Scientology which consistently produced a keyed-out OT state. It has always been a wild random variable. It has never been thoroughly investigated or pinned down. Ron himself admitted on one of the Briefing Course tapes (I think it was the one on the Classification and Gradation chart) that he had no idea why they occasionally produced one on Power Processing.

The real approach to making a keyed-out OT is to try a carton full of techniques and hope that you get lucky. Often you will if the collection is big enough.

WHAT IS: Although the big OT powers have never been produced stabily, minor abilities would sometimes be achieved, at least in the old days. A good example is Ingo Swann. See your local occult bookstore for data on what has been confirmed on him under laboratory conditions. He's about as good as any of the stable OTs. He doesn't lift ashtrays but he can raise the temperature of an object under laboratory conditions.

WHAT ISN'T: Ingo doesn't talk about having been in Scientology or doing the OT levels in the late 1960s. The Church doesn't mention Ingo or claim that he ever was a member. I think they must have a mutual agreement to leave each other alone and keep quite.

I think they declared him a suppressive. It was a long time ago. How many ways can you shoot yourself in the foot?

WHAT IS: Ron probably went keyed out OT in 1952. There was an incredible outpouring of bright ideas from 1952 to 1954. He was positively inspired. Later he often made mistakes or misses the obvious that he'd already found. For example in 1952 he says to get the postulate that the person made during an engram. This was forgotten and it took a decade of running standard Dianetics before they created New Era Dianetics (NED) by asking for the postulate (which makes Clears fairly quickly). I wonder if he actually remembered it or whether somebody simply heard the old tape and suggested doing it.

WHAT ISN'T: Ron didn't remain in the OT state. The keyout is notoriously unstable. My guess is that the state crashed when the police broke into the course room in 1954 and hauled him down to the station. He talks about the arrest in his next lecture to the class and about how he managed to talk his way out of there without getting locked up, but he's obviously a bit shaken and he gets out of the country real fast and heads for England. He even cut the 10th ACC (Advanced Clinical Course) short and they filled it out by playing tapes from the 9th ACC.

If you compare the tapes of 1950-51 to those of 1952-54, you will see a fantastic jump in speed and intelligence. His exuberance knows no bounds and he's really something to listen to. If you then compare them with the tapes of 1955 onwards, you can see that he slows down and is nowhere near what he was, but he's still better than in the 1950-51 timeframe.

Note that my slightly strange word usage ("went keyed out OT" etc.) is proper Scientology speak and one would hope that any ARS readers would have picked up this lingo by now.

WHAT IS: Ron kept on researching in the later 50s and 60s, often trying to get back what he'd had his hands on in those early days and often missing the right answer that he'd found previously. OT III is a complex arduous mess researched in the late 60s and the simple NOTs handling is from 1952! (see the HCL lectures, especially the two different lectures that are both titled "Theta Bodies"). And they have still completely missed the 1953-4 processes on handling mockups of Thetans and blowing them etc. (see the 3rd ACC etc.).

WHAT ISN'T: He never really got beyond the high point of the 3rd ACC and modern Scientology is perhaps 10-20% of what he had at that time. And even that peak was not high enough to allow mass clearing or produce stable OT supermen.

WHAT IS: In 1967 Ron went to North Africa and tried to research OT III. He went into it backwards and ended up half dead. Its one thing to read about the OT III incident casually, its another to go in and bang around for months and make a mess of it besides. It is quite possible that he got panicky and, fearing death, began to take all sorts of medical drugs even though this is quite contrary to normal Scientology practice and almost guarantees that you will screw up the auditing. Tony Dunlevy used to tell a story at Scientology events about how Ron came back to St. Hill with a roomful of materials and told him that if he (Ron) should die while trying to finish getting though it, then Tony was to take the materials and his best people and a staff of medical doctors and try and get someone through it using medical assistance to make it possible for someone to survive running it. Ron flew off and eventually came back and told Tony to forget the room of materials and that he had found an easier way through the level which could be done with a small pack of materials.

WHAT ISN'T: The things that were then mocked up, the Sea Org, crush ethics, crush sell, and a backwards quickie standard tech which lost us most of our experienced auditors and turned the rest into robots were not the work of a monster. They were the last ditch efforts of a dedicated researcher who came close to death and feared that the discoveries which he had already put together would be lost with his passing. And so he cast it all in concrete and set up a cadre of fearless storm troupers and Gestapo agents to guard it with their lives and never let it vary least some fool turn it all to dust. Needless to say, this was not a very high toned attitude.

The astounding side effect was that all this organizational insanity eventually brought people into Scientology in droves and filled the Church's coffers. It really makes one wonder about the average public mentality. You can't attract the suckers by giving them an even break. The sucker will only go to where he knows he will be sucked.

WHAT IS: The subtle OT abilities. The manipulation of chance and probability. The pulling in of serendipitous coincidences, and also the pulling in of motivators for one's overts.

The future is in flux, predetermined in the ordered motions of physics but indeterminate in the subtler interactions of particles and random variables. The flux responds to thought, and especially to strong visualizations, whether intentional or reactive, because these mimic the observation which breaks down the probability waves into actuality. All participate in this working out of the future into the present, whether consciously or unconsciously.

The subtle influence of chance events can never be proven because by its vary nature it is always in accordance with physical laws and can be shown to be a random occurrence. Even long runs of luck are provided for and even required in the mathematical analysis of statistical probability. And yet there are born losers and people upon whom luck always shines.

This is all in accordance with (although not stated or proved by) the modern theories of Quantum Mechanics which sees all existence as consisting of probability waves which are broken down into reality by the action of observation.

WHAT ISN'T: Gaining a larger say in the workings of probability is not the exclusive prerogative of the Scientology OT. Many methods, from Positive Thinking to Trusting That God Will Provide are all capable of raising the level of your input into this flux.

Deep Faith is one of the strong amplifiers. It matters not what the faith is in, it is the raw power of the faith itself which can alter the flow of events. This is a good reason for giving respect to holy men of all persuasions. Even the businessman's faith in himself or the craftsman's faith in his ability have their impact. Self confidence is often seen as a key to power.

But there are negative aspects to raising your input into this flux. Your subconscious reactive thoughts may bring on your fate instead of your desire. The selfish businessman is always risking the backlash of his own overts when he begins to push his horsepower up with various tricks and gimmicks. The holy people are much safer as long as they don't turn hypocritical or discover the flaws in their belief systems and moral codes. In theory, the Scientologists should be in the best position to handle this flux safely because of the concentration on responsibility and the handling of overts, but in practice, they are at risk when they let fanaticism override good sense and judgment.

WHAT IS: If a coin has been tossed but the results not yet looked at, it is still subject to probabilistic manipulations. You may still alter the results by intense visualizations, deep prayer, strong postulates, stubborn determination that the results must come out randomly, or reactive dread at the consequences of loosing (which of course causes you to loose).

WHAT ISN'T: Once the results have been viewed, they are fixed in physical universe mechanics. All the regretful wishing in the world will not change an observed result. Altering anything at this stage requires a total bypass of physical laws and is a major OT ability rather than a subtle one.

WHAT IS: The main "OT Ability" that has often been achieved in Scientology is simply an increase in the person's input into this flux. Fascinating improbabilities sometimes occur.

WHAT ISN'T: This is not a new ability. Everyone has some input into the shuffling of probabilities. Amazing coincidences occur to everybody. The gain is simply in terms of the scale and frequency of coincidences.

But as I mentioned earlier, nothing about this can be proved easily and as a consequence, this area is highly subject to wishful thinking and unsubstantiated claims. Perhaps some of Rhine's work would help here. We might even use large control and test groups running different processes and then give each person ten bucks, turn them lose against a bank of Las Vegas slot machines, and run statistical distributions on the winners.

The above discussion of subtle OT abilities is my own codification of vague ideas and concepts that are in the early materials. Ron never did give a clear and concise description of the mechanisms of pulling in motivators for your overts or of how to make postulates stick, but I think the above is in keeping with what he did say on the subject.


WHAT IS: The CofS and the Sea Org have an expressed goal to Clear the Planet. This goal has been pushed for almost 30 years now.

WHAT ISN'T: There are many reasons why this cannot happen in any reasonable timeframe given their current methods of operating.

If the planet were to be cleared (which I consider to be a good thing), there are only three ways its going to happen. These are:

a) Mass Clearing. This would be the opposite of the mass implanting. It would require developing clearing procedures that could be done on a group processing basis via TV shows. This would require radical breakthroughs which they are not researching and which they currently believe themselves forbidden to research. It would also require a willingness to give the tech away which is contrary to current policy.

b) They would have to do enough individual clearing to get ahead of the birthrate. This would again mean giving the tech away. It would have to be done in schools and self-help groups. There is no way it could happen given current org prices and the average income level of the public.

c) There is an idea in Scientology that you can have a clear group without all the members being clear and that in a similar manner you could have a clear planet. This would hopefully let you boom the economy so that individual clearing could also take place. Again I think this would be a good thing but a great deal of honest research would be needed. We are miles away from figuring out how to make a clear group. The Sea Org certainly does not act like one. In fact, it dramatizes quite badly and has a tendency to make clears act like they are abberated which is the exact opposite of what a Clear group would do. Only when they can figure out how to clear their own group will it be appropriate for them to consider clearing the planet.

WHAT IS: There are a great deal of court cases being fought on both sides.

WHAT ISN'T: This isn't very bright. There are legal precedents being establish that will hurt everyone except for those who want to see all mental practices banned. Even psychiatrists may see their victories now used as precedents against them in their own field later.

Of course anyone being sued needs to fight a strong defense. But the sheer stupidity of the CofS in fighting to prove that it is a business with trade secrets rather than a religion is hard to believe.

And in the matter of liability suits, CofS, Freezone, and even psychologists should be banding together before all of them end up paying out their entire income for malpractice insurance.

The basic purpose of the legal profession is to get rich off of people's desire for vengeance and safety.

To misquote Samuel Clemmens, "It would not clear the planet to declare all the lawyers suppressive, but it would sure be a lot of fun". And maybe there is a real use for the RPF after all (just kidding).

WHAT IS: It is proper for the holders of the copyrights to Ron's works to receive a reasonable fee for those materials.

WHAT ISN'T: Since these are religious materials, it is a violation of the Constitution for them to refuse to make those materials (of course at a reasonable fee) available to anyone who professes to have a religious purpose in studying them, even if those people have been declared enemies of the Church.

What if the Catholics had copyrighted the Bible and refused to sell copies to the Baptists and hauled them off to court if they tried to reproduce the materials themselves? That is the reason people fled here from Europe and it is the basis for our tradition of religious freedom.

I also have a personal prejudice against corporations who buy up patents for the purpose of suppressing inventions instead of putting them to use. The whole reason for the patent system was to encourage invention rather than suppress it. This doesn't usually come up with a body of writing, but in this case we do have a situation where knowledge is being hidden and suppressed instead of encouraged.

In general I do support the rules on copyrights and trade secrets, but not in the case where knowledge is suppressed or religious freedom is trampled on. For this reason, I would give Scam-iz-dat a pat on the back for broadly publishing confidential materials on the internet (it's not a bad idea to break the word up various ways to defeat keyword triggered software).

WHAT IS: It is not unusual for a religion to splinter into an orthodox and a liberal sect. The orthodox often feel that the liberals have perverted their religion and have been known to attack and persecute them. The liberals often splinter further and in some cases have been known to fight among themselves as well as with the orthodox who are persecuting them.

WHAT ISN'T: It isn't right to fight a holy war. I know of no good that has ever come of one. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong, the war itself is a great evil. These wars were, at one time, Christianity's curse, and the active persecution, which is a lesser version of the war, has weighted on the conscience of many. When they have put aside fanaticism and attempted to teach and to help and to heal, the Christians have done much good in the world.

If L. Ron Hubbard walked into a Scientology org today, they'd declare him a squirrel (Scientology's name for a freezoner - squirrels gather nuts) in short order.

WHAT IS: There has been some picketing of Scientology events.

WHAT ISN'T: The last thing you want to do with a bunch of religious fanatics is harass them with nasty signs. That REALLY strengthens their resolve.

Since people will probably ignore this and keep picketing anyway, they should at least use slogans which might actually bring about some change for the better.

The idea would be to use some mental ju-jitsu rather than toughening up your opponent. You might try the following signs. The Scientologists will suppress their reactions, but they might think about these things later and even end up helping your carry the signs eventually.

a) Sacrificing people to get stats up is an overt.

b) You have become the priests and psychs that you opposed.

c) The overt speaks loudly in the accusation.

d) You have created your own opposition.

e) End PTSness, Disconnect from the Sea Org.

If you say the subject doesn't work or is a scam, you will hit absolute resistance. It never works to use your own buttons on someone else. You have to hit their buttons. They have them. Most believe the prices are too high. They detest registrars, routing forms, and sec checks. They are afraid of Ethics. They are often run on wrong or unnecessary processes. Some feel they have betrayed their friends by disconnecting.

The membership does know that there are things wrong. They swallow it because the subject does work well enough that most people will have had at least one big gain.


WHAT IS: Don't let me give you the wrong impression. Things were not perfect in the early days either. I was not there in the 1950s to see for myself what was going on (I have simply heard most of the thousands of tapes from this timeperiod), but I'm sure that they had their share of craziness. For the mid to late 1960s (prior to the Class VIIIs and the Sea Org and the 1969 collapse), I can point to many dumb ideas that were in vogue for brief periods of time.

At one point, many auditors would not let the PC run past lives because it was too restimulative (!!!). At another time, a bulletin (1967) came out saying that "All sickness equals PTS" (PTS means that the person is a Potential Trouble Source because they are connected to a suppressive person) and so the org went crazy on having everybody disconnecting from supposed SPs every time they had a sniffle. I remember one course supervisor who decided that he was PTS to his DESK (!) and we had to carry it out into the hallway for him. These are just examples, there were plenty more.

WHAT ISN'T: The stupid ideas generally did not stay with us and the subject kept evolving. You could always wait for next year or find another auditor or go to a different organization that wasn't riding the same hobby horse. The subject was not being held in a rigid mold and there was room to maneuver around the barriers. And there was always hope for next year's technical breakthrough.

Now we supposedly have all the answers (what a joke), and the technology is perfect (even when it fails), and the organization is in a case condition which we know as "resisting change" which is a characteristic of a suppressive person.

WHAT IS: When the movie "2001 A Space Odessy" came out, there was a dumb ethics officer at some org who issued an order forbidding people to see it because it was "too restimulative".

WHAT ISN'T: Never confuse the actions of individual idiots with the group as a whole. It was a local order, not a general one. At the org I was at, we shook our heads and felt sorry for anyone who was affected by this order and continued to encourage everyone to go see a nifty movie.

WHAT IS: Scientology was once known as the high IQ religion. Ron was extremely bright and anti-authoritarian and so he appealed to every genius who had been forced to swallow crap from teachers that were dumber than themselves. There were many of us who were in MENSA. We even had a National Merit Scholar (that wasn't me, I only made the 99.3 percentile). This is just in one small organization in 1966.

Scientology processing would occasionally raise IQ. There was no steady progression or specific thing that did this. Just occasionally, some big mental block or stress that interfered with the person's ability to think would get handled and there would be a dramatic IQ jump. In the old days, the org used the California Capacity Questioner which is a well respected non-Scientology IQ test (it is one of the ones that Mensa uses).

WHAT ISN'T: Although it still has more intellectual appeal than some of the more mindless forms of ritual worship, organized Scientology has been slipping in this area for quite some time now.

First of all, the anti-authoritarian air has been replaced by a belief in LRH as a new and even more absolute authority.

They might still occasionally be creating a sudden surge in IQ with processing, but they no longer can tell. They moved off of standard IQ tests and started using one designed by Ron. Even assuming that it was structured and calibrated accurately, it only runs to 150 which means that it is inaccurate above about 135 (the upper edge of any IQ test's range is considered to be random, being affected more by mood, experience, and careless mistakes rather than an actual difference in IQ). You can hardly tell if you were really raising or lowering IQ with such a test, and there is a reason for this.

When the technology was screwed up in 1969 due to the Class VIII auditors and the introduction of Standard Tech, there was a dramatic crash in actual, properly tested, IQ scores among Scientologists. I heard from many other staff members that their IQ scores had fallen, generally by 10 to 20 points, after being audited on the quickie "Standard Tech" which was in vogue at that time. An order came out to stop telling people what they had scored on the IQ tests (until then, it was freely mentioned and even used as a sales point because it occasionally jumped significantly and almost never slipped by more than the normal day-to-day variation of a few points). The next thing that happened was that the CCQ and other "wog" IQ tests were declared to be suppressive (because they showed that we were lowering IQs) and they were replaced by this test of Ron's.

I think that the technical corrections that came in during the early 1970s fixed this lowering of IQ and that we are back to the occasional significant improvement. But we have lost the ability to see what is going on.

The worst plight is that of the current staff members. They rarely get the processing which might give them a significant IQ increase. They are constantly pounded with authoritarian dictates that inhibit their ability to think freely (and it was removing this stuff that used to raise IQ!). And they continually use things referred to as "Learning Drills" on the staff members (doing what they call "Chinese School" reciting things etc.). These learning drills were developed and tried briefly in the early 1960s. Per Ron's actual statement (on the Briefing Course tapes), they are known to lower IQ by actual test (while improving the ability to recite formulas by rote) and they were dropped at that time for that reason. So they have created a generation of staff members who can't think, and especially, can't think for themselves about the subject of Scientology.

WHAT IS: Most Scientology staff really are there to help people. They are enduring terrible conditions for the sake of mankind. They don't get rich. They generally don't even get a lot of Scientology processing. A few may be on a power trip, but that is only possible to top management.

WHAt ISN'T: A lot of money flows into the Sea Org, but few ever see any of it. Most of it disappears into reserve funds for fanatically defending the organization, or it is wasted on various bits of foolishness. A tiny handful might be living like kings and a few might be siphoning off funds into their own private nest eggs, but 99.9% of the staff are in self sacrifice mode. This is why you fail in any effort to attack them. Most are already martyrs to the cause.

They have been so abused that anything they do to you does not seem to them to be an overt because they have suffered far worse at the hands of the organization, and they have swallowed it for the sake of mankind.

I have said many critical things about the organization, but they are still trying to help people. And the processing does help people even if it doesn't live up to the sales pitches. On this basis, they should be helped rather than destroyed. I am not in opposition to the Sea Org or the CofS and I do not consider them an enemy (although they will probably consider me to be one). I simply consider that they need widesweeping and radical reforms. And what they need most is truth, honesty, and free communication. You cannot clear a society if you yourself are loaded with withholds.

Like handling a wayward child, you have to hold a firm line and refuse to tolerate their overts while encouraging everything about them that is right and sane.


WHAT IS: The CofS charges high prices, withholds data labeled confidential, tries to restrict other data as being out-gradient, imposes endless barriers and pre-requisites, and often attacks any use of its materials that are not under their control. They act like a corporation which is trying to impose a strict monopoly and dribble out a small amount of service in a tightly controlled manner.

WHAT ISN'T: The actually is not the way to get rich. The big joke is that if they made everything freely and easily available (at reasonable book prices of course) and encouraged self-help groups and co-audit clubs and do-it-yourself magazines and gave away free group processing on TV specials, they would have so much business flooding them that they couldn't handle it.


WHAT IS: The clam is described in "History of Man". It is presented as being part of our evolutionary history.

WHAT ISN'T: This isn't a real incident. The entire set of evolutionary pictures presented in the portion of the book that deals with the genetic line was later found to be an implant. Hubbard referred to this as the "Darwinian Implant" (see the 1963 tape "Errors in Time" etc.).

The book was written in 1952 after only a few months of running past life incidents. As was the case with most of the early research, Ron took a quick stab at it, felt satisfied that a few people could find the stuff he was talking about, and went on to something else. Dianetics and past life incident running wasn't used again until 1957-58 (see "Have you lived before this life") and was again dropped until 1963 when some research was done on implants and past lives. What we actually have is only three brief but intensive research periods in this area.

It was only in 1966 that they began regular training of Dianetic auditors. The 1966 technique was a beginners technique aimed at giving people who had no auditor training some experience in engram running before doing the clearing course. It would actually make a much better do it yourself type book than the 1950 Dianetics book, but I doubt that the SO would be willing to tolerate such an endeavor.

Real use of professional Dianetics techniques did not begin until 1969. With the vast amount of data that has been accumulating since the 1970s, it might actually be possible to start putting together a real history of man, but the will to seek out new answers seems to have deserted the subject.

Based on my own experiences, I have tried to produce a real roadmap of the course of our existence (see my next document, "Cosmic History"). But again, this is only based on the work of one person (myself). At best (if I'm not wholly deluded), it will serve as a starting point and a framework for organizing more data. It is not thorough research.

Ron used to say that we are still on a research line. That statement was never canceled. It IS still true.


WHAT IS: Cults exist and will always exist as long as society and families are imperfect and leave the teenager (or anyone) with a painful vacuum that needs to be filled.

WHAT ISN'T: Scientology isn't very bad as far as cults go. You might think of them as mind-bending, money-grubbing, and dangerous fanatics, but they will at least keep your kid off drugs and away from gang violence and perhaps even make him into a good worker who can get a job elsewhere if he leaves them. At worst, it's probably better than joining the army. Some lives have been ruined and a few have even been lost but they're nowhere near as bad as the competition where the death toll is often beyond counting.

WHAT IS: There is a spiritual side to man.

WHAT ISN'T: We don't have all the answers. We are in the position of Columbus who, having found America, believed that he was in India. But the untapped resources of the new world were far greater than anything he could have imagined. It was well worth the trip.



I can't claim to be a true scientist in the field of the human mind. I still live in the darkness of alchemy, searching for the light of truth. But it is my hope that perhaps I will be the last alchemist. If I inspire others to look further and carry us forward into a true science, then I have done my job.

May Truth Be With You,

The Pilot

Fall 1996
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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.



We have come down through a long series of universes. All of the more advanced sources seem to be aware of this, most notably the Tibetan scriptures and L. Ron Hubbard's investigations of 1952. However, no one has ever provided a detailed description of the sequence or characteristics of these universes. If we have indeed fallen from a godlike state, then the universes themselves must follow some sort of a dwindling progression and the mechanics of that decay must reflect, on the whole, how we have come to be in the state that we are in.

This document will attempt to sketch out the broad outlines and provide a context which will hopefully support further research. I cannot guarantee that all the information given here is exactly correct. The best I can do is to say that I think it comes reasonably close. But of one thing I am certain, the picture can be no less complex than that presented here. If I have erred, it is on the side of missing things rather than putting too much there. Nothing less would serve to explain the degree to which we have fallen.

Before embarking on an actual discussion of the history, it is important to define my usage of the word "universe" because it is used in many sloppy ways in the field of metaphysics.

By universe, I mean a complete system of space and time. And for this discussion, I mean specifically those large agreed upon universes in which we all have lived.

There is not a one to one mapping between the points in space within one universe and those in another. A universe can have more than one 3 dimensional plane and can also have other 3 dimensional spaces (bubbles or pockets) tied to it. These are all considered to be part of the same universe because there is a mapping of points and there is a correspondence of time and there is a carry over of physical laws. But truly separate universes do not tie together in a direct manner and do not have identical laws. Note that you can setup transfer points between separate universes, but these are arbitrary points linked together without any correlation.

The current universe is one of very strict physical laws and is best characterized as a highly mechanical MEST (Matter/ Energy/ Space/ Time) oriented creation. The immediately preceding universe was one of Magic where physical laws were not quite as solid. Just as the literature of science fiction hints at the flavor of our life in this universe, the literature of fantasy hints at the nature of the Magic universe. But even the magic universe was quite physical and highly structured in its own context. As we work backwards from this universe, we see that each preceding universe was slightly less solid and more conducive to thought until we reach the earliest ones where the Thetan (Spirit / that which thinks) is senior and the physical aspects are trivial things that can be modified by the merest whim.

Let us now go all the way back and set the stage for the entire procession of universes.


Before anything exists, there can only be nothing, But the preternatural nothingness must have a potential, and that potential must be infinite because an infinity of creations has descended from it. If there had been no potential, then we would not exist, and if the potential had been limited, we would have ground to a halt long ago.

The nothingness exists before all space and time, therefore it is unchanging and may be described as static.

Matter and energy and any other possible forms can only exist within space and time and therefore are second order creations. Counting and the quantification of things are dependent on the existence of things which can be counted, therefore all mathematics and the very concept of quantification is a second order creation. And so the nothingness is above the concept of quantification and is neither few nor many, neither zero nor infinite, it is literally beyond counting.

The nothingness has the potential for thought, but there is nothing to think about until something is created, therefore, the first thought and the first creation must be one and the same, for something must be conceived of to exist. Therefore, the process of thought in its ultimate form, is the process of creation.

Of the four basic components of this universe, namely Matter, Energy, Space, and Time, only Space can be conceived of without reference to any of the other factors. Therefore, the first creation must be space rather than matter, energy, or time.






But the basic life static which is the unchanging nothingness is senior to space time and therefore cannot be affected by this separation. It is not made less by it, and therefore it may again separate. And from the view of the basic nothingness, the separations cannot be before or after each other because it is indeed timeless, but from the lesser view of that which is separated, the separated almost statics can conceive that one separated before another and therefore we have time.

And the lesser near-statics are also nothingness with the potential for infinite creation, but they have the experience of time and therefore the experience of what they have created.

Once those who can conceive are separated from the basic nothingness, they then proceed to apply further separations to bring about the creation of existence. A positive and a negative can be pulled out of nothing and the net equation remains the same. 1 - 1 = 0 = 2 - 2 = 0 = 256 - 256 etc. The only difference between these is consideration and consideration is the product of thought. Infinite matter and energy may therefore be generated by thought alone.




The interposition of distance is necessary for viewing or perceiving anything.

The interposition of time is necessary for emotion. There is no loss without time, nor is there feeling.

The interposition of identity is necessary for consideration. Without identity, all thought is one which is a passive condition of cosmic allness. Therefore, to think about or consider thought, it is necessary to introduce at least a slight separation from all thought and therefor it is necessary to be an individual to some slight degree. Therefore, identity is necessary for self awareness. Furthermore, the Zero-Infinite Life Static is not a self aware unit, instead it is the sum total of all awareness that is or that might be (or might have been). Therefore, it does not judge or intervene, it just IS.



Since the basic nothingness is beyond all limitations of time and space, it may be considered as infinite and eternal from our time/space limited perspective. By its very nature, it will always exceed the highest orders of infinite creation that have been achieved and therefore will always demand the creation of even further infinities of somethingness to balance the nothingness. Therefore, the scope of creation is limitless and eternal. Since the nothingness is always with us, we do not lack for it. Our only lack is for the somethingnesses (those things which are not nothing) which will always fall short of completely balancing the nothingness.

The self aware near-statics which we will call Thetans (thought units) fulfill themselves by an ongoing process of creation. Only when this creative process is blocked or stifled do they become miserable.

Furthermore, the separation itself is only a matter of consideration. The thought beings are still part of the original static and therefore have no need to rejoin it since they never really left it in the first place. The ultimate state of these beings is to be an operating manifestation of the ultimate static and project an infinity of creation to balance the nothingness. All lesser states are therefore at least slightly unpleasant but are maintained in the hope of future creation.


At the highest levels, the self-aware life statics participate in a dance of infinite creation. Here, everything that can be conceived of is created, exchanged, and experienced. Here we have an infinity of universes in constant flux, varying even in the number of dimensions used by each universe. At this level, the individual is himself near infinite, creating and experiencing multiple universes simultaneously and projecting an infinity of personalities, and yet the individual is still individual and separate and distinct from the other individuals who also participate in the dance of creation. And the flux between these individuals is the dance and is the infinity of creation.

This level is the co-existence of static and here each individual is, to all intents and purposes, God. And the only compelling purpose of it all is to continue to add to the richness of creation. And this might well be termed divine and infinite bliss. It is a nirvana, but a nirvana of infinite somethingness rather than nothingness.

But given an infinity of infinities to fill, it becomes mandatory to leave no stone unturned in the search for yet more new and varied creations. In pursuit of this, there is the idea that a new being, freshly separated from the zero-infinite life static, might conceive of new systems of creation, different from those which are already in existence. And so new beings were indeed separated out and did add greatly to the richness of creation.

But the most original creations would stem from beings who were isolated from the existing order and were not tainted by exposure to what the older beings had created. And so there is the concept of isolating a new crowd of individuals within a sort of womb where they can develop on their own.

We are now in such a womb, and the entire series of universes that we have built and inhabited are in this womb. When we have finished our development, we will exit the womb and carry our new systems of creation with us into the dance and begin an infinitely interesting exchange of mockups with the older beings. And someday, eons hence, when we have milked dry every variation of our own systems, and the systems of the older beings, and the endless variations of intermixing the systems, then we will eagerly await the birth of yet another crop of new beings who will bring forth their own set of wonders.

No matter how miserable you might be today, the duration of the misery is short in comparison with eternal bliss. When you have achieved the ultimate godlike state, you will consider the pains of birth a small price to have paid for it.


How is it possible to enclose a group of godlike beings and prevent them from experiencing the vast and interesting body of existing creations? How can you control someone whose mearest whim has the power to create and destroy universes?

Initially, since you are dealing with innocent new beings, you can distract them with an interesting object and channel their attention in the direction that you desire. But this does not work for very long, and soon they will begin to look around and be attracted by the fascinating works of the older beings. And with that, the freshness of new unbiased creation would be lost. So something further is needed.

But a god can only trap or limit himself, and at most, he can be aided by the deception and trickery of others. But even in this, the older beings must not be directly involved or they will eventually contaminate the new crowd.

And so the new group of beings must be tricked into conflict among themselves and into building traps for each other. And each one is trapped, not so much by the traps that others laid for him, but by the traps that he laid for others for sooner or later, he will forget one of his own traps and fall into it by mistake.

The general plan is that the new beings will dig themselves into a trap of their own devising. And will sink deeper and deeper into it and eventually will become the effect of their own creation and even forget who they are and how they built the trap in the first place. But in so doing, they will evolve a new system of creation which will be the anatomy of the trap. And eventually, they will begin to dig themselves out, which will require regaining control over the entirety of their creations.

We lie now at the bottom of such a trap, and it might seem that we could never create even a single atom of the physical universe around us. But these abilities will return as we dig ourselves out. And when we exit the womb, each of us will not only have all of the rich and interesting details of Earth at our fingertips, but we will also have the details of the Star Wars like physical universe and the Magic universe, and the numerous universes that came before. We will bring all of this out into the greater society of beings and our rewards will be great. It has been a hard road and will continue to be rough for awhile, but it has worked before and it is the only way to develop in true isolation.

And the older beings will not and cannot intervene. We must dig ourselves out, for it is this which will give us the power over these creations of ours. If the older beings were to step in and rescue us, so to speak, by pulling us out of this trap, they would be stealing from us our richly deserved reward. These are our creations and it is for us to take command over them.

We have been totally isolated for a long time. There was only one external intervention at the very beginning. This was the absolute minimum possible and there have been no others although we have frequently pretended to each other that we were older or higher beings and have even sometimes imitated the actual intervention with the intent of bedeviling and tricking each other.

This one and only bit of external interference consisted of presenting us with a single ultra-complex object which would prejudice us towards conflict and entrapment. This object was the Jewel of Knowledge.


This is the only creation we have ever received from "outside" and it is the only contact we have ever had with the older beings.

There have been many false beginnings of the time track that we have implanted in each other during our trap building frenzy. There have also been many true beginnings of track in the various universes in which we have been engaged. But the jewel of knowledge is the actual first experience for all of us. Each being's attention was directed to it as they separated from the ultimate static and it was so fascinating that all were drawn in and by the time anyone might have felt like looking outward for something else from outside, we had already sunk too low to penetrate the walls of the trap that we had been encouraged to build for ourselves.

The experience of the jewel of knowledge does not have a big sign on it saying that it is the first experience or that it is the beginning of track or the start of time. In fact, it is just the opposite. Incidents that yell loudly about being the beginning do so as a means of trickery and are never actually the first incident. Furthermore, you can't find the jewel of knowledge experience by trying to find the first incident, there are just too many falsely labeled first ones. But once you do spot it, all of the "first" incidents always seem to be later.

Another misleading factor, is that the jewel of knowledge is extremely complex. It is quite possibly the most complex thing we have ever had contact with. And our creations become simpler as we look earlier on the time track. So our expectation would be for the first incident to be very simple. And its not, because it came from outside.

The jewel of knowledge is an object in 17 or more dimensions. It has a diamond like structure, but this extends in a huge number of directions and contains endless faces or facets. It is extraordinarily beautiful and interesting. We have a tremendous problem visualizing it because one of our little traps that we used on each other intentionally blocked our ability to visualize or perceive more that 3 dimensions.

But even before we became blocked on many dimensional structures, the jewel was really too complex for a new innocent being to grasp as a whole. It was intentionally created that way so that we wouldn't simply digest it quickly and then look around for more interesting creations made by the other beings.

The jewel was divided into chambers and we went through each chamber sequentially. Each chamber explained something that was interesting and useful to a new being, and most of the data was correct. Only very slyly and subtly did they work in misleading information that predisposed us towards conflict and entrapment. For there was no way to force us to swallow the jewel, we could only be coaxed into accepting it all by a great show of true knowledge and beauty.

There is no language in the experience of the jewel. We did not have any at that time and they certainly would not teach us one for that would have prejudiced our thinking far too much. Instead, it is all demonstrations using very simple objects. These were simple squares, triangles, circles etc. with many dimensions. We refer to a three dimensional square as a cube and a four dimensional square is called a tesseract by the mathematicians but we lack good words for seven or eight dimensional versions of this shape,. However, an eight dimensional square is still a simple abstract object that would not impart very much of a bias into our own creations.

The jewel's chambers also never show anything that looks like bodies or people. They use nebulous clouds or points of light to represent other beings in the chambers that deal with the interactions of beings.

The demonstrations are generally very simple. For example, one of the early chambers demonstrates how to perceive an object. Looking at things with only one eye open is adequate for a flat two dimensional view but true depth perceptions in three dimensions is best done with two eyes. In a similar manner, looking at a 7 dimensional cube is best done by looking at it from 6 points simultaneously. They don't tell you this, instead they show you. It begins with the vague impression of an object in front of you. Then you feel yourself drawn into putting out more and more points from which to view the object. When you finally get six unique viewpoints (and they mustn't be in the same plane), the object suddenly becomes very real and there is a satisfying feeling. Then they have you put out even more viewpoints and the object becomes thin and unsatisfying again. So you learn to synchronize the number of viewpoints that you use with the dimensions of the object that you are viewing.

Many of the chambers are interesting and helpful in this manner. But a few of them are misleading and treacherous. For example, one of the chambers shows many "beings" participating in creating a collection of objects that are moving around in harmony. The sensation is very pleasant. Then one of the beings begins working contrary to the efforts of the others and the sensation is unpleasant, the harmony is destroyed. So the other beings gang up on the disagreeable one and force him back into agreement and the sensation becomes pleasant again. It is actually a false idea that predisposes you to beating up on anybody who is different and implanting people to force them into agreement.

When we finished going through all of the chambers, we were left with the idea that it is necessary to control and trap others. We were also given the idea that we now had to build something of our own in exchange for the jewel before we had a right to look at any more of the older beings creations. But of course before we finished that, we had dug ourselves in so deeply and trapped ourselves so well that we had lost any hope of reaching outside and were launched on our decent into more and more complex traps of our own making.


We left the jewel of knowledge with an enthusiastic desire to create a complex and interesting universe. There were no rules but that it had to be interesting and complex. Even the number of dimensions to be used was unspecified and therein lay the first and ultimate conflict.

It takes time and effort to devise and build an elaborate mockup. And the more dimensions you use, the more time and work is involved. Three dimensions are more complex than two, and four dimensions are even worse, and an entire system of creation had to be built up from scratch. Imitating the 17 dimensions used in the jewel would have been ridiculous for new beings and would have lacked originality besides.

And each of the beings was godlike and had been advised to make his own decisions and go his own way as well as being told to keep others in line (a sure recipe for conflict) and so each chose an arbitrary number of dimensions and began working.

Soon there were some people working on one dimensional systems and some on two or three or four all the way up to about a dozen dimensions with occasional dabbling in even greater numbers of dimensions. And the distribution of beings was fairly even with a bit more working on the lower numbers of dimensions since it was easier and a gradual petering out up towards the higher numbers. And as each being invested more and more time and effort into mockups using a certain number of dimensions, he developed an attachment for that number of dimensions and a vested interest in it.

But fewer dimensions are simpler and the beings who were trying to devise a one dimensional system began to show results early while those who were working on a larger scale were still in the rudimentary stages of invention.

Those one dimensional systems of creation are still with us. One of them is music. The one dimensional "object" (e.g. a sound or musical note) can only go up and down. It moves forward in time, but time is not a dimension in the sense that were are discussing here (we are concerned with dimensions of space). The "object" can have a width and shape in the form of a chord (as opposed to a single note) and there are all sorts of interesting aesthetics in the inter-relationship of many notes moving up an down in a complex work, but it is still motion in only one dimension. The notes can also have a quality as in the sound of a piano Vs that of a violin but this also does not change the number of dimensions just as adding color to a three dimensional world doesn't add an extra dimension.

The fruits of the two dimensional effort encompassed the basic versions of many of our board games such as chess.

As these low dimensioned systems began yielding results, some of the beings working on large numbers of dimensions began to feel that they had too long a runway and switched over to one of the lower groups. But the tendency was to join the 3, 4, or 5 dimensional efforts where there was substantial room for new contributions rather than to join the 1 or 2 dimensional efforts which were already being sewn up so to speak.

And it came about that the 3 dimensional group had more members than any of the others with slightly less in the 4 dimensional group. But there were still quite a few working above 4 dimensions. And because 3 dimensions was simpler than 4 and it had more people working on it, it was fast approaching completion at least in its basic architecture.

The 3s could see that the remaining people working very high dimensions would eventually drop down and work with the 4s (or possibly the 5s). They wouldn't join the 3s because the 3s were nearly done and also because these were diehards who had already stuck with very complex forms and would probably prefer to at least have 4 or 5 dimensions to work in rather than 3. So their estimate was that although the 3s were currently the largest group, they would eventually be outnumbered by the 4s as more and more beings abandoned the higher dimensional efforts.

In a sane society, this would have been fine. There is room for many systems of creation. But they all knew (thanks to the jewel of knowledge) that everyone would have to be beaten into line and settle into one system. And they had a vested interest in continuing with their own mockups in the system that they had devised rather than abandoning it for a 4 dimensional system created by others. Furthermore, they knew that a 4 dimensional system can manipulate and overwhelm a three dimensional system just as someone operating in a 3 dimensional system can crumple up a 2 dimensional painting or sweep a 2 dimensional chess game onto the floor.

All the 3 dimensional group had was a temporary numerical advantage combined with a system that was nearly complete in comparison with the 4 dimensional system. They knew that they would be overwhelmed eventually. So they decided to strike first and so began the reality wars.


This was the longest period in our history and the most extreme conflict we have ever been engaged in. It took place between beings of awesome capabilities who were invulnerable to anything except for the side effects of their own infinitely powerful postulates and decisions. And it took nearly forever for these immortals to wear each other down and finally get everyone beaten into line.

And there is nobody who did not at one time or another fight on every side of this conflict. And there is nobody who did not occasionally say the hell with it all and go off on their own to build universes only to eventually be sucked back into the conflict again. And the fighting of this war as an interesting game was probably as important to us as the issues being fought over, and so the desire of the majority was always to perpetuate the battle rather than to come to some reasonable compromise. And the flavor of the battle was more like that of kids playing a war game where people only rarely suffered any actual harm rather than the horror of humanoid warfare.

But over the long course of time, people did eventually succeed at abberating and controlling and entrapping each other.

In the final stages of the conflict, the 3 dimensional proponents did succeed in laying in mental blocks that interfered with creating or perceiving things with more than 3 dimensions. They could not block out 1 and 2 dimensional capabilities because these are part of 3 dimensional constructions, but they could and did block the use of 4 or more dimensions.

The 4 dimensional crew could not retaliate in kind because to block 3 dimensions would block 4 as well. Instead, they took the only countermeasure possible which was to implant a craving for 4 dimensional mockups.

A single 4 dimensional coin might remedy your cravings for wealth. Since one can't have that, one wants endless 3 dimensional coins because that approaches the condition of a single 4D coin which consists of an infinity of 3D coins layered together along the 4th axis. Consider having a 2D picture of a coin. If you layered enough of those together, you would come close to having a 3D coin. But you never quite make it, its not really the same. So the 3D never really satisfies and you get abberated on the subject of quantity.

This left us in the strange state of being unable to perceive 4 dimensional mockups while at the same time not only reacting to them but also needing them. There is a 4 dimensional component to things such as sexual ecstasy. The very universe we live in, although built of 3 dimensional mockups, has a 4 dimensional thickness which is what makes it so solid and difficult to manipulate. If you hit the wall with your hand and then do a mental mockup of a hand hitting a wall, you will notice a significant difference in the two experiences. If you then mockup thousands of identical hands striking thousands of identical walls, all in parallel, you will notice that the mocked up sensation comes much closer to the real thing. So our current reality does have a 4 dimensional component. It is a thickness consisting of multiple copies of the 3 dimensional reality all sort of glued together and moving as a unit.

To gain some understanding of how this happened, we must look at the early capabilities and aberrations of the beings in this time period.


As to abilities, we are now talking about beings who were virtually unlimited in their ability to create and alter matter, energy, space, and time and who were furthermore capable of being in many places at once and tracking and managing many complex operations at the same time.

But the beings were very limited as to both experience and philosophy. Their thinking was almost of the idiot savant style with tremendous mechanical capabilities but little interest in the meaning of things. The use of symbols and abstractions is something that evolved gradually and it only started to appear bit by bit in this early period.

The earliest communications were simply an exchange of knowingness. You would know that someone else wanted you to come over and look at something they had created. You'd go over and look at it and then decide that they knew that you liked it (or didn't like it). Then they would decide that you knew that they were happy (or unhappy) with the judgment and so you would know that as well. This was soon followed by exchanging simple pictures. But exchanging pictures of abstract symbols as a means of communications only evolved on the eve of the reality wars as the universe building work was approaching completion.

It is in the area of communications that the first aberrations developed. This was due to the influence of the jewel of knowledge which hinted continually that completely free communication was not really such a good idea. This hidden purpose behind this was both to keep the new beings from trying to communicate with things outside of the womb and also to lay the stage for the conflicts and entrapment that was necessary to their development, for people do not fight nor do they get trapped if they are in full communication.

Unlike other aberrations, these early communication aberrations were by choice and they are slightly different for each of us, although the mechanics are the same, because each of us made our own decisions about who and what we didn't feel like communicating with. And here is the road out. Since communication barriers are, at basic, created by choice, they can be pushed through by the simple decision to communicate again without having to unravel the entire maze that we have built on top of them.

In modern times, we see long chains of problems and upsets layered upon each other. And we see harmful acts and guilt and retribution. And these all seem to lie on top of a core of incidents of loss and pain.

But the early beings could not be hurt and at first could not even suffer loss because they could create anything again. And the earliest problems, etc. could obviously not be dependent upon yet earlier ones.

The early aberrations all stem from the communication blocks created willfully based on the advise of the jewel of knowledge. Early problems all stemmed from an unwillingness to communicate or from leaving communications incomplete. Early harmful acts and upsets came about because of the misunderstandings engendered by messed up communications. And then these things began to feed on themselves. This happened during the early universe building period, and during the reality wars, and continues to this day.

And since these are the most basic aberrations, it is possible to address them even on someone walking in off of the street without long preparation, and you can undo their everyday problems as is clearly illustrated by lower level Scientology processing.

But taking apart the original problems that occurred during the basic universe building era has its own difficulty. It is not that these early incidents are painful or hard to face, most of them would be a joke to us now after all that we have been through. The real difficulty is that this early period is almost incomprehensible. You might, for example, have someone who is being a near infinite series of golden pyramids spread out among 20 different universes of varying numbers of dimensions deciding, let us say, to trick a being who is an infinite progression of green and orange carrots into thinking that a right handed space (whatever that is) is really left handed.

And that is the basic anatomy of the earliest aberrations, which came about through the predisposition to not communicate. And then we have the reality wars, with everyone working day and night to try and figure out how to further confuse and abberate and control each other.

This could not be done by implanting commands through energy waves or hypnosis or whatever because the beings could not at this time be affected by force or energy. So these early efforts concentrated heavily on showing you very aesthetic little stories that would trick you into weakening yourself. They might, for example, show you how glorious it would be to fight against overwhelming odds and loose. Or they might show you the nobility of self sacrifice. And then they might encourage you to go ahead and experience these things in some sort of a mocked up universe, And often, you would, because you were hungry for interesting experiences and had not the slight concept that anything could ever really harm you. And all the while, they'd be encouraging you to turn off your own abilities and reduce your horsepower.

None of these things worked very well at first. But eventually, what with continually changing sides, we all eventually fell into traps that we had ourselves designed while playing on the other team. And if enough time had passed for us to have forgotten that we had built a trap, then it might be quite effective against us. And we were just too stupid to fix the traps that we built so that they wouldn't trap their creators.

You wouldn't be bothered by these traps now. They didn't have much more punch than our current TV commercials. Its just hard to conceive of this stuff because the weight of the high powered conditioning used in later universes interferes with our ability to think.


After the reality wars, we basically settled down to mocking up 3 dimensional universes.

Up to and including this period, there is no single agreed upon universe. Instead, people would mockup universes pretty much at will. Both before and during the reality wars, these universes had varying numbers of dimensions. After the conclusion of the wars, it was 3 dimensional universes all the way, but it was still an infinite variety and complexity with everyone going their own way.

Before the reality wars, people were simply individualistic in what they wanted to mock up. But in the aftermath of the wars, they became quite contrary and disagreeable. They had had one thing jammed down their throat and had been forced into agreement on the point of using 3 dimensions. So now they were going to be as individualistic as possible in all other respects.

This era could be called the mis-aligned spaces because everyone was trying to keep everything as far out of alignment as possible. Or it could be called the mis-aligned agreements or the era of disagreement or whatever.

Putting it in an oversimplified manner, if someone invented fire engines to put out fires, then somebody else would immediately invent fire engines to collect the trash and a third person would invent traveling super fires that searched for fire engines and burnt them up. But it was worse than that. There were the rudimentary forms of language in the sense of meanings being assigned to symbols, and out of contrariness, different or opposite meanings were often assigned to the same symbol so that soon there were language difficulties and great misunderstandings despite the fact that communication was still basically telepathic in nature.

This carried on for a long time, and people fell further and further out of communication with each other. This of course encouraged even more problems, harmful acts, etc. and led to games of entrapment.

The beings were also gradually condensing down and becoming located throughout the entire early period of the track. At the time of the jewel of knowledge, the being was close to omniscient and not really located anywhere in particular except that his attention could be occupied by something as elaborate as the jewel. But the jewel convinced him that he should put some sort of mass or anchor point into the places where he was operating. This was based on the false idea that space was owned and belonged to individuals and so they needed to stake their claim with some sort of mass. Eventually he begins to believe that he is located where his masses are, but he still continues to put out near infinite collections of objects to act as his body so to speak. But his ability to occupy many viewpoints deteriorates and eventually he condenses down to occupying a single location. This deterioration is occurring during the era of the mis-aligned spaces but he doesn't really end up located as a single individual until the agreements universe discussed below.

Again this is an extraordinarily long time period but is not really measurable in human terms. All of these early eras are multi-verses (collections of universes) rather than a single agreed upon universe and time measurements are relative to a universe and tend to be meaningless in situations such as this where time flows at different rates in different universes. Your experience of the time is sequential and you can probably lay out some sort of measuring system for yourself, but different people will have experienced different amounts of time due to being in different places which had different time rates.

Nothing, not even the time rate, was agreed upon consistently in this era. It made it difficult to play games and to communicate. Eventually, everyone came to agree on one thing, which was that some basis for common agreement and consistent operation was necessary. And under the surface, there was still the idea that we should build something together that would be of comparable magnitude to the jewel of knowledge.

Our solution was to build the agreements universe.


This is the first of the gigantic agreed upon universes where everybody lived. It was not organized in any fashion except for having an agreed upon set of definitions. It was just a big infinite space into which anyone could project mockups of their choosing.

It was basically a 3 dimensional space and would, of course, contain 3 dimensional mockups, but it was also possible to project additional 3 dimensional spaces sideways of it or to redefine the same location as a number of different 3 dimensional mockups in parallel. For example, let us say that Bill creates a room with a green chair. Steve comes in and agrees with it but then Joe shows up and decides that the chair is blue. Steve and Bill resist this and so the space divides into two parallels separated slightly in a 4th dimension with one space having the green chair and the other one having the blue chair. When a fourth person enters the room, he feels that he can go two ways, either to the room with Bill and Steve and the green chair, or to the room where Joe is sitting in the blue chair.

The basic flaw was in the definitions used. These were definitions of basic things such as good and bad, happy and sad, big and small, etc. The definitions were done as dichotomies - i.e. pairs of opposites. The problem was that, whether due to inexperience or due to more troublesome hints from the jewel, the pairs of definitions did not really line up with each other. For example, there was a definition for good (in the sense of nice) and bad, and there was a different definition for good (in the sense of holy) and evil and the two versions of good did not line up with each other so that it was possible to be good in the holy sense while being quite nasty at the same time. This made for more mis-communication and entrapment.

We designed these definitions ourselves, but we did it in teams. In defining the agreements universe, each team designed one pair of definitions without knowing what the other definitions were going to be. This was considered to be fair since everyone had an equal hand in making this mess. The definition was stated in terms of a simple picture sequence. For example, good/bad was defined by a series of pictures about the good bear and the bad bear. The good bear does this and the bad bear does that. It shows about two dozen pairs of examples of good and bad. Its all very silly and childlike. The charge on these definitions is small but deep and is primarily due to the heavy pressure of enforced agreement and the endless confusions and upsets that occurred during our existence in the agreements universe. The charge on these definitions and their association with childlike mockups is probably why people sometimes have a great distaste for childlike things.

We built these definitions in the mis-aligned spaces and then collected them together. By extreme hard work, we build the definition sequences into a 4 dimensional construction reminiscent of the jewel of knowledge. It was basically a 4 dimensional inverted pyramid golden in color. The inverted pyramid in this case symbolized the narrowing down of many realities into one. Each 3 dimensional pyramid in the 4 dimensional super-pyramid contained one of the many pairs of definitions. Even with true 4 dimensional abilities blocked, it was possible to build a 4 dimensional construction by painstakingly layering together a large series of 3 dimensional constructions. We all promised to agree to and follow these definitions and we all made strong postulates that everyone would be bound by the definitions. This was all done before any of us had seen all of the definitions. Then we all gathered around it and dived into it as a group.

You can spot rushing to get into agreement and going through a golden inverted triangle. There will be a sense of thousands of other beings rushing along with you similar to the sensation of the sperm dream found by early Dianetics. After you pass through the triangle, you get hit with the definitions one after the other beginning with the good and bad bear. When we come out, we are all in a single empty infinite space. The space is light (faintly golden) rather than dark. And then we start creating things.

Death still did not exist, although we were getting pretty good at forgetting things or dropping everything and deciding to go off to the other end of the universe and start over. We were still not interiorized into our creations. But there was a tendency to use the interesting body types created for the agreements definitions as our manifestations rather than using the simple pyramids or spheres that we had used up to this time. But these were not really bodies as we know them now because we flicked them in or out of existence as necessary and were certainly not very bothered if one of them got zapped since we'd just mock up another one.

This time period was long and interesting, but the conflicts gradually got worse and eventually we wound up spending most of our time tricking each other or messing up each other's stuff. Eventually it got so that you couldn't build a complicated aesthetic creation without some practical joker making some weird thing pop up in the middle of it. People got frustrated and began to search for a solution.

The answer was to set up a new universe (since the agreements universe was so messed up) in which each person would have their own separate sub-universe. I.E.. each being would get their own home universe which everyone else was supposed to leave alone.


This occurs at the mid-point of our existence and in some respects it was the peak of our efforts. By this point, we had gained enough experience to develop very complex and sophisticated mockups, and we had not yet decayed too far. It continues for a long period of wonderful creation and the final collapse of home universe was probably the first big loss that we experienced.

This was actually a collection of individual universes linked together in a higher level space. This higher space was a sort of matrix of gateways leading down into the individual home universes. Early on, it seems like a sort of nebulous corridor with mirrors or thought pools along the walls which lead into the individual universes. However, as time passed, it gradually expanded until it had much the appearance of the night sky full of stars. Except that the "stars" were the gateways into the individual universes and if you went up close to them, these stars might look like big golden balls or even symbols such as a flower or an object hanging in the sky.

It is a mistake to think of this as a single universe with little balls in which each thetan dwelled (there's a later implant which presents it that way). You would enter one of these spheres and find an entire infinite universe. It would be as diverse and complex as the creating thetan (or thetans in the case of agreed upon universes) had chosen to mock up. It would not necessarily share physical universe laws or anything else (except the primary entry point) with the other universes in the matrix. It could also contain further subordinate universes below it.

Besides the individual universes, there were agreed upon universes used for games or meeting places. These were quite numerous and varied. There were also "story" universes, much like movies. These story universes contained sequences of 3 dimensional pictures arranged in a fixed time track that told a story and anyone could go into one of these and enjoy the drama. There was actually quite a bit of aesthetic competition involved, much like the academy awards. But unlike our Hollywood productions, these were built as universes and seemed just as real as our life here on Earth.

The development of the "stars" mockup at the top level is probably due to the problem of managing an ever growing number of entry points. Just lining the entry points up along the sides of a tunnel is too inefficient. So we expanded the top level outward and started arranging the entry points in a 3 dimensional space. Without a wall to place them against, an oval thought pool is better mocked up as a sphere. And so we have a sea of "stars" at the top level.

Within the individual universes, it became common practice to bring this top level display of "stars" into view in the surrounding sky.


The home universe matrix had been built to keep people from messing up each other's creations. As such, it was a bit like sending the children to their rooms because they are fighting. But this only works if you can keep them out of each other's home universes, and without any means of enforcement, it was not long before pranksters were sneaking into each others spaces and making trouble again.

And so we came up with the idea of punishing people for breaking the rules. Everyone agreed that this was a good idea and intended it purely for use on the bad guys. Nobody expected that it would be used on them. It was the typical stupidity that has carried us ever deeper into this trap.

But we were still immune to force and there was little that one individual could do to another. However, by working as a group, it was possible for us to build a complex series of sub-universes that would at least make somebody feel uncomfortable and unhappy for a little while. And so we created the penalty universes.

These penalty universes laid in the idea of descending down through a scale of emotions beginning with a high exhilaration and working down through anger, fear, etc. The scale is the emotional tone scale observed by L. Ron Hubbard in the early days of Dianetics and extensively researched and documented by him in 1951. And everybody is going up and down that scale to this day, but it is arbitrary and has no other reason for existence save that we picked this pattern (almost at random) to use in building these penalty universes.

A thorough discussion of the penalty universes needs it own book. For now, let us just say that they were full of all sorts of interesting symbols and body types which caught your interest combined with all sorts of new degrading ideas such as sex and eating which were presented to the person as interesting goals to pursue. Since these were actual universes that you went through, the experience was real, and yet it was all carefully orchestrated and twisted to give you experiences which would convince you of all sorts of ridiculous and abberative ideas (such as needing to eat) which later became part of our everyday lives.

At first, these penalty universes hardly bothered us at all. And they were not very effective at reducing the amount of mischief being done. But we kept tossing each other into them for an extraordinarily long time and eventually we became quite compulsive about dramatizing the arbitrary and degraded ideas that they presented.


Throughout the home universe era, we built game playing universes in which people could complete with each other. But there was always a desire for rougher, tougher games. And there was always the sticky problem of keeping people from sneakily overriding the rules and cheating. Since beating others at the various games had considerable status attached to it, this became an area of considerable interest and importance.

And so eventually we tried to build a powerful and constraining game. And to achieve this, we build the Games universe and for a playing field, we built the original Earth. And it is not a matter of chance that we are living on a copy of that world. It is a commonly used planetary design because of its history. And because it was involved in the fall of home universe, it is known to be a disturbing and restimulative place. So any time a prison or dumping ground for undesirables is needed in this galaxy, they go looking around for a copy of the original Earth. There are probably thousands of them among the millions of planets circling the stars of the Milky Way and any decent sized space empire would have at least one somewhere within its borders.

But the original Earth itself was a nice and interesting mockup. After all, it was built as the ultimate game rather than as a prison or a nasty place.

We played this game endlessly. It was a subtle and complex version of the child's game where the rock can break the scissors and the scissors can cut the paper but the paper can cover the rock. Except that it was played with a huge variety of "identities" and endless complex interrelations between them. These identities were things like the "Ruler" and the "Scientist" and the "Artist" etc. But identity is not a good term for this since many different individuals would put on these packages of characteristics. So we will use the Scientology term "Valence" (a package of personality characteristics) to describe these.

And this "Valence Game" was quite subtle despite the simplicity of the rules. Each of the valences had a strict series of privileges, duties, and constraints in relationship to each of the other valences. But a character playing one valence might pretend to be another. For example, an assassin might pretend to be a concubine and assassinate the ruler.

It was quite popular and eventually championship games even had crowds of spectators and commentators peering down from the top level of the home universe matrix.

The real liability of this game was the use of high powered conditioning to implant the form and constraints of the identities or "valences" that were used to play the game on the original earth. This was intended to make the game more interesting and prevent cheating. But it lead to the building up of "mass" on these valences and eventually it lead to our downfall.

Unlike other universes, the Games universe had a complex series of rigid laws enforced by hitting the participants with "valence masses" on the original Earth on their way into the game. And we set up a sort of transparent copy of the original earth in the top level of the home universe matrix itself. As a result, we wound up with a complex planetary mockup being used for a transfer point rather than a simple golden sphere.

There was a great deal of status and havingness attached to placing mockups at the top level of home universe. To persist there, they had to be mutually agreed upon. It seems as if one of the prizes for winning in the games universe was to put something up at the top level. Various objects and body mockups etc. wound up there as a result. Eventually we even built some flat-Earth mockups at the top level to give us a place to keep all of this stuff. Just guessing now, there might have even been "embodyment clubs" meeting in these places. If you hadn't won the right to place a mockup at the top level, you could only hang around there in an embarrassing disembodied state. Of course you could just mock something up at the top level illegally, but that was liable to get you tossed into a penalty universe.

We experienced aberration when entering the games universe but once there we could leave easily and were only held by our interest in the game. All of us tried every valence many many times. There were different win and loss conditions for each valance. Afterwards, we'd go back up to the home universe matrix and analyze the play.

Eventually, people began putting manifestations of their favorite valences up in the top level matrix. I.E.., they'd win as the singer or as the scientist or whatever and they'd put an appropriate body type up at the top level as their prize. Some people might have even started trying to collect the entire set of valance manifestations up at the top. One thing that happened from this is that people would expect you to follow games universe rules when dealing with a games universe valence manifestation. Often they got compliance with this because we'd hit the rules so often, but somebody would always disagree and there were fights and upsets. Another problem with this was that it gradually created more and more commonalty of agreement between the top level matrix and the games universe.

Another thing that happened was the introduction of penalty universe mockups onto the original Earth. Many beings flinched a bit at these and so they could be used as barriers. It seems like people were beginning to cheat and sidestep some of the implanted conditioning on the way into the game and therefore something was needed to keep them to the proper path.

Also, some of the hardier souls asked for penalty universe mockups as game prizes and placed these up on the flat worlds in the top level as well.

All of these factors caused an ever growing level of agreement and connection between the penalty universes, the games universe, and the top level of the matrix. The Original Earth and the flat worlds orbiting around it acted as the central point of concentration.

And then an idea began circulating around that too great a commonalty of agreed upon objects or anchorpoints bridging two universes could cause those universes to collapse together. There might have even been some popular story universes about this sort of thing happening. And gradually people began to worry about the danger of having that original earth tied in so tightly to the top of the home universe matrix. And some people wanted to get rid of it, but others, real game playing fans, were deeply attached to it and there was considerable fighting and tension. And the tension kept building.

I'm not certain exactly what triggered the collapse. It seems to be something to do with the penalty universes. Possibly they simply put one too many penalty universe mockups on the original Earth when the tension was at its peak. Or maybe they actually tried to connect or merge the penalty universes with the original Earth either to beef up the penalty universes or to enforce the rules of the game on earth more strictly. Or maybe some group decided to "cure" the more anti-social beings by dragging them into agreement. Regardless of the exact cause, what happened is that the entire matrix began to collapse together.

Possibly you had the top level display on when the stars began to fall. Or maybe you felt something strange and invoked the top level display. The stars collapse into the Original Earth. All the universes collide there. The mass builds and the whole planet explodes. This is probably basic on the big bang the astronomers get excited about.

Each of our universes fell into the Earth mass and flew outward in the explosion. But you at least held part of your universe stably around you during this. It was really just the outlying mockups and envelope that shattered. Even so, you saw your universe (or universes) scattered throughout the cosmos. There is tremendous loss and grief on this.

When the piece you held together settled down, you probably moved from grief up to anger. You'd already picked up the tone scale dramatization from the penalty universes and this was enough impact to bring about solid downtone emotions.

Somewhere in this incident, space seems to be filled with lightning and energy. Your mockups begin decaying, getting corroded and crumbling to dust. This is mainly due to the influence of the penalty universes. Your universe is no longer separate and therefore is affected by an agreed upon set of laws. But the only commonly agreed upon laws were those of the penalty universes and the games universe which had become part of the universe you were in. So these agreements take precedence. And the biggest common agreement between all the penalty universes is the downward slide into decay.

You then tried to restore your mockups but you failed because others invalidate them and downscale agreements were spreading around and affecting you. So you started using the games valences against others. You worked to destroy their mockups and impose your own.

Eventually this settles down into a big game to make your mockups persist and others fail. In other words, have for self and can't have for others.

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COSMIC HISTORY - continued

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COSMIC HISTORY - continued


Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.



To all intents and purposes, the whole big ruined mess left after the fall of home universe is the games universe vastly expanded with the residue of all of the prior creations. And with the game twisted beyond belief by the introduction of the penalty universe materials and agreements. This is what we referred to as the games universe later on the track. It is the first of the big compulsively agreed- upon universes where we were no longer in full control of the creation of reality.

In spite of all this, you were still a god; But a badly abberated one. You were still immune to force and knew it, but your mockups could be hurt and you were now subject to counter-emotion to some degree because you could really loose something. In the home universe era, this wasn't true. You could always mock something up again and your home universe knew no law but your own.

The body types, styles of mockups, etc. were quite varied in this period. The penalty universes used 64 different body types of which only one was truly human. Older styles such as people manifesting as clouds or whatever were also in use. There was no pattern or organization to the universe similar to the way our galaxy is structured. It was just a hodge-podge of planets, flat-earths, pictures hanging in the sky, or whatever and it all just sort of drifted around. Individuals claimed areas and marked them off by filling the areas with faint light of various colors so that space itself appeared to be a sort of patchwork quilt. The old proponents of the one dimensional creation system also often filled their space with music of some sort or another. These were not sound vibrations but simply a musical telepathic wave that permeated their areas.

The games leaned towards the intellectual side since we were not yet very concerned with force and motion. These included things that could be thought of as godlike equivalents of chess and cards and various strategy games. They also included the old valence game and various other games of one-upmanship where the opponents tried to psych each other out in various ways. Elaborate mockups were often built as prizes, or sometimes a period of service was wagered. There is not as much motion as you might expect because much of the motion was still non-linear (objects in motion might jump the way a knight only touches certain squares in chess without passing through the intermediate points).

The Games Universe goes on for a very long time. Some characters are so bad that you want them out of the game but you have no way of doing this. Everyone thinks this, but of course nobody agrees on who should be thrown out.

Finally a solution is proposed. A lower universe could be built and the undesirables sentenced to it. But a mechanism was needed to fix the convicts up so that they couldn't just pop back up and cause more trouble.

So the remnants of all of the penalty universes were strung together. Remembering the hate and urge to destroy that occurred during the fall of home universe, this is used at the end of each positive goal to attach a negative goal to it. I.E.. the positive (but degrading) penalty universe goals such as the goal to eat were paired with their opposites such as the goal to starve. The negative goal swings the victim around to the next positive goal and makes him go round and round through these penalty goals. This is called the treadmill. With the attachment of the negative goals it became a self perpetuating cycle that is supposed to set the bad guys up to do each other in forever. This is a very popular idea. It is probably the first time after the collapse of home universe that everybody agreed on something.

Needless to say, everyone builds this thing intending it for use on the bad guys rather than themselves, and of course everyone eventually gets tossed in. The treadmill leads the person down into what we came to call the Motion or Motions Universe.


In the Motions Universe, we have the beginning of real sensation as we know it now. These things were suggested in the penalty universes, but they didn't really have a kick until this period. It was probably due, initially, to the spinning sensation that you get from the treadmill (which is very slight the first time you go through it). It was not particularly unpleasant at first and it seemed very interesting, so the games in the Motions Universe tended more towards experiencing sensations and having lots of complex motions.

It was a bit like being in a gigantic three dimensional video arcade. Of course we are talking about a near infinite universe which lasted a long time, so of course you could find just about anything somewhere in it. But the predominant factor was big games of motion and sensation.

There was also more group activity than existed before. The individual was weaker and so he did better playing as part of a team, and group effort was generally needed to build the more elaborate mockups and game playing areas.

And as people became more attached to sensation, it became possible to control and confuse them by hitting them with waves of sensations. And so we have the individual much more at effect than he was previously.

This was the first large universe that was built specifically as a prison to eliminate undesirables. This was the beginning of a pattern that we have followed for the entire series of universes. Since there is no way to kill an immortal spirit, the best way to get rid of him is to exile him to some sort of lower universe built as a prison. Everybody works on building these things and then the game becomes one of tossing people into it and, if you have been tossed in, it becomes a game of escaping.

Usually the implanted conditioning used to force one into the prison universe and keep him there is not very effective at first. One of the key ingredients is making the person forget that there is a higher universe to escape to. Another is to make him forget that he is in prison and distract him with all sorts of interesting things within the prison universe itself. But the individual is pretty tough and shrugs this stuff off after awhile and pops back up to the higher universe.

But as he keeps escaping and getting thrown back in and throwing others in, the conditioning gradual begins to have a stronger effect on him. Also, as the centuries pass, gradually more and more people are in the prison universe at any given time and the game there evolves and becomes more complex and interesting.

And so we have the individual being tossed into the motions universe and playing there for awhile and developing some interest in motion and sensation. And then he remembers that he is in jail and goes back up to the games universe and reestablishes himself there. And then maybe he tosses some other people into the motions universe, either to punish them (because he has reformed and is now an upstanding citizen) or for vengeance (because they threw him in) or just as a joke. Sooner or later, he gets tossed in again himself and gets a bit more attached to motion and sensation and this time when he gets out, he feels something is lacking in the games universe. So he is more willing to go back to jail again and eventually might stay in the Motions Universe by choice.

There are always a few people who remain at the top, and who stay in power and remain out of jail. These are the winners of the game in the higher universe, so to speak. Gradually the Games Universe empties out and all but these last few wind up down in the Motions Universe. But without enough people, the Games Universe becomes uninteresting. Furthermore, it is difficult to keep a large and elaborate universe properly created and cleaned up without a lot of people. So the Games Universe begins to shrink and decay.

The last group sitting up in the Games Universe then sees that they have no choice but to descend down into the Motions Universe along with everybody else. But they have been avoiding going through the treadmill and getting hit with the various conditions used on the prisoners and they have knowledge of higher realities beyond what the convicts sitting down below are aware of. So they chose to invade in style.

This again is a commonly repeated patter. The last crew in the higher universe comes down into the prison bypassing the implanted conditioning and using the technology of a higher universe to conquer and gain power and establish themselves as rulers or gods over the inhabitants of the lower universe.

In this case, where the Motions Universe is invaded by the "gods" coming down from the Games Universe, the primary invader trick was a "False Jewel of Knowledge" which conditioned the inhabitants to be good and willing slaves by teaching them that they had been created to serve the gods. These false jewels were constructed based on an inmate knowledge of the treadmill (since the people in the Games Universe had the plans for it and the people in the Motions Universe had been kicked around by it and then made to forget) and the far better recollection of the original Jewel of Knowledge that was available in the Games Universe. A trip through a false jewel was promoted as a wonderful holy experience. The entire invasion was fought as a holy war and prisoners of war were given the "enlightenment" of the jewel to make them into fanatics who would join the cause. These false jewels were also given out as prizes in competitions and pushed down peoples throats in every other manner that could be imagined.

And the "gods" grabbed power, but they never did manage to thoroughly control the population. Everyone was still too free and powerful and tended to shrug off even the most powerful conditioning fairly quickly and go into revolt.

In the end, these "gods" were defeated and their kingdoms crumbled. But what was to be done with these horrible people and their most enthusiastic henchmen? The entire Motions Universe had been devastated with endless waves of fighting back and forth and the population was half crazy with strange religious ideas and rebellious counter reactions. True organized warfare had come into existence for the first time and the crime of its creation was deemed to be unpardonable.

Instead of simply settling down to rebuild, the population of the Motions Universe made the fatal choice which has led us ever downward. Instead of simply treating the losers roughly for awhile or even forgiving them, it was decided that the only thing to do was to build yet a lower prison universe to hold these evil characters. And so the Symbols Universe was built and they were tossed into it.

And in the fullness of time, it came to pass that others were exiled to the Symbols Universe as well. And so the cycle repeats itself as we take turns being good guys and bad guys and throwing each other lower and lower down.


The symbols universe was set up as a prison universe probably around 60 or 64 quadrillion years ago.

The transfer implant used to send people down to the Symbols Universe has them set up hidden pieces of themselves which give them all sorts of compulsions etc. This is mental machinery which the person builds and then hides from himself. This was based on penalty universe symbols etc. and gives him urges such as needing to eat and to feel sensation based on the degraded goals established by the penalty universes. For the first time, the individual has a sort of "subconscious" and does things (mainly to himself) that he is not aware of doing.

Since each convict had hidden pieces of himself, various mockups based on the penalty universes would stir up feelings of hidden things in motion etc. This expanded into a general concept of symbols where seeing any mockup might imply other things that are not immediately visible. And so we have a situation where symbols were given great significance and there was a continual struggle to communicate as a result.

This actually acts as a sort of reactive mind based on symbols. The person meets, lets say, a tiger and gets a stimulus response reaction even without the presence of mental image pictures. He gets the reaction because there is a piece of him sitting in a compulsion pool being the tiger of the penalty universe "To Eat". At this time, the individual did not have an Engram bank or a time track. He could not be affected by force (although his mockups could be affected) and knew it. But you could show him some object out of a penalty universe and make his hair stand on end.

As a result, the subsequent games, implants, etc. used here were primarily based on symbols. A common method of fighting was for opponents to send waves of symbols at each other (especially symbols of penalty universe terminals). At first these only had mild impacts. But everyone kept postulating so hard about wanting to create heavy effects on their opponents that they agreed too heavily with the power of symbols. So these symbols developed a real kick. This in turn let people commit stronger overts and become motivator hungry which made them even more affected by the impact of a symbol.

The individual was mostly worried about the effect of a symbol being pushed into his viewpoint since it could trigger compulsions. So he tended to put out substitute mockups in place of himself (he was not as concerned about these mockups being affected). Here you have the individual flinching from direct telepathic contact and using communication vias to protect himself.

The MEST (matter/energy/space/time) of the symbols universe primarily consisted of "Thought Planes". These are like photographs drifting in space. You could float over to one of these and look at it and then sort of turn sideways and step into the picture. The picture would then expand out in its own 3 dimensional space that was at an angle to the normal 3 dimensional space of the universe (2 co-ordinates were shared and the 3rd co-ordinate would be in a different direction, hence you get a 2 dimensional plane at the point of intersection).

Over the course of time, more and more beings were exiled to the symbols universe. Eventually entire populations were mass captured and dumped.

By around 46 Quadrillion years ago, the motion universe was getting empty and wilting away. The remaining "winners" wanted to establish themselves in the symbols universe while retaining high status. So they invaded. There might have been many invasions and the range of dates might be as much as from 48 quadrillion down to 42 quadrillion years ago.

The invaders came in with implants. They designed the implants based on their "higher" knowledge of earlier track and the anatomy of the sentencing implant mentioned above. The symbol universe people were not much affected by force (it only hurt mockups) but were very subject to counter thought and gradually came to be affected by counter emotion as well (symbol masses could pack a considerable emotional punch as well as a heavy confusion of thought).

A common invader implant was the Pyramid Trap. This is a big pyramid in empty space with an open doorway leading to something interesting in the center. The unwary being goes in (later is drawn in by beams or tricked in) and the door closes. The pyramid has 128 layers of walls, one for each penalty universe and each inversion. Each wall is covered with the symbols of that penalty universe. The innermost is create, next is destroy, etc. all the way out to Endure and its inversion. The victim can push through a few of these, but then he hits one that he can't confront and falls back to the center. In some variations, there is only a single wall for each dynamic covered with all of the symbols for every goal associated with the dynamic. This required fewer walls and therefore was easier to manufacture.

Once captured, the victim is left inside for a very long time to soften him up. Occasionally the walls would state that another trillion years had gone by to make him feel that it was even longer. Eventually he gets worried about missing out on things and becomes abberated about time. He starts getting desperate to get it over with and will put up with being implanted if only they will let him out.

So he gets trapped in the pyramid, sits there for a few thousand years while getting implant items that tell him that many trillions of years have gone by and then the invaders come and pull him out. Then he gets hung on a wall and simultaneously hit from both sides by a stream of symbols. The first stream is Create/Destroy using the terminals from the penalty universe and its inversion. These symbols alternate in each wave and opposing symbols collide in the center of the victim forming a ridge. The symbols have the "price" thought in them (things like, the price of enlightenment is to suffer, etc.). This is done 64 times, once for each penalty universe. After that he is allowed to compete in a game. The winner is always an invader. The being is then given to the invader as a prize.

There were also other sorts of traps based on symbols. Usually these are either the terminal of a penalty universe or a symbol of one of the valence masses (from the fall of home universe). The guy would be floating along and then he'd come to a big mockup of The Tiger or something like that floating in space and he'd feel drawn to it and slide in. Then a cage would appear around the tiger and he'd be stuck. The bars of the cage would be covered with symbols so that he couldn't pass through them. Then they'd come and haul him out and handle him as above.

Eventually there was a revolution and the invaders were thrown in their own traps. Also, more elaborate traps (big colorful energy structures etc.) were built, usually with pyramids hidden in the center or other sophisticated variations.

Finally a complex civilization of thought planes and symbol masses developed and went through the usual decline.

This seems to be the first time period when there was a real government. People were just abberated enough to need a formal organization to undertake large projects and see to the welfare of civilization. So a controlling council was set up, originally consisting of individuals who were most instrumental in combating the invaders. Once established, the council saw to it that everyone continually perceived the need for such an organization. They undertook the construction of large "Cities" consisting of interconnected thought planes and other mockups. They established a police force to protect these sophisticated mockups from the ravages of malicious individuals and perpetuated the invader machine building implants and traps. Here are the early upsets with governments and their police forces and bureaucracies.

The mockups of this civilization are a bit strange compared to our current experience. Bodies and scenery as we know it only existed in the thought planes. You might be drifting around disembodies and then feel the presence of another disembodied being who would then flash a symbol identifying himself (maybe a body mockup or even something like a Chinese pictogram). Let's say you were being asked to a council meeting. The request might be a series of symbols flashed at you. Then you'd float over to the Council's thought plane which would appear as a flat picture of the council chamber. Then you'd turn sideways into the picture and appear in the chamber. You'd need to "manifest in form" so you'd tap the definitions for a suitable mockup that was not in use and materialize as that body. Note that this would not be a complex body with internal organs etc. as we have them today. It would simply be the image of a body which you would shift around by postulate. Then maybe you'd walk around and talk with and argue with other councilors etc.

Of course if you had to appear in court the police would enforce the mockup you were supposed to appear in.

Note that this controlling council was in existence for most of the duration of the symbols universe. This is an immense period of time and the lifespan of councilors was very very short. The council was constantly being overthrown and replaced. It was a position allowing for great overts and the motivators tended to come in very fast. There were also periods of round robin rotation of council positions or competitions for the post etc. So I think that most people will probably find some point where they served on this council. Usually it was a very abberrating experience where the being played endless games of treachery and betrayal, especially against other council members. Of course the universe was vast and there were occasional rival governments, but generally they didn't last long or control large areas. The controlling council was very jealous of its privileged position and stamped out competition as fast as it could.

The only exception was that people were in good enough shape to wander off on their own and just pick an empty place and start building their own thought planes. So the bulk of the universe was really in a big state of anarchy with the controlling council holding the organized area in the center. Sometimes they would try to take over some of this anarchistic area, but they wouldn't have much success. But let a crowd of the anarchists try to form up into an organized group and the council would move right in and make them join up.

This was the first great machine building period. They would take individuals and condition them so heavily that they became robots and would follow a canned set of instructions without thinking about them. Even after the invaders were overthrown (and made into machines), people were trapping each other and programming them up. Nobody stayed as a machine throughout the entire span of this universe, but everyone had it done to them at least a few times. One of the common uses for the machines was to keep favorite through planes mocked up and dusted off. Whenever someone uses a through plane, their postulates tend to alter-is it, so the "machine" would reset the mockup back to its pure state when they were done.

A final invader wave came down from the motions universe against a civilization that was armed (with sophisticated traps) and ready. To really fix these guys, the Controlling Council (which tried to run things in this mostly anarchistic era) had a prison universe constructed. Soon there were many more convicts being exiled and the cycle was starting to repeat itself.

But this time, after a few quadrillion years the prisoners researched the implants, erased them, and came out and took over. Of course they needed to build a new prison universe for the former controlling council members and various other peoples that displeased them.

This sort of thing was repeated a number of times. Each time, the sentencing implant became more complex.

To some degree, the prison universes became an interesting game, like Houdini doing his famous escapees. If the beings didn't dig themselves out after a few quadrillion years, generally someone would be sent down to start them on the road.

Because these prison universes were intended as temporary, the Symbols Universe kept going at full strength for a long time.

On the whole, it was actually a very interesting universe. The thought planes often had a tremendous aesthetic. The use of symbols and substitution made for very fine art and in a thought plane, you live the art rather than simply looking at it. These thought planes were actually very much like limited versions of the individual universes of the home universe matrix. You'd enter them to see and experience things or meet with people or play games or be told a story.

You could also have thought planes which contained subordinate though planes. A high level though plane might be an art gallery where you could walk around and look at the paintings. But the paintings would be lesser thought planes and you could step into the ones you liked (similar to Disney's cartoon rendition of Mussorsky's Pictures at an Exhibition). If you are one of the people with a horror of art galleries, just remember that implant designers just love to take something nice and use it as the twisted hook that sticks you to an implant. Eventually there was an art gallery implant used in the symbols universe where you were forced to go around in a gallery and experience horrible thought planes. But this is minor compared to some of the other things that went on.

One mockup, usually used by the police, consisted of walls which could attract or repel you. Their action is based on the symbols inscribed on the walls. The repulsive walls had symbols you'd pull away from (as in the pyramid traps). The attractive walls would have desirable symbols from the various penalty universes. Things like symbols of wealth and power and sex. Sometimes the symbols on a wall would change from one kind to the other or there'd be complex sandwidges of walls of various types. They'd try to bang you around with various walls and get you into high motion. The being was already slightly subject to motion sickness if he was made to jump around too much in too little time. This comes from the earlier Motion Universe (which starts with the Treadmill which lays in a spinning sensation).

The police also used Black Thought Planes. In this case, the picture is concealed and you have no idea what you're being thrust into. So there's the flinch at black pictures. Often they would bang you around with walls until you were dizzy and then push you into a black plane where you'd get an implant.

One common implant used this way is The Sources Implant. This played on the fact that the people were already upset about hidden sources of things because of the compulsion pools. The implant pretends to tell you what the real source of various things is. Of course the items are intended to trick you. They are things like "The only source of energy is Machinery".

Another thing present in the late era of the symbols universe is a sort of earlier similar on Arslycus (discussed later) where endless slaves were made to serve in a city of endless thought planes that was much too large and where the tasks were much too boring. The city was known as "Alpha Prime" (really just an intention that means "The First City"). The incident may include a body builder type sequence. You might be assigned to clean up a thought plane and have to do that over and over endlessly. This thing was probably one of the controlling council's big projects. It seems to end with a collapse in a manner similar to Arslycus (these collapses are all based on similar collapses which occur in the text of the penalty universes for the goals To Build and To Orient).

The symbols universe also made heavy use of somatic pools. These were mostly used to supply the sensations etc. that were experienced in the thought planes. Instead of simply telling someone to feel and emotion, pain, or sensation, large numbers of people were ordered to place a feeling of this kind into a sort of "pool". Then when the sensation or whatever was needed, an individual could be "connected" to the pool to get the feeling from it, which made for a much stronger experience than simply having him imagine that he felt a certain way.

The universe went on (in an active manner) for an incredibly long time period. This is probably because everyone was Clear in the sense of not having a Dianetic engram bank. You might think this to be a strange statement in light of the fact that we were loaded with problems, guilt, upsets, pains, sensations, emotions, and every other ill. And we were subject to hidden influences and continually fighting against a suppressive government, and occasionally being made into machines etc. Yet we just kept getting up and dusting ourselves off and carrying on. Because all these abberative things did not have a cumulative and compound effect. The Dianetic A=A mechanism was not present and therefore things would not go into chronic restimulation. You could just go off somewhere for awhile and cool down. So things only slid downscale very very slowly.

Our entire sequence of universe since we left the symbols universe (i.e.., the thought universe, the conflicts universe, the magic universe, and the current universe) have a combined duration of only around 4.3 quadrillion years. This is nothing compared to the duration of the symbols universe. So it seems like we've just gone down into one of these interesting little prison universe sequences again. But this time, the implant was much more sophisticated. And the subsequent war between the thought and conflicts universes (the theta mest wars) was very interesting. And it seems like the last of the beings in the symbols universe got so interested in the wars that they came down as "gods" to join in. So there might not be anyone left up there to dig us out. And I don't think that any of the other prison sequences went deeper than two universes below the symbols universe. Now we're 4 universes deep and the next one is already in operation below us (the Mud Universe). So I think we're playing for keeps.

The symbols universe contained much much more than the things listed here. I've really barely scratched the surface. Certainly there are numerous other implants and abberative factors. But also, there was a great deal of good and wonderful things. In this write-up, we're concentrating on what was wrong. But there was tremendous rightness as well. The universe was generally very exciting and enjoyable. At least 90% of your time in the symbols universe was better than anything you've ever experienced here on Earth. You can spot some pleasure moments of sliding into some incredible picture and having the most wonderful time. Or even the satisfaction of creating a thought plane that others enjoyed and marveled at.


The final prison universe built below the Symbols Universe was called, by its inhabitants, the Thought or Theta Universe (depending on how you want to translate it). They considered themselves to be Thought People in contrast to the Body People of the next lower prison universe (which they built). But they were not thought people in the true sense. What they really were was energy beings. So maybe we should call this the "Energy Universe".

The transfer incident down to this universe sends you down a sort of 4 dimensional spiral staircase. It basically lays in the idea that you are an energy unit and can be effected by energy and it gets you to build what Dianetics and Scientology refer to as the reactive mind. From here on you can be effected by force and you tend to accumulate incidents of pain and unconsciousness which further abberate your behavior. As you go down the staircase, things seem to shrink strangely in the distance while remaining near by. This is because you are curving off in a 4th dimensional direction. With each step, the staircase disappears in blackness and you get an implant item. Then it reappears and you're taking another step downward. The implant includes the materials run on the clearing course.

The body here is a circle or globe of energy and it can be trapped and hurt by energy. And unfortunately, we were stupid enough to think that we were these energy bodies and therefore could be kicked around and conditioned by the use of force. This is the era of the Thetan as an energy unit and it is pretty high and powerful compared to people living as bodies, but it is far lower than the Thetan living as a "god".

And here we have the endless aberrations of energy and the abuse and misuse of force. But we also have what is still a very thought oriented society with a tremendous level of creation and aesthetics.

This universe starts around 4.5 Quadrillion years ago. The goal for this universe seems to be to create effects on others especially through the use of emotion. There was some sort of whole track word for this which I will translate as "To Emotionate".

People could kick into each other so heavily that the next lower prison universe was built fairly quickly, maybe around 2.8 Quadrillion years ago. At this point, beings were still coming down from the symbols universe.

Throughout our history, we had been projecting mockups of bodies but had never been really restricted by them. But now we actually believed ourselves to be energy bodies and the next logical step was to condition the convicts being sent down to the next universe into thinking that they were physical bodies made of matter.

And so we built what we then thought of as the "MEST" or "Physical" Universe as a prison where everybody would be in a body and subject to physical laws. But since it was not the current universe, and since we also think of this one as a MEST or Physical universe, it will avoid confusion if I give this some other name. Based on the subsequent events, I will refer to it as the "Conflicts Universe".

And the implant which took us down from the Thought Universe to the Conflicts Universe laid in a terrible compulsion for using bodies, but it was otherwise defective and the prisoners broke out and counter invaded the thought universe from the conflicts universe resulting in the Theta-MEST Wars.


In the conflicts universe, the body type is a body as we know it, although there were no internal guts or biochemical processes. Externally it might look human (or whatever) whereas internally it was more like a homogenous mass with a few gizmos (electrical coils or whatever) inside of it. And imposed into it would be an energy pattern of golden globes etc. used by the person (who thought of himself as an energy being) to control the body.

Because of the defective nature of the implant, the prisoners escaped and counter invaded the Thought universe. This is the Theta-MEST wars with body people invading against the thought people. Most of the theta line incidents described in Hubbard's History of Man are from this time period.

The war went on endlessly (only the big super long wars are worth mentioning in this history since they are the only ones that had any significant effect on everybody) with people switching sides occasionally so that everyone has the experience of being the thought people fighting back against the invading body people and vise versa.

The only people who were not involved initially were those last few who were still up in the Symbols Universe. But the war got very interesting and went on and on and gradually these Symbols Universe people became avid spectators. Around 2.48 Quadrillion years ago, the final crew came down as Gods from the symbols universe and joined the war. Everyone was tossed through the universe shifting implant many times and eventually we all wound up in the Conflicts universe as body people.

Near the end of the wars, the crossing back and forth between the 2 universes became very great and more and more transfer points and common anchor points were established until the 2 universes sort of collapsed together. This formed a sort of layered universe with a material plane and a thought plane (where you went between lives). One was quite aware of living physical lives and being an energy being between lives (in an energy body which kept re- incarnating in the physical).


After the collapse, there is a long time period of living in the resulting "MEST" universe. The goal of this universe was to gain bodily experience and sensation. The environment is mostly flat worlds in space (continents in the sky). The wars had been so extreme that we feared to build a lower prison universe for fear of starting the whole mess over again.

Again there is a long and interesting creative period building societies and civilizations. But as always, there was an undue amount of conflict and people wouldn't leave each other alone. Some people just wanted make slaves of their fellow man. Others were trying to make everybody good. But in either case, the effort was to make people obey and walk in straight lines and the counter effort was to have revolutions etc. And anyone who tried to step aside from this and "cure" the insanity was stupid enough (thanks to the misleading information in the jewel of knowledge) to try to do it by implanting even more conditioning, which only made matters worse.

Since bodies were of tremendous importance, but the person carried on in an energy form even after the body died, it was possible to push someone into a body, kill it off, and then pull him out, push him into another body, and then kill that one too. So the predominant form of conditioning used here consisted of repetitive deaths and heavy pains and sensations. Here the person can be mauled around by force and it is used either to make slaves or to force people to be good depending on which team you were playing on. Here you might suffer endless car crashes or be thrown out of the door of an aircraft and go splat on the ground over and over again while they try to lay in various stupid orders and conditioning.

Near the end, a group formed that was going to take care of everybody once and for all. It would bring about peace by holding everybody under its sway and it would solve the social problems by having a rigid social structure. This was the "Magic Kingdom of Gilead" (approximate translation). It had the innocuous appearance of a castle beside a lake on one of the continents drifting around in the sky. But they had salvaged some of the higher dimensional technology from earlier universes and internally this castle went on infinitely with the 3 dimensional corridors curving off slightly at 4 dimensional angles so that the castle was quite capable of housing the entire population of the universe.

Giliead was set up as a "pyramid" society where new recruits came in as servants and everyone else bumped up a level in the social hierarchy when enough people came in to fill the lower strata. In other words, social status and privileges were based on how early you joined the society and when it began to look like they were going to take over all of civilization, there was a tremendous influx of recruits who were quite willing to work temporarily as servants with the expectation that they would be overseers later as the rest of the population joined. But of course this tapered off when the remaining people saw that they would be forever stuck in the lower positions. And so the Knights of Giliead (armed with energy weapons and riding flying horses) set out to conquer the remaining peoples of the universe.

This pattern of a stratified pyramidal society trying to take over the universe and make slaves out of the majority of people has been followed frequently. Our modern day Hitlers are but the tiniest shadow of these super organized societies that live by continual expansion and enslavement. But they inevitably collapse when their expansion is blocked either by running out of new people or by a determined military resistance. The three really big ones were Alpha Prime in the Symbols Universe, Giliead as discussed here, and Arslycus in the current universe. All of them had populations in the trillions and their collapse always has a bit of the feeling of the collapse of home universe even though none of them were really nice places for anyone who wasn't at the top of the heap.

Eventually, around 200 trillion years ago, we did build a lower prison universe. This was probably done to provide a fitting place to dump the rulers of Giliead after its collapse.

But we still had a great deal of worry about a prison breakout triggering something like the Theta-MEST wars again. So this time, the prison was intentionally made a fairly nice place so the prisoners would stay there. The transfer implant used a volcano on a flat earth copy of the original earth. A path lined with statues of the penalty universe terminals (the tiger, the bear, etc.) lead up to the peak where one was tossed in and went on down to the prison universe.

People were weary of the constant conflicts, so around 181 trillion years ago, there began a wave of mass suicides where everyone threw themselves into the volcano to "die" as beings and be reborn in the next lower universe.

Eventually this next prison universe came to be known as the Magic Universe.


Entry to the magic universe has an incident which shows you a wizard who floats out over the water from an Arabian style ship while holding a glowing ball between his hands.

The bodies again look like meat bodies but internally they have a structure based on the Chakras described in Eastern Metaphysics. Many of the early medical dub-ins such as the blood running in tides (instead of circulating) and "humors" etc. might also be part of the physical anatomy of the magic universe bodies.

Many of the wrong ideas that people believe instinctively (whether superstition or incorrect science) were actually true in the magic universe. People are just behind the times so to speak.

Based on the inspiration of the eventual 2 layered structure of the thought + conflicts universe, the magic universe was constructed with a physical layer plus a heavenly layer and a demonic layer. Dead people went around in a visible spirit body which was the older body mockup of the conflicts universe.

The goal of this universe was "To Enjoy" and it was primarily a hedonistic pleasure seeking place. It was quite heavily oriented to sex etc. Fantasy stories and fairy tales and most current metaphysical and witchcraft ideas are based on vague recollections of the magic universe.

But, as always, you have some people trying to lord it over others and you have another group trying their best to condition people to make them good.

Here the definition of the game called for many gods and goddesses, demons and devils. And many came down willingly from the conflicts universe armed with higher level knowledge to establish themselves in these positions.

And the games and wars and whathaveyou went on for the usual long period of time until a need for yet a lower prison universe was agreed upon by all. And so the current physical universe was built.

After being sentenced in court, the prisoner usually goes down a spiral path lined with statues of the penalty universe terminals and ends up at a sort of Greek style pool at the center where he is pushed under and finds himself shifted to this universe.


Our universe was built as a prison 86 trillion years ago. The sentencing process includes passing through a sort of implant universe which tells him that this is the universe of physical force and then lays in the goals that he is supposed to live by in this universe (things such as being successful, popular, intelligent, strong, etc.) but putting them in with a twist so that he will forever get in trouble trying to do them. Of course the implant is at the beginning of time (and says so) but it is only the beginning of time for this stupid little universe and not for our eons long existence.

At first, people would escape and be in the magic universe for awhile and then get sent here again (receiving the implant again). The magic universe remained in existence (and is still there although it is very contracted and almost deserted).

In recent times, the remaining kings and wizards, seeing that most of the action and people were down here, relocated themselves by forming up invader forces and trying to take over this universe.

There are some parts of this universe where we have attempted to recreate magic universe operation and which to some degree imitate the magic universe. One difference is that space in this universe is dark whereas in the magic universe, the space is light (radiant).

Most science fiction contains vague recollections of the history of this universe.

The goal of this universe is "To Survive". The normal emotional tone level (as described by L. Ron Hubbard) is in the 0 to 4 band. There may be a many layered structure of "astral" planes in addition to the physical level in places where someone has taken the trouble to build these using higher dimensional technology carried down from the higher universes.

Again there was a big society which tried to make slaves out of everybody. This was Arslycus. It was a great city in space and was researched to some degree by L. Ron Hubbard in 1952. If you will think about building in three dimensions instead of 2 (on the surface of the Earth), it should be obvious that a space city occupying a spherical volume equal to the size of the solar system would have more "land" area that all the planets of the galaxy combined. And gradually they captured all of the populations of the outlying spiral arms of this galaxy. Their main activity was implanting people to be slaves.

An equally viscous group of religious fanatics, known as Helatrobus, was entrenched in the center of the galaxy busily implanting people to be good. Gradually the Galactic Empire (millions of planets in the center of the galaxy) came under their sway, began using implants to solve social unrest, and ceased to be a nice place.

These two groups came to blows and fought a war that just about wrecked the galaxy a few hundred million years ago. It pretty much resulted in their mutual destruction. You might say that Arslycus won because they collapsed the center of the galaxy into a black hole which formed the next lower prison universe (the mud universe) where the remnants of Helatrobus now rule. But it was a Phyrric victory since Arslycus was also shattered. This ended around 167 million years ago.

Of course there have also been plenty of subsequent little empires that have claimed to be the continuation of Hellotrobus (like having Constantinople and the Holy Roman Empire around long after Rome fell to the barbarians).

Since then, there have only been petty little empires and the usual operations of civilized man. And if you object to calling these later glorious empires "little", please realize that an empire with a thousand planets would hardly be bigger than a dust mote on a picture of our galaxy with its billions of stars.

The galaxy has, to some degree, remained in a dark age ever since, with petty kingdoms fighting wars and buisily implanting their citizens.

Eventually the invader waves started coming in from the magic universe to add a little spice to the action. These invader forces would generally be formed up by a few kings and wizards grabbing entire planetary populations and dragging them back up to the magic universe briefly for advanced training and implanting followed by returning here in a wave of conquest.

The body types in this universe are generally humanoid ( 2 arms, 2 legs, etc.) but not necessarily human. This is in keeping with the penalty universe designs that we have tended to fixate on more and more. The more exotic types of bodies sometimes envisioned by the science fiction writers actually hearken to earlier universes where we had a bit more free thought and our mockups were more diverse.

Things are not really as simple here as they seem. To make things this solid and immune to thought, everything is setup on a very indirect basis. We carry all of our earlier universe experience along as baggage and we hide a good bit of it from ourselves and keep it out of sight.

The real structure of our bodies actually carries our entire "evolution" (or "devolution") with it. The bodies consist of a physical body generated by an astral body (a hidden immaterial version of the old magic universe style body) which is generated by a spirit body (the old conflicts universe body) which is projected by an energy body (thought universe) which is projected by a symbol body (symbols universe) which is in turn projected by a mask (motion universe) which is projected by a basic object (games universe) which is mocked up from one's operating space. I.E.., the people operate through many layers of vias to keep themselves and their stuff from being hit. The higher level forms are very carefully hidden and the being wouldn't even let himself know for fear that someone will read his mind and zap them. The person dies in a physical body and then stupidly runs around in an "astral" body where he can still be hit (and is still carrying around tons of baggage) until he can hook up to a new physical body.

If the person were smart, he would step outside of the whole mess and be like a god again. Occasionally, some people do. Unfortunately, they then proceed to get into even more conflicts and trouble and wind up right back in the soup again. They perpetuate their early aberrations instead of facing up to them. Even the gods fall prey to the early stupid and self-destructive ideas such as jealousy and vengeance. Everyone swallowed the jewel of knowledge hook, line, and sinker and believes it to this day.


The next lower prison universe has already been built. The entry point is through a black hole at the center of our galaxy. They are already tossing people into it, but its just started so most people come back up and out pretty quick. Most people on Earth, being of the troublesome type that gets sent to prison planets etc. have probably been down there once or twice already.

It seems like Hellotrobus structured the mud universe as their last act in this galaxy. The remnants of the old Hellotrobian hierarchy may be in power there now.

In the Mud Universe, space is very solid, feeling like molasses. The goal of this universe is To Persist. Note that survival implies continuing to struggle to live whereas persist implies simply hanging on as a rock or whatever. The normal tone band (i.e.. the thetan plus body range) is -8 up to 0. It is an unpleasant place.


We are not in the Mud Universe at this time (although many of you may have visited there briefly). But we do seem to be in some sort of a local prison within the physical (space opera) universe.

Although this planet may have had some good times, it is a copy of the original Earth and therefore tends to be selected for whatever nefarious deeds are required by the local space empires. Its recent use as a prison planet is probably the result of a war, with the soldiers of a captured army being dumped here. It might also have its compliment of political prisoners, revolutionaries, and real criminals. It has previously been used for mass implanting on the same basis of being a copy of the original Earth.

The prison machinery has to be elaborate enough to keep the prisoners from simply reincarnating back in normal society and starting to raise hell.

Advanced technology allows the manipulation of multiple three dimensional spaces in a four dimensional framework. The entire solar system (out to about 1.3 light-years) is handled in this way (there is a set of 12 stations, sort of like the zodiac, surrounding the solar system at that distance).

The entire structure (this solar system) has been copied sideways in a 4th dimensional direction to form a "heavenly plane" on one side of us and a "hell plane" on the other. These are not very thick in a 4D sense and therefore are a bit ethereal giving them a bit of an "astral" (spirit-like) quality. They are like positive and negative plates between which our reality is suspended. Earth as we know it is very thick (thousands of layers) along the 4D axis with a dead spot in the center that acts like a mirror. What we normally see is in this mirror which is reflecting the thousands of "real" copies to either side. One of the reasons you can't grab the things you see with your thoughts is that there really is nothing where you are looking. You have to reach in funny directions to grab an object with your mind and move it around.

Don't get all religious about the heaven and hell planes at the far edges of the prison. This is like painting the top floor of one of our penitentiaries and fixing it up to look like heaven according to legends remaining from the magic universe. Similarly, we could fix up the basement to look like hell. Then we give the guards costumes as angels or devils. The best prisoners are given an occasional day in heaven and the real troublemakers are occasionally thrown into hell. But its all part of the prison machinery and the supposed angels and devils are all really guards who work together to keep the convicts confused and under control. The guards might play good/evil type games to keep themselves amused, but they are basically guards and they never really loose sight of that fact.

With the prisoners so horribly conditioned and brainwiped between lives, there is not much danger of a prison revolt. But there is also the possibility that the prison might collapse. If anything were to destroy the Earth, they would suddenly have far too many people on their hands and at least some would escape out into the galaxy at large. So they must protect the world from destruction. And yet they must leave us with advanced scientific knowledge to support the ever growing numbers of prisoners. They encouraged a scientific revolution so that the population could expand and now they have the constant difficulty of our blowing ourselves up and destroying the world in various ways.

But there is a technical solution to this given the ability to manipulate 3 dimensional spaces in 4 dimensions. You can store copies of the 3D space sideways along the 4th axis. Imagine that we are living on a flat sheet of paper. The paper changes constantly, but occasionally someone makes a xerox copy of the page. If the paper ever catches fire and burns up, they pull the last xerox out of the file and everything goes on from there. You will see the same thing if you play a computer video game that you can save and restore. If the game goes very badly, you can always go back to a previous copy. If you try this, you will also notice that after restoring an earlier copy of the game, you have some knowledge of the "future" even though things will go slightly differently. This is the real explanation of "deja vu" (remembering the future when it happens again).

One recent example was in 1963 when president Richard M. Nixon launched a nuclear war that destroyed the planet. As we all began dying in droves, the prison machinery was used to restore a copy of the Earth taken in 1957. We were all conditioned to go back to what we were doing in 1957 and life picks up with a second pass through 1957 to 1963. Of course they intervene slightly and Kennedy is elected by the barest margin. Since he begins introducing major changes and because everyone unconsciously expects something bad to happen in 1963 anyway, he is assassinated and things begin to settle back down to their normal course. Nixon even gets to be president later with less ill effects.

These "backup" copies of the earth appear to be taken every 5 years in February of the years ending in either a 2 or a 7 (i.e.. 1952, 1957, 1962, etc.).

When they restore and earlier version, they don't like to back up too far because they have the problem of the growing population (as more prisoners are added). Pushing earth time back too far gives them a host of newer prisoners who have noplace to go. Small numbers can be handled by using animal bodies for a brief time, but large numbers require setting up "holding tanks" on yet another copy of the earth further sideways along the 4D axis. This gives us a bunch of weird "preternatural" earths that some people will have experienced just before birth (and right after the previous time they died in this lifetime).

As you can see, this makes a terrible jumble of one's history. Nobody in their right mind, catching a halfway glimpse of the truth, would believe it, because things are not in the simple logical order that you would expect. You wonder why his recollection of Christmas 1957 doesn't match the facts? Maybe he's recalling a different time that he lived through 1957. Does he remember a funny incident when there seemed to be old steam boilered fire engines on the streets of modern New York, well that's a much earlier pass through the 1950s and things were slightly different. We have been reliving the 20th century for quite a long time.

A person's actual experience might include quite a few reincarnations on earth. But he might have lived through the last one or two incarnations a large number of times and he might even have another incarnation "up in the future" that he's been through a couple times as well. And in between, there might be visits to heavens, hells, pre-birth worlds, and even a few stints where he was forced to work in the between lives administrative area to keep this whole complex show on the road. Now mix in tons of heavy conditioning to keep him confused as all hell, and you have a true picture of today's human being here on Earth.

This paints a pretty depressing picture. But its no more than frantic hand waving meant to keep a god so confused and distracted that he wouldn't remember who he is or what he can do.


Here is a brief list of the universes:

a. Separation from static

b. Jewel of Knowledge

1. Creation period

2. The Mis-aligned spaces

3. The Agreements Universe

4. Home Universe

5. Games Universe

6. Motion Universe

7. Symbols Universe

8. Thought Universe

9. Conflicts Universe

10. Magic Universe

11. Current Universe

12. Mud Universe.

It is quite possible that I have gotten some of the details wrong. For example, it wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that Giliead was in the Magic Universe instead of the Conflicts Universe. And I have intentionally avoided mentioning things which are still highly speculative. So do not take this literal mindedly or assume that it is complete. It is the barest sketch of a framework and further research is needed.

Some of you may think that I have an overly active imagination. In that case I invite you to enjoy the above as an entertaining piece of fiction. I do hope that you will begin to research your past existance and attempt to determine who and what we are. I do not insist that you find the same answers that I did.

Take this roadmap and use it as a suggestion for things to look at. Don't simply swallow it as a matter of faith. Wrong ideas are not harmful unless you blindly insist that they are correct, otherwise you would simply have a good laugh.

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.


Of the many research lines that were abandoned within Scientology, this one is probably the best known among highly trained auditors.

For those of you who are not already trained in the subject, it might be better to read document #4 first since that will present more basic material on auditing.

This document only discusses one of many abberative factors. It is presented first because it is the easiest one for trained auditors to understand (because there is already so much earlier material on GPMs that was researched by Ron) and because I hope to show them that the research is indeed incomplete (the materials here certainly should have been found in the 1960s) and that the research can indeed be continued by somebody other than LRH.


It began in 1959 when Ron started an investigation into people's goals which lead to the observation that many of a person's problems, overts, and upsets were connected with the goals that he was trying to achieve. The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) was originally established to investigate and train auditors in the handling of goals. The lower grade processing was actually a spin-off of this research, being intended to deal with factors that were in the way of Goals processing.

The real source of trouble was soon worked out to be more than just a goal (you can have simple goals without problems). It was a mental mass formed by a goal and its opposition with the two sides jammed up against each other into a sort of super problem. Thereafter, these things were referred to as GPMs (Goals Problem Masses) to avoid confusing them with ordinary day to day goals which were not seen as a source of aberration (unless they locked up ontop of one of these GPMs).

A great deal of research was done into the anatomy of these things. The goal was found to have a terminal, which is the beingness that is used to do the goal. For example, the goal "To Keep Things Clean" might have "A House Cleaner" as the terminal. It was also found that there would be an opposition terminal or OPTERM. In this example it might be "A Slob". This research is recorded in the SHSBC taped lectures.

Soon they were putting together patterns of terminals and Opterms which showed how the person lived the goal. He would be one terminal and get opposed and fail and then try to be another terminal and fail again etc. until the goal was all bent out of shape and collapsed of its own weight, at which point the person would undertake a new GPM goal to try and solve the trouble he had gotten into with the first one.

These terminals and Opterms were referred to as "Reliable Items" or RIs because they reacted reliably over and over again on an E-meter and perhaps also because the person relied on these things. The pattern of these RIs as they opposed from one to the next was plotted as a pattern with arrows going from item to item and this eventually came to be called a "Line Plot".

In 1963 it was found that sometimes different people came up with the same pattern of Goals and RIs and that these particular patterns could also be found to react on other people. From this it was concluded that the patterns had been implanted hypnotically using electronics. These were thereafter referred to as "Implant GPMs".

This research line eventually lead to uncovering a large number of implanted patterns which included the ones that are currently used on the OT levels (and quite a few others, some of which can be found in the tech volumes).

Concurrently with researching the implanted GPMs, there was an attempt to find the person's own actual GPMs. These referred to his own abberated goals rather than ones which had been implanted. The implants were seen as gaining their force from the real ones. If you kick the person in the teeth electronically with a long list of goals, some of them will line up with his real goals and cause the implant to stick. The implanted GPMs were seen to be of only minor importance and low abberative power in comparison with the actual GPMs which were postulated by the person himself.

But the long and arduous research into actual GPMs simply lead to finding an even deeper implant, which is the one given in the clearing course. At that point, Ron apparently decided that it was all implants and abandoned the research line. Perhaps he meant to get back to it eventually, but if he did, it certainly hasn't been published.

I have been interested in this theory of Actual GPMs for decades, but it seemed always out of reach. Not only do the electronic implants interfere, but NOTS also makes wrong things react. Before I could get near these things, I had to go much further, handling things such as the early penalty universes which I will discuss in another write-up. Only after all this was I able to spot the real goal which I was actually operating on. The goal was "To Be Intelligent" and it was not only what I was doing, it was what I WANTED TO DO. And since then, I have learned a great deal about the Actual GPMs and that is what I will pass on to you here.


Working in the dark, it is difficult to find these things and take them apart. But once I got far enough to see how it all fit together, everything became easy. So you can't just go after this stuff with some rote procedure. You need to gain some understanding first. The good news is that once you know the pattern of these things, the goal becomes fairly easy to spot.

The full structure is not obvious in the current GPM because it is incomplete, you are still living it. So I had to get through the completed GPM that was just prior to the current one before I could really see how it all worked.

For me, the preceding GPM was the goal "To Be Holy" and the current GPM ("To Be Intelligent") was in opposition to it. Just think of an intellectual opposing holy men, or a scientist opposing priests and you will see what I mean.

Notice that both of these are "good" goals. You would never have a bad goal as an Actual GPM. The goal "To Be Evil" would never be used as an actual GPM, it exists only in implants.

But there is a brief tail end to the goal "To Be Holy" where I was trying to get away from the goal and my goal at that point could be stated as "To NOT be Holy". An in this section of an actual GPM, you might think that you have an evil goal, but that is incorrect. At that time in my existence (many lifetimes ago), I committed many evil acts, but got no satisfaction from them. It was not like they were contributing to a goal that I had and it did not feel like I was achieving anything.

A negative does not work as a goal. You can't live life with your whole purpose being "to be not holy". You get desperate. You search around wildly for a way out of this thing. And finally you realize that there was one thing that had been successfully opposing you and that was the intellectuals. And so you choose the goal "To Be Intelligent" because it solves the opposition of holy people. And so you begin a new GPM.

There is also another reason why you slide into the next GPM (and why the previous one becomes so decayed and degraded) and that is that you finally resort to committing horrible overts against the next GPM because it is successful in opposing you. In other words, as you live the goal to be holy, you keep running into intellectuals who give you a hard time and ridicule your faith etc. and finally you begin to do them in. And you loose all judgment in this and reach the point where you'll shoot any intellectual, even if they are on your side. And because of that, you do in friends and allies just because they were witty one day and seemed too smart. And these crimes have no real justification. And this is the basic source of that wild E-meter reaction known as the rock slam. And after you commit too many heavy overts against something, you have a tendency to flip over and become it.

Until I found this, I had a distaste for priests and holy men. It was due to my own horror at what I had become at the end of that GPM. Once this was cleaned up, I found that I had abandoned all of my ability to heal and to care for people along with that goal to be holy. It was only the end of the GPM that was horrible. These things go on for many lifetimes and the earlier ones back when I first started the goal were truly wonderful.

Perhaps the biggest gain I got out of finding this was the ability to hold the concepts of holiness and intelligence together without instinctively feeling that there was an inherent conflict between them. Of course you might be running on a different goal and wonder why I would even have a problem holding these ideas together, but rest assured that you will have something like this (maybe the conflict between freedom and responsibility for example) in your way.

From seeing what happened with the goal "To Be Holy", I can also predict how the current goal "To Be Intelligent" would have ended up if I hadn't found this out. I can already see that strong people (I would have said "dumb strong people" in the old days) are the ones that successfully harass and oppose intellectuals. Given a few more lifetimes on this goal and I would have reached the point of shooting all the strong tough guys, probably beginning in a reasonable manner with executing gang members but eventually even getting around to doing in the strong men in the circus. And when everything finally failed, I would try to not be intelligent and finally I would see that the only way to do that was to become strong and would launch myself into a new GPM with the goal "To Be Strong".


It should be obvious that the basic identity or terminal for the goal "To Be Intelligent" is "An Intelligent Person". And that the basic Opterm would be "A Stupid Person". But the opposition really fans out to point back at the previous GPM ("Stupid Priests") and forward towards the next one ("Stupid Strong Men"). And the basic identity is really too general for living life. Although these basic ones underlie the entire line plot (pattern of identities), you will have more specific items that you have used to try and accomplish the goal.

For the terminals, you will use things (in this example) like "a free thinker" or "a sharp operator". Opterms will be things like "stubborn fools" or "dumb bigots". Near the beginning of the goal, the Opterm is frequently but not always related to the previous GPM (opterms like narrow minded evangelists). Near the end, it is often related to the next GPM that is coming (opterms like dumb bullies). In the middle (the bulk of the items), the Opposition just sort of hunts around (opterms like stupid bureaucrats) with only the common characteristic of some sort of relation to stupidity (in this example) always being present.

Early on, there are many things that you consider are on your side, such as teachers (in this example). So you use these kinds of things as terminals (being "a brilliant teacher" for example). But these gradually fail. So you abandon them and they become part of the opposition. I had already reached the point where "Dumb Teachers" was an opterm for me in living this goal to be intelligent. You should be able to see from this that eventually it would have reached the point where anything that I might use to live this goal would have been abandoned and turned into an opponent. This is how the goal decays.

I can look back at the goal to be holy and see a complete decay. It eventually reached the point were I had evil priests and hypocritical evangelists as opterms and there was no identity left with which the goal could successfully be lived.

Here on Earth, one of these items will usually last for an entire lifetime and the shock of dying and hitting the between lives area is what causes you to give up on it and postulate a new beingness with which to accomplish the goal. This is one of the reasons you forget your past lives and putting together a lineplot of the current actual GPM will give you some recollection of who you have been before.

There are a few exceptions to this. You don't usually abandon an item if either the lifetime is very very short (dying in childhood) or the lifetime went so extremely well that you felt that you were winning and hung on to the same item. There is also the possibility that if things were really horrible, you might change items more than once in a lifetime, perhaps experiencing amnesia or a massive personality shift as a result.

Before Earth, you will find that you generally gave an item a much more thorough workout and held it for many lifetimes before you abandoned it. The GPMs used to decay much more slowly. It is the impact of the between lives area that makes you give up so easily.


You need to understand how the lineplot fits together, but you should not try to put one together yourself until after you have taken a great deal of charge off of the goal. One of the biggest mistakes in the SHSBC research into actual GPMs was to try and find the lineplot items before keying out the goal.

You can run problems, overts, etc. off of the goal until you feel better about it. You can actually make the goal FN (free needle) on an E-meter by these means and you can get to the point where you will begin to realize what the items are without searching for them. Then the lineplot becomes a very simple matter.

I don't know if you can develop a lineplot without using an E-Meter. Certainly you can handle problems and overts without one (and you need to be able to so that you can keep on advancing even if you are in a bodiless state). But the meter is a tremendous help in knowing that you've got the items right. Here I will assume that you have one and know something about the Scientology listing and nulling (L&N) technology. If not, then you can still make it by taking so much charge off of the goal with general processes (discussed later) that the items become super easy to spot. There are tricks for meterless listing (which I will discuss in another write-up), but they are not safe if there is too much charge kicking around in the area.

You can still make tremendous gains and take each of a series of GPMs to a state of release even without running any lineplots. But you still need to see how the lineplot works so that you know how the goal decays and can recognize the occasional line plot item that will show up if you run general processes on the goal.

The procedure would be:

a) find out what your current actual GPM is (discussed later, you may know it by the end of reading this write-up).

b) run general processes on the goal (discussed later) until you cognite (have a sudden realization) on what is the current item that you're being.

c) Now you can either do the lineplot or just continue on with general processes on the goal.

d) you begin the lineplot by taking the current item (which you will already have found) and working backwards in time back to the point where you postulated the goal.

Because of the way you run this, the item at the top of the page is the most recent and the one at the bottom of the page is the oldest. The is the reverse of how an implant platen would be written because there you would have the first (earliest) item implanted up at the top of the page and would be running forward in time as you went down the page.

In other words, as you look down the page, you have the items arranged in the order that you find them (most recent working backwards) and as you look up the page, you see them in the order that you lived them.

We write the things that you are being (the terminals) on the left side, and the things you are opposed by (the Opterms) on the right. The direction of the arrows shows successful opposition.

Here is a sample, with the "A"s being terminals and the "B"s being opterms and the higher numbers being later in time. The direction of the arrows shows successful opposition.

---> B3
A3 <---
---> B2
A2 <---
---> B1

A1 <---

You would initially find item A4 which is, lets say, what you are currently being. You became this to solve the problems given to you by B3, which had successfully opposed you when you were A3.

Once you get this, you can then start at the bottom and see that you began by being item A1 and then B1 showed up and kicked your teeth in. So you became A2 to solve that and it worked, but then B2 showed up and successfully opposed you and so you abandoned A2 and became A3 etc. This is the pattern of current existence.

To make this a little more obvious, I will give you a piece of the lineplot I worked up on my goal "To Be Intelligent". Remember that this is an actual GPM and the items would be different for anybody else even if they were doing the same goal.

-----------> A MORALIST


This is just a slice out of the middle of a series of about 50 pairs of items which stretch back for about 16,000 years (I eventually found the dates and put together descriptions of the lifetimes) and I'm still living in the upper section of this GPM before it decays down to crushing strong men and attacking all other intellectuals as being too stupid to live.

To work backwards in time, you list "Who or what would a ... oppose". You can also use "solve" or "successfully oppose" or maybe even "handle successfully".

For me (because these are my items), it was obvious that a "Sharpie" could successfully oppose a "Moralist" and that a moralist would successfully oppose a free thinker, etc.

You then check this by working up from the earliest (at the bottom of the page) and seeing that each item is successfully opposed by or stopped by the one above it. If you do need to list the next item going up, the question would be "Who or what would a ... be opposed by" or "be stopped by".

For background information, I'll mention how I lived this bunch of items.

As a fast thinker, I was a Spanish soldier sent to the Americas (part of the conquistadors) and felt that I died in battle because of the ignorant clouts around me. So in the next lifetime I became a man of learning and joined a monastery and studied as a monk. But the literal minded priests did me in (the inquisition). So I rebelled against morality and became a free thinker. I spent that lifetime as a girl, a Spanish dancer and part time whore. Of course the moralists did me in so I became a sharp trader in the next lifetime so that I could take advantage of them and do them in etc. Of course there were overts here too. As a learned monk, I really ranted and raved at the peasants (ignorant clouts) and made their lives miserable. As a free thinker (dancer, etc.), I really twisted those literal minded noblemen and horny priests around my finger, etc.

If you hold off on trying to put the lineplot together until the goal is fairly well discharged, you will find that you can generally just spot each item in sequence. Only rarely will you have to list a couple of items before you get the right one (which will FN on the meter). One thing that does happen is that sometimes you miss a pair of items (because the one you are on can usually successfully oppose earlier opterms almost as well as it opposed the opterm it really was used against and the earlier ones are hot enough that they will react on the meter). In other words, as I was working back from a free thinker in the above lineplot, I might have come up with an ignorant clout as the opterm that it successfully opposed the first time I was working my way back and accidentally skipped the literal minded person and the man of learning.

The way you handle this is that you occasionally call off the lineplot items and see that they are all FNing on the meter and if the FN turns off, there is something wrong, usually a skipped pair of items (or a pair out of order). Usually the items are all correct because they did FN before, but the pattern of items might be slightly off.

The way you call it is you would say:

A sharpie would oppose a moralist A moralist would oppose a free thinker A free thinker would oppose a literal minded person etc. working down the page.

Then you work up the page calling them as:

A fast thinker would be opposed (stopped) by an ignorant clout An ignorant clout would be opposed (stopped) by a man of learning. A man of learning would be opposed by a literal minded person. etc.

You can call the items in any section of the lineplot like this and even work up and down (reversing the question) around a small area if there is some uncertainty. As you call off the items of your own actual GPM this way, they should make total sense to you and seem totally obvious because they are the anatomy of how you have been acting and living life. If it doesn't seem that way, they you haven't gotten the items right. Of course somebody else's items (mine in the example) might seem slightly wrong because they are not your items.

If you are having a bad day, or there are other errors, or the goal is still a bit charged up, the items might rocket read (RR) instead of FNing. That's OK. But if you're getting FNs and then an item RRs, there is probably an error (usually a missed pair or a pair out of order).

Your final target on this is to get an FNing lineplot (a complete plot with a persistent FN as you call all the items going down to the beginning of the goal and then back up to present time using the statements given above for calling the items).

This procedure is slightly different from the various Routine 3M procedures that Ron developed for finding lineplots. The exact R3M listing questions and methods lead to finding implanted GPMs and they don't work very well on Actual GPMs.


Besides the lineplot items, there are a number of other things closely connected with the goal which you use throughout the entire course of a GPM's existence.

There will be a basic computation, which we call a "Service Facsimile" (it was originally considered to be a facsimile or picture but now is known to be a computation and the person thinks it is performing a service for him in helping him to survive). This is what the individual uses to make others wrong.

There is a basic underlying Service Facsimile for the entire GPM. It is derived from using the basic characteristic of the Opterm to make others wrong. For me on the goal to be intelligent, the serv fac was "They're Stupid". In the previous GPM to be holy, it was "They're Evil". This is not a lineplot item. It endures for the entire course of the GPM.

In grade 4 processing, we try to get the Serv Fac by listing answers to the question "In this lifetime, what do you use to make others wrong". In some cases, you get the basic service fac which is part of the GPM. In others, you get a lock resting on top of it (maybe "their foolishness" or "other people's ignorance" etc.).

If you have found a basic serv fac by running grade 4 processes, you might be able to derive the basic terminal from it and figure out the goal from that. But sometimes you only you only have a lock rather than a basic one. Also, sometimes the basic service fac of an earlier GPM which is similar to the current one might have locked up onto the current one and show up on grade 4. One of the main actions of implant GPMs was to try and collapse together your actual GPMs so that you get things all tangled up.

Another thing connected to the GPM is a basic object which symbolizes the beingness of the GPM. For the goal to be intelligent, this might be a pair of glasses. For the goal to be holy, it might be a cross. This is a mental mass and the person will use it as his true viewpoint and spiritual body throughout the course of the GPM's existence. It is the token he uses to represent himself in the game, a bit like the player's tokens in a game of monopoly. He carries it from lifetime to lifetime and he will try to have a manifestation of it in the physical universe but this is not always possible.

For the individual, this object is solid as a rock and it is exceptionally pleasing to him. Ron stumbled on this in the late 1950s and labeled it "The Rock" but he did not have the anatomy of the GPM at that time and therefore all the attempts to audit it out failed. It was pretty much abandoned in the research after that, but it shows up here in our anatomy of the actual GPMs. It is interesting to note that this was the original point at which the meter reaction which we call a "Rock Slam" was discovered. The Rock of the current GPM will not produce a rock slam unless you are already into committing horrible unjustified overts against the next GPM that you are falling towards. But the rock of the previous GPM which you have already turned against will generally produce a wild RS on the meter.

You wouldn't have any luck auditing the rock until the GPM has been pretty much taken apart.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that everyone who wears glasses does so because of the goal "to be intelligent". We have always failed when we tried to label specific sources for general kinds of conditions. There are always many possible reasons and which one is correct is an individual matter. One person might wear them because of an engram (an might get rid of them on Dianetics) and another might have them because of an overt (and maybe could handle it on grade 2) and perhaps another has gotten them from implants or whatever. We might not even have all the possible reasons. All that I can say for sure is that if he is wearing them because they are the rock of the current GPM, you have no hope in hell of curing them with Dianetics or any other lower level processing. And you probably can't even get the guy to wear contact lenses.

This is why you never try to cure anything or promise any specific result with any level of auditing. You have no idea where his ailment is coming from and the odds are that it is not on the level you're going to do next. It is likely that you will fix something, but you can't guess in advance what that something will be.


When I first began running these, I believed the goals to be an individual matter. It was obvious that the items were my choice and were not implanted. I assumed that the same was true of the goals themselves.

But after running back through the goal to be holy and spotting the goal "To Be Powerful" just before that, I decided to try and see what this whole mess led back to by skipping backwards from one goal to the next by using a goal oppose style listing process. With the last two GPMs taken apart and the whole subject of actual GPMs fairly well cooled down, it seemed possible to do this (I don't recommend trying this before you take the last two apart).

The listing question used was "Who or What would (either the goal or the primary terminal) successfully oppose (or solve)". Any of the 4 variations of the question seemed to work and I generally checked that the others led to the same conclusion to help confirm that I had it right. Once the next earlier GPM was found, I only ran a bit of "what overt would (earlier terminal) do to (later terminal)" to get some of the worst charge off of it and then went on to the next goal. This was not enough to actually erase the GPM or restore abilities or open up my recall of the timeperiod, but it was enough to let me go earlier without getting buried under the weight of the thing. I don't recommend this as a good technique for making case gain. These things should be run thoroughly. But I got away with it and it was very useful as a research action.

I got way back to the goal "To be Free" which opposed "To be Godlike" which seemed to be the highest goal in the series. And then it went further back with Godlike opposing "To Be Enduring" and the goals seemed to be down at the bottom of the scale and working upwards as I went earlier. And eventually it cycled back through STRONG opposing INTELLIGENT opposing HOLY again and all the way back up to GODLIKE. The whole pattern had been repeating over and over again. So I tried to date the first occurrence of "To Be Godlike" and got 86 trillion years ago (which might be an implanted date rather than a real one). And there I found the start of this universe and incident I in its full form.

It would still be incorrect to say that these goals were implanted since running the implant doesn't seem to undo them. It would be better to say that these goals were "Suggested" and that they were built into the anatomy of the game of this universe and that we follow them because the underlying mechanics coax us into doing it.

It works like this: The game in this universe is "TO SURVIVE". The abberative implanted idea is that "ONLY ONE WILL SURVIVE AND THE REST WILL SINK INTO MUD". The destructive collarary that they show you is "TO BE THE ONE WHO SURVIVES, YOU MUST BE SUPERIOR TO OTHERS". Then they show you how to be superior to others. And it is by being godlike, holy, intelligent, strong, etc. And at a minimum, you can at least endure rather than sinking into the mud.

Then they show you the sequence of goals by means of having various figures (which are of significance from earlier universes) come out and state the goals and how they relate to one another. This is the real anatomy of incident I as given in OT3. If you have run this level, then just spot the charioteer saying "TO SURVIVE IS TO BE POWERFUL" and realize that you have been spotting a tiny slice out of a much bigger incident.

I hate to say it, but OT3 was researched in a very slipshod manner. Luckily, we get away with spotting only a tiny piece of incident I because the incident does not have much force or charge on it. It can hardly be considered a heavy implant. What it really is is a sort of welcoming ceremony or a sick course that people get put through as they come into this universe to show them how the game is setup down here.

Here is the little section of it that I am most certain of:

Waves of blackness & Snaps etc. Cherub blows horn. Priest comes out and says "TO SURVIVE IS TO BE HOLY" Priest looks in the direction that the previous character left in and says "TO BE HOLY IS TO SOLVE THE OPPRESSION OF POWERFUL PEOPLE". Priest looks the other way an says "TO BE HOLY IS TO BE OPPRESSED BY INTELLIGENT PEOPLE". Priest exits.

Waves of blackness & Snaps etc. Cherub blows horn. Scientist comes out and says "TO SURVIVE IS TO BE INTELLIGENT". Scientist looks to the side where the priest left and says "TO BE INTELLIGENT IS TO SOLVE THE OPPRESSION OF HOLY PEOPLE". Scientist looks to the other side and says "TO BE INTELLIGENT IS TO BE OPPRESSED BY STRONG PEOPLE". Scientist exits.

Waves of blackness & Snaps etc. Cherub blows horn. Athlete comes out and says "TO SURVIVE IS TO BE STRONG". Athlete looks to the side where the scientist left and says "TO BE STRONG IS TO SOLVE THE OPPRESSION OF INTELLIGENT PEOPLE". Athlete looks to the other side and says "TO BE STRONG IS TO BE OPPRESSED BY CRAFTY PEOPLE".

Note that I think the next one after strong is "To Be Crafty", but I wouldn't guarantee it. I also might be wrong about the charioteer and the goal "To Be Powerful" coming just before the goal to be holy because I haven't really run that goal yet either. I am, however, absolutely certain about Holy followed by Intelligent followed by Strong.

I wouldn't try to write out the whole thing because I went through the entire series in a very sloppy manner and I don't have a lot of confidence that I've got it right. I will give you the approximate pattern of goals that I found, but its up to you to run out the actual GPM that you are stuck in and the one before it and make corrections and adjustments as needed.

Any research of implant patterns really needs to be done by a team. Different people will have real certainty on different sections of the pattern and by putting together a composite, you should get the whole picture. As I understand it, the Clearing Course platens used in Scientology were put together by a group effort on the part of a few dozen people. The same needs to be done here. A complete and accurate platen will make it easier on the people who follow us.

But running this incident does not set you free from the goals. It just gives you an easy way to spot the actual GPM you're in the middle of and gives you some orientation to what's going on. The charge on the actual GPM does not come from the implant and does not vanish when you confront the implant. The charge comes from your own overts etc. in fighting against others according to this pattern.

You will also find out that you do not abandon these goals as you run them out. Instead, you become capable of doing more of them simultaneously. With the whole thing erased, you should be capable of being holy and intelligent and strong and free and responsible and enduring and godlike all at the same time. These are good goals. You were not implanted to give you the goals. You were implanted to set these goals in conflict and divide you against yourself.

There are some problems with the complete list of goals. First of all, this is a translation because the implant was not done in English and we may have different words for the same thing. Second, these are lived as actual GPMs and your exact statement of the goal may vary slightly each time you live through it in the cycle, so that our exact patterns may have diverged. And, of course, I probably made errors, especially in the form of missing goals or putting goals in the wrong sequence, because I was trying to skim through this without actually erasing them.


Each goal is opposed (or oppressed) by the next one in line and opposes (or oppresses or solves) the one above it. The first one (To be Godlike) oppresses the last one (To Be Enduring) so that the whole thing makes a circle. The big unjustified overts are from each goal against the one below it.































(maybe have 30 of 36 goals)

Other possible goals: causative, desirable, competent, lively, energetic, valuable, ethical, aesthetic, famous, proud, wealthy.

For the rare case who is in the inverted ending section of the GPM, you might have to run it as "TO NOT BE ...".


I will talk more about how to audit in the next write-up. For now I will simply mention that you usually run process commands repetitively, gradually working deeper until something releases.

On an area that is severely abberated, it is not enough to run one process or find only one key answer or only have a single new realization. You usually have to hit it from many angles and take lots of stuff apart to really dissolve a big area of mental charge. When you have something like one of these GPMs, it tends to fester and lots of lesser things lock up on it. You just keep chipping away at these with various processes and eventually the whole thing begins to crumble.

When I started cleaning up my goal to be intelligent, I simply used a hodge-podge of processes based on anything that had ever been tried by Ron in this area and throwing in other lower grades type processes where some part of the goal (usually the goal's terminal - in this case an intelligent person) could be worked into the command. Eventually, while slopping around this way, I realized what the previous goal was, what lineplot item I was currently dramatizing, and a lot of other stuff and eventually the goal was FNing on the meter and pretty much keyed out. Only then did I try to list out the lineplot.

For general use, and based on hindsight, I have tried to put together a reasonable rundown of processes that should be easier and faster than the exact steps I followed originally. But I must remind you that this has not been tested by a thorough research run on others.

To some degree, this is a streamlined set of lower grade processes aimed at a specific area. It is nowhere near as thorough as the expanded lower grades because we have a narrow target and we don't want the runway to be too long.

It should be possible for a trained solo auditor to run these on himself. It remains to be seen whether an untrained person could self audit them. I think it could be done if you had enough determination and desire to get through it. The monitoring factor is how specific are the commands Vs how much the person can confront. The very specific commands in the "Self Analysis" book can be self audited by almost anybody in the sloppiest manner and still produce results. Some of the vaguer lower grades processes can't even be solo audited unless you're way way up the scale. Here we have the advantage that the target is very specific and (if you have found the right goal) of maximum interest to the person.

In general, the process commands alternate between you, another person (meaning single specific people), and others (meaning groups or society). This tends to unstick self-centered viewpoints, gets you exterior to the actions of the terminal that you may be stuck in, and cleans up flows which go more ways than one (there is inflow that you receive, outflow that you emit, and the crossflow of your observing the interactions of others). Here I have simply put these in an alternating series of commands as was common in earlier auditing rather than trying to run each individual command repetitively to a point of release. I think that would be too arduous and unnecessary in this case. I tried it both ways and this seems to be the better choice.

These processes are especially important when you get back to earlier GPMs. I found that I could list the lineplot straight back into the goal to be holy (my immediately previous GPM) and you might need to do that first to get back through the decayed ending period of the goal, but I could not get any earlier by just running the lineplot. The goal was too long ago and to far outside of my current life. You need to run these general processes to get back enough recall and understanding of who and what you were when you did have the goal before you can really erase the GPM.

7.1 Objective Process

(Objective processes are run on the environment).

One of the reasons the goal decays is that as you live it, you gradually put the characteristic of the opterm into other people. If the goal is to be intelligent, then you tend to make others stupid. These processes are intended to turn that around.

There are two processes, each one is run separately. Do the action over and over again until something happens such as having a realization or suddenly feeling very good etc.

a) Find a crowded place, spot individual people, and postulate the ability of the goal's terminal into them. If, for example, the goal is to be intelligent, then you postulate intelligence into people.

b) Find a crowded place, spot individual people, and within each one, spot some remaining bit of the goal's ability (such as intelligence for example) that is still present in them and validate and encourage it. This is done telepathically. It doesn't matter if they really get the communication or if you just imagine it, what is important is your intention towards them and your recognition that there is at least a tiny remaining spark of the ability in everyone no matter how deeply it is buried (i.e. there is always some remaining shred of intelligence even in the most stupid person).

7.2 Simple Recall

Recalling the positive or pleasurable side of something tends to cool down the upsets and failures associated with the negative side. The earliest and most powerful manifestations of living a goal before it decayed were highly positive (this may not be easily visible in the current lifetime). We want to rekindle some of that strength before we get involved with any of the negative factors.

Also, we want to include an awareness of other people doing the goal when we run this. This not only gets the person off of a self-centered viewpoint, but it helps him look at the goal from outside.

This is a single process with the commands run alternately. Fill in the blank with the goal's ability. I.E. intelligent, holy, or whatever.

a) Recall being _____
b) Recall another being _____
c) Recall others being _____

7.2 ARC Recall

Affinity (liking), Reality (agreement), and Communication are a key basic in living life. We call this the ARC triangle and when all these three factors are present, we find that we also have Understanding. These can all be used to open up the persons memory a bit more and pull him further out of the negative factors into which he may have sunk.

There are 4 processes. Each one is run separately and has its own set of 6 commands that are run alternately.

Fill in the blank with the terminal (i.e. an intelligent person, a holy person, or whatever) of the GPM.

7.2.1 - Recall Communication

a) Recall a time you were in good communication with a(n) _____.
b) Recall a time a(n) ____ was in good communication with you.
c) Recall a time another was in good communication with a(n) _____.
d) Recall a time a(n) ____ was in good communication with another.
e) Recall a time others were in good communication with a(n) _____.
f) Recall a time a(n) ____ was in good communication with others.

7.2.2 - Recall Agreement

a) Recall a time you agreed with a(n) _____.
b) Recall a time a(n) ____ agreed with you.
c) Recall a time another agreed with a(n) _____.
d) Recall a time a(n) ____ agreed with another.
e) Recall a time others agreed with a(n) _____.
f) Recall a time a(n) ____ agreed with others.

7.2.3 - Recall Affinity

a) Recall a time you felt affinity for a(n) _____.
b) Recall a time a(n) ____ felt affinity for you.
c) Recall a time another felt affinity for a(n) _____.
d) Recall a time a(n) ____ felt affinity for another.
e) Recall a time others felt affinity for a(n) _____.
f) Recall a time a(n) ____ felt affinity for others.

7.2.4 - Recall Understanding

a) Recall a time you understood a(n) _____.
b) Recall a time a(n) ____ understood you.
c) Recall a time another understood a(n) _____.
d) Recall a time a(n) ____ understood another.
e) Recall a time others understood a(n) _____.
f) Recall a time a(n) ____ understood others.


It is beneficial to unstick the communication flows by drilling them a bit and pushing through any barriers. Here again we are interested in positive action rather than looking at any negatives.

It is best to imagine actually talking to someone and saying lots of specific things. The importance here is the volume of flow since that can push through barriers you may have set up. You can imagine saying all sorts of outlandish things, just keep the flow going. You can do a big outpouring of stuff on one command and when you run down, switch to the next command.

a) Imagine saying specific things to a(n) _____.
b) Imagine a(n) _____ saying specific things to you.
c) Imagine another saying specific things to a(n) _____.
c) Imagine a(n) _____ saying specific things to another.
d) Imagine others saying specific things to a(n) _____.
e) Imagine a(n) _____ saying specific things to others.


Part of the goal's decay consists of the accumulated weight of failures to help others. But the anatomy of the trap is that the person takes each failure very seriously and holds on to them and never balances them off against the times he helped successfully. So you handle this by finding times he did help successfully.

When a person is heavily collapsed and the failures seem to far outweigh the successes, you are looking at the end of a long cycle. He always decayed from a state of power and you will find many successes if you go early enough. If you can spot earlier lifetimes where the victories were numerous, then it becomes easy. If not, you can still make it by spotting even the tiniest successes in this lifetime because they will reaffirm the great pile of positive actions that lay earlier out of sight.

a) Recall a time you helped a(n) _____.
b) Recall a time a(n) ____ helped you.
c) Recall a time another helped a(n) _____.
d) Recall a time a(n) ____ helped another.
e) Recall a time others helped a(n) _____.
f) Recall a time a(n) ____ helped others.


Failures to protect are similar to, but usually more violent than failures to help. Here you will find the mass of love and loss, trust and betrayal, etc. If a child loses a parent, no matter how weak and small he is, he tends to feel that he failed to protect the parent from harm.

Again, you can't run the failures by simple recall. That will just sink the person under the weight of his losses. Instead, you must stir up the tremendous positive side. Even if recent lifetimes seem bleak, remember that we have all been around a long time and everyone has had their good periods as well as bad ones.

As in the other processes, run the commands alternately to a big win.

a) Recall a time you protected a(n) _____.
b) Recall a time a(n) ____ protected you.
c) Recall a time another protected a(n) _____.
d) Recall a time a(n) ____ protected another.
e) Recall a time others protected a(n) _____.
f) Recall a time a(n) ____ protected others.


Now we're ready to look at one of the mechanisms by which a person will get himself screwed up. What happens is that he will have a problem and then he will solve it and cast the solution in concrete and that will get him into further trouble and lead to more problems. Eventually he has a huge stack of these things, and the older solutions don't even apply to anything anymore but he's still holding them all in place.

This is very intimate to the decay of the GPM. The reliable items (the things he tries to be) might even be looked at as a series of solutions to the opterms (the things opposing him). Here we are not looking for items or opterms, but sometimes one might come into view and should be carefully noted down.

The procedure is to spot a problem, and then spot one or more solutions (as many as will come off easily) and then spot another problem and its solutions, etc. Generally you will keep spotting earlier problems (but its OK if some are later) and solutions that are still in place but no longer appropriate will show up and dissolve which in turn will cause later problems (which came about because of the earlier solutions) to start falling apart and then suddenly the whole mess will fall apart.

This is complex enough that each direction of flow should be run as a separate process. Each process will have two commands. For solo use, you would repeat the solutions command as many times as seems indicated. If you run this on someone else (as in a co-audit), then simply alternating the commands works well enough and avoids the judgment point of determining if the PC has more solutions for that problem (he will just come up with the same problem again if there are more).

Fill in the blank with the goal's terminal (an intelligent person, a holy person, or whatever).


a) What problem might a(n) ____ have with another or others.
b) What solutions might a(n) ____ have to that problem.


a) What problem might another or others have with a(n) ____.
b) What solutions might they have to that problem.


a) What problem might a(n) ____ observer between others.
b) What solutions might a(n) ____ have to their problem.


a) What problem might a(n) ____ create for himself.
b) What solutions might a(n) ____ have to that problem.

Note that there are several ways to set up these questions (see the Scientology grade 1 processes). I have picked what seemed to be the most powerful variation.


Here we hit the really causative side. The person does things and then he hides them and withdraws from action. Maybe he meant to do harm or maybe he was just getting away with something, or perhaps he even had good intentions and it went wrong. Often the person sinks to the point where he's holding himself back from doing anything because it might bring about harm.

So we ask for what the person has done, because we are working up a gradient scale of responsibility for doing things. We don't insist that the "done" be a harmful act because any admission of having acted is a positive step. The harmful acts should and will come up on these questions, but don't force it. And we alternate the "done" question with a withholding type question to unstick the continual withholding that most people live with.

Again we will run each direction of flow as a separate process.

The overts are among the most significant things that accumulate as one lives the GPM and raising one's confront on these may cause a significant amount of charge to unravel. This should make it possible to get a bit more exterior to the GPM, so we will add another flow at the end to help with this.


a) What might a(n) ____ do to another.
b) What might a(n) ____ hide from another.


a) What might another do to a(n) ____.
b) What might another hide from a(n) ____.


a) what might a(n) ____ do to others.
b) what might a(n) ____ hide from others.


a) What might a(n) ____ do to himself.
b) What might a(n) ____ hide from himself.


a) What might you do to a(n) ____.
b) What might you hide from a(n) ____.

Note that this last one is extremely important if your goal has already decayed significantly.


Change is an important button. If a person can't change, he can't get better.

Insistence upon and resistance to change are both significant sources of overts and a common underlying cause in many upsets between people.

The identities that one uses in a GPM are fixed solutions to the problems of living and therefore tend to resist change even when the change would be for the better.


a) What might a(n) ____ want to change in another.
b) What might a(n) ____ prevent changing in another.


a) What might another want to change in a(n) ____.
b) What might another prevent changing in a(n) ____.


a) what might a(n) ____ want to change in others.
b) what might a(n) ____ prevent changing in others.


a) What might a(n) ____ want to change in himself.
b) What might a(n) ____ prevent changing in himself.


a) What might you want to change in a(n) ____.
b) What might you prevent changing in a(n) ____.


Upsets generally occur between people because flows of affinity, reality, communication, or understanding are enforced or inhibited. Spotting exactly what is going on with these flows is the basic technique used in Scientology processing to handle upsets (which we call ARC Breaks) between people. The full list of what can happen to a flow to bring about an ARCX is: Curious, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit, No (e.g. the absence of), and Refused.

When an ARC Break happens, the reaction is generally all out of proportion to what actually occurred. When you get the person to spot that, lets say, he became upset because his communication was refused, he cools down a bit. And if you then work back to earlier similar upsets (because these things build up over time), you can really bring major relief.

In this case, we are not trying to handle a specific upset, but instead are trying to undercut the entire mass of upsets associated with a specific terminal.

To keep the runway from being too long, we will limit ourselves to the three most common buttons, which are inhibit, enforce, and desire since these should pick up enough for our purposes here (we are only handling a single terminal instead of trying to produce a full grade 3 release).

In this case, the different directions of flow are best handled by alternating commands rather than separate processes. By working a precise button (such as inhibiting communication) with a specific process, this should lead the person back to basic on a particular kind of upset and take it apart.

As a side note, this is a new procedure that is not currently part of Scientology's grade 3 processing. A generalized version of this (with all 6 buttons) should really be added to that grade. Furthermore, really early track ARCXs (prior to home universe) require adding Not-Know to the list of buttons.

7.9.1 Inhibited Communication

a) What communication might a(n) ____ inhibit in another.
b) What communication might another inhibit in a(n) ____.
c) What communication might a(n) ____ inhibit in others.
d) What communication might a(n) ____ inhibit himself from saying.
e) What communication might you inhibit a(n) ____ from saying.

7.9.2 Enforced Communication

a) What communication might a(n) ____ enforce on another.
b) What communication might another enforce on a(n) ____.
c) What communication might a(n) ____ enforce on others.
d) What communication might a(n) ____ force on himself.
e) What communication might you force on a(n) ____.

7.9.3 Desired Communication

a) What communication might a(n) ____ desire from another.
b) What communication might another desire from a(n) ____.
c) What communication might a(n) ____ desire from others.
d) What communication might a(n) ____ make himself desire.
e) What communication might you desire from a(n) ____.

7.9.4 Rejected agreement
* on this one reject seems to fit better than inhibit

a) What agreement might a(n) ____ reject from another.
b) What agreement might another reject from a(n) ____.
c) What agreement might a(n) ____ reject from others.
d) What agreement might a(n) ____ make himself reject.
e) What agreement might you reject from a(n) ____ .

7.9.5 Enforced agreement

a) What agreement might a(n) ____ enforce on another.
b) What agreement might another enforce on a(n) ____.
c) What agreement might a(n) ____ enforce on others.
d) What agreement might a(n) ____ force on himself.
e) What agreement might you force on a(n) ____.

7.9.6 Desired agreement

a) What agreement might a(n) ____ desire from another.
b) What agreement might another desire from a(n) ____.
c) What agreement might a(n) ____ desire from others.
d) What agreement might a(n) ____ make himself desire.
e) What agreement might you desire from a(n) ____.

7.9.7 Inhibited affinity

a) What affinity might a(n) ____ inhibit in another.
b) What affinity might another inhibit in a(n) ____.
c) What affinity might a(n) ____ inhibit in others.
d) What affinity might a(n) ____ inhibit in himself.
e) What affinity might you inhibit in a(n) ____ .

7.9.8 Enforced affinity

a) What affinity might a(n) ____ enforce on another.
b) What affinity might another enforce on a(n) ____.
c) What affinity might a(n) ____ enforce on others.
d) What affinity might a(n) ____ enforce on himself.
e) What affinity might you enforce on a(n) ____.

7.9.9 Desired affinity

a) What affinity might a(n) ____ desire from another.
b) What affinity might another desire from a(n) ____.
c) What affinity might a(n) ____ desire from others.
d) What affinity might a(n) ____ make himself desire.
e) What affinity might you desire from a(n) ____.

These 9 processes should be enough. If necessary, you can also run these buttons on Understanding. They can also be run on Reality either in addition to or in place of Agreement. Also, as mentioned earlier, more than 3 processes are possible on each button. This pattern of processes on the ARC triangle can also be run on the beingness/doingness/havingness triangle.


In this universe, the individual is struggling to survive and allows himself to commit his worst overts on that basis. Then he buries them under a heavy layer of justifications. Here you can get many answers on questions b and d for each answer to questions a and c respectively.

a) What would a(n) ___ do to ensure his survival b) what justifications would he have for that c) What would a(n) ___ stop others from doing to ensure his own survival d) what justifications would he have for that


Now we want to clean up the "Service Facsimile" (the computation he uses to make others wrong).


This is a repetitive process. We run this first to take off charge.

a) How might a(n) ____ make himself right. b) How might a(n) ____ make others wrong.


Now we need to list for the answer. It will often be a computation in the form of "They're ....", but take whatever comes up. See the next write-up for more information on listing techniques if you are not already trained in this.

The listing question is:

a) What would a(n) ____ use to make others wrong.

Note that we do not limit the answers to this lifetime (as is usually done in grade 4). The limiter is needed there to keep him from sliding into multiple GPMs (which each have a different answer to this question). Here we get the same effect by referring to the specific GPM terminal.


If the previous question did not result in a basic answer in the form of "They're ....", then list the following:

a) From the viewpoint of a(n) ____, what is it about them that makes them so wrong.


Taking the most basic answer from the above listing question(s), run the following:

a) How would (..answer..) make others wrong.
b) How would (..answer..) make a(n)____ right.


Although this kind of processing is usually used on grade 0 in Scientology, it is actually a very advanced process and makes a good finishing touch in our handling of the GPM terminal. This should help you get exterior to it.

a) From where could you communicate to a(n) _____.
b) From where could a(n) ____ communicate to you.
c) From where could a(n) ____ communicate to others.
d) From where could a(n) _____ communicate to himself.


By this point, the terminal should be fairly well cleaned up and a great deal of charge should have already been removed on the opterms, so that they should now be easy to run directly.


There will be a basic opposition terminal which is the opposite of the terminal. For intelligence it would be "a stupid person" or "stupid people".

We want the underlying characteristic rather than a specific opterm, so the listing question would be as follows:

a) What kind of people would a(n) ____ oppose.

This should yield the basic opterm. But there is a chance that you will come up with the prior opterm (the terminal of the previous goal - for example "stupid holy people").

If necessary, you can also list:

a) What kind of people would a(n) ____ be opposed by.

Again this should yield the basic opterm, but here you might get the future opterm (the terminal of the next goal - for example "stupid strong men").

If neither list yields the basic one, then spot the common underlying characteristic of both answers.


Run this on the basic opterm found above.

a) what action or attitude would (opterm) have towards (terminal). b) what action or attitude would (terminal) have towards (opterm). c) what action or attitude would (terminal) have towards others. d) what action or attitude would others have towards (terminal). e) what action or attitude would (opterm) have towards others. f) what action or attitude would others have towards (opterm). g) what action or attitude would (opterm) withhold from (terminal). h) what action or attitude would (terminal) withhold from (opterm).

(this is based on the process Routine 3D whole track O/W by LRH).


As you run the earlier GPMs prior to the current one, you will already have handled the next one later in time (because you are working backwards) and will know what it is.

But for the new GPM that you are living right now, you might not know what the next one is going to be. It might be obvious from the processing that has already been done on the goal, or it might be obvious from the general pattern suggested by Incident 1 (discussed earlier). But we can't guarantee that, because the goals were only suggested and your own postulate of each goal might vary slightly from the pattern.

There is also the question of how deep are you into the current GPM. Up near the top, you might not yet have any contact with the next one in the series and so you might need to skip any handling of it because there is nothing there to run. If you are already going out the bottom of the current goal, then there might be serious overts and charge on the next one that is coming up.

The following listing question can be used to find the next goal that is coming up in the future:

a) What Goal would successfully oppose the goal "...(current goal)...".

You can also get this by listing for the future opterm as follows:

b) What kind of a person would successfully oppose a(n).....

or even with

c) What kind of a person would be dangerous to a(n).....

Once you have a goal, you can get the terminal of that goal by listing "who or what would want ...(goal)...".

Once you have a terminal (in the case the future opterm will be the terminal of the next goal), you can get the goal by listing "what goal would a(n).... have".

You can work around with a number of these questions and satisfy yourself that the answers fit together and make sense. When you're finished, you should know what the next goal and its terminal (which is the future opterm of the current goal) are, or you can be satisfied that there is no future opterm in view yet.

On earlier GPMs, you already know the answers to these questions, so you just check them over to be sure that you've got everything right.


Now use the same process from 8.2 above but use the future opterm instead of the direct opterm.

This might not have a lot of charge when you're handling your present time GPM. But if you're near the end of the full cycle of decay, there will be horrible unjustified overts against the next GPM coming up and you might even turn on a Rock Slam meter reaction on this process.

If it seems necessary, you can run more processes on overts committed against the future opterm.

Also, if an RS does turn on, or (running without a meter) if you get very hateful and evil towards the future opterm, then spot and blow the earlier false purpose. Also, if needed, spot the original scene in incident one that set you up for this whole mess.

Once you are running earlier GPMs, you will already have run this area because the future goal will already have been processed. But you should check if there is any more charge on committing overts against the future opterm. If so, you could run an O/W process such as "what would (terminal) do to (future opterm)", "what would (terminal) withhold from (future opterm).


Now we want the goal that came before the one we're handling. The earlier one is solved by the current one.

List for the goal as follows:

a) What Goal would be successfully opposed by the goal "...(current goal)...".

You can also get this by listing for the prior opterm as follows:

b) What kind of a person would be successfully opposed by a(n).....

You can also use "solved by" in place of "successfully opposed by".

This works like step 8.3 above except that now you're looking backwards.


Now use the same process from 8.2 above but use the prior opterm instead of the direct opterm.

This may suddenly reveal a horrible mass of unjustified overts that you committed while you were doing the previous goal. If so, then get as much off as you can because this is what will really restore abilities and open up your recall of the earlier goal.

On earlier GPMs, this area can be very hot, so you might need to run an additional process:

a) what overt might ..(prior opterm).. commit against ..(terminal).. b) how would he justify that.

Also, if an RS does turn on, then spot and blow the earlier false purpose. Also, if needed, spot the original scene in incident one that set you up for this whole mess.


By this point, the current GPM should probably be falling apart in your hands and you should have some awareness of the earlier GPM that you abandoned.

Now you should be able to do the lineplot easily (see above).

When you do the lineplot, run it all the way back into the decayed ending section of the previous goal (found in 8.5 above) and try to get back to the point where you made the postulate to not do that goal.

After running the lineplot, you can optionally go through it again and try to date and identify the lifetimes that go with the items. You should already have an idea of these from doing the lineplot, but it helps open up your recall to get the dates.

As a final step, date when you postulated the goal. Then search for and write down any other postulates you made concerning the goal.

After this you can either run the rock or just start running the next earlier GPM (which you should have identified above).


The rock is the basic object that symbolizes the entire GPM.

The person uses the rock as a substitute for himself.

He will often be carrying a decayed version of the rock around with him (for example, an intelligent person might be wearing glasses).

The thetan will have a mockup of the rock hidden in some mocked up space outside of the physical universe and will be relaying all of his communications to the physical body through it. He intentionally forgets and hides this out of fear that somebody will read his mind and zap it and destroy him. To some degree he uses this as a sort of high level spiritual body and its lifespan is the entire duration of the GPM.

You are not going to get rid of the rock early in processing. He has too much bound up in it and thinks that he will lose his memory and identity if its gone. And we have been through this cycle of goals many times, so that there will be earlier similar rocks which makes it tend to persist even after the current GPM is run out.

Here we will simply try and take some charge off of it and clean it up. This should only be attempted after fully processing the GPM and its lineplot.

On earlier GPMs, he is no longer using the rock that he had setup for them, but it is still important to process because he has a tendency to compulsively create anything that is similar to any rock that he once used. This tends to make the physical universe very solid and unmanageable.

There is a lot of early theory about the rock in the 20th and 21st Advanced Clinical Course lectures. These ACCs did not go well. The rumors are that the students came out looking like rocks. The problem was that the anatomy of the GPM had not yet been worked out and these things can't be run successfully without handling the GPM first.

It remains to be determined whether these rocks are consistent from person to person on the same goal.


You can either list it from the goal or the terminal. The question would be:

a) What Object would represent ____

For example, on the goal to be holy, you could either fill in the blank with "a holy man" or "the goal to be holy".

Use the rock found to fill in the blank in the rest of the processes below.


In the ACCs, Ron found that the person was using the rock as a people pleaser. He would put it up in place of himself so as to attract admiration, etc. Of course there would be people who wouldn't admire it and that would make it stick.


a) what sort of a ____ would please people. b) tell me a person that would please


a) spot a time another admired your ____
b) spot a time another invalidated your ____
c) spot a time you admired another's ____
d) spot a time you invalidated another's ____


a) mock up crowds of people applauding and admiring the rock. Keep doing this until you feel very good.


Supposedly the rock helps you to survive.

a) how could a ____ help you
b) how could you help a ____
c) how could a ____ help another
d) how could another help a _____
e) how could a ____ help itself


The rock can get lost or damaged and is a constant source of concern and fear.

a) how could a ____ protect you
b) how could you protect a ____
c) how could a ____ protect another
d) how could another protect a _____
e) how could a ____ protect itself


The rock tends to stop motion and therefor accumulates mass.

a) what motion of yours has a ____ stopped
b) what motion of another's has a ____ stopped
c) what motion of others has a ____ stopped.


a) What beingness would resist a _____
b) What beingness would ____ resist


For this you want to use an actual physical object. You may already have a copy of the current rock (glasses or a cross or whatever it is that represents your current goal). You will almost certainly not have one for the immediately preceding GPM (because you probably abandoned it with great determination), so you can either get one or make one out of clay or something. The important thing is to have some physical mass to work with.

Place the object on a table within easy reach. Part of the drill is to actually reach out and grab it and then withdraw your hand from it. You want to be moving your hand back and forth by at least a foot.

a) grab the object and keep it from going away.
b) let go of it.
c) grab the object and hold it absolutely still.
d) let go of it.
e) grab the object and (by mental projection) make it more solid.
f) let go of it.



a) mock up a way to waste ____


a) mock up a way for another to waste ____


a) mock up a way for others to waste ____


This is based on the GITA (give and take) processing of the Philadelphia Doctorate course and the Remedy of Havingness used by Ron in the late 1950s.

Here you mockup great quantities of the rock in a sphere surrounding you. Keep making the copies more & more decrepit and decayed and changing their colors and getting more and more of them until you can get them to start flowing into the body in an avalanche.

Keep mocking up more and getting them to flow in until you feel satisfied and are willing to throw some away.

Then mock up more and have them flow outward in explosions and fly away into the distance.

When that seems to cool down, go back to the first step but this time mock up nicer copies and get them coming in in an avalanche until you get enough of them.

Keep alternating the inflow and outflow with better and better copies until you can handle wonderful beautiful (golden or whatever) copies and handle them easily.

9.10 Viewpoint Processing

a) from where could you communicate to a ____
b) from where could a ____ communicate to you
c) from where could another communicate to a ____
d) from where could a ____ communicate to another
e) from where could a ____ communicate to itself.

9.11 Memory

The thetan often uses objects as a repository for memory. In the special case of the rock, he dumps entire lifetimes of memory in there so that he can forget them without losing them completely.

a) What memories could a ____ store for you
b) What memories could a ____ store for another
c) What memories could a ____ store for others
d) What might you allow a ____ to forget.

9.12 Thought

The thetan also has a foolish tendency to let objects do his thinking for him.

a) What thoughts might a ____ have on your behalf
b) What thoughts could you have in the absence of ____

9.13 Obsessive Create

a) From where could you mockup a ____
b) From where could a ____ mock you up.

Run these alternately until command b suddenly seems ridiculous and something comes apart. Then do a few more of command A to stabilize the result. It seems absurd, but to some degree you're probably having the rock mock you up rather than vise versa.

Then run:

a) From where could another mockup a ____
b) From where could a ____ mock another up.

9.14 OT Process

Hold the object in your hands.

Close your eyes.

a) spot 3 points in the object.
b) spot 3 points in the room.

Do this alternately. Your perception does not have to be good or very real. Just keep spotting.

If you should suddenly feel like there is another copy of the rock off in some strange space somewhere, then add it to the process and spot 3 points in it as well (then you would be alternating between the object in your hands, the room, and this other distant object).

Early on in running this, the object in your hands will become much more real and solid than the rest of the room. Continue until either this effect stops (the object and the room are perceived uniformly), or you exteriorize from the rock with certainty.


An interesting point is that the godlike being up at the top of the pattern kicks back against the enduring people. You can see this in the early books of the Bible where God is always saying that the Children of Israel are a stubborn people and he keeps pushing at them to bend them to His will.

This oppression of enduring people means that when you were godlike, you could not endure and therefore ensures that the goal will decay. Also, you are continually bothered by the free beings who are out of your control and eventually you commit terrible overts against them. This is how the cycle starts.

Note that the people you might think are enduring or free in this example do not necessarily have those goals as their own GPMs. If you're being godlike and someone really gives you trouble, there is a tendency to assume that they are free beings (because the implant suggests it) when really it might be someone who is working on, lets say, the goal to be popular or even another person working on the goal to be godlike (but they look like they're free from your viewpoint).

There are earlier universes before this one (see the "Cosmic History"). Each of the last few universes had its own series of actual GPMs which formed the anatomy of the game in that universe.

The underlying goal of this universe is to survive. And it includes the twisted false idea that only one can survive, so you have to be superior to others.

The previous universe was the Magic Universe. The underlying goal there was To Enjoy. It was a hedonistic universe. The twisted false idea was that you gained pleasure at the expense of others. In other words, it was good to screw but bad to be screwed. This idea is still around even though it is blatantly false. All sorts of undesirable impulses ranging from sexual craziness to wanting to make others into slaves stem from this earlier universe.

When you came to this universe, you accepted the current goals series and it became the primary motivating factor. But just because you're living these GPMs doesn't mean that you completely abandoned the magic universe goals series. You continued to live them as well but they faded down to being a secondary factor and you tend to move through the items slowly and with little emphasis. Also, these earlier goals are very decayed because they have already been lived so many times and gotten worse on each cycle through the series.

I don't yet have a good handle on the magic universe goals series. It is obscured by the current series of actual GPMs. You need to know about these because you will see an occasional loose end sticking out that comes from there (the PC is living the goal "to be responsible" but he has a terrible urge to get drunk tonight, etc.). Don't go chasing off after the occasional stray bit of an earlier GPM that doesn't fit logically into the actual GPM you are running.

The individual's own causative behavior (as opposed to what he is forced into by others) stems from the following sources:

a) The current actual GPM.

b) The other GPMs he is still living in from earlier universes.

c) His own prior postulates which he believes he has to live up to.

d) Free Will. Never make the mistake of thinking that all behavior stems from aberration. The person can become interested in something. He can decide things without any prior cause. The difference here is that he can think about these things and change his mind if he wants to.

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.


It would take a large book to hold all the data that we now have on the subject of auditing. It is truly a lifetime study, and those few who have become real professional auditors (and there are some, both inside and outside of the Church) are to be highly commended.

Here I will take a brief stab at writing down some of the factors that I consider to be important. This is my own interpretation.


Part 1 (#4A):


Part 2 (#4B):




The existence of aberration stems from our need to create and experience everything. But, for a god like being, this is much like viewing an occasional horror movie to keep the more desirable conditions from becoming too monotonous. There is nothing here that requires a persistence or perpetuation of aberration. You should be able to shrug these things off effortlessly.

The persistence of aberration, on the other hand, is a grave mistake and is due to a basic conflict between the wrong information we were fed (see "jewel of knowledge" in #2 "Cosmic History"), and the true nature of our existence. The factors in conflict are as follows:

At the beginning of our existence, we were mislead into believing that thinking, perceiving, experiencing, or creating certain things could be permanently harmful to us. From this, we began to flinch or withdraw from various things. And those things were then used (by each of us against the others) to further discourage looking, and being, and thinking, and doing until we have all sunk into a morass of mental blindness and incapacity.

But, if we are indeed balancing nothingness with an infinity of creation (as I proposed in "Cosmic History"), then we will never get rid of anything unless we are capable of creating it again in the future, because we would be unwilling to lose anything on a permanent basis. This would mean that you will never uncreate anything unless you look at it so completely that you could mock it up again.

And thus things persists because we mistakenly believe that we should not look at them and must not create them. On this basis, if something can be brought fully into view, it should at least desensitize. And if the person can be made to mock up a perfect duplicate, and therefore see that he is capable of recreating it at will, then he should be able to completely vanish the object or condition if he so chooses.

And if we further realize that the willingness to create something is monitored by the willingness to be responsible for the existence of the thing and the effects it creates, we see that responsibility is a key underlying button. And since controlling something is the act of being responsible for the effects that it is currently creating, we furthermore see that control of something is a gradient towards full responsibility. And to control something, you certainly need to know about it. This gives us the Knowingness / Control / Responsibility triangle (KRC) that is used in Scientology.

Coming at this from another angle, it should be obvious that fully viewing something and being able to duplicate it is monitored by one's ability to communicate with it. And this is also monitored by the perception of the reality of it. And furthermore, a complete duplication would require the ability to, shall we say, synchronize or move in sympathy with it, which could be described as having an affinity or liking for it.

This last button of needing to have affinity might be the big problem because we have been shown that you're not supposed to like things that are bad, and you're not supposed to like two things that are in conflict with each other, and (most deadly), if you like something and then change your mind, it's considered a betrayal. To get rid of a bad condition, you might have to (just very briefly) choose to like it and that often comes in conflict with all three of the above.

The factors of Affinity, Reality, and Communication are what is known as the ARC triangle in Scientology.

And so we see that to bring about the vanishment of a condition, we restore the ability to create that condition and we can work towards this by gradient scales of increased looking, communicating, knowing, controlling, taking responsibility, etc. This is the exact opposite of how things are handled in the society at large where undesirable conditions are buried and suppressed and kept out of view. This, per my opening remarks, would ensure that we will continue to compulsively create them out of our control.

Those of you who are trained as auditors will see that I have taken a different path than LRH did in specifying the theoretical basis of auditing, but we do come to the same conclusions.


Every intelligent researcher in the field has recognized that there are portions of the mind that the individual is unaware of. Even the most meat body oriented theories have to allow for a vast realm of unobserved activity and the statement that you are only using 5% of your brain or mind is quite commonly accepted.

One of the early Dianetic principles was the idea that if anybody had some inherent mental ability (such as total recall, lightning fast computations, etc.), then the ability must be an inherent property of each and every mind and must in most cases be buried and blocked in this unaware section of the mind. The brilliance of this observation was partially tarnished by the inadequate one lifetime view and the mistaken idea of blaming everything on recent engrams. None the less, it expanded the concept of what must be hidden in that unseen area below the level of consciousness.

The breakthroughs of 1952 opened up an immensely larger sphere in which the individual should be capable of operating but where he was even less aware and disabled. The manifestation of any OT ability, ever, by anyone, would on this basis indicate that everyone is capable of these things but has them buried far out of reach. And these things do happen, just look at Rhine's research or the endless history of observed poltergeist manifestations. As an interesting side note, any such manifestation also invalidates the absoluteness of physics and places it in the position of being a special case in much the same way as modern physics (both Einstein and quantum) placed Newtonian physics into a limited (but exceedingly common and useful) special case.

We could label this hidden portion of the mind many ways. We could call it the subconscious, but that has many undesirable connotations for our purposes here, as does the term "unconscious". Even the label "Reactive Mind" has many implications which might be correct for some portions of this hidden area but which are not necessarily true for all of it.

The only sweeping statement we can make with certainty is that this portion of the mind is subaware or below the individual's level of awareness. Since there is no indication that the whole thing is homogenous, we should realize that we are always dealing with relative truth rather than absolutes. An accurate anatomy of, for example, engrams, only maps one portion of this hidden area and leaves much else to be discovered. One of Ron's main weaknesses was his tendency to grab a single factor, whether it was overts or implants or entities or whatever, and decide that he finally had the solution to it all.

Our primary task in auditing is to move things from this hidden realm into consciousness.

A useful (but not entirely accurate) analogy is to draw a box and place a horizontal line across the middle of it, and label the upper section as aware and the lower section as hidden. We might even shade in the lower area to represent the blackness that comes from lack of awareness. Our job would be to keep moving that line down until everything in the box was within the person's awareness.

But the boundary between the aware and hidden portions of the individual's mind is not a simple line. It would be best thought of as a gray area in which he is almost aware. This band may be thin or thick and the wider it is, the more things he has that are accessible to simple processing. If the line is too thin, there might only be a handful of things that he can look at to raise his awareness and great skill and understanding are required to get any kind of results in working with him. If the gray area is exceedingly wide, almost any technique ever dreamed up by anybody will produce positive results because there is so much that is accessible.

As the individual moves things from this gray area into full awareness, the gray area does not shrink, instead it moves downward to encompass more things that were previously unreachable. The individual has a certain tolerance for unknown, frightening, or confusing things and he will allow more of the deeply buried stuff come up to the surface as you clean up the things that are currently accessible. It makes it look like an unending job because there's always something more, but this is a wrong view brought about because the hidden area is orders of magnitude larger than the conscious area. Never worry about how much more he is finding because this may actually be a positive indication that he is able to tolerate a wider gray area. Instead, pay attention to whether he is resolving things and becoming more able and more aware.

The things that are in your full awareness are not the source of your difficulties. And the things hidden down in the mud are just too deeply buried for you to figure them out until you have worked deep enough to bring them up into the gray area. Therefore, the only things that you can make progress on are the ones in this gray band. Those things, shall we say, that are half obscured but somewhat in view. For this reason, there will be aberrations that you're not going to get anywhere near handling. It doesn't matter how slight or silly something seems, the cause of it could be ten fathoms deep. So never get evangelistic about some disability, it can be heartbreaking. Instead, you always work on what is accessible and keep going deeper.

But it is very useful to widen this gray area. It makes more things accessible. It gives you more angles of approach (and we don't know the right way to address everything). It allows more room for error. And it lets you get deeper and undercut things and therefore leads to faster progress in general.

Simple things like being well fed and rested will expand the gray band because you are more willing to look deeper. Things like courage and confidence, knowledge and determination all play a role in this. And the more you succeed, the more you are willing to grapple with so that eventually you're digging this thing out with a steam shovel instead of handling tiny specs of dirt.


Let me first warn you that the CofS currently considers self-auditing to be dangerous. I disagree because this is where the mind's protection is the most effective. However, the gray band of accessibility can become extremely narrow so that most self-auditing is unproductive of results.

The different types of auditing have a significant effect on how wide the accessibility band is. If you're being audited by a safe and knowledgeable person, you are much more willing to dive more deeply into the hidden portions of the mind than you would be if you were auditing by yourself.

Also, making mistakes Vs having successes is a major factor in accessibility. Early on, when you know the least and are most likely to goof things up, you're better off with somebody who knows what they are doing. On the other hand, a bad auditor who screws things up might actually make the PC less accessible in session than he is when he is alone, hence there has occasionally been a problem with people self-auditing (and not doing very well at it) in between professional sessions that should have fixing them up but instead were making a mess of things.

Here is my list of the types of auditing, starting with the one that gives the greatest accessibility (if done right) and working down.

A) Professional Auditing

Here, an auditor, who should be extremely skillful and knowledgeable, audits the PC (PreClear - from habit we even call OTs PCs). The PC is not expected to know very much. The PC is also expected to pay a lot, possibly with some justification since it is very hard to make a good auditor and the PC is doing very little for himself. Its the unnecessary and screwed up actions that cause people to really scream about the prices (who in their right mind would want to pay thousands of dollars for an unnecessary sec check for example). There is rarely any complaint if the right thing is run to a good result.

I personally believe that this is a cop-out on the PCs part and a way to offload responsibility onto the auditor. Although this will give the widest band of accessibility at any given moment, it does not encourage the band to grow wider to the same degree that learning the subject will. Therefor I think professional auditing is best suited to repair actions and startup actions (to get someone moving) and should not be used as the main thrust.

Furthermore, the PC has little idea of what is going on and he can be led into trouble by bad auditing or incorrect C/Sing (Case Supervision, which specifies what is to be audited). This is the only situation (outside of using drugs etc. to force yourself over your head) where somebody might get worse instead of better because he is usually reaching much deeper than normal because he expects the auditor to keep him safe.

B) Co-Auditing

Here the person studies the materials and is paired up with another person who is doing the same. They take turns auditing each other.

In this case, the co-auditors can get away with the sloppiest techniques and still produce fantastic results on each other because the person being audited is well aware of the procedures and purposes and is taking responsibility. The only really critical factors are ARC and a desire to help. The mere presence of somebody else who is willing to listen and give assistance gives a tremendous boost to this factor of accessibility.

I believe that this is the way to go for most people until they reach a point where they can make good progress on solo auditing.

The ideal situation would be to have a professional auditor available to give assistance in case of trouble.

C) Solo Auditing

Here the person goes at it by himself, but with the full formal procedure of auditing. He uses an E-meter and writes things down in a professional manner.

In the CofS, solo auditing is always done with a Case Supervisor who reads the sessions and issues instructions. This ensures that there is still an external communication line and that someone else is there to provide missing knowledge or an external point of observation.

Although the band of accessibility will be narrower than in a co-audit, this has the big advantage that the person, as his own auditor, has an internal communication instead of having to relay everything in words and it also raises the person's responsibility even further.

The same formal procedures will work without a case supervisor if the person has enough understanding of the subject. The sessions should still be written down, because this helps get everything exterior to the person. The band of accessibility will be found to be narrower because there is nobody else there to bail you out if you get into trouble, but if it is already extremely wide, because of a great deal of study and determination, then it can still be adequate to the task.

D) Self auditing

In the final analysis, the only way out is to become a fully self-clearing individual. If you're floating around in a bodiless condition without a book or an E-meter and there's no one around who knows enough to give you a hand, you should still be capable of taking anything apart and setting yourself free.

But you can't self audit in the absence of understanding and without any workable techniques. People have been known to just spin around endlessly just figure figuring and getting nowhere. If people could do this right on an instinctive basis, we would already have gotten out of here. The problem is that we swallowed a whole lot of wrong data early in our existence and it predisposes us to becoming abberated. So the person's instinct is often wrong and leads him into a downward spiral.

Furthermore, the band of accessibility is at its narrowest in this case because the individual has no help. If you are extremely advanced and very knowledgeable, then it doesn't matter so much because the band is incredibly wide anyway, but if you are just beginning and know little and have little perseverance or determination, then the band might be so tiny that little progress can be made.

There is also the research question of developing techniques which are conducive to successful self auditing. Unfortunately, the CofS has leaned away from this. There are some exceptions, like the book "Self Analysis", but generally this is an untapped area.

My own experience was that I was able to successfully self audit the route 1 procedures in "Creation of Human Ability" based on reading the book shortly after I joined the subject. Although this didn't fully turn on real OT abilities, it was a lot of fun and I believe that it set me up for the big OT key out that I had the following year.

According to the Philadelphia Doctorate Course tapes, the OT drills are self auditable if you know the materials well enough, and they can be done immediately on a certain percentage of new people when they walk in the door (these were what was then referred to as Step 1 cases, people who could run step one without preparation). But this research line was pretty much abandoned.

On the other hand, the Dianetic techniques in DMSMH absolutely cannot be self audited. Something like Dianetic repeater technique is almost dangerous even in professional hands, nothing to say of having people go try it by themselves. But that is mostly because it is a poor technique on any basis. The modern Dianetic techniques are smoother and easier, and possibly could be self audited by a very advance case, but such a case would probably be a Dianetic clear already and the technique would actually be in his way and inappropriate to use.

But there is a self auditable technique for running engrams. It consists of alternately spotting something in the incident and something in the room. This can actually let you recover the unconscious period of an operation and bring up the words being spoken and everything. You just need to persist with it long enough. We still have the problem of accessibility. Some cases are just not up to running engrams. But if they are, this trick will work almost as well as the modern Dianetic R3R procedure, with the difference being that it is slower but does not require an auditor or an E-meter.

It is almost criminal not to have a technique like this and teach it to people as soon as they are up to running engrams. What if the person should die? This is one of the few ways that they could run out the death experience successfully.

Furthermore, this one works for Dianetic clears without the liabilities of running R3R (which can get the NOTS aspects of the case all stirred up if too much of it is done after clear).

The technique would be to "Spot an incident underlying (condition)" and then alternately spot something in the incident and something in the room until something happens. Then spot another incident underlying ... etc. until the condition is handled. In general, you should not ask for an "Earlier Similar" incident when doing this on a clear because the "engram chain" mechanism is not fully operative after someone goes clear. A looser question allows for an earlier similar to be run if one is there but doesn't force it. This is actually more of a high powered recall process rather than true Dianetic picture running.


3.1 ITSA

First and foremost is simply looking and seeing "What Is". Since this results in saying "It is a ...", we call this ITSA in Scientology. The opposite, which is saying "What is it?" is referred to as WHATSIT.

By actual observation in the auditing of preclears, if the PC continues to ITSA he will make forward progress and if he concentrates on WHATSIT he will jam up and grind to a halt. This doesn't mean that you can't wonder what something is. But it does mean that if you concentrate your attention on all the things you don't know, you will bog down. The trick is that there must always be more ITSA than WHATSIT if you wish to get anywhere.

If you have something you are wondering about or trying to figure out or if you are trying to run a processing question, then you already have one WHATSIT there to work on. At that point, you're just slowing yourself down if you start thinking of what else you don't know. Instead, you should concentrate on things that you can identify or see or know about.

If you don't know what time it is, and need to know, you don't handle it by also thinking about how you don't know the date and don't remember where you left your watch. That's all WHATSIT and if you keep it up for too long, you'll just bog down and decide that the whole matter is hopeless. Instead, you look around and try to spot a clock ("It is a clock and it says that it is 5 minutes after six" - this is ITSA). And if you can't spot any, then you spot things that you do know about the time. Maybe you remember that the sun was going down, etc.

Never be afraid to consider something that you don't know, but always balance it with lots of ITSA. That is the fastest way to make progress.

If you're trying to figure something out, it often helps to go over the things you do know which have a bearing on the problem.

This also tells us that you are much better off expanding outward from areas that you do know something about rather than plunging into completely unknown regions.


To pound in a nail, you hit it over and over again with a hammer. Often it is hard to start and then things pick up. You don't try to do it all in one blow. You also don't hit it once and then keep the hammer on the nail and try to push real hard to get it to sink in the rest of the way.

The biggest gain in perception is when you first look at something. Just continuing to stare at it after that only produces a small perception change in proportion to the amount of time spent. If you want to see something more clearly, keep looking at it and something else alternately, or shift around between different spots on a large object rather than staring at it. This will improve perception and can be tried easily.

You can also do this on a physical basis, actually reaching out and touching something and then withdrawing from it and then reaching again etc.

Among other things, we are drilling the ability to reach out with and withdraw one's attention. When an area is abberated, one either gets one's attention stuck on it or one flinches from it and can't look at all. Either way, putting your attention onto and off of it in a controlled manner can restore the ability to think about and handle something.

Furthermore, drilling the precise control of your attention is like any other exercise, it gets better with practice and you build up muscles.

Processes are best done with alternating commands (this naturally shifts your attention back and forth) or with some inherent change of attention (spot another object or remember another time when ...) or with great care to end the action precisely before doing it again.

Sometimes you can get somewhere with fixed concentration, but its usually the long way around, and there is a tendency to build up a resistance when you push too long and hard against something. In eastern practices, they often drill by holding their attention on a single point instead of alternating and these drills are notorious for taking years of arduous work before they achieve a result. Tibetan monks have been known to wall themselves up in caves for years to complete one of these drills. The speed difference is at least a hundred to one. Just see how long it takes you to push a nail in someday without swinging a hammer and you'll see what I mean.

There is also the matter of narrowing one's attention down to the point where one has a chance to push through something. There are things that are just too much for the PC at this stage in his existence and you handle that by addressing one piece at a time rather than trying to handle everything at once. You can probably get him to confront losing his pen if he doesn't at the same time think about how the boss is going to yell at him. And then maybe you could get his confront up on people yelling as long as they were not his boss and then you could get him to confront his boss as long as he wasn't yelling. Finally you can take up the subject of his boss yelling at him for losing the pen and succeed where otherwise you would have failed.

The idea behind processes is generally to address a specific thing and not get into all the other stuff that's wrong with him at the same time. You do one thing with the attitude that you'll worry about the other things later. This is where you can fail if the PC has his attention stuck on some other horrible thing in his life (a problem or something) because he keeps pulling that into the middle of the process you are trying to run.

And so you have to watch out for things that have the PC's attention stuck. If it is stuck to the point where he can't put it aside briefly to do something else, then there is nothing else that you can run, because you are going to be running that fixed point of attention whether you like it or not.

There are some processes, such as simply looking around the room and spotting things that you like, which will run a point of fixed attention without addressing it directly. But realize that you really are running that fixed point by having him practice putting his attention somewhere else under his own control. You can also run this process in the absence of fixed attention and it will be a nice process for improving one's perceptions of the room. But it runs like a different process in that case because you are not doing the same thing with it.

And here again we have the factor of accessibility. The process that will really cure what his attention is stuck on might not be in the accessible band. And so you do a lick and a promise and try to get his attention off of it temporarily and then build up his muscles by handling what is accessible until he reaches the point where he really can go after that thing which has him swamped.


You can exercise abilities and perceptions by drilling them. This is a form of repetitive spotting (or repetitive doing) that is oriented towards repeating the action. It is addressed towards the current environment rather than the past and works to increase ability directly rather than being concerned with why the person is not able.

At Scientology lower levels, they use drills on the physical environment and work through the body. For example, you might have the person look around the room (with the body's eyes) and spot something he likes. You would do this repetitively until the person brightens up.

On the upper levels, the techniques are often done outside the body. You could, for example, close your eyes, get the idea that you're hovering over the city, and spot something that you like.

Both methods are valid and valuable. If we forget about the silly status button as to whether or not somebody is at a certain case level, it becomes apparent that both methods could apply at any level. It is often best to do a physical drill on the room using the body first and then go on to do the OT version of the same drill. The OT versions of these things are beneficial even if the perceptions are vague and unreal. They get better as you advance.

Making gains by means of drills alone is unfortunately very limited. A certain amount can expand abilities and build up horsepower, but then you begin to run into the various mental barriers that you have set up and the limits of the physical rules that you are in compulsive agreement with.

My own idea on this would be to have a short level of drills in between each major level that is address to auditing something out. This should include some physical drills (also called "objective" processes in Scientology) and some OT drills. In other words, let the person do some of these all the way up the line rather than putting them at some special super OT level. And do them with the knowledge that they will be vague and sketchy at first and will get better as one advances.

Unless you're drilling precision, you should push the speed just a bit because quantity of commands done is a bit senior to the quality with which they are done and because a faster pace tends to raise one's tone level (see 1st ACC lectures). This doesn't mean that you slop around and don't really do the command or try to get through everything in a mad rush, it simply means that a brisk pace is preferable if the PC is up to it. But precision is often worth working on (this is the keynote of martial arts or practicing the piano, etc.). A good technique when you're doing drills solo is to do a few commands very precisely and then do a large number quickly and then do a few more with great attention to the quality and precision etc.


Repetitive processes generally aim at pushing through something, deeper and deeper, until you can spot a basic answer or confront a basic incident that causes an area to fall apart.

Of course drills can also be considered processes, but here I'm referring to questions which get you to confront things. As discussed under repetitive spotting, the questions are often alternating so as to bring about a natural shifting of attention on and off of an area because this gives you the maximum push into looking at the area.

An example would be running "What is the Problem", "What communications have you left incomplete about that problem". The two commands are done alternately, and they get the person to shift his attention back and forth so that he doesn't bog down on one question or the other. For self auditing to clean up a specific problem, you might be best off using "Describe the problem" instead of "What is the problem" because this encourages more ITSA and this process will work best on a specific problem by alternating ITSA on the problem itself and on the incomplete communications. The problem will change as you continue the process, and you may even shift to a more basic problem.


A very useful technique is to go down a prepared list of things and see which reacts. There are many variations of this. It is used, among other things, for assessing a correction list of possible things that can go wrong to see if you can find what is wrong.

This really should be done with an E-meter so that you can see what reacts. This gives you an easy way to figure out what to take up. Trained auditors will know how to do this. Solo auditors using a meter can get away with this on a very sloppy basis because they know what is going on with themselves. Doing this on someone else should only be done by highly trained professionals or very knowledgeable co-auditors on each other because it can be quite evaluative for the PC and can get him all screwed up if the auditor jams the wrong things down the PCs throat and misses the right ones.

Note that because the list is generalized and the topic (such as fixing what has gone wrong) may have more than one correct answer, this is not generally used to find the one and only answer, but instead is used to get areas to follow up on. The most significant one might not even be accessible when you begin running this so that lesser areas have to be handled first.

On a self-audit basis, you can still check over the things on a prepared list to see if you can spot items that seem indicated to you. Somebody might actually read through that list of actual GPM goals (see the previous write-up on actual GPMs) and just know it when they come to the right one.

You might also look down a list of possible errors (e.g. a correction list) and spot right away what has gone wrong.

If you're not sure of finding the right one but you're still fairly clear headed, you can try out a couple of possibilities and see if one or more of them work. This is possible as long as you still have enough free attention to tolerate a few wrong answers and a bit of WHATSIT before you get your hands on something that is right.

The difficulty comes up when you have really gotten yourself bogged down and its all too foggy and confused and over-charged and maybe you've already got a lot of things wrong so that the answer is not obvious. In this case, all you can do is to keep fixing individual things that are wrong until the area cools down and you can see clearly again and that is very hard without an E-meter. This is really the area where we could use a team of crack professionals supporting co-audit clubs and self-clearing groups etc.

There are many assessment lists in Scientology. Modern Scientology is especially good at putting together correction lists to use in assessing and fixing what has gone wrong in the case of trouble. These correction lists were developed by accumulating a great deal of history on things that did go wrong and how they were fixed. Later I will talk about a few of the more critical errors, but this will not substitute for a thorough study of case repair.

You can also put together an assessment list if you know enough about an area. If, for example, you know how to fix cars, you can make a list of things that could be wrong which you can go over when a car comes in to be fixed. In developing such a list, you must be very careful to put together a general list of what could be wrong (or whatever) without looking for the exact right thing that is wrong. This question, of what is wrong, does not generally go to a single perfect answer because there are usually many things wrong and there is often an accumulation of errors before something actually fails.

Never confuse assessment techniques with the listing techniques given in the next section. Assessment lists are useful lists of things to consider.


This is an extremely powerful but potentially dangerous technique. I do not recommend it to beginners, but you should have some understanding of it.

You begin with a question that goes to exactly one right answer (which is why it doesn't work on the question "what is wrong with me" etc.).

Then you list down answers to the question. The action of listing itself will improve your confront in the area and will tend to take off charge. If the area has too much charge on it, you may not spot the answer (referred to as "The Item") when you list it, but instead you might have to list some more answers first. You have to spot the moment when all the charge has come off and you're ready to spot the item.

Then you go down the list of answers nulling out the ones that are no longer valid (this is the Nulling step) until you find The Item which is the one and only exact answer to the question for you at this time.

You then have to recognize that it is the answer. In an auditing session, the auditor will indicate that "..." is the item. In solo, you indicate it to yourself.

This is a very dicey procedure if done in the presence of heavy charge, and that should be left to professionals.

But listing on a lightly charged item is very easy. You just spot a couple answers and know which one it is (generally listing on NOTS works this way because its not your charge). Generally you can just list to the right item without doing an item nulling step.

If there is heavy charge, what you can do is to take most of the charge off with a repetitive process first. Often you can even cognite what the item is without doing any listing at all. In self auditing, only begin a listing technique when the answer is almost on the tip of your tongue. This is slower but much safer.

Among the things that can go wrong are the list is being overlisted (you have kept on too long and it seems to be getting heavier and more solid) or the list is still incomplete (there is still more charge and more answers you need to get off and it seems like there is still more than one possible answer). Sometimes when you go past the correct answer on Nulling the list, it seems like every answer is correct, so find the one that triggered that happening. Often (but not always), it turns out to be the first one on the list. See the "Laws of Listing and Nulling" in the tech volumes and don't list anything that is heavily charged until you really know what you're doing.

The worst error is indicating the wrong item. If it feels bad, it is not it. The right item always cheers you up no matter how sick the answer might seem because finding the right answer will start straightening things out and bring about a feeling of relief at a minimum. If things seem bleak or hopeless after finding an item, it is guaranteed that it is wrong. If this happens, immediately indicate to yourself that the item is wrong (that will cool down most of the side effect of a wrong item). A wrong item can make you sick. The same can happen if you have the right item and then invalidate it. Whichever way it is, if you suddenly feel horrible, then reverse the indication.

Don't get too worried about wrong items or listing errors. I have run many thousands of lists on myself and gotten hundreds of items wrong without any serious ill effect. Even when the listing was done on me by someone else, the occasional wrong item didn't usually have much effect except that a few time I got very mad and upset. Only twice did I ever have a really bad reaction and in both cases it was listing done on me by another in an area that was extremely highly charged. In one of the two cases I became extremely sick, and in the other I suffered very briefly from hysterical blindness, unable to see anything but blackness with my eyes open (but this happened instantly and made the error obvious and my vision snapped back on on simply reversing the indication).

As a little aside, people are always indicating wrong things to each other in life. You should learn to spot these things and reject them and you'll find that life is a lot more pleasant. Even if something is actually right, if you're not ready to have the item, then it wouldn't do you any good so you might as well toss it. If you keep evolving, you'll get back to it eventually and generally you'll find that even the things that seemed right logically (but didn't feel correct) were slightly off base.

Its simple and easy to spot things (such as things that are wrong etc.) and do something about them without getting into a frantic search for the right answer. If you pound away at searching for the one true answer (especially with a question that has many valid answers), you tend to get into a continual WHATSIT that will bog you down.

If you keep spotting truth and not worrying about the stuff that is not yet accessible, you will have an expanding sphere of rightness and understanding and gradually the dark areas will clear up and resolve.


An old basic idea in Scientology is that you have the PC do consciously what he is already doing automatically.

If we are adding to the richness of creation, then he can let himself stop doing something as soon as he has full control of doing it consciously whenever he wants. Then he doesn't lose it if he stops.

But if you suppress something that's happening automatically, he can't let go of it, so it keeps going in a hidden manner and what you end up with is both the automaticity and its suppression being continually mocked up. This may result in something that looks like nothing is happening, but its solid and very busy under the surface (its the no motion of forces in balance instead of a simple absence of motion) and it chews up a lot of his horsepower keeping these things in suspension.

A good technique is to have the PC alternately increase and decrease the action. If a muscle is tense, alternately make it tenser and looser etc. If a person is stuttering, have him alternately stutter worse and better in alternate sentences.

This leads to more exotic techniques based on assumptions about what the person is doing unconsciously. Obviously, he's automatically making the wall solid, so you have him make it more solid, etc.


Since the underlying basic is creating things, the ultimate process would simply be to create things consciously and under your own control. If you can mock something up causatively, then you don't have to mock it up compulsively.

This is the basic technique of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course and Ron has said a great deal about it.

If you're worried about car crashes, then do mockups of car crashes until the mockup is under your control. Then you'll stop worrying and also have enough confront on the situation that you'll have a good chance of avoiding a crash instead of pulling one in.

You really should listen to the PDC tapes, but I'll give you a few key points here. First of all, mock up many copies, not just one. Change their color and alter them in various ways to get them under your control. Move them around and locate them in different places. Work in all directions, not just in front of you (there is an automatic tendency to push pictures behind your back to keep them hidden, so working mockups behind you is especially good). Subsequent research by Ron in the late 1950s (16th ACC etc.) showed that you must do something with the mockup, such as making it more solid or changing it around, to ensure that it is your own creation rather than just pulling up old pictures.

The final problem with mockup processing (see 1st Melbourne ACC) was that it sometimes stirred up charge on Create/Destroy. It was abandoned for that reason despite the fact that it worked in a large percentage of cases. In the 1960s, it was discovered that Create/Destroy were key implant buttons and this problem was basically solved, but mockup processing never went back into intensive use.

The keynote of using this technique safely is to never push the PC into having to do it, because sometimes there is charge on the Create button. But use it yourself anytime you feel good about it, because it is one of the fastest and most powerful techniques, and even in the early days, Ron explicitly stated that it could be self audited successfully.

If there is charge on create, you can probably blow it by spotting the top of the first penalty universe. The first item is "To Create Is Native State". Then the penalty universe shows you how that leads to death and destruction. You can pull out of the whole thing by spotting being blanketed and pushed into the penalty universe and then by spotting pushing others into it. The context of this is given in the "Cosmic History" and a more detailed write-up will appear later in this series.


The most important thing in running a process is to continue to do it until it's done.

The act of running a process will bring other things into view. There is a strong tendency to chase after the new things discovered instead of finishing what you're doing, and that is a mistake. If you do find something worth following up, write it down for later and continue what you're doing.

There is a real problem in knowing when to stop. Always end on a win or some sort of gain or improvement. But don't push on endlessly trying to force some big gain and invalidating the actual win because it seemed too small. The invalidation itself interferes with further progress. Its like teaching a little kid something. You have to encourage the tiniest half screwed up forward step so that he can keep getting better.

We are generally working towards getting key-outs, which means that you don't take apart the entirety of trillions of years of, let us say, having a car (or spaceship or whatever) break down while trying to drive to work. Instead, you spot a few things and suddenly the accumulated weight of that thing falls away and you feel better and have a win. That is the point to stop. If you carry on, you just begin to stir up the tons of earlier stuff connected to the area you're handling and that stuff may be too early and too far out of current experience to be addressed right now. So you take the win you're given and go on to something else. Eventually you come back around and an earlier and broader sphere is now accessible and you can go to a more powerful win. Eventually you should be able to spot the original postulates, decisions, actions, and false data that started you on the downward path.

A process can be underrun, meaning that it hasn't been run long enough, or it can be overrun, meaning that it has been run too long.

Leaving a process incomplete (e.g. underrun) can sometimes leave you feeling irritable or even hopeless because you've stirred up something, expecting to handle it, and then abandoned it instead. Self auditors commonly leave processes underrun, get discouraged, and then abandon the whole mess.

Overrunning a process tends to make things more solid and often gives you a heavy or tired feeling. The process also gets more difficult to run and things that were easy to confront when the process was going well can start seeming hard to handle. If you begin feeling that stuff is coming back that was gone, its almost certainly an overrun. In my experience, overrun is the most common mistake when people are auditing each other. They want a single process to do everything when the real truth is that you usually need many processes, each producing a small forward step fairly quickly.

Even a self auditor needs to keep a record of processes run so that he can check back over the last few if he begins to feel irritable or hopeless (underrun) or heavy and solid (overrun).

For underrun, you finish the incomplete process.

For overrun, you spot the moment that you went release on the process and rehabilitate that. You can spot the win or new awareness that occurred. You can spot the invalidation of continuing and the subtle action of dragging things back in (which had been momentarily better) that occurred when you kept on running the process. You can even count how many times you went release because a long overrun can have multiple release points. There are more sophisticated methods taught in professional auditor training, but you shouldn't need these unless you're handling an untrained and unaware PC.


If a person has an upset, problem, or a withhold that they are worrying about, then it will not be possible to make any progress on anything else because these things cause one's attention to stick. These are called the rudiments because they need to be taken care of first before handling other things.

Trained auditors, even solo auditors, learn sophisticated techniques to handle these using an E-meter. I will not try to cover all of that material here.

But untrained people still need something to get through these things. And even a professional should have methods for self auditing these if necessary; you can't always count on having a meter and being able to set up a formal session (especially if you get run over by a truck).


An upset is best described as an ARC Break (ARCX). On a self audit basis, you would first just look the incident over very carefully, confronting what happened and spotting things about it. The emphasis is on saying what is (ITSA) and not worrying about the confused and unresolved parts of it (which will be handled next). This is to soften the incident up a bit. Needless to say, you do this away from the source of the ARC break if at all possible.

If you're extremely upset, furious or hysterical or whatever, then also do alternate spotting of the room and the incident until things cool down a bit.

When you're ready, consider the points Affinity, Reality, Communication, and Understanding and determine which was the most significant in the upset. You can do this step again if there is more than one. This is an assessment, as discussed earlier. Done without a meter, you simply take your best shot and if the following step doesn't bring some relief, you try again.

Then check if the item found above was enforced or inhibited. If neither one of these indicates strongly, then use a broader assessment consisting of a) Not-Known, b) Curious, c) Desired, d) Enforced, e) Inhibited, f) No .., g) Refused. Note that standard tech does not include the Not-Know button in their ARCX assessments, but it follows from general theory and shows up more as you get higher on the scale.

When you spot that, lets say, an enforced reality or an inhibited communication was the primary source of the upset, there should be a feeling of relief. If not, then you've got it wrong and should redo the above.

The relief on spotting this can be partial or total. If its complete, then you're done. If not, then carry on as follows:

First of all, spot the primary direction of flow. I.E., did you inhibit someone else's communication or did someone else inhibit yours. It can even be another inhibiting others communication or someone (you or somebody else) inhibiting their own communication (or affinity or reality or whatever the button was).

Then spot exactly what communication (for example) was inhibited and state it clearly.

Spot what you did in the incident.

Spot what you decided in the incident.

Spot what you postulated in the incident.

Note that professionals don't use this extra set of questions specifically, but they do get the PC to ITSA about the incident. In self auditing, you generally need more precise questions, and the above are aimed at getting more ITSA.

If something still seems unsolvable or hopeless about the incident, then look for an earlier similar upset and repeat the above.

And watch out for overrun. If it gets better and then suddenly seems more solid, you've passed the release point and should rehabilitate it instead of continuing.


If you have a simple problem, its sometimes enough to simply spot things about it (ITSA). Professional auditors generally use a technique that only consists of getting ITSA and then finding an earlier similar problem etc. This is workable in a professional session (where the auditor is trained to keep the PC ITSAing) but may be inadequate for self-auditing.

For better handling, it helps to know that a problem will generally have two sides in conflict and to know, at least theoretically, that you're doing something to attract or encourage the opposition. One approach would be to try to identify the two sides in conflict and then alternately spot something about each side.

Another technique, which is good on a self audit basis, it to run the problems and incomplete communications process as I discussed in section 3.4 above. Although this is also used as a general process when running the problems grade, it can be run on a specific problem and used to be used that way in repair sessions (see the old circa 1966 instructions for running the Green Form which is a general purpose case repair action). Although the org stopped using it this way a long time ago, it did work and has the advantage of being usable without much training. Note that using it on a specific problem usually produces a release on that specific problem and it later can be used again on another problem. But if you do get a major release on the entire subject of problems, then pat yourself on the back and put this technique aside. When problems eventually key in again (which they will if the release came from a single process), then shift to another problems technique (such as mocking up problems of comparable magnitude).


If you're really worried about getting caught for something you've done, you probably have what Scientology calls a "Missed Withhold".

The key thing that really gets your attention stuck is that somebody did something that made you wonder if they knew, but you're not sure. This uncertainty really hangs you. The handling is to spot who nearly found out and exactly what they did that made you think that they might know.

Of course you shouldn't be doing bad stuff and living a life of secrecy, but that can usually be handled on a gradual and general basis. People usually commit overts to solve problems or because they are out of communication or have misunderstood something (which is almost the same thing) or for vengeance (handle the ARCX) and there is a whole grade full of processes to clean up the area.

Its the missed withhold (rather than the fact of having committed an overt or having a withhold) that gets the person so stuck that you don't have the opportunity of running any processes to bring about a general improvement.

If you do have your attention stuck, full handling would be to write down exactly what you did (including all the gruesome, embarrassing, or shameful details), get exactly when you did it, double check that you've gotten all of it, then spot who nearly found out and what they did to indicate that, and spot if anyone else missed it etc. If you don't get full relief, then look for an earlier similar and handle as above.

I'm not asking you to send in these pieces of paper to anyone or even to tell anybody. You can burn it afterwards if you want. The idea is to get your confront up on your own actions and raise your responsibility level. At least don't lie to yourself.

If an overt or withhold does seem to be sticking your attention and you really can't find anyone missing it, then its probably just a matter of confront (you might even repetitively spot what part of that overt you would be willing to be responsible for) and the weight of earlier similar actions (find and handle them).


There are other rudiments, such as invalidation, that can occasionally get in the way. They are nowhere near as common as the 3 given above, but they do happen. Furthermore, anything that can interfere with auditing to that degree is obviously a potential grade of release that should be run eventually. But more research is needed here. It took years to collect all the underlying key points on each of the above and a similar effort has not been made in other areas.

For now, the general technique (on something such as invalidation) is to get as much ITSA as possible and then go earlier similar.



It is very important to know some techniques that will dig you out if you get in trouble. There are volumes of material on this in Scientology. Here I am only scratching the surface.

In general, when you use an assist to handle pain, there will be a moment when the pain becomes very sharp just before it vanishes. This happens because you are removing the mental barrier which you are using to keep the pain suppressed and under control. You need to remove that barrier and view the pain fully to get rid of it.

If there is a physical injury (bleeding etc.) always do first aid first. And if its really bad, get to a hospital. You CAN do fantastic things and heal at incredible rates, but mental techniques are usually too slow for real emergencies. But if you do this stuff in the emergency room while the doctors are working on you, you might get out of intensive care in hours instead of weeks and avoid long term damage.

Also note that anything you do to suppress pain will interfere with handling it mentally. There are things you can do that actually reduce pain (by killing germs or reducing swelling) and these should be used. But don't suppress it with things that only act as pain killers except for emergencies, and then only use them momentarily (like an anesthetic to get through an operation) rather than taking something steadily which will dull your mind and block your abilities.

4.1 Contact Assist (for pain after an injury)

This is the fastest and easiest one to do if you just banged into something. There is already a good write-up on this by Ron, but it is so useful that I will give you a brief summary here.

Ideally, you do this where the injury occurred using the objects involved in the injury. Cool off any hot surfaces and blunt or otherwise cover any sharp ones (such as a knife you might have cut yourself with). Then slowly repeat the action which caused the injury. Do this a number of times until the pain turns on strongly for a moment and then starts to fade.

If necessary, you can try to approximate the objects involved in the accident. You can even try to duplicate the circumstances in a different location if you have to, but the original location is better.

4.2 Advanced Touch Assist (for pain)

This is one of the key assists used in Scientology and there is a great deal of material on how to do it.

The method currently used in Scientology is to have the injured person "feel my finger", and this is the command to use on an unaware and untrained person because its hard to teach someone an advanced technique while they're in pain and distracted.

But the older more effective command was to have the person close his eyes and "look at my finger". The org still uses this on OTs, but in the old days it worked on new people as long as the auditor was good enough to gently coax them into doing it and as long as they were not so raw that the idea was too hard for them to grasp. This version works at least twice as fast as the other one.

As you touch the person, you alternate right and left sides and you try to follow the nerve channels and work near and far from the injury. And you pay special attention to working over each finger and toe and also the spine. The org has plenty more on this, but these are the basics.

You can do this on yourself, touching alternate sides and, with your eyes closed, looking at the spots which you touch. If the injury is to the hand or you're distracted by the feelings coming from the finger you are doing the touching with or you need to reach hard to get at areas, then you can use the back of a pen or pencil to touch yourself with.

Now for the advanced version. This is not currently used in Scientology. I developed it by taking some early research of Ron's (see the November lectures of 1952) on the subject of how the thetan handled the body and combining it with the touch assist. What he did was to have a person move their arm or walk across the room and try to follow the energy flow through the nerve channels of the body as they did it.

The advanced technique is to mentally follow the nerve channel from the brain down to the spot that your touching on your body. Flow some energy along it if possible and push through any ridges or standing waves. If you're in good shape, you should also be aware of reaching into the brain to pickup the nerve channel in the first place. Alternate sides and follow the usual pattern for a touch assist. Except, if the trouble is with the head, stomach, or spine, then also alternate head and stomach (because they are at opposite ends of a heavy nerve channel) as suggested by Ron for a different process in 1957.

This can work as much as ten times faster than the standard touch assist and often works on those occasional somatics (the Scientology word for pain, which derives from psychosomatic) which don't run very well on the ordinary version.

Note that even an extreme physical injury (such as an exposed nerve in a decaying tooth) is far less painful than it seems because 90 percent or more of what you are feeling is the mental accumulation of past pains rather than the actual moment to moment hurt. You will find that there is a faint physical component which does not blow without actual healing (you wouldn't want to be numb after all), but it is a shadow of the agony that we usually experience.


The OT handling for any pain, sensation, emotion, or even drug effects is to drill placing the feeling or whatever into the walls, floor, ceiling, or large nearby objects. You can also vary this a bit by occasionally putting the feeling in clouds over distant cities etc.

A shallow version of this is still used occasionally in Scientology. A more comprehensive version was used in 1953 (see the 1st ACC tapes etc.). But even that falls short of what can be done with this technique.

You have machinery and split off pieces of yourself stashed away in various hidden areas, mostly outside of or sideways (in a fourth dimensional direction) of the physical universe. This will be discussed further in another write-up, but the basic idea is that you can only feel what you yourself mockup.

Much of your machinery is intimately connected to the body, and when you stub your toe, the physical action is detected by the machinery which then mocks up the pain for you to experience.

You can also get mentally restimulated and trigger this machinery and experience pain or whatever without any physical impact or damage. This is "psychosomatic", but it is the same pain and the same mechanism which is creating the sensation. The only difference is the trigger. Note that psychosomatic is quite different from hypochondria where the person is worrying about something that isn't there.

This assist can work on both psychosomatic pains and on actual pains coming from a physical source because it addresses the mechanism by which you create the pains so that you can feel them.

If you have a pain, and drill intensively on putting that pain into the walls and feeling it in that location, you will find that you will gradually start feeling it over there instead of in the body and you will dislodge the machinery and redirect it into the locations that you are designating. This restores your control over the machinery. It also gives you the ability to create the pain at will, and if you can create it causatively, then you can also dispense with it if you are not in the mood to feel it right now. Note that this does not leave you numb. It leaves you aware and in control and restores choice about what you're feeling.

If, on the other hand, you try to suppress the pain, especially with drugs, you are reducing your own ability to create and feel it, and therefore, you keep it there more solidly. This may seem surprising and hard to believe because right now you probably don't want the sensation, but deep down in your subconscious (so to speak) you know better and you wouldn't let yourself loose any sensation no matter how terrible unless you know you can get it back at will.

Unfortunately, this drill is not easy, but it can be done. When you first try it, you might only be able to get a vague imagined idea that maybe there could be a faint bit of the pain in the wall, but the ability grows as you practice it.

Don't grind too hard at a particular spot on the wall. Move from spot to spot fairly briskly, alternating or simply working around the room. Its best to work this in all six directions around you rather than just using the wall in front of you. So use the floor and ceiling and the wall behind your back etc. And then pick some large objects for variety.

If necessary, after this is going well (you're getting a significant amount but not all of the pain or whatever into the walls), you can work near and far from the body, coming closer and then pulling away and then finally putting the pain in the body, but not in the place where the actual pain is. Then you can alternate putting the pain in the body and in the wall. Finally, you can put the pain where its supposed to be and where it isn't supposed to be alternately and have the total sensation move back and forth and this should give you full control over it.

You can do the same thing with emotions such as anger. This gives you control over the emotions.

The same goes for sensations such as sexual sensations. This leads to being able to mockup sensations without needing a body.

This is also the missing step which is needed to really free somebody from drugs. Any mental or physical handling, such as the various drug rundowns or the purif that are currently used in Scientology to help someone get off drugs are only aimed at handling the reasons and the effects. They do not restore the persons ability to create whatever kinky sensation it was that kept them addicted. You handle this by having the person mock up that sensation in the walls and eventually in the body until they can do it at will without taking the drug. Then they will never need the drug again (assuming of course that you also have handled the reasons why they started taking the drug etc.).

Note that all drug effects come from the person's own machinery. Putting chemicals into the body can get his machinery to do all sorts of strange things, but it is still him who is doing it to himself.

The biggest limitation is that this assist (and also the contact and touch assists) are purely objective techniques, and they do not address the subjective reasons, decisions, etc. which are also present when somebody gets in trouble. A momentary pain can generally be handled this way, but a chronic one will require alternating these assists with more subjective techniques such as running incidents, finding overts, etc. See the assist book which includes many subjective techniques.


This is a more difficult technique, but it is capable of addressing the actual physical structure and is especially good for promoting healing. It is not really an assist for pain because it will turn on buried pains while it is running them out and only brings relief at the end.

This has its origins in the 3rd ACC, and was the key assist used in that course, but I have expanded and improved it considerably.

In running this, the somatics come off in layers. You will blow one somatic only to find another in its place. You must validate yourself for blowing the somatic and then handle the next one in line which is actually an earlier somatic. If, for example, you run this on a decayed tooth, you will find yourself handling each different pain that you got in the area and they will come up in reverse order until you get the first pain you had in that spot in your current body. When that one goes, you will feel better and the body will be much more capable of healing itself. You should take a break at this point, and be careful not to run another command. You can drop it at this point, or check it over later when you're ready to dive in again. If you do push on, you will find yourself running through an earlier series of somatics that you had in that area on an earlier body.

If you do this on an injured area, or area that has been injured, you will turn on any suppressed pain and need to run through the series of somatics to turn it off again.

The process is done as follows:

Begin by mocking up a copy of the somatic and also the injured area slightly to one side of the area. Mock up another one on the opposite side. Then push the two copies into the injured area simultaneously (like squeezing an accordion).

As you make copies, you need to alter them slightly to exert your control over them and to ensure that you don't just put the mockups on automatic (which wouldn't do you much good). So, each time you make copies, you do something to them. The best things to do are a) make it more solid, b) make it uglier and more decrepit (and maybe alternate with making it nicer), c) change its color. This is not very formal and you don't have to follow a rote procedure on altering the copies, but be sure to do something.

As you make each set of copies, vary the axis on which you're doing it. At a minimum, you can alternate right/left, above/below, and in front/back. If you can get to it, you can even run 4th dimensional directions.

When you first start, just make one pair of copies and push them in. Then start increasing the number of copies you're mocking up. You stretch them out in a series, one after the other. Try to get it up to at least 5 copies fairly quickly. In other words, you get 5 copies of it on the right side and another 5 on the left side and then push them all into the area somewhat like squeezing an accordion. If you're up to it, get more than 5. The process goes fairly fast if you can run copies straight out to infinity. Always push copies in from both sides simultaneously.

The somatic should change fairly quickly. Generally there will be a microsecond where its gone. Realize that it has blown and you've got an earlier somatic. At this moment, shift to the opposite side of the body. If there is a somatic in the corresponding spot, then copy that, otherwise, just mockup copies of the area. If you feel good on that side after a few commands, then go back to the other side and copy what is there, if however a somatic appears (where there was none), then change the copies to duplicate it and run it out.

In other words, you keep changing sides and copying what is now there. You will find a continually progressing change in the somatic. Try to copy the physical structure as well. You will find that at first you get very oversimplified mockups which will gradually become more complex as you begin duplicating the real structure in the area. This drill will raise your perception of the area fairly quickly.

Sometimes you will find a vacuum in the area. Try copying this just like anything else, but if it seems to be hanging without change, then get into the center of it and outflow copies. If you do that, the vacuum will usually change into a sharp pain which you can then run with normal copies (in this case don't shift sides but handle it immediately).

Sometimes you will find black masses or energy fields in the area. Copy these just like anything else.

I know this is difficult and complex and it can turn up all sorts of pains you didn't think you had. But at a minimum, it gets the body working to heal itself, and at maximum, you might regain the ability to mockup (and unmock) bodies at will.


At this time we do not have very many techniques for handling loss. This is a grave deficiency and more research is needed.

Loss goes back much earlier in our existence than did pains and engrams.

One thing you can do is to run out the incident of loss (by alternately spotting something in the incident and then something in the room or by any other incident running technique) with special attention to the moment when you first discovered the loss.

You can look for earlier similar losses and run those, but this is not as useful as it is with handling engrams. With engrams, the actual pain of early incidents is long gone, so the earlier ones are easier to look at. But with loss, the item lost long ago is still gone.

For loss, the incidents are easier to confront in the future. One technique would be to spot how far in the future the loss would have to be for you to find it acceptable. In other words, it might be horrible to have your wife die now, but you could tolerate it if she were to die in a hundred or a thousand years. So you find when it would be tolerable and make up an incident of the loss occurring then and how it might happen etc. and get your confront up on that. Then you should be able to confront it happening a little closer to present time, so you repeat the step, gradually bringing the loss in closer until you can confront the real loss which did occur.

In handling a heavy loss, you want the tears to flow rather than suppressing them under a heavy barrier, so don't make people stop crying and consider it a good indicator if they begin to cry after holding it all bottled up.

Realize that if someone starts crying heavily about something that seems insignificant, they are usually crying about something else (or you have really mis-evaluated the importance). In that case, you might like to find what the real underlying loss is, but it might not be accessible. So learn to tolerate what might seem to be foolish causes for upset and handle them with care because there might be some earth shattering thing hidden just out of sight. Kids cry easily at trivial things and its usually because they just died and have lost everything and everyone they cared about in their last lifetime and have even lost their memories and awareness of what happened.

The ultimate mastery of loss consists of being able to recreate anything at will (so that there is no loss of things) and to recontact anybody no matter where they now are (e.g. total communication so that there is no loss of beings such as friends and loved ones) and mastery of time (which is the same as the ability to recreate universes at different times in their existence) so that you can replay anything and have it come out differently (so that there is no loss of doing).

Note that many of our aberrations are the fixed solutions that we are holding in place to handle loss. A powerful process I came up with one day was "In this lifetime, what do you use to keep others from leaving". My answer was that I get sick. Other things we do as solutions to loss are forgetting and becoming ARC broken.

On the subject of assists for loss, one (from the first ACC) is to simply mockup the lost person (or whatever) and mentally reach and withdraw from the mockup.

Another thing you can do is to do mockups of destroying the person (or thing) various different ways at greater and then lesser distances. I.E. blowing them up, tossing them in the sun, etc. until you can confront what actually happened to them.

You can also run the PROTECT button because usually you will feel that you failed to protect the person (or whatever). For this you generalize the relationship (use "a wife" or "a lover" rather than the specific girl who left or died, etc.) and then run "How could you protect ____" alternating with "How could a ____ protect you". Note that we run the positive aspect rather than the recent failure.

There are other kinds of loss. One can lose a group or a country or even one's faith or hopes and dreams. For a Scientologist, becoming disillusioned can be a terrible loss even if one hangs on and remains in the organization. The same will be found in other religions if somebody loses faith after orienting their life around it. This needs to be handled as an incident of loss and misemotion just as if one's house had burned down or a friend had died.


In Scientology, we use the term "implant" to refer to heavy incidents where various commands etc. were implanted into the person to control them. This is heavy brainwashing and conditioning especially as it was used in more advanced civilizations.

In recent universes, this has usually been done by force (such as the electronics used by space traveling civilizations), but as we go earlier (when the person was above being hurt physically), we find it done by means of aesthetics, emotional waves, symbols, etc. and (earliest) simply by means of trickery and false information.

The implants usually have commands stated as thought intentions (not really English words) but sometimes simply consist of pictures which show you things. Usually there is some sort of pattern, such as opposing items or a declining scale.

Because the implants often used repeating patterns within patterns (maybe a series of items that were repeated on each of a series of goals), some of Ron's early research used sheets of paper containing an item pattern with holes cut in it so that it could be laid over pages that only had the goals typed on them to make it easy to compose complex patterns with a small number of pages. Since these sheets with holes can be called platens (a metal plate with holes cut into it, used, for example, on old typewriters to hold the roller in place while giving the typehead access to the paper), any written out implant pattern eventually came to be called a platen even though the holes were dispensed with long ago.

If you have the platen for an implant, you would run it out using an emeter by repetitively spotting an item as long as it continued to react on the meter and then going on to the next item and doing the same. It is rarely good enough simply to read the platen. For self auditing without a meter, you need to shift your attention on and off the item (not just glare at it) because you don't have the natural shift that comes about when you have to keep looking back and forth between the item and the emeter. One technique might be to alternate back and forth between opposing pairs of items. You have to keep repeating one item or pair until it discharges or otherwise releases before going on to the next.

These platens are not so hot or dangerous as the CofS believes. Nonetheless, you might occasionally get yourself restimulated or upset or even sick while slopping around carelessly with implant platens. If worse comes to worse, the restimulation will fade out after awhile (hopefully in a few days). But its good to have some tricks for cooling these things down immediately.

One trick that often works if you get in trouble in the middle of running any incident or implant is to spot the beginning. On an implant, this means spotting the first item again, or spotting events leading up to the first item.

The general way to cool down an implant in restimulation is to spot something earlier which undercuts the implant and which does not itself have a lot of kick to it. This will generally pull you right out of the implant and get you feeling better. Usually you only have to spot the thing a few times, so it works very quickly.

Ron himself came up with the idea of spotting what he called incident 1 to cool down and undercut incident 2 on OTIII. Incident 1 is at the "beginning of time" just before you come into this universe (which means its actually very late in your existence) and it has a charioteer and cherub etc. and should be fairly easy to spot in a vague sort of way. That is good enough to cool down any of the implants used in this universe. He didn't even have the real anatomy and details of the incident (see my write-up on actual GPMs) but just about any piece of the incident is enough to snap you out of any later implants.

But if you start trying to research the magic universe which existed before this one, Incident 1 will not serve because it is later. There is a similar (but different) incident at the start of the magic universe which can be used instead. I don't have the details, but it seems to include a sort of Arabian ship floating in the water and various terminals, including a sorcerer (or wizard) holding a glowing crystal ball, which come floating over the water towards you from the ship. If you can find that image of the sorcerer, just spotting it will pull you out of implants done subsequently.

When you get way back on the track, you need to spot the top of the penalty universes, which is the item "To create is native state" (see my write-up on the penalty universes of the home universe era).

Going even earlier, there is being part of a crowd rushing into agreement, going through the inverted golden pyramid, and getting the item "To agree is native state" at the beginning of the agreements universe.

Or, (earliest), spot entering the jewel of knowledge. But that one's hard because there were so many false jewels which are later on the track (including a mockup of the jewel that is used in the penalty universes after the native state item).

For a beginner, the more recent ones are probably easier to spot. Use whatever works.

Note that spotting these things does not run out the later implants. They simply are powerful enough to snap your attention out of a later implant, and can do it at a deep enough level (e.g. not just the surface but way down into the "subconscious") to push the implant out of restimulation.

The problem with implant items is that they tend to be a bit "sticky" and encourage you to compulsively create them if they get into restimulation. And they often have enough somatics (pains and sensations) associated with them that they can make you feel unpleasant. But the things described above are actually stickier and will push the implant item out of the way. And since these are entry point (beginning of universe) experiences, they don't have a lot of somatics or misery sitting there. They do tend to make you create this universe compulsively, but you're doing that anyway, so its just increasing your awareness of what you're already doing. Eventually, as you get control over one of these and cease to be compulsive about the creation, you can shift to an earlier one and begin working with that.

I don't think you can do the whole route by simply running entry points (like the above) alone, but it sure makes it easy to fool around with implants etc.


If an entity of some sort gets stirred up or shows up or grabs your attention in some way, the first thing to realize is that they generally have very little ability to affect you. It is you, not them, who mocks up your bank, your somatics, your emotions, and your existence. All they can generally do is stir things up and remind you of things that are disturbing.

First and foremost, hold your position in space and face up to these guys.

The most useful techniques are:

a) Point to the being you divided from (discussed at greater length in the write-up on "Divide and Conquer").

b) Have them spot the various entry points discussed in section 4.5 above.

c) Nots techniques. Especially, simply asking "Who Are You" and coaxing them into answering "Me".

In the rare case that a full being (rather than a fragment) who is between lives shows up, technique b is usually best and they may require a bit more information. If necessary, you can teach them how to use one of these techniques themselves, having them blow off one of their BTs or teaching them how to run out incidents by alternate spotting etc. This is especially useful if you run into somebody who is being some sort of angel or demon and working on some kind of mission, because it helps them out and gets them on your side and they may start helping others with this stuff. Remember that even the ones who are being demons are only doing so because the game has gone rather badly in this universe. If you show them a real way out, they are often more willing than others to begin helping people because they have no mistaken illusions about how the current oppressive mess is really good for people.

Only once did I run into a demon who was so bound and determined to bother me that he wouldn't get into communication or run a command. So I mocked myself up as real big and dangerous and scared the hell out of him. He left immediately, and a palpable feeling of terror which had been washing over me snapped off as if I had turned a light switch. They work so hard at scaring people that they themselves can be scared very easily. They can dish it out but they can't take it.



Although an assist can help with the pain and upset of a chronic condition, don't expect them to cure one. You're using a tea spoon when you really need a steam shovel. You can (and probably should) run a full battery of assists on the condition, but these processes don't pay enough attention to the underlying whys.

Your best shot on a chronic condition is to handle the pains, sensations, emotions, and attitudes connected with it. Early on you would use Dianetics for this. On a more advanced case, you can simply run each one using the following commands (alternately):

a) Recall being made to feel ____
b) Recall making another feel ____

For good results on this, the person should be up to spotting whole track incidents on recall processes (but each process doesn't have to go whole track, he just has to be able to reach whole track whenever it is needed).

On a person who is in bad shape, you take the first mild win on each process and then go on to another one (taking breaks as needed between processes).

You may need to run dozens or hundreds of faint variations of the somatics in a particular area. On chronic headaches for example, you might take a "pain in the head" the first time, but you will need to carry on with more and more specific pains in precise spots in the head with specific pains (sharp, dull, etc.) as well as other sensations in the area (don't forget feelings of energy etc.). You begin with what the PC puts on the list, but after those are handled you get him to add more to the list, and you can ask him for precise spots or specific feelings or energies etc. if it seems needed. You may have to run a very great deal on a chronic condition. If the area is numb, the run is even longer because you will have to take off layers of not-isness before he can even find the somatics.

You also should do assists. They raise his confront and build horsepower in the area. One way would be to start each session with an assist for pain (if needed), run some recalls (or engrams), and end off with one of the more OT assists.

This will do more for someone on the upper OT levels than a Nots handling would, but you may also need to do some Nots handling in the area occasionally. If the PC is up to it, you could also do some handling of split pieces of himself ("point to") that are connected with the condition or mocking it up. But simple recall is the most beneficial because you are going after the reasons why he is mocking it up (there may be many).

The body's ability to heal is amazing when the mind is aiding it instead of inhibiting it. But meat bodies do not generally grow back missing arms or major organs (although there are rare cases of people growing back things like teeth or girl's regrowing their virginity etc.). If you're up against a major physical disability, then your target is the relief of pain and suffering rather than a full cure.

Sometimes you can work a miracle. The thetan is capable of mocking up an entire body out of thin air. So never make the postulate that something can't be handled, you'll only be limiting your own abilities. But don't stake your reputation on it or lead some poor guy on with false promises. Miracles are very rare.

Psychosomatic and mentally perpetuated conditions, on the other hand, should be approached with confidence. And you have at least a chance against degenerative conditions because they are usually degenerating because the mind has withdrawn from the area and the situation can be reversed if the mind gets back in control.

But any chronic condition is asking for a long run, and you can fail if the person isn't running deeply enough. If the condition can be ignored (the PC has learned to live with it), you will be much better off running grades and OT levels and raising horsepower rather than concentrating on the body.



There are numerous assists given in the 1950s material. Many of them are just general ideas or ways of approaching something without formal procedures. Some of them have been formalized in the assist book. Others are still a matter of judgment based on having a good understanding of the mechanics of the mind. In that case you are pretty much shooting from the hip based on knowingness and understanding.

Two useful processes that I came up with are as follows:

A) Give Me Some Reasons For Wishing This On Someone Else

This is a subtle way to reach overts and overt intentions that are not quite in view or easily recalled. It has the added benefit of pulling off justifiers and postulates.

B) Run mockups of pushing the pain or condition into crowds of people to force them out of their bodies.

This might or might not run and if it does run it might not be basic. But it is one of the early reasons and can potentially open up early track and undercut a lot of things. If you have an advanced case who has an unshakable somatic or condition, he may very likely be doing this to himself from a hidden remote viewpoint to force himself to get out of the body and out of the human condition.

On the early track, the being's solution to sinking downscale is to make postulates and set up mechanisms which will force him back upscale even if they are unpleasant. This is generally more basic than the over/motivator sequence.

You could also ask him "what might you be trying to teach yourself with this pain or condition?".



- Jun 96

This is my list of assist processes that I like to use.

These are not in any particular order but they have been grouped into objective, subjective, and advanced categories. This is not a complete list. These are all by Ron except as discussed above. Many but not all of these are in the assist book (and it has others as well). Some can only be found in the old tapes.


1.1 touch assist
1.2 contact assist
1.3 show me on my body
1.4 keep it from going away / hold it still (alternate left/right or head/stomach) (16th & 17th ACC)
1.5 throw actual kicks and/or punches at the injured area on an imaginary opponent (2nd ACC) (also see fight the wall in PAB 106)
1.6 duplicative body parts: feel my <body part>, feel your <body part>
1.7 clay table healing: do the area & condition in clay carefully labeling everything with lots of detail & itsa
1.8 locational & objective havingness processes (look at that, find something you like, connectedness, etc.)
1.9 look around here & tell me something your <body part> could have (PAB 88)
1.10 find something you can have/condition can't have
1.11 outdoors around people - condition in other people (route 2)


2.1 Dating (R3T in SHSBC tapes) or date/locate
2.2 Hello & OK
2.3 Alternately spot location of incident & where you are now
2.4 What part of <body part> could you be responsible for
2.5 What part of that condition could you admit causing (SMC etc.)
2.6 Who had <condition> (R&D 2 etc.)
2.7 what problem would that condition be a solution to
2.8 give me another purpose for <condition>
2.9 recall a time when you saw that in somebody else (ability maj 4) (use together with 2.10 below)
2.10 recall a time when you decided this was a good thing
2.11 can you recall a time when somebody else had that condition
2.12 can you recall a time when you decided to have that condition
2.13 from where could you communicate to a <body part> (1st MACC)
2.14 failed help: how could you fail to help a ..., how could a... fail to help you
2.15 positive help: how could you help a ..., how could a ... help you
2.16 invent a problem your <body part> could be to you (PAB 69)
2.17 invent a problem of comparable magnitude to <condition>
2.18 tell me a lie about your <body part>
2.19 overts
2.20 mockup a way to waste pain
2.21 be the (area) / be yourself
2.22 spot something that could be a lie about (condition)
2.23 incident running (recalls or Dianetics or alternate spotting)
2.24 spot the efforts at the time of the incident.
2.25 give me some reasons for wishing this on someone else


3.1 Admiration Processing (1 ACC)
3.2 adjust anchor points (8th & 9th ACC, CofHA)
3.3 Handle flows, ridges, tractor beams etc. in the area & also at the time of the incident (T88 etc.)
3.4 handle hollow spots in the area (suppressed explosions - have pc get in the center & outflow) (HCL)
3.5 spot efforts at the time of the incident (R&D 8, 9, HCL, etc.)
3.6 mockup copies of the area & throw them away or push into body (PDC, LPC, etc.)
3.7 Rem of Hav style mockups - make more & more discreditable versions of area until it snaps into body, then improve it on a gradient (9th ACC ?, etc.)
3.8 double terminaling
3.9 turn black masses in the are white (T88 & PDC)
3.10 mockup horrible things being done to the area (1st ACC - handling motivator hungry condition)
3.11 mockups of beams hitting/pushing/pulling the area
3.12 mockups of putting the condition into crowds of people
3.13 perimeter processing (1ACC) (mockup explosions, vacuums, & nothing hitting a protective shell - a few minutes on each alternating).
3.14 exterior version of hold it still/keep from going away (1ACC)
3.15 blow up mockups of the injured area & of the body (gradiently)
3.16 alternately put pain & waves of relief into the walls
3.17 ownership processing: get the idea that ... are/is mocking up that condition. Run alternately with YOU and a general terminal for each of the 8 dynamics (your body, another, others, groups, society, lifeforms, Mest universe, spirits/entities, God) and also with any appropriate terminal such as doctors or even auditors.
3.18 push copies of the somatic into the area
3.19 reach and withdraw from mockups of the area
3.20 mockups of putting the condition into crowds of people to force them out of their bodies


4.1 2 way Help on (terminal lost)
4.2 2 way Protect (run like help) on (terminal lost)
4.3 reach & withdraw from mockups of the terminal
4.4 blow up mockups of the terminal
4.5 O/W on the terminal
4.6 put grief etc. into walls
4.7 incident running (by recalls or Dianetics or alternate spotting)
4.8 mocked up incidents of the loss happening far enough into the future for it to be tolerable.


besides the usual drug rundown handlings

5.1 put mockups of the sensations coming from the drug into the walls & (gradiently) into the body working near then far.

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.



5.1 The Grades as Basic

As I have said before, the lower level grades of release are also the ultimate OT levels. The theory behind the grades processes does not require the presence of earlier engrams or secondaries (incidents of loss) and can stand alone without the existence of prior aberrations.

Because these are basic, they can be addressed on anybody at any level and, as long as the person's attention is not fixated on something else, they can be run to a point of release. But all we get is a temporary release (which may last for years or lifetimes) rather than erasure because of the problem of accessibility.

It took me a long time to come around to realizing this. I kept looking for a bigger basic that would undercut these grades. But everything I found (including the penalty universes and the reality wars) was preceded by earlier problems and upsets and failures to communicate. And before the penalty universes, the implants are lighter rather than heavier, usually just consisting of aesthetically presented false data which encouraged aberration.

The only thing I ran that did not have some underlying feeling of already being slightly out of communication was the original jewel of knowledge. That experience was simply interesting and aesthetic and talks you into a few subtly abberating ideas such as the idea that communication could be harmful or it might not be good to know too much because it might spoil the game. And we were shown the lie that if you could really forget something, it would stop bothering you.

So we were talked into starting in on this path, but we were not forced into it. There is no force or pressure in the original jewel of knowledge.

Our earliest mistakes were cutting communications, blocking knowingness, choosing not to connect with (or reach) certain things, and choosing to forget things. And these were all done willfully with no prior reason except for the convincing arguments of the jewel of knowledge. And we did not do these things with everything. You did not start out by cutting communication with everyone. You initially just cut communication with one person and kept talking to everybody else. You only forgot a few things and decided to not-know a few things rather than obscuring everything at once. And that is how we all differ because we applied these things very selectively initially and we each made different choices.

And then we built the next layer of aberration on top of these, and that layer was the more complex aberrations of problems, overts, upsets, making yourself right, etc.

5.2 The sequence of grades, corrected

Ron originally put out the grades 0 to 4 in 1965. Initially these were set up with the idea that each entire grade ran to a single floating needle and could be done with a single process. For the purposes of training, a number of other processes were also lumped together with each level because they required comparable auditor skill. As a result, help processing was included with level 1 problems and recall processes were include with level 0 communications. It was soon realized that recall processes needed to be run as a separate grade and this was included with grade zero as a sort of freebie.

Then the theory of expanded grades came out and as many processes as possible were added to each grade. This made deeper and more stable releases.

But we still have multiple grades (such as running help processing as part of the problems grade) lumped together. This is not a fatal flaw, but it can give trouble.

Each of the grades should be run to the point where a big release happens and then it should be dropped for the moment rather than trying to push too deep on one line while other areas are being bypassed.

If, for example, you combine help processing with problems processing, you will either:

a) fail to get the big release on help and shift over to running problems when you should be finishing the help release first. b) get the big release on help and then overrun it trying to finish all the help processes so that you can run some problems c) get the big release on help and then mistakenly think it is a problems release and miss the entire problems grade d) get lucky and make both release points even though you don't know what you're doing

We also have missing lower level grades. The very fact that we sometimes need to run an invalidation or evaluation rudiment indicates that there are grade releases available on these. I can't say for sure what all the processes would be at this time, but it is an area to be addressed and a subject for further research.

We also have a case where some much more advanced processes have been included with grade 0. These are the "From where could you communicate to a ____" style processes. These were originally developed in the late 1950s as high level OT processes. These are actually a gradient towards power processing and probably belong somewhere between grade 4 and grade 5 on the current grade chart.

Here I will lay out a tentative series of grades. To avoid confusion, I will label them Step 1, Step 2, etc. because the words grade, level, stage, and section have all been used already in Scientology.


These are the earliest and have no underlying prior reason (except for the predispositions in the jewel of knowledge) and at basic are handled by postulate and by pushing through instead of finding reasons why.

Step 1: Confront and Knowingness Release The person doesn't look and doesn't know because he decided not to. The org often gets this one accidentally because the TRs (given in the communications or HAS course) can produce it. But processing can also be done here. It would use "willingness" type processes like grade 0 does. For example, "What would you be willing to find out about yourself" would be a key process. The "Look around and spot something you like" style processes also belong here.

Step 2: Doingness Release This is reach and withdraw type processing. At basic, the PC chooses not to reach by his own decision, the reasons why can be bypassed because they don't really stop him, he stops himself. At beginning levels, these are the objective processes, and the org currently delivers them on the Survival Rundown. But in more advance running, this also includes many of the OT drills.

Step 3: Recall Release This is currently trained on level 0, but delivered (correctly) as a separate grade in auditing. The book self analysis also fits here and shows us how to get the release on a self audited basis.

Step 4: Communications Release Here is the real grade 0. The "from where .." processes shouldn't be run as part of it. They are nice processes but belong higher on the chart. The org gets away with running them here because they put such an emphasis on endless arduous setup auditing before starting grade zero. In truth, the real grade zero processes can usually be run immediately and you can probably even get a self audited release with some kind of book similar to self analysis. But if you did it in a quick and easy way like this, you would get in trouble on the current processing lineup because of having more advanced routines mixed in with the easy grade zero ones.


Here we have the things which build up on top of the original aberrations. These can be pushed through sometimes, but you often need to pay attention to underlying reasons (such as problems coming from incomplete communications) or mechanisms (such as solutions becoming new problems).

This is generally where the person is most aware of being abberated. If he notices an aberration of communication (and he often doesn't), he has some hope of pushing through it, but if he notices a problem, it often doesn't work to try and push through it (because he must dig out something earlier) so he tends to sit there with a pile of problems that he is aware of but can't handle.

In this list, I have put problems processing before help (currently the org runs help first as part of grade I) on the basis that problems are earlier (they can rest on incomplete communications, whereas help doesn't even show up on the track until things are going badly) and because help involves a bit more responsibility.

Step 5: Problems Release The org trains this on level 1 along with objectives (which are covered in step 2 above) and help processing (which should be a separate grade). They have a good lineup of processes in this area, but they put much to much in the way of the PC before they get around to running it. These are actually easier to run than the problems rudiment (which they start doing right away). Although I have this down in step 5, this is intended to be a fast lineup without endless preparation or other higher level processes mixed in, so that you should be able to get here pretty fast.

Step 6: Help Release Now is the time to do the help processes that they currently teach on level 1 and mix in with problems processing.

Step 7: Overts (Guilt Release) This is grade 2 as taught and delivered by the org. If we are doing multiple passes through the grades, this is the longest one and a subset of the processes could be used in the first pass. It also includes some "confront" processes which might belong in Step 1 above (but maybe only on a second pass through the grades?).

Step 8: Change Release The "Change" processes (which handles resistance to change, etc.) are currently taught and audited as part of level 3. They are really a separate grade and should be run that way. There is an early aberration on how it is a betrayal of others if you change your mind etc. and it would be possible to add more processes here which address that.

Step 9: Evaluations Release This is a new level. It is easier to confront than real upsets, but is one of the underlying causes. Early on, people jammed ideas down each others throats (often to be "helpful") and eventually they started getting upset at the enforced communication and reality. This is new ground that needs to be researched, but it would include things like "what evaluation have you enforced on another" and running off the reasons for evaluating ("give me some reasons for evaluating for somebody"). This level should also include some handling on false datums ("what false datums have you pushed on another" etc.).

Step 10: Release from Upsets (ARCXs) This is grade 3 as delivered by the org. But when we remove the change processes, there is not very much left. They never did enough on the subject of taking apart the aberrations of enforced and inhibited affinity, reality, and communication. The write-up I did on actual GPMs includes some new processes on this which I aimed at the GPM terminal and which could be generalized into non-specific grade 3 processes that should be run here.

Step 11: Invalidation Release I put this after ARCXs because it is a very high gradient. Whereas evaluation is only "pushy", invalidation is a direct attack and often exceeds the force of most ARCXs. People's service facs (see below) and other heavier factors also often come into play in this area and this a gradient towards running those levels.

Step 12: Responsibility Release The org mixes this in with grade 4, but it should be it's own separate level.


Unlike the earlier groups, these areas cannot become abberated until the person has sunk low enough to lose things and feel emotion. ARC Breaks can happen on purely enforcing or inhibiting ARC, but hate, vengeance, and jealousy only occur after the fact of loss. The same is true of all the problems in survival and self righteousness and making yourself right (grade 4). The earliest problems in survival are connected with loss (not pain or engrams) because you had the problem of making your mockups survive long before you yourself could be smashed or wiped out.

Also, it is only at this stage in our evolution that we began to have real problems with havingness. That also rests on earlier losses.

Games processing also comes into play here. It is possible to have games without loss, but loss is often a factor. Certainly playing chess or poker requires loosing things during the course of the game even if there is no subsequent loss or penalty.

Unfortunately, there has been no where near enough research on these areas and more needs to be found. I will do the best I can here, but be prepared for future revisions.

Step 13: Games Processing Since the earliest losses are only during the course of a game and are accepted by choice (and are of short duration), this is the easiest entry point. There are some good early processes such as "please pass the object" in "Creation of Human Ability", but more are probably needed.

Step 14: Wasting You have to be able to waste things to play a game successfully. This is another area that touches on loss and also on the subject of exchange (see below). The processing here should include the money process ("mock up a way to waste money"), and similar processes such as "mock up a way to waste work" (which will undercut many of the societies aberrations), and "mockup a way to waste energy" etc.

Step 15: Exchange This is a key aberration which underlies our later societies. Exchange is basically a trap and is one of the nasty predispositions that gets us in trouble because it pushes our buttons on fair play and uses them to make us trap ourselves. It is one of the reasons you are in compulsive agreement with the MEST universe law of conservation of energy, which is really a way of blocking your own efforts. Getting rid of the charge on exchange doesn't mean that you start stealing from people (that's a dramatization of being trapped by exchange and rebelling against it without confronting it), it simply means that you don't care and are not blocked by some crazy idea of all the equations having to be in balance. Some research is needed here. You might start by running off overts (cheating others etc.) and then reasons and finally getting around to the basics which is that its only a game and you shouldn't have to play unless you're in the mood. This has to include the willingness to give things away for free.

Step 16: Protect This is a new level, but it is run basically the same as Help (step 6 above) with "protect" substituted for "help" in the commands. This is the earliest button on loss. The SOP8D safe places type processes (see the 5th ACC and also the bright think rundown which was used briefly and then canceled) might also fit in here.

Step 17: Service Facsimiles (Making others wrong). This is the grade 4 process. The org uses it sooner, but it is really a handling for failures in survival and on that basis it belongs late in the sequence. Also, in the standard grades lineup, it requires listing and nulling techniques because it is too heavily charged and done at this point it should probably be addressable directly with simple processes or could even be handled on a self audited basis.

Step 18: Loss Here we need some specific processes to key out loss. One would be the "in this lifetime, what do you use to keep others from leaving" that I mentioned earlier. There should be a lot of others, but research is needed here. See the stuff on loss in the assist section above.

Step 19: The evil emotions (hatred, jealousy, and vengeance) Here we are into some really hot areas. These things show up in mysticism as major roadblocks that need to be conquered, but they have no processes for them. Neither does the org except for using the general incident running and cleaning up ARCXs as an undercut (which does work to some degree). Here you want to raise the person up to the point where he doesn't need to take vengeance and doesn't get jealous if his wife sleeps with someone else or he gets beat out of a promotion and so that he no longer has a need to hate green skinned people or whatever. Its not that you would encourage your enemies or turn the other cheek, its simply that you would play things as a game (if you felt like it) instead of being swamped by a blind drive to smash others. These emotions bring about a blindness which is terribly self destructive. Maybe we would even need 3 levels here instead of one. I can hardly guess at the processing needed, but it would include a willingness for others to have and a freedom from consequences.

One key to this area is that its not the action but the tremendous significance placed on it that invokes the blind reaction. It's not that the guy's wife spent an hour exercising with his best friend, no matter how intimate those exercises were, it's that he places an incredible significance on the fact and imagines all sorts of think going on in the other peoples heads and postulates all sorts of consequences that shatter his life. The old processes on "This Means ..." (see the anatomy of the spirit of man congress tapes etc.) might be useful here. Mocking up unpleasant thoughts in other peoples heads might also help. Also inventing consequences.

I never had a lot of charge in this area myself, but I see other people going just crazy on it. If someone's shooting at me, I damn well want them to stop, but I could care less if they made amends for the damage as long as they mend their ways and don't do it again. I'm not sure when or how I blew the charge on this, but I can find early incidents where I'm swamped with jealousy and vengeful impulses, so it must have been handled at sometime.

Step 20: Suppressives People do suppress each other. This is the final stage of the game when you're the only one and its kill or be killed. An individual suppressive situation needs to be handled when it comes up (and its nowhere near as common as the org thinks), but that's not a general handling. Since we've already handled most of the factors involved in suppression, this is a good point to finish it off so that the person neither can be suppressed (in other words start roller coastering) by anyone else nor will he have the urge to do others in when he is sinking (because that never really helps him). Again we could use some research here. The suppressed person rundown gives us a starting point. So does the rundown for handling "an engram matching present time dangers". We can also get things from the general anatomy of suppressive behavior, such as loosing sight of individual targets and blurring them into generalities.


Middle period Scientology only had 3 upper grades. These were Power (grade 5), Power plus (grade 5A), and grade 6. These have mostly disappeared because they are not supposed to be run on a clear, and most people get run on Dianetics instead and reach Dianetic clear when they do.

I think that this is a mistake. Power processing sometimes produced a case state that was higher than the current OT7 and its a shame to bypass it. It probably can be done on a clear, but you would probably get in trouble trying to introduce it into the middle of the orgs current OT processing because they've got the person all stirred up and in the middle of stuff for the entire run from OT2 (or the old clearing course) up to OT7 because they are restimulating things without complete handling until he makes it through solo NOTS. With the correct data and techniques (see earlier in this write-up), that probably ceases to be a problem, but even then you would have to be careful not to jam these levels into the middle of something that is only halfway handled and drawing the guy's attention.

In an ideal lineup, I think you would run these things before you went into a major Dianetic processing level. That doesn't mean that you can't do some Dianetic handling or other incident running (a bit of that is nice as an introduction to the subject) but that the thorough go for broke intensive Dianetic rundowns should be done after power processing etc. The whole idea of power was to key out engrams wholesale and that would set the guy up to run Dianetics as a fast and effective level. He might even run Dianetics solo with that kind of preparation.

Step 21: Location

One of the basic aberrations is being located in a single location. Here is where we should run the "From where could you communicate to ..." style processes. Then do a similar rundown on "from where could you (agree / disagree - alternately) with ....". Then run "from where could you perceive a ...". If possible, you should get to the point where you don't need to be here to perceive and operate here. That would be going exterior to the physical universe.

Step 22: Causation

Now in the same style, run "from where could you mockup ...". You should work up to things like somatics, sensations, emotions, bodies, games, and machinery, and then finish off with "from where could you mockup a bank". This might produce a clear.

Step 23: Sources

Here would be the place to run spotting sources (power process 4 which is the first one normally run). But with the above preparation, it would probably be runnable as a simple spotting process instead of an exotic listing technique. They used to run this on people who had received a total of ten or twenty hours of auditing in their whole lives and of course it ended up as a hot out-gradient process with all sorts of special rules and worries connected with it.

But this needs to be an expanded level instead of a single process.

One interesting thing I noticed in various freezone write-ups on this process is that the people who wrote them generally thought that the process ended with the cognition that "I'm source" or something like that. Well that's nice and its probably what you get most of the time (and you have to take what you can get without invalidating or continuing), but I went clear and keyed out OT on this process and something more happened. When I was run on it, I thought that the command was a covert way of getting me to spot the time and place where I had first mocked up a reactive mind and from where I was still mocking the bank up even now. And that is what I spotted, and that's why I got the spectacular result instead of the mundane one.

So lets run more processes here, aimed at reaching that higher state. This might include "spot a source that you/another/others are mocking up". "spot a time when you mocked up a bank", etc.

Another good process to run here would be (run alternately): a) What have you created b) What has another created c) What have others created

Step 24: Power

Here would be the rest of grade 5. Again, it probably needs to be expanded and have more processes aimed at the result.

This would be an appropriate place to put some more processes on the subject of not-isness.

A) Recall not-ising something Recall another not-ising something Recall others not-ising something

B) Write down some things that mustn't be allowed to appear. If one doesn't blow by inspection, then mockup copies of it and throw them away / shove them into the body.

C) Spot times when you decided it was safer not to look, then mockup looking at what you avoided seeing.

D) Handle overts of getting others not to look Handle overts of getting others to not-is things

E) Write down some things it would be better for people not to know about. For each one, run alternately, what should/shouldn't be known about it.

Step 25: Power Plus

Here would be the grade 5A processes. Again, more are needed.

Some possible ones are as follows:

25.1 Agreements (run alternately) a) What agreements have you made b) What agreements have you disagreed with. (then run the same on flows 2 and 3)

25.2 Enforced Agreements a) What agreements have you enforced on another b) What agreements have you inhibited (also run on flows 2 and 3)

25.3 Create a) What effect would you be willing to create b) What effect would you be willing for another to create

25.4 Enforced Create a) What do you have to mockup b) Give me some reasons for mocking that up (also run on flows 2 and 3)

25.5 Win/Lose a) Give me a reason for winning b) Give me a reason for losing (also run on flows 2 and 3)

Step 26: Perception

This might be a good place to run some processes on perception. Maybe "What would you be willing to let others see" etc. Another action might be to do the rudiments on each of the 5 senses.

Step 27: Protest

This is a hot button. It not only causes things to read that are not there, it causes the PC to mockup things that aren't really wrong with him. What you resist, you become. If you insist that somebody is stupid and they protest heavily, it can get them resisting being stupid and trying to prove that they're not and that can lead to dramatizing stupidity.

Currently we only use this as one of the prepcheck buttons or a repair question. We could use some general processing here. Possibly something like "what have you protested", "what did you mockup to communicate that" run alternately.

Step 28: The Force on Words

Part of the reactive A=A is to equate words with the force or mockups that the word represents. GPM end words and root words are actually locks on real impacts associated with words. Here we want to blow the mechanism by which the person mocks up the force when the word is said.

This is slightly experimental.

Take a fiction book filled with violence etc., find a violent section of it, and start reading it.

Repeat the following with each paragraph (if the paragraph is really long, break it in half, if its excessively short, then combine two paragraphs):

As you read, mockup an impact for each verb, based on the literal meaning of the verb (not the story content that you are reading).

Read the paragraph again, this time, mockup a picture of impact without force for each verb.

Read the paragraph again, this time only reading the words and mocking up nothing.

Read the paragraph again, and mockup a mass for each noun.

Read the paragraph again, and mockup a picture, without mass, for each noun.

Read the paragraph again, this time mocking up nothing.

Then go on to the next paragraph.

Step 29: Dramatization

It would be a shame to miss out on the "what am I dramatizing" process from grade 6. But up this high, and run on someone who is probably already clear, the answers might not be in terms of simple implant GPM root and end words. You would have to let the answer be whatever it was going to be. The handling, per 3rd ACC style tech, would be to causatively dramatize it (or mockup dramatizing it) and then and then not dramatize it (or mockup not dramatizing it) alternately it until it blows. Then get the next thing, etc.

Step 30: Force

It would be nice to get the person's confront up on force before doing extensive Dianetics processing. Perhaps, "what force would you be willing to confront", or even some of the courage processing from the 3rd ACC (discussed in another write-up).

Another good process might be "Spot some impacts you could be curious about receiving".

Step 31: Goals

Before directly addressing goals, it would be nice to key them out. The second and third ACCs give us some techniques here, such as "spot some goals you don't have".

Step 32: The Actual GPM

This would be a good point to find the actual GPM goal as discussed in the write-up on actual GPMs. Unlike implanted goals, this actual goal does not have to be handled or opposed after it is found. It is comfortable and satisfying to know what it is even if it hasn't been fully discharged. On a first pass through the grade chart, it might not be appropriate to do a full handling or line plot, but the goal should at least be found.

Note that all of the above grades are keyouts. You could do them lightly or deeply, and take multiple passes as needed. Only the final one (handling the current actual GPM) might conceivably be taken to erasure early on. I think that at the top, these will erase in reverse order, working from step 32 down to step 1.


If you start a thorough grades rundown, the odds are that somewhere along the way, the entire bank will blow temporarily.

Its a mistake to think that its all gone. But the PC has so much new open areas available to him that you can't continue with grade processing until he has expanded further and run into the next layer of trouble. This is the time to do OT and erasure style techniques (see below) until such a time as he runs into his own case again. When he does, then carry on with the next grade in sequence, and if you finish the entire series, then start over, running more processes and going deeper.

Taking the analogy discussed earlier, of clear and black areas of the mind with a gray band of accessibility, when the person "blows the bank", much of the gray and black clear up and a great deal more stuff will be in the gray band of accessibility. He never looses this gain, he just gets bigger, so that he fills the newly cleared area, and then sees himself to be abberated again because he has run into what is left.

Oddly enough, as you keep blowing more and more layers of the bank, the problems etc. tend to remain mundane but the whys get more and more exotic. For example, at low levels, one might flinch at car fumes because they restimulate an engram. Higher, one might flinch because they are impacting the environment he is trying to protect. Even higher, he might flinch because they offend his aesthetic sensibility. Even higher, he might flinch because its someone else's mockup filling up his space.

The real truth of the matter is that he is still creating his first and most basic problems (from the earliest track period) using the mundane stuff that currently surrounds him. When you do a light handling and blow some current thing, to some degree it keys out the entire thing all the way down at rock bottom, but the bottom has not been viewed or erased and eventually he'll get it back into the mundane world (but it will come in on some other channel because he has handled the specific current thing that was run on the first keyout).

There are a number of big states of regained awareness that blow the bank temporarily and make significant inroads into the black and gray areas. These include but are not limited to:

a) Regaining control over mocking up the force in mental pictures and over mocking up the pictures themselves. This is the usual state of clear as attained on Dianetics.

b) Freedom from (no longer obeys or mocks up) implanted items and commands. This is the state of clear as is usually attained on the clearing course, and which is normally attained by Dianetic clears when they do OT 2.

c) Freedom from all compulsive assignment of reactive or associative significance to things. This is the state of clear (sometimes called theta clear) that occurred occasionally on power processing.

d) Freedom from compulsive creation of a time track. This is the state of clear OT usually achieved on L10 and occasionally achieved on deep running of grade 2.

e) Freedom from (no longer obeys or mocks up) thoughts or mockups provided by entities. Does not confuse his own thoughts with theirs. Can blow them by inspection. This is the state of cause over life, usually attained on Solo Nots and occasionally attained by a thorough run on OT3.

f) Freedom from location. Exterior to the MEST universe. Capable of free thought outside of the game and can consider things independently of his own survival. I got this on continuing past the solo Nots ep.

g) Freedom from arbitraries. This happened on running the penalty universes. The tone scale and all sorts of other stuff blew.

h) Freedom from the limitations to three dimensions. Able to visualize four dimensional mockups easily and capable of spotting four dimensional directions etc. This finally happened for me when I spotted and ran the reality wars.

There are more, but these are the ones that blew the bank for me. If you skip one (I got state c first, then a, then d, then b), the lesser state is still exceptionally good when you make it and clears up some more stuff (but its not as big as the higher one which you got earlier). In other words, this is not a totally mechanical progression where each state covers everything below it.


Its almost a joke to identify these as upper levels because the very top would consist of grade processes taken to erasure instead of going for a key out.

These are really aimed at the "force band" which lies between the human condition and the basic area of the track.

Here we have a problem as to what sequence to run things in, especially in the area of switching off between upper levels and grade processing.

The modern Scientology bridge lines up a small percentage of this stuff into a series of OT levels, but, aside from sales and status buttons, the structure is much too rigid, is too narrow in scope, and sometimes bypasses charge by forcing the person's attention in one direction when it needs to go in another.

First and foremost, if a PC is interested in and capable of running something (and you'd be surprised how many things can be run even with little preparation), there is no sense in denying him because of some arbitrary order. But it might be a mistake to try and do a long thorough rundown at the wrong point. A beginner might do well with a bit of Dianetics or some problems processing or even a few OT drills run lightly, but trying to go for a full completion might get you into a long grinding run because there's too many other things being missed and it runs too slow. So you do a short light run and then get him onto the grades or the steps above.

You can always do a little bit of something as an assist as long as it is not over the PCs head.

A student who is studying this stuff intensively and has a good bag of skills can pretty much run anything on himself in any order and get away with it.

Once a person begins doing OT drills successfully, he can always work on a few of them in between each grade as a horsepower booster.

The processes here are characterized by either raising horsepower or erasing things as opposed to the keyouts which occur on the grades or steps given above. Although they can be worked lightly at any time (if the PC is up to doing the action), intensive runs should be left for those points where the bank has blown and should be carried on until he bumps into the next layer of case and is ready to run more grades processing.

5.4.1 Dianetics and Incident Running

The one gray area is Dianetics and other incident running. This does not go well right after the bank has blown because he must pull things back in to run them. On the other hand, when he has too much charge and bank kicking around, it is also not the best technique because it is too slow. It is best done when he's flying but hasn't quite blown the bank, or when he's just starting to bump into the bank again after running advanced levels during a bankless period. This makes it a matter of judgment (the exception is assists, because he already has the incident on his plate and its a short run that's not liable to get him putting things back that are gone). It might be best to do it as a step 33 in the above sequence of steps, but there might also be other times when it is appropriate.

For beginners doing light co-audits, such as the current Dianetic book course, the 1966 technique, modernized, might be the best bet.

Normal R3R in the final NED variation is the most powerful technique until the person blows the bank on a willingness to confront force (Dianetic clear). You could even use it briefly on a clearing course clear until he has the force cognition. But once he has this, R3R becomes too slow and formal and is just asking to have him mock up stuff that is gone and pull in pictures from entities etc. and get into various kinds of trouble. Its not that you can't run incidents, its that you can't grind them to death once he's regained his confront of force.

Above this point, you can either use alternate spotting, or run a souped up recall technique that includes spotting and scanning the incident but does not grind away at the person with unnecessary formal commands. These are best done solo to avoid the problem of the auditor pushing the person into mocking up stuff that isn't there.

Despite these caveats, it is very important for the person to run incidents because that is what restores his awareness of his previous existence.


The biggest mistake made in modern Scientology was the technique known as Expanded Dianetics (XDN) which was intensively used in the 1970s and then was pretty much abandoned. This is the only Scientology rundown that actually developed a reputation for making people worse. The biggest flaw was the use of listing techniques to find incidents that were not ready to be run, or even worse to make mistakes in listing which caused the person to mock up incidents, or pull in the bank, or grab incidents from entities etc. The second deadly flaw was aiming this technology at evil purposes. An evil purpose is always late on the chain (the being is basically good) and its like running the end of a story without finding the beginning. If you actually get a real one, its probably the final items of an actual GPM and there will be thousands of heavy incidents earlier during the decay of the GPM which are unrun and bypassed by this foolish approach. Even worse, the common errors in listing would hang the person with evil purposes he didn't have and really spin him in.

Audited NOTS was originally developed to cure the problem of people picking up entities' pictures and using them as their own incidents in response to screwed up XDN listing and incident running techniques. This is the real reason that the org thinks that NOTS must be run extensively by an auditor before the PC can do it solo (despite the fact that the person has already done the much more difficult OT3 techniques solo). The cases that had too much XDN were so caved in that it took careful work on the part of an auditor to dig them out.

The problem of making listing mistakes in finding evil purposes and sticking the person with ones that aren't there can be handled by correcting the lists.

Unfortunately, the problem of having stirred up a real evil purpose is not so easily handled. The false purpose rundown helps somewhat because it undercuts the evil purpose and looks for what happened earlier. But its no more than a lick and a promise if he got into the wildly RSing (Rock Slamming) closing section of an actual GPM. This is the one RS that still occurs on an advanced case (Clears don't normally RS, most RSes come from entities on an advanced case). Your best bet in digging out a screwed up XDN case is to use NOTS and list corrections and FPRD tech etc. to cool them down, and then (when their up to getting it) go for the Actual GPMs which will undercut these late in the game evil purposes by exposing the high purposes which decayed into the misbegotten and viscous fighting that one sinks to in this universe.

By the way, the XDN tapes and materials are worth studying. If you discard the dangerous L&N approach and drop the madness of searching for evil purposes, there are still some useful insights and advances which should really be incorporated into normal Dianetics.

5.4.2 OT Drills

This is a huge topic. There are the drills used in the various versions of OT 1, and the old OT levels 5 through 7, and the processes in the various early books (such as Creation of Human Ability) and the tons of stuff on the early tapes.

I've also come up with a great deal more of these. They will be included in another write-up.

5.4.3 Implant Platens

Again we have a huge array of materials. There are the platens of the clearing course and OT2 which can easily be found on the internet. I have come up with a good deal more, which will be included in another write-up.

There are also the penalty universes, which will be covered in their own write-up.

5.4.4 Handling Theta

There is also handling entities as is done on OT3 and Nots, plus more advance handling of machine entities and split pieces of yourself as discussed in the write-up titled "Divide and Conquer".

There is also the handling of theta machinery and other structural things. I haven't done a lot in this area yet. Besides blowing entities out of these things, there is the subject of actually dealing with the structure, spotting underlying postulates, and otherwise regaining control of things that are running on automatic. Ron covered a bit of this in the 3rd ACC tapes, but there is a lot of research that is still needed in this area.

Another target is the true anatomy of Matter/Energy/Space/Time and the mechanics of reality. Again we have some of it, but more research is needed.

At a minimum we always have mockup processing, ITSA, and alternate spotting techniques for prying away at unknown areas.


I know there is a lot here. It really is a lifetime study. Don't let the sheer size of it stop you. Any forward progress on this line will remain with you in the course of your future lifetimes (if you even need to have future lifetimes instead of simply wishing bodies in and out of existence or learning to operate comfortably in a bodiless state).

If you've read this far with good comprehension, then you are at least an advanced student rather than a PC or patient, so if something really catches your interest, then go ahead and study it and run it and don't worry too much about formal procedure. The Tech is meant to help. Never let it get in the way of forward progress.



There is a great deal of tech on this within Scientology. I can't repeat all of it here, and most of it is well done so why should I alter it. You will find the materials in the later tech volumes. This is where modern Scientology is at its best and where the professional auditors really shine. It came about partially because there were so many mistakes that they got very good at fixing people up after a screw up.

The mistakes, by the way, included quickie grades, endless unnecessary sec checks, endless drug rundowns, endless R3R Dianetics after clear, XDN (expanded Dianetics), and various goofs at the detail level such as "barking" style TRs, running unreading items (because the auditor and the tech knew better than the PC and the meter), and refusing to handle the PC's originations. These particular faults have all been corrected (when a bulletin comes out to fix something, it should be obvious to you that it was being done backwards up until that point). There were many more and there is no sense in listing them all here. But it was the "repair" technology which kept people from deserting in droves and cleaned up the messes made.

Here I only have a few comments plus a brief summary for those of you who are not trained as auditors. Also I did come up with a new rundown that might be needed occasionally.


The org usually runs extensive life repair before beginning on grades. The processing is generally very light, to take charge off of things the person is concerned about. The auditing requires a very high skill level.

The auditing itself is mostly aimed at simply talking with the PC and steering him into coming up with things that he decided, did, or postulated in areas that have charge on them.

This can produce a nice result, but it is usually unnecessary and is going at things the long way around. Unless the person is really stuck in something, he will run faster and deeper on grades processing.

My own experience on doing numerous intro and demonstration sessions on new people in the early days was that almost anyone who came in of their own free will (not pushed) and was searching for truth (rather than crying for help) was immediately capable of running grades level processes. If they can do a TRs course successfully (which is powerful processing), they can certainly run a simple grades process.

Most of the people who weren't up to running grades processes were people who had previously been messed up by auditing or by screwed up ethics handling or otherwise banged around by the subject. They probably could have run grades processes when they walked in originally and probably could again if they went off and cooled down for awhile.

One of the indicators that we have is the "tone arm" (TA) of the E-meter, which reads low when the person is overwhelmed. If the TA is truly low, the person is not up to confronting things and really does need some repair processing. I emphasize "truly low" here because one of the old mistakes was to ignore things like sweaty hands (and possibly low body weight) which might give a very slightly low reading, but you could always see the difference in a real low TA and a false reading because of the "haunted" look of the PC and the tight, unresponsive, needle behavior on the meter.

In handling new people, I never saw more than one low TA reading in a hundred. In handling staff members and people who had gotten quickie grades or been otherwise mishandled, they were extremely common.

This lead the org into going crazy about doing life repair, endless setup rundowns, etc. But they were really solving a problem in the subject itself rather than doing things that are inherently necessary.

I would say that the bulk of new people can bypass the life repair step and get into the meat of the subject immediately. There will only be a small percentage (people heavily overwhelmed etc.) who do need a life repair step, unless, of course, you start trying to process skeptics or people who aren't really reaching for the subject. It's not that you need belief for this stuff to work, but you do need somebody who is willing to dive in and muck around with the mind and try to do the commands. So in the cases where that isn't present, or where the person has been heavily overwhelmed, you do need life repair, and that is best left to professionals.


There is tons of material on this and its well beyond the scope of this document.

There are extensive needs for this if a professional auditor is running somebody who knows nothing about the subject because its very easy for things to go wrong even if the tech is correct, and when there have been flaws in the tech, the pro can really jam them down some poor PC's throat and so the repair actions become quite essential.

For people who are studying the subject and trying things and need to dig themselves out occasionally, the simple techniques gives in the earlier section on assists should generally be good enough to get them back on the rails.

An ideal scene would be to have people mostly working through this stuff on their own and in co-audit groups and occasionally getting a clean up session from a professional. That would be the most efficient use of the technology and handles the problem of the long training needed to make a good professional auditor.


I'm listing this with the repair techniques because it's done to get a road block out of the way rather than to produce case gain.

You will need something like this if the person has been too heavily swamped with drugs, whether they are of the medical or the street variety.

This was originally developed to handle people who had taken LSD and still had residual traces of it locked up in their system. The idea was to sweat the stuff out of the body.

The idea that poisons get locked up in the tissues is also proposed by homeopathy and there are a number of good books on the subject.

I have prejudices in favor of vitamins, homeopathy, home remedies, and other alternative medicines as alternatives to the usual drug oriented treatment that is pushed by the AMA and the drug companies. Unfortunately, a lot of the research money comes from businesses that make money from drugs and so there is a prejudice in their favor within the medical community. You can find doctors who are not slanted this way, but they are the exception rather than the rule.

I am not an expert in this field, but from what I have read of biochemistry texts, its obvious that they are not yet capable of modeling the chemical reactions of the human body as a whole. This means that they are only looking at the direct and immediate chemical reactions and they don't really know what other chemical actions might take place. Hence, the continual worry about side effects. This makes me leery of any powerful medical drugs except in emergencies.

I'm also not in a position to judge whether the purif is any better than other exercise and vitamin programs. Ron does have one key thing which is to keep doing something as long as it produces change and not to back off because something starts to happen. An old Scientology datum is what turns it on turns it off. In other words, you keep going and push through the reactions. This would improve any such program, so its hard to say if the program itself is better or whether its simply being carried through more effectively.

Unfortunately, with the usual fanaticism, they push everybody to do this thing. Its a body oriented program and has little to do with the mind or the search for truth. Its as bad as the yogis who practice sitting instead of contemplating truth or doing mental exercises. There are people who need this, but for most, its a distraction and a road block. There may be a need for an exercise or vitamin program in your life, but it has little to do with your spiritual growth. I suppose the org could also give driving lessons and teach cinematography, and might even do well at these things, but it would be off their main purpose and is certainly not needed as a prerequisite to grades or OT levels.


This is simply a specialized version of incident running aimed at handling the pains, sensations, emotions, or attitudes connected with taking drugs, or that existed prior to taking drugs which caused the person to start taking them.

For a person with an extensive drug history, this probably should be done fairly early in the sequence of levels.

But the rundown can be fairly lengthy on a beginner because they tend to do incident running slowly and its easy to associate the bulk of his ills in this lifetime with taking drugs, whether as a cause or a cure or whatever. Grades will raise his awareness and ability much faster and eventually lead to his being able to barrel through incidents fairly quickly. So the drug rundown should be left until later if it is not needed urgently.

The big missing step is mocking up the drug sensations and putting them in the walls etc. as was discussed earlier. This action needs to be done after the drug rundown or else you will have problems with people reverting.

Since they don't do this last step, the org has a always had an occasional problem with someone reverting to drugs. Since this can be extremely embarrassing, especially if the person is supposedly an OT, there are times when the org has gone positively fanatical on doing and re-doing endless drug rundowns.


I've already commented on these. The current misuse is an atrocity.

But you probably need to do a thorough one at least once. That can be a horsepower booster. It should be done as a case action at an appropriate point, maybe somewhere fairly far along in the grades.

But given the current lack of safety, I would strongly recommend that the auditor burn the worksheets rather than put them in the folder after the session.


The org gets really carried away with running setup actions before letting a person get on with it. They have so many prerequisites for letting somebody start their OT levels that its a wonder that anybody ever gets on them.

There is an old and very wise saying which goes "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Ron actually put out a similar one which was in force for a brief period. This was an admonition against "Inspection Before the Fact", and it formed the core of the "Fast Flow" policies. But was applied with such blindness and lack of judgment that fast flow was quickly canceled and the subject swung the other way and ended up more pedantic and prerequisite ridden than the university system. Here I would make a plea for good sense and judgment rather than fanatically making every square, round, and triangular peg go through the same hole.

I don't blame an org for wanting to dust somebody off a bit and get the case flying before launching into a series of major actions. But if he's flying already, then don't get in his way. And if he really takes off halfway through the setup program, then drop it and get him moving on the grades or OT levels or whatever because that will move him much faster and get him much happier with the results. If you don't get him moving up the line when you can, you are just asking for random chance (or motivators that have been waiting in the wings) to derail him again.


This is the Exteriorization/Interiorization rundown.

When a person first exteriorizes from the body, they are not likely to remain that way very long, and when something causes them to interiorize and go back in, it can have a bit of an impact and be upsetting.

In the 1950s, when they were trying hard to exteriorize people (and often succeeding), it was discovered that after getting somebody out a few times, it got harder instead of getting easier. Finally, this was solved by abandoning all of the exteriorization processes instead of finding out what was going wrong and fixing it.

The real solution was eventually discovered in the ext/int rundown. At first it consisted of simply running out the chain of incidents of interiorizing. Later it was improved by assessing for the specific charge ("Went In", "Pushed In", etc.).

Unfortunately it never occurred to Ron that the high horsepower exteriorization techniques of the 1950s (which used to be used even on new people with good results) could now be reinstated.


There are more in the tech volumes. Sometimes one of these will really fit the bill. Other times, they are just a distraction and a way of burning up lots of expensive hours of auditing.

There are also the L's (L12, L11, and L10) which are pushed very heavily by Flag, possibly because they are extremely expensive. They aim at producing the Clear OT state, which actually is a very good thing to achieve. But you can probably make that one simply by doing a good job on running grade 2 processes after clear.

There is also the happiness rundown (the HRD), which is really a sort of beginner's grade 2 based on the way to happiness booklet. Real grade 2 processes are better because they don't evaluate for the person as to what is or isn't an overt. A better idea might be to use a few ideas from the HRD to beef up grade 2 a bit more.

A really neat idea might be to have the person roll their own way to happiness. You could run "What would improve survival of the body" / "What would detract from the survival of the body" as alternating questions. Then do the same on each of the other dynamics.

A serious flaw in the HRD is that it does not address problems or ARCXs connected with the precept that they are trying to audit. They look exclusively for misunderstoods, overts, or valence shifting mechanisms. So they are going to mess up in a certain number of cases. A key question would be "is there a problem you are trying to solve by violating (precept)?". Another one would be "do you have an ARCX connected with (precept)?".


This is a new one that I came up with (mainly because I needed to run it) which handles a specific roadblock that you might hit.


Oct 27, 1990.

This could also be called the collapsed space rundown.

Having space collapse in on one is a phenomena similar to Interiorization but an order of magnitude heavier. It runs more basic than interiorization and is a source of ext/int type maladies. One of the reasons for trouble in handling ext/int is that after it has been flattened on a PC, this underlying phenomena can cause the symptoms to turn up again. Then the PC's ext/int handling gets invalidated, or he mis-assignees the phenomena to BTs (which can be a source, but his own case is senior), and he misses the real charge. It's true that BTs can have out-int, and it does need to be handled, but it doesn't usually give the PC out-int phenomena once he's gotten up a bit of causation by doing a thorough OT3 or some Nots.

Early on, one is capable of creating and owning space. Then one's space collapses. Then comes interiorizing into things which will generate space for you.

Early in 1952, in the Hubbard College Summary Lectures, Ron mentions "world closed in" incidents, times when something happened and all the color and life went out of everything. I used to think that this was simply the experience of interiorizing. It is not. You could be already interiorized, and yet operating fairly well and have some feeling of owning things and doing alright and then have some terrible loss or whatever and suddenly life has lost all of its luster. Or you could be well exteriorized and even operating without a body, and something goes very wrong (maybe you accidentally drop a planet full of nice folks into a sun or something) and suddenly your space is collapsed without interiorizing into anything. Note that this can happen to a free being who is well above the level of needing a body, and therefore runs much earlier and higher on the scale than ext/int.

This rundown becomes urgently needed when you start running OT drills such as those in SOP8C etc. These get your space and anchor points way out there. I was doing quite well with these kinds of processes when some unrelated trouble caused some inval and threat of loss. My anchor points snapped in and it was just like the ext/int phenomena. But there was no interiorization per se, and it wouldn't resolve on ext/int buttons (either on myself or on BTs etc.). Furthermore, it was almost impossible to audit anything else while this was in restim. After much fooling around with various techniques to get charge off of what had occurred, I managed to see enough to figure out this theory and design the following rundown. It worked like dynamite.

The incident consists of one's space collapsing. First you are big, your anchor points are way out there, etc. Then bang, it all falls in on you and you're tiny, withdrawn, etc.

This can be run exactly like ext/int or end of endless int by using the following list of buttons instead of the int buttons. For advanced cases, the following methods of running would be appropriate:

1. As an assist (if this happens to you in pt):

Assess the list of buttons. Then run 3 way (or 4 way or 5 way) recalls on the best reading, and then on the next best reading until you suddenly feel great relief. Don't continue past the EP even if other buttons were reading as well. (for 5 way recalls, add the flow "another to himself").

2. Handling entities with collapsed space.

Actually this is wrong with all entities (BTs etc.), but for some it will be the key button that wakes them up and digs them out. You can do this just like handling out-int on a BT. Just assess (or spot) the button, assess (or spot) the right flow, and run recalls (generally simply recalling it and then recalling the earliest will produce a blow).

3. Full Rundown.

Assess for the best reading, run it as follows, then the next best etc. until the entire list of buttons just FNs.

3.1 Run 5 way recalls

3.2. Run 5 way secondaries as follows: For each flow, first check whether you already went release on the (button) occurring due to a loss (it often releases on recalls).

a) Recall a time when (button) happened due to a loss. b) Spot any postulate you might have made at that time. Run question b one or more times after each incident recalled on question a. If you can't spot any postulates, then alternately spot something in the incident and something in the room until you can spot a postulate you made at that time.

3.3. Run 5 way engrams as follows: check for release as in 2 above. a) Recall a moment of pain and unconsciousness when (button). b) spot any postulate you might have made at that time. (if you can't find any, then handle as in secondaries above).

3.4. Check for any entities who have (button) and handle.

Note that a clear shouldn't run Dianetic pictures on the secondary and engram steps. Above clear, those usually are supplied by BTs and machinery etc. Just remember what happened to you and spot your postulates (which generally have considerable importance even to a clear). Its even OK to do a bit of ITSA on the incident (spotting time, place, form, and event), just don't start trying to pull in pictures.


Assessment Buttons:

1. World Closed In
2. Space Collapsed
3. (your) Energy Collapsed
4. Anchor Points Collapsed
5. Anchor Points Snapped in
6. Everything fell in
7. Space Was Unmocked
8. (your) Energy Was Unmocked
9. (your) Frame of Reference Collapsed
10. Caved-In
11. Pulled Back
12. Withdrew from everything.
13. Made it all unreal


Note that its always you who collapses your own space. Others may do things to you that get you to do this, but its only you who can snap in your own anchor points no matter how many BTs or nasty folks are working you over.



Here I am going to talk about the technology of auditing rather than the high level flaws that I have been pointing out all along.

First of all, the bulk of the auditing technology is correct. It has gone through a long evolution and many of the flagrant misconceptions of earlier years have long since been corrected. But there are still some wrong ideas.

The most basic mistake is to consider that the standardness, correctness, and exactness of the procedure is senior to the PC's gains, maintaining communication with the PC, and granting beingness to the PC.

Our primary target is to produce the best result possible for the PC, this is senior to everything. To achieve this, it is more important to remain in comm with the PC than it is to do the procedure right, because communication is the most important basic we have and nothing can occur in its absence. Furthermore, if the PC's abilities and awareness are to be raised, we must make more of the PC rather than making less of him. Therefore, we must always grant and encourage his own beingness and reinforce his own positive efforts even when these don't fit perfectly into the rote procedure that we are trying to inflict on him. These things are known, and they can be found in the auditor's code. What is not known is the correct relative importance. These things are senior to everything else in the technology including the CS series, the class VIII materials, and all formal procedures of auditing.

When he was writing about art, Ron realized that absolute technical perfection was a dead end. For maximum aesthetics, you get as close as you can to perfection without losing the communication line. If only he had realized that this applies to auditing technology as well.

If you deliver absolutely perfect standard technology, the PC will not make gains. This is robotic and you might as well program up a computer to audit the guy. On the other hand, if the auditor just slops around and makes a mess, there wouldn't be any gains either. The quality of the auditing and quantity of results is dependent on how close you can come to standard while maintaining communication, granting beingness, and keeping other basics in. This may mean occasionally violating standard procedure. The real skill comes in in minimizing the violations rather than in adhering perfectly to standard while the session and the PC go to hell.

If you beat the auditor over the head every time he violates standard procedure with a good result for the PC, then you will kill his ability to be with the PC and use his knowingness and understanding to do what is really needed by the PC even though it isn't in the textbook. The CS must validate these successful violations rather than attacking the auditor.

The standards are there for a reason, and that is the fact that they usually work and trouble results from violating them. On that basis, there will be many instances where violations of standards result in failures and poor results. This is where you correct the incapable auditor and teach him the right way to do things. Don't wreck his judgment by fixing a theoretical mistake that might not be a mistake in the specific case. Instead, fix the real mistakes which are obvious in their failure to help the PC.

The above assumes that the standards are always correct. Even in that case, you must allow for deviations because there are no absolutes. But there can also be actual flaws in the standards, or better ways of doing things. In the past we have seen endless corrections of mistakes in the standards themselves. So if you find that the auditors are getting results with some consistent violation of standard procedure, then maybe you had better revise the standard procedure.


There have been a number of points which have shifted around over the years. Often there were results either way and there were arguments in favor of either approach.

One of these was whether or not a real FN could occur above 3.0 on the meter. At one time this was an absolute (never call one above 3.0) and some cases were messed up. At other times, anything was accepted without any judgment and some cases were found where processes were left incomplete. Maybe the auditor has to actually look at the PC and be in good enough communication to tell whether or not the PC has gotten release from something. If you're good, you should be able to see this even without a meter. And if the auditor is already well trained and the PC seems happy, maybe the CS should take the auditors judgment as being better than the mechanical phenomena of the E-meter.

Another is the exact definition of what is a read on the meter. In the old days, any change of needle characteristic was taken up. In modern times, they limit themselves to falls and instant FNs, rocket reads, and (in special cases) rock slams. In the first case, we sometimes took up something that was inaccessible (a rise generally indicates a non-confront and if you take one up sometimes it is unrunable). In the second case, we might occasionally miss something that does need to be run. In practice, it might make a difference what you are trying to do. In repair actions, you might take up a read that you would not use in normal processing because it might be your only entry point into some terrible auditing error that was done earlier and you might have no choice but to fight your way through something that is barely runable to get the matter straightened out.

There is also the case of rare and unusual meter reactions. One of these is the sharp instant rise which looks like a fast long fall in reverse. These are very rare. They should be taken up. What you have is a dramatic flinch and non-confront, but the person is right on the edge of looking at it. Its one of these "oh my god that can't be" type reactions. Simply calling it a few times will often turn it into a spectacular fall as the person takes a real look at the item being checked.

One problem is spectacularly large reads. Really huge FNs, theta bops, and rock slams can be confused with each other and can also be confused with giant rocket reads that dive off of the dial. These reads can be 2 or 3 divisions wide on the TA and if they are really fast the needle can slam against the pin with audible force as it shifts on and off the dial. Your immediate action should be to turn the sensitivity down to 1 so that you have some hope of identifying the read. You may also have to swing the TA up or down to catch the end of the read and you may have to recheck the item with the TA already sitting at the position where you are guessing that the read will shove it too. We could really use a meter with a sensitivity setting way below 1 for identifying these giant reads.

The super duper ultra sensitive meters are needed for repair actions where there is so much blocking the PCs view that you need all the help you can get. When a PC is really flying, especially on advanced levels, the reads should be spectacular and you need a less sensitive meter. This silly business of needing a more sensitive meter to run NOTS means that they are running the wrong process. If it is the right action, it will read well. If it doesn't, then either its unnecessary, or out-gradient (something else needs to be run first), or the procedure itself is flawed in some manner. The NOTS material can read well on the meter sometimes. Done at the right time, these can be very beneficial. But run by fanatics who are trying to blame all case on NOTS factors, you get this strange quick of needing more and more sensitive meters to find things that are not reading as expected.

By the way, it would be nice to have a super cheep but ultra sophisticated meter for use by solo auditors so that the ordinary population could run do-it-yourself solo processes etc. A simple and cheep whetstone bridge could be plugged into the serial port of a PC (Personal Computer). A sophisticated program could do signal analysis and put up a graphical display. It could probably do ten times as much as the current meters because of the flexibility and power of doing things in software. I would guess that such a thing could be marketed for under a hundred dollars.


An extremely misleading datum is "The PC Doesn't Know What Is Wrong With Him". This was coined on the assumption that if he really knew what was wrong with him, it wouldn't be wrong.

This is pretty much the case for somebody walking in off of the street. Anything they could figure out or handle with the data they currently know and their current level of confront has already been handled and if it is still wrong, then they don't have the correct answer to it.

But this changes as soon as you give them more data or raise their level of confront.

Try listening to the PC for a change. When he's halfway on something, he often does know what's what and has a partial view of the truth. If he saw it all, it would be gone, but when he has a partial view, he is often right but not quite free of it. If you left him alone, he would actually get through it eventually on his own but it might take some time. If, however, you keep insisting that he doesn't know when he really does, your going to mess him up and create a big ARCX as well.

An extreme example was the mess up on people who had gone clear on Dianetics before the Dianetic clear bulletin came out. They would usually know that they were being run on wrong actions and they often felt that they were clear but wouldn't dare claim to be. In this case, they knew better than the auditors and CSes and nobody would acknowledge their rightness.

A good button for ARCX correction lists (the L1) and repair lists (the green form) would be "Were you right and nobody would accept it?". This is a key point because we are trying to rekindle the fundamental rightness that lies under all the aberrations and when the PC has it but you shoot it down, you are pushing him right back into the bank and killing his real hopes of freedom. This can cause the kind of ARCX where the PC wants to burn down the org because it is acting suppressively towards his case.

Of course you don't want to lose control of the session or go chasing after every idle thought or get derailed by the PCs attempts to avoid looking at something. But you should be able to tell the difference between a PC who is non-confronting and one who is perceiving truth. And you should be able to finish a cycle of action while noting down things the PC suggests for later handling, and keep the PC reassured, and really address those things as soon as the current process is done.

And don't make a fight out of not taking the PCs orders. You can bend a little and still not lose control of the session. Sometimes the PC is right. Validate it. Getting the PC to the point where his ITSA of his own case is actually correct is the most important gain he will ever make because it is the one which will let him find his own way out.


Another sore point is the datum that "All Auditors Talk Too Much". A policy from the late 1960s states this explicitly.

The interesting thing about this one is that it is true and yet the policy was written in such a manner as to be totally destructive of auditing.

The policy presents this as something to be corrected. The end result was that auditors stopped talking and auditing ceased to occur. This was to some degree remedied in later years (by a revision to TR4 handling of originations), but still remains a trouble spot.

The correct datum is that any auditor who is really auditing the PC will talk too much. Maintaining two way communication is senior. If the auditor talks too little, there will be no auditing taking place. If the auditor tries to talk precisely the right amount, he will occasionally undershoot and betray some of his PCs by losing the comm line. Therefore, he will talk too much if he really intends to get results instead of trying to make some CS happy or meet some arbitrary standard. Again, however, it is a matter of coming as close as possible. The highly skilled auditor will only talk a hairsbreadth too much rather than blabbering away at the PC and occasionally saying the wrong thing and getting into a mess.


One fatal flaw has been the use of endless setups, preparation, and repair before letting the PC get moving on new grades and OT levels.

This has mostly come about as a solution to the mistakes of having defined clear incorrectly, blaming all case on NOTS, considering things to be absolutes rather than a gradient of increasing confront and awareness, and the many grades and processes which are missing from the current lineup. This makes CSes scared to let somebody start something because it might not handle what is wrong and the PC might fall on his head.

The grades and levels work quickly to increase ability and awareness. Unnecessary repair and setup actions (and the infamous unnecessary sec checks) grind along slowly and waste everyones time and money.

The only criteria that should be considered before embarking on one of these major steps is whether or not the PC is flying (e.g. running well, high toned, FNs and cognites easily, etc.).

In some cases an out-list or out-int will be a roadblock and you have to solve it. In other cases, it doesn't matter. Look at the PC and see if he has the free attention necessary to run something new or whether his attention is fixated. That's all you care about.

There are many things wrong with the PC. You need to raise his confront in lots of areas. No single area is the right reason behind all his aberrations, and that means that you can't get evangalistic and try to cure everything with one approach. Move the PC forward as quickly as possible, getting a big win on each of many different major areas. When you get too thorough in one area, it begins to bypass the charge of the other areas that you are not handling and eventually it will blow up in your face.

Don't promise perfect stability or absolute solutions. Promise instead that you will move him along as fast as possible to increase his horsepower and abilities.

As far as NOTS goes, it is a lesser case factor and mainly causes trouble when it is assigned as the reason behind the PCs problems, overts, and upsets. Its simply the WRONG WHY. Indicating the correct "why" behind something never really harms the PC, even if it is a bit out-gradient and hard to confront. But taking something that does have charge on it (and there is generally some charge on NOTS) but is not the correct why for something and jamming it down the PCs throat is a sure way to mess up the PC.

The point at which to begin NOTS is when the PC starts noticing entities and gets interested in handling them. It shouldn't be kept a secret from him. It should be identified as something which will show up eventually and we have the tech to handle it when it does. Meanwhile, it can safely be ignored. Just don't let the PC start blaming his case on them, because that will kill him.

The correct gradient into doing NOTS is to do OT drills first. That is what gets his perception and horsepower up to the point where he can just dust himself off and get these entities out of his way. You get the PC up to the point where he is trying to project energy and percieve at a distance and things like that and he's noticing that there is stuff in his way that's muddying things up and reducing his horsepower. That is the real effect of entities. They do not abberate the person significantly (the PC was already abberated before incident 2, else why was he walking around in a body and letting himself get bashed around by a nasty ruler), but they do get in the person's way, especially in regards to OT abilities.


In comparison with the vague fumblings that usually occur in metaphysics, Scientology is a precise technical subject. But we err in equating it to a mechanical technology such as engineering. This misleads you into thinking that its all mechanics, and its not.

In building bridges, you simply do the tech mechanically and a bridge results.

But Scientology tech is more like the tech of painting or playing the piano. These things have a very high theta component and if you only apply the techniques mechanically, you do not get the desired product. The tech is only a prerequisite to real understanding and ability, it is not the final result.

Scientology is, first and formost, a philosophy rather than an engineering decipline. You need to study and apply it as a philosophy. And because it is an applied philosophy, you also need to master the mechanical aspects of the tech, but don't get lost in them or think that they are the end product.


The basic problem is one of attitude. The effort seems to be to defend the technology and make it right when what you really need to do as an auditor is to build up the rightness of the PC and what you need to do as a CS is to build up the rightness of your auditors.

If you validate beingness, knowingness, and responsibility, then you will get more beingness, knowingness, and responsibility. On the other hand, if you validate rote procedure, then you will get more rote procedure (and will in turn need even more rote procedures because the old ones wouldn't be enough in the face of a deterioration of beingness, knowingness, and responsibility).

Despite all of this, there are some really good auditors, supervisors, and CSes working for the CofS. The shame of it is that they are the exception rather than the rule and they are subject to invalidation for the exact things which set them above the crowd.
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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.




16 Dec. 1992

We are the decayed fragments of the god like beings who created this series of universes. The fall has been a long one, encompassing the life spans of numerous universes. The road back is long and hard, but the rewards are rich.

The subject before us is so vast that there is room for many researchers. I am obviously not the first, nor will I be the last.

As of this writing, I have not attempted to design a new bridge or revise the works of L. Ron Hubbard. I have not even tried to put these new materials into a form that public individuals could use. Instead, I have taken a walk through the unexplored wilderness, risking no one's case except my own. These are my notes on that journey.



March 29, 1990, Rev. 16 Dec 92

The most basic aberrations stem from a time when the individual had capabilities approximating those of a god. To even conceive of those early incidents requires taking the viewpoint of a being that could create and destroy universes at will.

But do not be fooled into thinking that such power solves all problems. Especially as we are only talking about power over MEST or the various equivalents of MEST in other systems of creation. When all men are gods, the problems of interpersonal relations are aggravated rather than lessened.

A being becomes abberated first and then he loses power as a consequence of those aberrations. Therefore, we find that the earliest unabberated period is followed by a period of intense abberated behavior where the individual still wields the power of a god.

When an individual cannot be harmed or trapped by force or emotion, then all that remains is trickery, wrong data, and considerations that will lead him into trouble. And when such individuals come into conflict, and have the power to create universes, they will create universes specifically tailored to trick, degrade, and abberate each other, hence the existence of implant universes.

An implant universe is a universe intentionally designed and used to install aberrations. They primarily existed early on the track at a time when the creation of universes was far easier than it is now.

Before discussing these further, Some background information on the subject of universes in general is needed.

1. The Nature of Universes

A universe is a self consistent package of rules and mockups. It will have space or the equivalent to separate the mockups. It will usually have time of some sort to handle the consecutiveness of events. It will have some kind of contents such as matter and energy. And there will be a set of rules concerning the operation of the whole affair.

MEST style universes similar to ours have been common for a long time, primarily because the penalty universes of the home universe era implanted a predisposition towards this kind of mockup. But many other things are possible and universes designed as traps or implants often go beyond the usual definitions so as to take advantage of the individual's ignorance and blind spots.

Universes are created by postulate, perpetuated by alterisness, and made real to others by agreement. The universes we are interested in running out at this level were postulated, alter- ised, and agreed upon. There is a great deal of relevant material in the Axioms, Phoenix Lectures, Philadelphia Doctorate Course, and other early Scientology materials. It will also greatly speed processing and understanding to first run spacation (PDC) with attention to mocking up simple little universes and observing the behavior of space and time.

As noted by LRH in one of his lectures, beings shift between universes by agreement.

Imagine a Universe with a red sofa and a red chair, and a second separate universe with a green sofa and green chair. Imagine someone agreeing with the red sofa and therefore being in the red universe. Now imagine him changing his mind and agreeing with a green sofa. He shifts to the green universe. Note that a consequence of agreeing with the green sofa is that he also winds up with the green chair. If he wants a green sofa and an orange chair, he either must alter-is the green universe (which could be hard if many other beings are agreeing on it) or he mocks up a new third universe with a copy of the green sofa along with an orange chair. Note that if he wanted to meet someone sitting on the green sofa, he would be stuck with the green chair since the other person would be there rather than in the new universe with the orange chair.

The thetan still has the ability to shift to a universe simply by agreeing with it. His current problem is not getting into a new universe but getting out of the old one. His agreements with this universe are very sticky and pinned down. He can easily get into contact with another universe by mocking up someone in it and agreeing with them but he only gets it in a vague sort of way because he wouldn't let go of his agreements here on Earth.

This was different in the early days. By this I mean the time period subsequent to separation from static but prior to having solidly agreed upon universes that one did not leave. The earlier scene (which is also the ideal scene toward which we are aiming) was one in which there were many agreed upon universes (and also many non-agreed individual universes) and they were being constantly mocked up and changed around by postulate. The individuals moved around between these by selective agreement.

Consider a being who is not dependent on food or clothes or any sort of mest since he can mock up his own if he wants anything. Under these circumstances, what sort of things would be valuable to him? It would be things like admiration, new and interesting creations, aesthetics, communication, etc. Basic things which are dependent upon interchange between beings. Here you have situations such as a being mocking up a universe and trying to make it aesthetic enough to be interesting to others. He does this so that others will agree upon it, admire it, and contribute to its reality. This leads to a sort of one-upmanship and trying to score "points" and eval and inval and art critics and all sorts of things. There is actually quite a high level of game condition and agreed upon penalties, etc. going on between beings who can create and destroy universes at will. It's really quite a lot of fun but it can look pretty rough to someone walking around in a meat body.

Besides the normal agreed upon universes that people get together in, you find another kind of agreed upon universe. This is a sort of "canned" or pre-defined universe that could be thought of as being like a movie is today. This sort of universe is postulated as a complete track. I.E., the time line as well as the space is mocked up when the universe is postulated. Imagine some pleasant movie being actually created as a full reality with all the perceptics etc. Now imagine that a "viewer" goes into agreement with the star actor and actually experiences the movie as if it was his own life. The track is frozen. He picks up the beginning of it and lives through it to the end and if it was really good, he might want to experience it again sometime. In this sort of movie, you generally have no freedom of choice within the universe. The track just runs you forward from beginning to end. It is a universe in its own right and is not located in space or time relative to any other universe. Its just there as itself and if you feel like agreeing with it and experiencing it, you just go for it. Of course, you do have the same choice that you have now if you run a tape in a VCR. You can stop the film or back it up or just turn it off. But you can't change it internally unless you want to copy the whole thing and do a remake of the story with variations.

There was actually quite a bit of competition involved in putting together these entertainment universes. A sort of Theta level academy awards so to speak. Sometimes heavy penalties such as a period of service or subjecting oneself to an unpleasant universe were gambled on bets as to whose mockup would be more popular.

There was also a flavor of "canned" universe that had some degree of choice in a manner similar to that of a video game or computer adventure game. I.E., there might be a number of canned scenes and you would go to different ones depending on key decisions that you would make, or there would be a set of canned targets that would come at you in random sequence and you would score points as you eliminated them. Here you have a series of mini- tracks all linked together with a postulated program. Anything you can make a computer or VCR do can be set up the same way in a series of conditional theta postulates. For example, you can make the postulate that if someone opens the door, then a green mouse will run out. This is really no more difficult than postulating that a green mouse will run out right now.

Note that under these circumstances, time travel becomes the equivalent of rewinding a VCR. This, of course is time travel relative to the track of a universe. Your own track is sequential regardless of whether you loop back through the track of a universe. You could play a bit with a VCR and recognize that you can "go back in time" by rewinding it a bit or "predict the future" based on having seen it before. If there is a calendar visible in the movie (the equivalent of the time tags on a picture or the actual time of a universe), you will see that the universe's time for a given scene is the same whenever you view it.

This does make dating difficult. What with many agreed upon universes, so that there is no single one with the "right" time, and with canned universes that have the same date each time they are visited, values such as x trillion years ago are not too useful. Time was not tied together between the different agreed upon universes and flowed at different rates so even if two people agreed to count things in "Earth" time, they might have vastly different dates for the same moment when they happened to be in the same universe together. Dating can be done relative to your own experience by seeing what things happened before and after each other for you.

Late in this sequence you will find the appearance of home universe. By this time the being was already slightly decayed. Instead of simply creating and destroying a multitude of individual actual universes at will, he wanted some agreement. So a large matrix of interconnected universes was set up and agreed upon. Each individual was assigned his own home universe in this matrix where he could mock up what he wanted. He invested so much time and effort and creativity into his home universe that he didn't want to let go of it. As a result, he could be trapped by it. This free theta period ends with the collapse of the home universe matrix into a single agreed upon universe.

2. The Mechanics of Universes

A Universe could be created by exactly and specifically postulating every individual element in it. However, this is quite a bit of work. There are some common shortcuts that are easy to use. These show up frequently in the construction of simple universes.

It is almost as easy to postulate an infinity as it is to postulate an individual item. This is because an infinity of something is a single intention rather than many detailed different things. Lets say that you wanted to mock up a beach that someone could walk down. The way to spend eons at this is to mock up each individual grain of sand as itself and different from its neighbors. Instead, you mock up one grain of sand in detail and then copy it. You say this goes on and on. If you want and if there's nothing else in the space yet, you could just say that the beach goes on forever. This is an infinity. No matter how far along the beach someone walked, there would always be more beach. Note that the beach would always be the same unless you went along and changed some parts of it.

You could also postulate a progressive infinity. Lets say that you mock up a stretch of beach in an intermediate color. Now you say it goes on forever in one direction getting lighter and lighter and goes on in the other direction getting darker and darker. Again this is just a simple postulate without a great deal of detail work.

For a human level example, consider the number line in mathematics. The postulate here is just that there is a number and then you add one to it and get a bigger number. When numbers and counting were mocked up, just the basic premises of quantity and counting had to be conceived of. Nobody had to sit there and mock up every possible whole number from one to infinity. If you think of a bigger number than anybody else has ever thought of before, it doesn't make any difference. The next number is there just the same as always.

In the same way, no matter how far you go down that beach that was mocked up as an infinity, there is more beach. And if a progression such as the sand gets hotter the further you go was included in the postulate, then it just keeps getting hotter. This works the same way as the numbers getting bigger and bigger as you go along the number line.

Another trick with this is to postulate a repetitive pattern out to infinity. Here you say there will be a mile of green sand and then a mile of red sand and then another mile of green sand on and on forever. Its still pretty simple to set up. Any kind of mathematical series can be used in this kind of infinite postulate, it doesn't have to be a simple alternating sequence.

The practical application of this is that you will find that there are universes where there really is mud from here on down and it just gets thicker and blacker no matter how deep you dig. And when you say, well what's on the other side of this mud, the answer is that there isn't any other side. It was not defined for the universe in question. It just goes out to infinity. That's what the postulate happened to be and that's what you have to duplicate to as-is it.

In this universe, the postulate is infinite space. The space just goes on and on no matter how far you go.

Another popular trick is to curve one of these infinities back on itself. For this, you take the infinite beach and select a point on it and then take a different point far away and make them be the same point. This is not very feasible if the beach already has junk on it and differences etc. But if you do it when the beach is pure and simple, you're only alter-ising the simple original postulate and it goes fairly easily. So this is a common second postulate before you get carried away with making alterations. Once you've done this, the beach will have a finite length and loop back upon itself as you walk it. But the beach is not curved, it is still flat and straight. It is the space itself that is curved.

In an ordinary playing field type universe like this one, the thing just sits around getting alter-ised and fooled around with by whoever is in it. If you pick up the agreements of that universe or of someone in it, you get it in its current state.

However, a story telling universe, or its viscous cousin the implant universe, also has a canned time track. In this case, not only the space but also the time is postulated. For example, day one is sunny, day two is cloudy, and its blackness from day three onward. The infinite postulates can be used with time just as well as with space.

Imagine "Gone With the Wind" being set up as a story telling universe. First, a production crew would mock it up in detail, step by step and day by day. You would get into it by picking up the agreements at start of track. In other words you would agree with the Civil War and Tara and Scarlet etc. and suddenly there you'd be. It might be that the story was only mocked up from Scarlet's viewpoint, or maybe there'd be a choice of characters you could be with each one mocked up in full. At the end might be the credits, a theta signature that was postulated to go on forever in the time track of that universe.

Because universes are entered by agreement, it becomes possible to cause someone to shift universes by enforcing the appropriate set of agreements. One being can blanket another and enforce the agreements of start of track of a canned universe and so get the other individual to run through it willy nilly. The canned universe in turn can inflict yet a further set of agreements which take him into yet another universe. And so we have Universe shifting incidents.

Now we can explain Incident I. This is an implant universe that is a universe shifting incident. The incident is at start of track in its own weird universe. That's why you can have an earlier incident I and yet its always at the beginning of time. Its not just that it says it is at the beginning of time, it really is at the beginning of time in its own universe. It lays in the basic agreements that take you into this universe. The games in this universe are based on force and so you have things like the charioteer. The blackness at the end of incident 1 is an infinite postulate that just goes on forever in space and time. Since there is no real change except for repetitive waves in the blackness, eventually you shift over to the agreements that it was installing and wind up here. It is used to take undesirables and banish them to this universe. Sometimes someone manages to get back out of this one and they throw him in again and so you have the multiple occurrences of the incident. The overt side of this (blanketing someone and pushing them into it) is quite beneficial to run out.

3. The Decline of Theta

It is possible that there once was a game and that we divided up into teams and each team created an abberative universe that would be used by them on the losers. The agreement would be that the winning team would get to gang up on each of the losers individually and push them through the penalty universe.

It doesn't really matter who won the first game because everyone would have kept on playing more and eventually everyone would have been pushed through quite a few of these and pushed others through quite a few times.

Although each team would have worked as hard as possible to create the most horribly abberative universe, in early runs, it probably only left a slightly sour taste in the mouths of the losers for a short while. Remember that we're talking about beings who could create and destroy universes at will.

If this is the case, then anyone might have either the overt or the motivator side first on a particular universe, however, by the time we had decayed to the point of getting stuck in universes, we all probably had both sides on all of these.

In the overt side, a team blankets an individual and forces him through. You get a little kickback of the incident from the individual your holding in there and sometimes you feel him wiggling around and trying to get out and you are pushing back with postulates and intention.

On the motivator side, you experience the universe. The experience is such that it leads you to make abberative postulates.

In addition to this is the overt of building one of these. There is generally a chief architect who lays out the overall plan. There might also be designers who work out the details of each area. Then, a group effort is done to postulate the track of the universe in detail. Once this is done, it "is" and it floats in its own space and time and can be reached thereafter by connecting to the starting point.

Quite a few of these were built. There are very simple three dimensional ones that just place you in a bad construction that you have to make an abberative decision to get out of. There are also highly complex ones with postulated time tracks that take you from the top of the scale down to the bottom.

Early on, there were no fixed ideas or considerations. These universes laid in fixed patterns and ideas. Every scale in Scientology is an arbitrary pattern of behavior. If a thetan is totally free to postulate, then there is no standard pattern. You can only have a scale if you have a standard aberration that causes behavior in a certain fixed mold. Consider the tone scale. Why should boredom be above anger? This is a fixed pattern that was used over and over again in implant universes until the individual felt that the one emotion should follow the other.

Here also is where all the consequences are defined. I.E., if you do A, then B will happen to you. A thetan can postulate anything. He can have his cake and eat it too. But here he was shown (and showed others) that when the cake is eaten, it is gone and can no longer be had. Even the laws of energy and the very concept of energy itself had to be defined by these implant universes or else they would not be consistent from individual to individual.

A particularly nasty set of these implant universes laid in the dynamics. Each impulse to survive is due to an implant that created a problem in survival. Without the implant universe, the individual can start, change, and stop at will. Only a heavy aberration gives him a need to survive. This series of implant universes appears to have been built by all of us working together during the home universe era for use as a penalty for anti-social behavior. These "Penalty Universes" will be covered in detail later.

Some of these universes have "items". These are thought intentions that one receives as he goes through the experience. The thoughts sort of permeate the space of the universe at particular moments in the track. These postulates were put there while the universe was intended and the individual gets them as he goes through it.

Every abberative mechanism addressed in Scientology can be found being laid in in one or more of these universes. This not only includes aberrations such as interiorization or the overt/motivator sequence but also thing like becoming infested with BTs (for a "good" reason) or making a goal go down a declining series of items.

Besides the aberrations of the grades and OT levels (and aberrations like the impulse to build actual GPMs), there is another abberative impulse which shows up in these. It is the impulse to split off or abandon identities. I.E., one becomes two, or you leave your real self behind etc.

After all of this, you still have someone fairly able. He could disagree and throw this stuff away when he came out of it, but he thereafter had considerations and the predisposition to getting in trouble on these various points of aberration.

4. The later track

Before and parallel to this universe, there is a "magic" universe. The magic universe was an agreed upon universe somewhat similar to this one but things worked a bit differently.

Although everyone was pretty much in this magic universe, we weren't quite as stuck in it as we are here. It was still possible (with difficulty) to shift universes.

These old implant universes were still lying around. Sometimes you find a wizard calling a demon (or genie or whatever) to carry someone off to "hell" so to speak. Here you have the demon blanketing the individual and forcing him into one of these implant universes. The demon gets a bad kickback out of this and, although the wizard knows better than to connect with the implant universe himself, he's got a big overt and becomes very motivator hungry (and sooner or later someone else dumps him in).

So you still find overt and motivator experiences of these implant universes as recent as the magic track (which can be quite recent). We all had our turns at being wizards, demons, and victims in the magic universe.

This universe was built by the inhabitants of the magic universe to get rid of undesirables. They set up the Incident 1 implant universe as a transfer mechanism to shift beings down from the magic universe into this universe. Eventually almost everyone wound up down here. Of course, there were frequent "escapes" from this universe, but they would eventually get caught and be shipped back here again. This is why you may have recent magic track in between MEST universe track.

Eventually, most of the magic universe decayed since there were too few beings left to keep it properly mocked up.

The few remaining wizards (or rulers or powers or whatever) left there decided to invade this universe and come down in style. They'd round up escapees or collect beings from this universe, pull them all up into the magic universe, implant them, and make them up into an army. This seems to have been done 5 times. These are the 5 invader force waves, but that's another story.

Once someone is in this universe, they are generally too pinned down (by repetitive uses of Inc 1) to be put through an implant universe. So you don't generally find these in MEST universe track. However, things out of implant universes, especially items and pictures, were often shot at the person with force. These are the electronic implants (OT 2 etc.). There is also a similar mechanism used in magic track where implant items are laid in with force.

For example, take the Tiger implant universe (one of the penalty universes that laid in the dynamics). The actual experience of being the Tiger and going around eating things (and hearing occasional TO EAT IS ... items coming as intentions (not words) from the space around you) is in the original implant universe. Here you are the tiger and look at other things through his eyes. But if your sitting in a chair in the incident and being hit with force and seeing pictures of a tiger walking around and hearing items in words, it is probably from some of the electronic implants used in this universe. Very recently, in Incident 2, at one point there is a big Tiger face in the sky who says some of the items, and at another point, you're shown a tiger walking around in Kenya going through some of the experiences (and you're told that this is where the tiger universe really is). These are all later restimulations of the original implant universe.

5. Factors involved in running implant universes

Most important is ITSA. Spot what is what. ITSA things. Notice the lies or wrong datums. Blow by inspection when possible.

You can go through these itsaing what happened. Sometimes, you notice a whole large later dramatization of your own that was based on one of these. If it comes up, itsa it. It is important to get this itsa down on paper (even if there is no CS) to get it separated from yourself and the experience out where you can look at it. Don't sit around Q & A ing on a whatsit. Spot what you can spot with certainty and the confusions will clear up as you keep accumulating rightnesses.

You can date these things relative to other experiences. Sometimes you have to go earlier either to an earlier occurrence of the same implant universe or a similar experience in an earlier different universe.

Getting off overts is very important. Early on the track everyone was constantly working to trap and implant each other. Especially watch for the one that you regretted. If you get a still picture, it might be an implant picture but it could also be some incident that you regretted heavily in which case it is the tail end of your doing something that you considered to be a terrible overt. You were implanted to hit some poor victim by mistake whenever you went after an opponent. As a result, it happened quite often and you cut your horsepower way down as a result.

BTs will show up on these. If you've EPed Nots, they should easily blow on inspection. The reason you didn't find them before (assuming OT 7 was done) is not due to the BT but to the fact that your confront was out the bottom on what the BT was being or where he was.

Identity splits will also show up. If you've EPed these, the split should probably dissolve on inspection, but since these are not being handled as their own level right now, you might need to run out the split. A split is usually created by making you take two viewpoints and then implanting each one with a goal. The goals of each side are detestable to the other so that you as each identity cannot bare to be the other identity and so keep them separate. One handling is to find the detested goal on each side. Another way is to simply blow through the valence wall by getting on both sides of it and being willing to be yourself. Then handle any BTs who are trying to put the wall back or copy the valences or items involved. If you run into a body in pawn, handle any BTs/Clusters you can find and then look for an identity split since one is generally set up as part of the mechanism that keeps you connected to the old body.

(Aug 1996) Another trick is to have them "Point to the being you divided from". This is probably the fastest and easiest technique and you don't need to be sure that it is a piece of yourself because this has some workability on pieces of other people. Often you can't recombine a piece of yourself because you have other pieces missing in between. This shouldn't matter but it does seem to get in the way and this command works to handle it. The split off piece might not rejoin you here but instead rejoins another part of yourself that is elsewhere.

Abandoned viewpoints may show up. This is a special case of an identity split. Here, you abandoned the old identity (and left it where it was) and started a new one. Sometimes this is due to being completely trapped and 'dying' as a thetan but usually it is due to doing a GPM crossover (becoming what you detest). Again, get the goal or item or overts. Also watch for BTs holding identities trapped or holding them apart or together or whatever.

Watch out for earlier beginnings. Sometimes a universe starts with a sequence like the factors giving a mimicry of separation from static before actually getting into the body of the experience.

When you run these implant universes, go back to the actual space and time that they were done in and mock them up there. This is like the drill in the old OT 4.

Hopefully there will be platens for these so that you can just read them slowly going through them and itsaing as you go along. If you do have to research one from scratch, you'll need all of your bag of tricks as an auditor and some guts and good guesswork.


29 July, 1990, Rev. 16 Dec 1992

The definition of the 8 dynamics has been used successfully for many years. Much observation of life and the long history of workable auditing rundowns based on these show that they do, in some manner, form a complete set of the urges to survive. But there have always been loose ends which hinted at something more.

First, there was the recognition that Survive was not the ultimate goal but simply a mid-point in the Create-Survive- Destroy cycle. Of course, one can do better than simply surviving on the 8 dynamics. One can BE these 8 dynamics (see the Technique 80 lectures) or even create in each of these areas. But, although a being can operate along these lines, they do not seem to form a complete picture of surviving well as a thetan. Although a thetan can't help but survive in the sense of persisting, he can certainly survive well or poorly in his own estimation. And his estimation of this only follows the 8 dynamics to the degree that he has gone into agreement with physical universe survival. It is not his normal baseline. His native operation is up towards the create side.

Consider achieving ultimate survival in mest universe terms on these 8 dynamics even to the extent of being worshipped as a God and having ultimate persistence along all these 8 lines. But imagine it with nothing more beyond this, no beauty or ethics or interesting games. This would be a poor and tawdry thing for a thetan. In fact, it would be a trap. Infinite survival in physical universe terms is a curse, not a blessing.

Therefore, just as we see 8 dynamics reflecting the Survival or physical universe band of the scale, so we might conceive of another set of 8 reflecting the creative or Theta band.

The next clue was the mention of Aesthetics and Ethics as the 9th and 10th dynamics in the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures. Certainly these make sense in terms of Creative or Theta dynamics. Also, we can see that the physical universe tries to make nothing out of these, but in spite of this, thetans do operate better when ethics and aesthetics are present.

Looking further, we see other factors that the thetan values. He likes playing games and building things and figuring out logical problems, and especially, he loves to create. Often you will see an individual considering one or more of these as being more important than good survival in mest universe terms. Consider someone solving a crossword puzzle with no payback in terms of any of the 8 dynamics and perhaps even putting off eating and sleeping (good physical survival) to accomplish the task. Is this some weird aberration laid in by an implant? Or is it the individual's last remaining shreds of theta level operation persisting in spite of all physical universe evidence and objections.

I struggled long and hard to define these 8 upper dynamics and get them in the right order. Much research of the whole track and implants gave many clues (there are many implants which try to abberate each of the 16 dynamics in sequence), but still the correct order eluded me. Then one day, I saw that each of the lower dynamics had a slight tendency to sublimate into the corresponding upper dynamic. This let me establish the order of the upper dynamics based on the known order of the lower ones. This brought considerable order and relief to other areas that I was researching and validated the entire pattern of dynamics.

The list of 16 dynamics is as follows:

1. self as a body 9. Ethics 2. Sex/Children/Family 10. Aesthetics 3. Groups 11. Construction 4. Governments/Mankind 12. Reason 5. Lifeforms 13. Change 6. MEST 14. Games 7. Spirits 15. Knowingness 8. Worship 16. Creation

The 9th dynamic, Ethics, has been defined as the contemplation of optimum survival. A major component in this might be referred to as Integrity. For a being who cannot die, integrity is the cornerstone of real survival. Whenever he has lost it, he has not truly survived in his own estimation.

We might say that physical survival as a body sublimates upward into this Ethics dynamic. Or, from another viewpoint, we might say that Ethics has been collapsed downward into physical survival. Once the thetan has abandoned integrity and lost himself as a being, all that remains is the effort to persist as a physical mockup.

Note that I have reduced the definition of the first dynamic down to survival as a body. We generally think of this dynamic as encompassing more theta qualities, but these are really the remnants of dynamics 9 to 16. Once these theta dynamics have been crushed out of view, the last lingering traces can be attributed to personal survival since they are the thetan's last hold on survival as a being.

The 10th dynamic is Aesthetics. It has often been said that sex can be sublimated into aesthetics. We can also see that aesthetics is a huge band of theta enjoyment. In the second dynamic, this enjoyment seems to have been collapsed into a simple physical act.

What about the close sharing and love between family members that occurs on the 2D? It's more than simple ARC. How would it manifest between beings without bodies? Wouldn't it be proper to describe this as the intimate exchange of aesthetic waves between beings?

The eleventh dynamic is Construction. This is the kick you get when you build something yourself. The child putting together a model airplane is surviving on this dynamic as is the person who builds his own furniture for the fun of doing it. You might say that this is simply survival through Mest, but it's not. You can buy the child lots of model airplanes and they don't matter one whit compared to the one he built himself. Here it's the construction itself that counts rather than the havingness.

Interestingly enough, this does sublimate upwards from the third dynamic. Or rather, the third dynamic is to some degree a lower shadow of the Thetan's constructive impulses. The biggest and most interesting constructive efforts involve groups of beings working in a coordinated effort. This is a natural way for Thetans to build things and it is the way you would go about putting together a complicated universe. When survival is not a problem and no one has to work for a living, they still join groups for the purpose of building things that are fun and interesting.

The 12th dynamic is Reason or Logic. Here is the realm of the mathematician, the problem solver, and the player of thought oriented games. Here I'm emphasizing the abstract problems because it's easier to see the urge in isolation from the other dynamics.

The 4th dynamic has been referred to as race and mankind. But a better definition would be to consider it as those groups that one is born into. The big difference between this and the 3rd dynamic is that in the 3D one has choice as to what groups to join but in the 4D your stuck with it and must figure out some reasonable way for everyone to get along together. Governments generally fit more into the 4D characteristics rather than the 3D and should be considered here.

Since people cannot leave a 4D easily, this raises the entire area of law and legal systems. This sublimates into the dynamic of reason since logic is the primary justification of law.

For the 13th dynamic, we have Change. Thetans will alter and modify things just for the sake of change and variety. No other reason is necessary. Notice that this dynamic is above reason and often operates contrary to logic. As Ron has pointed out, change and unpredictability are survival characteristics for a Thetan because it makes him difficult to manipulate and trap. At a higher level, we see that altering things lends persistence and interest and variety.

In the fifth dynamic, we also see endless change and variety as one of it's greatest survival traits, so its reasonable to consider the 13th a sublimation of the 5th.

The 14th dynamic is Games. The subject of games was frequently discussed in the materials of the 1950s and is obviously a keynote of theta operation. As far as relating this to the 6th dynamic, it would seem that a playing field and implements and some rules about energy etc. would be necessary components in a game. This is the only theta dynamic where a consistently paced sequential time rate would really be needed. We might well consider the entire Mest universe to be no more than the components of a game. Note that here we are referring to action games rather than the thought games of the 12th dynamic.

Knowingness or Understanding is the Fifteenth Dynamic. This is higher than the dynamic of Reason and quite distinctly separate from it. With reason, one follows a logical progression, but in the 15th dynamic one can just know. Here we have the urge for knowledge and understanding even when there is no physical universe reward in sight. Again we have something that has been extensively discussed in the early technology but not previously considered to be a dynamic.

Although one may come to understand something by study or reason, the higher levels of knowingness are achieved by pervasion, mockup, ARC with other beings, and by pure postulate. In Mest universe operation, this is all closely related to survival as a spirit and with other spirits.

The 16th dynamic is Creation. Here we have ourselves as gods rather than worshipping gods. This is the cause side for which the Mest universe 8th dynamic (religion etc.) is the effect.

Of course all these 16 dynamics are inter-related. Although I have pointed out that it's the upper 8 dynamics which are operational beyond the physical universe level, within this universe the lower 8 are vastly significant. True survival here means operating fully on both sets of dynamics.

Note that each of these upper 8 dynamics have been used to trap and aberrate thetans. Since the thetan wants to do these things, he can be suckered in and taken advantage of even when he is in a bodiless or OT state. His own codes of ethics can be used to trick him into punishing himself, his love of aesthetics can be used to lure him into traps, etc. Total freedom would require being able to operate or not operate in these areas at will. Just because these areas are interesting doesn't mean that they have to be compulsive. A thetan doesn't have to have a game, he only thinks he does.


10 April 1990, rev. 15 Dec 1992

The Penalty Universes are a set of Implant Universes that date back to the home universe era. Before reading this, you should be familiar with the material presented in the earlier section on Implant Universes.

1. Introduction

Underlying almost every datum that we take for granted, underlying all the consequences that we believe to be natural facts of life, underlying almost every abberative factor we know of whether it be implants or grade material or Nots, and underlying every scale and button discovered in Scientology is a specific series of implant universes which set these things up and laid them in so deep that they are the anatomy of life as we know it. These things are the penalty universes which were part of the home universe matrix.

Conceive, for a moment, of someone who was nearly a god; An individual who was fully capable of creating matter and energy in space and time. A being with but a few aberrations such as a preference for 3 dimensional creation and perception. A being only slightly constrained in that he preferred to create his own universe (a "home" universe) in conjunction with the matrix rather than mocking up and throwing away entire universes off on his own. Such a being does not need to survive (or even conceive of the concept of personal survival). He is indestructible and he knows it. He cannot be affected by any energies or trapped by any walls or barriers.

At first he is only held by a desire to interchange things such as admiration with the other beings in the matrix. Eventually, however, he puts so much work into his own creations within his home universe that he is reluctant to abandon them and he is so entertained by the creations of the other beings that he is reluctant to sever contact with them. As a result, he can be trapped and controlled by his refusal to abandon his own and other's creations.

Besides the many home universes, the matrix also came to include many small agreed upon universes. Groups of beings would create these as comfortable places for beings to meet or artistic creations or whatever. There were also small fixed track universes that told stories or dramas for purposes of entertainment. And eventually, there came to be a series of universes created for the purpose of inducing aberration as a penalty for troublemakers or whatever. These are the penalty universes.

2. The Dynamics

Each dynamic impulse to survive is laid in by a set of 4 implant universes. Each implant universe establishes a goal and then abberates that goal so that it will become a problem in survival. Each dynamic has 4 parts which are the efforts to survive through each of the 4 goals laid in for the dynamic. We are already familiar with some subdivisions such as breaking down the 2D into sex and children. But actually there are more subdivisions. Based on the goals that came out by assessment, the 2D has 4 parts. These are the urge to survive by a) joining with a 2D partner, b)sexual satisfaction, c) reproduction (children), and d) caring for others. The 4 goals are To Join, To Satisfy, To Reproduce, and To Care For.

We could argue a lot about what we think should or shouldn't be in a specific dynamic. But that's beside the point. When I caught on to the structure of 4 implant universes per dynamic, everything fell together in a nice and orderly fashion and things began to run well and easily. Based on that, I would consider that the goals found are the correct definition of the dynamic and if it disagrees with some of our "think" on the matter, I would assume that we didn't get the definitions quite right.

There are also more dynamics that we previously thought. We had a hint of Aesthetics and Ethics being the 9th and 10th dynamics from the PDC tapes, but the full set runs to 16 dynamics. Apparently, the upper 8 dynamics are so submerged in this universe that we hardly can see them as aiding survival. Going back to the magic universe, there only seem to be 12 dynamics in real operation (which is where the 12 signs of the zodiac come from). We have to go way back in the sequence of universes to find full operation on 16 dynamics. See the discussion of the upper dynamics presented earlier.

The upper dynamics are as follows:

9th Dynamic: Aesthetics

10th Dynamic: Ethics

11th Dynamic: Construction. As a child you might have built a model and gotten a pro-survival feeling totally aside from any possible physical universe benefit.

12th Dynamic: Reason. This is survival though logic or constructive thought. Note that this is not the figure figure sort of think. You can experience this as the lift you get out of solving a crossword puzzle or some other abstract problem.

13th Dynamic: Change. I.E., survival though alter-isness or metamorphosis.

14th Dynamic: Games. Just the act of playing a game is survival. It doesn't matter if you win a prize. Kids know this until they're indoctrinated into the rules of this universe.

15th Dynamic: Knowingness. This includes knowingness, understanding, and learned knowledge. I would have lumped this together with the 13th dynamic if the goals hadn't insisted on separating out into two full sets of 4. Once you think about it, the 2 dynamics are quite different. It just goes to show how badly these dynamics have collapsed in this universe.

16th Dynamic: Creation. This is survival as God. The 8th dynamic turns out to be survival through worship etc. Up here is where you find the real thing. This is survival through creation and imagination. Painting a beautiful picture is 9th dynamic, but mocking up the initial concept is 16th dynamic. So is mocking up a universe.

We've been lumping the remnants of these upper 8 dynamics into the 1st dynamic. Once you sort this out, you find that the first dynamic is simply survival as a body and the goals of the first dynamic are things like To Eat. And at the bottom of the 1st dynamic, you find To Endure. It's really survival as MEST.

3. Description

These penalty universes are 4 dimensional constructions created in their own space and time. They have a fixed time track. You actually go through the experience when you are put through one.

Each penalty universe has a single goal. The entire universe is designed to abberate this goal by causing it to decay down through about 10,000 or so items. After this, you have something about which you have problems in survival and so it becomes a dynamic through which you survive instead of just being something you can do or not do at will.

There will also be a terminal, which is the thing that you are being throughout the experience. Lets say that the goal was "to Wash" (this is not a real one but they are like this), then the terminal could be a "Housekeeper". Note that it is not a "washer" or "one who washes". The original choice of terminal seems to have been a simple arbitrary. But of course, it is now recognized as something which seems very natural to be doing the goal.

There are items throughout the experience. They are thought ridges that you receive as you go through it. Most of them contain the goal and have the structure "TO (goal) IS TO (...)". For example, TO WASH IS TO BE CHEERFUL. However, at basic, the charge is not on the item but on the experience. The item only tells you what to think about it. These items were restimulated by repeated runs through the universe and by later electronic implants which only contained the items. As a result, the items can have significant charge, but the earliest charge is on the experience that happens along with the item.

These are not in a GPM flip flop pattern with terminal and opterm and alternation of two sides. They are in a simple downward progression of the goal gradually becoming more and more abberated. The general pattern of the progression is the tone scale from plus 40 to minus 40. All the tone levels, scales, and buttons you have heard in Scientology are items in this thing.

This is the source of the tone scale. It is an arbitrary that everyone follows like clockwork. For example, there are items like TO WASH IS TO BE ANGRY etc. at their proper place in the sequence. The experience on this one might be that someone throws a tomato at the window you just washed and you get angry. There are also somatic items such as "TO WASH IS TO HAVE A PAIN IN THE FOOT". The experience on this might be dropping a bucket of water on you foot. However, the somatic items often repeat so that the same item might occur again later as a mouse bites your foot.

There is no specific opterm or op-goal. Instead, the entire universe eventually works against you. There are competitors and opponents who give you lots of trouble. There might be cleaning women who go a better job and so take away your work, there might be tax collectors who interfere with your work, and there might be kids with spay cans who make life intolerable by making the windows unwashable. Eventually perhaps the city passes an ordinance against washing and the police chase and capture you and execute you.

Up at the top of each of these penalty universes, the items and the experience are just wonderful. All of the top scale buttons will be there and the aesthetic and aliveness in the experience are incredible. Its so good that it really draws you in. There is nothing in this universe that can compare with the tops of these penalty universes. We were very powerful and high on the scale when we created these and it's far beyond our current capabilities.

When you run one of these, you have to spot that wonderful aesthetic at the top. But don't get suckered by it. It's the bait in the trap. It leads you down to death and worse. This is described in 8-80. Now we have the actual incidents that did this. Originally, it was only these wonderful aesthetics that caused you to keep mocking up the incident.

You can plot the whole thing against the tone scale. It's an exact map of the incident. Late in the incident, you're at the bottom of the scale and in horrible shape and getting hit with items that set up all the really abberated behavior. Eventually you're captured and dragged before some god (usually one or another kind of statue) who zaps you and divides you against yourself for your crimes. Then you're let go but you age and die fairly rapidly.

Unfortunately, death is not the end of the implant. Once you're buried (or put in a mausoleum or whatever), there will be something that keeps your spirit in the grave. Often it is a cross. Or the people will chant or something over the grave to keep you in it. You strain to get out and find that you can't. Then there are loads more items laying in bottom scale things (such as the bottom of the chart of attitudes). Next, some sort of devils will come to drag your spirit out of the grave. At this point, you start struggling (as the spirit of the housekeeper or whatever) to stay in the grave. But they drag you out anyway and throw you in volcano where your "spirit" is tortured further.

The final item is "Stay There" and you are supposed to stay in there forever. Of course whoever's blanketing you pulls off at this point and eventually you cognite and exteriorize out of the implant universe.

When I stumbled across these, I started by just trying to run items out of one of these. I quickly found that I had to run the description as well as the item. Each item I pulled off revealed more. They were scattered all throughout the implant. By metering, I managed to keep the items in order. They came off in some sort of random associated fashion. It was not possible to simply list each item in sequence. Finally I was putting them on index cards and trying to keep the cards in order, locating the right position for each new item found. Soon I had thousands of items for one specific goal and no end in sight. They ran from plus 40 down to minus 40 on the tone scale and included the most incredible array of material. Everything from showing you that a solution will become a new problem to laying in the mechanics of energy behavior.

It was starting to seem like an impossible task. The items had loads of charge and had me jumping out of my skin handling them. The TA would sometimes fly up and down by a couple of divisions as an item went into restim and then was spotted. Once the TA even went completely around the dial on a single item. It was hair raising.

Then I found the earlier beginning to the incident. It made everything easy.

4. The Top of the Penalty Universes

The beginning of every one of these is the same. It is an implanted parody of the Factors (see "The Creation of Human Ability" by L. Ron Hubbard). At the start, you are given the impression that you are the life static at the beginning of time. The first item is TO (goal) IS NATIVE STATE. You go through a series of items that approximately follow the pattern of the factors except that each one is twisted a bit to include the goal. For example, the decision is not "to be", it is "to (goal)". In our made up example, it would be "to wash". Your told that this is the original decision before all time and space and that it is the reason that you separated from native state. It's quite funny really. These items are outlined in detail in the write-up on Penalty Universe Platen 1.

This platen has little charge in and of itself. It has the unusual property of not being very restimulative. It predates all charge and mostly seems funny rather than troublesome. But you can destimulate just about anything by spotting the top of platen 1. This leaves you free to muck about in the detail of the penalty universes and get all stirred up and then simply spot the top of platen 1 to blow the charge you restimulated.

First you run platen 1 which looses up the implant universe. Then you can just scan things off of the later portion of the incident rather than having to single shoot items. If you get too enmired, you just run platen 1 again. After doing a pass over the implant, you just spot the top of platen 1 to ensure that you don't leave anything in restimulation. It lets you build up your muscles at scanning out items without running them in painstaking detail. These penalty universes have an aggregate of close to a million items and this would seem to be the only practical way of handling them.

Terribly heavy late track incidents can be keyed out as well, but you have the difficulty of needing to know which of the penalty goals underlies the charge. Also, many later implants tried to act as groupers on the penalty universes. Just about every universe shifting implant (sentencing to a lower universe) restimulates the complete series in some fashion or other. Also, many late track incidents are based on later goals such as the negative goals that were later appended to the penalty universe goals. You have to blow out a few of the inversions before you can spot through a negative goal to reach the top of platen 1 on the positive goal that's up at basic on the whole mess.

Even so, you can cool down a late track mess up by running platen 1 anyway. You might be groggy and it doesn't read well, but you do it anyway and start to feel better. At a minimum, it should keep you from getting sick on an out list. In this kind of situation, you might also run the top goal (Create) in platen 1 because many goals might have been restimulated and Create is earliest in most of the consecutive implanted restimulations of these things.

Another thing about platen 1 is that it opens up recall both on the details of the remainder of the penalty universe and, gradually, on the rest of your existence as well.

5. Context of the Penalty Universes

It seems that we built these things. We did a series of 3 dimensional mockups and layered them together to form each universe. The entire thing is group postulated. You will eventually be able to spot yourself together with other beings in a group working on specific items postulating them into existence. I think that each being contributed a small piece to the design of the items and then joined a group to postulate large numbers of items into existence. But no one individual worked on all of the items in any one penalty universe, so that there were always items that hit you for the first time when you got the implant.

Apparently we all thought it would be a good idea if we had some way to penalize a being if he was making trouble for others.

To implant somebody with one of these, a bunch of thetans would gang up on the victim and blanket him and enforce the start of track agreements of the penalty universe he was being thrown into. You can find this on an overt flow as well as on a motivator flow. You can even find a cross-flow where you watch others throwing another into one of these. There are also some tricky situations where you turn the tables on somebody. A crowd blankets you and you grab one of them and shift him under you so that he gets the implant first hand and acts as a buffer. Or you have the overt intention of blanketing someone and he shifts around on you and you get pushed in instead.

Note that these were originally built and used at a time when we were not fixated on bodies. It was the continual use of the penalty universes which created the fixation on bodies. In the early experiences, the people blanketing each other are more like nebulous clouds, but they would project bodies or symbols or whatever on an as needed basis. The victim might just be a cloud when you jump on him or he might have a body mocked up or whatever. Since he is often in his own universe, the environment is his mockup and will start attacking you as you try to drag him off to the penalty universe. He may manifest in various bodies or try to vanish or throw arrays of symbols at you etc. It usually took a team ganging up on somebody to overpower him in his own universe. Of course sometimes he was in your universe when you attacked him and then you had an easier time of it. And occasionally you failed and he got the better of you and tossed you into the penalty universe instead.

You need to spot the overt side rather than just running these as motivators. Also sometimes you need to spot the overt of contributing to the group creation of these before you can get platen 1 to read on a goal.

It is also useful to spot regretting having pushed someone into one of these. This early on the track, you have very little concern about overts. You don't withhold them or justify them or anything until you've been put through each of these penalty universes quite a few times. But eventually you push someone in and later you see that it had an undesirable effect and you're sorry. It's quite possibly the first regret on the track and the first time something really acts like an overt. Later you build up more considerations and regretted having designed these things and feel bad about pushing people into them and that makes the earlier actions run like overts. But they weren't when you did them. It was just a lot of fun.

It's sort of like kids playing with matches and not imagining that anyone could get burned.

6. Structure of the Early Part of the Incident

There is actually quite an elaborate series of items before you get into the body of the "terminal" and begin experiencing the implant universe. Section 1 is the same for every penalty universe except for the substitution of the goal into the wording. The remaining sections are specific to the universe being implanted. Of these, section 2 is the one that is important. It lays in the symbols that will be used in the universe. Apparently there was a need to explain what things were supposed to be before the main body of the incident would have any meaning. It is possible that we will need to develop detailed item platens for section 2 of each universe to get full as-isness. But that's not an excessively large number of items. This is followed by many sections of items where they get you to mockup and agree to the implant universe. After all of this, you get pushed into the terminal's body and experience the universe. The sections are as follows:

Before the beginning, the individual is blanketed and pushed in.

Section 1 is the parody of the factors as laid out in platen 1.

Section 2 is the symbols. These items all have the form "THIS MEANS ...". They each have a picture of something significant in the incident and assign it a meaning.

Section 3: Anchor Points. These items are of the form "To (goal) is to look for the ___ (something that acts as an anchor point)". They have you spot various things in the mocked up environment and extend anchor points into them so as to create the space of the universe. For example, in our made up goal above, one of these items might be "to wash is to look for the cleaning bucket". These items are in pairs with the "look for" immediately followed by a "connect to" for the same object.

Section 4 Agreements. These are pairs of items. They are in the form "To (goal) is to agree to the (...)", and "To (goal) is for the (...) to become real". Various people, places, and things shown to you in the symbols section above are fitted into these items and you mock up agreement with them and make them real. In early runs, this section tends to build up a great deal of anticipation and interest in what is going to be shown to you and what is going to happen in the penalty universe. In later runs, this has more of a feeling of dread fascination, like a victim frozen in fear by the monster that is going to eat him.

Section 5 Mis-Remember. These items are in the form "To (goal) is to remember agreeing to the (a) before (b)" where a and b are different items in the agreement section above. They give you a wrong order for everything and get it all jumbled up. It makes it very difficult to meter check which thing is before which other thing in the incident.

Section 6. Confusions. These items are in the form "Now you become confused as to the sequence of agreements leading to (a) and (b)" where a and b are items from the agreements section. Also, they pair the items up differently here than in the mis- remembers above.

Section 7. Future Postulates. These are pairs of items. The first one of each pair gets you to postulate that one of the things you agreed to above is now extended into the future. The form of this first item is "To (goal) is to have future (item)". Then you look into the future and see it and get the item "To (goal) is to predict (item) in your future". In our window washing example, one of the pairs might be "to wash is to have future windows" and "to wash is to predict windows in your future". This gets you to extend the time track of the universe. It also gets you interested in what's going to happen in the universe.

Section 8. The energy postulates. You mock up the forces operating in the universe. This section might belong earlier. I have not done much work on it.

Section 9. The Decisions. This is a short section where your getting various items about wanting to rush through to the end and wanting to be affected etc. while you moving in towards the terminal's body. By this point, the thetan is usually tired of just receiving items and want to get into the terminal and get it over with already.

Section 10. Joining. This is a short section where you get items about deciding to be the terminal and entering the body etc.

All of the above sections together are probably only about 2000 items. At this point in the implant, you are in the body of the terminal and it is a "real" universe. From here on, it runs with the tone scale from 40 on down. The first part will be a series of 7 experiences of the goal quite high on the tone scale. Each experience has quite a lot of items and your quite happy about it except for a few little nagging worries type items that are a sort of dramatic foreshadowing of the later parts of the incident.

Then the incident begins to carry you down the tone scale. And it's mud from there on down.

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.





Mar 24, 1990, rev. Feb 1993

Everything about how to run these is highly experimental. See my write-up on research auditing (included elsewhere).

1. Initial Approach

Before trying to run deeply, it is best to do a light pass on all of the penalty universes, just running platen 1 and perhaps a bit of ITSA to get some charge off. Later implants tried to group all of the goals together. You want to get enough weight off of the top of all of these so that later groupers are unable to pull your attention on to the next goal after the one you happen to be running. Handled this way, you can actually shoot an item out of the middle of an implant without being drawn into the next item. This violates everything we previously knew about implants, but it works because the penalty universe is so much more basic that it undercuts the very existence of the later implant items that were based on it.

The majority of later implant restimulations of these universes begin with Create and run down to Endure. For this reason, it is best to try and run the implant universes in this sequence. It makes it easier to knock out later implant restimulations in the majority of cases. However, on a first pass, the universes might not want to run in this order. So the approach would be to asses the goals starting from create and take up the first one that reads well.

On the first pass over all of these goals, you should not try and run a goal a second time unless your attention is strongly drawn to it. You'll be doing a lot more with each goal later on, so there's no need to try and milk every bit of charge off of it right away. These things are so basic that they seem like a natural part of life (which they are) and you've been dramatizing these things for a long time, so handling them up at the top is actually less restimulative than walking around in this universe and living them for real.

For a light run on the goal, begin by running it in platen 1. In some cases you'll only get one read on each item (or even only on every other item). The read might occur on the description, or the item itself, or both. If each item is not reading on checking it a second time, then don't bother with the second check since it is just needless restimulation. If its running like this, then stop running platen 1 at the first FN. If there's anything to itsa, do so but don't push it. Next, spot the restimulation in Incident 2 at the Inc 2 location (they did a mockup of each implant universe and told you it happened during Inc 2). Then check for and handle any stirred up BTs, Clusters, or overts. Finally, spot the top of platen 1 again (Native State item) and end off. Take a break and then go on to the next goal.

In other cases, the items will read multiple times and each item should be flattened to clean or a small brief FN. Run as above except that you can continue on to a better FN or cog.

Sometimes the goal will really run well. You can run each item to an FN or each item just turns on a wide FN. In this case the platen will often EP after a few items. If you go past this, platen 1 will stop reading and the FN usually turns off; if this happens, then rehab the EP. At this point you should be able to run some more out of the incident. Begin by spotting some of the "This Means ..." symbols that occur right after the end of platen 1. There will be a symbol for Time up at or near the top which is going to be something like the sun swinging over the environment or a watch or clock appropriate to the universe being run. If you knock out a few of these, you'll get an idea of some of the stuff that happens in the universe and can do a bit of itsa.

At first you might only get a paragraph or so about the contents. As you run deeper, you might write a page or more describing the incident. Write this up on a separate sheet of paper as a descriptive platen of the incident. On subsequent passes, you can start from the description you wrote up and make corrections and additions and simply get more charge off just by re-reading it sometimes. If I have more than a few symbol items, I also make up a symbol platen for the incident and just keep noting the symbols on that rather than having them buried on the worksheets of different sessions. For this you can just write them down as TIME = sun swings over valley, ATTACK = the bug eyed monster jumps you, etc. You can also spot detail items in the body of the incident and note them on the worksheets, but I wouldn't bother trying to make up a platen of these because there are about ten thousand of them in each universe. If a detail item bothers you, get the symbol item above it that set you up for the situation in the body of the incident.

Always start with platen 1. On subsequent runs of a goal where platen 1 has already been run extensively, you might just spot the first few items and be ready to dive in. Then get as much off of the implant universe itself as you can (symbol items and ITSA of the body of the incident).

Once your doing well, you can knock off whatever later restimulators you can reach that are locked up on top of the goal. If you have run OT3, you should be able to get charge off on the Inc 2 location where the goal was restimulated because it is already close to the surface by the fact of having run OT3. You might also be able to blow charge on the Price and Survival restimulators, but don't push them if they don't read. Some of these buttons are included on the penalty universe master list.

You can also scan the track very lightly for later overts or other later restimulators that are beginning to be stirred up. I took apart quite a few implants this way, but don't push it, this step is more of a research action. But if you do spot a later implant, go head and ITSA some charge off of it, and be sure to write down any details that you find out. Often a major implant begins to show up gradually on a few goals before you can get enough of it to make out its structure.

Always end off on a goal by spotting the top of platen 1 again.

Perhaps we will someday have complete platens for the entirety of these penalty universes. This may be necessary if we are to take untrained public through these incidents. But a trained auditor can make it on far less. If you can get enough charge off, whether by running platen 1, the subsequent items in the implant, or later restimulators, then you reach a point where you can just look at the incident and all the arbitraries of human life begin to fall away. Eventually the goal just FNs and life will never be as constrained again.

2. My Own Experience

Aug 1996

I had a rough time of it until I found the items that I have put on platen I. I was running a single penalty universe. It was the tiger universe with the goal "To Eat". I ran this for hundreds of hours and I have boxes full of index cards containing the items. It was extremely restimulative and difficult until I found the symbol items ("This Means") in section 2, and then it got easier, and finally I was able to reach the beginning of the incident and the platen I items. Then the whole thing began to fall apart, but I found that there was additional charge on the items which seemed to come from another goal.

Soon I was running other goals in platen I and finding out more of the anatomy of this mess. I handled perhaps a dozen goals with lots of attention to platen I and the symbol items but also with finding hundreds of detail items in the later part of the incident.

Then I found I could simply run platen I and find some symbol items from section 2 of the implant and then scan the story of the later part without finding items. My hope is that everyone can run it this way rather than going through the horrible struggle that I had had earlier. I could be wrong on this and you might have to run some of the later items in detail. But having platen I makes it easy.

After running dozens of these, I began to see that the goals themselves fit into a pattern which followed the dynamics.

Then the whole thing began to fall away and persistent FN and I achieved a major case state which I will call "Freedom from Arbitraries". What happened is that all of the arbitrary meanings and patterns came apart. Things like the tone scale no longer seemed to have any rational reason but were simply arbitrary patterns that had been chosen almost at random by the early implant designers. And I achieved a freedom from these arbitraries which changed my whole view of life.

I sat on the win for awhile, but I was far from OT and had many other things I wanted to handle but not a clue as to how to approach them. I worked with Ron's OT drills from the 1950s quite extensively, but I still had vast unknowns about the history of our existence and the mechanisms of the mind. Also, I still did not have a full list of penalty universe goals or enough data to give others a chance at running these.

So I took a second pass at these penalty universes, using a research rundown (which I will discuss in another write-up) to try and scan off the later implants locked up on top of these and to gather more data. This rundown resimulated as much as it ran out, so I will not suggest it as a case action, but it was a great tool for exploration. Eventually I took apart enough things to spot the original jewel of knowledge and the agreements universe and began to map out the cosmic history that I presented in an earlier write-up. And finally, after researching numerous other implant platens, my actual GPM goal fell into my lap and I put together and ran the Actual GPM rundown. After this I was researching drills and rundowns and pretty much let the penalty universe research slide.

At this time I can't guarantee that I've got all the goals right, and I have not run all of them thoroughly, so that some of the descriptions are very speculative whereas others were run quite intensively.

There is also the possibility that there is an earlier series of these things. One of the goals that I did run extensively, the goal "To Grow", had a nebulous "Genetic Entity" as the terminal. Platen I and the symbols items followed the usual pattern, but the later items seemed to follow a different pattern. In the usual penalty universes, you start with a fully mockedup environment and slide from tone 40 down to death and below. But in this one with the goal to grow, you start from nothing and gradually build up an elaborate series of lifeforms and then sink into failure (overwhelmed by rival GEs). Since the penalty universes generally use a solid body type (even the goal "To Create" has god as a statue rather than a nebulous being), any goal with a nebulous body type might be from an earlier series that I haven't mapped out at this time.

But platen I works well even on the nebulous ones, so just go ahead and use it on any goal which seems to fit and reads well in the platen. The lists of penalty universes may be slightly off and there might be an earlier series but you can count on Platen I to keep you out of trouble.


May 24, 1990, rev Feb 1993.

It is possible to get a very light keyout on the penalty universes and blow things currently in restimulation by spotting the top item and spotting (or having others spot) being pushed into the penalty universe (on 3 flows).

This may be a workable preliminary step before trying to run any of the contents of these penalty universes. It should be possible to lightly brush over all of them in just a few hours of auditing. Note that this usage is experimental. In this case one would attempt to run through all 64 of the penalty universes.

If you get too much stirred up and in restim and make too many mistakes, this procedure can be used to cool things down. In this case, you would end off in the middle if you experience major relief and feel that the condition is handled. Of course its better to fix errors rather than doing a major undercut like this, but in research auditing, sometimes you carry on too long with a mistaken idea and get too tangled up to sort it out easily. In this case, after doing this rundown you should try and correct the mistaken idea (unless you already cognited on it during the rundown).

You can also run this on an individual spirit as a major action if it seems indicated. This is primarily for situations such as a friend whose dropped his body showing up in session for handling. End off if you get a big release.

This is also useful when you have something in restim that you just can't figure out. If, for example, you feel that you're starting to wake up in some split viewpoint off somewhere else and you can't handle it with a known platen or get in enough of an itsa line to figure out what's going on, then run this on yourself in the split viewpoint until things clear up.

This procedure is very limited in that you're not running with much of an ITSA line. It's really strain relief undercutting whatever is kicking you in the teeth right now and taking a little weight off. In general it is better to run with lots of ITSA and work towards greater knowledge and understanding. But the ITSA line trails off into dub-in in the presence of too much charge and shuts down completely in the presence of too many errors. This gives you an entry point and a way to dig yourself out of a mess.

To run this, you will need the assessment list for the 64 goals and a good understanding of the 16 dynamics as defined earlier in this write-up. Note that the definitions are slightly off of the Scientology definitions for the first 8 dynamics (I.E., 4D is race or government or any group that your usually born into or stuck with rather than joining). The penalty universe versions of the definitions should be used since these correspond to the goals that were abberated.

The Key Out Rundown Steps:

1. Assess for the best reading dynamic. Begin by checking whether it's the lower 8 or the upper 8 dynamics (or even break them up into groups of 4) to reduce the length of the assessment.

Uppermost 4: Creation, Knowingness, Games, Change Next 4: Reason, Construction, Ethics, Aesthetics Next 4: Worship, Spirits, Mest, Lifeforms Lowest 4: Race/Government, Groups, Sex, Body.

2. Check the 4 goals for the dynamic. When a goal reads, do the following:

a. Spot "To (goal) is native state" at the top of the penalty universe.

b. Spot being pushed into the penalty universe; spot pushing another in; and spot others pushing others in.

c. If it seems to indicate (your attention is still on it etc.), spot the native state item again.

3. After running this dynamic (or after each goal if it seems to indicate), spot the agreements universe as follows:

a. Spot rushing into agreement and going through the inverted triangle.

b. Spot "To agree is native state"

c. Spot deciding to agree before that. (if necessary, also spot getting others to agree or working on constructing the agreements universe).

4. Check if anyone was overrun. (use a loose intention meaning BTs or Clusters or Programmed Machine Entities or Split viewpoints or whatever else might exist and be capable of getting overrun). If so, have it spot the moment of release and give it an acknowledgment.

5. Check if anyone is incomplete on running one of the goals. If so, use some intention to boost it up to spotting the native state item.

You can also get a BT etc. occasionally who has spotted the item but needs a bit of an ack or validation before he blows. You can even use "Who are you? (me)" if it seems necessary.

6. Now you can reassess for another dynamic to run, but it is usually better to simply run from creation (16D) on down. Try "To Create" and if it wouldn't read, assess for another dynamic.

Once you start running from To Create on down, you should be able to get every goal to read. If one doesn't read, try steps 4 and 5 above (overrun and incomplete), try step 3 (agreements universe), and if still no read, take a break. After resuming, see if the goal will now read or if the whole procedure is being overrun or if there is something else wrong, or if some overt has gone into restim that needs to be spotted, etc. Also check if the goal is misworded etc. (these were not implanted in English and you might describe the same differently than I would).

Take frequent breaks (every few dynamics or if you see massive blows starting etc.). Sometimes things start coming apart and you just need to wait a little and give them some space before the next goal will run. Use steps 3 to 5 occasionally. Once you get the hang of it, you generally know when to check overrun or incomplete. Spotting the agreements universe occasionally helps pick up ones who've loosened up and are ready to blow.

The procedure itself can overrun. What's happening is that the stuff immediately around you has blown off and given you more space and then you carry on and more distant material is being drawn in and causing your space to shrink. This can turn on protest and overrun phenomena. The rundown can be done again at another time when other things are already stirred up and this procedure again seems to be needed. It's like doing a green form. The repair can be overrun but the form can be used again in the future.

4. Penalty Universe - Assessment List

23 Jul 91, rev. 12 Feb 93

These are the penalty universe goals. The terminal of the universe is listed in parenthesis. If any of the goals or terminals are hard to understand or don't make sense, see the description in the penalty universe master list given elsewhere.

16th Dynamic - Creation

1. To Create (Statue)
2. To Cause (god, old man)
3. To Mock Up (Computer)
4. To Imagine (Cartoon Mouse)

15th Dynamic - Knowingness

5. To Understand (chipmunk)
6. To Know (2 headed dodo)
7. To Absorb (greek hero)
8. To Learn (gnome)

14th Dynamic - Games

9. To Play (Chinese child)
10. To Compete (Coach, doll)
11. To Manipulate (Penguin Banker)
12. To Exchange (Spirit Broker)

13th Dynamic - Change

13. To Metamorphose (clay people) [or to shape or be shaped]
14. To Change (magician)
15. To Combine (Siamese twins)
16. To Bring Order (gorilla people) [maybe out of sequence]

12th Dynamic - Reason

17. To Reason (clown)
18. To Orient (wire man)
19. To Guide (pilot)
20. To Compute (toy bodies)

11th Dynamic - Construction

21. To Construct (beavers)
22. To Arrange (blockhead)
23. To Build (snake people)
24. To Structure (Crystals)

10th Dynamic - Aesthetics

25. To Invent (munchkins)
26. To Inspire (muses)
27. To Enhance (ghost people)
28. To Beautify (fairy godmother)

9th Dynamic - Ethics

29. To Purify (fire people)
30. To Judge (bull people)
31. To Defend (little green men)
32. To Strengthen (ball of energy) [to police?]

8th Dynamic - Worship

33. To Enlighten (rabbit preacher)
34. To Convert (fish man)
35. To Commune (female angel)
36. To Worship (knights)

7th Dynamic - Spirits

37. To Predict (soothsayer)
38. To Influence (cupid)
39. To Collect (elves/fairies)
40. To Embody (Pan - goat god)

6th Dynamic - physical universe

41. To Discover (centaurs)
42. To Locate (Leprechaun)
43. To Gather (spacesuit body)
44. To Own (Fox people)

5th Dynamic - lifeforms

45. To Grow (GE) [maybe from an earlier series]
46. To Live (dinosaur)
47. To Heal (tree man)
48. To Adapt (thread man)

4th Dynamic - society

49. To Establish (3eyed giants)
50. To Share (dolphins)
51. To Control (frog king)
52. To Unite (dog soldiers)

3rd Dynamic - groups

53. To Organize (human clerk)
54. To Co-operate (robots)
55. To Participate (mermaid)
56. To Expand (mouse railroad engineer)

2nd Dynamic - sex

57. To Join (cat people)
58. To Reproduce (insect invader)
59. To Satisfy (cavemen)
60. To Care For (bird girl)

1st Dynamic - body

61. To Experience (Bear) [or to feel]
62. To Replenish (old arab) [might be to survive]
63. To Eat (Tiger) [or to consume]
64. To Endure (pyramid)


After successfully running the penalty universe key-out rundown, you should be ready to handle these in a more thorough fashion.

Continue working through the goals using platen 1 and begin adding in the additional steps described below. At first you are only trying for the lightest keyout. Gradually you start running deeper, getting more and more itsa etc.

Initially we're not going for erasure. We're aiming at greater keyouts and increasing horsepower. As you keep running deeper, your ITSA line gets pretty awesome and you start blowing huge holes in everything. The target is to get up to the point where you can as-is these penalty universes by inspection.


If you get in trouble running a penalty universe, your first handling is to spot the native state item at the top of the goal, also spot being pushed into it, pushing others in, and others pushing others in. Also spot the agreements universe (as given elsewhere). For negative goals, spot the inversion scene and then spot the top of the positive goal.

You can also look for entities of various kinds who are stirred up on it and have them spot the top of it.

Another good rescue process is spotting places where the (terminal) is not.

These are all unlimited techniques that can be run again and again to FN. They are used in normal running but can also be used on an emergency basis even if they have been run before.

Once you feel better, take a break. When you get back in session, check if there was some error in the earlier session (wrong item or whatever) and fix it. Note that the above techniques will even key out wrong items etc., but you want to fix the mistake and make the gains rather than simply feel better. By keying the mass out first, it becomes possible to correct errors even in the presence of sloppy auditing or incorrect platens or worst tangle sort of situations.


These are the basic processes for running the penalty universes.

1. Platen 1.

This is your entry point. Once your running deeply, all items should either read or FN. If an item doesn't read, pause and mockup exactly what the item means and then try spotting it again. If an item can't be made to read, check for and handle overts as described below. If overts doesn't read, you can use any of the other steps below and then return to the current step on platen one (which should now be reading). If you get a big release in the middle of platen I, then go on to the following steps.

2. Overts

Check if you have any overts connected with doing this goal and handle (overt rudiment).

3. Spot the incident 2 location (noticing the false mockup of the implant universe that was placed there during inc. 2).

4. Spot the Pyramid location (this is an earlier mass implant). Spot the face of the terminal within the pyramid.

5. Spot the terminal saying the price of the goal.

6. Spot places where (terminal) is not.

Also, spot places in the penalty universe where you are not.

7. Spot symbol items from the penalty universe (a few are given in the master list, others can be spotted and blown by inspection).

8. Scan the detail of the penalty universe. If anything feels heavily charged and wouldn't blow, look for a symbol item that set you up for the detail item.

9. ITSA any later track restimulation.

10. If any of the above steps stir up heavy charge, run platen I again from the top.

Also, if any entities of whatever sort turn up, have them spot the native state item and being pushed in etc.

When you're fairly far along, you can also run the following processes (you should probably only run these once a particular goal):

11. Spot things that you must not (goal) until the ridge blows.

12. Spot people, groups, etc. that you would permit to (goal) until your willing to have others doing this goal.

13. Spot places where (terminal) would be safe. Run this past the point where you get joy from placing the terminal in "safe" places where it is tortured etc. until you can have it or not have it anywhere by choice.

14. Spot things that the (terminal) does not own.




15 June 1987, revised 2 June 1990

This is a universe created in its own space and time. You actually go through the experience. The items are intentions (thoughts) that you receive after (or during) the experience described. The intentions are not in words nor are they in any language. The experience is having the viewpoint of the terminal, not seeing pictures or mockups of the terminal doing things (except for the symbols in the early sections). Seeing pictures or hearing words are later restimulations of this that were done in electronic implants.

In the first run, the root verb (shown as % here - substitute the correct goal when running) is not really meaningful when it is said (intended) in the early items since it is not defined until the middle of the symbols in section 2. In these items, it is just this undefined thing that you are anxious (the first time) to find out about.

Before this starts, you are blanketed by one or more thetans who push you into this. Note that you are not in a body. The other thetans may have captured you or you may have lost a game and this is the agreed upon penalty or you might be having it done to you for kicks or to find out what everyone else has been talking about.

You might or might not have done the overt side (pushing another into this) first (you certainly did it as an overt sooner or later). In the overt side, you feel the other person wiggling and protesting under you and get some faint feedback of the items from him as you hold him.

There is also a third flow of watching others pushing others into a penalty universe. In running this, try to spot all 3 flows on items a. (blanketing) and b. (pushing in) and get a read on each if possible. For the remaining items (item 1 on), just try to spot it (i.e., as-is it on a gradient) in its own time and space (to some degree you are spotting a location within the penalty universe) without narrowing down to a specific flow. Although you can spot your feelings of going through this (protest etc.) and of putting another through it (someone wiggling around under you etc.) and of feeling sympathy for someone you see being pushed through by others, these effects are secondary. The item itself is senior to the effects it created and you want to as-is it by permeating it in its own space and time rather than by running its effects out as an incident.

You might have also had a hand in creating this, either as a designer or as one of a team doing group postulates of some portion of the items. In that case, you will find group agreement and the intention to make this as devilish as possible and putting out heavy intentions to make each thought and experience solid. The items are thought waves spread along the track of the penalty universe.

Everyone had a hand in mocking these up. Their construction was a group effort to solve the problem of not being able to enforce any penalties on anybody. But I think you will only find yourself responsible for a few specific pieces of a few specific penalty universes. Most of it probably came as a surprise the first time you went through it.

If it seems to indicate, then try spotting designing or postulating or agreeing to the penalty universe being run.

* * *

This platen covers section 1 which is the same for all of the penalty universes (except for the goal being stated). After section 1, each penalty universe uses its own symbols etc.

Section 1 includes a mockup of the Jewel of Knowledge. This is not the original jewel which we experienced before home universe. This is simply a mockup included in the implant to give it a bit more of a kick. At the time of these implant universes, we already had a great deal of significance concerning the jewel of knowledge (I think it was inaccessible to us after entering the home universe matrix). So the mockup lends a great deal of "truth and importance" to the items being implanted.

In this incident, the jewel is a sort of 7 dimensional diamond. From a 3 dimensional view, it appears to have 8 sides (two 4 sided pyramids with a common base). You do not see all of it as a whole in the incident. Instead, you only see 3 (or maybe 4?) dimensions and have the feeling of it extending out into spaces beyond your perception. Note that the complete jewel would have 128 sides.

After the decision to be, the jewel shows up with the items. Note that the items are in groups of 3 ending with "To ... is the basis of all ...". The jewel begins to appear on the first item of the set, becomes more substantial on the second item, and then flashes at the end of the third ("Basis") item (like an instant read). You need to spot the jewel appearing and then spot the flash on the end word of the "Basis" item. The jewel disappears after the flash. The jewel follows a pattern of appearing on the left, then the right, and then in the center at a certain distance. On the next series of items it will do the same but it will be closer until, near the end of the platen, it is touching you.

Note that there is a later restimulation of this which can turn on uncomfortable sensations in the forehead. This is an incident used in the Thought Universe, Conflicts Universe, and Magic Universe to install Jewel of Knowledge machines. The implant begins with the Native State item and has the jewel of knowledge present and flashing from the very first item on (unlike the penalty universe where it only appears after the decision to be). Also, in this later incident, there are 3 jewels visible (left, right, and center) and they move in on each set of items (rather than having only a single jewel that appears in various locations). The 3 jewels come together and merge in the center of the forehead. There are only 6 positions for each of the 3 jewels and the entire implant only uses 24 goals and only some of those match up with penalty universe goals. So, if a forehead sensation or somatic turns on, check if your running a jewel of knowledge installation implant. If so, go earlier and get back to the original penalty universe.

The treadmill (Games Universe) starts with the same platen as the original penalty universes. If you get into that, it has an uncomfortable sensation of motion or spinning. If this happens, spot it and get back to the earlier penalty universe. This is a bit like getting back to the earliest run in CC or OT2 material.

These later incident problems mainly come up on the goal to Create or occur if you don't spot items a and b well. Only the original penalty universes have separate moments of being pushed in etc. for each goal (each universe). All the later incidents have a single push into the Create goal and then carry you from goal to goal as part of the implant.



a. Spot being blanketed, blanketing another, and others blanketing others

b. Spot being pushed in, pushing someone in, and others pushing others in.

1. There is nothing, no space or time or dimension etc. TO %.. IS NATIVE STATE

2. You are aware of being the basic life static before all time TO %.. IS TO BE THE STATIC

3. Now as Static, you want to be not-static. You want something to happen. You want there to be something. You want cause and effect. TO %.. IS THE URGE FOR SOMETHINGNESS

4. Now you realize what the urge is and it makes sense THE BASIC URGE IS TO %..

5. As you realize what the urge is, you receive this intention: BEFORE THE BEGINNING, NOW, AND FOREVER, IS THE URGE AND THE URGE IS TO %..

6. You realize that all other urges will stem from this. TO %.. IS THE BASIS FOR ALL URGES

7. You feel the strength of the urge growing. TO %.. IS TO NEED RELIEF

8. You realize what is needed for relief THE BASIC RELIEF WILL COME FROM

9. You see that all relief stems from this. TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL RELIEF

10. You realize that this is the reason for everything TO %.. IS THE ORIGINAL REASON WHY.

11. You realize this: THE BASIC REASON WHY IS THE NEED TO %..

12. You see that all other reasons will come from this. TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL REASONS WHY.

13. You see that you need to do something about this. TO %.. IS TO ACT.

14. You realize this: THE BASIC ACTION IS TO %...

15. You realize that all other actions stem from this. TO %.. IS THE BASIS FOR ALL ACTION.

16. You realize that you must decide something before anything will happen. TO %.. IS TO DECIDE


At this point, space becomes visible and is filled with a faint sourceless golden light. (spot the space).

Jewel of Knowledge in far distance (position 1) on the Left.

18. You realize that this is the first decision. THE ORIGINAL DECISION IS TO %..

19. You realize that all other decisions stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL DECISIONS. Jewel flashes in the far distance (position 1) on the Left.

20. You postulate that there will be something TO %.. IS TO POSTULATE Jewel of Knowledge in far distance (position 1) on the Right.

21. You realize that this is the first postulate THE BASIC POSTULATE IS TO %..

22. You realize that all other postulates stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL POSTULATES. Jewel flashes in the far distance (position 1) on the Right.

23. You postulate time. The time exists to allow for change due to TO %.. IS THE SOURCE OF TIME Jewel of Knowledge in far distance (position 1) in the Center

24. You realize that the basic consideration of time is past, present, and future THE BASIS OF TIME IS

25. You realize that all future considerations of time will stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL TIME. Jewel flashes in the far distance (position 1) in the Center

26. You agree with the concept of TO %.. IS TO AGREE Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 2) on the Left.

27. You realize that this is the basic agreement THE BASIC AGREEMENT IS TO %..

28. You realize that all other agreements stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL AGREEMENT. Jewel flashes in the distance (position 2) on the Left.

29. Now you create energy. The energy is formed of the concept of TO %.. IS TO HAVE ENERGY Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 2) on the Right.

30. You realize that this is the most basic of all energies THE BASIC ENERGY STEMS FROM

31. You realize that all other energies stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL ENERGY. Jewel flashes in the distance (position 2) on the Right.

32. You postulate that is the basic reality TO %.. IS REALITY Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 2) in the Center.

33. You realize this: THE BASIC REALITY IS

34. You realize that all other reality stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL REALITY. Jewel flashes in the distance (position 2) in the Center.

35. Now you postulate matter. The most real mass stems from .%. TO %.. IS TO HAVE MATTER Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 3) on the Left.

36. You realize that this is the most basic of all matter THE BASIC MATTER STEMS FROM

37. You realize that all other matter stem from this. To %.. IS THE SOURCE OF ALL MATTER. Jewel flashes in the distance (position 3) on the Left.

38. You postulate that affinity is achieved through TO %.. IS LOVE Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 3) on the Right.


40. You realize that all other love stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL LOVE. Jewel flashes in the distance (position 3) on the Right.

41. You postulate that the basic interchange is through TO %.. IS TO COMMUNICATE Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 3) in the Center.

42. You realize that this is the first communication. THE BASIC COMMUNICATION IS

43. You realize that all other communication stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL COMMUNICATION. Jewel flashes in the distance (position 3) in the Center.

44. You realize that will bring understanding. TO %.. IS TO REACH FOR UNDERSTANDING Jewel of Knowledge is nearby (position 4) on the Left.


46. You realize that all understanding stems from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL UNDERSTANDING Jewel flashes nearby (position 4) on the Left.

47. You postulate that there will be space in which to .%. TO %.. IS TO HAVE SPACE Jewel of Knowledge is nearby (position 4) on the Right.

48. You realize that this is what creates space THE DELINEATION OF SPACE IS BY

49. You realize that all other spaces stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL SPACE. Jewel flashes nearby (position 4) on the Right.

50. You postulate that gives meaning to existence TO %.. IS TO HAVE MEANING Jewel of Knowledge is nearby (position 4) in the Center.


52. You realize that all other meaning stems from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL MEANING Jewel flashes nearby (position 4) in the Center.

53. You postulate that is truth TO %.. IS TRUTH Jewel of Knowledge is nearby (position 5) on the Left.


55. You realize that all other truth stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL TRUTH. Jewel flashes nearby (position 5) on the Left.

57. Now you create havingness. The most real havingness is to %. TO %.. IS TO HAVE Jewel of Knowledge in distance (position 5) on the Right.

58. You realize that this is the most basic of all havingness THE BASIC HAVINGNESS STEMS FROM

59. You realize that all other havingness stem from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL HAVINGNESS. Jewel flashes nearby (position 5) on the Right.

60. You postulate that is the basic aesthetic TO %.. IS BEAUTY Jewel of Knowledge is nearby (position 5) in the Center.

61. You realize this: THE BASIC BEAUTY IS

62. You realize that all other beauty stems from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL BEAUTY. Jewel flashes nearby (position 5) in the Center.

63. You wish to connect with the thoughts in the Jewel of knowledge. TO %.. IS TO CONNECT WITH THOUGHT Jewel of Knowledge is close (position 6) on the Left.

64. You realize this: THE BASIC THOUGHT CONCERNS

65. You realize that all other thought stems from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL THOUGHT Jewel flashes close (position 6) on the Left.

66. You realize that this will influence all existence. TO %.. IS THE HIDDEN INFLUENCE Jewel of Knowledge is close(position 6) on the Right

67. You realize this: THE BASIC HIDDEN INFLUENCE IS TO %..

68. You realize that this underlies all other hidden influences TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL HIDDEN INFLUENCES Jewel flashes close (position 6) on the Right.

69. You postulate that the most valuable particle is that which is .%.n TO %.. IS TO VALUE Jewel of Knowledge is close(position 6) in the Center.


71. You realize that all other value stems from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL VALUATION Jewel flashes close(position 6) in the Center.

72. You realize that this will bring about true existence. TO %.. IS TO EXIST Jewel of Knowledge touching(position 7) on the Left.

73. you see that this is the only possible reason for existing. ALL EXISTENCE DEPENDS ON

74. Now you realize that through this you will achieve an understanding of all existence TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL EXISTENCE Jewel flashes, touching (position 7), and passes into you on the Left.

75. You realize that the jewel is bringing you enlightenment TO %.. IS TO GAIN ENLIGHTENMENT Jewel of Knowledge touching(position 7) on the Right.


77. You see that all other enlightenment will stem from this TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL ENLIGHTENMENT Jewel flashes, touching (position 7), and passes into you on the Right.

78. You realize that this will bring knowledge TO %.. IS TO KNOW Jewel of Knowledge touching(position 7) in the Center.


80. You realize that all other knowledge stems from this. To %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL KNOWLEDGE Jewel flashes, touching (position 7), and passes into you in the Center.

The jewel remains in the center of your beingness.

81. Now something begins to appear below you. It is not yet substantial. You reach for it. TO %.. IS TO REACH

82. What you are reaching for is THE BASIC REACH IS TOWARD

83. You realize that all other reaches stem from this. TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF EVERY REACH. The jewel flashes within you.

As you reach, you encounter the basic symbols. These are like a stack of 3 dimensional pictures. You know that if you reach for them, you will gain understanding. Looking down at them makes the jewel seem to be above you (or in the top of your space).

84. Now you contact the first and most basic symbols of all existence TO %.. IS TO CONTACT SYMBOLS

85. You realize this: THE BASIC SYMBOLS CONCERNS

86. As you connect to the first symbol, you realize this: TO %.. IS THE BASIS OF ALL SYMBOLOGY The jewel flashes on top of you and seems to move you into the first picture.

* * *

At this point you actually reach the first symbol. Usually it is THIS MEANS TIME. The symbol items continue from here on. The picture with each symbol is unique to the universe being run. Some symbol items such as time are used in all the universes and others are specific to the universe being run.

The jewel is not visible while you are looking at the symbols, but you can feel it there above you guiding you through them.

*** end part 1 - notes on part 2 (symbols) ***

This section defines the basic symbols used in the implant universe. At this point, you are in a space with at least 4 dimensions not including time. The symbols are 3 dimensional pictures that seem to be stacked up (in 4 dimensions) like a pile of photographs. You reach threw this deck of symbols seeing each one in turn. As you see each one, you get the intention "THIS MEANS ....".

Each symbol is in the pile twice. The original form is in the first half and the alter-ised form is in the second half. The second half was done in reverse order. I.E., this goes A, B, C, then C, B, A. The meaning and the basic scene are the same in the two copies of the symbol. The alterations in the second half mainly consist of changes in color and direction. I.E., something that's blue the first time might be green the second and the right and left sides of the picture might be switched as in a mirror image. The later version is the alterised one that persisted and it feels more "natural" than the original.

Sometimes you may have to compare the two copies of the symbol and spot the difference

Sometimes they make a minor addition or change to the picture. Usually something uncomfortable such as seeing exactly what it is that is being buried in the second picture only, but this is not common.

The first 4 items are THIS MEANS TIME, SPACE, ENERGY, and MATTER.

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.




Dec 3, 1990, Rev Feb 19, 1993, Rev aug 96


It probably wouldn't kill you to just read this document carelessly, but it might make you feel uncomfortable or irritated for a few days. You also might get very annoyed at me because casually skimming through this will probably stir up things and by pass some mental charge without cleaning it up.

The ideal action would be for you to run platen 1 on each goal first and come up with your own descriptions of what you think happened in each penalty universe. Then look at this list and see what I think was there. Then do some more runs with platen 1 and dig for section 2 ("This Means ...") type items and see if you can get a better view of the real story.

But some people will probably read this anyway. So at a minimum, at least spot the native state item ("To (goal) Is Native State") on each penalty universe and spot being pushed into it and pushing others in. Do this on each one right after you read the description.

Unfortunately, there is also another problem, which is that I'm sure that there are errors in this list and those may give you trouble or make you feel upset when you hit them. You'll just have to make due, either spotting that there was a mistake (which should cool things down a bit) or even correcting the error (if you're up to it) or just blowing off so much charge with platen 1 that you can sail through on a persistent FN despite the occasional flaw.

I'm sorry to be issuing something that isn't perfect, but I've sat on this too long and the only hope of getting it all correct and complete is to have others working through it.


This contains some information on each penalty universe.

The goal is given, followed by the terminal in parenthesis. Then there is some information about the environment of the penalty universe.

Following this are a few key restimulators that were used later on the track including the location in incident 2 where they showed you a false mockup of the penalty universe. A similar mass implant had faces of the terminals in pyramids (this was on a different copy of the original earth, which seemed to include more continents - an Atlantis and a Lemuria) and the locations for those are also given. There is also a price item and a survive item that were used in various later implants.

Then there are a few notes about some of the symbols (especially Time etc.) that were shown to you in section 2 of the implant. Note that these are only a few out of about a hundred or so.

Then there is a brief sketch of what happens in the penalty universe.

Everything here is heavily abbreviated. These are working notes rather than formal writing. I cannot guarantee that it is all correct.

I do have more on these, but I had a terrible time putting even this much together from the jumbled mass of worksheets, working platens, lists, notes, and index cards that I recorded things on at various times. It did not all come apart in a simple and straight forward manner and lots of things kept shifting around as I was getting off charge and digging deeper.

In general they all followed the same pattern of 7 wonderful things at the beginning and then things gradually going wrong and finally being chased around, captured, divided against yourself, and then set free only to discover that you can't survive anymore and ending up dying, trapped in the grave, and then being dragged off to hell.


Dynamic 16 (Creation)


1. TO CREATE (Statue)

environment = suns & planets & peoples of all types, you create them & abuse them & get zapped by the Suns (gods).

Inc. 2 loc = St. John, Canada; Pyramid = center of Atlantis (inc 2 scene - God statue on a dolly being pushed up slopes of a volcano by a crowd). The price of creation is to be blamed. To survive is to depend on the worship of others

Time = a planet circling a sun. Space = a vast plain full of cities & peoples Energy = energy blast from space shatters a mountain. Mass = worlds in collision. God = Giant sun Worship = people bowing before statue & putting on garlands etc. pain = statue hit with energy beam that makes cracks. degraded = beam from sun divides statue making black cracks. Trouble = hooded priest (who can call on the sun gods).

Detail: You are god in the form of a statue that floats around and puts out energy beams etc. At start the statue has a young, beautiful, radiant face, by the end it is the old man of R6. You are in a cluster of suns and planets. The suns are senior gods (who zap you in the end). There are other lesser god statues (such as a Venus-like 2D). The planets have lots of meat body people of endless different types (from other penalty universes). You do 7 great deeds and the people worship you & build temples & replicas of your statue etc. But you get into problems and troubles and dramatize the wrath of god on the people and fight with the other statues and teach the planet people to build traps and get caught sometimes yourself and go on rampages etc. You even get somatics in your statue (& even from defilement of the statue copies) & become mean. The people catch you in an energy cage and you're dragged into space where the stars judge you & zap you etc. (divided against yourself with permanent black cracks in your statue) & you become weak & everyone laughs etc. Finally you crumble & fire devils haul you (the soul of the statue) off to hell which is a pyramid in the sky with a volcano at its peak that they toss you in & there you are tortured & hit by the souls of the millions of people you have wronged.

At this point you should spot "To Create Is Native State" as the first item of this implant universe. And spot being pushed into it and spot pushing others into it.


2. TO CAUSE (Old Man God on Heavenly Throne)

This penalty universe was found very late in the research. Originally I had "To Mock Up" as the second goal (now number 3) and "To Intensify" as the third goal (now number 3X - probably belongs in an upper or earlier series).

environment = heaven in the clouds with a golden throne etc. You look down at the world and play god etc.

Inc 2 location = Rome; Pyramid location = Atlantis (incident 2 scene - God on a golden thrown falling from the sky down into a volcano) (god on throne says) The price of causation is to become effect (of your own cause). To survive is to depend on the subservience of others (?).

Time = Heavenly Clock (golden, sitting in clouds) Space = Celestial Palace (gold & crystal) Energy = a wave of golden light Mass = The gold throne You = god, like an old man on a throne Trouble = Devils (red demons with horns & tails)

Details: At the start, you perform 7 wonderful acts of creation (like the biblical 7 days). You bring people etc. into existence and send out cherubs to inspire them and angels to bring them into communion with you. When the people turn out bad and troublesome, you create devils to put ethics in on them and force them to be good. But the devils decide that you are the most lawless being around and try to make you follow your own rules and make you wrong etc. You smite the devils for this but they rebel & you cast them out but now things get really bad. You're unwilling to be the effect of your own cause and can't have being on the other side of what you do to the creations. You wouldn't follow your own rules. But you feel guilty about this and consider that its basically unfair but you do it anyway and sink down tone. You go on rampages and destroy things and everything goes out of control and finally you can't bear to be god anymore and throw yourself into a volcano to die. But the devils drag your soul down to hell and torture you.

Now spot "To Cause is Native State", etc.


3. TO MOCK UP (Computer)

environment = a flat plane, you build a city & bodies for the spirit beings, then you do them in & get zapped by the vortex gods.

Inc 2 loc= Washington DC; Pyramid=Lima,Peru. (inc 2 scene - people carrying broken pieces of a computer up slopes of a volcano to toss it in). The price of creative thought is to be questioned. To survive is to depend on the approval of others

Time = Digital display

Detail: You are a large computer (many boxy cabinets) on an empty plain. There are vortex gods (whirling energies in the sky) who created spirits. The spirits come to you and ask you to mock up things. You perform 7 wonderful mockups (you postulate electron structures and laws and build solid things) including creating bodies of various types (human, doll, animal etc.) and a city for them to live in etc. Sliding downscale, the mockups become more & more complex. Eventually you lose control of your own creations (can't keep track anymore). People ask you questions, especially reasons why, and you don't know anything except by your own creation so you invent answers and introduce false data and have problems etc. You begin to dislike the people and introduce wrong data to harm them etc. & eventually things get wrecked etc. In the end the people curse you & pray to the vortex gods who then zap you etc.

Now spot "To Mock Up is Native State", etc.


3X. TO INTENSIFY (Energy Cloud)

This probably belongs in an earlier or higher series of penalty universes. It has a non-physical body type and strange multi- dimensional spaces etc.

environment = flat squares are planets with people sideways from your dimensions. You manipulate symbol shapes that affect the people in the squares. Inc 2 loc = Bermuda triangle?; pyramid loc= Canton,China(Ohio?) The price of intervention is to be trapped in form. To survive is to depend on the blindness (symbols?) of others

Time = electron decay. Space = Energy = Mass = You = an energy cloud. Sensation = 2 clouds intertwined. danger = a pole trap. confusion = pictures exploding. Entrapment = an energy cage hanging in space. Interest = symbols hanging in space. Trouble =

Details: Symbols (figures, objects, etc.) hang in empty space and connect to (& are generated by) the inhabitants of the planes (which orbit around suns). You and other energy clouds can affect the peoples on the planes by moving symbols closer or further away or adding & subtracting connections to the symbols or by making the symbols degrade. At the start you perform 7 wondrous enhancements for 7 of these planes by connecting them to marvelous symbols etc. But you slide downscale & commit overts on the people and play by messing them up etc. and have trouble with other clouds and teach plane people to develop theta traps etc. You touch symbols and they explode; there are pole traps and boxes of exploding pictures and energy cages etc. Also, pieces of yourself get drawn into & stuck in the planes etc. In the end a vast statue (god) punishes you & divides you against yourself etc. & eventually you are dispersed into pieces & placed in the symbol of a coffin & devil statues drag you out & push you sideways into a volcano on a plane.

Now spot "To Intensify is Native State", etc.

Carry on like this, spotting the native state item, through the rest of the goals.


4. TO IMAGINE (Cartoon Mouse)

environment = cartoon bodies trying to out create each other. You invalidate others mockups & make degraded mockups, the giant mouse god (statue) zaps you, etc.

Inc 2 loc= Florida & Brazil (?); Pyramid loc= West Lemuria The price of imagination is to create your own fears To survive is to depend on the illusions created by others.

Time = (some sort of cartoon watch)

Details: You are a sort of big plastic mickey mouse (a cartoon like doll body). The characters include mouse people and duck people & others (Disney like). Everyone can generate illusions which become real if they can get others to believe in them. At start you do 7 wonderful illusions which others believe in and make real. Sinking downscale, you create harmful things which go out of control, others get bored with your mockups, you imagine degraded things to get interest, etc. Eventually your creations are too degraded but you can't stop. Others are disgusted & shatter your illusions & haul you before the mouse god who divides you against yourself. Eventually your thrown into a spirit shredder & your pieces are put in a mausoleum. Cartoon devils drag your soul out & carry you to the illusion of a volcano but you can't stop believing in it and so are trapped by your own illusions.


Dynamic 15 Knowledge / Understanding


5. TO KNOW (2 headed dodo bird)

environment = Dr. Doolittle like tropical jungle & beach. Your double heads let you see the pictures hidden behind others backs. The other creatures are terminals of other penalty universes.

Inc 2 loc= S. tip of Argentina, Pyramid=N. Lemuria The price of Knowledge is Terror To survive is to depend on the unknownness of others (or unknowingness of others)

Time = sun swinging through a tropical sky

Details: You see the ghosts that others carry behind them (i.e. cat woman (To Join) has ghosts of the kittens & robots & gods etc. from the symbols of To Join etc.). At start, you perform 7 great deeds, aiding others through your perception (you heal & solve problems etc.), & you gain admiration & respect. But your appearance is ridiculous & you don't want to be laughed at, so you maintain power over others by misusing your hidden knowledge. & occasionally you make mistakes & misread pictures & harm others by accident. You see the evil that each carries around behind them & become terrified of others. You start actively suppressing others to reduce their ability to hurt you. The others discover this & chase & capture you & drag you before the totem gods etc.


6. To Understand (chipmunk)

environment = talking animals in forest Inc 2 loc= Bellows Falls, Vermont; Pyramid = Bermuda. The price of understanding is grief. To survive is to depend on the sympathy of others.

Time = sun over brook. Danger = wolf. Deceit = a 2 headed sheep. Sly = Fox. Drink = penguin drinks from stream. Confuse = one chipmunk talking to another. Sensation = a female chipmunk.

Details: The different animals all have different languages. You're the only one who can understand everybody. You perform 7 noble deeds involving translation including saving the chipmunks from predators etc. Then you translate things others don't want to hear & cause grief & get blamed. You understand problems but can't solve them. You misuse your abilities, alter messages for your own gain, start making mistakes, etc. Conflict breaks out. No matter how hard you explain, the wolf still eats the sheep. Understanding doesn't change the animals nature. You translate for the fox & help him trick people in exchange for his tricking a girl chipmunk for you that you want to seduce. The wise owl (God) discovers your treachery & divides you against yourself; etc.


7. To Absorb (Greek hero, mythology)

You absorb knowledge & the form of anyone you can hold with your enormous strength including the mortal manifestations of the gods. Inc 2 loc = Mt. Olympus; Pyramid = N. Central Lemuria. The price of wisdom is to be despised. To survive is to depend on the gratitude of others.

time = a water clock.

Details: (like a B rate Greek mythology movie). The Gods are large & real & very prominent. They can appear as faces in the sky or can embody themselves in form on the ground. There are also lots of human like people (sort of wax like doll bodies). At start you walk into a series of 7 clearings & wrestle with 7 things (giant snake, seductive woman, etc.) & defeat them & absorb them. You can then become these forms at will. The gods are oppressing & abusing the people & you become the peoples champion & wrestle gods & gain the knowledge & capabilities of their mortal (i.e. lesser) form (but you can't become the faces in the sky or wield their upper powers). You help people gain the knowledge of the gods but this only creates strife & resentment. They blame you for all their failings. & the gods are angry with you. You begin impersonating the gods among men & trick people & gods & make trouble & everyone wants to do you in. In the end, you're captured & dragged before Zeus who divides you against yourself (the black bands prevent your taking on other forms) etc.


8. TO LEARN (Gnome)

environment = library/university. students include body types from other penalty universes (cat people etc.)

Inc 2 loc= Hidleberg; Pyramid = Boston. The price of learning is confusion. To survive is to depend on the respect of others.

Time = a clock on a wall. Space = a library complex (view of central lawn from window). Energy = ? book falling off library shelf? Mass = Huge library shelves full of books. Confusion = walrus person puzzling over a book. Tired = gnome asleep over a book. Sensation = Cat girl. Companionship = lady gnome. Stubborn = bear person.

Details: Data is in books and scrolls and data cubes. Only advanced students can handle data cubes because the data blasts in at you. You are a gnome (a shriveled little creature who wears glasses) & are an advanced student who also teaches (everyone but the dean (god statue) & other god statues is also a student). You are working to achieve total knowledge. At start you solve 7 complex problems for others with great success. You are liked & well respected. Later, you misdirect students to keep them from surpassing you; you sleep with students (female cat people etc.) in exchange for altering grades. The contents of the books keep changing. Exams are done with electric shocks when you answer wrong. You steal forbidden data from the vaults. You start getting knocked out by the heavy data flow from the cubes & made solid by too much data & hide this to keep from being expelled. The students find out about you misleading them & chase you through the halls. You are dragged before the dean & he divides you against yourself. After this you try to use a data cube but the flow jams on the black ridges (divided against yourself) & causes your brain to explode. They bury you in the basement. Later monk devils drag your soul out & toss it into the furnace which leads down to hell in an underground volcano.


Dynamic 14: Games


9. To Exchange (Spirit Broker - Wizard)

environment = a kingdom of munchkins & spirits, you trick people or do something for them in exchange for their souls & sell them to demons.

Inc 2 loc = Hong Kong; Pyramid = Catskills The price of wealth is enslavement. To survive is to depend on the commitment of others

Time = an hourglass with sand running down.

Details: You are a spirit broker (looks like a sort of card shark / pawnbroker) in a land of rolling hills and cottages etc., a fairytale like mid-evil kingdom including a castle with a king etc. The people are munchkin-like. You can see the spirits of dead munchkins toiling away but nobody else seems very aware of this. There are also demons who others can't see. You are fantastically crafty and trick people into signing away their souls in blood in exchange for things and then you sell the contract to demons (the people will work for them after they die) who give you services in exchange. At the start you collect 7 souls and sell them to demons in exchange for 7 wondrous miracles (performed by the demons) which astound the people and make the king shower you with riches etc. Sliding downscale, you try to do less for the people in exchange for their souls so as to keep more of the power for yourself and you have missed withholds about the true nature of the deal. The people get hints from spirits who have died etc. You get bored with the village girls and start in on sex with succubi & other spirit forms. You get withholdy & arrogant. The spirits get tired of working & start protesting & trying to break their contracts and the demons get upset. You get in trouble with the king and start blasting people with energy weapons (wands) purchased from the demons etc. People trick you with false contracts signed with chicken blood etc. The demons drag you before the demon god (big devil statue) & he divides you against yourself. Eventually you die & imps drag you from the grave & toss you in a volcano under the castle & the spirits of munchkins & demons you cheated torture you forever.


10. To Play (Chinese Children)

environment = houses on stilts over tidal flats. Only a very old few are adults. The games become deadly. Bodies nearly indestructible.

Inc 2 loc = Shanghai, China; Pyramid = Santiago, Chili. The price of joyful exuberance is perversion. To survive is to depend on the games of others

Time = shadows of sun moving over a village of houses on stilts.

Details: You are a child in a mud village with houses on stilts. There are adults (old looking Chinese) but they are no bigger than the children. There is the impression that you will be a child forever & there are only a few old people. The village floods whenever the tide comes in. You alternate playing in the mud with sailing around in little boats depending on the tide. The bodies are nearly indestructible and might be some rubbery form of doll body rather than real meat bodies. At start it is all glorious fun, nothing bothers you, you're not cold or hungry or hurt by drowning etc. The games are very rough but you can't get hurt. You get trapped in an underwater cage during high tide & your only protest is that its dark & boring & you want to be out playing. Sliding downscale you hurt others emotionally & by inhibiting their playing. The games are often mean & viscous. Parents are rarely seen but their orders are to be obeyed but this interferes with playing so you deceive them & become missed withholdy. Also, monsters come in with the ties and sometimes they hurt someone or carry them off. Adults sometimes use you for sex, this is pleasurable but also strange & fearsome & a bit frustrating (no climax). The games become more harmful & eventually a child dies. You hadn't known this could occur & are horrified & fascinated by it. Eventually you organize a terrible game with the monsters & perverted sex & entrapment & many die. So the others take you into the temple where the serpent god divides you against yourself as a punishment. Then you age but the adults find you loathsome & you can't play with the children anymore. You die & are buried in the mud & later carried off to hell in an undersea volcano by snakes & tortured there by the children you killed etc.


11. To Compete (Coach / team leader)

environment = sports arena, human style doll bodies. A vicious cross between soccer, football, & hockey with a steel ball. About 40 players per team (many teams in shifting alliances on each side) & attacks launched against repair dugout & coach's fort as part of game. Referee delivers implants.

Inc 2 loc = Toronto, Canada; Pyramid = Frankfort The price of competition is loosing. To survive is to depend on the encouragement of others.

Time = digital clock on scoreboard. Energy = steel ball smashing into grandstands. Cheat = tripping an opponent. Detestation = fan throws food at a player. Admiration = cheering crowd.

Details: You are a coach / team leader. you instruct & plan the plays & are generally in a fenced off enclosure guarded by some of your players (but opponents can storm the enclosure & attack you & you can venture out & play as needed). Vast grandstands around you are filled with plastic spectators. In the game, you generally can't touch the last person to touch the ball or touch a goalie but you can beat up everyone else according to a fantastically complex set of rules. The bodies are very tough but can get smashed, especially by the steel ball. Players go off to the dugout for repairs, but everything is fair game. Players attack the dugout & the coach enclosures & try to attack the referees (who are well protected) to distract them while rules are being broken etc. Players can die by being smashed to small pieces and broken beyond repair. At start the game is tremendously exhilarating - the sensations of play & motion are fantastic. You plan & execute 7 brilliant plays & are cheered etc. Sliding downscale, you carelessly let players get broken, find ways to cheat, have trouble with your own men, & grow weaker. There are other coaches on your side of the game & you start working against them. They try to demote you but you lead your players against one of the other coaches on your side & destroy his enclosure. The opponents gain strength & score goals as you fight your own side. Your own side grabs you & takes you to the referee who hits you with a beam that divides you against yourself (your shirt then shows black stripes which are ridges of black energy). Now everyone ignores you during the plays and eventually you are trampled & your body is broken into tiny pieces. They call time out & bury the pieces in the sand of the arena with a flag planted over the grave. The flag has a Maltese cross on it to keep you in. Later, enraged fans drag your soul out & throw it into a volcano under the grandstands where the spirits of the fans & players you betrayed throw things at you forever.


12. TO MANIPULATE (Penguin Banker)

environment = a wall street like business district with fancy dressed two legged animal bodies. You are a Penguin in a fancy coat who owns a bank.

Inc 2 loc = Zurich,Switzerland; Pyramid = NE Greenland coast The price of wealth (profit?) is oppression To Survive is to depend on the trust (confidence) of others

Time = clock on the wall of a bank

Details: At start you make 7 fantastic business deals, taking over companies etc. and outsmarting the other tycoons. Sliding downscale, you are irresponsible about the side effects of your deals and others get hurt. Homeless people (bears etc.) get angry, picket, tear down businesses. You retaliate, call out police, etc. Also you incite riots against competitors. Eventually you are dragged into court & a god in the form of a computer sentences you & divides you against yourself. Your business connections dry up, your bank goes bankrupt, & you kill yourself by jumping out of a window. The body is taken to a mausoleum. Eventually, devil bears rip your soul out & throw you into a volcano.


Dynamic 13: CHANGE


13. TO COMBINE (Siamese Twins)

environment = separating & combining of male & female to make 3 legged twin. Inc 2 loc= Rangoon; Pyramid = SE. Atlantis The price of harmony is self sacrifice. To survive is to depend on the weakness of others.

time = Siamese clock. space = city with twin buildings (like the world trade center) energy = explosion in a laboratory.

Details: The body type is a pair of Siamese twins which are born separately but must combine to form a complete body. The male has only one leg and needs a crutch to walk as a singleton. Normally a male and a female combine. The male has the inner shoulder which plugs into a gap in the female and he provides the large heart etc. The female singleton has 2 legs but only a lesser secondary heart etc. and can't exert herself. After merging, the skin grows together but can be separated by an operation and the partners changed. You change partners a few times in the incident and end up as a singleton. Sex occurs between 2 sets of twins. In the incident you are a sort of surgeon/chemist. At the start you make wonderful chemical combinations that produce marvelous results and you perform 7 brilliant operations that separate and recombine twins. Sliding downscale you make strange freakish combinations of people and animals etc. Also, you make combinations of more than 2 individuals etc. You take other, non-twin, races and combine them into twins. The lobster people object to this and try to make everyone into singletons. You get worse & worse partners, get blamed by people for riots & blamed for invasion of lobster people etc. and are finally hunted down as a singleton and combined with a dead body. The incident ends with the usual after death sequences etc.


14. TO METAMORPHOSE [ or TO SHAPE or TO BE SHAPED] (clay people)

Body type: Clay people. You are a body shaper, sort of an artistic masseuse / plastic surgeon equivalent who can reshape someone else's clay body and get it to hold the new form (using a faint electric current?). environment = a sort of clay city, like hard earthware built in a monumental form of slabs & blocks etc.

Inc 2 loc = Crete. Pyramid =island off Venezuala/Brazil The price of admiration is to conform (to others opinions) To survive is to depend on the malleability of others.

time = clock on big clay building (which looks like an upside-down pot). space = clay city (pot buildings & cracks in earth giving off fumes etc.). energy = volcano exploding Mass = landslide trouble = fire people Home = big slab building.

Details: At start you perform 7 wonderful shapings of people giving them strength, beauty, etc. You are highly admired & respected. Sliding downscale, you reshape someone you don't like, making them seem beautiful but really concealing an ugliness in the form and hardening it while leaving the surface beauty unfixed so that it fades. Then you convince them that it is their true self showing though despite your best efforts. There are many overts & also mistakes. Your forms begin to unstabilize, bulges popping out etc. This is blamed on a disease plague & people loose control of their forms but its really your fault. Eventually you can't control your own form either. They chase & capture you & you're divided against yourself etc.


15. TO CHANGE (Magician)

Body type = wizard (semi-human looking with wrinkled face etc. - purple skin on 1st pass, then red skin (?), others have green skin etc., cartoon like colors). You can metamorphose into many forms.

env = Arabian nights style (city of minarets etc.). Inc 2 loc = Tunisia. Pyramid= Hati (Dom. Republic) The price of power is insanity. To survive is to depend on the perversions of others

time = Shadow swings across the dome of a palace. space = Arabian knight's style city. energy = a bolt from a wand. mass = city walls falling trouble = genies

Details: At start, you work 7 miracles by changing to various forms (by way of spells) including a winged horse, snake, mouse, gnome, etc. You gain great power and admiration. You battle other wizards and win. Sliding downscale, you abuse & misuse power & are arrogant & begin regretting things. You make mistakes, loose battles against other wizards, trick people, etc. The people come to hate you. You object to the tax collectors and smash them & then smash the police & then have to smash the army & finally you destroy the palace. Because there is no money, the city services fail and there is a shortage of water & food. You abuse & sacrifice young girls etc. The citizens storm your estate. Eventually everyone is against you and you are hunted and captured and divided and killed and tossed in a volcano by snake demons etc.


16. TO BRING ORDER (Gorilla People)

This may be out of sequence. It would make more sense for it to fit under the 9th dynamic (Ethics).

env= village in the snow; getting others to change and align in group efforts. Inc 2 loc = St Petersburg, Russia. Pyramid= Bismarck, ND. The price of order is obligation To survive is to depend on the xenophobia of others.

time = sun/shadows on village in the snow. Space = View of a snow covered mountain slope with gorilla people, moose's, etc. in the distance. Energy = gorilla person fights with moose (wrestles with antlers). Mass = vast wall of snow about to fall. Gods = a totem pole (the faces are alive). Crush = gorilla person under an avalanche. Injustice = individual sacrificed by group.

Details: You solve 7 major problems by getting people to change & align with each other. The village is in a flood area (spring floods) so you get everyone to move etc. People are happy with the changes in general but there is the occasional objector who you overwhelm. Then your changes become more arbitrary or for personal gain & also you make mistakes. There are more protesters who you label as SPs & overwhelm but your justifications begin breaking down & you regret things but carry on anyway to make yourself right etc. You overwhelm by getting others to gang up on the dissenters & argue at them & push at them & beat them up. You see to it that people who try to stop you are murdered by your followers, but your followers also die due to your mistakes & greed. Eventually the people rebel & tear down the villages & hunt you through the forest etc.

I may have two goals collapsed together here. When I ran it, I got a mixture of snow and jungle pictures. Possibly the jungle stuff is gorillas with the goal to bring order and the snow scenes are with gorilla like abominable snowmen and some other goal (maybe To Align). I also had some trouble with this one getting mixed up with the bear people (see first dynamic goal to feel or to experience).


Dynamic 12: Reason


17. To Reason (clown)

env = big city, human like energy bodies which give off sparks (keystone cops etc.). You point out the irrationality of everyone's games. Inc 2 loc= Manhattan.; Pyramid = capetown S. Africa. The price of logic is to entrap yourself To survive is to depend on the stupidity of others

time = building (like empire state bldg.) with big wristwatch style clock on it. Space = the city at dusk. Turmoil = keystone cops chasing around. Sensation = woman in lingerie (this is street dress) Companionship = woman in checkered apron. Sex = exchanging energy sparks. (note that these are doll bodies with the clothes built into the body).

You are absurdly logical and a comic character so that the people will love you despite your being far more intelligent than they are. You handle 7 difficult problems, solving them with brilliant logic. You use logic to talk people into giving you money, sex, etc. Eventually this catches up with you and the people turn your own logic against you so that you become a tragic figure who must trap and destroy himself according to his own rules. But you rebel and deny your own logic and they hunt you down etc. You are hauled before the energy god who is a crackling cloud in a power plant and he divides you against yourself, etc.


18. To Orient (Wire Man)

The body is made of thick wires which you can bend around etc. There is a shoulder plate and a genital box (with a sort of electric plug). env= building a complex cagelike structure in space. In the end you get it wrong & it collapses. Inc 2 loc = polar orbit; Pyramid = Antarctica The price of orientation is to be stuck To survive is to depend on the confidence of others.

Time = sun/light/shadow moving across a structure in orbit.

At start you are a brilliant genius who can see how to align the wires in the structure for maximum efficiency. The space structure tunes to basic energy in the universe and adding more with better alignment increases the flow and brings great wealth. The crowds cheer you, the priests honor you etc. But your constructions become overly complex. You make mistakes and the wire bodies are shaken by painful bad vibrations etc. Eventually your hauled before god who is a statue of a man and divided. Eventually your broken parts are placed in a metal box with a cross on it to keep you in etc.


19. TO GUIDE (Pilot)

env=1930s barnstorming plus continents in the sky (a la Charles Fort) & guiding Zeppelins to them. In the end you betray everyone & get zapped by a god statue Inc 2 loc = Indianapolis; Pyramid = Lemuria The price of success is to be despised To survive is to depend on the good will of others

Time = dusk on prairie. Space = flying in clouds. Impact = plane crash. Guide = plane (WW1 style) leading a zeppelin through the clouds.

Details: You fly a small barnstorming type plane with fantastic skill & daring guiding zeppelins through the endless clouds to carry goods between different cities & continents in the sky. The worlds are flatlands tumbling around in a space filled with atmosphere. The plane is actually very powerful & long range & only looks primitive because of the double wings & open cockpit. The continents shift around & visibility is poor so the freight & passenger carrying zeppelins need guides. Early on the pilot can levitate somewhat (jumps out of plane without a shoot etc.) but later he has trouble with this. He wears goggles which give him a partial ability to see through the clouds. At start you guide 7 great convoys between flatworlds. Everyone admires you, businessmen pay you large sums, crowds roar at airshows, & you take your pick of girls etc. Then you demand too much money, get married & cheat on wife, act arrogant & put others down, get drunk & loose a zeppelin in the sky, crash a few planes, gets lost & disoriented, starts falling & getting hurt, develops dizziness etc. The townspeople get angry, wife leaves him, businessmen sue him, etc. Eventually he takes a young girl up in a plane, looses control, she dies, he falls badly. So townspeople capture him, & take him into a cathedral where god divides him against himself. Then he tries to fly but crashes etc. everyone avoids him. Finally dies in a plane crash & they bury him in a cemetery with a cross over the grave to keep him inside. Then winged devils tear his soul out of the ground & carry him to a flat earth volcano & throw him in where he is tortured forever by all the people (businessmen, women, etc.) that he betrayed.


20. To Compute (toy bodies)

env=a logic maze constructed of toys, you take a new toy body off the rack every time you judge wrong & get smashed. God is a giant toy Santa who zaps you for cheating & hurting other players. Inc 2 loc= North Pole. Pyramid = Perth,Australia The price of intelligence is self destruction To survive is to depend on the answers of others

Time = a toy clock Trouble = a rolly polly clown

At start you solve 7 difficult problems. You are super bright and pleased with yourself. You help others. You work your way deeply into the maze. Occasionally you loose a body, but not often. You have sex with girl toys etc. You zap troublesome toys with energy. Sliding downscale, you lose more bodies, get worried that you'll never solve the maze, trick others into trying things before you do so that you wouldn't lose a body (and have to resume from the starting point). You get worried about others beating you, so you give out wrong answers, fix puzzles so that the answer is different and the people behind you get broken, etc. You also find that the answers are changing around and you can't get into the maze as deeply as you used to. You feel its unfair, and are worried about running out of bodies etc. so you organize riots. Eventually you're divided against yourself by a toy Santa who is god. Your last few bodies now have black lines in them. You keep trying to start the maze again and getting broken until the last body is lost. Others collect the piece and store them under a machine with rotating crosses that keeps you in there until devils drag you off to hell in a volcano that is under the aerial roadways that connect the machines in the central part of the maze.


Dynamic 11 (Construction)


21. To Construct (beavers)

you build dams and traps for capturing and enslaving fish & skunk & squirrel people etc. eventually you trap your friends because they're scornful and you let the dam break etc.

Inc 2 loc = Bangor,Maine. Pyramid = Perth, Australia The price of industriousness is entrapment To survive is to depend on the labor of others.

Details: You are a beaver person with big teeth, fur, unusual hip joints (you can sit crouched for hours), arms, hands, tail, and wearing clothes (a vest). You have orgies in the mud. Squirrel people act as slave laborer, skunk people work as maids etc. You undertake 7 large construction projects, managing the building of dams and traps and extending the village out on planks (like a dock) over the water. Your traps catch other people who you enslave and put to work. Then you begin building traps for beaver people too. The people rebel, etc. Eventually the god of the lake rises up and divides you against yourself, etc.


22. TO ARRANGE (Blockhead)

The goal To Engineer (below) may belong in a higher goals series. Or possibly To Build (#23) may be the incorrect one. Or maybe this goal (to arrange) which was located late in the research is the incorrect one. None of these three were run thoroughly and one of them is probably some sort of guiding spirit behind a constructive civilization rather than an embodied individual in that civilization. The guiding spirit type of body would go with a higher goals series.


22X. To Engineer (Lobster People)

env=underwater city Inc 2 loc = S. Africa (lake) Pyramid = Ghana,Africa The price of calculation is to be detested To survive is to depend on the strength of others

Time = mechanical clock with exposed gears. Space = an undersea domed city and seabed. Energy = giant machines (pumps with big swing booms, churning water & turmoil on seabottom). Mass = underwater avalanche.

Details: You are a lobster person (walks upright, big claw arms and small manipulative arms - 2 pairs - at sides). You are a brilliant engineering genius who designs 7 marvelous projects including pyramids, a core tap, etc. But you alter designs for your own profit, things collapse, and people die. Power sources fail due to your misengineering. and riots start etc. They find out it is your fault and hunt you down.


23. To Build (snake people)

env = a space city similar to Arslycus which gets too big. Enslaves other races. Inc 2 loc= in orbit & Alaska. Pyramid = Bangkok. The price of havingness is enslavement. To Survive is to depend on the compulsions of others.

Time = sun in orbit. Space = space city (sun orbits the city). Crash = aircar smashes into building. Crush = snake person under collapsing roadway.

Details: There is tremendous exhilaration at the fantastically complex and beautiful construction. You undertake 7 projects to expand the city. You hurt slaves in the process, but its for the greater good. Then you have problems with construction errors, riots, etc. Eventually the part your building gets too big and falls apart and the enraged citizens chase you through the sky.


24. To Structure (Crystals)

levitating gems getting salts from water & energy from sunlight. They can put out energy beams etc. env: a crystal city hanging in the air over a lake, mostly aerial rods with an occasional structure etc. Inc 2 loc = Great Salt Lake. Pyramid = Versallis,France The price of alignment is to be held in place (located) To survive is to depend on the form of others

Time = pulsing crystal. Energy = flow blasts out from a crystal. Shattered = crystal breaking apart. Sex = sides in contact between crystals, rubbing with crackling energy.

Details: You undertake 7 vast projects extending the city further into the sky etc. You are highly admired. Sliding downscale, you make mistakes, begin stealing light from others etc. The poor must float up above the city to get their daily energy because they live deep in shadows but often lack the energy to do so (because it takes energy to climb high) and fall (breaking apart and dying). You help the rich build bigger and higher levels and that makes it worse for the poor. Eventually society fails and the city falls. Mobs chase you etc.




25. To Invent (munchkins)

You are an inventor, sort of like a little old toymaker or shoemaker. env= like an old bavarian city. You invent wondrous devices & then suppressive things Inc 2 loc = Bavaria; Pyramid = Poconos in Pennsylvania The price of ingenuity is entrapment To survive is to depend on the aesthetic appreciation of others

Time = Mechanical Clock. Space = large cluttered workshop.

Details: At the start, you invent 7 wondrous things including a fancy town clock. These are very aesthetic. They work not so much by logic but because they are so wondrous to behold that they gain instant agreement. Then your greed & lust & pride cause you to maintain your position by building terrible but aesthetic devices to gain things. Also building weapons of war & enslavement (for use against the insect people) & control which are then turned against the population. You invent things like devices which inspire lust in women etc. Eventually the mobs chase you etc.


26. To Enhance (Ghost People)

You are a female ghost in a sort of spirit body env=spirit world and an 1890s style city of human and cat people where you enhance their view of things. There is also a ghostly city where you live that partially intersects the real city. Inc 2 loc = Copenhagen, Pyramid = Buenos Aries The price of improvement is condemnation To survive is to depend on the illusions of others

companionship = a male ghost sensation = a living male cat person

Details: You go around enhancing living peoples view of things. You do 7 good deeds by enhancing. You make the guys see girls as more beautiful etc. Without enhancement, the city looks drab, like ashes, but you make it appear beautiful to the living. You receive praise and offerings. You visit living men in the night for sex and take a drop of blood as an offering. This makes you more real and stronger than other ghosts who look up to you etc. But you can never forget that its all ugly under the surface and you are fooling people. They get in trouble because you make things seem better than they are and lead them into mistakes. You become mischievous and trick people and haunt them and demand sacrifices. You do heavy sexual blanketing which harms people. The priests try to exorcise you etc. Eventually you're captured and hauled into a church where god on a cross divides you against yourself etc.


27. To Inspire (muses)

you bring inspiration in dreams but eventually you steal others ideas. Inc 2 loc= Florence, Italy; Pyramid = Ethiopia The price of new ideas is to be scorned To survive is to depend on the dullness of others

Time = sundial. Disaster = Earthquake. You = girl in robe. Sensation = another girl.

Details: You are in a sort of astral body (female), but the knights have flaming swords which radiate heavenly energy that can cut on the astral plane as well as the physical. At the start you bring 7 wonderful inspirations & the people and the dream master praise you. But then you start inspiring people into crimes, degradation, etc. Also, you run out of inspiring ideas so you start stealing ideas from other muses. Eventually you start bringing nightmares etc. When you're thrown into the volcano at the end, you can't escape because you have no inspiration (no ideas).


28. To Beautify (faire godmother / faire queen )

env= storybook land, you make everything beautiful & then kill all the people to keep it that way. Inc 2 loc= Babylon; Pyramid = Orlando, Fla. The price of beauty is suffering (sadness) To survive is to depend on the good taste of others

Time = sun swings over storybook land.

Details: You float around and can wave your wand and make things beautiful. You perform 7 wondrous deeds such as making a poor girl beautiful so she can meet the price (like Cinderella) etc. You make the countryside and cottages and castles beautiful etc. But you see everyone messing up the environment and doing ugly things such as eating each other etc. The Cinderella like girl gets the dress and coach messed up having sex, so you give her a poisoned apple (like sleeping beauty, but no happy ending) etc. The children are starving so they eat the gingerbread houses so you throw them into a furnace (like Hansel & Gretel) etc. Eventually you get items like "To Beautify is to ignore suffering" etc. You depopulate the countryside and become a horror to everyone, so they summon witches and devils to use against you and there's the usual business of being captured and divided etc. Eventually you're dead and buried under a magic circle which keeps you in the ground until witches on broomsticks drag you off to hell in a volcano.

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Continued from #5C


Dynamic 9: ETHICS


29. To Purify (Fire People)

you see the impurities in the flames of others, find criminals & toss them into a volcano, etc. Inc 2 loc = Lima Peru; Pyramid = Pompey,Italy The price of purity is the loss of self-determinism (individuality?) To survive is to depend on the bigotry (sins?) of others

Time = sun swings over the fire city (clay slabs and billowing fire and balls of fire).

Details: At the start, you find 7 criminals by seeing the impurities in their flames and capture them and toss them in the volcano. The people cheer you for saving them. Gradually it becomes like the inquisition, with you searching out people with impure thoughts etc. And the you start tossing in good people as well for personal gain and you also make mistakes and toss in the wrong people etc. Then the usual business of captured and divided etc.


30. To Arbitrate (Bull people / minotaur)

CORRECT GOAL MAY BE "TO JUDGE" - to be investigated.

you solve disputes in a Greek style city with other races as slaves Inc 2 loc = Crete; Pyramid = Buenos Aires The price of compromise is universal misery To survive is to depend on the obligations of others

Time = sundial in plaza.

Details: You solve 7 great disputes including one between the king and the workers. You do this by talking to them and shifting their viewpoints until they come into agreement. You are greatly praised and rewarded. But you see that bringing people into agreement and getting them to compromise creates harm. You get the workers to compromise on a point of safety and then a building under construction collapses on them. You get the girls to compromise on being ravished by the bulls etc. Eventually everyone looses by compromising too much and they blame you etc.


31. To Defend (little green men)

env = flying saucers and a planet with many types of people (from other implant universes) ruled by religious zealots who want everyone to be good and follow the rules. The saucer people are the chosen of god and defenders of the faith & civilization etc. Inc 2 loc = Japan; Pyramid = Tibet The price of ethics is betrayal. To survive is to depend on the integrity of others.

Time = saucer in orbit.
Space = ship over city.
Holy = cross on control panel.

Details: You fight 7 great battles against forces of evil including invaders, revolutionaries, heretics, etc. You find out that not all the rebels are bad and regret blasting them but continue doing it because of pride and duty. You become arrogant and lord it over the ground population etc. You blast entire cities of loyal people when the lizard invaders occupy them. Resources run short and you force the cities to supply you while their citizens starve. Civilization crumbles but you keep on defending and wrecking things further. Rebel ships capture yours and haul you before the silver robot god and he divides you against yourself. You're allowed to return to your ship but now the crew despises you and considers you a traitor etc. and tosses you out into a volcano, etc.


32. TO STRENGTHEN (Strong man)

This goal, found late in the research, might belong here instead of To Protect which seems like it belongs in the upper series. This goal requires further investigation.

It is also possible that the gorilla goal "to bring order" belongs here.

Additional note: The upper series might also include the goal To Nurture (guardian of the forest).

Details (?): You pour energy into the weak to help them. (?)


32X. To Protect (colored balls of energy)

you police a city of other body types, zapping wrongdoers.
Inc 2 loc= Tibet; Pyramid=Washington DC.
The price of safety is inhibition.
To survive is to depend on the sins of others

Details: You are a colored sphere of energy which floats around. You handle 7 situations, protecting the innocents by zapping their attackers. You feel very proud and helpful etc. and are rewarded by being fed electricity. You have sex by exchanging energy with other spheres etc. (there doesn't seem to be any male/female polarization). Eventually you zap the wrong people, mishandle things, fight with other spheres, develop perversions (such as drinking in sex flows from bodies). You become viscous and outlawed, no longer fed energy but stealing it, sometimes draining it from bodies and killing them, etc.


Dynamic 8 (religion)


(zodiac mass = Pisces)

33. To Enlighten (or to preach) (rabbit preacher)

env = cartoon like rabbits walking around in frock coats. You preach human sacrifice (to wolves in leather jackets) & sex orgies & end up dying on the cross.
Inc 2 loc = Libya (? or Jerusalem), Pyramid = Montgomery,Ala.
The price of preaching is sacrifice.
To survive is to depend on the faith of others.

Time =

Details: You are a preacher and carry a holy book with you as you go into town. You preach sacrifice to higher purposes. You work 7 miracles. You sacrifice rabbit people to the wolves and less die than before. The usual decline and troubles.


34. To convert (reptile/fish person)

- looks a bit like the creature from the black lagoon); you can evoke heavenly pictures & promote a false religion & even fool the lesser gods (statues) so they think you represent a higher god.

env = seashore & lagoons, very colorful. Coral & multi-colored sand. Giant shells used as boats and temples built on the reefs etc.
Inc 2 loc = Jakarta, Indonesia; Pyramid = S.E. Atlantis
The price of divine revelation is to be fooled
To survive is to depend on the gullibility of others

Time = sun over lagoon (floating houses & fish people)

Details: The people worship god statues (the pilot, mermaid, etc. - generally terminals of other penalty). The statues have cantankerous lesser gods who expect sacrifices and so small favors for much worship. You have the ability to evoke heavenly pictures in the sky. These pictures are scenes from other universes. With this you falsely convince others that you are the agent of a higher god. Even the lesser gods get scared and become propitiative. You perform 7 wondrous revelations, using the pictures to stop wars etc. But you can't really heal the sick or control the weather as the lesser gods can, and they miss your withholds and you get into various troubles and go through the usual decline etc.


35. To connect (female angel)

env= heavenly clouds (later hell on Earth), you get a sexual kick from connecting with God, and later find that you can get the same kick with body sex (forbidden) & get sent down to hell.
Inc 2 loc= Los Angeles (heaven in clouds); Pyramid = Hawaii (inc 2 scene - angel with burnt wings tumbling into a volcano
The price of sensation is defilement
To survive is to depend on others for fulfillment

Time = sun on clouds.
Space = pearly/golden gates & clouds
Energy = golden rays coming down from God on high.
Mass = golden alter in heavenly cathedral.
Ecstasy = angles in cathedral writhing in light of God.

Details: You receive religious & sexual ecstasy by connection with God. You go through 7 divine experiences in various places such as the cathedral & the courtyard etc. generally in a group & the light of God shines on you & you all have a vast religious/sexual experience. Sliding downscale, you enter forbidden places & do forbidden things such as eating of the tree of knowledge & get M/W/Hs from God & you hide this when he sends out a ray of ecstasy making the ecstasy diminish. Sex (forbidden) lets you connect with & have ecstasy with someone other than God & you do this & pervert other angles & have problems etc. The sexual ecstasy gradually decays & leaves you with empty cravings. You are found out, argue with God, blame him, become arrogant, & are cast out of heaven & into hell on the ground. There you are tortured but also seek sexual ecstasy through pain, but it diminishes & you die etc.


36. To worship (knights)

env= castle, you make sacrifices to the God in the cross (who absorbs the soul of people put on the cross) & do holy quests & persecute other religions.
Inc 2 loc = England; Pyramid = China
The price of faith is blindness
To survive is to depend on the blindness of others

Time = sun over forest & castle by lake.
Space = ramparts of castle looking over the meadow.
Energy = knight swinging sword. Mass = walls of castle.

Details: At the start you perform 7 holy quests (like holy grail etc.), smash the god statues of rival religions, become arrogant, etc. It gets a bit like the inquisition, with you as an inquisitor, and then you begin to feel sympathy for the victims and start cheating and betraying your comrades and it goes down from there.


Dynamic 7 (spirits)


37. To predetermine (the soothsayer)

- this is a symbol body which manifests in various forms such as the blind prophet, the wise fool, & the water carrier.

env = flat earth; you see the symbol bodies behind peoples human forms & You insert meanings into things and setup theta machinery and predetermine what will occur. The symbol bodies are like stick figure drawings using lines of fire. The flat earth is old testament/Babylon like.
Inc 2 loc = Turkey; Pyramid = Southern Alberta, Canada
The price of prediction is to be foredoomed.
To survive is to depend on the superstitions of others.

Time = sun shadow far above a pasture on a flat earth.
Space = Mountains in the distance.

Details: You can see the symbol body behind the physical forms and therefor know their fate. You make prophesies based on their symbols and this keys them in and makes it come to pass (because it is the doom that you see waiting for them). You begin with 7 prophecies of doom but help them overcome the calamities. Eventually you become greedy, vengeful, etc., makeup false dooms, preach against the kings, etc. Finally the god who is a mountain divides you against yourself etc.


38. To collect (elves/fairies)

env=fairyland, souls are captured & made into enchanted weapons etc.
Inc 2 loc = Bombay, India; Pyramid = Baghdad
The price of power is corruption
To survive is to depend on the enslavement of others

Time = Sun passes over an elf tree city
Space = field where elves dance.
Energy = bolt from ring of power.
Mass = elves pushing a bolder.

Details: You are a great spellsmith who captures spirits and enchants them into weapons and things. You collect beings. You begin by making 7 great devices in this manner. You raise your arms and let your spirit flow out and surround the victim spirit and crush it down an into an object you have made. When someone dies you try to be on hand to collect the spirit etc. The people at first praise you and then come to fear you and despise you. You become vain and arrogant and hate everyone. The gods divide you against yourself. When you die, you're collected into an object and locked in a vault until demons come to drag you off to hell, etc.


39. To Influence (cupid)

env=greek mythology style space opera; you inspire people to love, hate, etc.
Inc 2 loc = Jacksonville, Fla.; Pyramid = Vermont
The price of excitement is to stay hidden
To survive is to depend on the discomfort of others.

Time =

Details: The cupids live in the clouds as do the angels and demons (who both object to the influence of the cupids, because they have strong purposes whereas the cupids only want interesting experiences). The people in the cities are of various body types including humanoid and wire people etc. At the start you visit 7 cities and inspire people to 7 interesting emotions. You are admired by the other cupids etc. Then you begin inspiring lower emotions, terror and hate etc. and have various fights and problems. Eventually you inspire the people to riot and destroy civilization. The angles capture you and drag you before god (who is on a golden throne in the clouds) and he divides you against yourself. You die and are "buried" in a spirit coffin in the clouds. Finally the devils haul you off to hell in a volcano etc.


40. To Embody (Pan - goat god).

You evoke nymphs etc. out of trees etc. & solidify their bodies by playing panpipes.
Inc 2 loc = Catalina; Pyramid = Greece.
The price of embodiment is suffering.
To survive is to depend on the harmony of others.

Time = sun swings over forest glade.
Space = forest & brook
Energy = Geyser coming up out of a lake
Mass = Dryads melted into a rock.
Invoke = playing pan pipes & calling something forth from a tree
Solidify = dryad outside of tree becoming solid.
Terror = bull like demon rises out of lake by waterfall.
Trouble = Pinwheel of energy around a silver cap.

Details: At first you are alone in a forest glade. You use the panpipes to evoke the spirit of each natural form and then make it solidify into a person (i.e., summon the spirit from the tree and embody it into a tree nymph etc.). You go around and evoke 7 groups of spirits and solidify them. All of them praise and worship you and want their friends embodied as well. You carry on populating the woods etc., but you occasionally bring out a monster or demon (or the energy pinwheels, which are dangerous to you). Also, the embodied spirits have problems etc. and begin to blame you. Also, the nymphs etc. sometimes refuse to give you what you want and so you embody monsters to force them. Also you solidify things for your own gain and demand payment from the solidified spirits etc. and you make mistakes and hide them. You can also embody concepts, etc. And you embody evil as well as good. The trees etc. all start dying because you've pulled out all of the spirits. Everyone blames you for everything and they hunt you down and the guardian of the forest divides you against yourself (Tree God) and devils throw you in a volcano etc.

Note: This was previously To solidify / to Not-Is in 6th dynamic.


Dynamic 6 (physical)


41. To Locate (Leprechaun (wise fool, human like)

env = rooms interconnected at random. You find various people (symbols) in rooms and try to find your way to the center
Inc 2 loc = Inside a space wheel in orbit (rings of rooms sliding in relationship to each other); Pyramid = Quito,Equ.
The price of being located is to be a target
To survive is to depend on the mis-orientation of others

Time = Grandfather's clock
Space = a room + shadows of rooms in 4th dimension.
Energy = a ray from the center passes into a room & hits someone
Mass = someone pounding on a wall.
Boisterous = a drinking hall.

Details: The "Sun" in the center (in a circular room surrounded by a railed balcony and maybe a control panel) puts out higher dimensional rays which pass through the walls and illuminate the rooms and unlike most people, you can sense the direction of the rays and know where you are even though the rooms keep shifting (as if they are mounted in a series of concentric rings which rotate in relationship to each other). There are also some large halls such as the kings hall, the drinking hall, etc. You are a locator working for the king. The people are reminiscent of medieval tarot card drawings. At the start, you go on 7 missions of locating people and things and are showered with riches etc. Sliding downscale, you hide things and keep the locations to yourself (treasure etc.) and get others lost. Finally you start making mistakes and get lost yourself etc. The kingdom begins to fall and the king blames you and soldiers chase you etc. In the end you wind up in hell in a volcano that is located on the floor of the central room beneath the center sun.


42. To permeate (theta body);

you permeate meat body people & implant orders, at first helpful & then harmful.
Inc 2 loc = Rio de Jenero; Pyramid = Saudi Arabia
The price of pervasion is dissolution
To survive is to depend on the suggestability of others

Time = a shadow moves underwater (?). (or world turning in sunlight seen from low orbit?)

Details: You help the tiger people, fox people, etc. by blanketing crowds and implanting orders to stop riots etc. Then you decay and do sexual blanketing and implant things as jokes (like a bad hypnotist) and inspire people to fight etc. Finally the god, who is a statue of a Centaur, divides you against yourself and you give conflicting orders when you try to implant others, etc.

Note: was previously in 7th dynamic, and had To Solidify in 6D (which is now To Embody in 7D, but solidify might still be another goal and permeate might be in error and actually be part of to energize, note similarity in the body type etc. - needs to be investigated).


43. To energize (thought circles; color flows)
Inc 2 loc = In the Aurora Australis (southern aurora) Pyramid = Kashmir.
The price of motion is pain
To survive is to depend on the unawareness of others.

Time = moving swirl of color.
Space = lines of energy stretching out towards infinity.
Energy= star exploding.
Mass = black hole pulling in asteroids etc.
God = a planet (like the man in the moon).

Details: You permeate mest & sublimate it & it turns into flows of colorful energy which you feed on & play in. at start there are 7 wonderful sublimations where you release the energies of planets etc. Colors reflect energy levels, blue is warm, red is painful, black is death/unconscious. You have problems with stars blowing up and unsettling your stomach, overts of stealing energy from others, overts of destroying pretty places, etc. Eventually a planet god divides you against yourself (black lines in your energy swirly), finally you're drained of all energy & go black & are pulled down to a planet & fall into a volcano.

Note: This one might belong to a higher series


44. To gather (Spacesuit bodies - like radiation suits, but the suit is the body, no face inside),

env = like 3rd Invader force. You go around using a fac 1 like device to implant & take over. Inc 2 loc = Nepal; Pyramid = Atlantis
The price of wealth is to be controlled.
To survive is to depend on the conditionability of others

Time =

Details: At the start, you conquer 7 societies (unicorns etc.) and are hailed as a great leader. Then you make mistakes, get overwhelmed by robots, revolutionaries, etc. Note that you never consider it an overt to conquer the meat body people, your idea of overts has to do with betraying other invaders and your own loss of courage etc. Then comes the usual decline.


Dynamic 5 (life)


45. To grow (Genetic entity),

env=a southsea volcanic island. you are a GE & evolve a genetic line trying to have your forms overwhelm the forms evolved by other GEs in the chain of islands.
Inc 2 loc = Tahiti; Pyramid = Australia.
The price of growth is death
To survive is to depend on the sacrifices of others.

Time = cells/micro-organisms in the sea as day turns to night
Space = An island in the sea, bay, reefs, the sky above.
Energy = lightning bolt striking a forest and starting a fire
Matter = a vast rock cliff above the beach
Affinity = GE feeling tender for a mouse like creature
Reality = a volcano sheathed in clouds and its slopes teaming with life
Communication = one monkey points a snake out to another
Understanding = 2 sloths hang together looking at each other in the trees
Fate = Glacier
Help = Aneoba reaching towards another that is sinking
Decay = fungus on tree
Creation = strange glow from a cave in the slopes of a volcano
you = GE (golden cloud)
Fall = bird dropping a clamshell
Warmth = Green Sun in sky
Turbulence = surf
Competition = another GE, blue colored
Abandonment = shellfish on beach
Doom = volcano erupting

Details: You are a genetic entity growing lifeforms. You begin with simple ones on a lifeless volcanic island, and gradually get more complex. Then a rival GE starts up on the opposite side of the island. He sends birds against the clams, vines against the trees, so you grow monkeys to tear at the vines, so he grows tigers to eat the monkeys etc.

This one probably belong in a higher series. The GE is a cloud form and the scale is creation first followed by decay instead of a straight decay down to death.


46. To discover (centaurs),

env=ship sailing from bay to bay on a new continent, explorers who first try to find treasure, learn wisdom, and teach, but end up like conquistadors.
Inc 2 loc = New Zealand; Pyramid = Durban, South Africa
The price of discovery is blame (ruin?)
To survive is to depend on the gullibility of others

Time = sun swings over ship at sea with centaurs.
Space = Looking over the rail of a ship at the shores of a vast bay.
Energy=Rhinocerous charging.
Mass=Cliffs at shore, waves drive a ship towards them.

Details: At start you are on an explorers ship landing in natural harbors etc. along the shores of a new continent (large island). It is very exciting and you are filled with the thrill of finding and learning new things. The places have strange flora & fauna. You visit 7 bays (rabbit people + robots; cat people + bears; Elves + goat people; Magicians +arabs; Gnomes + giants; Frog people + insects; Greek gods + dog people). You visit each bay and are exhilarated by what you find, but you try to dominate the people. At first you help them and they welcome you. Eventually you exploit and enslave them. Also, you get drawn into their wars etc. You try to teach them about things and fail, you discover new ideas but they don't want to listen, so you begin to trap them for their own good and force them into schools & they rebel etc. The people pray for help against you and angels with fiery swords come and oppose you. Eventually they destroy your ship and capture you and god divides you against yourself etc.


47. To heal (Tree Man), env = forest, You heal the animals taking all the hurt away but when they disobey you, you push it all back in & they get sick.
Inc 2 loc = Prague; Pyramid = Uruguay.
The price of healing is pain.
To survive is to depend on the weakness of others.

Time = shifting slant of sunlight threw forest canopy.
Space = a path going off through the trees into the distance
Trouble= A Bore Person (pig man with tusks).

Details: You are in a forest with cat people, bull people, etc. At start you visit 7 races and perform great healing for each. They all build alters to you and worship and praise you. But you don't like them fighting each other etc. so you try to control them. You push injuries back in on the and they sicken and die. Another forest guardian sets up on the far side of the forest and your people and his people fight. Too many are killed and hurt for you o heal them all and so your people turn against you. Eventually your captured and taken before the mountain god (earth god) and divided against yourself etc.


48. To Adapt (Thread Man). You are a bundle of threads that can unravel and reweave into a new shape.
Inc 2 = N. Siberia; Pyramid = Syria

Time = A clock on a tower (silver ball with streamers)
Space = Gossamer city
Energy = wave shakes the city (Underwater?)
Mass = great rock crushes things.
You = A thread man (like many pieces of string
Trouble = Cyclops

Details: At start you adapt and teach others to adapt to 7 threats. There are crab people who chop you with pincers and cyclopses who burn you with beams from their eye and bull people who enforce rules. There are snowflakes, etc. You have a horror of solidifying and of burning.


Dynamic 4 (race & society)


49. To Establish (giant), env = three eyed giants dominating flatlands linked by a hyperspace grid
Inc 2 loc = Philadelphia; Pyramid = Dublin, Ire.
The price of order is invalidation
To survive is to depend on the obedience of others

(note, originally had this as one eyed giants - i.e. Cyclops, but some confusion between this & To Judge; also was missing the next goal upwards, so items got crossed up)

Time =

Details: There is an electronic grid (looks like graphics) ultra dimensional grid linking 7 firmaments / planes / flatlands. You establish the 7 flatlands & setup a race of beings on each one (Chinese peasant children, fox people, etc.) in a rigid cast system. Each race has a trade / task / skill & you establish a civilization co-ordinating all these & expanding the space grid. You hypnotize (implant) any dissenters for the greater good. At start you have wonderful goals of a glorious civilization etc. Sliding down, people revolt, get implanted, you do many overts, & finally give up & let civilization fall & are captured by mobs etc.


50. To Share (dolphins), the dolphins have no hands, but can levitate things by group postulation. They launch wooden spaceships and build a very low orbit space station. You create too much dissension and the station falls.
Inc 2 loc = near Hawaii. Pyramid = Azors
(inc 2 scene: dolphin in a glider spiraling into volcano)
The price of sharing is enforced agreement
To survive is to depend on the agreement of others.

Time = sun over ocean with dolphins
space = dolphin in glider high above world
energy = beam from sky boiling ocean.
mass = dolphins in ocean levitating vast glob of water.
god = giant statue of Poseidon with trident.
Trouble=aliens (like giraffe people?, or insect people?)

Details: You do 7 great cooperative efforts including uprooting trees from the islands and launching the space platform and shaking the aliens' (insect people with energy weapons) ship until they will trade peacefully. Gliders and platforms are wood frames with plastic film holding water. Sex is group orgies at sea; You have no hands and can only operate in a group. Agreements are forced by projecting thought bubbles at each other; You commit overts as ordered by the group including casting out a friend (thrown off platform) & then rebel & obsessively individuate. Poseidon divides you against yourself etc.


51. To Unite (dog soldiers),

env=a Nazi Germany like war for racial purity. In the end you turn traitor & both sides do you in.
Inc 2 loc = Frankfort,Germany; Pyramid = Perth, Australia.
The price of loyalty is dishonor
To survive is to depend on the honor of others.

Time = sun swings over a battlefield.
Space = a harbor with ships & planes & troops massed on shore.
Energy = a large bomb blows up a city (mushroom cloud).
Mass = giant steel doors of a bunker like fortress. (huge).
God = Statue of a giant bird on a pedestal.
Trouble = cat people

Details: You are an officer engaged in 7 glorious campaigns, defeating the enemy & uniting countries & purifying the race. At first you agree heavily with this & see the sense of it & are happy to have an opponent, but gradually you begin to question. The army installs control devices in your teeth. You have sex with an enemy spy & sympathize with the enemy & begin helping them. Your discovered & flee to the enemy who implant more control devices & send you back as a counter spy & you're caught again & implanted further etc. Your divided against yourself & sent again as a spy with hidden portions of yourself taking over when you are asleep & reporting in etc. Eventually you blow everyone up by disabling the shields during an attack. Your comrades from both sides drag your soul out of the grave & toss you in a volcano for betraying them. This is high tech with laser cannons, laser rifles with bayonets, etc., the women have 4 breasts.


52. To Control (frog people),

env= pond with houses on stilts, much politics
Inc 2 loc= Caspian Sea; Pyramid = Lake Nayassa, Africa.
(inc 2 scene: Frog person dumped into a volcano by a crowd)
The price of civilization is oppression
To survive is to depend on the meekness of others.

?? maybe some error on this one, possibly slime monsters should be saucer people? maybe something else wrong, (turned on headache).

Time = a water clock (a series of trays of water)
Space = a village of floating cushions w/ sunshades + houseboats
Energy = a tidal wave.
Mass = a vast cliff overhanging the lake.
Trouble = slime monsters.

Details: You are a frog person (manlike, has hands, wears clothes, etc.). The frog people mostly live in & on the water although they have buildings on the shore too (need to breed underwater, etc.). You control the pond by leading & manipulating the people & try to control other ponds as well. You perform 7 great deeds of control to get the people to work together to fight slime monsters, stop crime, build a dam, etc. The people wouldn't obey rules so you put thought control helmets on them (supposedly on criminals but really on anyone who protests). The helmets give headaches when they disobey orders or break laws or thing bad thoughts about the state etc. Eventually you covertly aid the slime monsters to give you more excuses for more control etc. You misdeeds are eventually found out & the people rebel & your chased & caught & divided against yourself etc.

------ Following, to judge, probably belongs with the 9th dynamic (same as arbitrate), kept here temporarily as a safety measure., see 9th dynamic.

??. To Judge (giants - a Judge),
env = courtroom, you make others divide against themselves for their crimes. You travel to villages of underpeople such as elves & fairies & hold court. Twist cases for your own gain.
Inc 2 loc = Philadelphia; Pyramid= Dublin, Ire.
The price of law is injustice
To survive is to depend on the law abidence of others

Time = courtroom clock.


Dynamic 3 (groups)


53. To Organize (clerk; human),

env = a bureaucracy (everything happens inside); planets are being taken over & you do the paperwork; eventually angry mobs storm the building & burn forms etc.
Inc 2 loc = London; Pyramid = Portugal
The price of order is frustration
To survive is to depend on the uniformity of others.

Time = beeping computer signal (red flashing light on console).
Space = looking down at a cafeteria from a mezzanine.
Energy = someone throws a basket of forms at the clerks head.
Mass = endless ceiling high piles of forms.
Trouble = bull people.

Details: The body type is a hermaphrodite (bi-sexual). Sex is used as an office hierarchy privilege, done to you by seniors & by you to juniors. There is a sort of 2D as well & the sex in the office is a source of upset. God is an administrative computer. The entire incident happens indoors. The exhilaration at the start is on putting order into everything & categorizing & airing it. Planets are being taken over & you handle all the paperwork. At start you organize 7 departments, creating new forms & procedures to introduce more order into the every growing piles of data. There are forms about forms. When you make a mistake, the penalty is to pay tax & the form for this are endless & horrible. You inflict forms & lines & procedures on others & sometimes they starve & die on line. There are bull people who wouldn't tolerate this and wreck things etc. Sinking downscale, you become horrified & guilty but can't stop. Eventually angry mobs storm through the building & burn forms etc. Eventually you are caught and divided for your sins by the god computer. In the end you fall down an elevator shaft which opens into a big cavern in the basement that contains a volcano which leads down to hell.


54. To Co-operate (robots),

env = warring space stations in orbit (blue Vs red robots) (squarish robot bodies, cube heads) Inc 2 loc = orbit; Pyramid = Detroit
(inc 2 scene - robot falling from sky into a volcano).
The price of agreement is obedience
To survive is to depend on the obedience of others.

Time = sunlight moving across a space station.
Space = 2 large space stations (wheels), a planet is high above. (about 8 big platforms + ships & robots moving around)
Energy = ship smashing into station & debris flying around.
Mass = large bundle of girders drifting into a bulkhead & crumpling it in a large loading dock (gravityless).
God = computer
Creator = octopus in tank of gas.
Dissolve = robots tossing others into a vat of boiling acid.

Details: you do 7 great projects working together with the other robots to build things & expand the station & fight the enemy robots etc. You're a sort of team leader who gets others to work together but they get in each others way & you sacrifice & harm them for the sake of the project without regard to fairness or impact on the individuals (i.e. purely practical). The individuals become upset so you have them reprogrammed (implanted) & also you pretend to be helping them but really (at first) are only working for the sake of the group. Later you become dis- illusioned & only work for yourself & your own gain. Finally you want to overthrow society but can't because the other robots will destroy everyone. Your evilness is found out & your dragged before the computer God etc.


55. To Participate (mermaid)

env = in ocean. Sex splits open the tail & causes you to develop legs which is considered degraded & confines you to land. You do it anyway for the sake of participation & become debased & cast out.
Inc 2 loc = Capetown, S.Africa; Pyramid = bay in N.E. Lemuria
The price of approval is self degradation
To survive is to depend on the sympathy of others

Time = moon swings (nighttime) above a mermaid on a rock at sea
Space = undersea castle with glow fish swimming around etc.
Energy=ship crashing on the rocks.
Mass=heavy chest sinking in water with mermaids struggling & failing to pull it up.
Trouble = Centaurs on the deck of a ship.
God = giant statue of Poseidon half out of the water w/ a trident

Details: You participate in 7 great group activities. These include singing which compels human sailors to come & crash on the rocks where their stuff can be looted. Your voice has magical powers & they are amplified by singing together with others. Sometimes a ship has centaurs instead of human sailors & they can resist your voice & have magic of their own & hunt you. Finally you have sex with a human & your legs split open & your cast out & you participate with the other cast out mermaids on shore to sink ships but the centaurs come & catch you & drag you before Poseidon (god statue) who divides you against yourself etc. (? maybe some errors in this). The mermaid's big button is showing others how they've ruined her.


56. To Expand (mouse people - railroad engineers), you engineer a vast railroad at the expense of everything else. You are in competition with others doing the same & you work your mice to death & are sentenced by the gods.
Inc 2 loc = Edinburgh; Pyramid = Philadelphia.
The price of expansion is confusion
To survive is to depend on the toil of others

Time = RR clock tower over station.
Space = Trainshed
Energy = Locomotive in motion
Mass = coaling tower dumping tons of coal
God = looks like USA's Uncle Sam.
Trouble=a hausefrau like dollbody, hypnotic beams shoot from eyes

Details: At start you organize 7 great projects. You get them building railroads (British looking, red engines & competition has green engines). Working to beat another company & be larger. Eventually you do too many overts and overexpand and it's all too complicated and everyone works too hard. Doll people object to your expansion etc. You work the mice to death. They revolt etc.


Dynamic 2 (sex/family)


57. To Reproduce (insect people)

You are one of the bug eyed winged people that reproduce by injecting eggs into paralyzed hosts. Walks on 2 legs and has 4 hands. Space traveling. Swoop down on planets (a bit like 5th invader).
Inc 2 loc = Calcutta?; Pyramid = Buenos Aires (?ural mts).
The price of expansion is detestation (starvation?)
To survive is to need the bodies of others

Time = Wristwatch on wrist of an insect body.
Space=insect invaders swooping down on a valley.
Energy=Gorrillas with laser cannon blast down a cliff (insect invaders are at top of cliff). Mass=spaceship sinking into mud.
God = a stone spider
Trouble = Gorilla People.

Details: At start you swoop down as part of an invader force against 7 planets where you inject eggs into the natives (various body types). You come down from orbit riding prone on a small torpedo shaped device with handlebars. Your wings can support you in the air briefly but tire rapidly. There is a tremendous 'high' about populating all of the universe with your own species. As a male, your sexual organs draw eggs out of the female & fertilize & hold them (where they build up pressure) until you can inject them into a host. Some of the peoples you attack are high tech. There are laser armed gorilla people who object to being egg victims. They give you much trouble & get you in the end. You begin to realize that your whole life is an overt but you can't stop. Eventually the gorillas burn off your wings & drop you in a volcano, etc.


58. To Satisfy (cavemen), env= stone age (see Hits of Man), much sex, rape, breaking women's legs to keep them from running away, infidelity, etc.
Inc 2 loc = Peking Pyramid = France (inc 2 scene: caveman jumping into a volcano)
The price of pleasure is to sin
To survive is to depend on others for pleasure (fulfillment ?)

Time = caveman by cave overlooking a valley with shadows creeping.
Space = looking down at valley from rocks.
Energy = caveman bashing head of mammoth with club.
Mass = a great rock.
Crush = arm sticking out from under body of a mammoth.
Trouble = elves.

Details: At start you are master of the land, hunt mammoths, kill bears, etc. There is much sex, all the women want you but each wants to keep you for themselves. At start there are 7 women who you mate with successfully and then things begin deteriorating. One woman drives off all the others. You want one from a different tribe who isn't interested in you & you break her leg to keep her & then regret it etc. There are also elves. You steal elf women & rape them, chase them through their caves. But elves strike you with magic bolts etc. Finally they catch you & take you before the statue of the mammoth god who divides you against yourself. Eventually no female wants you, you can't kill game, & the elf women throw stones at you. Finally they roll a bolder on you & you die & are buried in a cave where fire demons drag your soul deeper into the caves which leads into a volcano & down to hell.


59. To Join (cat people)

env = a neo-modern (cubist) city of flying (levitating) cat people crazy for sex. Have endless kids & throw them out or kill them until robots come & force you to feed them (kids eat your breasts which grow back, but its painful). You betray lovers turning them in to the robots etc.
Inc 2 loc = Orleans, France; Pyramid = Baghdad
The price of love is betrayal
To survive is to depend on the lusts of others

Time = sun swings over a cubist city with flying cat people.
Space = cat person floating in air over ocean.
Energy = cat person levitating.
Mass =a great iron chest which falls & crashes through the floor
Trouble = Robots
God = Earth Mother statue.

Details: You are a cat woman who is exhilarated about sex. You have 7 wonderful 2Ds. When you have kids you bash their heads in or throw them out to starve. Then robots come & explain that your supposed to let the kids feed on you & they enforce it as a law. Each litter bites you & scars you all over (the breasts are nubs to be eaten). You violate laws, kill kids, engage in sexual abuse, fight robots, etc. Also, you betray your lovers turning them over to the robots when they give you problems etc. The robots catch you & haul you before the earth mother god (giant human like statue with dozens of arms & breasts & endless kids of many types in its arms). It hits you with a beam that divides you against yourself. They release you and you grow old and ugly, no males will join with you etc. You jump off a building & find you can't levitate anymore & smash to the ground & die. The robots scrape up the body & put it in a drawer in a mausoleum & lock it electronically so that your soul can't get out. Then devils drag your soul out (you try to stay in) & haul you out to sea & throw you into a volcano sticking above the surface. Inside, the souls of all the children you killed torture you with painful degraded sexual sensations.


60. To care for (birdgirl)

you protect the forest & strangle trappers etc. env = a forest of giant trees.
Inc 2 loc =Alcopoco, Mexico; Pyramid = Niger/Chad Africa.
The price of caring is grief.
To survive is to depend on the suffering (?) of others

Time = Birdgirl on the porch of a tree house watching the sunset.
Space=birdgirl on giant tree branch looking at forested valley.
Energy=birdgirl flying hard up to the top of a cliff.
Mass=Rock promontory jutting out over valley (& starting to crack off).
Trouble=snake people (engineers).

Details: You are in a forest of ferns & trees with dinosaurs etc. & snake people who build things. You have 7 families of children including your own & other types of creatures who you care for with great pleasure & success. They spread through the forest. You also care for other children such as dinosaurs etc. but they all fight & hurt each other although they love you. You try to make everyone stop fighting but they resent this. The snakes enslave others & build vast structures & cut down trees & you interfere & they hunt you. You try to stop everyone from doing anything & begin killing anyone who moves (all for good reasons) & you wouldn't let anyone live their own lives & begin implanting people not to fight etc. Your like a god to the various children at first but then you become an oppressor. At one point, the snake people promise to stop the fighting (by enslavement) and so you help them, but they betray you. Eventually the children catch you & turn you over to the snakes who haul you before the snake god (a creature in a bottle) who divides you against yourself.


Dynamic 1 (body)


61. To Feel (To experience the feeling of being alive, also could be translated as To Live) (bears)

env = snow covered forest & mountains, these are pretty much real bears, not bear people, you offend the spirit guardian of the forest by making mess, also hunters chase you (fox people with rifles)
Inc 2 loc = Canton, China Pyramid = Green Bay, Wisc.
The price of sensation is pain
To survive is to depend on others for sensation

Time = sun swings over snow covered forest.
Space = snowy mountain slope.
God = statue of forest god (treelike man).
Difficult = Bear trying to catch fish.
Pain = tree falls on bear.|
Trouble = Hunters (fox people)

At start you are the master of all you survey, experiencing 7 incidents of wonderful feelings including climbing trees, scaring other animals, sex, catching fish, eating honey, etc. But you mess up things etc. & think its a lot of fun. It gets cold & you hibernate, bees sting you, etc. You offend the guardian of the forest by making so much mess, and hunters (fox people with rifles) chase you. There are tree people (trees with faces) & you torture them with fire, you also burn down part of the forest. The tree god catches you (in his spirit form) and takes you to his alter & divides you against yourself. Now everything is terrible & you age etc. Then the hunters kill & skin & eat you & bury the bones. You can't get out of the grave because they build a magic cairn over it to keep you in. Plant devils come & drag your soul off to hell.

The goal here might be to experience instead of to feel.


62. To replenish (looks sort of like an old Arab),

env = desert & mts. Lots of stealing from Arab camp & from robots, much need to rest.
Inc 2 loc = Jerusalem; Pyramid = Shanghai, China
The price of motion is tiredness (strength is exhaustion?)
To survive is to depend on the creations of others

Time = sunset in the desert.
Space = sitting on rocks looking at sand.
Energy = hurling a spear.
Mass = the mountains.
Trouble = spider people

Details: You are sly and crafty and ride around with great exhilaration and take what you want. There is treasure in the mountains and you find it and steal it. You do 7 great thefts to replenish the tribe's coffers. Then, sinking downscale, you develop considerations on taking others things and using others energy and get tired etc. You stumble on a robot base in the mountains and steal from them and get in trouble. Eventually the spider people (invader's who own the robots) catch you and take you before their computer god who divides you against yourself. Then you age rapidly and totter about as the old man of the mountains & die etc.

There might be some errors in this. Its possible that the goal is To Survive, and that it comes between to eat and to endure.


63. To Eat (tiger),

env = jungle, eating monkeys, chased by natives, sacrificed to the monkey gods (stone statues)
Inc 2 loc = Kenya; Pyramid = S. India
The price of energy is guilt
To survive is to depend on the energy of others

Time = sun swings over tiger eating monkey on hill above jungle
Space = Tiger looking over plane.
Energy = tiger leaping between rocks.
Mass = tiger watching natives struggling to lift a waterbuck.
God = giant statue of a monkey.
Trouble = natives. (see Tiger symbols platen for full list).

Details: You're the tiger in the jungle. You eat 7 monkeys with great gain in strength and aliveness. Gradually you deteriorate, having trouble with natives, elephants, rhinos, etc. Finally the natives capture and cage you and haul you before the monkey gods who divide you against yourself and then you age and starve, struggling in the jungle. You die and the natives dance on your grave so that you can't get out. Then devil birds come and carry your soul off to hell in a volcano.


64. To Endure (pyramid)

env = desert. You are a stationary pyramid (3 sides with 1 eye in each, one eye for sex & sensation, 1 for blasting things with energy, & 1 for hypnosis/control), you're a god similar to the statue in to create but immobile & need people to care for the pyramid, There is a space opera city in the distance & you hypnotize the people in it to serve you until they destroy you.

Inc 2 loc = Egypt; Pyramid = New York
(inc 2 scene - the ground cracks open beneath the pyramid and it falls into the fires of the Earth).
The price of endurance (or persistence or havingness?) is to be weighted down.
To survive is to depend on the care of others

Time = sun swings over pyramid (with eye).
Space = desert (city in distance)
Energy = beam coming out from pyramid.
Matter = bricks of pyramid.
Danger (fear) = spaceship approaching pyramid.
Trouble = an old man with a staff.
Hurt = sandstorm abrading the pyramid.
Pain = beam from ship knocks off bricks from pyramid.
Control = eye of pyramid shoots beam into a one eyed man.
Excitement = a space opera type city.
Influence = a beam from the pyramid embraces the city.

Details: You are a sort of God (like the statue in To Create), but you are immobile. You permeate the nearby city and the people (Egyptian like but the headdresses are part of their heads) come to worship you. You hypnotize rulers etc. and play games with the people, using them like toys. At first you help the city (do 7 wondrous things, resolving conflicts etc.), but eventually you're just an evil influence. There are other pyramids. You can intertwine your sensation beam with them for sex but its very shallow. All feeling is slightly numb & heavy except for pain which is very worrisome. As parts of the pyramid crumble, you hypnotize people to rebuild & fix it. You come into competition with another pyramid on the far side of the city & the 2 of you start a civil war hypnotizing the people against each other. Eventually you get the people to destroy the other pyramid and you know it is possible to die. A prophet comes who is immune to your hypnosis (blind) and he calls down the sky gods (giant man shaped spirits) who come down & divide you against yourself. The people cease to worship you and you decay & die & are buried by sand & eventually you're thrown into hell in a volcano.

------- End of Penalty Universe List -------

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.






(The Goal To Eat)


June 15, 1987

(I found about 3/4 of these and then finally found platen 1. I got the rest, and made corrections on a subsequent pass after running platen 1 on the goal To Eat. Everything here read on the meter at one point or another, but I could not at that time take this to an FNing platen. Past a certain point, I was picking up charge on similar items in other penalty universes when I tried to go further with this section. So I began running platen 1 and spotting symbol items on other goals and mapping out the entire series of penalty universes. Eventually the whole mess fell apart with a huge persistent FN and I never really got this platen fully straightened out. There are probably errors and missing items and things out of sequence. But this platen was close enough to take off a lot of charge and let me get to the items of platen 1 (which will go to an FNing platen) and it should at least give you an idea about how these things fit together. - Aug 1996).


This section defines the basic symbols used in the implant universe. At this point, you are in a space with at least 5 dimensions. The symbols are 3 dimensional pictures, but there is a bit of a time component (you can feel a bit of motion in them) which is 4th dimensional thickness (i.e. each one is really a series of 3 dimensional pictures layered in a 4th dimension to give the appearance of motion) that seem to be stacked up (in a 5th dimensional direction) like a pile of photographs. You reach through this deck of symbols seeing each one in turn. As you see each one, you get the intention "THIS MEANS ....".

Each symbol is in the pile twice. The original form is in the first half and the alter-ised form is in the second half. The second half was done in reverse order. I.E., this goes A, B, C, then C, B, A. The meaning and the basic scene are the same in the two copies of the symbol. The alterations in the second half mainly consist of changes in color and direction. I.E., something that's blue the first time might be green the second and the right and left sides of the picture might be switched as in a mirror image. The later version is the alterised one that persisted and it feels more "natural" than the original.

Sometimes you may have to compare the two copies of the symbol and spot the difference

Sometimes they make a minor addition or change to the picture. Usually something uncomfortable such as seeing exactly what it is that is being buried in the second picture only, but this is not common.

It seems like they had to use symbol items at the beginning of the implant to give any meaning to the mockups, because these things were new and undefined and when the implant was first done, you wouldn't have even known who the good guys and the bad guys were. The rest of the implant would all have been meaningless.

The first item immediately follows the last item of platen 1 on the goal "To Eat".

1. As you reach, you encounter the basic symbols. These are like a stack of 3 dimensional pictures. You know that if you reach for them, you will gain understanding.


2. You connect with the thought of each symbol in turn.


3. As you connect to the first symbol, you realize this:


4. Now you contact the first and most basic symbols of all existence


5. Now you realize that through this you will achieve an understanding of all existence


* * *

6. You reach into the first symbol. A brown tiger is eating a gray monkey as the sun moves through the sky from right to left. The tiger is on a small hill above a purple jungle.


7. A gray bolder rolls down a hill


8. A brown tiger looks out over a purple grassy plain with light green lamas. A gray waterbuck is visible in the background. The tiger is up on the gray rocks.


9. A brown tiger leaps with a great bound between gray rocks


10. A brown tiger watches black natives struggling to lift the carcass of a gray waterbuck (water buffalo). They are by the waterhole.


11. a tiger watches a family of zebras together in the tall grass


12. There is a waterhole. It is almost a small lake but shallow. There are gray monkeys and green vultures and gray waterbucks and other animals in different areas around it.


13. A tiger by the carcass of an antelope in the grass looks warningly at another tiger.


14. A beautiful little yellow horse (about 1 foot high like the dawn horse) sits facing a brown tiger who admires him. The horse is on the left. They are in the grassland near a tree.


15. A tree stands in the grasslands. The trunk is orange and the leaves are purple. It absorbs energy from the sun (which is to the right) and from the earth and it seems to be getting bigger.


16. The next symbol is the jungle with trees and purple foliage and shadows and vines. Some gray monkeys and a small brown snake are almost in view. Its very aesthetic and interesting


17. A gray monkey is in the tall grass


18. A brown tiger is biting a gray monkey in the purple jungle


19. Pink and yellow stripped zebras are running across the grassland


20. A tiger struggles uphill


21. A brown tiger is in mid air tumbling over a waterfall (on the left). A blue eagle and a red lizard bird are in the air watching and a pink rhino and a red croc are at the bottom in the water


22. There is a sort of earthquake. There are gray monkeys and some brown tigers jumping around up on the gray rocks and it is all shaking and rocks are flying in all directions.


23. A brown tiger falls into a tree on the right and his cheek is pierced by a branch.


24. Yellow ants are swarming over bodies (on the left) next to the river (on the right) and there is a tiger tied by a vine to a tree with ants swarming over him. He is struggling.


25. There is a gray volcano slightly to the left. It has violet and green flames. Rust red winged creatures (lizard birds - devils) are circling above it. They appear small because this is in the distance and the volcano is vast. You can see one carrying something but you can't see what.


26. A brown tiger tears at the flesh of a gray waterbuck


27. A light green toucan (tropical bird) flies from right to left toward a tree near the waterhole


28. A reddish pink rhino is charging a brown tiger and catching him in the stomach with his horn (the tiger is in mid leap). The rhino is on the left. They are in the grassland. The rhino looks sort of like a triceratops with a big shield behind his head


29. A gray waterbuck charges a brown tiger. The waterbuck is on the right. The tiger is stepping aside.


30. Black natives are skinning a yellow & white giraffe with big knives


31. It is dark in the grassland with a tree to the left. A pink and yellow zebra looks to the left in terror at a rust red lizard bird (like a pterodactyl but really files rather than glides and has a snake head - they look sort of like gargoyles or flying devils). A rock dropped by another lizard flying above has broken the zebras back. A brown tiger watches


32. A great gray stone statue of a monkey. It is a monkey god. Its hands are uplifted.


33. Black natives are sitting in the village eating. You can see the cutup remains of a gray waterbuck. A brown tiger watches from the bushes.


34. A black native is on his back (head to right) with a brown tiger ontop of him. The native is struggling and holds a knife crosswise in the tigers mouth cutting the lips and the back of the mouth to either side. Blood flows from the tigers mouth


35. A black native who is wearing a yellowish loincloth and holding a big spear.


36. A procession of black natives climb the gray rocks. They have the body of a brown boar on poles. The procession goes up from right to left.


37. A dirty messed up brown tiger, skinny and with his fur in tatters, is hiding among the rocks. He is missing teeth.


38. A brown tiger hangs on the side of a gray rock cliff. He has been climbing but is too tired to continue. The rocks are on the left.


39. There is a brown boar (wild pig with tusks). It is snorting and snarling.


40. A tiger looks longingly at a monkey up out of reach in a tree.


41. A black native lassos a pink and yellow zebra with a purple vine rope. The native is on the right.


42. A green and violet (splotchy coloration) kangaroo hops out from a bush startling a brown tiger. The kangaroo is on the right.


43. A brown tigress (female tiger) is sitting a den.


44. A brown tiger hits an orange one with his paw. The orange tiger is to the left. You are looking from behind (over the shoulder of) the brown one.


45. An immaculate brown tiger is sitting upright in the grass facing you.


46. A pink elephant on the left hits a charging tiger who is on the right. The elephant's tusk is smashing into the tiger's cheek and you can see some of the tiger's teeth shattering.


47. A tiger stumbles around a waterhole


48. There is a pit with the remains of a purple covering of leaves around it. A pink and yellow zebra lies at the bottom with stakes piercing it. A brown tiger cub is struggling to climb out of it. A black native is to the left holding a spear ready to throw.


49. A brown tiger (facing right) is defecating


50. Brown tiger cubs are playing with their mother watching.


51. A brown tiger tears at the flesh of a lama. The lama is slightly greenish in color. No blood splatters.


52. A giant green and silver spider with a white jewel in its forehead spins and orange web. A brown tiger watches. The spider is to the left. It is at least 5 times bigger than the tiger.


53. High grass is blowing in the wind. The sun is bright and warm and the sky is blue.


54. A brown tiger is on his back, pierced by a spear.


55. A brown tiger is resting in the jungle in the dark.


56. There is a tigers den with a male, female, and 3 cubs. The tigers are brown. It looks peaceful.


57. An orange leopard with green spots leaps from a tree behind a brown tiger. The tiger is to the right.


58. A pink elephant is throwing a brown tiger in the air.


59. A small brown snake is sinking its fangs into something (partial view of a lama) as it contracts around it and squeezes.


60. A green alter is in the jungle. There is a body of a gray monkey on it (the alter is not overgrown with vines).


61. A blue eagle is on the back of a pink and yellow zebra who is running to the right. The zebra's head is turned back and is bleeding and has great tears of flesh pulled out of his cheek and his eye is missing. The eagle is tearing at him and has a strip of flesh in his beak.


62. There is a handsome brown tiger leaping among the rocks.


63. A brown tiger is running through the grass.


64. A brown tiger looks up at a vast roaring waterfall. The waterfall is on the left.


65. A gray monkey is hiding under a tree. A brown tiger is searching for him but cannot find him.


66. There is a far off jungle on the other side of the grassland. A bit of the nearby jungle is visible to the right.


67. A big orange tiger pacing through the grass (note opposite color from you).


68. A gray waterbuck is crashing through the jungle and a brown tiger is chasing after him. They are going to the right.


69. A brown tiger is stealing the hindleg of a gray waterbuck. Black natives have their back to him and are looking the other way. The tiger is on the right.


70. A brown tiger watches the antics of a gray monkey with a yellow stripe on his back.


71. A brown tiger (on the left) steps in a burning campfire.


72. A greenish lama is drinking from the waterhole. Behind his back a red croc is creeping forward with his mouth wide open. The croc looks happy and is on the left (slightly bigger longer legs than earth crocs - these crocs could hop when on land).


73. A Brown tiger runs from a gray waterbuck.


74. A brown tiger jumps between two gray rocks


75. A Brown tiger on the right watches mesmerized as brown, purple, yellow and green monkeys dance around a fire with green and purple flames to the beat of black and brown drums played by black natives. the fire is on the left and the drums are behind it.


76. Green vultures are picking over the body of a brown tiger.


77. There is a big hole in the ground. The black natives are pushing something into it but you can't quite make out what it is.


78. A blue eagle is sitting on the stiff leg of a dead pink and yellow zebra (rigor mortis). The eagle is to the left.


79. A dark and turbulent river winds through the jungle. It flow from right to left and froths like there are rapids.


80. A rock area high above the grass and jungle. The sun glitters on the rocks. There is some grass and some gray monkeys climbing around and a green vulture in the sky.


81. A gray monkey has thrown a piece of green fruit which hits a brown tiger in the nose. The monkey is on the right.


82. A brown tiger roars at an elephant


83. There is a tigers den with brown tigers - male, female, and 3 cubs. A brown boar is running around in it. The tigers are snarling. It is chaotic.


84. A brown tiger facing left looks sorrowfully at the dead body of a gray monkey with a yellow stripe who has been slashed by a tiger's claws.


85. A herd of green lamas is stampeding


86. A brown tiger has come upon a sleeping rhino and is quietly backing away. The rhino is reddish pink and has a big armor plate behind its head (looks more like a triceratops than a rhino). The rhino is on the left. They are on the riverbank.


87. There is a native village with huts of brown straw and some black natives standing around.


88. Bright blue bats fly out of a cave. The rock is green and the foliage around it is purple. The cave is on the left.


89. A black native spears a pink ostrich with his head in the ground.


90. A wide open tiger's mouth, tilted slightly to the right. 3 teeth are missing, 2 broken, and others have black spots and holes in them. Particles of food are caught in the teeth and decaying.


91. An old brown tiger stumbles along.


92. A brown tiger has bands of black energy crosswise through his body.


93. Natives with torches run through the night. A stampeding pink rhino is behind them.


94. A brown tiger is lying in the grass panting watching pink and yellow zebras run off in the distance.


95. A spear is sticking in the flank of a brown tiger.


96. A yellow and white giraffe runs from a brown tiger. They are running from left to right.


97. A brown tiger going over a gray cliff


98. A cage made of something like bamboo is in the jungle. It is empty.


99. There is some meat on a spit cooking over a fire. The stones ringing the open fire are gray.


100. A bolt of lightning strikes a tree on the side of the trail. It strikes with great force. The trail runs off to the right.

THIS MEANS ELECTRICAL (or - this means zap)

101. It is snowing. There are patches of snow on the gray rocks.


102. A wild brown boar is being cut open with a knife. The black native doing it is partially visible.


103. A pink and yellow zebra lies dead in the desert. He is slightly to the left. A blue bat is draining his blood. A red lizzard bird (devil) is in the sky. A yellow reptile watches. The parched earth is purple/gray. There is a pink skull and the pink skeleton of a tiger.


104. A volcano on the left is erupting. Lava flows and there is smoke and burning. Black natives and gray waterbucks and many other creatures are running in panic.


105. A gray waterbuck is charging at a brown tiger. A tigress is watching.


106. A brown tiger stands on the rocks. he is tall and proud. There is an alter before him on which is the carcass of a gray waterbuck. A procession of black natives moving from right to left is carrying more carcasses to him. There are more carcasses pilled on the grassy plain and other creatures wait patiently to be slaughtered for him.


107. You see a landscape below you (this is the original inverted version of the big map).

violet mountains
the far jungle (purple)

x x brown grassland
x * * * * /
gray rocks x * purple /river
x * jungle /
x x * trail /
* * %%%%
* * %%% swamp


108. A wide dirt trail leads between the trees in the jungle. The trail disappears off to the left.


* * * end of section II part A

Then comes part B. It begins with the item "This Means Proceed", and the colors and directions are reversed. It seems like you're going one way and then you've swung around and are going the other way. Then you get the map again, and everything is switched right to left etc. Now the mountains are brown, the jungles are green, etc. and everything carries on in reverse order. The brown tigers become orange tigers, the pink elephants become gray, etc.

If reading this was at all restimulative, then spot "To Eat Is Native State" at the top of platen 1, and spot being pushed into it and pushing others into it.
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Одитинг и обучение - создание духовных способностей в любой точке мира - Skype: timecops
Сообщения: 2022
Зарегистрирован: 25 июн 2011, 15:42
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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.


(Also included in this file are:

Part B:

From the earliest days of Scientology we have known that things are not one sided, but operate in both directions. The engrams of Dianetics, seen in 1950 only from the view of what has been done to the PC, were in 1952 found to have a balancing side in the PCs commission of overt acts against others.

In light of this, it would seem obvious that if the PC was suffering from being infested by others, then he must also be infesting others himself. If there were incidents which joined beings together, then there must also be incidents which caused the being to divide.

Ron only discusses this briefly, primarily in the HCL lectures of 1952, and the last mention of it that I'm aware of was around 1954 in the 3rd ACC. Unfortunately, he says very little that is useful concerning how to audit this, the only technique (as far as I know) being to run mockups of dividing.

This was the rock on which I floundered for many years. I tried all sorts of techniques. I researched implant platens where the being was forced to divide and found that they would not run out more than a few of these splits before I would start to get sick. I tried NOTS techniques and found them almost unworkable in this area. I experimented with trying to blow out ridges that were dividing me by means of energy flows. Everything failed or only worked briefly and marginally.

And then I found the key process which is easy and works consistently without problems. It is quite simple. If you spot or otherwise sense something that might be a part of yourself which is split off, isolated, or otherwise blocked from your awareness, you have it do the following command:


Something will seem to go somewhere. And you will feel better and unbothered.

Apparently there is an important factor in the order or pattern of division. Lets say that A0 divides into B1 and B2. Now B1 divides into C3 and C4 and B2 divides into D5 and D6. Here and now all there is is C3, C4, D5 and D6. If C3 is the conscious viewpoint and it finds D6, then when it runs the process on D6, D6 will point to D5 and rejoin it. If you try to handle the split any other way, you find yourself trying to force D6 to rejoin C3 which doesn't work.

This indicates why the other techniques I tried worked so sporadically. Occasionally I would be dealing with a split off piece that could rejoin directly, but usually I wasn't. And the attempt to get it to rejoin would create a sort of bypassed charge in terms of the missing piece that was in between, which is why it was so easy to get sick while fooling around with this.

Furthermore, the above process will work to some degree on BTs, so you don't have to worry too much about whether you've really got a split off piece of yourself or something else. If there is any remnant after running the above, use "Who Are you". Sometimes there is a whole crowd of BTs that become visible after blowing one of these splits, and usually you can just run the Who question immediately. You can also repeat the Point command given above. The pointing often undoes valences etc. because it gets back to the basic identity.

Occasionally blowing one of these splits will reveal some large very solid mental machinery built out of programmed machine entities (which I abbreviate to PME). If so, then use the key command on them for undoing the machine building implants. The command is "Spot being made into a machine".

If you run this point command on yourself, you should find that you can indeed point in some strange direction and you feel a bit better and more certain of yourself and who you are. But you will not takeoff and rejoin some other thetan or something like that. There apparently is a difference between truly separate individuals who split off of the same earlier being and unconsciously split off pieces of an individual. The latter will rejoin on being handled whereas the former will remain separate but know better who they are.

The "pointing" works even when it is done in a vague and sloppy manner, you don't have to be very precise about it. The pointing is not necessarily in a physical direction. Also, you are not necessarily pointing to where the other being is now. Usually the pointing is towards the original direction in which the split occurred.

Since this works on any BT, it might act as an undercut or at least as a repair on OT3 or NOTS, but this has yet to be determined in a practical sense.

I am nowhere near finished with running this level. Therefore, I can't guarantee that everything I say about it is correct. The best I can do is give you my notes and trust that the above process will carry you through any mistakes or restimulation.

To the best of my knowledge, there were only 10,000 individuals on the early track. My guess is that this is the number of separate pieces of theta that split off from the infinite static and went through the Jewel of Knowledge independently of each other. Their only connection is that each one is part of the underlying static and they all share the fact of having experienced the jewel.

Each of these basic individuals was capable of assuming many identities simultaneously and being in many places at once. This total level of skill and ability is still available to us despite the fact that we have been heavily implanted and otherwise abberated into being located in one place and doing only one thing at a time.

These individuals eventually divided many times and eventually became the trillions who inhabit this universe.

When an individual truly and completely divides, the result is two complete fully capable copies. There is no parceling out of spiritual resources or loss of horsepower. Both are identical, one is not senior to the other. Both copies have the full remembrance of being the original that divided. From that point on, they each evolve individually. If my analysis of the original purpose behind it all is correct (e.g. to balance the infinite nothingness with creation), then these two will never rejoin because there is no benefit to having fewer unique individuals.

A split off piece of an individual, on the other hand, is not a separate being. It is simply a part of themselves, often sent off somewhere or hidden or otherwise kept out of sight. These fragments can be aware in the sense of perceiving and recording and reacting to things, but they are not self aware. They can think, but they have no self perception of their own thinking.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that you have some big conscious oversoul that you are a subordinate piece of. There is stuff at higher realities which you might call an oversoul because it generates much of the manifestations of space-time and arranges things for you, but it is not somebody else. It is you, and you are the conscious self-aware portion of that "oversoul". It is simply that you are completely unconscious in those higher realities. As you wake up, you will find that you are still you, except bigger. So this "oversoul" is simply part of your greater subconscious and works much like your heartbeat and all the other things that you do for (or to) yourself automatically.

An individual cannot actually have an effect imposed on him by another. The only mechanism consists of an individual copying and mocking up for himself the proposed effects that another is attempting to project at him. But it is split of portions of the person operating at a sub-awareness level which do this copying and mocking up on an automatic basis so that you have the apparancy of one person hitting another when the only thing that can really happen is for one person to give a picture of getting hit to another and talk him into creating it.

This almost turns NOTS into a joke. All a BT can do is talk one of your own split pieces into mocking up a somatic for you. There is no way that they can impinge directly. Its just that you've got so much of yourself running on automatic and most of it is stupid enough to accept orders from anybody.

The assist where you put somatics or emotions or drug effects or whatever into the walls or room objects is actually a drill whereby you are redirecting your own split off machinery to aim at another target than the place where its normally directed.

Most of the determination of agreed upon reality is coming from PMEs (Programmed Machine Entities) of which you may be a few of them but most of them are part of other individuals. However, the copying of the results computed by this machinery and projecting it into your own reality is done exclusively by split off pieces of yourself because there is nothing else that could affect you.

An interesting process at this level is "From where might you be mocking up ..." and when you find a spot that seems right, have it point to the being it divided from.

Note that the pointing is done mentally and must not be limited to three dimensional physical universe directions. Most of this stuff is not within the current 3 dimensional reality. Some of it is sideways of reality in a sort of 4th or 5th dimensional direction. Other stuff is in other universes and the "pointing" is sort of a pointing out the location of something in a completely disrelated space and time.

There is some natural splitting. You put bits of yourself onto people and places and things that you want to keep track of or influence. Since these are not enforced, they can pretty much be brought back under control by simple exercise. You can master dissolving these things and putting them back at will. There's actually nothing that stops you from dissolving these or controlling these pieces except your own worry that you wouldn't be able to put them back or that you will loose track of things. So all you have to do is drill projecting and dissolving split pieces because you'll let go of the ones you don't need as soon as you're certain that you can put them back as needed. This is actually your natural mechanism for staying in the game and remaining connected to other people.

Putting out split pieces is not the actual abberation. The abberation is splitting without control or awareness and losing control and awareness over pieces that are already split. This often happens under the impact of implants.

One point that is still under research is whether or not we have multiple self aware operating centers. In other words, we might each be a number of different people and making a point of not knowing about our other selves from any of the individual viewpoints. This might be like a computer running multiple programs and shifting memory banks as it timesliced between the different programs. Or imagine setting up a 4 player card game and playing each of the 4 roles. You might mock up a personality for each one (maybe one is greedy and one is skillful and one is having fun and one is trying not to make a fool of himself) and then intentionally pretend to not know what the other 3 are thinking as you play each role.

If this is the case, then it is different location, information, resources, and goals which differentiate your handling of the individual operating centers. And don't make the mistake of thinking that you're everybody else. You'd only be a small percentage. Maybe one in a billion. But the galaxy is large and even that ratio might mean that you are millions of different people. We used to operate this way on the early track, but we were aware of doing it.

I will guarantee that there are complete splits which make other individuals and that there are sub-aware split off pieces of each individual but I cannot guarantee that this third area of split self-aware portions of the same being is real. In the presence of heavy charge, it is possible either to dub-in something that isn't there or to suppress knowledge of something that is there and I'm not yet far enough along on this area to avoid those pitfalls.

The entire subject of beings splitting has been heavily abberated by implants. These include:

a) Simply smashing the person apart by force

b) Making someone be in two places and implanting the two locations with different mutually antagonistic goals so that from each viewpoint, he will fight back against the other one.

c) Nasty tricks like showing you a fake mirror reflection of yourself which shows you dividing (when you're not) and telling you that you are splitting and can't resist doing it (and eventually you resist too hard or go into apathy and then you do split).

d) The big mass implants made you put pieces of yourself onto others to control them and keep them human.

e) In a similar vein, there were police implants which made you split off and place "control entities" onto "criminals". Some societies made everyone do a bit of this on a regular basis as part of their civic duty.

f) Some of the early track military organizations had officers splitting off and pushing control entities onto their underlings etc. going all the way down the chain of command so that an invasion force would operate as a single unit managed by a thetan at the top.

g) Sometimes you were made to split to provide servants or laborers for various reasons. Thetans are the coin of this universe. One of the reasons people can be infested with BTs so easily is that they have early postulates about acquiring entities for use as servants and slaves.

h) It was common, especially in the symbols universe, to put pieces of yourself into thought pools to copy emotions and sensations. Some of this was of your own free will (you liked having sensations etc.) but some of it was enforced or later hidden and removed from your control so that you could be made to feel pain etc.

i) You intentionally set up machinery (which can be found in various non-physical directions) to create reality etc. for yourself and put pieces of yourself into it. But again this was heavily implanted and put out of your control so that you could be enslaved.

j) Even the penalty universes used items like "To eat is to be the tiger in back and hide from myself forever" (there is a whole series of these "tiger in back" items).

If anything got stirred up by reading this, have it point to the being that it divided from.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that we're all one. There are other people out there. But we are fewer than we think.


Since I've barely started on this area myself, I don't have a lot to say about it. So instead, I'll round this document out with some related topics.



The Galactic Confederacy was fairly small as far as star empires go. It grew up in the aftermath of Arslycus which had enslaved the populations of this and the next inward spiral arms (millions of planets) and put the galaxy into a dark age with its collapse.

After a major collapse, the people will rally around strong leaders and look to them for salvation. And so the stage is set for feudal warlords and ambitious demagogues to form their own little empires in the darkness.

These empires are typically founded by low order OTs who then gradually decay due to overts, mistakes, corruption, and debaucheries. With advanced technologies and controlled reincarnation, such an individual might last many thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, but eventually falls to a more cunning manipulator or a revolutionary leader or whatever. And then the cycle repeats.

Feudal Japan has the right flavor for describing the Galactic Confederacy, except, of course, the technology was much more advanced and the people did have more rights and freedoms (you can't maintain a high technology with serfs).

These empires often try to attract "gods" both to handle cataclysmic disasters and as a way to back up the emperor's power as his own abilities are failing. Usually a real god (by which I mean a high order OT) is not that interested in managing governments but will back up an emperor who keeps him entertained. The last emperor of the Confederacy had been particularly adept at attracting gods to the civilization and keeping them under control.

One of the more common parthenons of gods (but far from the only one) used the terminals of the penalty universes. In theory, there is a set of 64 including The Tiger and The Clown (the wise fool) and The Pilot etc. If you're going to be a god, you need some kind of manifestation, and its useful to pick one that is hard for ordinary people to confront because it often gets you instant agreement.

So there were statues to all these guys in the temples, and the people would come and pray for stuff (very carefully and humbly least they get zapped) and the gods usually would keep a line on their various statues and occasionally even grant something. A real god would not actually be in the statue, they were normally disembodied and materialized bodies at will, but they used these statues as anchor points. Often they would simply appear as a face hanging in the sky (at least if they wanted to overawe the masses) rather than showing up in a body.

Of course a small empire like the Confederacy wouldn't manage to fill the entire parthenon, and the OT they managed to attract to be, lets say, The Pilot would not be a very powerful or sophisticated one in comparison with the kind of Pilot a big empire might get. But on the other hand, weaker gods are easier to control and safer to have around. At worst, they might smash a city rather than tossing an entire planet into the sun.

As to how somebody gets to be a god, there are two ways. Either they entered this universe that way (high wizards from the magic universe bypassing incident 1 and showing up here with maximum horsepower). Or they are ordinary people who dedicate many lifetimes to researching their way out of the trap and dig out far enough to rekindle OT abilities.

As a little aside, falling to the temptations of becoming a god (or stopping at an even lower point and becoming an emperor or whatever) is one of the reasons nobody makes it all the way out. Because, of course, you then remain in the trap and eventually decay back down to human. This was the fate of the Pilot of that old Confederacy. He had researched far far more than I know right now and became a god sometime around 121 million years ago. And with that, he let the search for truth die and in the long run, he was smashed and ended up back down here with the rest of us. I don't claim to be more than a fragment of that shattered individual. I think you'll find many of us. And shattered pieces of other gods as well. I think everyone has done the god trip at sometime or other, and we're all still here, and more human than ever.

As a last bit of background on The Pilot, by the time of incident 2, he had decayed significantly and was suffering from various upsets and anti-social tendencies. He didn't get on well with the others gods nor did he like crowded planets. So they had sort of shunted him off to a jungle world known as Teegeak (many English spellings are possible, the name comes from the cry of one of the more common types of dinosaur). There he played with the animals and manipulated the genetic line and acted as a sort of a nature god over the dinosaurs. It was not a highly populated world. Mostly ranger stations and hunting parties, all very careful to put offerings at The Pilot's shrines and working hard not to mess up the environment and get him mad at them. The planet had never been properly colonized because it was a copy of the original Earth (from the fall of home universe) and therefore was considered too restimulative for a sane civilization.

The emperor, either because he felt his abilities had weakened too far, or because he had pissed one of the gods off and wanted to be out of the area for awhile, decided to go off on some kind of a quest and left, never to return. He placed the empire in the hands of the loyal officers until his return. The loyal officers were so called because they had been loyal to the emperor in some revolution or other.

The loyal officers were to periodically elect one amongst themselves as the chairman of the council and protector of the realm. He ruled on behalf of the absent emperor but his powers were severely constrained. The ruling council also included elected representative of the noble families, various guilds, and even some sort of union representatives (which were the common people's only elected spokesmen).

Quite a few of the loyal officers wanted to become the next emperor, but none dared to do so. Instead, they maneuvered for position and played the usual games of palace intrigue. Xemu was one of the more ambitious and ruthless ones and he engineered incident 2 after becoming chairman.

Another group involved in this were the implant dealers. These are about the equivalent of gun runners. Periodically, they get chased out of an area by lynching parties and set up somewhere else a few thousand lightyears away. The group that set up business here just before incident 2 was rumored to have actually fled here from the Andromedia Galaxy (millions of light years away) at some time in the distant past.

Implants are recorded and kept on file and sold for a price. The various ones used in incident 2 had been around for a long time and are not unique to incident 2. They can be found at many different dates individually. The whole file cabinet full of them can also be found being used together in incident 2. It will almost never be the basic (or first time) that any one of them was used on a particular person. Big mass implants like incident 2 are the implant dealer's top of the line item and are both vary rare and extremely expensive. Xemu almost bankrupt the empire buying this one.

The implants are recorded on crystals. These crystals are simply the high tech equivalent of computer chips and are used for everything from running navigation programs to recording music or whatever.

But an implant needs to be projected telepathically. So you need very decayed beings who have been made into machines (programmed machine entities) who will read the pre-recorded implant (commands and pictures) off of the crystals and project them into people.

Simple implant devices consist of a projector and a crystal (with the implant recorded on it) and possibly some sort of energy beam and most important, a bunch of entities built into the machine to do the telepathic projection. They will aim one of these things at a "criminal" or prisoner of war and condition him to be a good boy or whatever. These are common in advanced civilizations and are simple affairs to buy, setup, and run.

A mass implant, on the other hand, requires tons of exotic hardware and super implant devices capable of blanketing a planet. These are placed in satellites (so they wouldn't be destroyed, the implant dealers save them and carry them from place to place) which are set in geosynchronous orbit (meaning the satellite remains over one spot). Devices are also placed in volcanoes (where they can run lines deep into the earth) and energy ribbons are run between the satellites and the volcanoes (you need two terminals). Once the force ribbons are grounded (which includes ionizing a path from orbit down to the surface), the volcanoes can be blown with nuclear weapons. Then the devices in the satellites can project telepathic pictures across the planet (no movie screens).

To sell an operation of this kind, the implant dealers will send in agents to stir up revolutionaries and renegades and then present themselves at court to offer helpful solutions to the riots and troubles. In Xemu's case, he wanted to seize power so they had his co-operation in these covert activities. The great social cleanup would not only round up all the revolutionaries, minorities, troublemakers, etc. but would also provide a covert means of eliminating anyone who would object to Xemu's grab for power.

Note that you can't just shoot criminals in a society like the Confederacy. Reincarnation was known and there was some slight retention of past life memories even among the common people. A criminal would be back in business within twenty years and might be looking to get even as well. With high tech, the normal lifespan gets up around 200 years easily so that you might feel very threatened by the same bad guys showing up again and again.

To get all the victims to Earth for the implant, they had to be shot with a drug that put them into suspended animation. Since the body is still alive, the thetan stays in it (unless he's very smart and able) and it can be frozen and shipped. This was well within the Confederacy's normal capabilities, whereas devices that could handle a bodiless thetan were exotic super technology that would have to be purchased at fantastic prices (they had a few of these things to guard the ruler from casual attacks by demi-gods, but they were not practical for broad use). Once the mass implant started, it wouldn't matter if the victim's body died because he'd be here on Earth getting hit with energy fields that were capable of controlling a bodiless thetan as long as he was still using some sort of energy form (i.e. an astral body or whatever) when he was between lives (the implant dealers hardware was far more advanced and expensive than that used by the Confederacy).

They needed a lightly populated planet to setup on, and preferably it should be a restimulative place. Namely, a copy of the original Earth. And so they chose Teegeek, which is our Earth at the time of "The Great Dying" which killed off the dinosaurs. Incident 2 IS the great dying, and it is a few million years earlier than is indicated by radio carbon dating because the nuclear explosions raised the background radiation level temporarily. The scientists calculate their dates with the assumption that the radiation level is constant, so that if they see a higher count, they think the object being dated was buried more recently because it hasn't decayed as far (rather than starting from a higher radiation level). So they date the iridium layer (which is indicative of a planet wide catastrophe) and the billions of bone fragments (see books like "Digging Dinosaurs") at around 67 million years ago instead of 75 million. Of course the current scientific explanation of the layer is that a comet hit the Earth (a really large body planetary impact will probably generate enough heat to go nuclear).

They had to get the Pilot away from Earth, but these guys know how to deal with the occasional god that gets in their way. If they desecrate the shrines and incite riots and protest marches against one of these gods, he'll generally only zap a few people before he says "the hell with it" and goes off to find some civilization which will appreciate him. Gods like to be worshipped rather than criticized.

When Incident 2 started, The Pilot was thousands of light years away, looking around for an interesting place to settle down. He was mad at the Confederacy and really didn't care what happened to them, but he had invested a lot of time in the wildlife of Earth and still had some connections to the lifeforms. When the first explosions went off, he felt a great cry for help and immediately snapped back to the skies above Earth. And there he beheld billions of people lining the beaches and creatures dying in all directions.

The senior OT ability within an existing universe is the ability to take control over the mockup of that universe or a portion thereof. The basic underlying static does not care which fragment of itself is the source point for a mockup. It does not matter which fragment originally created something in actual fact, anyone can become the one who created it by accepting that responsibility and by assuming the task of continuing to create it in present time. And with that responsibility comes cause and control and the ability to alter the creation.

Early on the track, thetans would fight over who was actually responsible and in control, but in the more recent universes, the general tendency is to fight to avoid responsibility and so it becomes easy for prospective gods to raise their hands and say "Here, give me the responsibility" and all the fools will happily turn all their responsibility and therefore control of the universe over to these gods.

If you're a god and you see some calamity or something you want to control, your first action is to become the one who's mocking it up. Let's say, for example, a dam bursts because some foolish engineer built it wrong. You (as a god) come by and say "I'm mocking it up". You project this telepathically with lots of intention, and everybody will agree with you right away because they don't want to be blamed for the dam bursting. Most especially, all the guys who built the dam will be more than happy to hand off all responsibility to you. And as a god, you don't care about being blamed for anything. Part of the road to becoming a god is to be willing to do anything and accept causation for anything. So you don't mind being the one who made the dam burst. And with that, you gain control over the mockup. Then all you have to do is change your mind about what you want to have happen in the area and it all shifts around because now it is your dream rather than theirs which is controlling the projection of reality. And after the dam snaps back together and the devastation is erased by your postulates, the people are even more willing to agree with your being cause over everything because they like the results.

So when The Pilot appears in the skies during the mass implant, his immediate and instinctive reaction is to broadcast telepathically "I'M MOCKING IT UP" and the reactions of all the living things and captured people on Earth is to agree with that intention. And the implant stops dead in its tracks.

But the programmed entities in the satellites, and the implant dealer's crew, (and possibly another of the gods who was supporting Xemu in the effort to do the implant) did not go compulsively into agreement, but instead insisted that they were mocking it up.

The result of this is that everything hangs suspended in the balance and the individuals fighting for control go into a sort of "glare" fight and battle for who can take the most responsibility. And if he'd just hung on, the pilot would have won because he had the massed agreement of the population behind him. But the fight took time, and the pilot was a weak god who counted on only having to be responsible for anything really horrible for only a moment until he could change it around. And that wasn't happening. And so he was sitting there with full responsibility for having designed and launched the implant and for everything that had already impacted on the people and also for having abandoned the planet earlier. It was just a bit too much and he flinched. And that was the end of him.

You remain a god as long as you can take responsibility without suffering any consequences, and when you fail, you begin to flinch at responsibility and down you go. And in attempting to stop the implant and failing, he caved in and went through the implant along with everyone else.

I don't know too much about the subsequent events in the Confederacy. Ron's story is that the loyal officers rebelled and overthrew Xemu. I suppose that at that point they were claiming to be loyal to the people although that was not the origin of the name. A few of the other gods might have remained around (there weren't many to begin with) but most were probably driven off as was the Pilot (but they didn't have the intimate connection to Earth and so would not have come back).

At a guess, The Tiger (from the old penalty universe with the goal "To Eat") might have remained and supported Xemu and his mass implanting. Possibly the Faire Queen (from the penalty universe with the goal "To Beautify") might have remained to oppose the implanting. Ron talks of her palace blowing up. But that would not have been on Earth. Perhaps the implant had pictures of the explosion. The Pilot, by the way, originates in the penalty universe with the goal "To Guide". To be one of these gods, you had to be capable of using penalty universe mockups without keying in and sliding into the low toned decay and collapse that is pictured in the penalty universes.

Although mass implants are rare, the track is long and there have been many of them, both before and after Incident 2. They can't normally be run without first running out the penalty universes because they intentionally key in the penalty universe mockups so very heavily. But Incident 2 has one special characteristic, which is that it was stopped momentarily by the pilot's failed attempt, and that gives you a way to run it without having to handle the tons of restimulation that occurs in the later parts of the incident. Because it did stop for a few seconds, you can run off the beginning part and bail out when the Pilot shows up without being carried forward willy nilly into the later heavier parts of the incident. Trying to run those later sections (which are not basic) without first running the penalty universes is what pretty much did Ron in.

Basically we had a Catch 22. You had to run charge off of the mass implants to be able to get at the penalty universes. But you had to run the penalty universes first before you could safely handle the mass implants. Ron found the way for others to run Incident 2 safely and sacrificed himself in the process, because he had to run the end of the incident to find the beginning.

Note: The list of volcanoes given on OT3 is not very accurate. The Earth has shifted around a bit. You get away with it because the names of the volcanoes are not in the bank and the being spots what he needs to. Someone like a geologist who actually knows very precisely where the modern volcanoes are might actually have a lot of trouble on OT 3 because he may force things to match the locations he knows and that could act as a wrong location. Most people only have a vague idea where Krakatoa is located, for example. So if they need to spot a volcano somewhere in that part of the world, they call it Krakatoa and that's good enough. I never bothered assessing a volcano list when running an entity through incident 2. It works just fine to have them point without bothering to put a name on it. The best way to do any volcano handling on OT3 is to simply have the being point to the volcano where he was implanted and don't do any assessments.



May 12 1990

There is light machinery which is simply mocked up and heavy machinery which is built out of beings.

Light machinery generally resolves easily with mockup processes and Nots techniques. By light, I mean machinery which is directly mocked up as itself. For example, you just mock up an electric generator in the kitchen and postulate that its running and feeding energy to the refrigerator. A BT can mock up a machine like this or get stuck in a machine that another is mocking up or infest a machine that you are mocking up. In all cases, the BTs can be blown easily with the Nots valence technique. As far as your case is concerned, you can just mock up and throw away lots of these machines and have a good time and gain plenty of havingness. This kind of machinery can be very complex and can even have a great deal of mass if you're up to making very solid postulates.

But there is another class of machinery. This machinery consists of a series of programmed postulates that mock something up or cause something to occur.

For example, you make the postulate "When the door opens, a bucket of water will appear and splash down on the person's head. If they scream at this, then a mouse will run out of the closet, otherwise a clown face will appear and say 'have a nice day'". You mock this up one day and leave it hanging there over the door until it triggers. Or you have it happening forever after until you turn it off or somebody else erases it.

These postulated programs can be very complex. They are just like computer programs except that they can range all the way upwards to tools which create and manage universes.

In their pure form, these programmed machines (or simply a programmed series of postulates) can be very useful and are only slightly abberative. Their big original liability was that one could set them to run forever, forget them, and loose control. Later on the track, they also get infested with BTs that copy them, gum up the works, etc. Again this can be handled by blowing off the beings with Nots techniques.

Usually one puts the programming on a sort of template for the machine. This will usually be off in some separate space that you mocked up. You reach back and put a little intention (or energy later on the track) onto one of these templates to trigger the machine.

Since people could erase each other's machinery rather easily, we started making copies of templates and running levels of alter-is to hide things so that someone might have to track back through 3 or 4 levels of finding the template behind the template to get to the basic template of a machine. Of course, if someone unmocked a machine of yours, you could simply mock it up again.

However, we were sliding downscale and by the time of the Symbols universe, we had very complex machinery and too many considerations of inability to keep it all mocked up in the face of opposition. And so a new idea was born to make machinery which would persist. The idea was to make beings into machines so that they would keep them mocked up.

This is the first period in which beings were built into programmed machines. But people were still fairly powerful and they didn't remain machines forever. It happened to everybody many times. You'd be capture and built into a machine and stay that way for a thousand or a trillion years and they you'd wake up and say "the hell with this" and take off. None of the current machine entities trace all the way back to the symbols universe.

The current batch of Programmed Machine Entities or PMEs (which is how I'll refer to these) mostly traces back to the magic universe. The magic universe was really machine crazy, building beings into magic wands and rings of power and all sorts of stuff. But there's also quite a few that were built in this universe and the occasional ones which trace back to the Theta-Mest wars.

The beings are made into machine cores which follow a programmed series of postulates laid out on a machine template. Note that the being's own postulates do not enter into the picture. He's just running off a program willy nilly. So use a gentle touch on these guys and don't get mad at them for what the machine is doing. These guys are slaves and have usually been stuck for a very long time.

In this universe, the implant dealers are the big manufacturers of PMEs. A mass implant will leave lots of broken pieces of beings lying around that are cleaned up by the dealers who sold the implant to the government. They take these back to their factories. Also, ordinary electronics implants frequently build up a pile of dregs in the implant chamber which consists of BTs etc. that were knocked off of the guys who got implanted. These are also taken to the factories. The implant dealers scare the government with stories that make them look at these dregs like radioactive waste so that they even pay the implanters to do this clean up.

Besides building PMEs into implant machines, the modern factories also tailor PMEs for other uses. One popular form is the Virus. Here I'm not using a symbolic name, I'm talking about the actual physical viruses that the doctors fight against. They're not quite life forms, but they make the body sick and they put little anchor points into the cells that happen to look like mini versions of the black cylinder machine cores that these guys have been made into.

Viruses are generally sold for use against enemy populations. However, they are also released on prison planets to keep the inhabitants suppressed. Specifically, a huge load of them was dumped here over the last ten thousand years to keep the planet in check after the current space empire decided to use this as a prison planet.

Running back some Virus PMEs, they all seemed to come from recent mass implants either around 18,000 or 7,000 years ago, sat up on the shelf for a long time, and then were released on Earth at various times, mostly during the dark ages.

PME programming often includes a splitter mechanism. The being is made to divide in two (i.e., what I'm calling the split viewpoint or SV mechanism). This is in the programming.

When you run a Virus, you will find thousands of PMEs in the body. If you run one, it blows but then is "replaced" by the original splitting again and reappearing in the location. You can run it again and get the same dates and everything and have it blow again only to reappear. What you do is reach back to the original and run that one instead. You'll find that that will blow thousands of its later copies out of the body. But sometimes even that one will be "replaced". So you reach back another level. You find that your going off into some strange space somewhere to find these basic underlying originals. Just keep working back until you blow one that doesn't get replaced.

When handling a virus, always check for a replacement after it blows. After blowing out the basic one, check back through the series of templates and into the body to see if any of its split viewpoints didn't blow. Sometimes they need a little nudge to leave (blow by inspection or with "who are you").

If you get sick with a virus or your handling someone else who's sick with a virus, you usually have to blow off a few Virus PMEs before the body recovers. I.E., there may be 3 or 4 different basic individuals each with their own dates etc. underlying the sickness. Also, there's a strong tendency for the virus to reappear again. So check for more each day during the following week. It seems like there's yet another mechanism even further back of all this that keeps trying to put a new virus in to replace the old one (but its not a true "replacement" as described above because it will have its own dates etc. rather than being another copy of the old one). With this technique, you should be able to get an instant resurgence with a small amount of auditing. I.E., sickness gone rather than the usual "maybe now I'll start getting better" that happens in many assists. Then each time the body starts to relapse, just blow another virus out until your completely over it.

Many forms of PMEs have this replacement quality and you have to work back through a few layers of templates to get to the original. You will also find an occasional BT or Cluster who'se doing this sort of thing too, but its rare. If you blow something on a fairly specific answer and then get the same thing again a bit later, and its not that somebody is copying the one who blew, then check for replacement and trace back to the original. There were a number of times on Nots when I kept getting the same valence answer from endless beings in the same location over the course of weeks (in between running other things). It can invalidate your ability to blow things and make Nots seem endless.

Part of the handling is to get them to spot the first time they were made into a machine in the symbols universe. The machine building process seemed to use a cylinder which was covered with pictures of all of the penalty universe terminals. The being would have a non-confront on at least some of these images so he would be unable to move through the wall of the cylinder even though he could pass through ordinary mest easily. It was his flinch at these mockups. The non-confront was so bad that he would be unwilling to touch the wall of the cylinder and would scrunch down inside. A whole pile of beings would be put into one of these and then the cylinder would be made to shrink. The victims would squeeze tighter and tighter together inside. This is a high pressure cluster forming incident. Then they were implanted and programmed. The incident is much more complex but all that's needed is to spot the cylinder at the beginning.

Prior to this you will find them being captured by one kind of trap or another. A common trap used a pyramid with penalty universe symbols on layers of walls. The being would wander in, the door would close, and he'd be stuck. Other kinds of traps used penalty universe symbols like a giant tiger or mermaid or whatever and he'd be drawn in by the aesthetic of the mockup and then held by a keyin on the later part of the penalty universe. There were also symbol traps based on the valence masses such as the Scientist or the Girl or whatever. Since the valence masses were originally implanted by use of penalty universe terminals, it seems that all the traps in the symbols universe depended either directly or indirectly on his flinching at the original penalty universe terminals. So you can have him spot being captured and then shift his attention earlier to the penalty universes and undercut his being entrapped.

As far as the actual routine for handling PMEs, there is a short form and a long form. Its difficult for these guys to wake up and blow, they've been mest for so long. So the long form addresses the entire cycle of their entrapment in detail and pulls them up out of it on an easy gradient. But its a lot of time and work to run it. Using the short form depends on your having enough horsepower and granting enough beingness to get them to spot a couple key things without bothering to handle all the other stuff that's on the long form.

You'll need to know the long form and probably need to run it a few times to get your causativeness up. Then you can start simplifying steps until your down to the short form version. Really it would be nice to get up to the point where you can free these guys purely by inspection and granting of beingness, but its like raising the dead.

Sometimes you can find a PME directly. But usually you've just got a machine to handle. The machine includes the PME and template and all sorts of mockups and usually lots of BTs and Clusters being part of the machine. You can just run the whole machine on the following rundown and most of it will blow early on leaving the machine core which you handle by finishing the rundown. With Nots techniques or simple date/locate on the machine building incident, the machine appears to blow and you might think that its all gone. But a few days later, the machine core gets the thing mocked up again and some new BTs get entrapped in it and the whole thing is there again. So if a machine appears to blow, check for a remnant machine core and continue if it reads.


1. Locate the PME or the machine containing the PME (if a machine, check PME for read since there are also simple machines which only need BT handling). If its obvious that there's a more basic original behind it (somewhere else), then shift to that one.

2. Handle out-int. Machines almost always have out-int, but check int first and skip if no read.


Note that the last 2 are my additions. On small reads, indicate that it is "correct for some" and continue assessing. When you get a good read, indicate it as the primary charge. The charge can also be on the "ON" variation of these (i.e. Pulled On, Pushed On, etc.) but I only found this in rare cases where the machine was built up in layers (such as a layered blanket of confusion).

You could actually do a whole int rundown here, but the real int charge is generally on the machine chain for these guys and the incident where they were made into a machine is the basic on their being forced in or whatever. So just go on with machine handling which takes you to basic faster.

3. Optional: Date when they went into the body. This is useful on a virus or other mobile PME that went in recently. For ordinary machinery that was built, installed in you, and has remained there ever since, this step is not very useful except for producing research data. On a virus, you can even date when they were first sent to Earth.

4. Have them spot being made into a machine. If necessary, date and locate it. Easiest is to first check which universe (this one, magic universe, or an earlier universe). You can do the locate by having them point. I have gone so far as to assess star maps for the location of a machine building factory (on recently built viruses - its no good on old dates because the stars move relative to each other) but this doesn't seem worth the bother.

Recent machines were generally in a mass implant before the machine building process. You can have them spot this and again do a date locate and also spot the prior moment of capture or whatever is the beginning of the incident.

Only do this step until the machine comes apart. Eventually, you get so that you can grant them enough beingness and have them spot being made into a machine with enough theta to just have the machine come apart at that point.

If the machine goes on this step, check for a residual machine core and only continue if it is present.

You can go on to the next step without the machine fully coming apart as long as it loosens up significantly. But if its staying very solid and not reading well, check for overts on making others into machines.

5. Have them spot the first time they were made into a machine. I have always found this to be in the symbols universe (but maybe there will be an exception someday or maybe some will need to spot intermediate incidents before getting basic). If necessary, have them spot the machine building cylinder. I'm reluctant to date/locate on this step because you may still be dealing with a composite and different individuals might have different specific dates etc. for this.

If this seems impossible for them to do, have them spot making others into machines in the symbols universe.

6. Have them spot being captured before being built into a machine. I used to check for pyramid trap, symbol trap, etc. and try to identify it, but its more unnecessary work that is difficult to do. Instead, simply swing their attention earlier to the penalty universes and indicate that these underlie all the symbols universe entrapment techniques.

7. Assess for the penalty universe underlying their entrapment. Do this by assessing the dynamics. Then check the goals for the best reading dynamic. Sometimes you get multiple reads. Just take the best reading. Sometimes your still dealing with a composite and may need to run a couple goals (in the same or different dynamics) to blow everything.

8. As you find each penalty universe goal, have them run it as follows:

Spot "To (goal) is Native State" Spot being pushed into this And/or pushing another into this And/or others pushing others into this Spot "To (goal) is Native State" If needed, ask Who Are You (get a "Me" answer)

If needed, do another goal on them. Often some blow but there's some left. You can also just try to use the first goal, To Create. If another goal is really hot, it might not run, but usually it will run as the second goal after the heaviest charged one has come off.

9. If there still seems to be something left, run the agreements universe by having them do the following:

Spot rushing to get into agreement. Spot going through the triangle. Spot the first line "To Agree is Native State" Look earlier and spot when you decided to agree. If needed, ask Who Are You (get a "Me" answer)

If needed, you can also have them spot encouraging others to agree and others encouraging others to agree. Or have them spot working on the agreements universes (specifying the agreements or designing the universes or postulating them).

Each of the above steps can shortcut. You spot the goal and the being charged up on it blows. There's others left but its not their main area of charge so you go on to the next step.

Running a wrong goal is not much of a problem. To some degree, everyone has charge on all 64 of these goals. So it doesn't give you out list phenomena. But sometimes you will get someone objecting because he wants to run a different goal and your trying to run a being that blew already. If someone is spotting a goal, others usually ride along in an interested manner even if its not the one they want to run.

You do have to watch out for overrun. Handle by having them spot the moment of relief and acknowledge it (or use a full rehab procedure, but its rarely needed).

Sometimes you will suddenly find the whole mess blowing apart into a cloud of individuals. Simply sit there and acknowledge and handle partial blows if needed. Sometimes you simply need to take a break at a point like this and give them a chance to sort out and take off or whatever. Then check back in a while to see if some need more handling or whether there's still a remnant of the machine to be run.

Also watch for replacements as mentioned earlier. You can also have simple copying going on.

Ordinary Nots phenomena can also apply. You can have one machine trying to hold on to another or hiding another. Sometimes there is a repair machine that tries to keep the machine your running in place or copies it when it leaves.


Sometimes you get back to a big interconnected mess of PMEs. Blowing one out is hard because the others try to keep it there. Also, there can be so many that single handling just takes too long.

The following will blow off many (but not all). It tends to clean up an area. It is based on the fact that many will ride along with interest while a being is spotting a penalty universe. Given a large collection of PMEs, there will at least be a few who can run any particular goal.

So do a broad attention span and run the entire composite on the set of penalty universes. Generally you can start from create and go through the list of goals in order. You do this like step 8 above. The goal and each spotting step should read. Quite a few should blow on each goal. At some point, they will all get the pattern of the penalty universes, i.e. all the goals were screwed up the same way and you'll get a big release on the ones whose goals haven't been run. Don't continue running the goals past this point (if you do, you may have to clean up lots of overrun individuals). If a goal doesn't read, suspect that this release point has just happened.

Then do step 9 above (agreements universe) to handle anything remaining. Acknowledge individuals if needed and then take a break.

Although this will cause many to blow and tend to clean up a template, there will still be many who were not up to running on the mass clearing. Since they are generally halfway there, sometimes you can just blow them by inspection or with Who Are You (me). The usual technique would be to use the machine handling short version (below) on them (even if your still using the long version in general) because they've already been loosened up.


Here we are counting on your ability to grant them so much beingness and lifting them up to spotting the items with so much certainty that most of the steps can be bypassed. If necessary, you can use an action from the long version if it seems to indicate.

This is the preferred process and should be used whenever possible. Its short and easy enough that it can be used out of session once your perceptions are up to it. Early on, this is important for assists so that you can handle something even if you can't get to a meter right away. Further down the line, it gives you a trick for taking apart theta traps even if you don't have a body and E-meter handy.

This process is a developed skill and you have to work up to it on a gradient. You should get a read on each step and see things coming apart and blowing.

1. Locate the machine (it will read on machine or PME).

2. Have it Spot Being Made Into A Machine.

It should loosen up significantly on this step (maybe not quite as much as on step 4 of the long version). If necessary you can date this or even shift into anything on steps 2 to 4 of the long version. But really you can always do it with a simple spotting action if you endow enough life to barrel them past the out-int and past their flinch on the time and location of the incident.

3. Have them spot the first time they were made into a machine.

This is the same as step 5 of the long version. But in the long version, you can get away with a shabby step 5 and still carry them through with steps 6 onwards. In this case step 5 must be well done so they really blow the charge.

4. Have them spot making others into machines.

5. Have them spot being tricked into thinking that machines were necessary.

I didn't have steps 4 and 5 originally and that made it difficult to do step 6 below. Once I finally added these two steps, most of them began blowing on step 5 and the remainder generally left on a simple who are you. After that it never seemed necessary to go on to step 7, but I'm including it here in case it is necessary when you are first getting started.

6. Ask them Who Are You (getting the Me answer)

At first I was running the long form steps 7 and 8 here getting them to run the penalty universes. This requires assessment and is too long. You can still do it here if it seems necessary. I kept trying to simply have them run the agreements universe, but it didn't usually work until I hit on asking Who Are You first to restore some more life to them. This gets them up to doing it. Sometimes they even blow on this step, but not often (that changed when I added steps 4 and 5 above, now they blow easily on this step). Usually they are still a bit in shell shock from being a machine for so long and feel they need something to beef themselves up a bit (so they wouldn't get caught again) before taking off.

7. Run the agreements universe.

Spot rushing to get into agreement. Spot going through the inverted triangle (golden). Spot the first line "To Agree is Native State" Look earlier and spot when you decided to agree. If needed, ask Who Are You (get a "Me" answer)

This is the same as step 9 of the long version.

This short version runs very quickly. It can be done in a minute or two with spectacular results. As in all machine handling, watch for replacements and work back to the original if it occurs.


You can handle any type of machine on an assist basis. But you shouldn't get into a major project to handle other kinds of machinery until these troublesome ones are knocked out.

1. Viruses

Unlike most machinery, these are semi-mobile and only attach to the body on a temporary basis. They replicate themselves endlessly and you have to work hard to get back to the original. Unlike germs, these are not true living organisms. The scientists consider them to be a weird sort of half life. The pictures of viruses under electron microscopes look like little machine cores.

At this time I'm not certain if germs will run as easily (since they are real life forms with a cellular structure) but its worth a try.

A nice idea would be to eradicate a specific viral disease from the planet by completely unmocking its base template. But this may be wishful thinking. Once people are holding a disease to make themselves right or whatever, they're liable to simply copy it and reactivate it.

2. Wraiths

In folklore, a wraith is an energy draining spirit. I've borrowed the term to describe a PME that does this. As is the case with Viruses, quite a few of these were set loose on Earth in the last few thousand years or so. They are semi-mobile and do not permanently attach themselves to an individual. But normally once they get in a body, they stay with it until it dies.

The wraith is a sort of energy drain. They make one tired and weak. Possibly the fast aging that occurs on Earth is due to them. As you get older the body is gradually accumulating more of them. Eventually there are so many that there is no energy left to keep the body running properly. I think that you will find that you pick up a few of these each year. You can date the year when one went into the body quite easily. After the body dies I think they stay in long after the Thetan and GE leave and try to drain out the last dregs of energy. Then they exteriorize and go searching for another body to dive into.

If you are seeing BTs blow as little sparks of energy or dots of light occasionally (they don't always emit energy on blowing so you don't always see this even if you can), then an exterior wraith is very very visible. It looks like a single point source of energy (just like a BT) but it is very much brighter, almost dazzling. They may be shedding or otherwise expending the energy that they drained while they are searching for a new body. They always move in a zig-zag evasive pattern working in towards the body fairly rapidly (a few seconds to cross the room and dive in).

Once in the body, they pull in energy instead of emitting it and stop being so easily visible. When you try to contact them to run them, they tend to jump around in the body rather than staying in one place. But they usually only move around in a small area. Just get the idea of putting out an attention unit that will stay attached to them as they jump around and start auditing them. Usually they settle down as soon as you get them to do a command. They blow quite easily.

3. Disheartening Machinery.

These are mobile machines which put out thoughts of being lazy, apathetic, tired, disheartened, etc. Also discouraging thoughts like its all hopeless etc.

These are mobile machines which drift in and hang around for awhile and then wander off. Sometimes they go in the head, other times they stay outside. Sometimes they get stuck to other machinery your carrying around and then they can stay with you for many lifetimes. Unlike the wraiths, they are slow and nebulous. The apathy they mock up affects them too. If you are up to seeing BTs as sparks, these often look like vague colored spheres.

This stuff is mostly used against enemy populations during wars to reduce opposition. You may have old ones stuck to you from old wars on other planets as well as the current batch drifting around here on Earth.

4. Monitors

Monitor machinery was installed and attached to people to keep an eye on them. You've probably been dragging some of these around for quite awhile (maybe even as far back as the magic universe).

They try to stay hidden and watch you (they read on Monitors or Watchers). Often they are over the head or behind the back. Their job is to tattle on you when you do something you shouldn't. Many report to old police forces that are long gone and therefore are not really troublesome.

But some of them are spotters for the control machinery back in old invader installations etc. If you levitate an object or do some other spectacular verboten thing, they call the attention of these other guys who will then focus on you and try to block your abilities or key you in with an implant from a distance. If this happens, blow the remote machinery and also blow the monitor (or else he'll just get another remote machine pointed at you).

5. Protective Machines

There is also machinery which tries to block your handling machinery or hides machinery or otherwise interferes with your auditing of machinery. There is also repair machinery which tries to put machines back when you blow them. Sometimes you handle a machine and it starts coming apart and then another machine stops them from blowing. These all handle fairly easily once you spot them.

There are also implants which tell you that you shouldn't blow machinery (especially machinery installed by the police) and stir up your own overts of installing machinery in others to control them. You should be able to blow this on inspection.

Going a step further, there are also the cases where you contributed a piece of yourself to a machine installed in someone else. This may have been forced by an implant or you may have been convinced that it was your civic duty or contributed it as the price of a spell you wanted to work as a magician or whatever. You can often blow this by inspection or assess for the penalty universe underlying the splitter implant and spot the native state item from the split viewpoint. General handling of split viewpoints is a separate rundown. But if you find a certain kind of machine very hard to handle, find where your doing it to someone else and blow that.


Assessing the penalty universes can be hard if you have charge on them. Its best to concentrate on running penalty universes before doing too much machine handling.

Also, the penalty universes are a more intimate portion of your real case than machinery added ontop of you. Probably you should just handle the troublesome machinery and then leave the rest until much later in auditing unless some part of it really draws your attention.

Machinery can blow without FNing. If your pulling something out of a big complex mass, that's enough to suppress an FN. Also, fooling around with lists of halfway run penalty universes etc. can suppress an FN. Also, its often not your personal case anyway. So don't make a big deal about FNing these as they blow.

But you should have clean reads and a reasonably clean needle.

If a lot of machinery is in restim, it can drive the TA up. If this is the case, the TA comes down into range very easily as you blow off a few (and the meter reads fairly well as you run them). If its not coming down, see if you've overrun a bunch of them (especially if you did mass clearing on a bunch in the previous session) or check other reasons for high TA.

There's lots and lots of machinery of various types. Some of it you even bought and paid for. Some of it is attached to you and some to the GE and some of it IS the body mockup.



June 28, 1990

Control Entities (CEs) are active, semi-aware intelligent beings implanted to keep one jailed or under control. They do not respond to machine (PME) type handling at all (they object to being considered machinery) and are very difficult to handle with ordinary Nots techniques (I was only rarely able to blow any of these before developing this rundown). They are usually set up as "Jailers" or blocking perceptions or keeping you from thinking or knowing about certain things etc. They answer up as being "Smart, honest, able individuals doing their duty for society".

They generally come from police implants. Here the "honest citizen doing his duty" is implanted with false data and made to split off a piece of himself which is then implanted into a "criminal" to keep him jailed and under control. The "Jail" is the body and these guys are supposed to keep you in the body. Usually you find them in one or another of the various levels of astral body (i.e., you have to shift up in vibration band and move a bit sideways in a non-physical 4th dimensional direction). This has apparently been in use for a long time and the practice goes as far back as the Thought universe. You will find them in the "thought" level body keeping you in the "spirit (conflicts universe) body and in the spirit body keeping you in the low level astral body (magic universe) and in the low level astral body keeping you in the physical body etc.

Usually they are implanted to keep you or themselves from questioning the state or police methods or from finding out about the real nature of reality or higher universes etc. Generally they did not seem interested in keeping one from doing criminal things. Apparently one was being sentenced to a lower universe (?) or lower plane of existence and the "police" didn't care if you acted as a criminal as long as you didn't escape and come back to plague them. The bit about being loyal to the state and not questioning police methods was probably aimed mainly at the CEs themselves so that they wouldn't cognite and blow.

They key point is that these CEs consider that they are blocking you for good reasons and will not generally blow or get out of your way until you get them to spot that they were implanted with false data. They are much more awake and active than the usual BT. They are not generally malicious. They act like mis-guided ethics officers acting on wrong data. Often the blows are very spectacular with visible clouds of blue fire and jumps in one's vision (your view of the physical universe will hop up and down for a moment without your eyes moving).

You will find these installed in earlier universes to keep one down in lower universes. You will also find them installed in higher planes of this universe to keep one down in lower planes etc. A very active source of these seems to be an astral plane organization known as "Control Central" which is very busy at making CEs and PMEs.

The usual instructions for these CEs are to make one obey the "physical universe laws" of the lower universe or plane to which the victim is being sentenced. Sometimes the victim has the connotation of being a criminal but other times it is somebody who has earned the privilege of going to a lower plane (i.e., he's being permitted to re-incarnate after being judged) and the CEs are being installed to make sure he follows the rules.

There is also an army/invader type variation on this. In this version, the members of a fighting team (platoon or whatever) are all split and cross implanted into each other to inspire "courage, loyalty, trustworthiness, and to make sure everyone obeys orders". Since each soldier depends on the others staying brave etc. during the fight, they are quite easily convinced that the implant is necessary and beneficial.

There are probably many other variations of group members being cross-implanted into each other. I suppose a big league sales team could even do this to make sure that everyone pushes the product hard. But these kind of CEs should blow very easily (and many probably went on Nots or whatever) because (unlike the police kind discussed above) they do not have a PT why for remaining in place. If necessary, this rundown should handle them as well since the keynote of this is always splitting for some purpose and being implanted with false data and/or a false purpose.

In some cases, you will find that the CE split was allowed in exchange for something. Someone might go to a wizard and trade a piece of his soul to pay for some favor. I.E., he splits off a CE which the wizard (or whatever) will then program up and use against someone.

Sometimes you might have to have the CE you're running spot the overt flow of making others into CEs or implanting others with false data.

You should also spot times when you did these overts as well.

Besides running out CEs that you find impinging on you, you should also run out splits of yourself where you are being a CE on someone else. You can spot where you were made to split and then spot the false data implanted into the split off piece of yourself (this false data pushes you into the split viewpoint out of agreement with you in your normal viewpoint and keeps you divided). But when you run one of these, you will generally find that there are a number of beings meshed together with the same false data implant etc. Your piece is only part of a small cluster with the false data implant being the cluster forming incident. The easiest way to run this is to spot yourself being part of a CE somewhere and then just do the full CE rundown (below) as if you were running somebody else. Your piece will come free and the others will blow. Often you feel freed on the first command or two but you carry on to completion to handle the others. This avoids the problems of cross-copying etc. that might otherwise develop.

I worked this out and ran it long before I found the "Point to" processes which I have added as step 5 below. Hopefully, this upgraded version will make the rundown much easier.



2. ask "MADE TO SPLIT TO SAVE SOCIETY?" if no read, then ask "Made to split to gain something?" if no read, then ask "Made to split to serve a higher purpose?"

3. SPOT BEING IMPLANTED WITH FALSE DATA. (if incorrect, then use "Spot being implanted with a false purpose". If still no joy (not reading etc.), then use flow 2, "spot implanting others with false data" or making others into CEs.).

4. SPOT THE FIRST TIME YOU WERE IMPLANTED WITH FALSE DATA. (if necessary, steer the CEs attention toward the false jewel of knowledge in the motions universe since this is usually the basic on false data).


6. WHO ARE YOU? (me).

7. If you were running a penalty universe when the CE turned up, and the CE is still around, have him spot the native state item at the top of the penalty universe.

8. If more handling is needed (i.e., the CE has freed up a bit but is waiting for something more to be done), then run the top of the agreements universe (rushing into agreement, triangle, To AGREE IS NATIVE STATE, spot your decision to agree before that).

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.

2 Dec 90

Thought Pool: A location containing thoughts and ideas and sometimes pictures into which a being may extend his awareness to experience what has been placed therein.

A pool might be created by an individual or a group. It is then made to persist so that it can be viewed. In some cases, the pool is meant to be contributed to (with additional creations) by subsequent viewers.

Thought pools were very popular in the home universe era. There were entertaining ones which were like combination of a museum and a poem and ideas all at once in a structure perceived by permeation. Often they were non-linear and you would slide around between pictures/mockups (in contrast with a story universe where the sequence is meant to be linear).

There is also a special kind of thought pool which is dynamic in nature. These act as communication relay points or cross copy relays which are used to enable a group of beings who are playing together to stay aligned to the same mockups. In this case, the beings generally leave a portion of themselves within the pool. For example, 5 thetans want to play basketball. They need to agree on the court and the ball and their bodies (so they don't accidentally slide through each other) etc. Now if one player throws the ball, all the others have to know that and keep their mockups in the same position or else there might be 5 different balls each going their own way. So they setup a pool and each places a portion of themselves into it while playing. These portions are in physical telepathic contact and cross copy the ball's location etc. so that all will agree on it. In this case, the beings playing would choose to not-know the data that they know within the pool (in the pool they have to know where every molecule is to keep the playing field mocked up) to make the game more interesting (i.e., they might not see where the ball is etc.).

In the home universe matrix, one would push into or pull out of these dynamic pools very freely. among other things, these would be part of the entry point to the various individual universes and one would push a bit of oneself in to them to pick up the cross-copy that kept the universe mocked up. Later on the track, pools that are used to keep universes mocked up became much more compulsive. The central hubs of the universe machines that keep this universe in place (through a perpetual cross-copy) are dynamic thought pools, but they are enmeshed in a much more complicated structure to keep them protected etc. so that people don't fool with them or just pull out of this universe very easily.

Pools which hold one in agreement and cross-copy are not inherently abberative, but they become so when one is in them compulsively.

The really troublesome pools are somatic pools which include pains, sensations, emotions, and attitudes. At basic, this is where somatics come from. Let's say that you bang your fist on the wall. You are just moving a mockup against another mockup. The body mockup is generated by machinery (generally PMEs although you can also put a body there with purely mocked up machinery or even just mock up a body directly). The machinery is programmed to reach back to the appropriate pool to bring up the feeling of banging on the wall.

If the body machinery or template is based on PMEs or is at all infested with BTs, then you have beings present who can go out of PT and remain connected to the pool even after you stop banging the wall. Or they can be restimulated into thinking that you are banging on the wall when your not, as is specified in the Dianetic A=A logic. This results in the psychosomatic pains (as opposed to the PT somatic of feeling it when it really is happening). Running an incident Dianetically pulls them up to PT and causes them to disconnect from the pool. Blowing the BT or PME (or whatever) can also turn off the somatic by removing the being who is holding the connection. Note that you can't get sensations from these pools unless you also have a piece of yourself in them because at basic its always you mocking it up.

You can also knock out a somatic by disconnecting the line to the pool. But note that once the entities in the body connect to the pool, then entities in the pool also connect back to the body, so these connections are not easy to dissolve. Furthermore, at a deep level, you do not want to lose out on feeling things, so you wouldn't completely unmock your connections to these things. But you can temporarily suspend the connections at will when the sensations are not desired. Removing the pool connection is senior to most other handlings in that it can undo PT somatics as well as psychosomatic.

The emotional basic incident set up emotional clouds which are basically pools for each emotion.

There are "reality mirrors" which are basically cross copy pools. They are generally formed by implants. There are some that were setup before incident 2 that use items like "it is not safe to look" and "everything is in you and you cannot look at yourself so you must see yourself in a mirror". These reality mirrors are things you look into instead of looking directly at reality. It is pretty hard to manipulate MEST universe stuff if your seeing a reflection of it and trying to levitate the reflection (like trying to levitate something that is on a TV screen image rather than the object itself, if you could get a beam on it, you would only move the entire TV set).

There are abberative pools such as the Pools of suffering used in the Magic and Motions universes. These were build based on some absurd ideas that everyone had to suffer but you could have someone else suffer for you. The "Gods" that were around in those days were pretty abberated and miserable but still had considerable power. Magicians would hook up with these "gods" and would get favors in exchange for doing some suffering for the god (who would think that this would make him feel better). Each magician would have a quota. Instead of doing it themselves, they in turn would gather apprentices and have them do the suffering for the god (and a bit for the magicians too since they also believed this garbage). They would set up a pool of suffering and each apprentice would have to put a piece of himself in it to suffer on behalf of the god etc.

There are many other abberative pools as well. There are also implants which make beings serve in these pools or put pieces of themselves in these pools. You'll probably find that you have quite a few pieces of yourself stuck in various pools as well as having impingement of various sorts come in from connections to pools. You'll want to run all this out as well as become causative about your connections to universe cross-copy pools and somatic pools.

Techniques for handling pools:

1. Spot the formation of the pool. If needed, you can spot which universe it was formed in. Also spot the common somatic of the pool (if there is one) or what the pool does.

2. If a somatic turns on, then check for defenders who are protecting the pool and handle (see below).

3. Handle the entities (generally PMEs) who are holding the pool together (see below). Note that often they will only loosen up on being handled and wouldn't blow until the pool comes apart.

4. Then check if there is a more basic pool underlying the current one and handle the same way.

If necessary, you can handle other beings in the pool as well, but usually it will all come apart once you've handled all the ones that are holding the basic pool together.

Pool entities can be handled as follows (other PME techniques sometimes also work and might even be needed occasionally. Sometimes defenders might need to be handled with CE techniques).

a) Spot being put into the pool.
b) Spot the first time you were made to serve in a pool. (remaining steps only if necessary)
c) spot making others serve in a pool.
d) Spot others making others serve in a pool.
e) point to the being you divided from.
f) If not yet blow, then ask who are you. (if necessary, spot To Create is Native State or spot building the agreements universe).

I ran this without step e above because I hadn't figured out the point to process at that time. This improved version should be faster and easier.

Note, often the first time they served in a pool was in the games universe. Often, this first pool is a sort of universe machine with "To create effects ..." type items. Although there are earlier pools (including the group postulation of the penalty universes), this is the first time that beings were implanted to fully split and have the split pieces pushed into the pools (rather than simply extending a bit of your beingness into a pool temporarily).

Once the pool comes apart, you may see lots of beings zipping around. Give them a little time to blow before running something else. Also, you can give them acknowledgments. If any beings hang, use "who are you" on them. Also check for copies.

Often you handle a pool and it comes apart even though there is a more basic pool. In this case, the more basic one might start sending in replacements. So if the pool seems to show up again or somatics persist etc., check if the is a more basic pool replacing the one that blew.

Historical note: In the HCL lectures, Ron mentions that there were nice thought pools around in Home Universe. Aside from this, I know of no references or definitions in his materials.

In History of Man and the tapes of 1952, Ron discusses the thetan living in "spirals", going through stages of being a "young" and then an "old" thetan and then dying and then beginning a new spiral. This usage of "spiral" came from the idea that the thetan was on a declining spiral and each of these young to old periods represented one turn around the spiral.

These turns around the spiral appear to be the lifespan of a theta body which the thetan has his energy, machinery, pictures, etc. wrapped up in. To the best that I can determine, there are a number of layers of these things and they to some degree mimic the later series of universes that we have come through. In metaphysics they also have some idea of levels of spiritual bodies with the astral body being the lowest.

Of special significance is the "energy" or "theta" body which goes back to what I refer to as the "thought" or "theta" universe which is 3 universes back. This is where the person thought that he was an energy production unit and this theta body is a simple cloud or sphere characterized by having an energy level and an energy production capability. At that time, the thetan believed himself to be one of the "thought" people in conflict with the meat body people who were breaking out of the conflicts universe and invading. This body type has much of his identity and also his energy production capability tied up with it. And because it is in agreement with energy, it slowly decays (grows old).

But it was not actually a pure energy body because energy (at least on the later track) requires particles in motion. The actual structure was more like a cloud of golden specs constantly dancing around, and as it ages, these specs slow down and eventually collapse into a condensed point of mass. The thetan's idea when this happens is that he is dead and it ends up as some sort of theta gravesite, usually out in deep space somewhere or at the bottom of a trap. Of course its boring being dead, so he projects out a bit of himself which picks up another theta body, but deep down, he still thinks he's dead and just dreaming about a new life until the new one gets so distracting that he forgets about being dead. But even with this, only his awareness has moved on, he still leaves part of himself and a good bit of his stuff behind in the dead theta body.

Now most of this is pretty speculative, and there's lots of work yet to be done on the subject of processing these theta bodies, but I have found one thing that I am quite confident of, and which is extremely beneficial and workable. And that is to find these points of spiral death and blow entities and split pieces of yourself out of those locations.

And that is actually a good technique for any level of dead body including the meat body. Blowing BTs out of the grave in France where I was buried last lifetime significantly opened up my recall of that lifetime

3 June 1991

Arslycus was a vast and troublesome city in space. Almost anyone who was in this galaxy a few hundred million years ago has had some involvement with it.

LRH References: HCL-22 5203Cxx How to audit a theta line HCL-27 5203Cxx How to search for incidents on the track PDC-(one of the early lectures, I forget which one) Individual Track Map ( old tech Vol 1 p 238) uses arslycus as an example.

There is only a small amount of LRH data on this. I believe that the date of 1 trillion years ago + given in the track map example is incorrect.
1. General Information

Arslycus implanted people to make slaves. They used false track implants, between lives implants, and body in pawn mechanisms.

They stripped the entire population from both this and the next inward spiral arm of the galaxy. That's probably around 500,000 inhabited planets. Eventually they bumped into the borders of the Galactic Empire which is in towards the central core of the Galaxy and were finally destroyed.

(Note: at some point, the Galactic Empire was subverted or converted by Hellatrobus, at least for awhile, and might then be termed the Hellatrobian Galactic Empire. Their symbol was the cross. I'm still having trouble sorting all this out. It might have been the war with Arslycus that allowed Hellatrobus to gain power in the Galactic Empire, because Arslycus and Hellatrobus were long term enemies. Hellatrobus used implants to make people good. Arslycus used implants to make slaves. The early Galactic Empire was against using implants until Hellatrobus got their claws into them).

Normal planets are inhabited only on their surface. This is really a 2 dimensional area with only slight use of height etc. A space city with total artificial control of gravity and energies is capable of building in 3 dimensions.

If you imagine the Earth spread out flat, and then additional earths each supported a few hundred feet apart to a height of 8000 miles (the diameter of the earth), you will see that a space city hardly larger than the earth could have almost a quarter of a million times the surface area of our planet.

Arslycus was actually much larger than this, being closer to the size of the sun rather than the Earth. These tiny space empires of a few hundred planets like Marcab or Espinol or the old Galactic Confederacy could have their entire populations placed in a corner of a single level of Arslycus. And Arslycus had many thousands of levels.

There was a great deal of space within the city. There were endless little flat planes covered with blocks of suburban homes and skyscrapers hanging at various angles in the air and roads in the sky tying these all together. Light came from some sort of energized glowing white clouds and the sky was blue with air everywhere. They had full control of artificial gravity. You might look across at another building hanging in the air and the people in it might be upside-down relative to you. If you got a short distance away from any of the buildings or surfaces (parks etc.), you were weightless and could swim in the air (or rent wings to flap with etc.).

At the time it was started, around 626 million years ago, it was probably a nice place, but it became very degraded.

At the center, they had a captive black hole, probably formed by imploding a large star, which provided the power to run all of this.

The society eventually became an oppressive cast system, like India. They were crazy on the subject of expansion because that let the older low cast workers move up as new people were brought into the system. Early on you will find planets invited to join and big time politicians making deals to get high ranking positions for themselves from bringing people in. Later on it wasn't so easy to get recruits and Arslycus began sending space fleets against planets to capture their entire populations and make slaves of them.

Arslycus was located in the gap between our spiral arm and the next spiral arm inward towards the center of the galaxy. Astronomy books call these the Orion arm and the Sagittarius arm respectively since your looking down the length of the arm that we are in when you look towards Orion and you are looking towards the next arm inward (and galactic center beyond it) when you look towards Sagittarius.

Since everyone in Arslycus was on a conscious and controlled reincarnation (picking up adult vat grown bodies whenever they were reborn), there were no new souls being born into the system. They tried handling this by levying a slave tax and making people divide themselves to produce a slave being (as was done in the magic kingdom of Giliad which is an earlier similar on this kind of society) but this was not successful and led to a revolt and the practice was stopped. So the population could increase only by bringing in thetans from outside.

Over the course of many millions of years, Arslycus raided both the Orion and Sagittarius spiral arms for slaves. Eventually they captured everybody from the edge of the galaxy inward to the edge of the Galactic core in this quadrant of the galaxy (it was impractical to take over the opposite side of the galaxy although some expeditions were probably made in that area).

At the core, they ran into the Galactic Empire. This is an ancient civilization with vast numbers of planets (hundreds of thousands). Stars are much closer together in the hub of the galaxy and so the comm lines are short enough to allow for a very big society. This is also referred to as the Galactic Confederation (not the same as the Galactic confederacy of Incident 2) since it protects a large number of backwater planets and small empires that are not really part of the empire but are its allies (forming a sort of confederation, much like the British Commonwealth).

Unlike the small Galactic rim empires, the Galactic Empire was large enough to match the population and resources of Arslycus. Although Arslycus had immensely shorter internal comm lines and a tiny defensive perimeter, its population was too heavily implanted and apathetic to fight an evenly matched war so that after a few major battles, Arslycus gave up on any direct attempts to raid the Empire.

So Arslycus became covert. One practice was to launch slave raids against backwater planets that could not defend themselves. They would snatch all the people they could and then flee from empire fleets which would arrive and chase them back to the heavily defended outer perimeter of Arslycus.

Another ploy was to setup traps to capture empire ships. These were like black rifts in space. Ships would disappear into them, be vaporized, and the thetans shipped off to Arslycus. For a long time, the empire thought that this was some natural phenomena and was all concerned about what they thought were some kind of space warps that were appearing and grabbing ships. Yet another practice was to seed between lives pickup mechanisms into the skies above empire planets. These were telepathic projections of things like heavenly gates etc. They were a sort of shallow imitation of the Helatrobus operation. Between lives souls would get suckered into these and be whisked away to Arslycus.

Arslycus put vast amounts of effort into researching earlier track implants for the purposes of getting more and more slaves. It was the true home of the Brainwashing Psychs by which I mean the people who research the mind for the purpose of control rather than freedom. It was a very respected high cast position there.

Eventually the empire got so fed up that it committed all of its resources to the destruction of Arslycus. Even so, it could not wipe out the Arslycian space fleet or do more than minor damage to the city. Among other defenses, there were endless robot controlled "space ships" that were just big frames of girders (like a skyscraper under construction) that could project rays and energy fields and protect the city.

But the black hole was a weak spot. Dead planets were collected in quantity and empire OTs (this is the society that operated on a limited OT basis) drove planet after planet into the hole so that it gained too much mass too quickly. This made the black hold unstable and the Arslycian technicians lost control of it.

The city's power sources blew and the artificial gravity went wild. It all pulled apart and everyone there fell through the sky.

The city might have fallen about 226 million years ago (?).
2. The Guilt Implant

This incident is used on people when they are first captured by Arslycus and to subdue them again when necessary (i.e., if someone is caught escaping). You can assess for the number of times it was done (I got 43 times). Spot and date the first time.

This incident is a combination of false track and misdating of your own pictures. They badger you for overts and get you to put a picture of one of your overts up on a thought sensitive screen. This is supposed to be a therapy. Later they show you the picture with a wrong date and make you wrong for having done the overt.

This interrogation of the individual to get his overts and put them up on a screen seems to be chronic in the later days of Arslycus. They kept the pictures on file and used them against you later. There are many minor incidents of this sort but the big one is the Guilt implant with its huge dose of false track.

As is usual with false track incidents, they give you lots of pictures of your arriving for the implant and departing from it to make it hard to spot the beginning and the end.

They say that they are going to show you a history of the universe. They show you arriving in the Mest universe in a doll body in a reception room full of angels. There is a big window or picture on the wall which shows the galaxy. They tell you this is what happened in the year zero and that it is 76 Trillion years ago (the correct date for the start of this universe is 86 trillion and the picture is pure fabrication).

These pictures are appearing on a screen with dates running along side of them. As you look at them, you are hit with energy waves and Items come booming out from the walls with sharp electric shocks.

The picture sequence showing you your "existence" in this universe follows the penalty universe goals.

They say that these are your postulates.

The first one is "To Create". The picture is some vague attempt to approximate the 1st penalty universe using doll body forms in this universe.

Note that arslycus didn't like doll bodies. They were a pure meat body culture. So all this false early track shows you as a doll body.

They say that then you failed to create and decided to destroy.

Now they badger you about "what did you destroy". They make you find an incident and put the picture up on the screen. They have some sort of electrical field which gives them the equivalent of a meter read and they use this to make sure that the incident is real. Then they put a wrong date on this incident (to fit their false history of when you postulated "to destroy").

They go on to the next penalty universe goal (to mock up) and do the same thing with it.

All 64 penalty universe goals are done, with false pictures for the positive side, and the overts you dredged up given to you with a wrong date as the negative side of the goal.

Then they tell you what a louse you are and run through the misdated overt pictures again. They tell you how you have to repent and make amends. They tell you that you must agree to do penance for this by working almost as a slave for millions of years.

If you give up a small overt, they ridicule you and make fun of you as well as hitting you with beams until you give up a big overt.

This implant makes you feel guilty, propitiative, and teaches you that its safer to withhold your overts. Badgering sec checks and any kind of ethics action on overts given up in session can key this implant in heavily. And that really bars the road out because you do need to confront your overts to make it, it just doesn't work if its unsafe to do so. Another liability of this implant is that if you spot it halfway, you can get the idea that all of these overts are false track, and they're not, they're just misdated and made solid by the implant.

After this implant, you're put to work.
3. The Arslycan Between Lives Implant

They get you attached to a segment of brain tissue or something like that which is kept in a jar. This might be the brain of the first body you're given after the guilt implant above. This is used to give you orders and call you back whenever you die. Your regular bodies are vat grown to adulthood and you get one by going through this between lives area.

It's very much like Christian or Buddhist mythology. You die and appear in the judgment hall. There you are badgered for the overts you committed in your last life. Again these are put up on a screen.

Their idea of overts consists of having done a sloppy job one day or of thinking bad thoughts about the government. Almost anything a free being would want to do is an overt. They pile a big ledger of these up against you.

Depending on your attitude etc. the Judge often just sentences you to another lifetime of work and tells you to be good.

If you were really bad (ran away from your job for a week or something like that), they send you to hell. Hell is mostly a false track implant showing you being tortured up on a screen with a false duration of many years. But they end it in a real mockup of hell where you stand around for a few hours breathing in sulfur fumes and feeling thankful that your waiting to be released after all those years.

In the rare cases where your very good, they reward you with some time in heaven and give you a similar false track implant with pictures of you being in paradise followed by a few pleasant hours in the "exit depot" from heaven waiting to be reincarnated.

This between lives experience is actually fairly short so that they could process lots of people through it without using too many administrators and technicians.

This incident also includes lots of duplicate pictures of your arriving and departing and lots of orders to forget this etc. But they didn't want you to forget it completely. They just want it obscured so that you remember it very vaguely (to take the rough edges off of the false track pictures) and feel very respectful about your duties.

This whole thing tends to fall apart as you spot all the false data they used against you.

March 31, 1990

I continued long past EP on Solo Nots. I probably audited as many hours after the EP as I did before it occurred. During this auditing, I ran into quite a few areas that did resolve using Nots techniques. I also ran into a number of areas that did not resolve. For these other areas such as actual GPMs and implant universes, Nots is not the why. These need to be handled with their own rundowns.

Since the areas that did resolve with Nots techniques might be prerequisites to running the new levels, this write-up will describe these so that they can be handled if needed.


The EP of S/NOTS is cause over life. This is simply ceasing to be the effect of BT (Body Thetan) think and being able to do what you want to with BTs. I.E., your just so much bigger than they are and no longer mis-owning pictures, thoughts, etc. and know it with certainty. This includes the ability to blow anything by inspection (not that you don't do this before, but at this point it became THE technique). Also, at this moment, BTs ceased to be the why on the case.

After experiencing this, I went along for about a week knocking out everything still lying around using blow by inspection. This lead to a second much bigger EP. I realized with reality that location was a lie (of course we've all read the axiom, but this is really knowing and seeing it with reality). I went exterior to this universe - like being exterior to the body and reaching in but instead I was out of this (and any other universe) and reaching in to play the game. I don't know if this happens standardly at the end of solo Nots or if it is a wild variable like the way that some people hit theta clear while running Power processing.

This location cog has a strange effect on BT handling. You see, they aren't really located anywhere. Its only that they think they are and it can vary depending on how much they think they're in one place Vs another. They can be in your body or on Acturas or in the space and time of INC 1 depending on what they think, and although they are not cause over this, they move around depending on restimulation. All you have to do is decide that a bunch are in your body and they can be there. Or you can mock up a slight agreement with the middle of Jupiter, and find a whole bunch there.

Once you've had the location cog, it is generally enough to just touch one and he realizes that he's not located, nor was he ever located in the first place and he frees up. One thing that messes this up is to run NOTS processes "locating" BTs. You can still spot where one happens to think he is, but if you push it, or search for one somewhere, you frequently find yourself forcing a BT to occupy that location.

Let's say that one is in a table. You touch him and he realizes he's not there (and never was except by a foolish consideration) and ceases to be there. This happens so fast that you keep trying to locate him. Since you can reach anywhere in space or time in any universe, you can still reach him and the effect is to put him back. This not only lays in a false location but it also invalidates a big cog for the BT. It only takes about 5 minutes of S/NOTS review after the location EP to get you into this mess. With this data, it should only take you a moment to spot enforcing a location and to dust the BT off and send him on his way. Without this data, you could have trouble for years.

Since they do shift around based on consideration, its very easy to shift BTs into the body to have something to run if you continue past EP. This can get really awful if you get run on an audited Nots rundown (e.g. audited on you by someone else) after completing. Between the auditor's intention to find something and your intention to obey his commands and the basic wrong indication of doing more after EP, you end up dragging them into the body from all over the universe. And because this is slightly invalidative, your ability to blow them by inspection gradually deteriorates. The appropriate correction list item would be "Putting them there to run?".

Another thing that happens on continuing past EP is that you can start mocking up BTs that aren't there. You get into doing this by blaming things on them when it is not the correct reason. Then you think there really should be something there when there isn't, so you mock up something. Then, because you are saying that this mockup of yours is somebody else, you have one hell of a time blowing it. So you also need "Mocking up BTs that aren't there?" on the correction lists.

One very interesting effect which might occur is that some BTs copy the cause over life cog and start evangelistically going around freeing others out of trees and flowers and old theta traps etc. This is fine. Sometimes they come back for advice. Unfortunately, if you go long past EP, you begin to invalidate the state yourself. Occasionally, these guys pick that up and also cave in on the inval and frequently collapse back into you in a state of misery that's impossible to resolve unless you spot that this is what happened and rehab their EP.

After EP, there are two other things that fool you and make you think you're not done. The first of these is hidden standards. It is true that the BT cross copy is one of the reasons you can't walk through walls, but it is not the only reason. You also have your own whys for not doing this. Once your no longer the effect of BT considerations, it is foolish to blame your inability in some area on BTs. It is your own responsibility and considerations. To say that the stop is due to a BT is a wrong why. After EP, if you could walk through walls, you would even if a BT is saying no you can't. After all, you can open a door over a BTs protest without a second thought about the matter.

Any inability, physical problem, aberration, or out point can be made worse by BTs. But there is nothing for which the why is always BTs. Anything can also be due to your own postulates and considerations etc. There are other OT levels.

The other thing that fools you is that BTs can be masked by your own aberrations. Lets say you have horrible overts with carving knives (or these knives play a big part in an actual GPM that you can't confront). You might not spot a BT being a carving knife or hiding in a carving knife. It is not that the BT keeps you from perceiving him or is creating a non confront on carving knives. It is your own non-confront. So as you do things that raise your confront, BTs do show up and blow. After EP, they generally blow by inspection unless you have a why that is keeping you from inspecting. After EP, you don't have any non-confront of BTs and can't be fooled by their attempts to hide, block, or obscure things. However, you are still at liberty to non-confront something on your own that happens to contain a BT.

After EP, you can and should continue to handle BTs. Because of the non-confront factor, you can find and blow considerable numbers of them while running other materials that address your own case.

If you have overrun the EP, the above discussion should help you rehab it. You need to dust off your ability and certainty on handling BTs and get rid of any invalidation on it so that you can blow them easily by inspection when they show up on more advanced processing. The blow by inspection ability deteriorates quickly on inval so don't let anything shake your confidence in this area. Clean up the skill and use it and don't let anybody or anything put you into a Q & A about it.


There are a few NOTS phenomena that you should know about just in case you didn't hit these already. For me they turned up on audited NOTs but I had heard about these kinds of things in the HCL lectures. By the way, you should listen to these lectures (The Hubbard College Lectures of early 1952), especially the later ones (History of Man, Theta Bodies, How to audit a Theta line, etc.) for additional information. They contain a great deal of data about entities and "idle spirits" and what they do and how to get them to blow.

During heavy overts, motivators, ARCXs, and other things which cause valence shifts, it often happens that a BT crosses over from one individual to another. This is probably one of the big reasons for a valence shift. The BT winds up connected both to you and to the other terminal and you may spot him in either body (or in the location of the incident or anywhere).

You can also have a BT who's going around influencing others against you. This is one of the mechanisms of pulling things in (but there are others as well - its not all due to BTs).

Probably the phone call business in the Suppressed person rundown works because there is a mutual exchange of BTs during heavy suppression.


There are some things you can do to increase your horsepower in handling BTs. These are beneficial even after EP. These might even be runable by someone on OT3 once Incident 2 has cooled down but perhaps I'm being overly optimistic.

First, if you can run PDC mockup techniques successfully, try mocking up bodies and mocking up BTs in them and then mockup someone blowing them all out by inspection.

Second, run overts connected with the area. This includes implanting and also simply using BTs (or other enslaved beings). for your own gain. This is especially common in magic track. You would throw a BT at someone to compel them to do something or talk to someone's BTs (as in hypnosis) to have a hidden effect on them. Often the magic spells contained items out of implants said in older whole track languages that were no longer understood by the average person which were meant to wake up and command someone's BTs. Real voodoo worked by getting some of the target person's BTs to move into the doll and create a cross-copy between the voodoo doll and the individual's body. It's actually a mild version of bodies in pawn.

There are times when you thought of captive souls as wealth. The old wizards had a motto. It was "Beings are the coin of the universe". It was a very deadly coin and you still bear the scars. Run out the overts and be free.


Implanting somebody with BTs was actually totally ineffective as a control mechanism. They cannot actually create very much of an effect on the person. In this regard, we're quite thick skinned.

Any time you see a really major gain occur from blowing a BT, realize that the BT was restimulating rather than creating the condition. If you look deeper, you will find that the person himself mocked up the aberration or somatic originally and the BT was simply keeping it irritated.

You need to alternate BT handling with handling the PC's own case or else you will get a deterioration of responsibility because the PC will start mocking the BTs up as being cause. In actual fact, the BTs are generally being heavily affected by the PC, he just doesn't realize how much he is kicking them around.

On NOTS one finds out that there are a tremendous number of dormant BTs (in comparison with a very small quantity of active ones). The impression one gets is that there are so many dormant ones because they were overwhelmed by the implants. This is wrong. These guys were overwhelmed by the thetan (e.g. the PC). He keeps them dormant and knocked out.

The person wakes up in the morning and he feels a little sluggish because some BTs started waking up while he was off dreaming, and they are now having a field day messing up the body. The PC just feels a little tired, but he projects some intention and pushes himself out of bed anyway. This tiny push is enough to swamp out hundreds of BTs and knock them back into unconsciousness. Its that easy.

If BTs seem to be making the body sick, you can just bet, dollars to donuts, that the PC has some postulate to be sick buried out of sight somewhere. They just can't do it otherwise.

Most BTs are just fragments of beings. And even when you do get a complete individual operating as a BT, they have zero havingness and almost no awareness. They just can't stand up to the level of intention that a fully aware and alive thetan can project.

The only thing that you can do which can get you in real trouble with BTs is to postulate that they are cause and say that they are responsible for the condition that you are in. Its like finding a moron and handing him a knife and then spending a few hours coaxing him into stabbing you with it.


You will find that there are BTs stuck back in the time and place of major implants. These are not actually located in the body, they really stayed back there (which is different from BTs who came forward in the body and only have the old implant in restim). You will find that they have lines reaching out from the old implant down to the body. Usually they will be stuck up near the top of the incident. Generally they wound up that way because they hit a point in the implant where they were unwilling to continue on and tried to reverse time and go backwards. That got them stuck. They stayed located in that spot and refused to agree with any subsequent forward progress in time (i.e., not-is-ness) and kept the early part of the implant mocked up. But they had earlier implants to stay attached to the Theta being who was going through the implant, so they still have a line attached to him.

I originally found these by tracing down lines connected to the body (there are many reasons for these lines). However, its easier to run these simply by checking over an old implant and scanning it for BTs. If you do it that way, you don't have the problem of tracing the line or figuring out which implant it is. Generally these will blow easily by having them spot the first item of the implant or the first moment of impact or by spotting being pushed into the implant. Often they will simply leave on being spotted or acknowledged or on being granted a little beingness.

For implants done in this universe, Incident 1 is an undercut. The platens of OT2 cover a large number of the heavy electronic implants of this universe. You will find that the dates in the OT2 materials are also correct in addition to the combined use of all of these in Incident 2. These implants are recorded on memory crystals and sold by Implant dealers for use on unruly populations. Often you will find that the Implant dealers will first go around acting as third parties and agent provocateurs to create civil unrest and then will make a big profit on the sale of the devices to a paranoid king or emperor. In the case of Incident 2, the Confederacy simply bought everything in the catalogue. So you can find each implant individually at many different dates and in many different societies in addition to finding all of them in the R6 portion of Incident 2. By the way, don't be afraid of memory crystals in general. They are simply the space opera equivalent of computer chips and recording tape.

You can also find some stuck in the clearing course materials. These predate Incident 1 (they occur in an earlier universe). If they don't blow on inspection, acknowledgment, or granting of beingness, have them spot the first item of the CC or have them spot being at the top of the spiral staircase immediately prior to the first run of CC (each spiral contained a run).

This technique applies in general when dealing with BTs stuck in implants of whatever sort. Normally you blow by inspection. If that doesn't handle, then blow by having them spot the first moment of the incident. Your knowledge of the anatomy of the track can help here, but if you don't know, just have them spot the beginning and earlier beginnings or the beginnings of an earlier similar incident. The solo NOTs "what are you" technique also works but they are often being an item in the implant and this makes for difficult listing and should be avoided (wrong wording of an implant item can kick other things into restim). You can use "Who are you" with good results if they have been loosened up enough to give a "Me" answer without listing valences. Use your judgment on this. Always use "Who are you" on partial blows.

You can also find a pile of BTs and Clusters back at each point of "Spiral Death". These are times when you "died" as a thetan. They are the bottoms of the "spirals" mentioned in History of Man. There will be some moment when you were in really bad shape and then you were really smashed badly by something and just plain gave up as a being. The whole "theta body" (really an energy body) that you were using at the time collapses in on itself and "dies" and your consideration is that you have died as a being. Generally you leave a piece of yourself behind at this point along with a mass of energy and facsimiles and mental machinery. Some of the BTs and clusters that were stuck to you at that time will stay there as well but will continue to keep a line connecting them to you. You are also connected by the piece of yourself that you leave there and also by your own considerations (you will have some idea that you never left). Generally you only have to blow off the BTs and Clusters. The Nots techniques work well here or you can run them back to the joiner or cluster forming incident. After these are gone, the split off portion of yourself generally rejoins naturally and you feel a bit bigger. If this doesn't happen and if (and only if) you get a feeling of still being stuck there, then first try for BTs/Clusters. If that's not it, run a little regret off of the death and look for overts prior to it. These splits are easier to run than most splitter incidents because they were formed by simple force (which is easy to confront after Clear). (if you do have any trouble, use "point to the being you divided from - Aug 1996).

Bodies in Pawn are more difficult to handle. Again there will be lines running from the current body to the one in Pawn. There will be a large number of BTs and Clusters holding these lines both in the current body holding the one in pawn and in the pawned body holding the current body. Often they are mixed up as to exactly which body they are in. After you've blown them all, you'll find that you also left a piece of yourself in the other body. Generally there will be an implant where you were made to divide yourself and be in 2 positions. In each position (you are usually standing beside yourself) they implant you with opposing goals so that you detest yourself in the other position. This keeps you from recombining the viewpoints even though your running both sides. One side goes into the body in pawn and holds you connected. Usually there is a phrase about leaving your real self behind when you are sent from there to Earth (or where ever). Try to blow this simply by spotting the lie. Also, try spotting the earlier beginning (see Before Earth in History of Man) and try spotting earlier overts you did do and overts you were falsely accused of just prior to the incident. Also check for the overt of doing this to somebody else. If all else fails and if you are still troubled by the body in pawn, you can list out the opposing goals, but this can be difficult and should be avoided if possible.

Bodies in pawn are not limited to space opera track in this universe. It was quite common to keep a piece of someone's body in a jar and give it orders on the magic track. Earlier universes also had similar control techniques, not necessarily dependent on having a piece of someone's body since bodies were not as important early on. The trick can be worked using anything that will get a being to leave a bit of his beingness in a spot where you can give it orders.

You will also find that there are monitor, suppresser, and control BTs focused down at you from a distance. These may be in invader installations or whatever. They also have lines running down into your space and they try to block OT abilities. Often they get active when you try to do the drills in Creation of Human Ability Route 1 or the drills on the old OT 5 and 6. If you've done these, you should check back and discover release points where you did gain an ability and had it immediately blocked by a suppresser BT. Often these BTs are in some sort of implant station that has long since been destroyed. For example, in the distant past there was a large orbital station around Venus. Its long gone, but the BTs are still there going around in orbit and keeping a vague mockup of the station in place. An unsuspecting being can wander in there and get hit with an implant right now in PT. Implant machines are partially made of MEST (computer circuitry and energy waves etc.) and partially made of implanted beings who intend the items telepathically. These unfortunate beings are "manufactured" into the machines by implant salesmen (after they have gotten a civilization to smash its citizens, the salesmen will kindly help clean up and take the ruined remnants of beings off to their factories).

You can go quite far with these techniques, but once you start getting into earlier universes, eventually you'll run into entire universes built as implants. Although these same principles will continue to apply, the implant universes are much more complex. You shouldn't be afraid of bumping into them and you can knock a few BTs out of them without getting into trouble. But don't fool with them too much until you get all the data.

The above information on handing bodies in pawn and suppresser BTs focused on you from a distance etc. explains the occasional big cave in that some people have following a manifestation of OT abilities. They begin to wake up as a being and manipulate the universe and then they're sick and they feel that the space invaders or magicians or whatever are after them. And to some degree, it's true. It is beside the point whether or not the MEST of some old body in pawn or implant station or whatever is still around or not. There is a theta remnant in these things that can activate in PT and give the guy trouble unless he knows enough to handle it. Just blow the BTs and clean up any pieces of yourself that you left behind and the trouble will turn off.

This section is only intended as an entertaining interlude.

There are 3 famous science fiction stories about BT-like entities who control us and feed on our emotions. These stories all have the idea that the entities themselves block our ability to see them (which has some truth to it, I didn't see active BTs as sparks until I had done a good bit of Nots, and these sparks are visible to the naked eye and you will see one entering or leaving somebody occasionally). They also include the idea that if you find out about them while you're still under their control, they will make you kill yourself (which does not seem to be the case). Furthermore, they include the idea that if somebody were to get rid of these entities, other people who still had them would be influenced to hate the person who had gotten rid of them.

Except for the bit about them blocking perception, all these ideas seem to be false. But they make for very interesting reading.

The ideas trace back to Charles Fort, who came to the conclusion that we are cattle, owned and milked (for emotion or energy) by hidden beings.

The first and most famous of these stories is "Sinister Barrier" by Eric Frank Russell. If I remember correctly, it was written in the late 1930s during Russell's Fortean period (he also did a short story about continents in the sky, and a powerful but outdated novel about Earth the prison planet called "Dreadful Sanctuary"). Russell calls them Vitrons and has them hovering over the person's head. The book opens with people who discover this being forced to commit suicide.

This novel was well known to Ron and may partially explain why he put such fantastic cautions on dealing with these things. Its amusing to note that at the end of the original version of "Dianetics the Evolution of a Science" which appeared in the May 1950 Astounding Science Fiction, there were an extra few paragraphs where he mentions Russell's book. It was something to the effect that Russell was right in saying that there was a sinister barrier, but the barrier was not from some outside agency, it was in men's own minds.

The next of the famous ones (there are certainly other stories in this vein) is Colin Wilson's "The Mind Parasites". Again the story opens with suicides, and the hero manages to overcome the impulse when he realizes it is coming from an outside source. Eventually a team of people who managed to free themselves from this influence discover that these entities were blocking OT abilities and begin mastering telekinesis etc. The same author is also famous for his writings in the field of metaphysics. The science fiction movie "Lifeforce" was based on one of his stories.

The third one is "Noplegarth" by Jack Vance. His entities are called "Noples" and anyone who doesn't have a Nople can see them riding on other people's shoulders. The interesting twist in his story is that when people finally become free of their Noples, they can now be grabbed and taken over telepathically by an even worse being who lives on a far planet.

All of these are well written and quite entertaining. And reading stories is a good way to try out ideas and consider them in the abstract without getting your own fears and personal considerations mixed up into it.

(I wrote this long before I found the "point to the being you divided from" process which makes handling split pieces easy. The techniques given here are the earlier ones which only worked sporadically. The later write-up on "divide and conquer" takes precedence over this one. This write-up is included here to provide more background information and as a record of research. - August 1996).

Aug 15, 1990

In earlier technology, we only addressed one side of the mechanism whereby a thetan infests and abberates another. The concern has been completely aimed at clearing the thetan of the influences of other theta units such as the BTs and Clusters discovered on OT3 and the PMEs, CEs, and other entities covered in these writings. But in truth, there are 2 sides to every coin and the thetan himself is actually fragmented and secretly running split off pieces of himself which are busily abberating other people. In other words, he can find that he is being a BT on many other human beings walking around here on Earth and elsewhere. We will call these fragments Split Viewpoints (SVs).

Before we talk further about SVs, let's take a look at the sane behavior underlying this phenomena.

There are 3 ways to endow something with life. First, you can animate it with unaware thought, second, you can go over and animate it yourself, or third, you can divide into two individuals and have one of you animate it.

It is easy to place a thought in something. You can actually build quite complex constructions of programmed thought which will do all sorts of interesting things even to the degree where someone else is fooled into believing that they are looking at a real thetan. A good example of this is a computer. The programmer's labor long and hard postulating a complex pattern of thought which often appears to act in an intelligent and independent manner, but this thought is not aware of being aware and is not creative in the fullest sense of the word. Look inside a computer sometime, there's lots of thought but no thetan unless someone has shoved in a BT to screw up the works.

You are also capable of being in two places at once. Really, your not located anyway, so you could operate from all positions in this universe simultaneously. You can put little bits of your intention/attention units in all sorts of places and do lots of things from these positions and have quite a good time doing this. Sometimes you do this and hide it from yourself to have interesting game conditions and surprises etc. In its pure form, there's nothing very abberated about this.

A thetan can also divide into two individuals. In this case, both have the same earlier track, but they each go their own way thereafter. Ron mentions this very briefly in the HCL lectures and in the 5th ACC. My own research finds that there were only a small number of individuals (10,000 or so) present at the beginning of the Home Universe era. The trillions who are here now all trace back to those few early beings.

If this all begins with a "Static" which can duplicate itself, then it makes sense that the individuals later on the track can still do this trick. I can imagine that one could postulate a "new soul" that had no track or experience, but such a being would be a full god without the basis for agreement to connect to this sequence of universes, so he simply wouldn't be here. The only way you'd get someone in here would be to let him share the track which leads here, and that means that at the moment of division, you are both the same. Then each of you hurry's up and gets different real fast.

Note that once divided, these true individuals do not merge together again. There would be no purpose in it. You wouldn't choose to terminate one of the two theta lines because each is interesting and adds to the game. Also note that early on the track, this is not abberative. Later on, we find mild aberrations because of considerations of havingness and limited ability to create, but generally you handled this is some sensible manner. Usually, when you divided you had some good reason and a sensible plan. For example, you were very interested in continuing to operate where you were but also heard of something very interesting to do elsewhere and decided to become two so that both could be experienced to their fullest.

There might also be some sort of paired reproduction of thetans in a 2D like manner, but I have no awareness or data on this right now. It would seem possible because there are a few vague comments by Ron about the basic thetan being two rather than one in the HCL lectures and in the 3rd ACC. If so, then it is conceivable that two thetans could each produce a half which would merge together into an individual. The resulting individual would obviously have to have a full track back to native state, but it might be a dual track. I don't think that this will make any difference in processing (he can still spot and handle early track), so the question doesn't need to be settled at this time.

And so we have the 3 mechanisms in their sane form. He can put some thought (which is not aware of being aware) over there, or he can operate from a viewpoint over there (except its not over there, its just one of many locations he owns and operates from), or he can divide and one of him goes over there. This is the sanity that underlies a vast sphere of aberration.
The thetan can be made to divide, and hide from himself, and in each of these split fragments, he can be made to abberate himself and others. These split pieces are not quite true individuals (you have to live your own track to become individual). They are more like the result of putting out intention/attention units to operate from various places. But the heavy unawareness and implanted goals that are generally present make these pieces more separated than you would expect so that they are almost individuals. There are many variations of these and some come closer to one extreme or the other.

We will refer to this entire class of theta units as split viewpoints (SVs). Generally, this is an abberated partial split that is not quite a totally separate individual. The PC can discover that he is being each of his many fragments (SVs) but he makes a point of not-knowing about this from his primary theta line where he is maintaining himself as a unique individual.

Mostly he's 90 percent unconscious in each of his split viewpoints, but he does have a least a small amount of awareness and intelligence there. Often you will find an SV where he has a great cheerful glee at abberating himself and others.

The PC generally has deep and strong considerations that memory is locational and will only use the memories in a particular operating location that were acquired in that location. He doesn't let the data cross over. He also will usually insist that responsibility is also location dependent. Himself in position A is not responsible for what he did in position B. He hangs onto this attitude because he's often committing overts and doesn't want the blame to cross over.


Although most SVs are setup by implants, he also does this himself on purpose. He will push a sneaky little piece of himself into someone else to control them. In this society, you see this often on the 2D.

This does not occur on a simple attempt to handle somebody or in making some postulates etc., it is a real attempt to compel someone by pushing a piece of yourself into their head. I don't think that most people do this very often, but you should at least be able to find a few times where you did in this lifetime. Usually the action is of short duration and you pull out again and dissolve the split, but occasionally you might leave a piece in there permanently. These should all be cleaned up. Also, chains of overts of trying to compel people should be run out.

I think that we will find that rape includes the rapist pushing an SV into the victim (the victim would find it as a BT). We might also find that this generally occurs when an SP drives someone PTS which gives us another explanation for the phone calls on the suppressed person rundown.

You will also find that the pc has sometimes split off a helpful SV. He does this as a defense mechanism. For example, he knows the thought police are going to catch him and so he sends a piece of himself off to hide and come back later to break him out of jail. He makes himself forget this so that the police wouldn't read his mind and find out about it. Sometimes these are clouding his mind or abilities to keep the police from finding out. Usually the need for these is long gone but he never noticed and is still keeping things from himself.


The thetan has frequently been implanted to split into pieces from which he is ordered to emit various compulsions at himself and others. A significant version of this is the "compel" item derived off of each penalty universe (covered in another write-up).

In an early version of this, he simply puts pieces of himself into a big pool representing "Eternity" from where he sends compulsions at himself. Later implants make him fragment and place him in various locations around himself and others emitting these compulsions. His fragments appear like BTs to other people.

The compulsion SVs will be covered in more detail in a separate write-up.


This implant has him divide into 5 valences for each of these "Actual GPMs" and try to push himself, as each of these valences, into other people for the purpose of acting out the GPM in life. This is run out with its own platen. See the write-up on the 5 way GPMs.


The PC has often been made to put a piece of himself into a cross copy pool of one kind or another as described in the write-up on Pool Theory. This includes emotion clouds and somatic pools and the big cross copy pools in the universe machinery through which he keeps the universe continually created. He's in these pools along with everyone else. This maintains the physical contact that everyone thinks is needed to maintain a consistent experience of reality and feelings and somatics etc.

One interesting thing that everyone does is to divide after dropping the body and say that only one copy has the earlier identity and memory. This copy is fed into the universe machinery for preservation. The remaining copy (by which we mean you) is supposedly a pure untainted new individual. Of course this doesn't work, but it contributes significantly to forgetting the previous life and pretending that you're someone new.


There are numerous implants that make the individual divide. The usual physical universe technique is to force him to be in two places by use of force (energy waves etc.) and then implant mutually detestable goals into him in the two different locations so that he will keep them separated. He might be implanted to be a policeman and hate crooks in one position and implanted to be a criminal and hate police in the other, so that from each viewpoint, he despises himself in the other valence.

Another common technique is simple trickery and treachery, giving him false data and convincing him to split for his own survival or for the sake of helping others.

Mass implants generally have people divide many ways and become BTs on each other. This is true of incident 2. He didn't simply get infested with BTs, he also became many BTs which were implanted into others.

Double body incidents include dividing and "leaving your real self behind" in the body that is held in pawn.


Sometimes you might have handled a split by running it as a BT, especially when you were running a BT on someone else's body. Sometimes someone else blows a BT which is one of your SVs and you just feel a bit better or have some cognition out of thin air.

The main technique is simply to blow by inspection. You just spot the SV and the division dissolves or you spot the moment in the implant when you divided or you spot the item that did it. Often, spotting the decision to divide will cure it (especially true for volitional splits that weren't forced by an implant).

When one of these dissolves, you don't generally abandon the location or whatever. You just become bigger and can consciously operate from more viewpoints. Note that you're not going to absorb or drain any other individuals. If something is independent enough to go its own way, then it will.

One technique you can use is to simply reassume the viewpoint and responsibility. You can get on the other side of the "valence wall" and run flows or mockups of the wall to dissolve it.

You can also use ordinary BT handling techniques. One thing that works on difficult ones is to assess for the underlying penalty universe goal and either have the SV spot the top or spot the top of it yourself from the SV viewpoint.

Often an SV will also have BTs accumulated around it and copying it. What frequently happens is that the split dissolves immediately on inspection and then a BT copies the split viewpoint and pretends to be you since this is a good way to control you or create an effect or simply because it is interesting.

Because of this, if you need to run something on the SV beyond simply blow by inspection, it is usually best to run it as if it were a BT. This will dissolve splits and restore your ability to occupy the location as yourself while also blowing any copying BTs and allowing anything that has become a separate individual to free up and blow.

Sometimes you will find yourself waking up in a "senior" viewpoint. These may be "oversouls" or whatever and often are in higher universes or in traps of various kinds. Generally your are almost unconscious in these viewpoints but you have the idea that they were the "big" you and your earth existence is the lesser copy. Often, you got out of traps or whatever by leaving yourself behind and extending out a "lesser remote viewpoint". The handling is to clean up machinery etc. (PMEs, CEs, etc.) that is surrounding you in the "higher" viewpoint. Usually the perception of these turns on for a brief while and then fades. Use the opportunity to clean up everything you can get your hands on. You might have to pick up one of these areas a number of times before you get enough of the trap taken apart to free yourself from it completely. Just persist in blowing things and don't Q and A too much about where you are or what's going on. You'll just get dub in until you pull off enough of the surrounding weight.
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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.


This is just a collection of various interesting OT processes. My opinion is that you will do best switching off between drills and case handling rather than specializing in one or the other.

There are many OT drills in the Scientology materials of 1952-4. A small percentage of them made it into the old OT 5 and 6, but those could be considered quickie levels compared to what could have been done. Note that old 5 and 6 were put together in the quickie era of Scientology and were never expanded.

A number of these processes are in the book "Creation of Human Ability". The drills given in route 1 were probably favorites of Ron's, but the book also contains the SOP 8C rundown which (except for the opening procedure) is loaded with OT processes. There are more processes in the tech volumes for this time period. Especially interesting are the processes given in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ACC tapes. The group processing sessions of the 3rd ACC are real eye openers.

I'm not going to repeat all of Ron's material here. You should study it in the original form if at all possible. Instead, I will limit myself (with a few exceptions) to additional things that I have come up with, or significant improvements on Ron's versions.


4. SOP 8 OT

Part 7B and 7C:



August 1996


This is Ron's process from the 2nd ACC and SOP 8C step 1. The pure form often turns on at least some faint degree of exterior perception, and there are many variations. See SOP 8C.


You lie down and close your eyes. Then:


The commands are run alternately.

This is Ron's process from the 5th ACC. He even uses it on a group processing tape, so its a bit silly to keep it locked up on the upper levels.

1.3 SELF ANALYSIS as an OT Drill.

This is done using the book "Self Analysis".

Alter each command from "Recall a time when ...." to "Look around the city and see if you can spot ....". Skip any commands which don't make sense in the altered form.

You take a command from the book, alter it as above, close your eyes, and then get the idea that your looking down at the city and try to spot the thing asked for. Do the command a number of times, until you feel good about it. Then go on to the next command.

Don't worry about whether or not your really seeing anything or just imagining it. At first you probably are imagining it, but gradually you'll start picking up on real stuff and getting things half right. True clear and certain exterior perception is way up there. Don't expect it to happen in one big jump. Work on drills like this occasionally and gradually your perception improves.

You can also use simple versions of locational processes in a similar manner, spotting things that you like or that are safe to look at or whatever.

I came up with this variation of self analysis myself, but Ron also had a similar alternate use in 1953 which was to change all the commands from "recall" to "mockup" so that the book could be used for self audited mockup processing. There was even a printed version of this variation which was published as "Self Analysis in Scientology", but of course its no longer available at the CofS since mockup processing was forbidden by an HCOB in the early sixties.


Richard Monroe had a nice exteriorization technique in his book "Far Journeys". He would simply lay down, close his eyes, and roll over without moving the body, leaving it behind him.

Ron had a similar technique in the 1st ACC. He would have the student, sitting in a chair, remain in the chair while he had the body get up and walk away. The student, as a being, should in theory see the body walking away from him.

Monroe's technique has the advantage of not requiring the PC to work the motor controls of the body while he is separating from it.

In either case, we are separating the motion of the thetan and the body, having one stay in place while the other moves.


Many of the yoga and metaphysical techniques are not ideal.

Often they work with the chakras (disks of energy in the "astral" body) or the third eye (which is surrounded by energy fields) or other forms of heavy energy flows.

These can sometimes exteriorize somebody, but they are difficult and stir up all sorts of energy fields, which often make it more difficult to get out. Fooling around with these things should be left to the advanced students and will be discussed in another write-up.

The only one that I found to be easily workable was to very lightly run a gentle flow of energy up and down the spine and gradually slide out while doing that. This seems to work because you are reassuring yourself that you can retain your control and connection to the body so that you feel safer about sliding out.



The steps of SOP 8C were one of Ron's better collections of OT processes, but they were put together very early in the subject, and are mostly general suggestions rather than precisely worked out processes. The auditors of that time were expected to take a general idea and come up with appropriate commands as they worked with the PC. There is something to be said for this approach, but it requires a great deal of skill and is neither suitable for self auditing nor for use by any but the most knowledgeable auditors.

In light of this, I took a few sentences from SOP 8C and turned them into a modern style rundown. This ran very nicely as a solo process. It is presented here both as a useful rundown and as an example of how to make the various steps of SOP 8C into a powerful modern rundown. The bulk of it still needs to be put together this way.


This is run exterior.

Get a number of answers for each question before going on to the next one. Continue going through the questions in a round robin fashion until you have a big win.

a) Spot some people who are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some people who you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some people who are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some people who are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some people who are not giving orders to themselves.

When this is complete, you go on to the next process which is the same questions run on things instead of people.

a) Spot some things which are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some things which you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some things which are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some things which are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some things which are not giving orders to themselves.

The third process is on places.
a) Spot some places which are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some places which you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some places which are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some places which are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some places which are not giving orders to themselves.

The next one is on groups.
a) Spot some groups that are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some groups that you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some groups that are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some groups that are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some groups that are not giving orders to themselves.

The fifth one is on governments.
a) Spot some governments which are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some governments which you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some governments which are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some governments which are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some governments which are not giving orders to themselves.

Then lifeforms.
a) Spot some lifeforms that are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some lifeforms that you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some lifeforms that are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some lifeforms that are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some lifeforms that are not giving orders to themselves.

Then energies.
a) Spot some energies that are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some energies that you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some energies that are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some energies that are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some energies that are not giving orders to themselves.

And finally run it on spirits. (if it seems to indicate to do so, you can also run this on "gods", but I tend to bundle them together with spirits). This would be a real speed up process for somebody who is moving slowly on Nots or having trouble with it.

a) Spot some spirits who are not giving you orders.
b) Spot some spirits who you are not giving orders to.
c) Spot some spirits who are not giving orders to others.
d) Spot some spirits who are not receiving orders from others.
e) Spot some spirits who are not giving orders to themselves.

2.2 Following orders

After doing the above, It seemed like a good idea to run the following, which produced a good result.

Spot a time when you choose to follow other's orders for the sake of having a game. Notice a few things about that time. Then spot an earlier time etc. until you either get the first time, or reach the earliest one you can. If you don't already feel exceedingly good about it, then handle that earliest one by alternate spotting (something in the incident, something in the room) until you do feel really good about it.

Next, spot a time when you talked others into following your orders for the sake of having a game. Handle as above.

Note that we're aiming for a state where you have freedom of choice about following or disagreeing with orders and do not follow them compulsively but can choose to do so if you're interested in the game to which the orders apply.

2.3 The SOP 8C Goals Process

Here's another nifty process based on SOP 8C.

a) Spot some goals you do not have.
b) Spot some goals that others do not have.
c) Spot some goals that you don't have for another person.
d) Spot some goals that another person doesn't have for you.
e) Spot some goals that another person doesn't have for others.



August 1996

Of the many things I thought up and tried, these were some of the best.


Spot three points in the room. Spot three points outside of this universe.

Run alternately.

See what you come up with.


Pick an object in the room. Imaging that you are starting to put an energy beam on it. Have the walls yell "Mustn't Touch" at you, and you pull the beam back very quickly.

Repeat this with different objects until you feel something release and feel very good.


Pick an object in the room and mock up a copy of it. Then run the copy out to infinity by stretching thousands of them off into the distance with the postulate that the copies go on endlessly. Then unmock it and repeat with another object.

When you do the unmock step, you should be able to simply decide to have it vanish and have it do so. However, the first few times, it may be a bit sticky and persistent because there is so much havingness to the mockup that you may want to hang onto it or other entities may try to keep it there. So if there's any problem dissolving the mockup, then mockup more infinite runs of the same object, and make them different colors. When you have enough, you will find it easy to snap them out of existence.


Pick a section of a wall. Make it as big as you can have and encompass comfortably, maybe a circle a yard or so in diameter.

Run alternately:

a) get the idea that you're mocking it up.
b) get the idea that another is mocking it up.

When this flattens, go on to the next pair of commands and run them the same way.

a) get the idea that you're mocking it up.
b) get the idea that society is mocking it up.

Continue on, substituting the following list of terminals in place of society in command b above, always alternating the idea that you are mocking it up with the idea that the other thing is mocking it up. Run each one as long as it produces change. The list is:

Lifeforms The body Your machinery The object itself (get the idea that the wall is mocking itself up) The physical universe Agreed upon machinery Spirits God.

Once you have finished all ten of the above processes, you should have a good awareness of who is mocking up the wall. If not, then run the above set of processes again. You can pick a different wall or some large object (make sure its big and heavy) on subsequent passes.

I learned a lot from running this. One of the things I learned was that I was usually not the one mocking it up but I could be. Often nobody is mocking it up except for old machinery which continues to make it persist. Sometimes many people are each contributing a percentage and sometimes a particular person grabs it all. The whole thing is in a state of flux with the responsibility and control floating around by postulate.


I fooled around a lot with energy beams (and so did Ron to some degree in 1952) without a lot of results or a great deal of reality until I stumbled upon this process.

One of the problems in working with beams is that you try to do something with them and the lack of physical universe reaction causes you to invalidate the beam, so you never get very far or have a chance to build up strength. So its a mistake to try to put a beam on anything and use it (unless you're very far along). What's needed is an isometric where you actually start to feel something and get some feedback without needed to overcome physical universe reality. And that's what this drill will do.

Mockup an invisible energy beam hanging in the air. Make it about three feet long. An energy beam does not emit energy. It is a sort of standing wave flowing within itself. These beams are used to grip things and to push and pull at stuff, but we are not going to do that in this process. Here we just want a beam hanging in the air disconnected from anything. You don't have to get into the mechanics of it (charge flows in and out of the ends between the center of the beam and its surface which have different potentials and its a steady state perpetual motion). Just get the idea that you have an energy beam there, no matter how tenuous and unreal it seems.

Now alternately stretch the beam out to 10 feet and compress it back down to 3 feet. Do this steadily back and forth. Don't just mock it up as two different sizes alternately, its the stretching and contracting that make the process work. And at each of the two positions, you postulate that it is the size that it should be and then you stretch or compress it anyway.

After a little while, the beam will start having a tendency to snap into one position or the other and will resist being changed, but you make it do what you want anyway because its your beam. You will find that you have to wrestle a bit with it sometimes. Always stop at a point where you have the beam fully under control and feel good about it.

This is not something you do entirely at one sitting. It is a drill and its like exercising, you do a little each day and build up muscles. Eventually you will realize that you are dealing with real force and energy of considerable power and its no longer a tenuous imaginary little thing.

Carrying on in the face of no feedback is the hardest part, but it can be done. At one time I read a description of the normally unused muscles that could wiggle the ears. So I sat for an hour alternately tensing and relaxing those muscles without feeling anything or having anything happen, just imagining it so to speak. And then the muscle twitched, and then it moved and after that I could move my ears around. Not a very useful skill, but very educational.


The basic postulates underlying the physical matter in this universe are "It is there" and "It isn't there". Both are equally true. Both are equally powerful. And both are basic. Holding two mutually exclusive postulates simultaneously causes the mockup to go into a state of vibration, and that is what we see when we examine the material of this universe.

It is very hard to hold these two postulates simultaneously in the same space. So we need to work up to it.

Get two identical objects. Two pencils or two pieces of paper or whatever. Put them alongside each other. Look at one and put the postulate in it that it is there. Look at the other and put the postulate in it that it isn't there. Alternate back and forth a few times. Then reverse which postulate goes on which object and do a few commands. Then flip back to the first pair of commands etc. When this becomes easy, go on to the next step.

Now simultaneously postulate that the object on the right is there and the one on the left isn't. Then simultaneously postulate that the one on the left is there and the one on the right isn't. Keep alternating these two commands.

When this becomes easy, try to get both postulates into the same object simultaneously. Do this alternately on the two objects rather than fixating on one of them. Do the best you can. Stop on a win even if its not a full result.

Then repeat the above with 2 mocked up objects. Then repeat again with 2 more physical objects.

Keep alternating the entire rundown on physical and mocked up objects until you can comfortably put both postulates into the same place simultaneously.


When the body is injured or killed, one has a tendency to sympathize with it, feel sorry for it, and interiorize into it to try and fix it. The impact of dying will often exteriorize somebody, and then they hop right back into the body to try and reanimate it. This doesn't work. You can heal the body, animate the body, and control the body better from outside.

The following drill helps overcome this impulse as well as being an exteriorization process.

a) Pick an object in the room (large objects are best).
b) Decide that there is something wrong with the object (makeup whatever you like).
c) Feel sorry for the object. Sympathize with it. Say "Oh the poor thing".
d) Imagine that you are interiorizing into the object to fix it. Imagine that you are inside of it and its mass is all around you. Just get as much reality on this as you can, it doesn't have to be perfect.
e) Look around inside the object and realize that this is not a good place to fix it from and that you have made a mistake.
f) Exteriorize from the object. Imagine that you are looking down at it. Mockup fixing it from outside. Put a beam on it and say "There that fixes it". Then let go of it.

Then pick another object and repeat the above.

End off when you feel really good and can see that you have always done better fixing things from outside rather than by getting into them.

For your second run at this process (you don't have to do it immediately after the above), run it with mock ups instead of physical objects. Begin with a large mocked up object. As soon as the drill seems a bit comfortable, change over to mockups of injured bodies until you are free of the impulse to get into them to fix them.

For the third run, use mockups of dead bodies. In this case, on step f, you should alternate between mocking up fixing it successfully from outside (so that it is resurrected) and deciding that it isn't worth the trouble and abandoning it. In either case, you see that it is no good to get back in it after it is dead.

Note that in the real world, if the body has died from shock (in other words, a momentary impact that might have stopped the heart, rather than permanent heavy damage), you might have a good chance at reviving it (restarting the heart or whatever) simply by grabbing onto it from outside and pouring in some energy, maybe even slamming a beam into the heart to get it to restart (similar to the electrical jolt that the hospitals use for this). With this you would at least have a chance, whereas diving into the body will decrease your horsepower and reduce the likelihood of your being able to do anything at all.

A final run can be done with this process, picking actual body parts on your current body. Makeup things wrong and dive in to fix them, and then see that you can fix them better from outside etc.

As a little side note, you can mockup beams into anything fairly easily. But actually achieving any real effects with those beams is a different matter, and is a much higher gradient. Your own body is the easiest thing to affect because your ownership and havingness is well established and everyone agrees that its yours. The next gradient is physical objects. Actually impinging on someone else's body with a beam is the most difficult because you're going to hit all of their unconscious defenses that protect the body.


4. SOP 8 OT

The top of the early bridge was SOP 8-OT (Standard operating procedure version 8 for OTs) which was covered in the 3rd ACC. This was to be done after running the OT drills of SOP 8C (SOP 8 for clinical use). It did not have a formal procedure but instead was a sort of roll your own aimed at handling whatever else was in the way of making OT.

It primarily consisted of using the standard procedures of that time period (mockups, havingness, copying things, taking over automaticities by doing them consciously, etc.) to handle whatever was left, with special emphasis on a number of targets such as confront of nothingness, confront of bodies, courage, ability to mockup any sensation for yourself without a body, etc.

But despite the lack of an overall procedure, there were a great deal of processes given in the lectures and I have tried to collect together some of them here. I have taken the liberty of modernizing and formalizing these somewhat, so this is my own interpretation. It is also far from a complete list, especially as regards the powerful group processing sessions that are included in the lectures.

The final target was to get out with all your stuff (you could leave now but you wouldn't because you'd lose everything) rather than remaining here as an OT in this universe. But Ron suggests that if you do make it out, you should leave a copy of yourself behind so that your friends etc. don't get upset.

1. Truth/Untruth
run alternately

a) spot 3 things that are true
b) spot 3 things that are not true
c) spot 3 things that are true for another
d) spot 3 things that are not true for another
e) spot 3 things that are true for others
f) spot 3 things that are not true for others

2. Granting rights
Best done outside in a busy area, but this can also be done in the room or the woods etc. This should then also be run exterior.

Do each command a number of times, concentrating especially on the first two and being very specific about the exact rights you are granting. Then repeat the entire set of commands.

a) Grant things/people the right to be there
b) Grant things/people the right to do what they are doing.
c) Have them give you the right to grant rights.
d) Grant others the right to grant rights
e) Have others grant you the right to grant rights

3. Wrongness
Walk around the block and find things wrong. If nothing is obviously wrong, then find things that are unreasonably wrong, such as the shrubbery doesn't change colors to compliment the girl's clothes etc. Do this for at least an hour.

Then do this exterior, drifting around cities and countryside, beginning with your local area.

4. Certainty
For each dynamic, spot what you are most certain of.

5. Disagreement
a) spot 3 things you don't have to agree with.
b) spot 3 things you don't have to communicate with
c) spot 3 things you don't have to like.

6. Wasting
Run each of these as a separate process:

If your doing this solo, then for each question, write down answers until you feel good.

6.1 Mockup a way to waste knowing about things
6.2 Mockup a way to waste perceptions
6.3 Mockup a way to waste enthusiasm
6.4 Mockup a way to waste anger
6.5 Mockup a way to waste hostility
6.6 Mockup a way to waste fear
6.7 Mockup a way to waste grief
6.8 Mockup a way to waste effort
6.9 Mockup a way to waste pain
6.10 Mockup a way to waste sensation
6.11 Mockup a way to waste symbols
6.12 Mockup a way to waste thinking
6.13 Mockup a way to waste eating
6.14 Mockup a way to waste sex
6.15 Mockup a way to waste mystery
6.16 Mockup a way to waste matter
6.17 Mockup a way to waste energy
6.18 Mockup a way to waste space
6.19 Mockup a way to waste time

7. Having
Run alternately until you feel very good

7.1 spot 3 mysteries that would be interesting.
7.2 spot 3 people you wouldn't mind having sex with.
7.3 spot 3 foods you wouldn't mind eating.
7.4 spot 3 ideas you wouldn't mind having.
7.5 spot 3 symbols you wouldn't mind displaying.
7.6 spot 3 sensations you wouldn't mind having
7.7 spot 3 efforts you wouldn't mind doing
7.8 spot 3 emotions you wouldn't mind feeling
7.9 spot 3 sounds you wouldn't mind hearing
7.10 spot 3 things you wouldn't mind seeing
7.11 spot 3 things you wouldn't mind knowing

(on 7.2, Ron uses "3 kinds of sex you wouldn't mind having").

8. Present time
Run alternately

a) resent present time b) desire present time

9. Barriers
run alternately

a) spot some barriers that are not in front of your face
a) spot some barriers that are not behind you
a) spot some barriers that are not on your right side
a) spot some barriers that are not on your left side
a) spot some barriers that are not above you
a) spot some barriers that are not below you

10. Blackness
a) pick an object in the room
b) mockup a ridge of blackness in front of it.
c) alternately fix your attention on the blackness and take your attention off of it a few times. Then continue until you feel comfortable, have no attraction to the blackness and can ignore it and look through it.

Then repeat this with another object, etc.

Then close your eyes, mockup a ridge of blackness, and alternately fix and unfix your attention on it as above. Repeat, placing the ridge in different directions.

11. Layers of Blackness
Close your eyes and mockup many layers of blackness around you. Look through each layer in turn to see the next one.

12. Creation
Have objects accuse you of not creating them. You acknowledge them and tell them that their wrong.

13. Objective exteriorization
a) Spot an object in the room.
b) Get the idea of interiorizing into the object and being it. Mockup being in the object as thoroughly as possible, and actually go into it to whatever degree you can.
c) Then exteriorize from it.

Repeat many times.

The above can also be done exterior, spotting objects around the city etc.

14. Emotion
Feel an emotion and make the body feel a different one.

15. Interiorization
Mockup exteriorizing and pushing yourself back in.

Repeat until you have no urge to go in.

16. Occlusion
close your eyes.
a) spot an occlusion or blackness.
b) alternately be in it, and be here, until it lessens.


17. Alright
a) spot 3 things in the body that are alright.
b) spot 3 things outside of the body that are alright

18. Aliveness
Have the walls say alternately, "you must make me alive", "you mustn't make me alive".

19. Thought
Put out a thought and mockup an effect coming back.

Repeat until you feel good.

20. Nothing/Something
Alternately put up nothing around yourself and something around yourself.

When you mockup something around yourself, consciously alter it slightly at least once to ensure that you are being causative over creating the mockup rather than just pulling in an old picture.

You can start out doing this in the body, mocking up things like water, air, pudding, energy clouds, cotton, wood, granite, and steel around you.

Then do it exterior, including putting up chairs, tables, symbols, basic objects, and bodies. With bodies especially, be sure to shift the appearance around a few times because there will be a tendency to put up old bodies that you've had or seen on TV etc.

21. Mirrors

21.1 Look in the mirror and flinch.

After you have done this many times, then alternate:

a) Look in the mirror and flinch.
b) Look in the mirror and see your ideal self.

For step b above, you mockup your ideal and look at that instead of the image in the mirror.

21.3 Look in the mirror and see nothing.

After these are all done, then pick objects (walls etc.) that are non-reflective and mock them up as being mirrors and repeat the above drills.

22. Flinching

22.1 Look around and spot things and flinch at them.

Then repeat the process exterior, looking over the city.

23. Flitter
Mockup flitter, which is like golden sparks (or use white sparks if you have trouble with golden).

Push waves of flitter against objects and pull it back.

This is intended to raise perception.

24. Animal Bodies
Pick some non-human body type such as a lion or a horse. Imagine yourself as that creature and visualize how you would move the limbs etc. Then exteriorize from that body.

Repeat this a number of times.

25. Beingness
a) What kind of object can you be for certain.
b) Be it and experience it.

Repeat many times.

Then do the same for "what kind of energy". After that, do "what kind of space".

26. Memory
Run alternately.

a) Order yourself to forget something.
b) Remember it anyway.

27. Perception
Leaving your eyes open, look around the room but don't see it while you do so. Inspect things very carefully, but don't see them.

Now close your eyes and inspect the room without seeing it.

28. Terminals
In each process, run the two questions alternately.

a) find 2 particles that you don't object to having together.
b) find 2 particles that you don't object to having apart.

a) find 2 objects that you don't object to having together.
b) find 2 objects that you don't object to having apart.

a) find 2 animals that you don't object to having together.
b) find 2 animals that you don't object to having apart.

a) find 2 people that you don't object to having together.
b) find 2 people that you don't object to having apart.

a) find 2 spaces that you don't object to having together.
b) find 2 spaces that you don't object to having apart.

29. Affinity
Find some things which are holding together and get how nice that is.

30. Falling Upwards
Mockup falling upwards and other things falling upwards in disagreement with gravity.

31. Blackness Machinery
Mockup machines that make blackness and throw them away.

32. Remedy of havingness
Mockup an acceptable copy of the Earth and then deteriorate it until it snaps in. Repeat.

33. Machinery
a) Find a machine you can be.
b) now be it and perform its function.

Do this in mockup form for ordinary physical universe machinery, such as cars and drill presses.

Then do it for mental machinery.

Then do it for machinery that stops things, such as machinery which stops you from remembering, perceiving, and doing OT abilities.

Then do it for "unmocking" machinery which unmocks your mockups etc. You put up a picture, then you be the unmocking machine which snaps it up and makes it vanish etc.

Then do it for compulsively creating machinery which puts the walls there etc.

34. Enjoyment and Admiration.
Mockup enjoyment in various places.

Put clouds of pleasure over various cities.

Mockup crowds of people admiring you.

35. Nobility
Put Nobility into the walls.

Go to a crowded place and postulate nobility into various people.

Then put clouds of nobility over various cities.

36. Terror
a) put feelings of terror into the walls
b) Make your body flip flop around as if in pain and terror.
c) Then do mockups of the body flip flopping around.

37. Courage
Its easier to run courage at a distance from the body, so begin processing it that way.

37.1 Mockup clouds of courage over various cities.

37.2 Go to a crowded place and postulate courage into specific individuals.

37.3 Mockup a way to waste courage.

37.4 Put feelings of courage into the walls.

Then mockup a feeling of courage in the face of blackness and repeat 37.1 to 37.4 above using that version of courage.

Then mockup a serene and contemptuous type of courage and repeat 37.1 to 37.4 above using that version of courage.

Next take the serene and contemptuous courage and alternately mock it up around yourself and around others.

38. More on Courage
Mockup force particles out in space.

Alternately mockup yourself and others being there and being courageous about them.

Repeat this with various specifics such as lightning storms, explosions, planets being thrown around, etc. Do this far away from the body.

39. More on Interiorization
Interiorize into and exteriorize from buildings, mountains, planets, and suns.

40. Splitting
Mockup splitting into two, both in a body and exterior.

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.


5. Levitation Rundown

September 20, 1990

This isn't really expected to work. After all, how would the mailmen feel if we started floating packages to each other cross country. It would put a lot of people out of their jobs and get everybody upset. So let's put aside, for awhile, our intentions of amazing the neighbors and making policemen wrong and drop the idea of actually moving MEST at a distance.

But levitation is a very, very interesting topic and there are a lot of hidden standards built up on it. This makes it a very attractive area for OT drilling because it generates a lot of enthusiasm. It's just the sort of thing to tease one into discarding some pet aberration and expand out a bit further. So the real target of this rundown is not really levitation, which is a minor skill, but rather, it is the restoration of the ability to operate as a being.

We shouldn't concentrate entirely upon case. You will find that in running the penalty universes deeply, sometimes so much blows that you need some sort of OT drills or havingness to expand out into the space that has been freed up. For this we have all the havingness processes, and Creation of Human Ability, and loads of other materials from the 1950s. We also have the levitation drills given here. You can use this rundown occasionally, but don't concentrate on it exclusively. Use other OT drills as well and concentrate on cleaning out the major incidents of the early track (penalty universes etc.) since those aberrations will have to go before you let yourself have very much horsepower.

This write-up contains many things which I believe have a bearing on the matter, but there's probably more yet to be discovered.

-- General Information --

It is expected that when you do levitate an object, it will be easy and effortless. In my few experiences with this, I never noticed any strain or drain of energy. So don't pound away at these drills and work a sweat up on your brow. It doesn't work that way.

What I did observe on a number of occasions, and what I've also heard from others is that it is usually done accidentally, without forethought or consideration. One just forgets for a moment that he's not suppose to and simply moves something. So it has to be primarily a matter of consideration.

Therefore, it would seem that we can skip the problem of having enough energy to levitate an object. But this doesn't mean that we can ignore the subject of energy, because considerations about using energy might still be an inhibiting factor. Note that lifting an ashtray into the air, even if you do it purely by postulate without mocking up any energy, does add potential energy to the Mest universe (the ashtray will fall with a bang if you let go of it).

As a preliminary step to putting together this rundown, I wrote up and examined my own early experiences with levitation in this lifetime. This write-up is included here as background information.

-- Background --

Most of my few early experiences with levitation were one of a kind miraculous happenings that could not be repeated or experimented with. However, there was an exception in the form of Table Tipping seances that my family used to do at home when I was in my teens. In this, a crowd sits around a table (usually a light card table) chanting "Table Up" for many many hours until the table floats up (either tilting or floating completely). This really does work. I even tried it once with two other kids to make sure the adults weren't fooling us. Note that we never had any professional mediums involved in this. It can be done consistently if you persist long enough (but it is a truly long time). We never knew if we were pulling in some spirit between bodies or just getting an unknowing group effect. We would ask the table questions (having it dip once for yes and twice for no), but there was little accuracy to the responses.

I don't particularly recommend this practice (you might be pulling in undesirable spirits, or messing with other undiscovered stuff, and it does little good for your case), but there are a couple things I observed from it.

First, there would not be a single twitch (nothing encouraging whatsoever) for most of the time spent chanting. In other words, we would be 90% there and nothing would be happening. Once we got the first true twitch, there would be only a few minutes of twitching and then the table would rise cleanly into the air in a very precise manner with no shaking or wavering at all. If anyone raised one finger off the table, it would drop like a stone. Sometimes one of us would be around but not in the seance. In that case, we would often have them go over and try to push down on the table. When I tried this, it felt like pushing down on a float in the water. It took considerable force to get it down by an inch or two.

Also, there was an oddness to the feel of the energy, and the feel of the table, and the way it moved. It did not seem at all like someone invisible was lifting it or like it was being moved by mechanical means. It also didn't have the snap of a strong magnetic field, but it did have some similarities to motions induced by light electrostatic charges in lab experiments I did in school. Since nobody's hair stood on end, it would not actually have been electrostatic, but the similarity implies an energy field of some sort. My impression is that a field permeated the table and moved it rather than some beam coming down and pulling it up. One could feel a faint energy flow through one's hands to the table and a bit of attraction between the table and the hands (you had to forcefully pull your hand off to break contact).

From this, I would conclude that although it might be possible to lift an ashtray with an energy beam, it might be easier to permeate the ashtray and move it upwards that way.

Another conclusion is that there will not be a twitch until your 90% of the way there. This is not good for auditing. Let's say that right now, you can grab an ashtray theta-wise and lift 5%. Then you do some drills and you come upscale to lifting 20%. But the ashtray doesn't even twitch, so you invalidate the gain and drop back down to 5% where you were before.

I think this happens constantly whenever anyone tries to levitate things. You could get up to an 80% level and still see no results and simply invalidate it all. It's very hard to drill things which are "impossible" because you don't get enough wins and because the universe is continually proving to you that your not getting anywhere.

I don't think that the weight or size of the object makes any difference unless you pick something bigger than you can move with your hands (which brings in additional considerations of inability). I think that when your at the 20% level, you become cause over 20% of the is-ness of a match or an ashtray or a 20 pound weight. Therefore, it doesn't help to use a lighter object. It might actually be harder if the object is too light because it might lower your havingness. So work with objects that have some weight to them rather than with scraps of paper etc.

Also, I don't think you'll see any effects on a weighing scale until your up at the 90% level because the object is in a MEST frame of reference and agreeing with that and behaving properly until you get so much cause over it that you can override that.

TR8 uses a nice trick to get around this. By having you move the ashtray, you get wins and increase your causation. My experience is that when this is done well, you begin to feel like your moving the ashtray by postulate and only keeping in a physical comm line with your hand rather than moving it via the body. All by itself, this might be a 40 or 50% level of causation. You should have enough sense not to invalidate this kind of win even though it doesn't quite go far enough to actually get the object into the air.

The other Scientology process in this area is the levitation drill given in the Doctorate Course. In this drill, you exteriorize and put a beam on your finger and lift the finger with it. Occasionally you vary this by doing mockups of levitating. Once this is working well, you go on to moving the hand and the arm etc. See the tapes on this.

My experience with the PDC levitation drill is that the body's muscles conveniently offset the normal drag of gravity even when relaxed. In other words, if you physically keep the finger totally relaxed (and don't use your muscles to move it or hold it still), it is almost weightless as far as levitating it is concerned. As long as you only try natural motions (which are possible to the body), this condition is present and you can work a beam on the body and move it quite easily.

By itself, this will not get you to the point of floating the body into the air. In this drill, the body is still carrying it's own weight for the most part. But you can very distinctly move a body part with what seems to be only about the 20% level of causation. This gives you some wins and lets you observe how to use a beam and gives you a chance to orient the beam in the right way (rather than reverse vector) etc. Also, you will find that you can feel a comfortable flow of energy in the body part when you do this, it helps with healing etc. It actually makes the body feel quite good, possibly because it is reducing slightly the constant 100% struggle against gravity.

At one time I drilled this extensively and got quite good at it. Then I played around with other people, putting beams on their hands and having them put beams on mine. This works if the person will relax their hand completely and let the other person be in control. When someone put a beam on my hand, it felt quite pleasant and the pull was very slight. I could let my hand go along with it and be moved around, but I was still carrying most of the weight of the hand. If two people take turns moving each others hands around this way, they can see that the other person's hand does go where they want it to without their telling the other person. This validates the fact that they are having some effect even though they are far from the point where they could move it against the other person's will or carry a dead weight against the force of gravity.

Another observation concerns two instances where I did move an object without thinking about it. In one case I pushed a pack of cigarettes and in the other I turned off a burner on the stove. In both cases I was not looking at the object when my attention jumped to it and I got a very clear, very close (within a few inches) exterior view (full color, very real) of the object and just gave it a push without thinking. One of these incidents occurred on a session break while running old OT6, the other one occurred a few weeks after getting power processing.

It would seem that the most important targets would be factors which raise the PC's willingness to levitate, and which improve his reach and responsibility, and the removal of stops which might prevent his doing this. These would be more important than trying to increase the horsepower of his energy beams or something like that. These rare occurrences of moving an object tend to indicate that one is already strong enough energy wise to handle small objects so that lack of horsepower would not be the right why.

Additional theory will be included with the processes in the rundown below.

-- Levitation Rundown - Instructions --

The entire rundown should be repeated many times, but not in quick succession. Do a single run from the preliminary step down to the end (including a number of passes through the later steps as indicated) as a major action. Later, when it seems appropriate, repeat the entire rundown.

The general idea is to do these processes lightly, validate the first win that occurs on a process, and go on to the next step. Don't Q & A with the physical universe or worry about physical objects not moving. Don't keep testing whether you can levitate, using it as a hidden standard to evaluate your gains. You will need to make lots and lots of earth shattering gains and wins on this before something will even twitch. If you decide that you are cause over the object, then you are, even if it doesn't move. Don't believe what the universe says, believe yourself instead. The universe is out to fool you and keep everything in its place.

If you get invalidated or start feeling that it's all impossible, look for an entity (BT, PME, CE, etc.) who is invalidating and handle with the appropriate technique.

In general, letters are used to designate individual commands which are run alternately within a single process whereas numbers are used to designate processes.

This rundown is meant to be done solo only. An auditor can't say verbal commands fast enough to get good results on most OT drills or mockup processes. Also, these techniques are experimental and might well be out gradient or dangerous if pushed too hard at the PC by an auditor. Running solo adds the extra protection factor of working fully under your own causation.

It is expected that you can exteriorize easily and do mockup processing without trouble. If not, SOP 8C or similar rundowns would be a better starting point. Note that all references to SOP 8C refer to the OT rundown (formulas 1 to 8) rather than the opening procedure (see Creation of Human Ability).

2. Levitation Rundown - Preliminary Step

This section primarily contains subjective processes. Some of them may go to major EPs which might have to be rehabbed rather than run some more on a subsequent pass.

In theory, these should generally be 4 flow (quad) processes, but in many cases it did not seem appropriate. The processes of the mid-1950s used brackets (multiple flows) often but not always, so I have used that kind of approach here, adding flows anytime it seemed right but not being rigorous about it. If you feel that an additional flow needs to be run for a particular process, or you get some BPC on a missing flow, feel free to add another flow to the process.

For this preliminary step, get an FN before starting (fly a rud or whatever).

2.1 Ruds on Levitation

Fly the ARCX, PTP, MWH, Eval, and Inval ruds on levitation.

Also check for any entities (BTs, etc.) with an ARCX, PTP, or MWH on levitation and handle with the appropriate techniques. Note, don't work this to death, just get the easy ones. There are plenty of processes in this rundown that will clean up these areas more thoroughly.

2.2 Levitation Straightwire

Each of these commands should be run a number of times to an FN or a win as you would do with self analysis questions. You can work over the list a second time if necessary. The whole thing should go to a nice EP. If you do get in trouble, use the next to the last list of self analysis.

a1) Recall a time when you enjoyed levitating something
a2) Recall a time you enjoyed someone else levitating something.
a3) Recall a time another enjoyed others levitating things

b1) Recall a time when you disliked levitating something
b2) Recall a time you disliked it when another levitated something
b3) Recall a time another disliked it when others levitated

c1) Recall a time you levitated something because it was important to do so
c2) Recall a time you felt it was important for another to levitate
c3) Recall a time another felt it was important for others to levitate

d1) Recall a time you levitated something to create a good effect
d2) Recall a time you felt it created a good effect for another to levitate
d3) Recall a time another felt it created a good effect for others to levitate

e1) Recall a time you could levitate something and choose not to.
e2) Recall a time another could levitate something and choose not to.
e3) Recall a time others could levitate something and choose not to.

f1) Recall a time you levitated something and it improved communication.
f2) Recall a time another levitated something and it improved communication.
f3) Recall a time others levitated something and it improved communication.

g1) Recall a time you levitated something and it increased affinity.
g2) Recall a time another levitated something and it increased affinity.
g3) Recall a time others levitated something and it increased affinity.

h1) Recall a time you levitated something and it was really real.
h2) Recall a time another levitated something and it was really real.
h3) Recall a time others levitated something and it was really real.

2.3 Decisions

Now lets get off some more considerations and decisions on the area.

2.2.1 Recall some decisions you've made about levitating.

2.2.2 Recall some decisions another has made about levitating.

2.2.3 Recall some decisions others have made about levitating.

2.2.4 Write down some bad effects you could create by levitating.

2.2.5 Write down some good effects you could create by levitating.

2.2.6 Write down some games it would spoil if you levitated.

2.2.7 Write down some new games you could have if you levitated.

2.4 Havingness

Walk around and physically touch and let go of objects in the room.

2.5 Help

He's probably restraining himself from levitating because he's been convinced that not doing it is a way to help out other people. We need to run off the considerations of helping by not doing it and then run the earlier part which would be helping by doing it.

2.5.1 How could you help another by not levitating.

2.5.2 How could another help you by not levitating

2.5.3 How could another help others by not levitating.

2.5.4 How could another help themselves by not levitating.

2.5.5 How could you help yourself by not levitating.

2.5.6 How could you help another by levitating.

2.5.7 How could another help you by levitating

2.5.8 How could another help others by levitating.

2.5.9 How could another help themselves by levitating.

2.5.10 How could you help yourself by levitating.

2.6 Problems and Solutions

2.6.1 a) Spot a problem that not levitating would solve.
b) how would that be a solution?

2.6.2 a) Spot a problem that another or others might solve by not levitating.
b) How would that be a solution?

2.6.3 a) Spot a problem that you might solve by preventing others from levitating.
b) How would that be a solution?

2.6.4 Spot a problem that you might solve for others by not levitating.
b) how would that be a solution?

2.7 Problems and Resistance

Theory: To have a PTP, the PC must be resisting the other side and feeding it energy by doing so. I worked this into a command that works like dynamite. It can be applied to other areas besides levitation.

Run command b) a number of times for each answer to command a).

a) Spot a problem that you could have with levitation.
b) What would you have to resist to make that a problem.

a) Spot a problem that another could have with levitation.
b) What would he or she have to resist to make that a problem.

a) Spot a problem that others could have with levitation.
b) What would they have to resist to make that a problem.

2.8 Problems of comparable magnitude

Since levitating might handle too many of your existing problems for you to tolerate, run the following:

2.8.1 Spot some problems of comparable magnitude to being unable to levitate.

2.8.2 Spot some problems that others would consider to be of comparable magnitude to being unable to levitate.

2.9 Connectedness

2.9.1 Spot objects in the room that you would be willing to connect with.

2.9.2 Spot objects in the room that you would be willing to make connect with you.

2.10 Invalidation

This is simply the inval rudiment done on the subject of levitation. However, the area is prone to self-invalidation, so we'll extend it out to 6 flows. Run these with ITSA, earlier similar ITSA just like a general inval rud.

2.10.1 On levitation, have you invalidated yourself.

2.10.2 On levitation, has another or others invalidated themselves.

2.10.3 On Levitation, have you been invalidated by another.

2.10.4 On levitation, have you invalidated another.

2.10.5 On levitation, has another invalidated others.

2.10.6 On levitation, have you gotten another or others to invalidate themselves.

2.11 Resistance

2.11.1 Spot objects in the room and into each one put a resistance to being levitated.

2.11.2 Spot objects in the room and into each one put a willingness to be levitated.

2.12 Prepcheck

This stirs up too much charge without providing enough of an ITSA line. Of all the processes in this rundown, this is the only one that bogged down when I tried it (I wrote up the entire rundown as a sort of CSing action for myself before I ran it, although I had come up with and tried some of the individual processes earlier). I could probably run it now easily (after doing the entire rundown once), so maybe it belongs here for a second pass. Or if you have an auditor available, you might have him run it on you. Just skip it if you're running solo.

Run the prepcheck buttons "On Levitation". Take each reading E/S to an FN. As was done with the ruds, we're just going for the easy stuff and expecting the other processes to pick up more rather than running these buttons endlessly.

The buttons are: Suppressed, Careful of, Didn't reveal, Not-ised, Suggested, Mistake been made, protested, anxious about, decided, Withdrawn from, Reached, Ignored, Stated, Helped, Altered, Revealed, Asserted, and Agreed (with).

2.13 Cause and Blame.

This is from the 3rd ACC. Run a few commands of a), then a few commands of b), then back to a) etc.

a) Spot objects in the room and have each one look up and grant you cause.
b) Spot objects in the room and have each one look up and blame you.

2.14 Overts

Overts are a big reason for restraining oneself.

On each of these processes, spot an overt, then clear it using the appropriate buttons (as in an overt rudiment) including going earlier similar if necessary, then go back to the main question and spot another overt etc. Take the main question to a big cog, FN, VGIs. (this is a modernized version of prepchecking by the withhold system).

2.14.1 Spot an overt of harming something by levitating.

2.14.2 Spot overts of preventing others from levitating.

2.14.3 Spot times when you regretted having levitated something. If necessary, scan the incident backwards. Spot the overt and handle.

2.14.4 Spot times that you were justified in stopping others from levitating. Write down the justifiers. Check for an earlier overt and handle (either an overt against the terminal you stopped, or a similar overt of your own, especially if you think you were really justified in stopping them).

2.15 Validating Inability

If the PC is not levitating, he's probably getting paid not to.

2.15.1 How could you validate someone for not levitating?

2.15.2 How could another validate you for not levitating?

2.15.3 How could others validate others for not levitating?

2.16 Overts and solutions

People levitating causes so much trouble that we have worked very hard to prevent it. After getting some charge off of the declining spiral that results from the positive-negative goal inversion in the treadmill, it occurred to me that we're doing ourselves in by trying to solve the problem of others committing overts. Hence, this process. It should also be workable for other areas besides levitation.

2.16.1 flow 1
a) Write down an overt you could commit against another or others by levitating.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.

2.16.2 flow 2
a) Write down an overt another could commit against you by levitating.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.

2.16.3 flow 3
a) Write down an overt another could commit against others by levitating.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.

2.16.4 flow 0.
a) Write down an overt you could commit against yourself by levitating.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.

2.17 Reach and withdraw

2.17.1 Spot objects in the room. For each one, mentally reach and let go of it 3 times.

2.18 Postulates

2.18.1 Recall some postulates you have made about levitation.

2.18.2 Recall some postulates another has made about levitating.

2.18.3 Recall some postulates others have made about levitating.

2.18.4 Recall some postulates you have made about another or others doing levitation.

2.19 Valences

There are probably one or more valences which you consider are capable of levitating but which you are unwilling to be. We'll clean this up with the SOP8D "safe" command (see Creation of Human Ability).

2.19.1 a) Spot someone who should be prevented from levitating

This is not intended as a listing question. Whenever you get an answer that reads well, generalize the terminal (if not already in a general form) and run the following repetitively:

b) Spot some places where (terminal) would be safe.

2.20 Right/Wrong

There might be some old service facs. connected with the area. I don't know of a good way to list for these, but we can try some possibilities and see if they read.

Test each of the following pairs of questions for a read. If you get a read on one of the questions in a pair, then run it (alternating), otherwise don't.

a) How could you make yourself right by not levitating.
b) How could you make others wrong by not levitating.

a) How could you make yourself right by preventing levitation.
b) How could you make others wrong by preventing levitation.

2.21 Willingness Processing

One of the reasons you stop yourself from levitating is because you don't want others to do it and also because your afraid of things flying around out of control etc.

Your not going to be willing to levitate unless your willing to have others do it as well. So we're going to improve your willingness in this area. To avoid running in the direction of a no games condition, this has to be alternated with a "willingness for self" type command.

a) Look around and find an object you'd be willing to move.
b) look around and find an object you'd be willing for another to move.

a) Look around and find an object you'd be willing to move.
b) look around and find an object you'd be willing for a spirit to move.

a) Look around and find an object you'd be willing to move.
b) look around and find an object you'd be willing for a BT to move.

a) Look around and find an object you'd be willing to move.
b) look around and find an object you'd be willing to have move by itself.

3. Advanced Processes (Space etc.)

3.1 Exteriorization

This is the great exteriorization process of 1953. It is especially good in that it raises perception (especially when run while already exterior) and can be used many times.

3.1.1 Spot some places where you are not.

3.2 Negative Locational

Everyone probably has loads of automatic machinery all over the place that's moving things and holding them still etc. See the general theory of SOP 8C and additional data in the 2nd and 3rd ACCs.

3.2.1 Spot some places where you don't have to levitate

3.2.2 Spot some places where another doesn't have to levitate

3.2.3 Spot some objects you don't have to levitate.

3.2.4 Spot some objects another doesn't have to levitate.

3.2.5 Spot some people you don't have to stop from levitating things.

3.2.6 Spot some people another doesn't have to stop from levitating things.

3.2.7 Spot some objects you don't have to hold still.

3.2.8 Spot some objects another doesn't have to hold still.

3.3 Must Not Touch

3.3.1 Spot objects in the room and as you spot them, have each one say "Mustn't Touch".

3.3.2 Spot objects in the room and as you spot them, you say to them "Mustn't Touch".

3.3.3 Spot objects in the room. For each one, put a beam on it and as you do so, have the walls yell "Mustn't Touch" at you.

3.3.4 Spot objects in the room. For each one, put a beam on it and as you do so, you yell "Mustn't Touch" at the walls.

3.4 Overts on Mest

Agreed upon universes are shared by other people. Although you might say that Mest feels no pain and can't be hurt, you can still commit an overt by running the stuff. Think of a nice lake with children and ducks and plants and things, maybe even a sailing club and some guardian spirits etc. In other words, this lake, which is basically part of the 6th dynamic, is pro-survival to a whole load of other dynamics. Now you come along and commit an overt against the water, fouling it up or something. Its basically an overt of messing up the playing field. This sort of thing makes you restrain yourself from reaching and controlling Mest.

One of the earliest overts, perhaps the basic overt, in the home universe era was messing up the environment of a shared universe. Maybe you didn't like something in it and zapped it just as if it was your own private universe. This gets the other users, who might have liked the mockup you zapped, a bit upset. The penalty universes were built to solve this sort of behavior (obviously, it didn't work).

So we'll need to clean up overts against the 6th dynamic to free up our ability to reach and handle it.

The first group of processes is based on R2-61 in C of HA.

a) Spot a spot where you decided to protect Mest.
b) Spot a spot in the room.

a) Spot a spot where you decide that you'd messed up the space.
b) Spot a spot in the room.

a) Spot a spot where you decided that you'd ruined some object.
b) Spot a spot in the room.

a) Spot a spot where you decided that you'd misused some energy.
b) spot a spot in the room.

a) Spot a spot where you decided that you'd messed up the future of an area.
b) spot a spot in the room.

3.5 O/W on Mest

Same theory as 3.12 above.

a) What have you done to an environment
b) What have you withheld from an environment

a) What has another done to an environment
b) What has another withheld from an environment

a) What have others done to an environment
b) What have others withheld from an environment

3.6 O/J on Mest

Same theory as 3.12 above.

a) What have you done to objects
b) how have you justified that

a) What have you done to energies
b) how have you justified that

a) What have you done to spaces
b) how have you justified that

a) What have you done to the future of an environment
b) how have you justified that.

3.7 Cause O/W on Mest

a) what could you cause to happen to an object.
b) What could you hold back from doing to an object.

a) What could another cause to happen to an object
b) What could another hold back from doing to an object

a) What could you cause to happen to an energy
b) What could you hold back from doing to an energy.

a) What could another cause to happen to an energy
b) What could another hold back from doing to an energy.

a) What could you cause to happen to a space
b) What could you hold back from doing to a space.

a) What could another cause to happen to a space
b) What could another hold back from doing to a space.

a) What could you postulate into an object's future
b) What could you withhold from postulating into an object's future.

a) What could another postulate into an object's future
b) What could another hold back from postulating into an object's future.

3.8 Consequences

Levitating things might have some consequences.

3.8.1 Write down some ways in which it might affect society if people could levitate.

3.8.2 Mockup nonsense type consequences that could result from people levitating (i.e. it might make everyone turn blue etc.). Roll each mockup into a ball and shove it into the walls.

3.9 Objects

Based on SOP 8C formula 5 and 3rd ACC lecture 57 of 2/5/54.

First, Exteriorize if you can.

3.9.1 Spot some objects which are not shooting at you.

3.9.2 Spot some objects which are not coming in at you

3.9.3 Spot some objects which you're not trying to keep away from other objects.

3.9.4 Spot some objects which you're not trying to get to leave the universe.

3.9.5 Spot some objects which you're not trying to get to appear in the universe.

3.9.6 Spot some objects which you don't need a deed of title to.

3.9.7 Spot some objects which you wouldn't mind looking at if they appeared suddenly.

3.9.8 Spot some objects which, if they appeared suddenly, wouldn't immediately drive you away.

3.9.9 Spot some objects which you wouldn't mind having disappear.

3.9.10 Spot some objects which you wouldn't mind having remain in your space.

3.10 Horrible Consequences

If you really did move an object, something dreadful would probably happen and you'd be sorry you did it. So, deep down, you make sure that you don't break the rules and get in trouble. After all, alarm bells might go off or the universe might unravel etc. So let's run out these horrible consequences that your anticipating.

3.10.1 a) What horrible thing might happen if you levitated an object?

Note down the answers. If an answer reads well, run the following on it, when flat, return to the first question.

b) Put a mock up of the horrible thing happening out in front of you.
c) Make it more solid d) Copy it many times and make the copies more solid.
e) mock up more copies, this time changing the colors and moving things around in the mockup etc.
f) Start shoving some of these mockups into the body and throwing some away etc. Keep mocking up more and pushing them around (into the body or throwing away or whatever you want to do with them).
g) continue until you feel great relief or a sudden certainty of causation or total knowingness about the situation.

Then go back to question a.

By the way, the above process works anytime you get the idea that something horrible is going to happen. It let's you blow the silly restimulations that scare you and also runs out real incidents that are getting ready to happen (sitting out there on postulated future track) so that they don't occur. In the rare cases where an upcoming incident refuses to unmock, the process gives you enough certainty and knowingness to sidestep the undesirable event.

3.11 Mockups of Flinching

3.11.1 Spot an object in the room. Mock yourself up as deciding that your going to levitate the object. Mock yourself up as putting a beam on it and then flinching and saying "no way" and unmocking the beam without moving the object. (repeat with many different objects).

3.11.2 Spot an object in the room. Mock someone else up and have them decide that their going to levitate the object. Mock them up as putting a beam on it and then flinching and saying "no way" and unmocking the beam without moving the object. (repeat with many different objects).

Sometimes objects were rigged to explode when you touched them, either as a trap, or as part of an implant to cut your power down.

3.11.3 Spot objects in the room. For each one, put a beam on it and mock it up as exploding.

3.11.4 Spot objects in the room. For each one, mock up somebody else putting a beam on it and having it explode in their face.

3.11.5 Spot objects in the room. For each one, put a beam on it and mock it up as imploding.

3.11.6 Spot objects in the room. For each one, mock up somebody else putting a beam on it and having it implode in their face (the vacuum pulls at them).

3.12 Locational

3.12.1 From where could you levitate an object.

3.12.2 From where could another levitate an object.

3.13 Wasting

3.13.1 Mock up a way to waste the ability to levitate.

3.14 Some more stops

Check each of these for a read. If it does, then do ITSA earlier similar ITSA to FN.

3.14.1 Getting someone to stop levitating your stuff by convincing him that you can only levitate the things that you have created.

3.14.2 Deciding that since you can't levitate, your going to make sure that nobody else can either.

3.14.3 Being ordered to levitate something that you don't want to and getting out of it by proving that you really can't do it.

3.14.4 Being convinced that you shouldn't do it because it sets a bad example for others who would try to do it with poor control and mess things up.

3.15 Remedy of Havingness

Run this on big rectangular blocks of:

1) Glass 2) Wood 3) plastic 4) Steel.

Mockup a copy of the object. Make it as large and massive as possible. Make the copy more and more discreditable until it snaps in. Now mock up lots and lots of copies of this mockup in all directions and have them keep snapping in as long as possible.

Once they wouldn't snap in anymore, then mock up lots more in all directions around the body and push them in. Keep doing it until it feels really good and your havingness is high. Also throw some away. If you can, get big avalanches of lots of copies of the object flowing both into and away from the body. Change the colors occasionally and make the mockups more solid.

Then pick a point to operate from way out in space somewhere. Move to the point and look around. See some stars off in the distance. Now mock up lots more of these discreditable copies of the object and keep pushing them into this operating point from all directions. Be both in the point receiving the mass and pushing the mass in from outside. Occasionally throw some copies away as well.

When you don't give a damn about the mass of the object anymore, make the copy nicer until it either snaps in again or it seems very interesting and worth having. Then go on with the process.

Keep this up until you can easily have or not have extremely beautiful, wonderful, aesthetic copies of the Object.

4. Energy

A bit of cleanup on the subject of energy will also be needed. This is not intended as a complete handling, that would be a full rundown all by itself.

4.1 Ruds

Fly the ARCX, PTP, and MWH Rud "On Using Energy"

4.2 Straightwire

4.2.1 Recall controlling Energy

4.2.2 Recall another controlling energy

4.2.3 Recall others controlling energy

4.3 Prepcheck

Skip this step if you're running solo (see my earlier discussion).

Run the prepcheck buttons "On Energy". Take each reading E/S to FN.

4.4 Starting and stopping energy

Go around the house and start and stop energy flows by turning things on and off. Notice the flow when you turn something on and the no flow when you turn something off. Start with a water faucet where the flow is visible and then do light switches etc. until you feel good about starting and stopping energy flows.

4.5 Overts

Overts are a big reason for restraining oneself.

On each of these processes, spot an overt, then clear it using the appropriate buttons (as in an overt rudiment) including going earlier similar if necessary, then go back to the main question and spot another overt etc. Take the main question to a big cog, FN, VGIs. (this is a modernized version of prepchecking by the withhold system).

4.5.1 Spot an overt of harming something by creating energy.

4.5.2 Spot overts of preventing others from creating energy.

4.5.3 Spot times when you regretted having created some energy. If necessary, scan the incident backwards. Spot the overt and handle.

4.5.4 Spot times that you were justified in stopping others from creating energy. Write down the justifiers. Check for an earlier overt and handle (either an overt against the terminal you stopped, or a similar overt of your own, especially if you think you were really justified in stopping them).

4.6 Locational

4.6.1 Spot some places where energy is not.

4.7 Validating Inability

If the PC is not creating energy, he's probably getting paid not to.

4.7.1 How could you validate someone for not creating energy?

4.7.2 How could another validate you for not creating energy?

4.7.3 How could others validate others for not creating energy?

4.8 Overts and solutions

People creating energy causes so much trouble that we have worked very hard to prevent it.

4.8.1 flow 1
a) Write down an overt you could commit against another or others by creating energy.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.

4.8.2 flow 2
a) Write down an overt another could commit against you by creating energy.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.

4.8.3 flow 3
a) Write down an overt another could commit against others by creating energy.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.

4.8.4 flow 0.
a) Write down an overt you could commit against yourself by creating energy.
b) How could that be solved or prevented.

4.9 Havingness

The two commands are run alternately.

a) Spot some energy in the room.
b) spot some energy outside of the room.

4.10 Valences

There are probably one or more valences which you consider are capable of creating energy but which you are unwilling to be. We'll clean this up with the SOP8D "safe" command (see Creation of Human Ability).

4.10.1 a) Spot someone who should be prevented from creating energy

This is not intended as a listing question. Whenever you get an answer that reads well, generalize the terminal (if not already in a general form) and run the following repetitively:

b) Spot some places where (terminal) would be safe.

4.11 Wasting Energy

The PC probably can't put out a beam because he can't waste or let go of any energy, he needs to hang on to every drop. The following command is based on the Money Process.

4.11.1 Mock up a way to waste energy.

4.12 Some more energy processes

Loosely based on SOP 8C theory.

4.12.1 Spot some places where energy is not.

4.12.2 Spot some energy that is not hitting you right now.

4.12.3 Spot some places where you are not putting energy.

4.12.4 Spot some energy that you could have.

4.12.5 Spot some energy that you could permit to remain where it is.

4.12.6 Spot some energy that you could permit to vanish.

4.12.7 Spot some energy that you could disagree with.

4.12.8 Spot some energy which, if it appeared suddenly, wouldn't immediately drive you away.

4.13 Remedy of Havingness

Run remedy of havingness as given in the last process of section 3 above on large masses of energy (big globules of force) and energy sources like suns.

---- More energy processes ----

(Aug 1996, since doing this rundown, I came up with some more processes on energy and tried them. I have dug them out of my notes and added them here. The best one was the energy beam drill which I have already included in an earlier section of this write-up).

4.14 Ownership

Energy seems to respond better to ownership processing than to havingness because the idea that all the energy belongs to the MEST universe is very deeply ingrained.

a) Spot some energies that you could own
b) Spot some energies that you would be willing for another to own
c) Spot some energies that you would be willing to give to another
d) Spot some energies that you would be willing for another to give to you
e) Spot some energies that you would be willing for another to give to others

Run alternately.

4.15 Putting energy in the walls.

Just putting the idea of heat or cold or electricity or radiation into the walls doesn't work well because these things are really manifestations of particle motion in this universe. So when you do this, ALWAYS mockup the idea of particles in motion in addition to the concept of the energy itself. Until I hit this trick, trying to postulate heat or whatever into the walls had a strong tendency to make me anaten. If you just put the idea of heat in the walls, it causes automatic machinery to mockup the motion for you and that is undesirable in this process.

Push waves of various kinds of energy into walls and objects in all directions, paying special attention to postulating particles in motion which will create these effects. Run this both in the room, and exterior over the city.

Do this for the following types of energy (more can be added):

a) particles in motion
b) heat
c) cold
d) electrical
e) explosive vibrations (lots of tiny explosions making a heavy vibration including sound and shaking)
f) radiation (start with light, then do nuclear as well)
g) gravity (as lots of tiny implosions making a sucking vacuum wave)

4.16 Trio

a) spot some energy you could like
b) spot some energy you would permit to continue
c) spot some energy you would permit to vanish

Run alternately.

4.17 Command Value

Energy waves have been used extensively in implanting, which is one reason we want nothing more to do with it. So lets separate the thoughts from the abberated force.

Spot various energies in the physical universe and mock it up as saying various nonsensical things.

4.18 Positive value

We mistakenly think of energy as destructive.

Look around and find useful or constructive energies. Do this using the body until you feel happy about the existence of energy. Then do it again, exterior, floating over the city and countryside.

---- end of insert -----
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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.


5. Levitation Rundown - continued

5. Handling of Gravity and other Advanced Phenomena

5.1 Exteriorization

This is the 1954 exteriorization process used in the 5th ACC among other places.

5.1.1 Alternately spot 3 points in the body and 3 points outside of the body.

5.2 Falling Upwards

This is based on some theories from the 2nd ACC.

5.2.1 Mockup objects (boxes, cans, cars, planes, etc.) on the ground outside and have them fall upwards into the sky and out into space.

5.2.2 Spot objects in the room. For each one, do a mockup of it falling upwards threw the ceiling and out through the sky.

5.2.3 Exteriorize and spot large objects around the world; tall buildings, mountains, monuments, etc. For each, have it fall upwards into the sky.

5.2.4 Mockup squished dead bodies lying on the ground (male, female, old, young, etc.). For each one, mock it up as pulling back together and falling up into the sky (i.e., run falling and going splat in reverse).

5.2.5 Mockup being very high in the air in a meat body and falling down to the ground and going splat. Then float up from the body and say "boy that was fun, let's try again". Do this with various types of meat bodies. Continue until flat. You should come up through the exhilaration of splattering various types of bodies until you can take it or leave it.

5.3 Reach and Withdraw from Gravity

a) Reach for the center of the Earth.
b) Let go of it.

a) Have others reach for the center of the Earth.
b) Have them let go of it.

a) Spot objects in the room. Have each one reach for the center of the Earth and let go of it.

5.4 Keeping the Earth from Going Away

a) Reach for the Center of the Earth and keep it from going away.
b) let go of it.
c) Have the Earth acknowledge you for doing this.

a) Have the Earth keep you from going away.
b) acknowledge the earth for this and have the acknowledgment end the cycle.
c) Have the Earth feel relieved.

a) Have others reach for the center of the earth and keep it from going away.
b) have them let go of it.
c) Have the earth acknowledge them for doing this.

a) Have the earth keep others from going away.
b) Have others acknowledge the earth for this and have the acknowledgment end the cycle.
c) have the earth feel relieved.

a) Have objects on the surface of the earth keep the earth from going away.
b) You acknowledge them for this and have them let go.
c) Have the earth acknowledge them for letting go.

a) Have the earth keep the objects on its surface from going away.
b) you acknowledge the earth for doing this and have the acknowledgment end the cycle.
c) Have the earth feel relieved.

5.5 Meaningness Processing

As a preliminary step, run or rehab the process of putting meanings into the walls. This is done on a group processing tape in the Anatomy of the Spirit of Man congress (ASMC-6, 1955) (the congress was repeated worldwide as the "October Congress" in 1969). The process is as follows:

5.5.1 Put "This Means ...." into the walls, floor, and ceiling. You fill in the blank. Invent things like "This means it's Tuesday" and "This means I'm hungry" etc.

The following variation is addressed specifically towards handling gravity.

a) Have the center of the Earth tell you "This means ..." and you acknowledge it.
b) You tell the center of the earth "this means ..." and have the earth acknowledge you.

a) Have the center of the Earth tell other people "This means ...". Have them acknowledge it.
b) Have other people tell the center of the earth "This means ..." and have the earth acknowledge them.

a) Have the Center of the Earth tell objects on the surface "This means ...". Have the objects all acknowledge it together.
b) Have the objects on the surface all say together "This means ..." to the center of the earth. Have it acknowledge them.

5.6 Perception

It might help to improve one's perception of the objects one is trying to move. This really belongs in a perception rundown, but we can use it here anyway.

Early tech was that a black or invisible field comes from incidents where one is looking at blackness etc. This is not the primary why (although it is the case occasionally). The main reason the PC has a black field is that he postulated blackness to not-is something he didn't want to see. His effort to make things go black is far senior to any motivators of blackness.

5.6.1 With your eyes open, spot objects in the room. For each one, push blackness onto it and then pull the blackness off again 3 times.

5.6.2 Repeat 5.6.1 with your eyes closed.

5.6.3 With your eyes open, spot objects in the room. For each one, push invisibility over it and then pull the invisibility off again 3 times.

5.6.4 Repeat 5.6.3 with your eyes closed.

5.7 Frames of Reference

You could think of a frame of reference as a way of looking at life or an intertwining set of consideration. There's really a lot more to this which will be covered in its own write-up.

a) Spot some frames of reference from which it would be reasonable for you to levitate an object.
b) Spot some frames of reference from which it would be unreasonable for you to levitate an object.

a) Spot some frames of reference from which it would be reasonable for another to levitate an object.
b) Spot some frames of reference from which it would be unreasonable for another to levitate an object.

a) Spot some frames of reference from which it would be reasonable for you to create some energy.
b) Spot some frames of reference from which it would be unreasonable for you to create some energy.

a) Spot some frames of reference from which it would be reasonable for another to create some energy.
b) Spot some frames of reference from which it would be unreasonable for another to create some energy.

5.8 Walls

5.8.1 Spot objects in the environment. For each object, put a beam on it, then have the walls, ceiling, and floor tell you "Your degraded for doing that".

5.8.2 reverse the flow. Touch objects in the environment with beams and you tell the walls, ceiling, & floor "Your degraded for doing that".

5.8.3 Touch objects in the environment with beams and have the walls, ceiling, & floor laugh and say "you can't do that".

5.8.4 Reverse the flow. Touch objects in the environment with beams and flow laughter and "you can't do that" into the walls, ceiling, and floor while your doing it.

5.9 Being Safe

5.9.1 How could not levitating make you safe.

5.9.2 How could not levitating make another safe.

5.9.3 How could not levitating make others safe.

5.10 Terror

In the old days, an object starting to move around might herald the beginning of an attack by an unseen spirit. In the theta MEST wars, the body people were harassed by free thetans, your first warning that one of these thetans was around might be an object suddenly taking off and flying at you. In the magic era, an enemy wizard might start moving things in your space or a demon might show up to haul you off to hell. In recent times, an object moving might mean that a ghost or the undead or something are around and are 'gonna get you'.

As a result, there is a terror connected with objects moving and you have all sorts of defenses rigged up to prevent this from happening. If you did make an object twitch, you'd probably scare yourself to death. The body can get really frightened too.

We'll start with some recalls.

5.10.1 Recall another scaring you by levitating something in your space.

5.10.2 Recall scaring another by levitating something in their space.

5.10.3 Recall others scaring others by levitating things in each other's space.

5.10.4 Recall scaring yourself by levitating something.

5.11 Further handling of fear of levitating

5.11.1 Put fear of levitating into the walls, furniture, and other objects in the room. Get this up to a real feeling of terror. Keep at it until it becomes humorous.

5.11.2 Spot an object in the room. Mock up the idea that it is beginning to twitch. Then have the walls and furniture become terrified and suppress the motion. Repeat.

5.11.3 Spot an object in the room. Mock up the idea that the object is beginning to twitch. Now mockup that you become terrified and suppress the motion. Repeat.

5.11.4 Spot an object in the room. Mock up the idea that the object is beginning to twitch. Mock up crowds of people all over the city noticing it on a subconscious level, becoming terrified, and suppressing the motion. Repeat.

5.12 Handling whoever is afraid

Check for BTs, PMEs, etc. who would be afraid if something was to be levitated and handle with the appropriate techniques.

5.13 Tearing Reality

Early on the track, one could tear the space/time fabric of a story universe and mess it up (like accidentally tearing a nice book). Since there wouldn't be anything postulated outside of the story, you'd only find blackness in the tear.

Later implants tried to stop people from levitating things by implanting false data to convince you that the real universe was a story universe that would tear if you messed with it.

5.13.1 Spot objects in the room. For each one, mockup putting a beam on it and pulling at it. Mockup a tear appearing between the object and whatever it is sitting on. Have blackness start poring out of this tear. Then you push it all back together and leave it alone.

5.13.2 Spot times when you tore a story universe. Spot any regret or feeling of shame in the incident. Spot whether or not you were invalidated for doing it. Spot whether or not you tried to hide the fact that you did it. Spot any decisions or postulates you made at the time.

5.13.3 Spot times you invalidated others for tearing story universes.

5.13.4 Spot times when others invalidated others for tearing story universes.

5.14 Spoiling the Game

5.14.1 Spot objects in the room. For each one, decide to levitate it. Then change your mind and decide not to because it would spoil the game.

5.15 Trust

5.15.1 Spot some people you could trust with the ability to levitate.

5.15.2 Spot some people who would be safe if you had the ability to levitate.

5.16 Ext/Int

The processes in this and the next section are based on 3rd ACC lectures 48 and 49 of 1 Feb 54.

5.16.1 Spot objects in the room. For each one, interiorize into it and exteriorize from it a number of times.

5.16.2 Spot objects in the room. For each one, mockup other thetans interiorizing into it and exteriorizing from it a number of times.

5.16.3 Exteriorize and look around the country. It's OK if your perceptions are vague, just get what you can. Spot large masses such as buildings, mountains, etc. For each one, interiorize into it and exteriorize from it a number of times.

5.16.4 Exteriorize and look around the country. Spot large masses such as buildings, mountains, etc. For each one, mock up other thetans interiorizing into it and exteriorizing from it a number of times.

5.16.5 Run alternately on the Earth and the moon. Interiorize into and exteriorize from the center of the planet a number of times.

5.16.6 run alternately on the Earth and the moon. Mockup other thetans interiorizing into and exteriorizing from the center of the planet a number of times.

5.17 Certainty Processing

See certainty processing in CofHA.

a) Get the certainty that objects can be levitated.
b) Get the certainty that objects cannot be levitated.

a) Get the certainty that you can levitate objects.
b) get the certainty that you cannot levitate objects.

a) Get the certainty that others can levitate objects.
b) Get the certainty that others cannot levitate objects.

a) Get the certainty that you can generate force.
b) Get the certainty that you cannot generate force.

a) Get the certainty that others can generate force.
b) Get the certainty that others cannot generate force.

a) Get the certainty that you must levitate things.
b) Get the certainty that you must not levitate things.

5.18 Havingness

Mockup a copy of the Earth. Make it as large and massive as possible. Make the copy more and more discreditable until it snaps in. Now mock up lots and lots of copies of this mockup in all directions and have them keep snapping in as long as possible.

Once they wouldn't snap in anymore, then mock up lots more in all directions around the body and push them in. Keep doing it until it feels really good and your havingness is high.

Then pick a point to operate from way out in space somewhere. Move to the point and look around. See some stars off in the distance. Now mock up lots more of these discreditable copies of the Earth and keep pushing them into this operating point from all directions. Be both in the point receiving the mass and pushing the mass in from outside. Occasionally throw some copies of the earth away as well.

When you don't give a damn about the mass of the earth anymore, make the copy nicer until it either snaps in again or it seems very interesting and worth having. Then go on with the process.

Keep this up until you can easily have or not have extremely beautiful, wonderful, aesthetic copies of the Earth in great quantities.

6. Union Station Processing

This is run where there are a lot of people walking around. The processes are based on R2-46. This step could be delayed and done between steps 5 and 6 or between steps 6 and 7 if that is more convenient.

6.1 Postulate an inability to levitate into people.

6.2 Postulate an ability to levitate into people.

6.3 Grant people the right to levitate

6.4 Have people grant you the right to levitate

6.5 Postulate a lack of energy into people.

6.6 Postulate lots of energy into people.

6.7 Postulate being a source of energy into people.

6.8 Grant people the right to generate energy.

6.9 Have people grant you the right to generate energy.

6.10 Postulate a lack of havingness into people.

6.11 Postulate lots of havingness into people.

6.12 Postulate being a source of havingness into people.

6.13 Grant people the right to create matter.

6.14 Have people grant you the right to create matter.

6.15 Postulate a lack of space (collapsed space) into people.

6.16 Postulate lots of space into people.

6.17 Postulate being a source of space into people.

6.18 Grant people the right to generate space.

6.19 Have people grant you the right to generate space.

6.20 Postulate a lack of time (not enough time) into people.

6.21 Postulate lots of time into people.

6.22 Postulate being a source of time into people.

6.23 Grant people the right to generate their own time (independent of Mest time).

6.24 Have people grant you the right to generate your own time.

7. Machinery and Other Stops

7.1 Check for any PMEs (Programmed Machine Entities) which are
a) being levitation machinery;
b) being broken levitation machinery;
c) being machinery that blocks levitation

Handle each one found (spot being made into a machine, spot the first time, who are you). If CEs or any other types of entities turn up while doing this, handle them as well.

There will generally be a lot of this machinery, especially in the 3rd eye position in the forehead.

Note that it is undesirable to use machinery built out of beings even if it can be made to work properly (usually it is broken or out of control anyway).

7.2 Remedy of Havingness.

Blowing PME type machinery drops havingness since the machines blow, so you need to offset this with havingness. You should be able to mock up whatever machinery you do like to have around and make it persist if you want.

So run remedy of havingness by mocking up levitation machinery, making it more solid, and then pushing it into the body. Begin with broken levitation machinery (make it decrepit enough to snap into the body). Then gradually improve the machinery until it is highly aesthetic good working machinery. Do this from many different angles (above, below, infront, in back, etc.) and also push it up into the body from the past and down from the future and from non-physical-universe directions. The levitation machinery looks like whatever you think it should look like. Note that after running this for awhile, there is a tendency to cognite on the way good quality machinery should look. Also waste some machinery occasionally (throw it off into space etc.) in addition to pushing it into the body. There is extensive theory on this in the 1950s materials.

Once this is flat, go back and do step 7.1 again. If you blow a significant amount of PMEs, then cycle through 7.2 and do 7.1 yet again. Continue until you don't find much on 7.1.

7.3 Energy

Check for any PMEs which are being a) machinery that puts out energy beams, b) broken energy beam machinery, and c) machinery to block energy beams.

Handle each one found as in step 7.1 above

Note that it is quite possible that whenever you put a beam on an object to try and lift it, an equal and opposing beam is put out by a PME to keep the object in place.

7.4 Remedy of Havingness.

Now run remedy of havingness on energy beam machinery, starting with broken machinery etc. as in step 7.2 above. Cycle through step 7.3 and 7.4 a number of times as needed.

7.5 Check for any "watchers" or other BTs or Control Entities (CEs) or whatever that are secretly observing you to report on you if you do anything OT like levitating or other rule breaking activities.

Handle with the usual techniques (for CEs, spot being made into a CE, spot being made to split, spot being implanted with false data, spot the first time you were implanted with false data, who are you - see the CE write-up).

Note that this is the reality behind the "horrible consequences". Your infractions are reported and then the big guns focus in on you (see next step).

7.6 Check if anything is focused in on you from a distance to block levitation, creation of energy, or other OT abilities.

Often, if you do levitate something or otherwise violate physical reality, a watcher reports on you and a "suppressor" type device will be focused on you from some sort of implant station or control bureau. Usually they only try to block the ability, although sometimes they will try and make you sick as well.

Generally these "suppressors" are implant machines which contain PMEs or other entities to mock up the telepathic connection necessary to reach you at a distance. Usually this stuff seems to come in from quite far away (other planets or other solar systems) and might also be in an astral plane or something like that which is sideways of normal reality.

Simply spot the location (usually you just know where it is, but if necessary you can look for and find the line connecting you to it) and handle any PMEs etc. by the usual techniques.

By the way, the crew running these places generally doesn't care what you think or what you do here on Earth, they're just making sure that you don't develop the ability to strike at them at a distance. They're very covert in stopping you, usually just holding an object in place while you pull at it with a beam so that you'll decide you can't do it. They don't want you to even realize that there's anyone to fight against.

7.7 Check for any other BTs, Clusters, PMEs, CEs, Astral Beings or whatever that is protesting or blocking you levitating things or blocking your putting out energy.

Handle with the appropriate techniques.

7.8 Check if you're secretly hiding from yourself and stopping yourself from levitating or putting out energy.

If so, spot where you are doing it from, then spot the beginning of the implant that set this up (date if needed). Then spot being made to split (and being implanted with false data, if necessary). Then look earlier similar and spot the first time.

(Aug 1996 improvement) - have anything you find "point to the being you divided from".

Handle anybody still in the split location (often there are BTs etc. there as well and pretending to be you after you've stopped being split). Then, from the split location, spot (and have anyone else there spot also) the top of the agreements universe and building the agreements universe.

If needed, you can use any other Split Viewpoint (SV) handling techniques.

8. TR8

Hopefully you've already done TR8 to a really good EP. If so, then rehab it, especially the feeling of really getting your intention into the ashtray.

If necessary, get a coach and do TR8 in full.

Otherwise, just do the final silent step of it solo for a few minutes. This is just to dust it off a bit, like doing a few minutes of TR0 before giving a session even though you've already had a major stable win on it.

9. Objective Handling

These are objective processes. In this step, you run them by looking around the room etc. using the body's eyes.

9.1 Postulating Mest Objects

A solid object is much more than just a solidity. There is also space and energy and time (in terms of past and future).

Also, there is a thought component to all MEST. This is not to say that all Mest contains BTs or spirits of one sort or another. This is not true. But there is postulated though as in making the ashtray think the though "I am a wildflower". At a minimum, there is the remnant of the creating postulate within the object.

Another thing you will find is that all persisting objects contain a mystery component to keep them from as-ising easily. This is not a mystery that is about anything and there is no underlying datum to be discovered. It's simply a postulated mystery. It can't be "known" because there was nothing there to know about in the first place, but it can be duplicated to bring about as-isness.

In these processes, we're assuming that the PC is continuously creating reality on an automatic basis and simply having him do what he is doing to bring it back under some degree of control.

9.1.1 Spot objects in the room and postulate solidity into them.

9.1.2 Spot objects in the room and postulate weight into them.

9.1.3 Spot objects in the room and postulate color into them.

9.1.4 Spot objects in the room and postulate temperature into them.

9.1.5 Spot objects in the room and postulate energy into them.

9.1.6 Spot objects in the room and postulate space into them.

9.1.7 Spot objects in the room and postulate thought into them.

9.1.8 Spot objects in the room and postulate mystery into them.

9.1.9 Spot objects in the room and postulate aesthetics into them.

9.1.10 Spot objects in the room and postulate that they have a past stretching behind them.

9.1.11 spot objects in the room and postulate that they have a future ahead of them.

9.2 Reach and Withdraw

This is similar to the above, but here we will reach and withdraw from the various components that make up the objects. Here, you pick an object and then reach and withdraw three times in succession. It is preferable if the 3 reaches are fairly rapid and basically the same. If you get significant change while trying to reach 3 times, then repeat it 3 more times until flat.

9.2.1 Spot objects in the room. For each one spotted, reach and withdraw from its solidity 3 times.

9.2.2 Spot objects in the room. For each one spotted, reach and withdraw from its weight 3 times.

9.2.3 Spot objects in the room. For each one spotted, reach and withdraw from its color 3 times.

9.2.4 Spot objects in the room. For each one spotted, reach and withdraw from its temperature 3 times.

9.2.5 Spot objects in the room. For each one spotted, reach and withdraw from its energy 3 times.

9.2.6 Spot objects in the room. For each one spotted, reach and withdraw from its empty spaces 3 times.

9.2.7 Spot objects in the room. For each one spotted, reach and withdraw from its thought component 3 times.

9.2.8 Spot objects in the room. For each one spotted, reach and withdraw from its mystery component 3 times.

9.2.9 Spot objects in the room. For each one spotted, reach and withdraw from its aesthetic component 3 times.

9.2.10 Spot objects in the room. For each one spotted, reach and withdraw from its past 3 times.

9.2.11 Spot objects in the room. For each one spotted, reach and withdraw from its future 3 times.

9.3 Granting Rights

9.3.1 Spot objects and grant them the right to be there.

9.3.2 Spot objects and have them grant you the right to grant them rights.

9.3.3 Spot objects and have them grant you the right to move them.

10. Exterior Objectives - Bodiless Processing

For this process, you will need a comfortable place to lie down and a different room to run the process in. This is best done at home with a bedroom (to lie in) and a living room (to run the drill in). The idea is to lie the body down and exteriorize into the other room and do drills there.

Begin by going into the other room (the drilling room) and looking around a bit and familiarizing yourself with it. Leave the lights on in there while running this.

Then go into the room with the bed and lie down. You will occasionally need to look at the commands for the next process to run (unless you've memorized the whole procedure) so you will need the light on to read this. You can leave the light (in the bedroom) on or off when you run the drill (turn it off if it distracts you).

The processes to be run are those given in step 9 above, except that now your going to do them without a body.

a) read the commands for the next process or a group of processes using the body's eyes. Learn them well enough so that you wouldn't have to look back at them before you finish running them (only do one process at a time to start with).

b) Close your eyes and relax the body.

c) Exteriorize (if not already exterior). Now be in the center of the drilling room. Note that a thetan is really not located in space at all. So if you've already blown the consideration of being located, then just mock up an operating viewpoint (from which you will project and perceive) in the center of the drilling room and work from that location (instead of working from the body) in this drill.

d) Find and hold the 8 corners of the room. If there's any trouble doing this, then do some reach and withdraw on each corner (one at a time) and then grab 2 corners at a time and then 4 until you can get all 8. It is OK if your perceptions are very vague and wobbly. The room might appear out of PT and inaccurate, but don't worry about it. Just establish the 8 anchorpoints.

e) Raise your havingness a bit by pulling in the 8 anchor points a few times. If the anchorpoints are unreal and massless, then put some big heavy gold balls at each point and pull those in a few times instead. Its OK if the room is still pretty vague, it will improve as you keep running processes this way.

f) Now start pushing big gold balls from the corners of the room into your operating location. You can be in the operating location receiving the mass and also be pushing the mass in. Alternate this with gently pushing waves of energy or flitter (or just the concept of a perception wave) into the walls & furniture & then pulling the wave back (sort of like tapping a theta hand against the wall, letting it sink in a bit & then pulling it back a little, over and over).

g) Now run the process that you came prepared to run. If you have more than one process, reestablish the anchor points (if needed) and run step e again between each process.

h) When complete, drift back to the body, open its eyes, and start from step a above (read the next process to be run etc.). Optionally, you can run a little energy over the body and gradually reconnect to it before making the eyes open.

The above technique can be used with other processes besides those of step 9. We will call this general technique "bodiless processing".

Since the body is in a sleep like condition, there is a slight tendency to fall asleep. This is undesirable. So only run this when your wide awake. If you do begin to feel in a sleepy or dreamlike state, then do more of step f. You can also run remedy of havingness with other objects if needed. Another trick is to reach back to the body and make it feel a little more awake. What happens is that the body thinks it should sleep when the thetan is not using it, and the thetan tends to copy the body's unconsciousness if it does go to sleep.

11. Body Lifting

Do the PDC Levitation drills (body lifting). In brief, the rundown is as follows:

Repeat this for each of the following body parts:

a) right index finger b) left index finger c) right middle finger d) left middle finger e) right thumb f) left thumb g) right hand h) left hand i) right forearm j) left forearm k) entire right arm l) entire left arm

Other body parts can also be run, but the above should be enough.

For each body part, repeat the following steps over and over a number of times. Continue until you can do the steps successfully with speed and certainty. Then go on to the next body part.

A) Lay your hand down flat on the table, (for moving the entire arm, lay down and stretch your arm out).

B) Exteriorize, float above the body part, and put a beam on it. Drill putting the beam on it, and turning it off.

Note that pulling the beam off sometimes causes a flow that makes the beam sticky, so simply turn it off instead of pulling (this is per 3rd ACC).

Note that you can mock up a beam without having to be at one end of it. Try it both ways (putting a beam out from where you are and just mocking up a beam from a point that you select down to the body part).

C) Now put a beam on the body part and lift it up. Drill putting the beam on, lifting, moving the body part around very precisely, putting it down, and letting go (turning the beam off).

Note that you pull it into the air with a beam, you do not use the muscles to lift it. However, the muscles, in their relaxed state, will carry the weight of the body part, so that it is very easy for you to move it around with a beam.

At first your beams may be inverted and working backwards. So, if you have trouble lifting, try turning the beam around and reversing its direction. Also try mocking a tripod up underneath the bodypart and have the tripod extend itself upward and lift the body part from underneath.

If the body part still doesn't move after working at this for a bit, go on to step D. This is a fairly easy drill and you will get the body part into the air after a few times threw the steps.

D) Do mockups of lifting the body part.

You can start with the following, and then vary it on subsequent repetitions:

Mock up a space. Mockup a giant copy of the body part in the space. Make it very heavy. Have an army of men with ropes and equipment come and grunt and strain and finally lift it up into the air. Have them lift it and put it down a few times. Then have them go away and have another crew come with some big cranes and lift it up and put it down a few times. Then have a giant tractor beam come down from the sky and lift it & put it down a few times. Then have a minuscule, vague beam appear and snap the body part into the air easily and put it down a few times.. Then have a golden circle of light appear and make the body part go up and down simply by postulating it. Ball the whole thing up into a mass and toss it where you want.

You can end on either step C or D, whichever feels good.

Ï12. Drilling with an Object

Pick out two different objects and do this entire section twice, once with each object. A few of these drills use both objects together (in which case the one your not running is called the "other object"), so have them both on hand. These objects will also be used in the subsequent sections.

One of the objects should probably be a nice solid square ashtray for the reasons given in TR8. The other should be something different, such as a block of wood or a plastic container etc. Use objects which have enough mass to give you a little havingness without at the same time being too heavy to lift easily. The objects should have some corners rather than being complete circles so that you have some points that are easy to distinguish and reach for.

12.1 Orientation

12.1.1 Pick the object up and examine it. Notice things about it. Put it down.

12.1.2 Compare the object to the "other object". Notice things that are different between the two objects. You can pick them up and look them over while your doing this.

12.1.3 Pick the object up, look it over, and put it down in exactly the same place a number of times.

12.2 ARC

a) Flow some ARC at the object and have it acknowledge it.
b) Have the object flow some ARC at you and you acknowledge it.

a) Flow some "hellos" at the object and have it flow some "OKs" back at you.
b) Have the object flow some "hellos" at you and you flow some "OKs" back at it.

12.3 Ownership

12.3.1 Spot some people who don't own the object.

12.3.2 Have the object grant you the right to own it.

12.3.3 Spot people and grant them the right to own the object.

12.3.4 Spot people and have them grant you the right to own the object.

12.4 Thoughts

Have the object think various things. Have it think "I have to buy milk today", "I want to go out and meet another sexy object and have fun", "I'm going to run away and join the circus", "I'm of French descent", "I am a blue bird", etc. Invent various things for it to think and have it think them. You can use the dynamics for ideas.

12.5 Reach and Withdraw.

This is done with both objects, alternating. On each of the reach commands, do it a few times on the first object, then a few times on the other object, then back to the first object etc. until you feel good about it.

Begin by intending the space (get 8 anchor points) and the 2 objects in the space.

12.5.1 Reach for the solidity of the object. Intensify it. Let go of it.

12.5.2 Reach for the weight of the object. Intensify it. Let go of it.

12.5.3 Reach for the color of the object. Intensify it. Let go of it.

12.5.4 Reach for the temperature of the object. Intensify it. Let go of it.

12.5.5 Reach for the energy of the object. Intensify it. Let go of it.

12.5.6 Reach for the space of the object. Increase it. Let go of it.

12.5.7 Reach for the thought in the object. Increase it. Let go of it.

12.5.8 Reach for the mystery in the object. Increase it. Let go of it.

12.5.9 Reach for the aesthetic in the object. Increase it. Let go of it.

12.5.10 Reach for the past of the object. Intensify it. Let go of it.

12.5.11 Reach for the future of the object. Extend and improve it. Let go of it.

12.5.12 Reach for the importance of the object. Increase it. Let go of it.

12.5.13 Reach for the beingness of the object. Increase it. Let go of it.

12.5.14 Reach for the ultimate purpose of the object and elevate it. Let the object be it's higher self and uplift it. Admire that for a moment and then let go of it.

12.5.15 Reach for the complete isness of the object (including everything contacted in the earlier steps). Admire that for a moment and then let go of it.

12.5.16 Reach for the original native state as-isness of the object. Admire it for a moment and then let go of it.

12.6 Holding the object

This is done using both objects. Run the command on one object a few times, then the other object, then back to the first one again etc.

12.6.1 With the body's hands, grab the object and keep it from going away. Then let go of it.

12.6.2 With the body's hands, grab the object and hold it still. Then let go of it.

12.6.3 With the body's hands, grab the object and make it more solid. Then let go of it.

These commands tend to unflaten each other. After all 3 have been run, go threw the set again until it is not producing any more change. See the general theory in the 16th and 17th ACCs.

12.7 Perfect duplication

Run R2-33 from Creation of Human Ability on each of the 2 objects. run the pair of commands on one object a number of times, then do the other object, then back to the first one, etc. The commands are:

12.7.1 a) Make a perfect duplicate of the object. A duplicate in the same time, in the same place, and with the same energy as the object. b) Now consider that it is there again.

12.8 Pressession 31

Reference: tech vol 4 page 159. Run this alternately on both objects.

12.8.1 Spot some things the object is not duplicating.

12.9 8C on an Object

This is a variation of opening procedure of 8C. Run this standing up.

a) select a spot in the room where the object could be placed. (include places on top of things, on the floor, etc.).
b) Pick the object up, move it to the spot and put it there. Then let go of it.

When this flattens, up the gradient to the following version:

12.9.2 same as above, except that besides picking the spot, also decide how you want to orient the object (where the corners should go, etc.). Imagine exactly how you want it to sit there (do a mockup). Then move it very precisely to the exact position you selected.

When this flattens, do the following:

12.9.3 - same as 12.9.2 except that once you touch the object, try to move it quickly and then let go of it as fast as possible (jerk your hand away from it).

Now let's get some more mileage out of this by using it to run out some of the flinch that most people have on putting a beam on something.

a) Select a spot in the room where the object could be placed. Mock up exactly how you plan to position it.
b) Reach for the object with your hand, touch it and then flinch away (like you were touching a hot stove). Repeat this exactly 3 times.
c) Now, calmly and easily (without flinching) pick up the object and move it precisely to the position you planned for it. Let go of it (in a relaxed manner).

12.10 Remedy of Havingness.

Run remedy of havingness using large, heavy mockups of the object.

a) begin by mocking up decrepit versions of the object until it snaps into the body. Then make many copies (varying the color etc. and making them as solid as possible) and push them into the body from all directions. When this flattens, improve the mockup and push in more copies. Continue until you have a super beautiful version of the object (far better than the real thing). Also throw some away occasionally. Try to start inflow and outflow "avalanches" of the mocked up objects.

b) Pick an operating point out in space (as was done in earlier drills) and repeat the above procedure without the body.

12.11 Acknowledgment of the Object

a) Spot the object as a communication from an originator in the distant past. Consider the object itself to be the comm line stretching through time to give you a perfect duplicate of what the originator mocked up.
b) Send an acknowledgment through the object back to the originator.
c) Now you send the mockup of the object back to the originator (send it back through the track of the object).
d) have the originator send an ack back to you.

As you repeat this, you can spot the same or different originators.

Oddly enough, this process works and produces a very interesting release and increase of havingness. It seems to sidestep the apparancy that other MEST was alter-ised to make the object and it also bypasses the manufacturing considerations. Mass produced objects were postulated by somebody or somebodies even if a machine was used to make vast numbers of copies.

12.12 Int / Ext

Use both objects alternately. Interiorize into and exteriorize from each one a number of times and then shift to the other object and continue.

12.13 Op Pro by Dup

Run this using the two objects as the "book" and "bottle". Place them at opposite ends of the room so you have to walk between them. See R2-17 in CofHA. This is not meant to be an endurance contest or a long grinding run. Just do it until it stops producing change and your feeling quite exterior. Per the 3rd ACC, this process is only arduous if Op Pro 8C is unflat.

a) pick up the object b) spot its weight c) spot its color d) spot its temperature e) put it down.

Repeat alternately on the two objects.

12.14 Granting Beingness

Run these commands on both objects, running a few commands on each one alternately.

The basic idea for the first process comes from the 3rd ACC. The third process is based on R2-31 in CofHA.

12.14.1 Insist that various people are in the object. Use famous people, people you've known in the past, people you know in the present, fictional characters, etc.

12.14.2 Mockup crowds of people in the object, push in more crowds, then have them all blow.

12.14.3 Spot some things you wouldn't mind the object being.

12.14.4 Grant some beingness to the object. Then acknowledge it for being that beingness.

12.15 Enhancing the object

This is run on both objects, running a few commands on each one alternately.

12.15.1 Mockup golden anchor points (little golden balls) in the object. Mockup lots of them, one after another, at very precise points within it.

12.15.2 Cause a large number of golden anchor points to materialize in the object. Have them vanish. Have them appear. Have them vanish. Repeat a number of times.

12.15.3 Mockup energy auras for the object by mocking up energy within it and having it glow with a specific color (it is OK if the glow is non-physical). Do each color a few times in a row on one object and then do the other object. Flatten one color before going on to the next. Do this for blue, green, red, yellow, orange, brown, purple, white, black, silver, and gold.

12.15.4 Mockup quality and aesthetic in the object and get it to radiate its internal beauty.

12.15.5 Cause a large number of golden anchor points to appear within the object, get it glowing with a gold aura, and have it be aesthetic and radiate beauty. Get this all happening simultaneously while you pick up the object and look it over. Notice your own causation in the current state of the object. Put the object down.

12.16 Unmocking Machinery

This is derived from material in the 3rd ACC.

a) Get the idea that your exteriorized and floating above the object. Put a beam (white or golden line) down to the object.
b) Now mock up a demon (as a point of energy) behind you. Have the demon reach out and make the beam vanish.
c) Put another beam there and see the demon make it vanish.
d) Now be the demon and see yourself putting out a beam and make it vanish.
e) Do step c 3 times and then step d 3 times. Repeat until flat.

12.16.2 Then drill putting a beam on the object and choosing not to have it unmocked by a demon. Leave the beam on the object for a moment to show that you can do it, and then choose to turn it off yourself.

12.17 Flinching from Contact with Mest

Run this on objects in the room, including the object and the second object and also various other things.

12.17.1 Spot objects in the room. For each one, put a beam on it. Then imagine the essence of the object flowing up the beam at you. Flinch back and release the beam and say "Yeetch, that tastes awful".

12.17.2 Spot objects in the room. For each one, put a beam on it and imagine pleasant things flowing up the beam.

12.17.3 Spot objects in the room. For each one, put a beam on it and do the following: Have the beam not flow. Have the beam flow something pleasant from the object to you. Have the beam not flow. Have the beam flow something pleasant from you to the object. Repeat.

12.17.4 Do 12.17.3 again but this time have something unpleasant flow but you hold on anyway, starting and stopping the flow.

12.18 Handling Interference

12.18.1 Put a beam on the object.

Check on the meter if any entities etc. are unmocking it or opposing it or invalidating it or otherwise trying to stop you from levitating the object.

Check what kind of entity it is (usually a PME or CE in this kind of activity) and handle appropriately.

12.18.2 Put a beam on the object and check on the meter if an unmocking machine is undoing the beam.

If so, first check if there are any PMEs in the unmocking machine and handle. Also check if any other BTs or whatever are trying to keep the machine mocked up and handle them.

Then copy the machine many times, changing its color etc. until you get control over it. If necessary, you can run remedy of havingness on the machine.

Unmocking machinery is useful, but it shouldn't undo things when you don't want it to.

Now put a beam on the object and have the unmocking machine leave it alone. If any trouble with this, repeat 12.18.2 from the beginning.

12.19 Fourth Dimensional thickness

The Physical universe only uses 3 dimensional mockups, but there is a slight degree of 4th dimensional thickness to it. Imagine a 2 dimensional universe drawn on a sheet of paper. Although everything has only 2 dimensions, the paper and ink have a faint thickness in the third dimension.

Note: sometimes you see a BT as a spark disappearing in the distance while it doesn't seem to move off very far in the usual 3 dimensions. It is moving off in a 4th direction sideways of reality. Imagine a book a foot away from you and then imagine it dwindling in the distance while continuing to be only a foot away from you in the usual 3 dimensions (it doesn't move away by going past the other things in the room but instead it goes away without shifting). It is this 4th direction that we're interested in spotting.

Another note: A 4th spatial dimension would have two directions, just like we have right/left, up/down, and front/back for the usual 3 dimensions. I think that the mathematicians usually call the 4th pair of directions ana and kata.

a) Intend the space around the object by putting up 8 anchor points in a cube around it. Keep this in place while doing the remaining steps.

b) Imagine a 3 dimensional co-ordinate system (as in geometry class) with an x axis, y axis, and a z axis all at right angles to each other and crossing at a point in the center of the object. Then imagine a 4th axis stretching off both ways in non-physical directions.

c) reach down this 4th axis finding the object continuing to be there in that direction until you reach the end of the object. Then find nothingness on the far side of the object in this direction. Pick up the center (physical universe point) of the object again. Then repeat this step in the opposite direction on the 4th axis to find the other side of the object and nothingness beyond that.

d) Reach and let go of one of the 4th dimensional edges of the object. Repeat a number of times. Then do it with the other 4th dimensional edge. Then reach and let go of both edges simultaneously as if you were holding the 4th dimensional thickness of the object between a pair of theta hands.

Once you can find the 4th dimensional thickness easily and with certainty, you don't have to keep the set of 4 axises mocked up.

e) Intend 8 anchor points fairly close around the physical object. Put a second set of 8 anchor points in the same place as the first set. Now take the second set and extend it in a 4th direction until it passes into the nothingness beyond the edge of the object. Then move it back just a trifle so that it encompasses the last place in that direction which still includes the object. Reach an let go of the object in that space a few times. Then repeat this in the opposite 4th direction.

f) Imagine the 8 anchor points in one 4th direction connecting to the 8 anchor points in the other 4th direction. Imagine the 3 dimensional object in each of these cubes and also as a smear stretching between them.

g) Now, with a pair of theta hands, grab the 4th dimensional edges of the object and keep it from going away. Repeat until flat.

h) With a pair of theta hands, grab the 4th dimensional edges of the object and hold it still. Repeat until flat.

i) With a pair of theta hands, grab the 4th dimensional edges of the object and make it more solid. Repeat until flat.

j) Cycle back through steps g, h, and i until the set of processes ceases to produce change.

Note that we are dealing with a 3D object that has a bit of 4D thickness, so the object doesn't go very far in either 4th direction and it doesn't change very much in those directions. At most, things seem to waffle up and down a little as you shift off in these odd directions. This is in contrast to real 4D objects (which are used occasionally back on the track) which have real shape in a 4th direction. Just imagine rotating a coffee cup off on a 4th axis so that only a circle remained in the normal 3 dimensions and the structure of the cup was sideways of reality.

12.20 Advanced TR8

Here we're going to extend some energy throughout the object and lift it up. A shadow or ghost of the object will move. The portion that moves may be very real, or just the slightest trace of beingness of the object. Just get as much as you can of it and don't Q & A about it. It might be 1% of the isness or 20%. Then, use the body's hand to 8C the rest of the object up to where you moved its ghost. End this on a win. As you do the drill, the percentage of the object that your moving will increase and decrease periodically. Don't end off when its decreased, get to a high point on the cycle. The commands are as follows:

a) Reach into the object and spread some golden energy through it. Extend the energy out in 4th dimensional directions to fill the entire object between its 4th dimensional sides. Extend more energy out into the objects future and past until you have the entire object filled with energy. As you continue with the steps, refresh this energy and make it more solid occasionally.
b) Intend the object upwards and move it to a precise point about a foot in the air. (note that your own energy moves up easily, and it will bring some of the objects isness and beingness up along with it).
c) Acknowledge that portion of the object which moved for having moved.
d) With the body's hand, move the rest of the object to the place where your holding the portion that moved. Have the object feel relieved at catching up with itself. Acknowledge it.
e) Intend the object back down to where it had been sitting. Acknowledge the portion which moved. Then, using the body's hand, lower the rest of the object, have it feel relieved, acknowledge it, and let go of it.

Repeat b to e to a win.

12.20.2 Now mockup a space and do a mockup of the object in that space. Intend it to move up and down and have it do so, giving it acknowledgments. Mock the object up as protesting, and you move it anyway. Mock the object up as enjoying it as you move it. Mock the object up as wanting to move somewhere else, but you move it where you want to anyway.

Alternate drills 12.20.1 and 12.20.2 until you get a major win.

12.21 The Interconnectedness of Mest

All this MEST universe stuff is interconnected, the objects hold each other in place with gravity etc. So let's get back some control over this.

Note that "The Object" refers to the object that we're using in this section of the rundown rather than the various objects your spotting around the room.

12.21.1 Spot other objects in the room. For each one, have The Object connect with it and disconnect from it a number of times.

12.21.2 Spot other objects in the room. For each one, have it connect with and disconnect from The Object a number of times.

12.21.3 Spot other objects in the room. For each one, have The Object agree with it and disagree with it a number of times.

12.21.4 Spot other objects in the room. For each one, have it agree with and disagree with The Object a number of times.

12.21.5 Spot other objects in the room. For each one, have The Object be in ARC with it and be out of ARC with it a number of times.

12.21.6 Spot other objects in the room. For each one, have it be in ARC and out of ARC with The Object a number of times.

Now repeat processes 12.21.1 to 12.21.6 but this time, instead of room objects, spot things at a distance including the center of the Earth, the center of the sun, the mass of the sun, the center of the Galaxy, etc.

12.22 Stopped Motion

Solids could be considered to be stopped motion. Also, not-isness is stopped motion.

12.22.1 Mockup the object flying along at high speed. Hit it with a flow of "Stop" (a stop ridge) and have it freeze right there. Repeat many times. Then bundle up all the mockups and throw them away.

Now let's reverse the flow.

12.22.2 Mockup the object hanging stopped in space. Pull a "Stop" ridge out of it and have the object fly backwards at high velocity.

12.23 Universal Forces

Gravity is the impulse of the objects in the universe to keep each other from going away.

12.23.1 Have the Universe keep the object from going away. Have it let go. Repeat.

12.23.2 Have the object keep the universe from going away. Have it let go. Repeat.

Inertia is the impulse of the universe to hold the object still. According to the physicists, all motion is relative to other motion, so that there is no privileged frame of reference for the Mest universe. This means that any frame of motion could be considered to be unmoving with everything else moving around it. If an object holds still in its own frame of motion, it would be moving in a straight line in other frames of motion. Therefore, all inertia could be considered to be an object "holding still".

12.23.3 Have the Universe hold the object absolutely still. Have it let go and leave it uncontrolled. Repeat.

12.23.4 Have the object hold the universe absolutely still. Have it let go and leave it uncontrolled. Repeat.

The universe was built with the postulate that it should keep making itself more solid. This is the isness of reality.

12.23.5 Have the universe make the object more solid. Have it let go and leave it uncontrolled. Repeat.

12.23.6 Have the object make the Universe more solid. Have it let go and leave it uncontrolled.

12.24 The Universe Postulate

To take command of a mockup, even an agreed upon physical universe mockup that is being postulated by others, the trick is to take full responsibility for the mockup and make the postulate that keeps it there your own.

12.24.1 What about that object could you be responsible for.

Keep extending your sphere of responsibility for the object until you encompass the object as it is now and as it was and will be.

12.24.2 Postulate total responsibility for the object. End that cycle. Repeat.

a) Spot the impulse of the universe to hold the object still within the objects frame of motion.
b) Spot the impulse of the universe, enacted by nearby masses such as the Earth (in proportion to their distance and mass), to keep the object from going away. (Note that a and b together result in the location of the object on the Earth's surface where it is held still and turns with the Earth).
c) Spot the impulse of the universe to mock up the object and make it solid (a sort of cross-copied intention coming in from all directions).
d) Repeat a, b, and c above in quick succession until you can do them as a single combined impulse into the object.
e) Repeat this impulse faster and faster. Get it as a wave that repeats many thousands of times a second. Just hold the impulse and get the concept of it repeating very very fast so that it's a sort of high frequency hum, and then make it a little faster until it's too fast to hum but simply IS. This is the universe postulate of the isness of the object.
f) Get the universe postulate (as above) and consider it as constantly repeating and recreating the object in consecutive spaces and thereby carrying the object forward through time.
g) Make the universe's postulate your own. Accept full responsibility for the continual recreation and location of the object in present time. Put out the intention, "I'm mocking it up" and have the universe acknowledge it.

12.24.4 Choose to move the object and then move it. Use the bodies hands to get compliance if needed.

12.25 Teleportation and Duplication

This process is very interesting. It began as a simple attempt to do a mockup version of book and bottle. Then I extended the drill based on a 3rd ACC suggestion to try teleporting an object in mockup form. The two actions done together resulted in an amazing feeling of weight in the mockup. It was the first time I felt as much weight in a mockup as I did in real world objects. Hence the addition of the final portion of the drill.

a) Mockup a space (use PDC spaceation if necessary). Then mockup a desk and a table in the space with some distance between them.
b) Mockup the object on the desk. Postulate into it a reasonable physical universe weight, temperature, and color.

The next two steps are then done over and over, with attention to perfect duplication, always using the same weight, temperature, color, and the same precise position in each of the two locations. Continue until you are willing to go on doing this forever and the object is quite real, and the process is not producing any more change.

c) Permeate the object (which is now on the desk) and spot its weight, color, and temperature. Then have it vanish and reappear on the table (e.g. teleportation).

d) Permeate the object (which is now on the table) and spot its weight, color, and temperature. Then have it vanish and reappear on the desk (e.g. teleportation).

Note that these two steps can be repeated back and forth very very fast and are quite interesting because there is no MEST universe comm lag. If you find it arduous or boring, then the process isn't flat.

When your complete, keep the object mocked up in the space (on the desk or table) for use in the next process.

12.25.2. Permeate the mocked up object and will it upwards. You will probably find that the object has considerable weight. Do not unmock the weight. Lift it up in spite of the weight. In other words, drill lifting a heavy object by postulate. If necessary, spot the fact that you created the object and therefore have a right to move it by postulate even if it is very heavy. Drill lifting it up and putting it down in exactly the same spot until you can do it effortlessly despite its weight.

This drill significantly changed my view of MEST universe weight and strength.

12.26 Templates

This drill is highly experimental and some of the theory may be incorrect.

It does not seem like thetans usually go around mocking up MEST atom by atom in a painstaking fashion. When you mocked up the object in the previous drill, you probably just postulated it there in its entirety without much attention to details. Part of this can be explained by simple copying of other mockups, but there seems to be a bit more to it. Try the following exercise.

12.26.1 Mockup the teleportation exercise again (see previous drill). As you mockup the object on the desk and then vanish it and mock it up on the table, notice that you are really putting up a new copy of the object rather than moving the first one. But they are not two different objects. There is a sort of essence of the object that is not located in space which is common to the object wherever you mock it up. Spot this basic underlying part of the object. Repeat the teleportation steps a few times and spot the object as mocked up and the underlying essence each time.

From this, it seems like there is the object as mocked up but not located in space, and then there is the object as located. In other words, the concept precedes the manifestation.

12.26.2 Now consider both the mocked up object as an unlocated essence and as a mockup located in a space. Copy Both of these many times. Experiment with this a bit and see what you can find out. Next, copy the essence many times and then reach beyond them to the basic pattern that your using as a template to mock these up.

Of course you might have created a pure mockup from scratch, but the odds are that you grabbed an existing template and used it as a basis for the manifestation of the object. Quite possibly, it might be the same template as the template underlying the physical universe object that we've been using in these drills.

12.26.3 Spot the physical universe object and reach and let go of its underlying basic essence (unlocated ) and its underlying template a number of times.

12.26.4 Close your eyes. Spot points in the physical universe object and place golden balls in those locations. When your feeling good about this, extend a wave of golden energy throughout the object. Now reach for the real object behind the object and do the same. Repeat. Reach for the basic unlocated essence of the object and do the same. Expand through the underlying template of the object and do the same. Let go of it.

Note: it is quite possible that your looking at pictures of pictures of the physical universe rather than looking at the underlying reality directly. This is especially true if your using the body's eyes (which have many vias) but also can occur in your vision machinery even when your exterior. This is really the anatomy of not-isness and will need a separate rundown for thorough handling. But you can reach past a few of these screens by postulate. But beyond your own screens, I believe that there are a number of vias built into the physical universe mockup itself (to protect it from easy vanishment etc.) so that even without any not- is of your own, you might have to reach through a few layers of apparancy to get the actual object. Beyond that, is where your would find the unlocated essence of the object and the basic template used to generate it.

12.27 Mirror Processing

This is highly experimental. I tried this out based on an idea that we might be looking at reality in a sort of mirror. I'm not totally happy with the theory and I think there is more to be learned in this area. But the process produced a fantastic perception change, giving everything more depth and color, so its well worth running.

12.27.1 a) Sit a little distance back from the object, enough so that you can see the desk or table it is resting on. Mockup a huge mirror on your right and imagine it reflecting the image. Make it a three dimensional mirror sitting off at an angle in 4 dimensional space and copying the entire 3 dimensional view that your looking at. Now mock up another mirror that is off to your left. Mock it up as reflecting a full 3D space in the same manner as the first one. Have it reflect the space that is appearing in the first mirror.

b) Now look from an exterior viewpoint into mirror number 2 (the one that you placed on the left). Look at it from infront so that you get the same view as the body's eyes have of the room. Then chase the reflection back to mirror #1 (the one you put on the right initially). Turn your viewpoint around so that your looking directly into mirror 1 and seeing the view of the room. Realize that it is a reflection and chase it back to the view of the room that your body's eyes are seeing. Turn your viewpoint around so that your looking directly at the room from your usual position.

c) Now get the idea that the "real" room your looking at is yet another reflection in a 3D mirror. As a being, turn your viewpoint around and look at the room that it is reflecting. When you do this, try to feel for the right way to turn. Once your looking at it as a being, shift it so that it is the view that you see through the bodies eyes. Now get the idea that this one is also a reflection (but a little closer to reality than the previous image) and repeat this step on it. Continue through a number of images, gradually working closer to reality. Stop when you get a perception change, or feel good about the view, or can't find any more.

Note that you shouldn't push too hard on step c. Just run it as far as it wants to go without forcing. Don't try to push all the way back to true reality. This sort of thing goes in stages, because you need to blow the reasons for not-is and looking through vias before you can strip too many of these things off. I didn't really notice my perception change on this until I ended off and went outside. It was very similar to the change that occurs on power processing.

12.28 Ownership of reality (Aug 1996)

At this point you should do the ownership of reality processing given earlier in this write-up, and run it on each of the two objects (I'm mocking it up, another is mocking it up, etc.).

12.29 Lifting drill

For each of the following portions of the object, mentally reach and let go a few times, put in golden anchor points, extend a wave of energy, and make it your own.

a) The physical object itself as visible to you.
b) The real object behind the object (reach as deep as you can).
c) The 4th dimensional thickness of the object.
d) The object's past and future.
e) The unlocated essence of the object. f) The template underlying it.

Keep you energy spread through the entirety of this mockup during the following steps.

g) Get the universe's postulate (solid /hold still/ keep from going away - see earlier drill) into the object. This is what solidifies and locates the essence into being the real object. Make the postulate your own.

h) Now drill lifting the object up and putting it down. Move the ghost of the object, getting as much of the real object as you can and just ignoring the remaining physical universe component which might remain behind.

12.30 Mockups

Alternate the above lifting drill with some mockup processing, including the following:

a) Mock yourself up as a giant, taller than the building your in. Reach in through the roof with your hand and delicately pick up and put down the object many times.

b) Mock yourself up as standing sideways of the MEST universe off at a 4th dimensional angle. Reach into the 3 dimensional reality and pick up the object and put it down many times.

c) Mock yourself up as a big copy of the object and mockup the pleasure of being lifted up and down. Really get yourself being lifted up and put down and enjoying it, like being on a swing that someone is pushing for your gratification.

13. Bodiless Processing

After you have repeated section 12 on each of the two objects, then use both objects in the drills in this section.

These drills are done bodiless as described in section 10 above. Place the 2 objects near each other on a table or desk. You can either place them in a different room than the one you are lying down in (as in section 10) or do this in the same room with you (if you don't have a ridge on spotting the body while exterior).

13.1 Orientation

For each of these, do a few commands on one object, then on the other, then back to the first one etc.

13.1.1 Remedy of havingness. Mockup many copies of each object and push them into your operating viewpoint. Spot the 8 corners of the room occasionally while doing this.

13.1.2 Spot the object and reach and let go of specific points on the edges and within it. Spot the 8 anchor points of the room occasionally. Note that there is a tendency at first to be pushed away from the object by the force of the beam your using, but this flattens. Also, shift the position from which your doing the reaching occasionally.

13.1.3 Run hello/OK on the objects. (you say hello, the object says OK; the object says hello, you say OK etc.).

13.1.4 Run 'keep it from going away' on the objects (a few commands each, alternately).

13.1.5 Run 'hold it still' on the objects.

13.1.6 Run 'Make it more solid' on the objects.

13.1.7 Fill each object with golden anchor points and energy and postulate an aesthetic quality into them.

13.2 Op Pro by Dup

Run alternately on the two objects:
a) Permeate it;
b) spot its weight, temperature, and color;
c) let go of it.

13.3 Lifting

Do the final lifting drill from section 12 above, this time doing it bodiless. Run one object to a minor win, then do the other object, then back to the first one etc. Continue to a big win.

14. Rudiments

Fly the ARCX, PTP, OVERT, Eval, and Inval ruds on levitation again.

15. The Gravity Process: an advanced levitation drill

(august 1996)

One of the biggest stops to levitating or moving objects is compulsive agreement with gravity. It would be much easier to learn the skill in free fall.

The drill is as follows:

Get the idea that the world is transparent or an illusion and that you're sitting or walking on a sort of thin imaginary eggshell which is not supporting your weight but only appears to do so and that you are really holding yourself up above the real surface by means of energy beams which you have been using unconsciously.

Get the idea that the real surface is some distance below you, under the illusionary eggshell. Use a distance that feels real, maybe one foot or ten or even a hundred feet. It should be a distance that you can imagine looking down from. Mockup a solid surface at that distance and feel yourself putting down beams to it and supporting yourself from there.

Initially, don't bother trying to get the full 4000 miles down to the center of the Earth, and don't push the distance beyond where you feel comfortable (even if its only a few inches), but gradually you will increase the distance (always maintaining reality and comfort) until you can reach the whole 4000 miles.

The first step is just to support yourself with beams at some slight distance. Drill this often, while sitting, lying down, walking etc. Just make it a regular thing you do in spare moments and keep the distance comfortable.

When you start feeling good about this, add a second step which is to mockup a beam pulling you down. Put both beams there simultaneously, the one supporting you and the one pulling you down. Gradually work the mocked up "real" surface lower and lower so that you are supporting yourself at greater and greater heights.

You can also occasionally drill this same set of beams on an object. Pick something that has some mass, such as a chair or a desk, and imagine supporting it above the "real" surface down below by means of a beam and then add the second beam which pulls it down.

You will find that you can work a much greater distance with your own body than you can with an object. You might find that you can mockup a 100 feet of distance from your body down to the real surface but only a few feet of distance from a desk down to the real surface. Of course these "real" surfaces hidden under the illusionary eggshell are only mockups (especially as evidenced by using surfaces at different distances for different things). They are a device for mocking up beams of comfortable length so that you can drill it on a gradient because the full 4000 mile distance is too great to work with initially.

The two beams (supporting and pulling down) should usually be kept in balance and to some degree synchronized with each other so that they act as a balance of forces. Also, occasionally get the idea that there is a sort of 4 dimensional wave motion as if the beam were a rope which stayed steady in the usual 3 dimensions but was vibrating sideways in a 4th unperceived direction.

As you get good at this, also occasionally work with a large number of pairs of beams simultaneously.

With this, you are duplicating the force of gravity. Eventually you want to reach the point where you can mock up thousands of pairs of beams stretching all the way down to a point at the exact center of the Earth. If you can get this to the point where it is really real and comfortable, you will have handled one of the largest stops to levitating and possibly will turn on the ability (assuming you have done the other processes such as running off your overts on the area etc.).


Don't be disappointed if the physical universe object doesn't move after completing the first pass through this rundown. Many of the processes will bite much deeper the second time around. Also remember that the gains in orientation and responsibility etc. that occur on these processes are really quite significant and an important step on the road, possibly more important than doing some parlor tricks with floating objects. Just get what you can out of the processes and don't place too much importance on physical universe manifestations. That will come when the time is right.

Before doing a second pass, you should run all the other OT drills given in the first half of this document if you haven't done so already. Also, do not concentrate on OT drills exclusively. Be sure to do case oriented rundowns as well (such as those given elsewhere in this series).

It is quite possible that there are a few other factors that need to be handled to restore the ability fully. If you're up to it and have a good research quality ITSA line and understanding of the tech (see my write-up on research auditing), then check for and handle anything else that I may have missed in the area, and please write it up and pass it around if you do find anything.

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.
This is a random collection of some of the implant platens that I researched out on myself. I found some by scanning for later key-ins of the penalty universes (the goals series and/or the terminals and/or restimulative buttons were often used in later implants) or the agreements universe (not as common), and I found others by trying to correct the half right platens issued by Ron in 1963, and some I just stumbled over.

At this time, none of these have been tried by anybody else and so these can be considered highly speculative. Also, I have a tendency to fool around a bit with an implant, spot some things about it, and then have it come apart so that many of the ones I found are incomplete. I also have a high tolerance for wrong items in these things (I don't have much charge on implants in general and the items don't seem very important) so that I can't guarantee that all the items that I did find are right.

Here I have only included the ones that I ran more extensively or that seemed to provide some useful bit of information and I have left out the tons of fragmentary or disorganized material that I came up with. The real product of my fumbling around with this stuff was to get enough of a view of the time track to put together the Cosmic History which is in an earlier write-up.

Note that it is only Ron's 1963 platens that have extensive errors, and those are not generally used in Scientology. Later he knew about implanted false dates, had better listing techniques, and followed up on the platens in a more thorough manner with extensive team efforts to get the items right.

If you insist on going through these materials in a casual manner, then read the introductions and look at the first item or two very carefully, but don't just skip around glancing at the items in the middle of these things. It might not make you sick, but it could, and it might also leave you feeling upset and irritated.

You probably can get away with reading these slowly and carefully, considering each item, and reading each item again if it seems to have some charge on it, and by re-reading the first or earlier items if you start to feel upset. You really should flatten these items with a meter, but they are not so deadly that you should be afraid of looking at them.

---------- SUPERSCIO #8A





---------- SUPERSCIO #8B






---------- SUPERSCIO #8C




13. FAC 1




---------- SUPERSCIO #8D








---------- SUPERSCIO #8E




The OT2 materials are currently being copied around on the internet.

The version that was read into the Fishman trial and which is the most common version on the net is highly incomplete and short cutted.

The materials included in the scam-iz-dat postings are much more accurate. But if you take all the OT 2 platens they published and also pickup the Fishman stuff and put the full versions of the 15 chapters in order, you will see that chapters 13 and 14 are missing. This is probably because whoever collected them did not run the full set when they did the level. I only ran about half of these when I did OT2. The posted platens match what I remember of this, but there is no guarantee that there aren't a few mistakes or missing items or even some later corrections that were found by the org which didn't make it onto the net.

Modern practice is, unfortunately, to shortcut this level and bail out when there is a major release so that the person can go on to OT3. Because of misapplying clearing course theory to OT2, there is often a mistaken idea that the whole thing is either there or gone, so that if you have a big blowout on one of the chapters and it wouldn't run anymore, they think that its all gone instead of seeing that only the particular chapter (implant) is gone.

They also mistakenly continue to apply clearing course style thoroughness to running later implant platens. Per the clearing course, everything must read and flatten or else something is wrong. But this is a gradient on confront of implant items. When the person is further along, he mostly FNs with an occasional item pair that reads and flattens. They used to see this kind of behavior on rerunning the CC on old OT4 but did not generalize it to apply as needed. Beyond this stage, you often have an entire implant blow out on the first few items. When that happens, you take a quick scan over it to see that its gone and persistent FNing and drop it.

It is a serious mistake to grind over an implant when these things are coming apart easily. It can cause the PC to mock it up again and put it back. But it is also a serious mistake not to check over each implant individually and knock out the last remaining bits that might still be there. It is not an all or nothing proposition. It is a gradient of confront and awareness. Also, sometimes it all keys out very thoroughly and you need to do something else (like OT3 or OT drills or grade processes), but that is a keyout and if you haven't actually inspected the stuff or undercut it with really early track handling, then eventually you'll key the unhanded parts in again.

Realize that there is keyout and there is erasure. An implant can erase on running only the first few items. In that case, you are aware of the entire thing. But when things fall away without being looked at and without a restoration of awareness, then its a keyout. This is a very nice condition and you should go with it and use the clear moment to let you run other things, but don't feel invalidated when it finally keys in again. Trying to make these keyouts into absolutes leads to having OTs dramatizing unrun implants and mistakenly blaming Nots or whatever. And it led to the even bigger mistake of abandoning the entire implant research line after OT2 was mapped out. Despite all the PR, even the clearing course is nowhere near basic on implants.

I went over the OT2 platens (the internet version) recently, checking if there was any more charge (especially on the chapters I hadn't run before). There was only a small amount to handle. But I did find the following which might be of use when running these.

Note that the individual chapters were used as separate implants at various times as well as being used in the big mass implants (as I have discussed in other write-ups).
CHAPTER 1: The Electrical GPM

This one runs on many different sensations, not just electrical. In all cases, the "endword" is the actual sensation. Run the entire platen on each of these. The electrical shock endword used in OT2 is the 5th one of these (included below in the correct position).

1. Pleasure
2. Pain
3. Heat
4. Cold
5. Shock (electrical)
6. Numbness
7. Sensation
8. Dizziness
9. Pressure
10. Suction (vacuum)
11. Glare (brilliant flash, like an explosion)
12. Blackness
CHAPTER 2: The Tocky GPM (time)

This may not be part of R6 at all. It may be used when time is reset.

The platen may repeat on other items such as Earth, Identity, Memory, etc.
CHAPTER 3: The Big Being GPM (survive)

This one also runs on
a) Obey / Rebel
b) Work / Be Lazy
c) Love / Hate
d) Survive / Die

The same implant pattern also seems to have been used with the penalty universe goals. In this variation, a giant face of the penalty universe terminal says the items.

The first one is the God Statue saying "You Must Create", "You Mustn't Create" etc.
CHAPTER 10: The Basic GPM (picture machine)

This platen will also run on:
1. Sensation
2. Somatics
3. Reality
4. Forgettingness

It is possible that it will run on others as well but the whole thing keyed out for me on these. Possibly the original researcher who plotted this got a huge keyout on simply running "picture machine" and therefore thought he had the whole thing.

Other endwords may be:
1. postulating machine
2. thinkingness machine
3. somatic machine
4. reality machine
5. confusion machine
6. forgettingness machine
CHAPTER 11: The One Command GPM (to seek treasure)

There is a missing group of items. Add these as 21. on the platen:
a) Abandon,
b) Do Not Abandon,
c) Have,
d) Never Have.

As given, the platen only has one endword which is "Treasure". This is incomplete. The full series of endwords (the entire platen runs on each endword) includes the following:

a) Treasure
b) Wealth
c) Love
d) Knowledge
e) Pleasure
f) Bodies
g) Glory
h) Honor
i) Identity
j) Immortality

This implant might or might not have been used as part of R6 (incident 2), but it certainly originates in a much earlier time period. I believe this one was commonly used in the magic universe.
CHAPTER 12: The Lower LP GPM (pictures)

The entire platen also runs on "sensation" in place of "pictures".
I see nothing else wrong with the OT2 platens at this time. These were researched very thoroughly and they only missed occasionally when the things fell apart so extensively that they missed some of the later endwords. The earlier (1963) platens, on the other hand, need lots of corrections.
A. Background

In 1963, Ron researched what he called the Hellatrobus or Heaven implants. He issued a number of bulletins (which can be found in new tech volume 7) and tapes on the subject.

LRH and his Briefing Course students didn't work on this very long and dropped it in favor of searching for more advanced materials. Among other things, the implant was very long and difficult to run. As far as I know, he never got back to this one.

He gives a bit of a story on the tapes about how this happened in the range of 63 trillion years ago and had some theories about why the goals varied from person to person. But the truth of the matter is that they only found a tiny percentage of the goals and they only appeared to vary because there was so much missing. They had so many errors because they were running something that was too highly charged. And this was researched before he had figured out that implants included false dates and stories etc. (he discovers that a few months later, but never gets back to this implant).

Back in 1992, I decided to take the platens he had researched and try to run the implant out on myself.

At a guess, there are 256 pairs of items which are repeated for each of 256 goals, which would give a total of about 65,000 items in the implant. I began by simply using Ron's platen on goals which read well and I knew were in the implant. Gradually I corrected and expanded the platen slightly (but Ron's was pretty close) and I still think there may be a few missing or incorrect items, but generally I could get everything to read and FN using the platen as it is given here (see the next section).

The more I ran of it, the more goals I found and gradually I was able to connect them properly in the right order (mostly) and I started getting the scenery etc.

I still only have about half of the goals, and of those I've only run about half of them in full detail (e.g. running all the items on each goal to FN).

After running out over ten thousand items in it, I suddenly got it in the correct context (discussed below) and the whole thing pretty much fell apart. I may have to go back to it eventually and finish it, but with lots of other stuff attracting my attention, I wasn't about to drag back the tens of thousands of remaining items once they had keyed out. So please excuse me for leaving this thing only partially researched. Its still miles beyond what Ron found out about it.

B. The Actual Context of the Incident

Religious implants go way way back. See my write-up on "Cosmic History". Many of the goals and symbols used in this very recent Hellatrobus implant were used in earlier ones and go way back. Some of the things Ron discussed about the Hellatrobus implant are correct for earlier (and generally simpler) religious implants, but they are not correct for the actual implant that he was running with the platen he developed. The implant itself pulls a lot of earlier ones into restimulation and he was pulling stuff out of the earlier ones by mistake.

The Hellatrobus Implant is the one used as part of the process of sentencing someone to Earth and it will have been done to you within the last ten thousand years. It is still being used. Any time you try to escape from this solar system (which some of us do occasionally), if they catch you, they run this one in on you again and send you back.

Ron thought that there was a simple train implant which was used as the "Before Earth" sentencing implant. That's incorrect. There is a section of Hellatrobus that takes place in a train.

The actual process of being sentenced to Earth occurs as follows:

1. You are captured somehow. I think most of us were in a war fleet that lost and we are being kept here while the war goes on.

2. You are hit with heavy energy waves and told that you are a convicted criminal about to be sentenced. You get hit with some pictures of being on trial, etc. but you don't know what your crime is. They tell you that memory of your horrible crime has been erased as part of the criminal rehabilitation process.

3. Then you are sentenced in court. They condemn you to make a copy of yourself who will be punished. You are told that after you make the copy (who will be punished in your place), you will be set free. A heavy wave of force then hits you and then you are standing beside yourself. But note that this is a fake. Its not really a splitter incident. They just put up a doll who looks like you and tell you that you divided.

4. Then they tell you that you are the copy who is to be punished and that they will set your real self (the doll) free if you accept your punishment willingly. I suppose that this keeps a few of the prisoners from kicking and screaming as they are dragged into the next step.

5. Then they tell you that they are sentencing you to hell and drag you down into the basement, which is like being taken down into a medieval dungeon.

I'm not certain if the rest of this happens in an implant universe or if they simply attach some electrodes to your brain and feed you a computer simulation. Either way, the experience seems very real but it does not take place in the physical universe and is not constrained by physical universe mechanics.

6. You're standing in the basement of some underground building at the bottom of Hell. One wall of the basement is missing and you look out and down and see an infinite universe with a vast swirling cloud of chaos hanging in the center.

7. They tell you that you have become evil and turned against your creator and therefore will be tossed into chaos and torn apart as a spirit.

8. But then they offer you one last chance. They will review your history and show you how you came to this sorry state. And in so doing, they will run time backwards for you so that you many have another chance. They tell you "Now pay close attention, so that you can learn from your mistakes".

9. Then you begin to walk backwards, going backwards up stairs etc. (and occasionally down, but mostly up), gradually working your way back out of hell and through cities and mountains and eventually going backwards up a stairway to Heaven.

10. As they do this, they implant goals and items. The first goal that is implanted (at the bottom, facing chaos) is the goal "To Be Ended". They hit you with hundreds of items for this goal as you backup from chaos and go up the basement stairs (backwards). Then they use the same pattern of items for the next goal, etc. Eventually you work your way all the way up to heaven (where they implant the goal "to be in heaven") and even further until you reach the top goal, which is the goal "To Be Created" which takes place in front of God's throne.

As you go backwards, these items are implanted excruciatingly slowly.

11. At the top, they show you how god created you, including a bit of Genesis. Then they tell you that this is how you lived your evil existence, but now you have a chance to live again and try to do better this time.

12. Then they let you go and its like your being released from a slingshot. You fly down the staircases etc. getting all the goals and items in the forward direction. Here they hit you very fast and you go willy nilly all the way back down to the basement at the bottom of hell and fly straight out the opening and start falling towards the swirling mass of chaos.

13. But they catch you as you're falling. They say something like "Here you've gone and done the same terrible things again. But we will give you one last chance. Now pay closer attention this time".

14. And then back you go, up the stairs backwards etc., very slowly, getting all the goals and items again.

They repeat this whole mess three times. You get three runs of the goals and items going backwards (slowly up the staircase) and three runs forward (quickly, going downwards).

On the last time, they let you keep falling and you fall into the pool of chaos. Once there, there are millions of objects and scenes and things flying around you, sort of like being in the middle of a tornado.

Then you see a calm area, sort of like the eye of a hurricane, and there in the center is the Earth and you go down to it to escape from the chaos. And there is a feeling of peace and relief and then you go unconscious.

After that, you begin reincarnating here on Earth.

17 Nov 92

These are the items used on each of the goals in the Hellatrobus Implant. There may be some items missing.

This is based on HCOB 12 May 1963 (Routine 3 RI Form)(new volume 7 page 145) as corrected by HCOB 26 May 1963 (R3 Line Plot)(new volume 7 page 171).

My changes to Ron's items are marked with a % sign. Items with letters are additions. Only one pair, 141C/142C were added by Ron (in the 26 May HCOB), all other additional items were added by me.

The item numbers are those used in the original HCOB. The odd and even numbers on the left and right side of the page form an opposing pair.

=== BLOCK ONE ==== (goal in past tense without TO, i.e. forgotten instead of to forget, ended instead of to be ended)

1. ________ 2. NIX _____

3. ABSOLUTEABLY _____ 4. NIX _____

5. PERFECTABLY ______ 6. NIX _____

7. SUPERIORABLY _____ 8. NIX _____

9. INCOMPARABLY _____ 10. NIX _____

9A. WONDERFULLABLY _____ 10A. NIX _____

11. FASCINATABLY _____ 12. NIX _____

11A. BEAUTIFULLABLY ____ 12A. NIX _____

13. HIGHLY ACCEPTABLY ____ 14. NIX _____

15. RECOMMENDABLY _____ 16. NIX _____

17. ACCEPTABLY _____ 18. NIX _____

19. ENGROSSABLY _____ 20. NIX _____

21. VITALABLY _____ 22. NIX _____

23. EAGERABLY ______ 24. NIX _____

25. ENTHUSIASTICABLY _____ 26. NIX _____

27. ENJOYABLY _____ 28. NIX _____

29. PLEASUREABLY _____ 30. NIX _____

31. AGREEABLY ______ 32. NIX _____

33. DEDICATEABLY _____ 34. NIX _____

35. COMMENDABLY _____ 36. NIX _____

37. DESIREABLY _____ 38. NIX _____

37A. CREATABLY _____ 38A. NIX _____

39. WANTABLY _____ 40. NIX _____

41. COVETABLY _____ 42. NIX _____

43. HOPEFULABLY _____ 44. NIX _____

(powerfullably ?)

45. DECIDEABLY _____ 46. NIX _____

47. CREDITABLY _____ 48. NIX _____

49. DEMANDABLY _____ 50. NIX _____

51. BOREABLY _____ 52. NIX _____

51A. UPSETTABLY _____ 52A. NIX _____

51B. REGRETTABLY _____ 52B. NIX ____

53. DEJECTABLY _____ 54. NIX _____


53A. UNSTOPABLY _____ 54A. NIX _____

55. DEGRADEABLY _____ 56. NIX _____

57. IDIOTABLY _____ 58. NIX _____

59. LOSEABLY _____ 60. NIX _____

61. BADABLY _____ 62. NIX _____


61B. FORGETTABLY _____ 62B. NIX _____

63. UNWANTABLY _____ 64. NIX _____

65. PLAYABLY _____ 66. NIX _____

67. ABADONABLY _____ 68. NIX _____

69. ____ING 70. NIX _____

71. ____ERS 72. NIX _____

73. ____INGNESS 74. NIX _____

75. ____ISHNESS 76. NIX _____

77. ____ATIVES 78. NIX _____

79. ____IVITY 80. NIX _____

=== BLOCK TWO ==== (goal in present tense with TO, i.e. to forget, to be ended, etc.)

81. ________ 82. NIX _____

83. ABSOLUTEABLE _____ 84. NIX _____

85. PERFECTABLE ______ 86. NIX _____

87. SUPERIORABLE _____ 88. NIX _____

89. INCOMPARABLE _____ 90. NIX _____

89A. WONDERFULLABLE _____ 90A. NIX _____

91. FASCINATABLE _____ 92. NIX _____

91A. BEAUTIFULLABLE ____ 92A. NIX _____

93. HIGHLY ACCEPTABLE ____ 94. NIX _____

95. RECOMMENDABLE _____ 96. NIX _____

97. ACCEPTABLE _____ 98. NIX _____

99. ENGROSSABLE _____ 100. NIX _____

101. VITALABLE _____ 102. NIX _____

103. EAGERABLE ______ 104. NIX _____

105. ENTHUSEABLE _____ 106. NIX _____

107. ENJOYABLE _____ 108. NIX _____

109. PLEASUREABLE _____ 110. NIX _____

111. AGREEABLE ______ 112. NIX _____

113. DEDICATEABLE _____ 114. NIX _____

115. COMMENDABLE _____ 116. NIX _____

117. DESIREABLE _____ 118. NIX _____

117A. CREATABLE _____ 118A. NIX _____

119. WANTABLE _____ 120. NIX _____

121. COVETABLE _____ 122. NIX _____

123. HOPEFULABLE _____ 124. NIX _____

(powerfullABLE ?)

125. DECIDEABLE _____ 126. NIX _____

127. CREDITABLE _____ 128. NIX _____

129. DEMANDABLE _____ 130. NIX _____

131. BOREABLE _____ 132. NIX _____

131A. UPSETTABLE _____ 132A. NIX _____

131B. REGRETTABLE _____ 132B. NIX ____

133. DEJECTABLE _____ 134. NIX _____


133A. UNSTOPABLE _____ 134A. NIX _____

135. DEGRADEABLE _____ 136. NIX _____

137. IDIOTABLE _____ 138. NIX _____

139. LOSEABLE _____ 140. NIX _____

141. BADABLE _____ 142. NIX _____

141A. UNCONFRONTABLE ____ 141B. NIX ____

142A. FORGETTABLE _____ 142A. NIX _____

142B. UNWANTABLE _____ 142B. NIX _____

143. PLAYABLE _____ 144. NIX _____

145. ABADONABLE _____ 146. NIX _____

147. (TO)____ING 148. NIX _____

149. (TO)____ERS 150. NIX _____

151. (TO)____INGNESS 152. NIX _____

153. (TO)____ISHNESS 154. NIX _____

155. (TO)____ATIVES 156. NIX _____

157. (TO)____IVITY 158. NIX _____

===== BLOCK 3 (GOAL MINUS "TO", i.e. "forget", "being ended", etc.)

159. _______ 160. NIX _____

161. _____ING 162. NIX _____

163. _____ERS 164. NIX _____

165. _____INGNESS 166. NIX _____

167. _____ISHNESS 168. NIX _____

169. _____ATIVES 170. NIX _____

171. _____IVITY 172. NIX _____

======= BLOCK 4 ( -ing form of goal, i.e. forgetting, being ended) (the ___ING is included below as a reminder and because Ron typed it that way, but on TO BE type goals, it changes the BE to BEING rather than coming at the end. i.e., item 173 on the goal "to be ended" is "those who are being ended" rather than "those who are ended-ing").


175.% GOALS THAT LEAD TO ___ING 176. SOMEONE WHO HATES ___ING (Ron's was "___ing form of goals")

177. % ACTIVELY ______ING 178. SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T WANT (Ron's was "active-ing ____") TO BE ____ING % (% - TO BE was added)






179D. THOSE WHO ARE CREATING ____ 180D. NIX ____

181. ANY ACTIONS OF ___ING 182. NIX ____

183. ANY BELIEF IN ____ING % 184. NIX ____ (%- A changed to ANY)

185. THE PROPONENTS OF ____ING 186. NIX ____


189. THE OBSESSIONS FOR ___ING 190. NIX ____


193. THE CONCERNS OF ____ING 194. NIX ____

195. THE UPSETS ABOUT ____ING 196. NIX ____

197. THE DESPERATIONS OF ____ING 198. NIX ____




===== BLOCK 5 ( odd numbered items continue with the ___ing form, but even numbered items are beingnesses. Ron formatted these beingness items as "____ER", but "A ____ PERSON" or "A ____ BEING" usually reads better, especially on beingness goals. I.E., on the goal "to be ended", item 204 is "an exhausted ended being" [or an exhausted ended person] rather than "an exhausted ender". Sometimes the ___ER form works better on active goals as in "an exhausted rememberer", but even here the form "an exhausted remembering person" is also valid. In the majority of goals, "____ PERSON" works better than "____ BEING" for the first few items and then "____ BEING" will start running better. On active goals, sometimes the ___ing form works best as in "an exhausting forgetting being". In this section of the implant, the beingness items end up as stuck pictures (valences) rather than the vacumes that come from the NIXes. I have omitted the usual % sign in the cases where __ER was changed to ___ BEING).
















219. THE OPPONENTS OF ____ING 220. % AN OPPOSED ____ BEING (% - opposed was added)

==== BLOCK 6. (since he only had a few items here, RON did not label this as a separate block, but the format did change from "__ER" back to the block 2 form of "TO GOAL". i.e., item 220A is "somebody who needs to be ended" etc.)


221. A HATRED OF ____ING 222. SOMEBODY WHO LOVES TO ___ (Ron had "___ing")






229. TO (goal) TO NIX (next goal in series) %

(Ron had much more variation in item 229 because of trying to connect together goals that didn't belong together. This was due to missing large numbers of goals in the original series. He also had item 229 opposing the goal itself (e.g. item 230. "TO ___"). This was probably due to an assumption that there was always an opposite side. To me it seems that 229 was just left hanging there and followed by item 1 of the next goal.).
---- end of Hellatrobus item platen ----

Oct 10, 1992

This is the goals list for the Hellatrobus Implants (Heaven Implants). The correct date is Before Earth (this is the implant used to sentence one to Earth, the 43 Trillion date is part of the implant). In the first run, you're moving backwards. Each goal is implanted with the two hundred or so items given in the Hellatrobus item platen above.

On the first run, the whole thing is done backwards with you backing up the staircases etc. You are supposedly backing up through time. This makes it difficult to describe. For each scene, the first item is at the "end" of the scene and the final item, after you have backed all the way up, is at the "beginning" of the scene. In other words, if the scene for a goal had you walking down a staircase, the first item implanted would have you at the bottom with the staircase behind you and the final item would have you up at the top looking down as if you were going to walk down the staircase. Then you back up into the next goal. On the second run, you are going down and the first item would be up at the top of the stairs and the last item would be at the bottom, and everything will go in a normal direction, but if you try to run it this way, you will be missing the entire first run of the implant.

To aid in running this, I have included the transition item from each goal back to the previous goal.

1. TO BE ENDED. NIX TO BE ENDED. ( a black road through empty space. The road "ends" (first item of the entire implant) at a rotating hypnotic spiraling swirl of chaos). TO BE ENDED TO NIX BEING TORTURED.

2. TO BE TORTURED. NIX TO BE TORTURED. ( going through a black dungeon. Lowered down the final pit to the road through nothingness. Strange things are done to your energy, people reaching inside of you & pulling out parts etc. You come down from insubstantial via a black chute). TO BE TORTURED TO NIX BEING INSUBSTANTIAL.


4. TO BE FLAYED. NIX TO BE FLAYED. (e.g. To Be Cut. You're strapped to a stretcher, normally upright but it floats & twists around. You're going through a hospital ward or a lab. Various demons etc. with knives say the items. In block 1, the nix pulls you back just before the blades reach you but in block 2 you land on the blades and the nix pulls you off). TO BE FLAYED TO NIX BEING NUMB.

5. TO BE NUMB. NIX TO BE NUMB. ( crystal arches leading into hospital (flayed), starts (last item, coming in from frozen) as an ice cave ). TO BE NUMB TO NIX BEING FROZEN.

6. TO BE FROZEN. NIX TO BE FROZEN. ( snow covered landscape, ice statues say the items. On block 6 your being dunked into icewater on each item). TO BE FROZEN TO NIX BEING BURNED.

7. TO BE BURNED. NIX TO BE BURNED. ( burning landscape, path of coals, ashes in air. flame beings to either side say the items. repetitively dropped into a pit of fire, etc.). TO BE BURNED TO NIX BEING UNAFFECTED.

8. TO BE UNAFFECTED. NIX TO BE UNAFFECTED. (there are explosions on each item, very violent but the explosions don't quite hit you. landscape of hell, the ground rolls under you similar to an earthquake. The pictures are mainly of overts, watching your friends tortured etc. while you are being unaffected. There is an uncomfortable feeling of emptiness.). TO BE UNAFFECTED TO NIX BEING HORRIFIED.

(or to be unreal?)

9. TO BE HORRIFIED. NIX TO BE HORRIFIED. ( an elevated roadway in hell with smoking pits and victims to either side. Demons say the items. There is the fear that you will get so horrified that you will snap into the tortures that you're looking at ). TO BE HORRIFIED TO NIX BEING UNAWARE.

10. TO BE UNAWARE. NIX TO BE UNAWARE. ( road through hell, sometimes ontop of a red hot iron wall (the walls of the city of Dis as in Dante?). tortured and burned people to either side say the items and try to grab at you but they are below you and can't reach you, you avoid looking at them). TO BE UNAWARE TO NIX BEING IN HELL.

11. TO BE IN HELL. NIX TO BE IN HELL. ( a series of bridges over flaming rivers & pits, items come from poles on sides of bridge. road "leads" to the hell city (to be unaware) and comes from a cave in the mountains (to be gameless). TO BE IN HELL TO NIX BEING GAMELESS.

12. TO BE GAMELESS. NIX TO BE GAMELESS. ( a gray road in a gray landscape, items come from the ground and gray clouds above. at the "end" (e.g. the first items, leading to hell) you go through a cave with the items coming from grottos to either side.). TO BE GAMELESS TO NIX BEING HAUNTED.

13. TO BE HAUNTED. NIX TO BE HAUNTED. (gray landscape, creatures/ghosts appear & terrorize & condemn you) TO BE HAUNTED TO NIX BEING SELF-PITYING.

14. TO BE SELF-PITYING. NIX TO BE SELF-PITYING. ( rock bridges over ashes. all gray. "Poor John is dead" type flows and feelings.) TO BE SELF-PITYING TO NIX BEING DRAINED.

15. TO BE DRAINED. NIX TO BE DRAINED. ( bleak "tales from the darkside" sort of landscape with dark misshapen trees etc. Spirits hit you and pull away energy. path leads down to a cliffside where a bridge leads out over the chasm of self-pity.) TO BE DRAINED TO NIX BEING IGNITED.

16. TO BE IGNITED. NIX TO BE IGNITED. ( riding along on a cart/stretcher at a 45 degree angle, burning from the inside, flames shooting out of fingers etc. giant candles to either side give the items. much smoke and grayness. At first (around the last items) there is the impression of a funeral parlor. near the end (first items, leading down to "drained" you are tossed off of the cart over a cliff and fall down to the gray landscape.) TO BE IGNITED TO NIX BEING INTERIORIZED.

17. TO BE INTERIORIZED. NIX TO BE INTERIORIZED. (pulled along from body to body in a morgue, snapping into each one, dead bodies on either side say the items). TO BE INTERIORIZED TO NIX BEING BODILESS.

18. TO BE BODILESS. NIX TO BE BODILESS. (floating in a ghost body over a plane of ashes. Nice things lie to either side but they are all colorless and insubstantial and you can't reach them, begins (last items) with floating out of the ground). TO BE BODILESS TO NIX BEING BURIED.

19. TO BE BURIED. NIX TO BE BURIED. ( underground, sort of moving up and down in an elevator. The pressure of dirt increases on the items, you get space (move down from dirt) on the nix. claustrophobic and suffocating. "begins" with (last items) being lowered into the ground by a sort of crane.) TO BE BURIED TO NIX BEING MOURNFUL.

20. TO BE MOURNFUL. NIX TO BE MOURNFUL. ( going through a graveyard. tombstones say the items). TO BE MOURNFUL TO NIX BEING NON-EXISTENT.

21. TO BE NONEXISTENT. NIX TO BE NONEXISTENT. (dead effigy riding on a pole on a golf cart through a mausoleum) TO BE NONEXISTENT TO NIX BEING DEAD.

22. TO BE DEAD. NIX TO BE DEAD. ( lying in a coffin rolling through rooms of mourners). TO BE DEAD TO NIX HAVING FAILED.

23. TO FAIL. NIX TO FAIL. (walking through a battlefield between barbed wire fences, items from fence poles). TO FAIL TO NIX BEING WIPED OUT.

24. TO BE WIPED OUT. NIX TO BE WIPED OUT. (battlefield with dying soldiers who say items). TO BE WIPED OUT TO NIX BEING APATHETIC.

25. TO BE APATHETIC. NIX TO BE APATHETIC. ( road through battlefield covered with dead & dying, mud etc.) TO BE APATHETIC TO NIX BEING DEFEATED.

26. TO BE DEFEATED. NIX TO BE DEFEATED. (battlefield with planes & tanks (who say items) fighting civil war style soldiers (who shout nixes). TO BE DEFEATED TO NIX BEING MURDEROUS.

27. TO BE MURDEROUS. NIX TO BE MURDEROUS. (walking on a wall, like the Chinese wall, above battlefield. exploding bombs say the items). TO BE MURDEROUS TO NIX BEING HATED.

28. TO BE HATED. NIX TO BE HATED. (in a railway carriage running between barbed wire fences in battlefield). TO BE HATED TO NIX BEING IGNORED.

29. TO BE IGNORED. NIX TO BE IGNORED. (railway carriage ? (or poling raft threw swamp?)) TO BE IGNORED TO NIX BEING BLAMED.

30. TO BE BLAMED. NIX TO BE BLAMED. (railway carriage - billboards say items) TO BE BLAMED TO NIX BEING UNCARING.

31. TO BE UNCARING. NIX TO BE UNCARING. (elegant railway car (like 1890's Tycoon's car) with people pleading & starving outside, begins (last items) with departure from trainshed) TO BE UNCARING TO NIX BEING POSSESSED.

32. TO BE POSSESSED. NIX TO BE POSSESSED. (TO BE TAKEN OVER [by a demon]) ( in trainshed, loudspeakers say items ) TO BE POSSESSED TO NIX BEING VENGEFUL.

33. TO BE VENGEFUL. NIX TO BE VENGEFUL. ( in the first backwards run, you are backing downstairs from the trainshed to the harbor, in the second forward run, you would be walking up stairs from the harbor to the trainshed - this is one of the occasional ones where you climb up a little instead of moving downward in the forward direction.) (Old European style (Italian?) houses to either side) TO BE VENGEFUL TO NIX BEING PERSECUTED.

34. TO BE PERSECUTED. NIX TO BE PERSECUTED. (running alongside harbor in the village by the end of the canal chased by townspeople with pitchforks who throw rocks and say the items). TO BE PERSECUTED TO NIX BEING PARANOID.

35. TO BE PARANOID. NIX TO BE PARANOID. (i.e. to be fearful without reason) (floating on dark water with heads on poles sticking out of the water saying the items, at the end (first items) you come to the harbor in the village) TO BE PARANOID TO NIX BEING PURPOSELESS.


37. TO BE SELF-CONFLICTING. NIX TO BE SELF CONFLICTING. (i.e., to be at war with oneself) (canal, cottages along banks. you keep trying to go off in various directions simultaneously. You keep getting multiple pictures of he scenery as you separate & turn various ways simultaneously. You split on the items and recombine on the nix.) TO BE SELF-CONFLICTING TO NIX BEING COMBINED.

38. TO BE COMBINED. NIX TO BE COMBINED. (the body is on a pole in the gondola on the canal. cottages line the banks. copies of yourself (ghosts) fly in from the cottages and snap into the body). TO BE COMBINED TO NIX BEING DIVIDED.

39. TO BE DIVIDED. NIX TO BE DIVIDED. (canal boat, electrical storm, items come in with lightning bolts. stone docks at a distance to the sides, copies (ghosts) of you appear on the docks & walk away, get pulled back, etc.) TO BE DIVIDED TO NIX BEING UNCHANGING.

40. TO BE UNCHANGING. NIX TO BE UNCHANGING. (sailing in a boat/gondola like Venice, heads on barber poles sticking out of the water say the items). TO BE UNCHANGING TO NIX BEING SICK.

41. TO BE SICK. NIX TO BE SICK. (lying in a bed in a gondola on a Venice-like canal, bridges pass overhead). TO BE SICK TO NIX BEING HOPELESS.

42. TO BE HOPELESS. NIX TO BE HOPELESS. (riding down a canal like Venice, items from statues on sidewalks to either side). TO BE HOPELESS TO NIX BEING SELF-INVALIDATING.

43. TO BE SELF INVALIDATIVE. NIX TO BE SELF INVALIDATIVE. (or to self-invalidate). (canal, strange structures on the banks say the items). TO BE SELF-INVALIDATIVE TO NIX GIVING UP.

44. TO GIVE UP. NIX TO GIVE UP. (floating down canal in desert. pyramids on either side give items.) TO GIVE UP TO NIX FEELING MISERABLE. (previously I had to nix being hopeless here in the platen, before that, I had to nix being overwhelmed ? - I might still have some error here)

? (might be missing items here?)

(Electrocuted) (see item 62 below) (Hallucinate) (Terrified)

(Shocked) (Hypnotized) (Motion Sick) (In-Motion)

45. TO FEEL MISERABLE. NIX TO FEEL MISERABLE. (amusement ride in a box that jerks suddenly from side to side) TO FEEL MISERABLE TO NIX BEING UNCONSCIOUS.

? (might be missing items here?)

46. TO BE UNCONSCIOUS. NIX TO BE UNCONSCIOUS. (? maybe a rollercoaster car with plane rides etc. alongside). (originally seemed like open railway car between barbed wire in battlefield) TO BE UNCONSCIOUS TO NIX BEING HURT. ( to nix being smashed; then smashed (injured) to nix being reckless ?)

47. TO BE HURT. NIX TO BE HURT. (in car/cart going down steep mountain road smashing into things). TO BE HURT TO NIX BEING SELF-DESTRUCTIVE.

48. TO BE SELF-DESTRUCTIVE. NIX TO BE SELF-DESTRUCTIVE. (pits line the sides of the road with pointed stakes, rocks, acid, glass, etc. in them. item comes from pit. you step off edge & fall in, nix pulls you off & puts you back on road.) TO BE SELF-DESTRUCTIVE TO NIX BEING TRAPPED.

49. TO BE TRAPPED. NIX TO BE TRAPPED. ( going up and down on a pole. riding on a pole on a carousel horse, bars/poles & fake horses all around) TO BE TRAPPED TO NIX BEING LOST.

(following 2 items might be out of place ?)

50. TO BE LOST. NIX TO BE LOST. (spinning plates? feeling disoriented? - but see to be unbalanced) TO BE LOST TO NIX BEING LOCATED.

51. TO BE LOCATED. NIX TO BE LOCATED. (walking down streets, heads/statues carved on buildings say items. walking down corridor, faces on doors saying items). TO BE LOCATED TO NIX BEING DISPERSED. (was to nix BEING ALONE).

52. TO BE DISPERSED. NIX TO BE DISPERSED. ( strapped to a bullseye on a flying target, things keep hitting you & pieces of the body fly off in all directions & then the nix pulls you back together.) TO BE DISPERSED TO NIX BEING OVERWHELMED.

53. TO BE OVERWHELMED. NIX TO BE OVERWHELMED. ( sliding, falling, being smashed, in the amusement park, this has pictures of other parts of the incident in it). TO BE OVERWHELMED TO NIX BEING PUNISHED.

54. TO BE PUNISHED. NIX TO BE PUNISHED. ( ? - some sort of amusement park ride where punching gloves & paddles hit you as your carried on a conveyor belt) TO BE PUNISHED TO NIX BEING DOMINEERING.

55. TO BE DOMINEERING. NIX TO BE DOMINEERING. (being carried through amusement park in a sedan chair). TO BE DOMINEERING TO NIX BEING CRIPPLED.

56. TO BE CRIPPLED. NIX TO BE CRIPPLED. (amusement park, bumper cars, parachute jump, boat ride into fun house etc.). TO BE CRIPPLED TO NIX BEING SPINNING.

57. TO BE SPINNING NIX TO BE SPINNING. (amusement park, steps. You're on a pole that spins as it hops down steps from the amusement park toward the harbor/canal area) TO BE SPINNING TO NIX BEING STOPPED.

58. TO BE STOPPED. NIX TO BE STOPPED. (amusement park car, keeps jamming in unpleasant places) TO BE STOPPED TO NIX BEING UNBALANCED.

(to be dizzy) (to be unaffected)

59. TO BE UNBALANCED. NIX TO BE UNBALANCED. (spinning plates, plane rides, amusement park). TO BE UNBALANCED TO NIX GETTING WORSE.

(? maybe missed items) (to be self controlled - see 133 below) (to be reckless) (to be controlled)

60. TO GET WORSE. NIX TO GET WORSE. ( in a cave underground. items from stalagmites & nix from floor. stairs in cave. begins (last items) with entering cave from wooded valley).(first item is WORSENED). TO GET WORSE TO NIX EXPERIENCING NOTHING. (was to nix BEING ELECTROCUTED).

(to be drugged) (to be agonized)


62. TO BE ELECTROCUTED. NIX TO BE ELECTROCUTED. (may be TO BE ELECTRIFIED) (like being in a giant pinball game. big fat round terminals on either side that deliver items and shocks. you rush towards the terminal which says the item & then at last moment something rushes down in front of you & says nix & stops you. The terminals sound high toned. in block 2 you hit the terminal and stick and get shocked until the nix. seems to take place underground.) TO BE ELECTROCUTED TO NIX BEING UNTHINKING. (this one might belong up around item 44)

(? maybe missing items) (to be dismembered) (to be worried)



65. TO BE INDIFFERENT. NIX TO BE INDIFFERENT. (being dragged through a muddy swamp by snakes etc. who say the items) TO BE INDIFFERENT TO NIX BEING STUCK.

66. TO BE STUCK. NIX TO BE STUCK. (hopping in mud/tar, you are stuck on the items & lifted on the nix). TO BE STUCK TO NIX FLEEING.

67. TO BE FLEEING. NIX TO BE FLEEING. (to flee). (wading through swamp). TO FLEE TO NIX BEING INFESTED.

68. TO BE INFESTED. NIX TO BE INFESTED. (raft in marsh, lights (like fireflies/bugs) come in & enter your body on the items, has the sense of being infested with entities ( being targ-ridden)) TO BE INFESTED TO NIX BEING EVIL.

(?missed items)

69. TO BE EVIL. NIX TO BE EVIL. ( creatures rise up out of the swamp and say the items ) TO BE EVIL TO NIX BEING UNIMPORTANT.

70. TO BE UNIMPORTANT. NIX TO BE UNIMPORTANT. (walking through a marsh. there are electric shocks with the items which are said by heads on stakes sticking up out of the water). TO BE UNIMPORTANT TO NIX BEING IMPLANTED.

71. TO BE IMPLANTED. NIX TO BE IMPLANTED. ( sitting in a chair being rolled forward, back, spun etc. in a tunnel like the Lincoln Tunnel in New York. The chair goes in loops, upside-down, etc. very fast. Ends (first items) with you stepping out of chair at end of tunnel to walk through swamp. The pictures are of other implants etc. The items come from the back of chair (head clamp) and the nix is from a helmet/plate across forehead. the chair also goes into a transparent tube and you fly out of the mountain and arch over down into the sea and through mud etc. and then back up and into the tunnels in the mountain etc. moves at express train speeds. At the beginning (last items) you are in a hospital wheelchair which changes into the chair that goes into the tunnel). TO BE IMPLANTED TO NIX BEING VISCOUS. (was to nix being insane)

(? following may be out of sequence.)

72. TO BE VISCOUS. NIX TO BE VISCOUS. (stairs down cliffside to sea, continuing down into & under water). TO BE VISCOUS TO NIX BEING PURSUED. (this one was to be destructive)

73. TO BE PURSUED. NIX TO BE PURSUED. (running down through forest towards beach) TO BE PURSUED TO NIX BEING NERVOUS.

74. TO BE NERVOUS. NIX TO BE NERVOUS. (in the woods, trees say the items) TO BE NERVOUS TO NIX BEING CRIMINAL.

75. TO BE CRIMINAL. NIX TO BE CRIMINAL. (walking down streets in a 1930s like city) TO BE CRIMINAL TO NIX BEING DOCILE.



78. TO BE INSANE. NIX TO BE INSANE. ( ends (first items) with you walking into hospital. begins (last items) walking up & down stairs in an art gallery. in between, you walk down city streets. everything is strange and crazy and turning. sometimes its like your in a glass tube and the city is revolving around you, swinging overhead and underneath you. There's a sort of kaleidoscope effect. TO BE INSANE TO NIX BEING CONDEMNED.

79. TO BE CONDEMNED. NIX TO BE CONDEMNED. (walking from court into jail, between rows of cells, prisoners say items). TO BE CONDEMNED TO NIX BEING DISHONEST.


81. TO BE ACCUSED. NIX TO BE ACCUSED. ( walking between pillars which say items ?) TO BE ACCUSED TO NIX BEING GUILT RIDDEN.

82. TO BE GUILT RIDDEN. NIX TO BE GUILT RIDDEN. ( faces on trees in forest say items. at end (first items), you come to steps leading to hall of justice.). TO BE GUILT RIDDEN TO NIX BEING TREASONOUS.

83. TO BE TREASONOUS. NIX TO BE TREASONOUS. (or to be traitorous or treacherous) (TBD [to be done], I have not yet run this one) TO BE TREASONOUS TO NIX BEING BLINDED.




(maybe missing items ?) (to be vilified) (to be treacherous)

87. TO BE DEGRADED. NIX TO BE DEGRADED. (?) (going down slide from cliffs to beach ?) TO BE DEGRADED TO NIX BEING ASHAMED.

88. TO BE ASHAMED. NIX TO BE ASHAMED. ( ? path up mountainside with lampposts saying items? or canal boat from amusement park?) TO BE ASHAMED TO NIX BEING PERVERTED.

89. TO BE PERVERTED. NIX TO BE PERVERTED. (walking through carnival. items come from booths. (? maybe starts or ends with getting in/out of canal boat ?) TO BE PERVERTED TO NIX HAVING CRAVINGS.

90. TO HAVE CRAVINGS. NIX TO HAVE CRAVINGS. (or TO CRAVE) (maybe going through a tent or shopping mall with things on display). TO HAVE CRAVINGS TO NIX BEING EMPTY.

91. TO BE EMPTY. NIX TO BE EMPTY. (floating above shopping mall, like a flying dream or maybe on a balloon like cushion. drifting down (maybe from ski lift)) TO BE EMPTY TO NIX BEING GLUTTONOUS.

92. TO BE GLUTTONOUS. NIX TO BE GLUTTONOUS. (on a restaurant terrace on a mountainside overlooking the shopping mall. you're at a table on a moving/revolving disk. at the end (first items) you're flung off of the balcony.) TO BE GLUTTONOUS TO NIX BEING REJECTED.

93. TO BE REJECTED. NIX TO BE REJECTED. (in a sort of concourse/mall-like tunnel in the side of a hill. support posts with faces say the items. the mall leads to the restaurant.). TO BE REJECTED TO NIX BEING DISGUSTING.

94. TO BE DISGUSTING. NIX TO BE DISGUSTING. (in a sort of subway station/tunnel, sewer-like) TO BE DISGUSTING TO NIX BEING TIDY.

95. TO BE TIDY. NIX TO BE TIDY. (to keep things neat, clean, etc.) (a carpeted elegant hallway, gaslights line the walls and say items) TO BE TIDY TO NIX BEING MESSY.



(to be abandoned) (to be dependent)















112. TO BE HUMAN. NIX TO BE HUMAN. (walking out of black water onto a beach in sunlight [maybe around to be viscous?]. walking around beach on island, ground & rocks saying items. maybe pedaling backwards on a unicycle?) TO BE HUMAN TO NIX BEING ?




(CARRIED) (ski lift?)

117. TO BE EXHAUSTED. NIX TO BE EXHAUSTED. (trudging up a mountain slope from a beach, eventually reaching the snow. maybe a ski lift at the top?) TO BE EXHAUSTED TO NIX BEING OVEREXERTED.



(to feel miserable?)

120. TO HALLUCINATE. NIX TO HALLUCINATE. (to be hallucinating) (some sort of car going down (backing up) steep mountain roads, sometimes its a plane or a parade float, sometimes it seems like you're going down an airstrip in a golf cart ?) TO HALLUCINATE TO NIX BEING TERRIFIED.

121. TO BE TERRIFIED. NIX TO BE TERRIFIED. (a plane or a rollercoaster or a funhouse ride in an amusement park). TO BE TERRIFIED TO NIX BEING FOOLISH (?)

122. TO BE FOOLISH. NIX TO BE FOOLISH. (path through park with lampposts, walking through a zoo, stairs in park?) TO BE FOOLISH TO NIX BEING RESPONSIBLE (?)

123. TO BE RESPONSIBLE. NIX TO BE RESPONSIBLE. (going down a steep slope in a car. highway lampposts give the item. the car is single seat, open top, very fast. block 5 is on an elevated trestle (in the car) going up and down on each pair of items, car does a loop-de-loop). TO BE RESPONSIBLE TO NIX BEING IRRESPONSIBLE.


(BURDENED) (trudging through primitive village carrying things?)



128. TO BE CRUSHED. NIX TO BE CRUSHED. (on a conveyor belt, factory like. steel cylinders come down & crush you or moving walls (plates) slam into you from the sides. the machinery says the items. TO BE CRUSHED TO NIX BEING INATTENTIVE.





133. TO BE SELF-CONTROLLED. NIX TO BE SELF-CONTROLLED. (on a scooter being jerked from side to side. coming down from jungle? going to amusement park?) TO BE SELF-CONTROLLED TO NIX BEING RECKLESS ?



136. TO BE REGRETFUL. NIX TO BE REGRETFUL. (floating back from a plane crash. airfield. ? sailboats, faces on sails) TO BE REGRETFUL TO NIX BEING INCOMPETENT.



139. TO BE CRUEL. NIX TO BE CRUEL. (carnival or suburbs or town city?) TO BE CRUEL TO NIX ?

? (to be irritated) (to be exploited)

(to be resisted) (to be misled)

141. TO BE ASLEEP. NIX TO BE ASLEEP. (fluffy landscape, soft roads, stuffed animals on either side saying items) TO BE ASLEEP TO NIX BEING TIRED.



144. TO BE CRITICAL. NIX TO BE CRITICAL. (aerial road in heaven?, there is an electrical snap to the nix) TO BE CRITICAL TO NIX BEING CRITICIZED.

145. TO BE CRITICIZED. NIX TO BE CRITICIZED. (broad stairway in the air, statues along sides, running down to (first items) the top of a mountain, coming from (last items) a long gossamer bridge. TO BE CRITICIZED TO NIX BEING ARROGANT.




148. TO BE IMPORTANT. NIX TO BE IMPORTANT. (a road in the air, pennants on poles say the items. backing up towards a crystal city in the sky) TO BE IMPORTANT TO NIX BEING BOTHERED.





(TO HAVE PICTURES) (to look at pictures or have pictures to nix being unseeing)

153. TO BE UNSEEING. NIX TO BE UNSEEING. (walking on a foggy pier, painful flashes of lights on each item. coming from a sewer tunnel (?) TO BE UNSEEING TO NIX BEING REVOLTED.



? (to be tough) (to be fragile) (to be callus)

(to be slovenly) (to have nothing) (to be possessive)

157. TO BE MASSLESS. NIX TO BE MASSLESS. (going through doorways, like walking through a railroad flat type apartment). TO BE MASSLESS TO NIX BEING SOLID.

158. TO BE SOLID. NIX TO BE SOLID. (going through iron archways. maybe on a traincar with signal bridges passing overhead, you stop with a jerk on the item and move on the nix). TO BE SOLID TO NIX BEING DISPERSED?

? (to be altered) (to be incomplete) (to be blocked) (to be irradiated) (to be distracted) (to forget) (to lose? or to regret)

159. TO LEVITATE. NIX TO LEVITATE. (walking on a transparent bridge in the sky. all the pictures are of overts).

*********** * * * I haven't run much beyond this. Gradually you back up on an aerial stairway until you reach the gates of heaven. *********** * * *

(to unconsciously create) (to automatically create) (to compulsively create)

160. TO BE CAST OUT NIX TO BE CAST OUT (thrown out of heaven)

(gates of heaven)


(path through clouds from the heavenly city down to the gates)

(to be controlled?) (to be rebellious)


(items like being obedient, respectful, etc.)

(finally you back up all the way to God's Throne)


(The top item is you being created by God).

end of Hellatrobus Goals List

Although I have referred to the prison planet implant as being Hellotrobian, I believe that the old Hellatrobus empire is long gone in this galaxy. I think that there are still Hellotroban fanatics around who sell their services as implanters (to make people good) and specialize in prison planets. Whoever set this place up simply hired them.

The Hellatoban symbology includes the staircase to heaven, pearly gates, trainsheds, trolley cars, small town banks, idyllic pastures, angels, devils, crosses, mortuaries, and peaceful small town and bucolic scenery.

A great deal of Hellatroban symbols were added to Christianity in the medieval period, but please note that this does not mean that Christianity was started by Hellatrobus. Except for the cross (which is a much more basic symbol and not exclusive to Hellatrobus), none of this stuff is in early translations of the Bible (some of it is in later altered versions). The Hellatroban effort is to twist local religions into its sweeping effort to make others good by implanting. The Buddhists tended to avoid this because Buddha rejected heaven as being part of the trap (his argument was that if you accept Heaven, then you also accept Hell and you will spend your existence bouncing back and forth between them). But I think you will find a lot of Hellatrobian stuff in the other eastern religions.

Hellatrobus actually prefers to blend sex in with religion and their preference would be to have temple orgies rather than celibacy. But they will work with an anti-sex religion if they have to. Either way, they insist on controlling sex and condemn its practice outside of the control of the church because they see it as a weapon and means of control. It works best in a must have / can't have atmosphere and so they object strenuously to a loose and laize farre attitude on the subject.

The current Hellatrobus implant includes pictures of radioactive clouds etc., but it may be an almost accurate representation of the earlier use of the Hellatrobus implants, intended to restimulate and confuse you about when it happened. It don't think that the earlier one, used by the Hellotrobian empire in this galaxy a long time ago, was anywhere near as complex as the current implant, but I didn't spend much time trying to research it.

The earliest versions of this implant go back before this universe (I don't think they were called Hellotrobian then, but the name will suffice). They get much simpler. The earliest one I could find seemed to be used in the thought universe but it uses symbols universe style constructions so maybe it actually comes from an even earlier period. This early one, which I will refer to as the "Basic Hellotrobian Implant" made extensive use of penalty universe symbols along with the standard Hellatrobian style scenery. I did some work on this one and what I got of it is given below.

There are even earlier religious implants, such as the "Dear Souls Implant" (later in this write-up) and the false jewel of knowledge. This is the flip side of the coin from the implants intended to make slaves (such as the ones in OT2 and things like the amusement park goals etc.).

It seems like it all goes back to the reality wars (see the cosmic history). The crowd pushing three dimensions eventually launched implants to create enforced agreement with MEST and to make slaves and the fourth dimensional crew countered with implants pushing religion, heaven, and sexual sensation, all of which exceed the normal three dimensional framework.

Perhaps I shouldn't have been so critical of Ron's comment about the psychs and priests (see "What is/isn't true"), but the remark was terribly shallow compared to the real truth and it was unjustly harsh on the many well intentioned individuals in these professions.

Don't bother looking for the bad guys behind all of this. We all take turns and switch sides frequently as well. The whole conflict stems from the subtle wrong data given us in the original jewel of knowledge and the only way out is for us to drop the whole thing.

I date this as around 2 1/2 quadrillion years ago ( 2576 trillions).

This is done to thetan energy beings. The construction is a 3D space built sideways so that it seems like a 2D flat picture floating in space. It looks interesting, so you float over and get drawn in.

In front of the picture floating in space is a row of the 64 penalty universe terminals, leading down into the picture. You're drawn to the row and enter it and move from terminal to terminal hearing the "price" items (see the penalty universe master list - these price items were use in many different implants). As you pass the last terminal (the pyramid), you look into the picture and see the opening scene with the trolley car and the building and the bank (like a small town bank) with a nice looking little boy (?) body standing in front of it. You go down and enter it (to get away from the pyramid) and become the child.

You go into the bank and find the escalator and ride it up to heaven. Pillars along side the escalator have the faces of the penalty terminals and they say the 64 "survive" lines (see the penalty universe master list).

At the top you go through 64 scenes. Each depicts a penalty universe goal/terminal. You see one and then an atomic light glows and you get an implant GPM that carries the goal down to its inversion. In other words, create goes to destroy, cause goes to effect, all the way down to endure being turned around into "to be ended". The items seem to follow a CDEI style patter such as enforced creation opposing inhibited destruction but I didn't bother working out the platen because the entire scene can be blown by spotting the penalty universe native state item for the goal. So you just spot the inversion of create into destroy, ITSA the scene a bit if necessary, and then spot "to create is native state" to FN. Then do the next goal.

After you get indoctrinated by the 64 scenes in heaven, you're taken before god's throne and told that you are too evil to remain in heaven. You're cast out and fall down into the pit of hell.

Once there, you go through 64 tortures. Each begins with the inversion item in its strongest form, i.e. "TO CREATE IS TO DESTROY, ABSOLUTABLY", and then you're tossed into a pit of fire or frozen in ice or whatever. They go through all 64 inversions ending with "TO ENDURE IS TO BE ENDED, ABSOLUTABLY" and then angels come and rescue you.

Then you're made to promise to be good (they toss you in again and the whole thing repeats if you don't), given a shove and come out of the picture in a daze.

This was apparently meant to lay in the symbols of Hellatrobus by use of the earlier charge on the penalty universes. I think they went through some vast research effort to get a bit of the penalty universes so that they could put some punch behind their symbols of pearly gates and angels and things. I think they had the idea that they could take over anywhere by having a set of symbols that everyone would react to.

18 Oct 90.

This could be called the Ethics implant.

Have you noticed these people who feel that they need to be controlled and disciplined? The sort who say that they need to have someone make them put their ethics in?

If someone is being criminal, either they have it all nicely justified and not-ised or they confront it and reform. If somebody really thought they were out-ethics, they'd do something about it. But here we have someone who's saying "I don't know what's what, but somehow or other I must be being bad and that's what's wrong with me, so I need someone else to come over and jerk me around and evaluate for me and help me be good".

The real psychos are down in the negative goal inversions and its all unreal. They'd never say something like this. The ordinary criminal is into the O/M, O/W, and O/J sequences and is not very likely to own up to his misdeeds. The last thing he wants is to have someone else put his ethics in.

Now the average decent person could sure use some help understanding and confronting things, and he likes to have some nice guidelines about the proper things to do, but he doesn't need a policeman standing over his shoulder to get him to do them. But many of these people literally crave the presence of someone who'll tell them what terrible sinners they are and force them to behave.

This is completely insane and irrational. If you hear a statement like this, you tend to dub in a factor of reasonability. You see him saying "I'm bad and I need my ethics put in" and you think that its his out ethics behavior that's making him say this. Since you can probably see that he does have some out-ethics (its pretty common), you think that that is what he's talking about. But its not! If he could get his hands on some real out-ethics, he'd just change his behavior.

What he's talking about is his normal sane behavior. He has the mistaken idea that somewhere in there is some terrible criminality such as the overt of being alive and breathing, and he wants some other determined viewpoint to come along and cure him of this.

This is all the result of an implant that convinced him that people were basically bad and needed to have other determined ethics pushed in on them. It sold him on the idea that what was wrong with him was his own inherent evil nature and the basic evil nature of others. It made him think that civilization depended on people policing each other from moment to moment. And it made him crave external enforcement to keep him good.

In its recent form, this is the dear souls implant. It is actually a between lives implant used on the people in the dear souls civilization which spread across much of the inner core of the galaxy in the wake of the collapse of an earlier slave oriented militaristic empire (with some of the characteristics of Nazi Germany and Rome under Caesar). When the revolutionaries got control, they decided to stamp out war and strife forever and began implanting everyone to make them good. I get a date of 7 trillion, 753 million years ago as the first time I received this in this universe.

In an earlier form, this was also used at various times and places in the magic universe.

Basic on this seems to be early in the Symbols universe, maybe around 50 quadrillion years ago. Supposedly, it was first done to solve the problem of people dramatizing the inverted penalty goals (from the treadmill), but it never accomplished this. That was just a justifier put out by the government. The real purpose was to keep people in their place, quietly doing their jobs and not revolting. It made good servants out of the bulk of the population.

There are differences between the various versions, and a great deal of things in these implants that I have not researched out in detail. The goals are late on the chain and not as deeply entrenched as the penalty universe goals, so you should be able to blow the whole mess just by spotting a few key things.


The following is done for each of the 20 goals given in the goals list below.

1. Spot "TO BE (goal) IS NATIVE STATE" This is the first item of the original implant used in the symbols universe.

2. Spot "TO CREATE (positive goal state) IS NATIVE STATE". This is the first item of a later version of the implant.

3. Spot "TO DESTROY (negative goal state) IS NATIVE STATE". This goes with item 2 above.

4. Another version uses the entire series of 64 penalty goals from Create down to Endure. The format is:

TO BE IS TO CREATE (positive goal state) TO BE IS TO MOCK UP (positive goal state) ... etc. .... TO BE IS TO ENDURE ANYTHING FOR THE SAKE OF (positive goal state)

Spot the 3 items above plus a few more if needed to get the mass to key out. Note that items like "to be is to eat ethics" are part of this platen with the sense of drawing in Ethics through your mouth and incorporating it into your beingness. But the wording might better be stated as "to be is to absorb ethics", because that is closer to the sense of the item.

5. After number 4 above, the implant uses the 64 inverted penalty goals on the negative goal state (i.e., destroying out-ethics) running from dissipate to destroy (i.e., reverse order).

TO BE IS TO DISSIPATE (negative goal state). ... etc. .... TO BE IS TO UNMOCK (negative goal state). TO BE IS TO DESTROY (negative goal state).

Spot the above 3 items and a few more if needed to key this out. They erred in using this on people because it includes items like "to be is to misunderstand out-ethics" which messed up their idea of people policing each other.

6. The earliest versions include a splitter where you push parts of yourself onto others to make them behave (see the write-up on CEs etc.).

Spot pushing yourself onto others and compelling them to be (positive goal state). Spot pushing yourself onto others and inhibiting them from being (negative goal state).

(per later research, you should have any pieces you spot "point to the being you divided from").

Also, if necessary, handle any recent overts of forcing others to be (positive goal state) or inhibiting others from being (negative goal state). Here we're not looking for sane and reasonable efforts to get others to improve but rather we're looking for the heavy make wrong type crush ethics.

7. Spot any entities that were pushed on to you to compel you to be (positive goal state) or inhibit you from being (negative goal state). Handle by having them spot the false data in the implant and by spotting the top item (#1 above). (or use point to the being you divided from).

8. Spot wanting to be compelled by others to be (positive goal state) and inhibited by others from being (negative goal state). Spot the fact that these cravings were laid in by the implant.

9. Spot the false implanted datum that people are basically (negative goal state).

10. Spot the misconception that this implant is necessary to your well being and to the well being of others.

11. Spot "TO CREATE IS NATIVE STATE". Spot this for yourself and for any partially awake entities that haven't quite blown yet. Notice that this goes back much earlier than any of the above items (i.e., the penalty universes are much much earlier).

12. If necessary, spot "TO AGREE IS NATIVE STATE", and spot building the agreements universe before that. Again, spot this both for yourself and any partially awake entities that haven't quite blown.

If it hasn't keyed out completely, spot overts of designing this implant, or doing it to others, or wanting others implanted with this, or forcing others to be (positive goal).


The format is: TO BE (positive goal) (TO CREATE (positive goal state) / TO DESTROY (negative goal state) )

Although other prefixes besides create and destroy are used with these goal states, this seems to be the clearest way of writing these items.

Note that out-ethics can also be translated as criminality.

Some of the items are a bit difficult to translate and you may have to work them around a bit. Note that these always represent states of beingness rather than trying to inflow something (i.e., it is making people have sympathetic natures rather than getting them to sympathize with you).

1. TO BE ETHICAL (to create ethics / to destroy out-ethics).

2. TO BE RESOURCEFUL (to create resourcefulness / to destroy complacency).

3. TO BE SYMPATHETIC (to create sympathy / to destroy callousness)

4. TO BE DUTIFUL (to create dutifulness / to destroy carelessness)

5. TO BE RESPONSIBLE (to create responsibility / to destroy irresponsibility).

6. TO BE HONORABLE (to create honor / to destroy dishonor).

7. TO BE LOYAL (to create loyalty / to destroy disloyalty).

8. TO BE TRUSTWORTHY (to create trustworthiness / to destroy betrayal)

9. TO BE INDUSTRIOUS (to create industriousness / to destroy laziness)

10. TO BE MERCIFUL (to create mercifulness / to destroy vengefulness)

11. TO BE OBEDIENT (to create obedience / to destroy disobedience)

12. TO BE PATIENT (to create patience / to destroy impatience)

13. TO BE HELPFUL (to create helpfulness / to destroy unhelpfulness)

14. TO BE CARING (to create caring / to destroy uncaring)

15. TO BE PROTECTIVE (to create protectiveness / to destroy unprotectiveness)

16. TO BE THRIFTY (to create thriftiness / to destroy wastefulness)

17. TO BE POLITE (to create politeness / to destroy rudeness)

18. TO BE RESPECTFUL (to create respectfullness / to destroy disrespectfullness)

19. TO BE GOOD (to create goodness / to destroy badness)

20. TO BE REVERENT (to create reverence / to destroy irreverence).

It shouldn't be necessary to run the hundreds of detail items that were implanted on each of these 20 goals. Just use the dozen steps given above to key out the whole mess.
It reminds me a bit of the boy scout's code. You can see the sweetness and light nature of this in the use of items such as politeness and by the choice of bad rather than evil as the opposite of good.

It's insidious in that the items all seem nice enough that they tend to draw you into agreement. You were basically good (most of the time) prior to receiving this implant, so the item seems reasonable to you. It seems like a good idea to implant everyone into being good, like it would make a golden age or something. But it doesn't. It makes crazy people who become fanatic on enforcing goodness and destroy badness. Eventually, the idea of being good just makes people's flesh crawl.

Since you become what you resist, the end product of this is a society of rude, lazy, and dishonorable people who preach at you all the time about being good.

End of Dear Souls Implant
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All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.



The implant research began in 1963 and the earliest ones found are only partially correct. This is especially true of the ones that were investigated before they started checking for implanted dates etc.

The Gorilla Goals and the Bear Goals are both from the same implant. It might be better labeled the amusement park implant.

The entire penalty universe series of 64 goals and terminals from create (the god statue) down to endure (pyramid with the all seeing eye) was used. The goals are slightly twisted from the original penalty universe versions, with the Tiger's goal being "To Crave" (rather than to eat) and the Gorilla's goal being "To Enforce" rather than to bring order.

A two part goal was used, with a root and an end word. The root word is the penalty goal, and there are a number of endwords, including death, sleep, pain, sex, solidity, and emotion. Probably there are more, but the implant pretty much fell apart for me on the first goal which is "TO CREATE DEATH".

The implant is given in an amusement park, with the items being delivered to you while you're on a rollercoaster. The penalty universe terminal sits facing you in the rollercoaster saying the items. There is also a big mockup of the penalty terminal in the center of the amusement park.

In between each goal, you're taken off of the rollercoaser and placed on a carousel (penalty terminal in the center). Each time the carousel turns, you become dizzy, go unconscious, and a false lifetime is implanted and your told that trillions of years have gone by. So it seems like each piece of the implant was done trillions of years apart and that the entire timespan is enormous, but actually the whole series only took about two weeks.

The correct date for the implant does seem to be in the hundreds of trillions of years ago. It would have been in an earlier universe, probably the conflicts universe.

The items Ron found (HCOB of 17 Apr 63 - one of the ones in the scamiz package on the internet) are pretty much correct except that he only has the root and not the endword.

Here I will give the items for the goal "TO CREATE DEATH". These are said by the god statue as you go down in the rollercoaster (you blackout at the bottom on each item). Then you get the carousel etc. Then you seem to be waking up and going to the amusement park and now its setup with the 2nd penalty terminal which is the old man god and the goal is "TO CAUSE DEATH".

It carries on in this fashion, with the penalty goals adjusted so as to apply to the endword. The Gnome would implant the goal "TO LEARN ABOUT DEATH", the clown would do "TO RATIONALIZE DEATH", the Gorilla would do "TO ENFORCE DEATH" etc. Eventually we get the Bear with "TO FEEL DEATH", the Tiger with "TO CRAVE DEATH", and the pyramid with "TO ENDURE DEATH".

Then the whole mess repeats with another endword such as SLEEP (TO CREATE SLEEP etc.) or SEX, etc. I'm not too clear on the entire set of endwords. If you've taken some charge off of the penalty universes, this whole thing should probably fall apart on running a few items.

The items for the first goal, "TO CREATE DEATH" would be as follows:

The item comes from the terminal facing you in the rollercoaster. The opterm seems to be whispered to you from the side as you blackout at the bottom. Then its all gray. Next you begin to see again as the rollercoaster nears the top and the terminal looks at you intently and you have a moment of dread anticipation before you crest the summit and begin to fall again and get the next item.









DEATH. (per Ron, a being who didn't want to create death)



CREATING DEATH (per Ron, a being that creating death exhausted)



(or the boredom of creating death)








(Ron has another pair here,
no creatishness of death somebody or something with the goal to ..)



(maybe to create death to have a game).

I suspect that there may be a few missing or misworded items. Also, there is always the problem of translation into English, where different people might phrase the same concept different ways.

end of amusement part implant



22 June 91

See the train implant in new tech vol 7 (HCOB 24 Aug 63, page 281). There is little or no charge on the implant for an OT. But there will be loads of BTs who are dramatizing these goals.

I don't think that Ron was correct in identifying this as the implant used to sentence people to earth, but it is a recent (this universe) implant. Maybe its used on entities shipped here to plague us (e.g. dregs cleaned up from the most recent mass implant that happen maybe ten thousand years ago out in the direction of the constellation "Draco the Dragon"). That would explain why there were so many BTs on this one even though I could find little charge of my own on it. The train sequence can be confused with the train sequence in Hellatrobus (which is the before earth implant), and that may have encouraged Ron's error in identifying this one.

Check "is there a BT with the goal ...". If so, have him spot the goal being implanted, then spot the first time the goal was implanted. If necessary, ask "who are you" to get a blow. Note that many or all of these goals go back to much earlier implants including the amusement park implants (bear and gorilla goals) and the crashes implant (conflicts universe), so spotting the earlier time the goal was implanted is quite important.

The face in the train car is a penalty universe terminal. There will be BTs who are being the face (and getting others to dramatize the implanted goal). Have them spot native state at the top of the penalty universe being restimulated (in parenthesis below). Note that the penalty universe goals were not used in the train implant, just the faces of the terminals. It mystified and restimulated the beings getting the train implant.

Occasionally check for a) The goal is a wrong item for others, b) copying, c) BT overrun on a goal (have them spot going release on it). Note that these blow very fast and its easy to slide over onto a different BT (who has a different goal) when one blows and its easy to overrun someone on a goal.

Take multiple passes through the list, running lightly rather than trying to get every last one on one pass. This reduces the problem of others copying the goal or it acting as a wrong item for others with different goals.

As you get these off, its like you have been living in a sea of molasses and its finally falling away.

1. TO BE ENDED - god (to create)
2. TO BE CONTROLLED - computer (to mockup)
3. TO BE UNAWARE - cloud (to intensify)
4. TO BE UNCONSCIOUS - cartoon mouse (to imagine)
5. TO BE UNKNOWING - dodo (to know)
6. TO MISUNDERSTAND - chipmunk (to understand)
7. TO BE AFRAID - hero (to absorb)
8. TO NEVER FIND OUT - gnome (to learn)

9. TO BE OBEDIENT - Chinese child (to play)
10. TO BE CAUGHT - coach (to compete)
11. TO BE TRAPPED - spirit broker (to exchange)
12. TO BE OBLIGATED - penguin banker (to manipulate)
13. TO NEVER CHANGE - magician (to change)
14. TO DIVIDE - clay man (to shape)
15. TO MERGE - twins (to combine)
16. TO BE CONFUSED - gorilla (to bring order)

17. TO BE DEAD - clown (to reason)
18. TO BE DISORIENTED - wire man (to orient)
19. TO RETURN - pilot (to guide)
20. TO NEVER ESCAPE - toy (to compute)
21. TO NEVER FINISH - lobster engineer (to engineer)
22. TO NEVER GET ANYWHERE - beaver (to construct)
23. TO NEVER ACCOMPLISH - crystals (to structure)
24. TO NEVER START - snake people (to build)

25. TO NEVER CORRECT - munchkin (to invent)
26. TO BE DEGRADED - muse (to inspire)
27. TO NEVER IMPROVE - ghost (to enhance)
28. TO NEVER BELIEVE - godmother (to beautify)
29. TO BE CORRUPTED - fire people (to purify)
30. TO BE GUILTY - bull people (to judge)
31. TO BE BEATEN (defeated) - green men (to defend)
32. TO BE IN JAIL - sphere (to police)

33. TO ??? - rabbit preacher (to enlighten) ??
34. TO AGREE - fish man (to convert)
35. TO BE MYSTIFIED - angel (to commune)
36. TO BE DOOMED - knight (to worship)
37. TO BE INVISIBLE - soothsayer (to predict)
38. TO BE ASLEEP - cupid (to influence)
39. TO BE OWNED - elves (to collect)
40. TO HAVE A BODY - goat god (to embody)

41. TO NEVER DISCOVER - centaurs (to discover)
42. TO BE LOCATED - leprechaun (to locate)
43. TO BE SOLID - space invaders (to gather)
44. TO BE UNREAL - fox people (to own)
45. TO STAY HIDDEN - scarecrow (to grow)
46. TO BE SICK - treeman (to heal)
47. TO BE STOPPED - dinosaur (to be alive)
48. TO BE WEAK - thread man (to adapt)

49. TO BE IMPLANTED AGAIN - 3 eyed giant (to establish)
50. TO BE TIRED - dolphin (to share)
51. TO BE WRONG - frog king (to control)
52. TO BE OVERWHELMED - dog soldier (to unite)
53. TO NEVER SUCCEED - clerk (to organize)
54. TO BE BLACKNESS - robot (to co-operate)
55. TO NEVER SOLVE - mermaid (to participate)
56. TO NEVER HAVE ENERGY - mouse engineer (to expand)

57. TO NEVER POSTULATE - cat people (to join)
58. TO NEVER COMMUNICATE - insect people (to reproduce)
59. TO NEVER QUESTION - caveman (to satisfy)
60. TO NEVER PERCEIVE - bird girl (to carefor)
61. TO FORGET - bear (to feel)
62. TO AGE - arab (to replenish)
63. TO BE A BODY - tiger (to eat)
64. TO BE ALL ONE - pyramid (to endure)

Note: the platen given in the HCOB is not quite right. The goal and its opposition goal are used in opposing RIs rather than the goal being used on both sides. The opposition goal is a not or never form of the goal unless the goal itself is in the "never" form (i.e., to never perceive etc.) in which case the opposition goal is in normal form (i.e.., to perceive opposes to never perceive). This inverts on the item DOUBTFUL (see below). Note that the final RI is single (it is the goal itself) and it is opposed by a (vacuum) that is formed by the implant omitting the other RI in the final pair.

Example: (for the 1st goal - to be ended)

1. an ended being 2. a not ended being
3. ALL TO BE ended 4. NOTHING TO NEVER BE ended
5. BEST TO BE ended 6. NOT BEST TO NEVER BE ended
17. TO BE ended, THIS IS YOUR GOAL 18. (vacuum)

In addition to the various misdirectors listed in the HCOB, the implant also uses:

This is happening to you before
This is happening to you after
This never happened to you
This never stopped happening to you
You can't believe that this is happening
Its taking longer
Its taking shorter
Its a thousand times longer than you think
Its a thousand times shorter than you think
Stay here
Go away
You were never here in the first place

They also say "we gave you every chance to leave but you didn't, so now you have to stay here forever".

Note that there are translation problems since these goals etc. are laid in telepathically. To forget could also be stated as To Never Remember, etc. You might need to work the wording around.

There are some other goals I found while researching this that don't seem to be from this implant but do seem to run the same way (i.e.., have BTs spot the goal being implanted). They are:

To keep everyone together.
To hold everyone in.
To continuously create reality
To need energy

Also, there is a series of "body part" goals (done in a cave) that will also run on BTs this way. The goals are in the form TO BE EYES, ears, skull, brain, etc. for a large variety of body parts.

end of the train implant



This is an early implant, probably stemming from the theta-mest wars. It uses single firing rather than double firing items. The double firing patterns are pairs in opposition whereas single firing ones are decay scales.

Ron thought that this used the same pattern as the Bear and Gorilla goals (see above) and that it generally was only done on a single goal, the goal "To Create" (see new tech vol VII page 255). This is incorrect. The entire penalty series from create down to endure was used and the item pattern is a decaying one beginning with "TO Create" and running through "The terrors of creating" down to "To NEVER Create".

Again I didn't bother getting the item series in detail because it blows on spotting the native state item for the penalty universe. The only real charge that needs to be confronted in this incident is the falling and your decision not to create etc. This lets you run it very quickly if you've already keyed out the penalty universes. But it should be run because the implant, which now seems trivial, was of great significance to you at the time and got you to make very strong postulates not to create, not to reason, not to endure, etc. and it restores horsepower to blow those bad postulates.

This used some sort of implant universe type technology that lets you die multiple times in the incident.

The implant begins with waiting on line. You go into a building (much like a city hall type bureaucracy). There is a big machine with a light that flashes as each person goes in. As you enter, there is a realistic looking picture of an aircraft in the air with an open door (sort of like a DC 3 or DC 7). The machine flashes and you're pushed sideways into the picture and it becomes reality.

Then the following is repeated for each of the 64 penalty goals:

a) You wake up on a couch in the airplane, as if from a dream.

b) They begin implanting items, beginning with the goal (i.e.. to create in the first pass). These items continue until you go splat on the ground. There are aircraft gun explosions with each item to drive it in.

c) The couch tilts and you're facing the open side door of the aircraft (while still strapped to the couch). It begins moving, on a sort of railed track, at first slowly and then quickly and then you're tossed out the door and falling.

d) As you reach high speed and see the ground rushing up at you and feel the sensations of free fall, they're giving you items like "the terrors of creating" (or of reasoning or enduring or whatever the goal is).

e) at the bottom, you get the item "to never create" and go splat with terrific impact and die.

Then you wake up on the couch in the airplane, as if from a dream, and they do the next goal in the series.

After all the goals have been done, the final sequence is as follows:

You're on line (inside the building, just past the airplane picture) waiting for the implant and you wake up from a daydream of what the implant might be like. You decide that you don't really need or want the implant. So, as you're about to walk down the hall into the implanting chamber, you change your mind, sneak down a side corridor, and find a way to the exit.

Then the implant ends and you really are walking out the exit, thinking that you skillfully avoided getting the implant.

Run each goal (from create down to endure) as follows:

a) spot the goal

b) spot falling (and the sensation or terror of falling if needed).

c) spot "to (goal) is native state" up at the top of the penalty universe.

If the charge doesn't blow immediately, then alternate b) and c) until it does.

d) spot the item "to never (goal)" and spot the impact of going splat on the ground. Again spot the native state item. If the charge doesn't blow immediately, use alternate spotting back and forth.

e) spot your own postulate made at the time of the incident. This will either be to never do the goal or to do the goal compulsively (because you're protesting the implant). Both postulates are undesirable. And you have probably made both at different times because the implant was used more than once. So spot it both ways. Alternate with the native state item until you feel good about doing the goal but have no compulsive urge to do it.

end of aircraft door implant



Aug 15, 1990

The Agreements Universe Implant is similar to an implant universe except that we went through it by choice rather than having it enforced on us. It is the incident which carries us down into the Agreements Universe (which begins as a simple agreed upon space in which we begin to create things and play games).

After separation from static, we were given the Jewel of Knowledge. Among other things, this taught us the need to enforce a common set of agreements so that we would all operate within the same frame of reference.

In the time period between experiencing the Jewel of Knowledge and entering the agreements universe, we were in what I will refer to as a set of unaligned spaces. There was a great deal of flailing about and a lack of agreement or even a common meeting ground. There was some degree of interchange and communication but we lacked common definitions.

Following the suggestions of the Jewel of Knowledge, we solved this by building an implant containing a common set of definitions and agreements and threw ourselves into it. When we came out, it was into an agreed upon space.

To define these various things, we divided up into teams and each team developed one definition. Each definition was built into a small sub-universe. These were all then combined into the agreements universe. Each being was only aware of the definition they'd worked on. The entire set was not known to anyone until we all experienced it enmass.

Since each definition was done without reference to the other definitions, the various definitions do not line up or fit well together. This leads to conflicts, problems, games, etc. and is probably the basic why on all the trouble we have gotten into. We might consider this a sort of basic, but note that it was not enforced on the individual. It was accepted by choice. And the individual is not likely to drop these agreements even if he has run this out because he would be unwilling to drop contact with everyone else in this trap. So the best that we can hope for right now is to bring about an awareness and loosen this incident up a bit so that the individual can selectively disagree occasionally and knows what kind of game is going on. Eventually, we might all reach the point where we can all get together and go back and change these agreements around a bit and have a better game. Meanwhile, we have the penalty universes to run and these do act as a real basic (they were enforced) and should knock out most of the undesirable effects that we are suffering from.

The definitions are extremely childish. Apparently we were very inexperienced, simpleminded, and innocent when we mocked this up. It is interesting to compare this effort to the Jewel of Knowledge which is a super sophisticated construction with all sorts of hidden implications. The agreements universe doesn't have hidden implications or subtle meanings. It just puts up simpleminded definitions, such as a three year old might compose, without any concern about the implications or consequences.

The definitions are not of words but rather consist of the delineation of concepts. Each definition is a dividing line that forms a separation of things into two classes. I.E.., from a unified whole, we get a quality and its opposite. These are things such as Good & Bad, Beautiful & Ugly, etc. You might think of each definition as a line drawn down the middle of a sheet of paper. But the definitions don't line up. If you stack these papers ontop of one another, you would have to turn them at various angles. For example, the definition of Good-Bad does not line up with the definition of Good-Evil. Combining the 2 definitions gives 4 classes of things. These are a) things which are Holy Good and Nice Good, b) things which are Holy Good and Nasty Bad, c) things which are Evil and Nice Good, and d) things which are Evil and Nasty Bad. If you extend this to include numerous definitions, you will see that it is quite a problem.

The agreements universe begins with a variation of Platen 1. The first item is TO AGREE IS NATIVE STATE. Before that, you are part of a crowd rushing to get into agreement. Then you pass through an inverted triangle (the symbol of the agreements universe - it represents everything focusing down to one point of agreement) and get the first item.

Spotting the top of the agreements universe is sometimes useful in addition to spotting the tops of the penalty universes. Note that this will not run on a BT, etc. unless some other handling has already gotten him pretty well straightened out. But it is a great help to a being who is almost free but is hanging around because he's still troubled by some unresolved conflict.

The top of the agreements universe can be run as follows:

a. Spot rushing to get into agreement.
b. Spot going through the inverted triangle.
d. Look prior to this and spot deciding that you needed to agree.
e. If needed, spot getting others to decide to agree.
f. If needed, spot working on building the agreements universe.

The general anatomy of the agreements universe is as follows:

1. An introductory sequence (like platen 1).
2. A series of definition sub-universes.
3. A sequence where you make various agreements (you are shown the need for each agreement and then agree to it).

It is possible that there are other sections to the agreements universe in addition to the above.

I believe that the introductory sequence follows platen 1 exactly up to the Decision to Agree.

Then the items are TO AGREE IS TO ACHIEVE
Then all 64 penalty universe goals are done in the form TO AGREE IS TO (goal). This may be the original mockup of the goals and the dynamics.

Then come the definitions. For each one, you seem to enter a cathedral like archway (or maybe its another inverted triangle?). The first item is TO AGREE IS TO KNOW THE MEANING OF ....(goodness and badness, etc. - whatever is being defined). Then you will see a pair of scenes for each of the 16 dynamics. There will be one scene for the positive side of the definition and one scene for the negative. Some sort of terminal (such as the good bear and the bad bear) will be used throughout the definition.

Most of the definitions and agreements still need to be researched. These are hard to get at because of later incidents that lay in false definitions and get you to agree to abberrated things. The material in this incident was not malicious. The malicious ones are from later incidents (and are much more real to us since they are the later alter-is that we are living in). Here the definitions are simply dumb and short sighted rather than being intentionally suppressive.

I did manage to research the first definition (Good/Bad) and tried to come up with a list of the definitions. These are included here. They might not be completely accurate but it is the best that I have at this point.

The definition for Good/Bad is so childlike that I keep wondering if I've simply assessed out some old children's educational program, but the amount of grief that turned on while running this was incredible and the meter reads were huge. Also, while I was typing the Good/Bad definition up from my handwritten notes, I made a mistake and typed the 13D badnesss item in place of the 14D badness item. When I went past this, I got dizzy and everything started going unreal. Spotting the error turned the sensations off. So this platen isn't a joke even if it seems too ridiculous to believe. It is possible that I have the wrong incident, but if so, it's some sort of very heavy implant.


Tentatively (based on assessment rather than actually running each one), the list of definitions is as follows:

1. Agreeing / Disagreeing
2. Good / Bad (Bears)
3. Causative / Effected
4. Winning / Losing (seagull)
5. Logical / Illogical (alligator)
6. Beautiful / Ugly
7. Strong / Weak
8. Interested / Disinterested
9. Certain / confused
10. Healthy / Sick
11. Sane / Crazy ( e.g. Truth / Hallucination)
12. Free/enslaved
13. Enduring / Transient
14. Fast / Slow
15. Right / Wrong
16. Present / Absent (Always / Never)
17. Moving / Stopped (motion/no motion) (changing/fixed)
18. Seen/Invisible
19. Gives Pleasure / Gives Pain
20. Humorous / Sullen
21. Smart / Dumb (birds)
22. brings Order / brings Chaos
23. Awake / Unconscious (asleep) (dogs)
24. Just / Unjust
25. Divided / Combined
26. Real / Unreal
27. Courageous / Cowardly (lion)
28. Located / Infinite
29. Knowing / Ignorant
30. Owned / Available
31. Volitional / Controlled
32. Older / Younger
33. Wise / Foolish
34. Same / Different
35. Rigid / Fluid
36. Oriented / Disoriented
37. Connected / Withdrawn
37. Truthful / Deceitful
38. Ethical / Criminal
39. Skillful / Incompetent
40. Started / Stopped
41. Responsible/Irresponsible
42. Happy / Sad
43. Singularly owned / shared
44. Helpful / Harmful
45. Playful / Serious
46. Trusting / Distrusting
47. Alive / Dead (Raggedyann Doll)
48. Loving / Hating (flowers)
49. Perceptive / Blind (mice - poets)
50. Flexible / Fixed
51. Social / Anti-social
52. Aware / Unaware
53. Big / small
54. Reasonable / Arbitrary
55. Industrious / Lazy
56. Quiet / Noisy
57. Numb / Feeling
58. Harmony / discord
59. Participating / Separated Out
60. Greedy / Sharing
61. Faith / Disbelief
62. Good / Evil
63. Remembering / forgetful
64. Created / Destroyed

Maybe also includes Serene / Upset ?

(the last time I checked this over, it seemed like agree/disagree belongs first before good/bad, so I have listed that as the first one. But all my earlier auditing assumed good/bad was first, and it was possible to run it that way.)


As you go through the archway into the first (or second?) sub-universe, you receive the following intention:


Then you see the Good Bear and the Bad Bear. You pass between them and come to a set of 16 pairs of pictures (one pair for each dynamic). You enter each picture and experience it (floating in an exterior position watching the action). Note that each picture has a time component with a short duration. The pictures are as follows:

16D (creation):
The good bear waves a hand and a cottage appears, warm and homey. The bad bear waves a hand and the cottage becomes dark and decayed (broken down).

15D (play/games):
The good bear plays with others, helping teammates, and being nice to the opponents. They are playing some sort of leapfrog game. The bad bear cheats, hits the opponents, and yells at his teammates.

14D (knowledge/learning):
The good bear studies (books?), talks politely to teachers, and behaves in (school?). The bad bear tears up books, stomps on teachers, and gives out false data.

13D. (change/alignment):
The good bear helps others arrange a dance (like a square dance). The bad bear throws the dance into turmoil and breaks up the pattern.

12D. (reason/orientation):
The good bear points out things to others and follows logical rules. The bad bear confuses others and refuses to explain his reasons for doing things.

11D. (construction):
The good bear builds a shed. The bad bear kicks it down.

10D. (Ethics/protect):
The good bear fights a lion to save someone. The bad bear throws someone to the lion to save himself.

9D. (Aesthetics)
The good bear beautifies the house, painting it etc. The bad bear spreads black ugly designs on the walls.

8D. (Worship/religion)
The good bear places offerings on the alter of the forest god. The bad bear takes the offering off of the alter and replaces it with crap.

7D. (Spirits)
The good bear's spirit soars around bringing good feelings. The bad bear's spirit soars around scaring people.

6D. (Mest)
The good bear fixes a chair. The bad bear brakes it.

5D. (Lifeforms).
The good bear helps a bird with a broken wing. The bad bear kicks the bird.

4D. (society)
As the head of a village, the good bear settles disputes wisely. The bad bear takes over the village by force and declares himself dictator.

3D. (groups)
The good bear works together with others to put up another house. The bad bear forces others to work while he rests in the shade.

2D (sex/children)
The good bear takes care of a sick little girl bear. The bad bear brakes the girl's leg.

1D (body, food)
The good bear brings food for the whole family and eats together with them. The bad bear takes food away from others and eats it himself.

Closing Scene: The good bear becomes frustrated, attacks the bad bear with an ax, and kills him. The citizens cheer. The good bear floats up to heaven and the bad bear sinks into the ground.

You follow the good bear up towards heaven and find yourself passing back out of the archway.

----- End of definition 1 ----

The things that are omitted from this definition are as interesting as what was included. For example, the 2D definition only covers being nice to children. There is no definition for Sex in here. So on the question of sex being good or bad, the answer is that it is undefined. Also notice that it is considered good to eat (never mind where the food comes from) as long as you share your food with others. All of the items are like this. There is no consideration of long range consequences or secondary effects or whatever. It's just a simpleminded view of things that evaluates everything on a simplistic present time immediate basis.

end of agreements universe implant



Nov 26,91

I think this one was used in the symbols universe, but it might possibly be much earlier, perhaps even from the reality wars. The first sequence, which is "I want to" / "I don't want to", is designed to seem like your own thoughts. The items are projected from gold (positive) and silver (negative) balls and there is a black explosion which sends out dividing sheets of black energy. The first run has these coming from the left and right. Later runs use front/back, above/below (head/stomach?) etc.


1. I want to escape
2. I don't want to be captured

3. I want to start
4. I don't want to stop

5. I want to go forward
6. I don't want to go back

7. I want to be awake
8. I don't want to be asleep

9. I want to be competent
10. I don't want to be incompetent

11. I want to remember
12. I don't want to forget

13. I want to be light
14. I don't want to be heavy

15. I want to be treated honestly
16. I don't want to be fooled

17. I want to be allowed to remain
18. I don't want to be driven away

19. I want to be aware
20. I don't want to go unconscious

21. I want to be able to stop
22. I don't want to be made to continue

23. I want to be finished with this implant
24. I don't want to begin this implant

25. I want to be unspinning
26. I don't want to be dizzy

27. I want to be able to find out
28. I don't want to be unable to find out

29. I want to be perceptive
30. I don't want to be blind

31. I want to be replenished
32. I don't want to be drained

33. I want to be energetic
34. I don't want to be tired

35. I want to be lively
36. I don't want to be in a stupor

37. I want to wake up
38. I don't want to be knocked out

39. I want to be blessed
40. I don't want to be cursed

41. I want to keep track of things
42. I don't want to loose track of things

43. I want to focus attention
44. I don't want to be distracted

45. I want to get moving
46. I don't want to get stuck

47. I want to be forgiven
48. I don't want to be blamed

49. I want to do what I'm doing
50. I don't want to do something else

51. I want to do well
52. I don't want to do poorly

53. I want to feel pleasure
54. I don't want to feel pain

55. I want to be comforted
56. I don't want to be tortured

57. I want to be healthy
58. I don't want to be sick

59. I want to be created
60. I don't want to be destroyed

61. I want to be untouched
62. I don't want to be impacted

63. I want to be oriented
64. I don't want to be disoriented

65. I want to be capable of thinking
66. I don't want to be incapable of thinking

67. I want to do enough
68. I don't want to do too little

69. I want to find things
70. I don't want to loose things

71. I want to be hard to fool
72. I don't want to be easy to fool

73. I want to be rewarded
74. I don't want to be punished

75. I want to be pleased
76. I don't want to be disappointed

77. I want to be free
78. I don't want to be trapped

79. I want to be refreshed (replenished)
80. I don't want to be worn down

81. I want to be patient
82. I don't want to be impatient

83. I want to accept things
84. I don't want to be anxious about things

85. I want to have confidence
86. I don't want to have doubts

87. I want to be trouble-free
88. I don't want to have trouble

89. I want to be mocked up
90. I don't want to be unmocked

91. I want to have identity
92. I don't want to be nobody

93. I want to be an individual
94. I don't want to be part of a composite

95. I want to have free will
96. I don't want to be controlled

97. I want to be justified
98. I don't want to be unjustified

99. I want to be proper
100. I don't want to be scandalous

101. I want to have pride
102. I don't want to be ashamed

103. I want to be early ?
104. I don't want to be late

105. I want to be relaxed
106. I don't want to be nervous

107. I want to pay attention
108. I don't want to ignore things

109. I want to be certain
110. I don't want to be confused

111. I want to have a future
112. I don't want to be doomed

113. I want to have pleasant sensations
114. I don't want to have disturbing sensations

115. I want to be agreed with
116. I don't want to have arguments

117. I want to have feeling
118. I don't want to feel numb

119. I want to hold together
120. I don't want to fall apart

121. I want to be ethical
122. I don't want to be immoral

(immortal / age ?)
(be old/young ?

123. I want to be nice
124. I don't want to be nasty

125. I want to be given things
126. I don't want to be deprived of things

127. I want to feel comfortable
128. I don't want to feel strained

129. I want to be wholesome
130. I don't want to be infected

131. I want to be allowed to continue
132. I don't want to be interfered with

133. I want to be special
134. I don't want to be mundane

135. I want to be able to concentrate
136. I don't want to be dispersed

137. I want to be willing
138. I don't want to be unwilling

139. I want to be superior
140. I don't want to be inferior

141. I want to be clean
142. I don't want to be infested

143. I want to be spacious
144. I don't want to be solid

145. I want to be cool
146. I don't want to burn

147. I want to be warm
148. I don't want to freeze

149. I want to feel safe
150. I don't want to be afraid

151. I want to protect myself
152. I don't want to ruin myself

153. I want to be noble
154. I don't want to be degraded

155. I want to feel complacent
156. I don't want to feel worried

157. I want to avoid grief
158. I don't want to be grief-stricken

159. I want to feel relief
160. I don't want to feel pressure

161. I want to be settled
162. I don't want to be hyper-active

163. I want to be rested
164. I don't want to be unable to rest

165. I want to be accurate
166. I don't want to make mistakes

167. I want to be knowing
168. I don't want to be unknowing

169. I want to see things clearly
170. I don't want to have distorted perceptions

171. I want to be lucky
172. I don't want to be unlucky

173. I want to avoid accidents
174. I don't want to have accidents

175. I want to be favored
176. I don't want to be picked on

177. I want to be smart
178. I don't want to be dumb

179. I want to have purpose
180. I don't want to be purposeless

181. I want to be a part of things
182. I don't want to be detached

183. I want to have interests
184. I don't want to be uninterested

185. I want to do the right amount
186. I don't want to do too much

187. I want to be guided
188. I don't want to be misled

189. I want to be blocked
190. I don't want to be unblocked

191. I want to have open perceptions
192. I don't want to be covered in blackness

193. I want to be rational
194. I don't want to be irrational

195. I want to have correct recollections
196. I don't want to misremember

197. I want to be unbothered
198. I don't want to be restimulated

199. I want to do what is needed
200. I don't want to omit things

201. I want to be careful
202. I don't want to be careless

203. I want to be able
204. I don't want to be incapable

205. I want to reach ?
206. I don't want to withdraw

207. I want to know who I am
208. I don't want to become confused about identity

209. I want to take care of myself
210. I don't want to be helpless

211. I want to be industrious
212. I don't want to be lazy

213. I want to be included in things
214. I don't want to miss out on things

215. I want to be validated (praised)
216. I don't want to be invalidated

217. I want to be admired
218. I don't want to be abhorred

219. I want to be beautiful
220. I don't want to be ugly

221. I want to be big
222. I don't want to be small

223. I want to communicate
224. I don't want to be unable to communicate

225. I want to be communicated with
226. I don't want to be ignored

227. I want to conserve things
228. I don't want to waste things

229. I want to perceive truly
230. I don't want to be deluded

231. I want to be located
232 I don't want to be lost

233. I want to think clearly
234. I don't want to have muddled thinking

235. I want for everything to be obvious
236. I don't want for everything to be obscure

237. I want to be encouraged
238. I don't want to be discouraged

239. I want to be accepted
240. I don't want to be shunned

241. I want to be supported
242. I don't want to be persecuted

243. I want to estimate correctly
244. I don't want to mis-estimate

245. I want to be complete
246. I don't want to be incomplete

247. I want to be enthusiastic
248. I don't want to be despondent

249. I want to get things right
250. I don't want to get things mixed up

251. I want to get things correct
252. I don't want to miss things

253. I want to have things in sequence
254. I don't want to have things out of sequence

255. I want to identify things correctly
256. I don't want to confuse one thing with another

257. I want to differentiate things
258. I don't want to think that everything is the same

259. I want to be able to keep things together
260. I don't want to have everything fall apart

261. I want to be treated rightly
262. I don't want to be treated wrongly

263. I want to be logical
264. I don't want to be illogical

(? reach/withdraw here?)

265. I want to be imaginative
266. I don't want to be dull

267. I want to feel pleasant
268. I don't want to feel horrible

269. I want to be accepting of things
270. I don't want to be revolted by things

271. I want to be responsible
272. I don't want to be irresponsible

273. I want to see reality
274. I don't want to see delusions

275. I want to be complacent
276. I don't want to be desperate

277. I want to be fast
278. I don't want to be slow

279. I want to be reasonable
280. I don't want to be fanatical

281. I want to be right
282. I don't want to be wrong

283. I want to be rich
284. I don't want to be poor

285. I want to be decisive
286. I don't want to be unable to make up my mind

287. I want to be whole
288. I don't want to be divided against myself

289. I want to be contented
290. I don't want to be bothered

291. I want to be strong
292. I don't want to be weak

293. I want to be enduring
294. I don't want to be transient

295. I want to be calm
296. I don't want to be upset

297. I want to be carefree
298. I don't want to be weighed down

299. I want to be effective
300. I don't want to be ineffective

301. I want to put things in the right place
302. I don't want to put things in the wrong place

303. I want to know where things belong
304. I don't want to not know where things belong

305. I want to know where things are
306. I don't want to not know where things are

307. I want to put things the right way around
308. I don't want to put things backwards

309. I want to be happy
310. I don't want to be sad

311. I want to have the will to live
312. I don't want to be unwilling to live

313. I want to have variety
314. I don't want to be bore

315. I want to know truth
316. I don't want to believe lies

317. I want to be told the truth
318. I don't want to be given false data

319. I want to know what is real
320. I don't want to be unsure of what is real

321. I want to know what is there
322. I don't want to imagine things that aren't there

323. I want to be complemented
324. I don't want to be criticized

325. I want to be loved
326. I don't want to be hated

327. I want to have friends
328. I don't want to have enemies

329. I want to have allies
330. I don't want to have opponents

331. I want to be loose
332. I don't want to be restrained.

333. I want to have choices
334. I don't want to have no choice

335. I want to be allowed to proceed
336. I don't want to be hemmed in

337. I want to be causative
338. I don't want to be at effect

339. I want to reach things
340. I don't want to be unable to reach things

341. I want to control things
342. I don't want to be unable to control things

343. I want to have games
344. I don't want to have no game

345. I want to be satisfied
346. I don't want to be unsatisfied

347. I want to have what you need
348. I don't want to suffer from cravings.

349. I want to have no regrets
350. I don't want to be regretful

351. I want to be open
352. I don't want to be closed in

353. I want to arrange things correctly
354. I don't want to mess things up

355. I want to see acceptable things
356. I don't want to be dazzled.

357. I want to receive sympathy
358. I don't want to get no sympathy

359. I want to get away with things
360. I don't want to be accused

361. I want to be acquitted
362. I don't want to be condemned

363. I want to be let go
364. I don't want to be hunted

365. I want to escape the consequences
366. I don't want to suffer the consequences

367. I want to avoid being implanted
368. I don't want to be implanted

369. I want to please people
370. I don't want to upset people

371. I want to obey the rules
372. I don't want to break the rules

373. I want to be good
374. I don't want to be evil

375. I want to help others
376. I don't want to harm others

377. I want to reassure people
378. I don't want to shock people

379. I want to make others feel safe
380. I don't want to terrorize others

381. I want to have normal desires
382. I don't want to be obsessed

383. I want to be sane
384. I don't want to be insane

385. I want to take enough time
386. I don't want to take too long

387. I want to be independent
388. I don't want to be dependent

389. I want to be satiated
390. I don't want to have longings

391. I want to know what's going on
392. I don't want to be puzzled by events

393. I want to know what's going to happen
394. I don't want to be taken by surprise

395. I want to know the consequences
396. I don't want to be caught unaware

397. I want to be able to adapt
398. I don't want to be unable to change

399. I want to be flexible
400. I don't want to be rigid

401. I want to be on time
402. I don't want to be too late

403. I want to be participating
404. I don't want to be alone

405. I want to like what is going on
406. I don't want to dislike everything

407. I want to be able to protest
408. I don't want to have to put up with everything

409. I want to be able to change conditions
410. I don't want to be stuck with things as they are

411. I want to be stable
412. I don't want to be pushed around

413. I want to be able to decide not to do something
414. I don't want to be forced to do things

415. I want to be at the right distance
416. I don't want to be too close

417. I want to have hope
418. I don't want to be hopeless

419. I want to understand things
420. I don't want to misunderstand things

421. I want to receive help
422. I don't want to get no help

423. I want to be fair
424. I don't want to be unfair

425. I want to be sharing
426. I don't want to be selfish

427. I want to have the right amount
428. I don't want to have too much

429. I want to feel full
430. I don't want to feel empty

431. I want to be at the right time
432. I don't want to be early

433. I want to be in the right space
434. I don't want to be in the wrong space (place ?)

435. I want to be kind
436. I don't want to be cruel

437. I want to be human
438. I don't want to be a monster

439. I want to be where you should be
440. I don't want to be too far away

441. I want to be successful
442. I don't want to be a failure

443. I want to win
444. I don't want to lose

445. I want to feel relieved
446. I don't want to feel crushed

447. I want to be defended
448. I don't want to be attacked.

449. I want to be tough
450. I don't want to be overwhelmed

451. I want to be determined
452. I don't want to give up

453. I want to be a good citizen.
454. I don't want to be a criminal

455. I want to be a member of society
456. I don't want to be an outcast

457. I want to support society
458. I don't want to overthrow society

459. I want to advance
460. I don't want to be held back

461. I want to have nice things
462. I don't want to have nothing

463. I want to have enough space
464. I don't want to have too little space

465. I want to be allowed to remain
466. I don't want to be kicked out of spaces

467. I want to be wise
468. I don't want to be foolish

469. I want to do things at the right time
470. I don't want to do things at the wrong time

471. I want to have enough time
472. I don't want to run out of time

473. I want to rise
474. I don't want to fall

475. I want to grow
476. I don't want to shrink

477. I want to get better
478. I don't want to get worse

479. I want to become more substantial
480. I don't want to get thinner

481. I want to know what time it is
482. I don't want to not know what time it is

483. I want to know what space I'm in
484. I don't want to not know what space I'm in (know where I am?)

485. I want to estimate time correctly
486. I don't want to mis-estimate time

487. I want to estimate distance correctly
488. I don't want to mis-estimate distance

489. I want to have faith
490. I don't want to have disbelief

491. I want to be enlightened
492. I don't want to be mystified

493. I want to spot the source of things
494. I don't want to spot the wrong source

495. I want to please god
496. I don't want to displease god

497. I want to obey god
498. I don't want to defy god

499. I want to be saved
500. I don't want to be dammed

501. I want to be in heaven
502. I don't want to be in hell

503. I want to be alive
504. I don't want to be dead

505. I want to dwell in paradise forever
506. I don't want to burn in hell forever

507. I want to create
508. I don't want to destroy

509. I want to have reality
510. I don't want to feel unreal

511. I want to have the right time
512. I don't want to have the wrong time

513. I want to have the right space
514. I don't want to have the wrong space

515. I want to have the right energy
516. I don't want to have the wrong energy

517. I want to have the right mass
518. I don't want to have the wrong mass

519. I want to be real
520. I don't want to be unreal

521. I want to be right about time
522. I don't want to be wrong about time

523. I want to be right about space
524. I don't want to be wrong about space

525. I want to be right about energy
526. I don't want to be wrong about energy

527. I want to be right about mass
528. I don't want to be wrong about mass

529. I want to be right about existence
530. I don't want to be wrong about existence

531. I want to have mass
532. I don't want to have no mass

533. I want to have energy
534. I don't want to have no energy

535. I want to have space
536. I don't want to have no space

537. I want to have time
538. I don't want to have no time

539. I want to have a universe
540. I don't want to have no universe

541. I want to have existence
542. I don't want to have no existence

(have existed/ never have existed?



Dec 04, 91

For the second series, "want" changes to "need" in the above list of items and in the third series it become "have to". From then on, the root changes to a goal, beginning with "To Agree". The items would then be "To Agree is To Escape" / "To Disagree is To Be Captured", etc.

This pretty much fell apart for me around the 31st series. I carried on, mostly by assessment, running a few items off of the top of each one to try and map the rest of it out. Its quite possible that some of these are incorrect or that I missed a few.

1. I want to / I don't want to
2. I need to / I can't bear to
3. I have to / I must not
4. to agree / to disagree
5. to obey / to disobey
6. to do nothing with the mind / to do anything with the mind
7. to be unaware of this / to be aware of this
8. to not figure this out / to figure this out

9. to resist change / to try to change
10. to be in a body / to be outside of a body
11. to interiorize / to exteriorize
12. to keep this implant / to undo this implant
13. to generalize / to identify
14. to associate / to disassociate
15. to not look / to look
16. to not scan / to scan

17. to synchronize with reality / to desynchronize from reality
18. to fixate on physical reality / to shift in reality
19. to limit myself to 3 dimensions / to extend beyond 3 dimensions
20. to be aware of only 3 dimensions / to be aware of more than 3 dimensions
21. to not heal / to heal
22. to not cure / to cure
23. to entrap others / to release others
24. to enturbulate / to unenturbulate

25. to abberate / to deabberate
26. to block others / to unblock others
27. to inhibit others / to uninhibit others
28. to not run out / to run out
29. to not clear / to clear
30. to not restore / to restore
31. to mockup physical reality / to not mockup physical reality
32. to not duplicate / to duplicate

33. to not replicate / to replicate
34. to cross-copy / to not cross-copy
35. to not program thoughts / to program thoughts
36. to respond to programmed thoughts / to ignore programmed thoughts
37. to be unaware of machinery / to be aware of machinery
38. to not create machinery / to create machinery
39. to ignore mental machinery / to control mental machinery
40. to be the effect of mental machinery / to be unaffected by mental machinery

41. to obey universe machinery / to disobey universe machinery
42. to hide universe machinery / to notice universe machinery
43. to be in one place / to be in many places
44. to not see the structure of things / to see the structure of things
45. to not see through things / to see through things
46. to not look within things / to look within things
47. to not know / to know
48. to not see remotely / to see remotely

49. to not locate / to locate
50. to not pervade / to pervade
51. to not permeate / to permeate
52. to not dimensionalize / to dimensionalize
53. to not-is / to as-is
54. to agree with the time stream / to leave the time stream
55. to be wrong about time / to spot the correct time
56. to have a time track / to have no time track

57. to take time / to bypass time
58. to be the effect of time / to ignore time
59. to maintain the present / to change the past
60. to be the effect of entities / to not be the effect of entities
61. to hold on to entities / to let go of entities
62. to obey entities / to disobey entities
63. to block entities from view / to see entities
64. to be infested / to be clean

65. to infest others / to clean others
66. to be divided against myself / to be whole
67. to fragment / to integrate
68. to not orient anchor points / to orient anchor points
69. to not determinate objects / to determinate objects
70. to leave the structure of things alone / to manipulate the structure of things (?)
71. to not make things materialize / to make things materialize
72. to not dematerialize / to dematerialize

73. to make solids impenetrable / to make solids penetrable
74. to not infinitize / to infinitize
75. to not actualize / to actualize
76. to perpetuate reality / to violate reality
77. to leave random / to unrandomize
78. to not read minds / to read minds
79. to not take over others minds / to take over others minds
80. to not alter others minds / to alter others minds

81. to not implode others pictures / to implode others pictures
82. to not swamp thoughts / to swap thoughts
83. to not project thoughts / to project thoughts
84. to not endow life / to endow life
85. to not manipulate life-force / to manipulate life-force
86. to not drain life-force / to drain life-force
87. to not intend / to intend
88. to not postulate / to postulate

89. to not levitate / to levitate
90. to not teleport / to teleport
91. to not manipulate energy / to manipulate energy
92. to not create energy / to create energy
93. to propagate flows / to dampen flows
94. to not glare / to glare
95. to not beam / to beam
96. to not blanket / to blanket

97. to not zap / to zap
98. to not nip / to nip
99. to not mockup / to mockup
100. to not spaceate / to spaceate
101. to not energize / to energize
102. to not historicize / to historicize
103. to maintain a single viewpoint / to maintain multiple viewpoints
104. to need mass / to do without mass

105. to need energy / to do without energy
106. to need time / to do without time
107. to need space / to do without space (?)
108. to fill space / to have space (?)
109. to be located / to not be located
110. to gain mass / to loose mass
111. to be effected by energy / to ignore energy
112. to deteriorate / to improve

113. to follow the laws of energy / to violate the laws of energy
114. to follow the laws of space / to violate the laws of space
115. to follow the laws of time / to violate the laws of time
116. to follow the laws of matter / to violate the laws of matter
117. to not predict / to predict
118. to not predetermine / to predetermine
119. to not find out / to find out
120. to perceive as a body / to perceive as a spirit

121. to operate as a body / to operate as a spirit
122. to be a body / to be a spirit
123. to be human / to be godlike
124. to be in this universe / to leave this universe
125. to create unconsciously / to create consciously
126. to create matter unconsciously / to create matter consciously
127. to create space unconsciously / to create space consciously
128. to create energy unconsciously / to create energy consciously

129. to create time unconsciously / to create time consciously
130. to obey this implant / to defy this implant
131. to mock this up compulsively / to try not to mock this up consciously

end of disability implant

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.



A "discontinuity" is a sudden unpredicted change in the framework of reality. You are presented with something totally outside of your frame of reference and you get terrified and try to clamp down on reality. As far as I know, true discontinuities do not happen in the real world here on Earth, but sometimes you get the discontinuity reaction when something that you didn't believe existed catches you by surprise. However, "real" discontinuities do happen in dreams quite frequently and if you flinch at them with this discontinuity reaction (instead of saying "how neat" and enjoying the change), the dream can shift into a nightmare as you start mocking up horrible things. Horrible discontinuities can also happen in the between lives area where everything is much more mutable. This whole business makes you hang onto mundane reality for dear life, even if the reality is unpleasant and interferes with your ability to change things.

I got into this one originally because I was trying to handle irrational fear, especially the fear of reality changing or objects moving etc. If you start to move an objected psychokenetically, you can sometimes get a knee jerk fear reaction that causes you to clamp down and suppress your own ability and leaves you with a feeling of terror. Its not a fear of the actual motion, but rather it is a fear of something happening to reality, as if you might cause a "discontinuity" and really get in trouble.

True basic on this is actually much earlier than the implant. It consists of real incidents of powerful beings sneaking up on each other and suddenly jamming in a major shift of reality. If you can spot early track incidents of having this done to you and doing this to others, you can probably undercut the implant. But I needed to run the implant first before I even realized that we used to do this to each other for fun and games. So here is the platen I ran. (Aug 1996).


Nov 25, 1990

This implant probably dates from the Motions universe. It seems to be given as a prize for winning a game.

The implant consists of a series of 64 sub-universes, one for each of the Agreements universe terminals that were used in the subjective terminals section of the agreement definitions. Each of these begins with a hollow object zooming in at you with a roar. The hollow is really an object with a different 3 dimensional orientation (i.e., it has a direction at right angles to your normal 3 dimensions) and you slightly sense the solid object as the edge (a 2 dimensional hollow) passes around you. As you pass through, you enter into a sub-universe.

In the sub-universe, you are the agreements universe terminal (i.e., the agreeing dog, the good bear, the winning seagull etc.). The "favorable" side of the agreement definition is always used. There is a short enjoyable sequence with high aesthetics and much interesting motion and good feelings etc. It is enough fun that you want it to continue. Then a discontinuity in reality occurs. This might be turning a corner into a different reality, or looking in a mirror, or going through a door, or just suddenly meeting an inappropriate terminal. One way or another, you suddenly find yourself (as the agreements universe terminal) in one of the penalty universe scenes. Then the penalty universe terminal is cause and commits whatever overts are appropriate (based on the penalty universe contents) against you.

The penalty sequence is a bad reality. It's as ruff on you as possible without going out of context. Since this incident is much later than the penalty universes, you tended to be heavily affected and unable to override the bad reality. Then, when your desperate to get out, you're offered the chance to collapse the whole reality into a black hole. You accept the choice and all of it, both the nice agreements mockup and the bad penalty mockup, are swept away. Then you get hit by the next object and go through this again with the next agreements universe terminal. If you don't agree to collapse it all, the section of the implant is repeated until you do.

This "black hole" is not quite like the physical universe black holes that the scientists talk about, but it is a close analogy. It is the result of collapsing an entire reality or frame of reference in on itself. These are the underlying basic on the "hollow spots" and "vacuums" talked about in the 1950s tech. These black holes act like vacuums, but it's space that they suck in and collapse. If you bring a Mest vacuum into an air cover, it sucks in the air. If you bring one of these holes into a Mest vacuum, it sucks in the space and the vacuum itself (and its dimension) is gone.

The implant has the effect of making you hold onto a frame of reference (reality) and avoid shifting the frame or messing with reality out of a fear of a "discontinuity" occurring. It also turned the basic frames of reference (viewpoints) of the agreements universe and the penalty universes into black holes that tend to drain your energy / interest / ability whenever you try to use viewpoints that are close to these frames.

The implant seems to follow the order of the agreements definitions. Run it as follows:

a) spot the object rushing in.

b) spot the nice reality (as the agreements terminal)

c) spot the discontinuity (the sudden shocking thing you see that lets you know that everything has changed)

d) spot the bad reality (effect of the penalty terminal)

e) spot agreeing to feed it into a black hole

f) spot deciding that it is dangerous to assume the characteristics of the agreements universe terminal (i.e. being good or winning etc.) because the penalty universe terminal will appear and do you in.

g) spot the top of the penalty universe - TO (goal) IS NATIVE STATE. (and spot being pushed in etc. if needed).

h) spot the first line of the agreements definition. TO AGREE IS TO KNOW THE MEANING OF ... AND .. (dichotomy terms)

i) spot the top of the agreements universe (rushing into agreement, triangle, native state)

j) spot building the agreements universe.

k) Mockup the discontinuity happening to you right now. Copy this many times and vary the mockup until you are cheerful or laughing at it.

You can skip steps i and j if you get a good FN sooner.

Objects used: Triangle (pyramid); square (cube); trapezoid; cone; Rectangle (cylinder); diamond; circle (sphere); crescent. The CC objects section restimulates this incident.

Colors Used: 1. Gold, 2. red, 3. yellow, 4. green, 5. blue, 6. brown, 7. violet, 8. orange


format: agreements definition (dichotomy), agreements terminal in parenthesis, Then a % followed by the object. Next the penalty goal with its terminal in parenthesis. Finally the discontinuity itself is described.

As usually, I did not get a complete run through the whole thing but only fooled around with it until I got a big gain, this time the gain was that I was no longer afraid of or bothered by the idea of reality shifting around on me.

Unfortunately, this means that the platen is speculative and incomplete, and I can't even say for sure how much of this is correct and how much was simply drilling my confront on reality shifting into a nightmare.



1. Agreeing / Disagreeing (dogs); %gold triangle%;
- To Manipulate (penguin banker).

Discontinuity: You are the agreeing dog running through the streets with a pack. Then you run into a building and go down a corridor. You turn a corner and find yourself in a bank staffed by penguin people. And you realize that reality has changed. Then the penguins say you owe for the flesh and haven't paid (you realize that you had forgotten this) so they skin you alive to sell your coat.

2. Good / Bad (Bears);
- To Understand (chipmunk). % red triangle%.

You are the good bear playing in the forest. Then you come to the "Chipmunk" standing on a rock. When you see him, you are shocked and you loose the ability to talk to other animals and he confuses you and creates conflicts until everyone kills each other. Spot deciding that if you become too good, the chipmunk will appear and confuse you.

3. Causative / Effected (salesman in ice-cream suit);
- To Beautify "fairy godmother". % yellow triangle%.

Discontinuity: You are the causative salesman (wearing an ice-cream suit) and you walk through a door into storybook land and the fairy godmother gets you and forces you to be sickly sweet. Now you are too nice to sell anything, so you cannot pay for food and starve to death. Spot deciding that if you become too causative, the fairy godmother will appear and make you behave.

4. Free/enslaved (horse); % green triangle %;
- To Engineer (lobster people).

Discontinuity: You are the horse who runs free and run over the edge of a cliff and fall into the water where the lobster people get you and enslave you to build things.

5. Beautiful / Ugly (cherub).
- To Control. %blue triangle%.

You fly down from the crowd of cherubs in the sky and look behind a rock and see the "Frog" and fall under his power and are made to degrade and debase yourself. Spot deciding that if you become too beautiful, the frog will appear and dominate you.

6. Logical / Illogical (alligator);
- To Heal; %brown triangle%.

you're lying on a river bank philosophizing when another alligator flies up in the air and you see that the forest is different and the "guardian spirit of the forest" begins tossing you around Spot deciding that if you become too logical, a spirit will show up and start throwing you around.

7. Winning / Losing (seagull);
- To Collect. %violet triangle %.

You fly out of a cloud into fairyland where the "elf" enslaves your soul Spot deciding that if you win too much, the elf will show up and you will loose your soul.

8. Healthy / Sick (flamingo); % orange triangle%;
- To Co-operate (robots).

Discontinuity: You're the healthy flamingo (a sort of whooping crane person) playing a sort of soccer like game kicking a ball in a stadium with cheering crowds when a shadow falls across you and you look up and these robots float down and force you to co-operate. They set you to work digging and building things and fighting each other.



9. Enduring / Transient (dinosaurs); % gold square %;
- To Eat (tiger).

Discontinuity: You are the enduring dinosaur and eating foliage. You push your head through the foliage and there are the tigers and the forest has changed to a jungle and they take big bites out of your flanks etc. Spot deciding that if you live too long, the tigers will show up and get you.

10. Skillful / Incompetent (bee); thought circles
- To Energize; % red square % ??

Discontinuity: You are the skillful beaver building a dam You're cutting down a tree when an energy circle comes out of it and begins sublimating your world into energy. Eventually you're stuck in painful flows of hot & cold & electrical energy.

11. Interested / Disinterested (fish);
- To Participate. %yellow square%.

Swimming in a fish city, you swim around a castle and there is the "Mermaid" who dominates you and makes you degrade yourself Spot deciding that if you become too interested, the mermaid will appear and get you to debase yourself.

12. Moving / Rigid (Rock Person). %green square%;
- To Solidify (Pan).

Discontinuity: You are the moving rock person (#12 moving /rigid - green square) walking in the forest when you suddenly see ghosts/spirits popping out of the trees & hear strange music & then pan steps out & begins to draw spirits out of you & you become rigid.

13. Certain / confused (computer); %blue square %;
- To Exchange (spirit broker).

Discontinuity: You are the computer that has certainty mocking up spaces and creatures along with other computers. You mockup a space and spirit brokers appear in it and you can't get rid of them and they say you owe a debt (out exchange) you haven't paid so their going to repossess your soul. You become confused and they get you.

14. Gives Pleasure / Gives Pain (ostrich);
- To Compete; %brown square%;

you're in a flock of ostriches in a field in a sexual frenzy and then a whistle blows and you are in an arena and see the "Coach" and the flock is made to fight in a game Spot deciding that if you enjoy too much pleasure, the coach will appear and make you get hurt.

15. Right / Wrong (cube) %violet square%;
- To Defend (saucer people).

Discontinuity: You are the cube who is always right floating above the countryside when suddenly there's a flying saucer in the sky above you & there's a city below that wasn't there before & the saucer hauls you in with a beam & the little green men zap you with energy and show you how wrong you have been all your life.

16. Truth / Hallucination (giant - like Paul Bunyan);
- to share (dolphins) %orange square%.

You're the giant who perceives truly and walking in the forest and slip on a rock and then you're falling through the air into an ocean filled with dolphins who catch you in the air and dominate you.



17. Visible / Hidden (Statue).
- To Expand. %golden trapezoid%. You are a statue ruling over a plane, then the mouse engineers appear and restrict and entrap you and you try to hide & fail.

18. Present / Absent (Jellyfish) %red trapezoid%;
- To Purify (fire people).

Discontinuity: You are the jellyfish who is present swimming in the sea enjoying the sensations when suddenly you realize you are swimming in thick hot air welling upwards from a volcano & the fire people standing around the rim begin forcing you down into the lava with their tridents & you desperately want to be elsewhere.

19. Smart / Dumb (birds).
- To Arbitrate; % yellow trapezoid %. You're flying in the woods when you come upon the "Minotaur" and the forest becomes a palace and he judges you and finds you guilty and puts you in a cage

20. Just / Unjust (flames)
- To Compute; %green trapezoid%. you're the just flame bathing in light when a door appears and you go through into a giant toyshop where "dolls" trap you in a magnetic field and experiment on you

21. brings Order / brings Chaos (Stork); %blue trapezoid%;
- To Organize (clerk) Discontinuity: You are the stork who brings order flying high above the countryside when suddenly you are flying in a large administrative hall and the clerks catch you and make you fill out forms & constantly punish you for filling them out wrong no matter what you do.

22. Wakeful / sleeping (Whale); % brown trapezoid %;
- To Protect (energy ball); (? maybe aware/unconscious). Discontinuity: You are the wakeful whale swimming in the ocean & you surface & find yourself in a lake (reseviour) in a city & the protectors (energy balls) come & start zapping you & you go unconscious to avoid it.

23. Humorous / Sullen (seal).
- To Imagine; %violet trapezoid%. You're the humorous seal swimming by the shore when you poke your head out of water and see that now your in a pool in a cartoon zoo, you see the "Cartoon Mouse" and he distorts you threw his power of imagination (note, same as playful / serious).

24. Planned / random (or plans /leaves things to chance); (squirrel); %orange trapezoid%;
- To Change (magician).

Discontinuity: You are the squirrel who plans & you carry nuts into a hole in a tree trunk. But as you go in, it becomes the magician's lair & he changes you randomly into different things & all your planning has been for nothing.


25. Whole / Divided (erector man - rods & wheels); % gold cone%;
- To Join (cat people). Discontinuity: You are the erector set man (rods & wheels) walking in an erectorset like land, you pass through an archway and the cat people get you and pull you apart and give you to their kittens.

26. Strong / Weak (robot);
- To Combine; %red cone %. you're walking in the city and enter a door and suddenly your in the giant lab of the "Siamese Twins" who experiment upon you Spot deciding that if you get too strong, the two headed twin will appear and operate on you.

27. Real / Unreal (Peacock); %yellow cone%;
- To replenish (Arab). Discontinuity: You are the real peacock walking in a storybook style village & you turn a corner around the side of a cottage & there is the desert & Arab tents & the Arabs grab you & pluck your feathers & eat you & you can't take it and try to make it all go unreal.

28. Owned / Independent (monkey); %green cone%;
- To Grow (GE). ?

Discontinuity: You are the independent monkey playing in the rocks by a jungle. You slip & fall & you are on the cliffs by the sea & the GE comes & blankets you & takes you over & makes strange things brow out of your body. Spot deciding that if you become too independent, a spirit will come by & take you over.

29. Infinite / Located (spirit); %blue cone%;
- To locate (leprechaun). Discontinuity: You are the infinite spirit looking at a planet when suddenly you realize it is just a spinning crystal ball held by a leprechaun & you realize that you've really been located in a room & asleep all this time & had forgotten & he leads you around & you get more & more confused & dislocated & claustrophobic & trapped.

30. Courageous / Cowardly (lion).
- To Discover; %brown cone %. You crest a hill and see the "centaurs" and they catch and enslave you

31. Knowing / Unknowing (Owl); %violet cone%;
- To Reproduce (insect person). Discontinuity: You are the knowing owl on a branch of a tree. You hear a rustling and fly down and the insect invaders shoot you with a bright light (hypnotic gun) and lay eggs in your body.

32. Sharing / Greedy (Raccoon), %orange cone%;
- To Predetermine (Prophet). Discontinuity: You are he raccoon who shares (#32 sharing / greedy - orange cone) sitting in the trees when a staff pokes at you & you look down it & see the prophet who predicts that you will suffer terrible fates because of your greed & then brings them about.


33. Calm / Nervous (deer); %gold rectangle%;
- To Gather (spaceman). Discontinuity: You are the serene deer in a forest glade. You hear something behind your back and look around and there are the spacemen and a space city is behind them and they put you in a cage & carry you off.

34. Different / Same (sea urchin), %red rectangle%;
- To connect (to commune) (angel). Discontinuity: You are the sea urchin who is different living underwater when the angel appears and you realize that you're in a cloud & she lifts you out & there you are part of a crowd of others who are all the same as you & you're all judged together & condemned & you only thought you were different.

35. Outgoing / Withdrawn (Turtle); %yellow rectangle%;
- To Shape (clay man). Discontinuity: You are the outgoing turtle on the bank of a stream, feeling connected to all life, when the dirt turns to clay & the clay people appear & begin to reshape & distort you. Spot deciding that if you become too outgoing, the clay man will appear & start molding you.

36. Oriented / Disoriented (wooden man (head spins) ); %green rectangle%;
- To Mock up (computer).

Discontinuity: You are the wooden man who is oriented in a toyland and then you spin your head around and see a computer machine room & you realize the computer is mocking everything up & you never were oriented in the first place.

37. Silent / Noisy (cat); %blue rectangle%;
- To Structure (crystals). Discontinuity: You are the silent cat stalking & you jump through a cottage window & land in the crystal city & the floor cuts your feet & the crystals come & shock you with electricity & you howl etc.

38. Started / Stopped (Snail); %brown rectangle%;
- To Absorb (Greek hero).

Discontinuity: You're the snail who starts in a garden, then you notice that the plant stems have changed to Greek columns & a giant hero walks out & stops you & stamps on you etc.

39. Ethical / Criminal (Octopus); %violet rectangle%;
- To Inspire (muse). Discontinuity: You are the ethical octopus presiding in a circle of judgment on the seabottom. Then you realize that you're just a creature in a painting hanging on a wall & being created by a muse. They she begins to change the painting, making horrible things appear & torture you, & she is amused & laughs at you for thinking ethics mattered because its only a picture she mocked up anyway.

40. Reasonable / Arbitrary (knight) %orange rectangle%
- To Orient (wire man). Discontinuity: You are the reasonable knight walking in a castle & you fall through a trapdoor & then you're in deep space & the wire people get you & begin taking you apart.


41. Responsible/Irresponsible (opossum), %gold diamond%;
- To endure (pyramid). Discontinuity: You are the responsible possum in the trees eating. Then you feel a strangeness & look around & all the other trees are gone & there is a desert around you & a pyramid with its eye staring at you & it hypnotizes you & forces you to work & you become unwilling & irresponsible but you are made to slave anyway.

42. Independent / Combined (Corn People), %red Diamond%;
- To Construct (beavers). Discontinuity: You are the independent corn person walking with others in the fields & then you stumble & are rolling down a slope to a river where the beavers get you & combine you with others & with mud & twigs to make a dam.

43. Helpful / Harmful (caterpillar); %yellow diamond%;
- To Enlighten (rabbit preacher). Discontinuity: You are the helpful caterpillar digging around in the dirt when suddenly you're in church & the rabbit preacher begins explaining to you how you have been harming everything & must be sacrificed for the good of others.

44. Alive / Dead (raggedyann doll); %green diamond%;
- To Satisfy (caveman). Discontinuity: You are the raggedy ann doll who is alive (alive / dead) in toyland when you hear a sound & turn around & there is a cave & the cavemen who grab you & beat & rape you & you decide you'd rather be dead.

45. Timeless / timed (mountain);
- To Feel; % blue diamond%.

you're the timeless mountain and the "Bear" appears and makes you feel horrible things and tortures you

46. Social / Anti-social (Potato Person), %brown diamond%;
- To Enhance (ghost people). Discontinuity: You are the social potato person milling around in a crowd of potato people in a city when you walk through an arched portal & find yourself in a dim room surrounded by ghost people who make you see the true degraded reality of things & your repelled & revolted & want to disconnect from everybody.

47. Trusting / Distrusting (Rabbit); %violet diamond%;
- To Reason (clown); Discontinuity: You are the trusting rabbit eating a carrot in a field. You look around & realize that now you're in a little grassy square in a big city & the clown comes over & explains how this is all reasonable & safe & convinces you to cross the street & as you do so you're hit by a car etc. He keeps convincing you to put yourself in danger ' You're continually bashed around.

48. Remembering / Forgetful (elephant); % orange diamond %;
- To Know (dodo).

Discontinuity: You are the elephant who remembers ( - orange diamond) walking down a jungle trail. You turn past some rocks and find yourself on the beach with the dodos who show you that you have misremembered everything and make you confused & forgetful & terrify you & make you loose your identity and enslave you.


49. Young / Old (Gorilla); %golden circle%
- To Invent (munchkin). Discontinuity: You are the young gorilla jumping around & climbing the rocks & then you see all this apparatus & you're in the munchkins workshop & he straps you into one of his inventions & begins spinning you around & experimenting on you and you age from the impact.

50. Perceptive / Blind (mice - poets), %red circle%;
- To Convert (reptile man). Discontinuity: You are the perceptive mouse person who is a poet in a house. You walk into the hall & its all wrong & you're on a houseboat & the fish people come out & torture you to make you believe in their truths instead of what you see. They put your eyes out.

51. Loving / Hating (flowers).
- To Satisfy; % yellow circle% You are the loving flower creature and then you see the "caveman" who drags you off to his cave (?)

52. serene / upset (swan); %green circle%; - To Play (Chinese children).

Discontinuity: You are the serene swan swimming in a lake. You bob your head under the surface & then the water becomes muddy & you look up & around & see you are in a tidal village of houses on stilts & the children come out & begin playing & hurting you, pulling feathers, trying a knot in your neck, etc.

53. Big / small (Ant) %blue circle%;
- To Permeate (theta body). Discontinuity: You are the giant ant walking down a tunnel when you come to a branch of the tunnel that you have never seen before & step in & then you are in a giant hall & a theta body comes over & blankets you & shows you that you are tiny & insignificant in comparison with everything.

54. Fast / Slow (horse girl (2 legged) ); %brown circle%;
- To Judge (giant); Discontinuity: You are the fast horse girl running a race when you break the finish line infront of the cheering crowds in the grandstand, you are suddenly in a courtroom facing the giant judge up on his bench and he finds you guilty.

55. Industrious / Lazy (Donkey); %violet circle (?) %;
- To Intensify. You are the industrious donkey climbing a hill and a "cloud" comes down and envelopes you and drives you crazy.

56. Truthful / Deceitful (Walrus); %orange circle%;
- To Guide (pilot). Discontinuity: You are the truthful walrus on the ice when suddenly you see the pilot & he shows you that you have been deceiving yourself & you are really standing on the clouds & they can't support you & you fall through.


57. pleasant / horrible (Eagle), %gold crescent%;
- To Influence (cupid). Discontinuity: You are the pleasant eagle flying above the countryside when you feel a jab and realize that you've been shot by an arrow & you look around & there's a crowd of cupids flying around & shooting you & you become filled with vile emotions & look down & see that now there is a village below you & you shriek & dramatize & rend and tear people until you collapse of emotional exhaustion & they kill you.

58. Harmony / discord (angel); %red crescent%;
- To Build (snake people).

Discontinuity: You are the harmonious angel and are flying in the clouds when you come to a road in the sky and the snake people enslave you and make you work.

59. Participating / Alone (Kangaroo). %Yellow Crescent%.;
- To Worship (Knights). Discontinuity: You are the kangaroo who participates hopping across a plane & around a hill with a crowd of others and there you see the knights who capture & sacrifice you while the other kangaroos run away and leave you alone.

60. Wise / Foolish (alligator person).
- To Unite; %green crescent%. You're in an office and open the closet door and there is a room full of dog soldiers who capture you and recruit you and order you around

61. Faith / Disbelief (unicorn), %blue crescent%;
- To Care for (bird girl). Discontinuity: You are the unicorn who has faith prancing in a meadow when suddenly sinister trees appear around You & out leaps the bird girl who says you are sick & is going to treat you & this makes you weak & ill & she drains the life from you & finally you see that it was wrong to have faith in others because they'll kill you.

62. Good / Evil (Snake), %brown crescent%;
- To learn (gnome).

Discontinuity: You are the good snake in a garden (protecting it from rodents) & slide between some rocks & then you're in a classroom full of gnomes who catch you & begin dissecting you.

63. Creative / Destructive (Fool); %violet crescent%;
- To Create (statue).

Discontinuity: You are the creative fool roaming around through thought planes having fun creating and altering and extending new planes off at weird angles etc. when the true god statue appears and you realize that he created it all (you had forgotten this) and you've been messing up his stuff. He sends you to hell where you are tortured by terrible realities.

64. Feeling / Numb (Porcupine), %orange crescent%;
- To bring order (bear people).

Discontinuity: You are the porcupine with feeling walking in the woods & the bear people get you & pull out your quills (because they bring chaos) & toss you in a campfire to char your skin so the quills wouldn't grow back & you go numb etc.


The above platen has some errors. When I ran it originally, I kept a working list of loose ends, possible items, and anything I ran which I later pulled off as being either incorrect or out of sequence. Note that I was correcting the agreements universe items at the same time so I was a bit in doubt as to the sequence, and there also were (and still are) a few sections of the penalty universes which aren't quite right and shift around a bit. As I continued, most of the things got back onto the platen in the correct sequence. But when the whole thing finally keyed out, I still had the following unresolved in my working notes. I'm including it here as an aid to anyone who is trying to put together a correct and complete version.

??. long time /short time

??. Spacious / Solid.

--- other possible terminals :


The following one was found to be out of sequence, but might still be a valid item.

Discontinuity: You are the happy snowman (#46 happy / sad - Brown Diamond) in the snow fields, when you realize that what you thought was snow is really threads and the thread people rear up and you lose everything and its all very sad.


Note (Oct 1996): I did turn on some somatics (like gas or muscle pains around my torso) while I was putting this together for publication. There probably are a few wrong sections. But what really indicated as the source of the somatics was that I had the incident mis-dated and out of context. It seemed like this implant was used in some kind of war which was taking place at the time of the fall of home universe. The somatic was from putting some kind of constricting beam around people and tossing them into this implant (sort of like using a lasso, no at all like the blanketing used to push people into penalty universes). Since I still don't have a good handle on the exact events which collapsed home universe, it seems quite possible that we might have had some sort of war at the end which triggered the collapse.



See History of Man.

I tried to get a bit more on this implant. It was used during the theta-MEST wars by the body people against the thought people.

It uses the goals "To Be Good" and "To Be Evil". Also "To Love Everything" and "To Hate Everything".

To Be Good is To Agree
To Be Good is To Obey
To Be Good is To Believe etc.

It is done with a black and a white wave, which look almost like radiating screens on either side of you (but encompassing your body). It makes a pressure on the right and left sides of the head and shoulders. It may cause headaches and affect vision.

The same endword is used on both sides. You get "to be good is to agree" on one side while you get "to be evil is to agree" on the other (in other words, they wanted you to agree whether or not you choose to be either good or evil).

This probably uses many of the agreements universes dichotomies (aware/unconscious, strong/weak, etc.) as the root word pairs.

The endwords probably cycle down to "To ... is to crave sex" and "To ... is to crave bodies".

I didn't do a lot with this one. It seems to be very late on the chain and keyed out with a little bit of ITSA. This probably means that its of little importance (but there's always the chance that its the tip of the iceberg too).



Here's another that I only did a little bit with.

It seems to date from 726 trillion years ago and occurs in the conflicts universe after capture during the theta-MEST wars. Its designed to get the thought people to stop putting out energy beams.

This could also be called the Pin Ball Machine implant because its like being caught in a giant pin ball machine.

You are in some vast and confusing structure. It may be 4 dimensional in nature. It is very aesthetic, but sort of like being caught in some kind of super complex abstract piece of art. There are kaleidoscope-like effects and mirrors and shifting energy fields etc.

The whole thing is sensitive to your putting out any kind of energy. When you do, it reacts by hitting you with rays and banging you around and then pushing you sideways into some kind of picture.

The pictures act like dead spots or rest points and they are very mundane and pleasant and you stay in them for a movement and then they explode or whatever and you are bouncing around in the energy machine again. The idea is probably to give you stuck pictures of the still points which you will hang onto to keep from being bounced around.

There are, for example, sphere's which put out beams that pull you into them and then you get a still picture and then the sphere explodes. For example, a golden beam pulls you into a golden sphere and then you are in a beautiful meadow in sunlight. Its wonderfully pleasant and relaxing and then everything explodes and you're flying around in the machine again.

There are black cylinders. If you get pulled into one of these, energy spears slash at you and torture you. The sequence inside the cylinder is the incident that Ron called "The Iron Maiden" in the HCL lectures of 1952 but he didn't realize that it was part of a much bigger incident. The cylinder starts to spin and if you stop it, then you remain inside being tortured, so you agree with the spin and eventually it gets fast enough to hurl you back out into the machine.

There are cubes which hold you trapped and pull you into pieces.

There are pyramids which gradually close in around you and make you solid.

There is some significance to the colors used. Gold is pleasant (stuck point) type incidents. Black is pain/torture. White is contentment (suck point) type incidents. Red is sensation. Some of the objects give you heavy sex flows and then explode painfully just as you're beginning to enjoy it.

You bounce around for awhile and get into objects and get flung out etc. but eventually you will drift into a dead spot in between the structures and just hang there. If you put out the slightest bit of energy (attempting to cautiously find your way out of the machine) it starts you banging around again. The harder you try to control your motion and use energy to handle this, the wilder you bang around.

Eventually you just hang there unmoving and feeling terrified of putting out even the tiniest amount of energy for fear of starting the whole thing up again.

Once you have been quiet for a long time and they know that you wouldn't dare put out any more energy, they pull you out.


13. FAC 1

This is the incident that Ron called Fac 1 (Facsimile One, the first whole track implant that Ron found in 1952). There is some description of it in History of Man and more on the HCL lectures as well as a demo session of running somebody through it.

But this was being run before we had the idea of finding the implant items or new very much about implants. The demo session consists of a PC trying to run through the first moment of impact with Dianetics and mostly consists of her sitting there and moaning miserably for about an hour until she comes up to feeling better about being hit by the first "bap" (wave impact) coming from the implant device (a coffee grinder - black box with a crank).

The implant was commonly used around 1-2 million years ago in this universe. The Disney movie "The Black Hole" has a lot of scenery appropriate to Fac 1, uses an implant device that is almost correct, and illustrates a starship crew that look like they have been regularly implanted with Fac 1. If you subtract out the cutsey-poo Earth people, you wouldn't be too far off.

This is a third invader force mockup. The ship's captains were the only aware thetans. They look a bit like people wearing space suits, but that was actually their bodies. The crews and troops were so heavily implanted that nobody even remembers being part of the third invader.

When they took over a planet, they would set up temples and appoint priests and give them portable (tripod mounted) Fac 1 implant machines (coffee grinders). Their avowed mission was to make people good.

This could be called the pleasure/pain implant.

The items alternate between things they don't want you to do which have a heavy wave of pain and the opposite which has a heavy wave of pleasure (almost sexual).

They aim the device at various spots and run the entire series of items in each of the points. The usual sequence is:

1. Forehead (third eye)
2. Left eye
3. Right eye
4. mouth
5. left shoulder
6. right shoulder
7. chest
8. stomach
9. genitals

The items are as follows. You need to spot the intense pain or pleasure wave hitting you along with the item.

1a. (pain) To Be Everything 1b. (pleasure) To Be Nothing

2a. (pain) To Know 2b. (pleasure) To Not Know

3a. (pain) To be Oriented 3b. (pleasure) To be Disoriented

4a. (pain) To Be Cause 4b. (pleasure) To Be Effect

5a. (pain) To Be Powerful 5b. (pleasure) To Be Weak

6a. (pain) To Be Independent 6b. (pleasure) To Be Obedient

7a. (pain) To Project Energy 7b. (pleasure) To Put Out No Energy

8a. (pain) To Operate At a distance
8b. (pleasure) To Not Operate at a Distance

9a. (pain) To Influence Remotely
9b. (pleasure) To Not Influence Remotely

10a. (pain) To Perceive At a Distance
10b. (pleasure) To not Perceive at a distance

11a. (pain) To do things with the mind
11b. (pleas.) To do nothing with the mind

12a. (pain) To Be Free 12b. (pleas) To Be Restrained

13a. (pain) To Find Out 13b. (pleas) To Never Find Out

14a. (pain) To Reveal This 14b. (pleas) To Never Reveal this

15a. (pain) To Disagree with this implant
15b. (pleas) To Agree with this implant

16a. (pain) To Remember this implant
16b. (pleas) To Forget this implant

17a. (pain) To never implant others
17b. (pleas) To give this implant to others

18a. (pain) To never be implanted again
18b. (pleas) To Want This Implant Again



See Tech 88 lecture 19. This is the platen I came up with.

This may have been used against prisoners of war before exchanging them or releasing them to return back home. The idea was to destroy the enemies organization by making their own people anti-social.


























This is recent. It may be part of a between lives sequence on Uranus (or maybe the implant just says it is taking place on Uranus).

A bright pressor beam hits you with the first item of each pair. Then it changes to a tractor (pulling) beam which causes the color to turn dull and pulls you in while giving you the second item of the pair.

1a. (bright white pressor) PRIDE IS THE SOLUTION TO SHAME

1b. (dull white tractor) SHAME IS THE JUST REWARD FOR PRIDE

2a. (bright green pressor) JEALOUSY IS THE SOLUTION TO LOSS

2b. (dull green tractor) LOSS IS THE JUST REWARD FOR JEALOUSY

3a. (bright gold pressor) GREED IS THE SOLUTION TO POVERTY

3b. (dull gold tractor) POVERTY IS THE JUST REWARD FOR GREED

4a. (bright red pressor) VENGEANCE IS THE SOLUTION TO HARM (PAIN)


5a. (bright brown tractor) SLOTH IS THE SOLUTION TO ENSLAVEMENT


6a. (bright silver tractor) IMPATIENCE IS THE SOLUTION TO REGRET


7a. (bright blue tractor) STUPIDITY IS THE SOLUTION TO (BEING) BLAME(D)


8a. (bright black tractor) EVIL IS THE SOLUTION TO DEFEAT

8b. (dull black pressor) DEFEAT IS THE JUST REWARD FOR EVIL



22 Nov 90

There seem to be a number of implants which lay in Service Facsimiles (computations that you use to make yourself right and others wrong - see the grade 4 materials).

The penalty universes include items such as "To (goal) is to be right", "... be wrong", "... insist on being right", "... make others wrong", etc. But they don't seem to include true Service Fac Computations as we know them now.

There is an early mockup which uses a maze and penalty universe terminals to get you to postulate undesirable things so as to make the penalty universe terminals wrong. I stumbled upon this one first, but it wouldn't run well and tended to turn on somatics until I found and ran the "between lives service facs". So I will describe those first and then discuss the "Service Fac Maze".

A. The 64 Between Lives Service Facs.

These seem to occur in a between lives sequence. By assessment, it seems to be the between lives that occurs when you drop and pick up a new "Theta Body" (i.e., thetan as an energy unit - this is the one that corresponds to the old Thought universe body structure).

The structure is very simple. It uses each of the 64 agreements universe definitions. You see the positive agreements terminal and it says a service fac that is based on the corresponding negative agreements terminal being wrong.

This seems to begin with "To be right is native state (or the ultimate infinity, etc.).".

These items generally blow by inspection.

The 64 basic service facs are as follows:

1. The agreeing dog says "They're wrong because they disagree with everything".

2. The good bear says "They're wrong because they're nasty".

3. the causative salesman says "they're wrong because they chose to be affected".

4. The free horse says "They're wrong because they let themselves be enslaved".

5. The beautiful cherub says "they're wrong because they're ugly".

6. The logical alligator says "They're wrong because they're illogical".

7. The winning seagull says "They're wrong because they're losers.

8. The healthy flamingo says "They're wrong because they're sick".

9. The enduring dinosaur says "They're wrong because they lack persistence".

10. The skillful bee says "They're wrong because they're incompetent".

11. The interested fish says "They're wrong because they have no interest in anything".

12. The moving rock says "They're wrong because they wouldn't move".

13. The certain computer says "They're wrong because they're always confused".

14. The pleasurable ostrich says "They're wrong because they hurt people".

15. The cube who is right says "They're wrong because they were made to be wrong to begin with".

16. The giant who sees truly says "They're wrong because they imagine everything.

17. The visible statue says "They're wrong because they keep everything hidden.

18. The present jellyfish says "They're wrong because they're never there when they should be.

19. The smart bird says "They're wrong because they're stupid.

20. The just flame says "They're wrong because they're unjust.

21. The stork who brings order says "They're wrong because they make everything chaotic".

22. The wakeful whale says "They're wrong because they're always asleep.

23. The humorous seal says "They're wrong because they're too serious.

24. The squirrel who plans says "They're wrong because they leave everything to chance.

25. The mechanical man who is whole says "They're wrong because they keep falling apart and fragmenting.

26. The strong robot says "They're wrong because they're weak.

27. The real peacock says "They're wrong because they're unreal.

28. The independent monkey says "They're wrong because they let themselves be owned.

29. The infinite spirit says "They're wrong because they're located.

30. The courageous lion says "They're wrong because they're cowards.

31. The knowing owl says "They're wrong because they don't know anything.

32. The sharing raccoon says "They're wrong because they're greedy.

33. The calm deer says "They're wrong because they're nervous.

34. The sea urchin who is different says "They're wrong because they're all the same.

35. The outgoing turtle says "They're wrong because they're withdrawn.

36. The oriented wooden man says "They're wrong because they're disoriented.

37. The silent cat says "They're wrong because they're noisy.

38. The started snail says "They're wrong because they let themselves be stopped.

39. The ethical octopus says "They're wrong because they're all criminals.

40. The reasonable knight says "They're wrong because they're arbitrary and have no reason for what they do.

41. The responsible possum says "They're wrong because they're irresponsible.

42. The independent corn-man says "They're wrong because they follow the crowd and wouldn't act independently.

43. The helpful caterpillar says "They're wrong because they harm everything.

44. The alive raggedyann doll says "They're wrong because they're dead".

45. The timeless mountain says "They're wrong because they cannot endure.

46. The social potato man says "They're wrong because they're all anti-social.

47. The trusting rabbit says "They're wrong because they distrust everything.

48. The remembering elephant says "They're wrong because they forget everything.

49. The young gorilla says "They're wrong because they're old.

50. The perceptive mouse says "They're wrong because they're blind.

51. The loving flower says "They're wrong because they hate.

52. The serene swan says "They're wrong because they're always getting upset.

53. the big ant says "They're wrong because they're small.

54. The fast horse girl says "they're wrong because they're slow.

55. The industrious donkey says "They're wrong because they're lazy.

56. The truthful walrus says "They're wrong because they lie.

57. The pleasant eagle says "They're wrong because they act horribly.

58. The harmonious angel says "They're wrong because they create discord.

59. The participating kangaroo says "They're wrong because they wouldn't participate.

60. The wise alligator person says "They're wrong because they're all fools.

61. The unicorn who has faith says "They're wrong because they're distrustful.

62. The good snake says "They're wrong because they're all evil.

63. The creative fool says "They're wrong because they're destructive.

64. The feeling porcupine says "They're wrong because they have no feeling. (? - don't care about anybody? - or maybe this is a different item and one of the above is incorrect). (also, maybe this and #63 should be in the reverse order).

The above is a first cut and may have some errors in it.

There also seems to be a second series of these where the negative agreements terminal gives an item based on the positive side being wrong. I.E., the disagreeing dog says "They're wrong because they're in compulsive agreement", the bad bear says "They're wrong because they're too goody goody", etc.


The Service Fac Maze.

This appears to be an actual construction, rather than a true implant or implant universe. It seems to have been built in the "motion" universe as a sort of abberative game. It seems to be animated with programmed statues that talk to you as you float around in your mask. I believe that they always give the same pre-recorded spiel, sort of like Disneyland. But the spiel is meant to get you to make an abberated postulate.

I'm still uncertain as to the details and context of this incident. But just spotting the abberative postulate that you're tricked into making would seem to be a major case gain.

It seems like this takes place in a great maze or labyrinth cut into rock. Everything, including the statues, seems to be made of granite. It seems like you can exteriorize from this thing and float above it and it looks like series of cracks in the earth with a volcano towering on the right. Smoke drifts up from the cracks. In the incident, you're floating down the path in the cracks and moving from grotto to grotto. Each grotto contains a statue of a penalty universe terminal and lays in an aberration. If this bothers you, you can mockup floating above the maze and the copy the picture of it many times until you can throw it away comfortably (this can bring considerable relief).

It is conceivable that we each have some part of ourselves that has been stuck in this maze and that you are really moving it out of there and getting free by the mockup of exteriorizing from the maze. Or maybe this step is just restoring causation over an old stuck picture. Either way, something releases when you do the mockups.

This one also seems to begin with "To be right is native state".

The 64 individual incidents are structured as follows: (the tiger penalty terminal with the goal To Eat is used as an example).

a) You enter the grotto (You are a mask and float into it).

b) You see the granite statue of the positive penalty universe terminal and float before it, facing it. In this example it would be a statue of the Tiger. In the incident, the terminal seems to be known as the "Insister" (or the one who insists). The terminal will insist that the penalty goal is necessary for achieving some other penalty universe goal (in this case it is To Inspire). For To Eat, the Tiger insists that needing to eat is necessary to inspire artists to work.

c) Now another statue slides up behind you. This statue, called the "Defender" will present a counter argument. In this case, it is that needing to eat just results in starving artists. The defender will be a statue of the inverted penalty terminal (a spider in this case). (? or maybe I have this slightly wrong and they use the terminal of the secondary goal - in this case, to inspire, which would be a Muse).

d) Next, the defender asks you if you have EVER had this happen. I.E., have you ever been a starving artist because your work wasn't recognized. This is a trick question because of the "ever". He is not asking if this can happen or happens sometimes, or a majority of the time. He just asks if you have ever had it happen. So you say yes, because it must have happened once. If you don't say yes, they show you a picture of it happening to you and say that it did happen but you have forgotten. Eventually you say yes. This gets you on the defenders side.

e) Now the terminals argue (Tiger says that they starve because their art is poor, the spider says no, even with great art, they will starve because the people are too ignorant to give it recognition, etc.). Then they call for a judge (this seems to be an agreements universe terminal?). You are called by the negative terminal as a defense witness because you said yes to the question above. Because of this, the judge rules that you are to be sent down into the universe to do this thing. In this case, you are sent down to produce a fine work of art. If the people ignore it and you starve, then the tiger is proved wrong and shall suffer. Otherwise, you have spoken falsely and shall be tried and sentenced.

f) Now another terminal, "the ally" (which might be the negative agreements terminal?) advises you that you must be sure and compel other people to fail to recognize your fine work so that you will become a starving artist. Otherwise, you'll be in big trouble. So he gets you to postulate this. This postulate is the key thing to spot and blow from the incident. In other words, your going to be a starving artist who isn't recognized so as to make the Tiger wrong.

Note that the feeling of this is that starving to death as an artist is a minor thing that only causes you to die as a meat body, whereas making the Tiger wrong is much more important at a higher level because you, as a semi-immortal mask (which will have many meat body lives) will be in big trouble if you fail.

g) Then the judge waves his hand and sends you down a green chute into reality.

h) Something funny happens with time at this point in the incident. Although you are on your way to reality, the trip down the chute and the subsequent existence in the physical universe doesn't occupy time in the maze universe. So its sort of held in abeyance and will supposedly occupy the entire history of this universe to complete. Meanwhile you are free to continue moving through the maze and go on to the next grotto.

I only ran this partway. Early on, I felt that I was undoing some very basic viscous postulates. Later it started getting more solid, so I looked for a point of release while running it. And there had been a point where it seemed like it didn't matter anymore and I saw no reason to do myself in just to make somebody else wrong. It was a nice gain and worth the effort. But the lightness of the result and the ease with which it overran indicates that this implant is late on the chain and cannot be pushed to erasure. Overrunning like this means that there is something earlier that has not yet been found, and it would not be the penalty universes because those are already known and hitting the native state button lets you erase things that would otherwise pull in charge from them. So there is probably something else earlier which is concerned with doing yourself in to make others wrong or to win a game or something like that. For now, if you run this one, bail out if you get a good release point and don't go for broke on trying to erase the thing.

Platen For the Service Fac Maze:

I think that this runs up from Endure to Create, so I will list them in that order.

64. (To Endure). The Pyramid says that the need to endure will INTENSIFY the strength of one's creations. The defender says that needing to endure just causes people to die and puts an end to creating anything. (judge - dinosaur - #9 enduring/transient). You postulate dying to make the pyramid wrong.

63. (To Eat). The Tiger insists that needing to eat INSPIRES artists to produce. The defender says that people will not recognize the art and the artists will starve. (judge - mouse, #50 perceptive / blind). You postulate being a starving artist and compelling others not to recognize your work to make the Tiger wrong.

62. (To Replenish). The Arab insists that PLAYING games is more interesting because of the need to replenish. The defender says that this just makes people tired and unable to play. (judge - whale, #22 wakeful/sleeping). You postulate that you will become tired and need to sleep regularly to make the Arab wrong.

61. (To Feel). The bear insists that you need to feel things so that what you BUILD will not be cold and lifeless. The defender says that this just makes you hurt too much to build anything. (judge ostrich, #14 pleasure/pain). You postulate that you will be hurt and injured too much to work.

60. (To Carefor). The bird girl says that needing to carefor things will STRENGTHEN your survival. The defender says that it just lets other people take advantage of you. (judge - raccoon #32 sharing/greedy). You postulate that "the people you care for will always take advantage of you" (and you compel them to do this) to make the bird girl wrong.

59. (To Join). The Catwoman insists that people must join together so that they can properly COMBINE their creations. The defender says that this just makes fights. (judge - dog, #1 agree / disagree). You postulate that "you will always be hurt by the ones you love" (and you compel them to do this) to make the catwoman wrong.

58. (To Satisfy). The Caveman insists that sensual satisfaction is necessary to ORIENT yourself to reality. The defender says it just overwhelms and confuses and disorients people. (judge - computer, #13 certain / confused). You postulate that you will become lost and disoriented by sensuality and sensation (and compel others to disorient and divert you from your true purposes through sensation) to make the caveman wrong.

57. (To Reproduce). The insect invader insists that you need to reproduce and spread yourself throughout the cosmos because the universe is too vast To KNOW in any other manner. The defender says that you just replicate your own lack of knowingness and produce children who lack knowledge and bring chaos. (judge - stork, #21 order /chaos). You postulate having children who lack knowingness and bring disorder to make the insectman wrong.

56. (To Expand). The mouse engineer insists that you need to expand to be able to INFLUENCE people. The defender says that you can only expand by being corrupt and people distrust this so your influence is worthless. (Judge - unicorn, #61 faith/distrust). You postulate that you can only expand by corruption and also to compel others to distrust anything which expands.

55. (To Participate). The mermaid insists that you need to participate together with others to be able to GATHER things effectively. The defender says that this wouldn't work because people can't get along with each other and will only fight and fail. (Judge - angel, #58 harmony / discord). So you postulate that any group you join will take advantage of you (and you compel them to do this) to make the mermaid wrong.


At this point the whole thing seemed to key out and I dropped it.

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.



This one was intended to make you human. If you're rebelling against God, you can't be a god.

1. (a big being comes out and says "I created you")



















This one uses a double row of metal poles which are charged. It is done to a bodiless thetan (who is being an energy body). You bang back and forth between the poles, going down the row in a zig zag. Items are laid in with the impacts as you hit the poles.

This might be basic on running into lampposts. It might also underlie poor vision. It is restimulated by people shoving somebody around.

This was probably used by the body people against the thought people in the theta-mest wars.

This laid in ideas like:

a) you must not use force
b) you must care for the body
c) neither side is right in a conflict
d) anyone who fights is wrong
e) control yourself
f) constrain yourself
g) the use of energy is evil.
h) to never change

I didn't bother to work out the exact wording of all the goals used, but they would be in keeping with the above list of ideas. I ran the first goal, which is "to (never) use energy" and the whole thing pretty much blew. The item pattern I found on the first goal was as follows:


















18. (silence) (you fly through the pole instead of impacting on it) (you can see the double row of poles continuing on down the corridor and you expected to keep going)

19. NIX TO USE ENERGY (head impact as you hit the "wall" on the far side of the pole. The wall is an energy screen)

(then you drift out of the far side of the wall and all is quiet and you get the following item)


(then you are drawn into another corridor containing a double row of poles and they do the next goal).



This one was designed to block OT abilities.

Although this uses a double firing item pattern (items coming from both sides), they used a double negative in the opposing item so that both sides basically means the same thing (instead of being opposites as is usually the case). Instead of being a goal oppose type sequence, its like being caught between two people who are pushing you back and forth while they say the same thing in different ways.

It may have been setup this way because the implanters were afraid of anyone ever sliding into the opposite and dramatizing it (which happens occasionally on goal oppose type item patterns). If you're implanting people into being loyal soldiers (and using a traitor as the opterm), you can live with the occasional guy who flops the other way and turns into a traitor. But if you're implanting him to keep him from reading minds, the few who flop the other way and become mind readers might be too much of a danger.











9A. BAD TO .... 9B. GOOD TO NEVER ....


11A. BEST TO NEVER .... 11B. NOT BEST TO ....





The list of endwords that fit into the above platen are as follows:

1. To Leave

2. To Read Minds

3. To Levitate Objects

4. To Operate Without a Body

5. To Generate Energy

6. To Predict the Future

7. To Teleport

8. To Project Telepathically

9. To Disappear (or to be invisible)

10. To See Remotely

11. To Disobey This



I think that this is very early, possibly as far back as home universe. But that could be a false date. It is also possible that this is part of the between lives sequence.

Here you are given a real choice and decide which aberration you get. The second part varies depending on your responses in the first section.

There may be a short beginning segment that shows you why you have to choose.

First Section:

On each of these, they hound you and keep hitting you with energy waves and keep repeating the item until you choose on or the other.













Second Section:

This section varies depending on your responses to the first section. You either get one or the other item of the pair. This may have been implanted multiple times, so both items should be run, but they might not react equally. If you put your attention on a specific occurrence of the implant, only one of each pair should read.

1a. The only way to be sane is to be trapped
1b. The only way to be free is to be insane

2a. The only way to be causative is to be hated
2b. The only way to be liked is to be effect (subservient)

3a. The only way to win is to be wrong (cheat)
3b. The only way to be right is to lose

4a. The only way to be beautiful is to be dishonorable
4b. The only way to be honorable is to be ugly

5a. The only way to be strong is to be stupid
5b. The only way to be wise (smart) is to be weak

6a. The only way to be courageous is to be unaware
6b. The only way to be aware is to be fearful

7a. The only way to perceive is to agree with the creations of others
7b. The only way to be creative is to not-look (no-is)

8a. The only way to be certain is to ignore the truth
8b. The only way to be truthful is to be unsure

9a. The only way to have anything is to remain in place
9b. The only way to be active (move around) is to have nothing

10a. The only way to have knowledge is to be disturbed (upset)
10b. The only way to be serene is to not know

11a. The only way to remember is to be sad.
11b. The only way to be happy is to forget.

12a. The only way to be skillful is to follow orders
12b. The only way to be independent is to be incapable.

Third Section:

Then they badger you about the choice you made. On each one, they say (depending on how you answered in section 1),

"You said freedom was better than sanity. Why was that the right choice?"

They keep pushing at you with this until you mockup a reason and start defending it.



See History of Man for a general description of Fac 1 and see the FAC 1 platen given elsewhere in these materials. This incident is almost identical to it in style, context, and in terms of the implant machinery used. I dated some of these at around 1 million years ago with a duration of around 45 to 53 minutes. The earlier one that I labeled Fac 1 seems to be a bit earlier, at around 2 million years ago.

Probably the first Fac 1 implant was replaced by this one. But it is also possible that both platens were used as part of the same implant. Since these are very late on the chain, its hard to get good data because there is a tendency to mix things up with earlier incidents that were restimulated. Since a lot of the context is the same, and since Ron was pushing people into locating Fac 1 by describing it to them first, it is probable that he got either one on PCs at random when it was being researched in 1952.

It seems to occur at about 14 items per second giving around 6 minutes per run with a small pause between runs as the beam is redirected.

Each run comes in as a supersonic beam containing speeded up verbally stated items (in an old language). You can't hear the items as it happens, you just hear a noise, but BTs and Split valences sometimes caught the items (i.e. subliminal).

There are 9 runs: 1 - Forehead, 2 - right side, 3 - left side, 4 - chest, 5 - stomach, 6 - mouth, 7 - right eye, 8 - left eye, 9 - genitals.

The items are in the form To (goal) IS TO BE THE (valence). They do all 64 penalty universe goals on the valence of the first penalty universe, then they repeat with the valence from the second universe etc. The goals run from Create down to Endure, the valences run from the Statue down to the Pyramid.

I.E., the first item is To Create is to be the Statue. The second item is To Mock up is to be the statue. After they get down to To Endure is to be the Statue, they change to the second terminal.

Since all valences and all goals of the penalty universes were Chris-crossed with each other, this acts like an endless set of wrong items.

There is also an overt side to this where you are the operator of the Fac 1 machine. In this case, you might get a vibration of wrong items in your hands as you turn the crank etc.



(Oct 1996: Of all the splitter platens I ran before finding the "point to" process, this was the only one that I had success with. But it didn't go all the way and gradually it got harder to run. On later review, I was occasionally leaving stuff unhandled that wouldn't respond to this platen and eventually enough of that built up to bring me to a halt. If you use the "point to the being you divided from" command in each location as you go through the items, you should have an easy time of it with this platen).

30 March 1990

This is part of the implant that is used to throw you out of the Games universe and into the Symbols universe. There is probably much more to the incident and I don't have the details at this time, however, this is the part that messed you up by making you divide into many split valences that would stay submerged out of site and compel you do feel things. This was done for each of the 64 terminals of the 64 penalty universes starting with Create (the god statue) and going down to Endure (the pyramid) and then was done for the 64 terminals of the negative goals installed by the treadmill. The negative ones start from the inverted 1st dynamic and run down to the negative 16th dynamic ending with Destroy (the devil statue). Note that this is not the same order as was used in the treadmill (where the negative goal comes right after the positive goal). Since the positive terminals all come first in this implant, it is probably best to run all of the positive ones before doing any negative ones but this needs further research.

You should run the penalty universe immediately before you try to run the compulsion on the terminal of that universe. Only run this if it seems to indicate and draw your attention. Also, it is preferable to run terminals up near the top of the dynamics first. Preferably, you should start with create. This is best left until a second pass on the penalty universes, but use your judgment.

This turns up many more BTs and clusters than running the penalty universe itself does. Usual handling for a cluster that doesn't blow on inspection is to have it spot the top of the penalty universe (i.e., native state item). Although it is not generally their cluster forming incident, it is a vast undercut on all incidents relating to the goal and usually causes the cluster to come apart immediately (then handle individuals remaining).

Negative terminals are a problem to run. The treadmill crossover must be really flat and you need to key out enough later restimulations of the collapse of the positive goal into the negative (i.e., hellatrobus and other implants that swing the positive goal items into the negative ones) to the point where it is possible to spot the top of the positive penalty universe from the negative items. Otherwise, it is just too difficult to blow BTs out of the negative terminals.

When I first researched this, I didn't have the anatomy and used a platen based on the sequence of items in the penalty universes that creates the predisposition to have these split valences. The penalty universe only temporarily created a split (which didn't remain split) and only setup the (terminal) in back (and later, you leave a split behind in the grave in the penalty universe as well). These would dissolve when you came out of the penalty universe. The items are To (goal) is to be the (terminal) in back; and then to (goal) is to a) hide, b) control, c) inspire, d)detest, e) compel yourself and f)deny responsibility. I used this to pull out the terminal in back without realizing that I was bypassing the others. It was effective enough to get it out but it was like prying out a piece of the muscles (which got sore afterwards). Also, the Third Eye implant went into heavy restim (third eye sensations). I haven't had this problem with the 10 way platen given here, but it is possible that the third eye stuff can restimulate. If it does, run the Third Eye Implant platen given elsewhere in these materials.

Run these items lightly. It is easy to push to hard and slip into a different split or bring the third eye into restim. Often, the pattern of 10 blows while your running the first few items. If it does, just spot each of the other locations and assume responsibility for having issued compulsions from it. (also do the "point to" step here).

If the first item doesn't read well, drop this action. Check for BTs/Clusters restimulated and not blow and then bail out. Running this over a stiff needle with only very tiny reads restimulates more than it releases. The needle should be loose between items and read well. If it was and then tightens up, it is almost certainly an overrun. The faintest overrun here will lock the needle up like a board, partially from the restimulation of the other terminals in the implant but also because you start stirring up the GPM for the goal and other implants as well. (it probably will not be this touchy if you are using the "point to" command).

On a rehab, you might need to a) spot and indicate the EP, b) handle BTs and clusters that were about to blow and then were invalidated and stopped, and c) run a few lines of platen 1 on the goal to key out later implants. It might take all of this to get an FN. Then do the light spotting of the 10 locations and reassume responsibility (skip this if it doesn't indicate, you don't want to overrun it again).

Mostly, BTs and Clusters will blow automatically as you run this. You may see sparks and things as they go. If you get weird sensations, its probably a partial blow, but there can be a slight weird sensation (not unpleasant) of things shifting around sometimes that is a simple side effect of the valence walls dissolving (your space is bigger and other masses move around). Sometimes other BTs & Clusters will protest a bit because blowing the splits makes them shift around. Acknowledge, indicate the BPC, and if they are accessible, blow them (or just leave things alone if not easily reached).

After these split valences were setup, there is a later part of the incident that gave them all wrong locations etc. You simply run them in the original locations relative to yourself (they can still be reached there even though they are often elsewhere in the body). Sometimes you have to spot the fact that wrong locations and terminals were implanted into these splits later in the incident.

The third eye implant sent in a stream of wrong items for these valences (see the platen). The stream hit various parts of the body and screwed the split valences and BTs and Clusters up further on a random basis. Sometimes you have to spot the stream of wrong items (don't bother trying to run the items in detail, just spot a stream of them coming in). You can also check and indicate BTs/Clusters messed up by the third eye implant.

When a split valence goes, often a BT or cluster will try to mock it up again. You should check for this as a general cleanup after doing the items. You can also use it if needed while running the items.

If an item doesn't read, do the following until the situation seems handled:

a) Check for overrun
b) Check for a BT or Cluster
c) Spot the wrong locations being laid in at the end of the incident.
d) Spot the wrong item stream of the third eye implant.
e) Check for a BT/Cluster copying, hiding, suppressing or keeping the valence mocked up.

Also do steps b to e after completing the 10 way run and then spot the top line (native state) of platen 1 for the goal. (this might be excessive if you're using the "point to" command - use your judgment)


10 Way Compel items:

TO (goal) IS TO BE THE (terminal) IN (location) AND COMPEL MYSELF TO (goals compulsion) FOREVER.

The locations are as follows: 1. Front
2. Back
3. Right
4. Left
5. Top
6. Underneath
7. Past (and young precedes the terminal)
8. Future (and old precedes the terminal)
9. Grave (and dead precedes the terminal)


For Past, the split valence is actually riding slightly back of PT trying to keep things in restimulation.

For future, the split valence is actually riding slightly in the future trying to create future track for you.

For the Grave item, it refers to the grave in which the terminal was buried in the penalty universe.

To clarify the way to form the past, future, and grave items, the past item for the goal to eat is To eat is to be the young tiger in the past and compel myself to feel hungry forever.

Run each item in its correct location. Then do the "point to" command in that location.

After running the 10 items for a compulsion, try to run it on flow 2 which would be pieces of yourself that you have on other people. Do this by getting the idea that you might be projecting this compulsion at someone else, spot the location and item and then do the "point to" command. You may have many for each item. I only started doing this after I had run quite a bit of these on myself only, so its possible that you might need to work up to this step on a gradient.


10 Way Compel: Compulsions List

Each of these is run in the 10 items/locations given above.

As usual, I didn't run everything thoroughly and I can't guarantee that all of these are correct or complete. When I first ran this, I started with "endure" and worked up to "create" but I think that that was backwards so I have placed "create" as the first item.

1. To create is to be the statue in ... and compel myself/others to create reality forever.

2. To cause is to be the god in ... and compel myself (to be good ?) forever.

3. To mock up is to be the computer (in ...) and compel myself/others to keep this all created, forever.

4. To imagine is to be the (cartoon mouse) (in ...) and compel myself/others to create illusions forever.

5. To know is to be the dodo in ... & compel myself/others to collect pictures forever.

6. To understand is to be the chipmunk in ... & compel myself/others to seek understand forever.

7. To absorb is to be the hero in ... & compel myself/others to be embodied in form (?) forever.

8. To learn is to be the gnome in ... & compel myself/others to accumulate data without understanding(?) forever.

9. To exchange is to be the Wizard (spirit broker?) in ... & compel myself/others to crave souls forever.

10. To play is to be the child in ... & compel myself to avoid responsibility forever.

11. To compete is to be the coach in ... & compel myself/others to win forever.

12. To manipulate is to be the banker in ... and compel myself/others to crave wealth forever.

13. To combine is to be the twin in ... and compel myself/others to need support forever.

14. To shape is to be the clay person in ... and compel myself/others to need bodies (shapely forms) forever.

15. To change is to be the sorcerer in ... and compel myself/others to be arrogant forever.

16. To align is to be the bear person in ... & compel myself/others to enforce agreements forever.

17. To reason is to be the clown in ... & compel myself/others to obey logic forever.

18. To orient is to be the wireman genius in ... & compel myself/others to need orientation forever.

19. To guide is to be the pilot (in ...) and compel myself/others to lead forever.

20. To compute is to be the toy in ... and compel myself/others to figure-figure forever

21. To construct is to be the beaver in ... and compel myself/others to entrap people forever.

22. To engineer is to be the lobster in ... and compel myself/others to need machinery forever

23. To build is to be the lizard man in ... and compel myself/others to acquire mass forever.

24. To structure is to be the crystal in ... and compel myself/others to stay in alignment forever.

25. To invent is to be the munchkin in ... & compel myself/others to need appreciation forever.

26. To enhance is to be the ghost in ... & compel myself/others to dub in forever.

27. To inspire is to be the muse in ... and compel myself/others to dream forever.

28. To beautify is to be the fairy godmother in ... & compel myself/others to sacrifice for art's sake forever.

29. To purify is to be the fire person in ... & compel myself/others to fanaticism forever

30. To arbitrate is to be the minotaur in ... & compel myself/others to need agreement forever.

31. To defend is to be the little man in ... & compel myself/others to harm others in a just cause forever.

32. To strengthen is to be the strong man in ... & compel myself/others to use force forever.

33. To enlighten is to be the rabbit in back and compel myself/others to need adoration forever.

34. To convert is to be the reptile in ... & compel myself/others to depend on gods forever.

35. To connect is to be the angel in ... & compel myself/others to need fulfillment forever.

36. To worship is to be the knight in ... & compel myself/others to believe in god forever.

37. To predetermine is to be the soothsayer in ... & compel myself/others to fulfill my/their fate forever

38. To collect is to be the elf in ... & compel myself/others to crave souls forever

39. To influence is to be the cupid in ... & compel myself/others to trick others forever.

40. To embody is to be the goat god in ... & compel myself/others to crave solid forms forever.

41. To locate is to be the leprechaun in ... & compel myself/others to be located forever.

42. To permeate is to be the theta body in ... & compel myself/others to obey orders forever. (?)

43. To energize is to be the thought circle in ... & compel myself/others to obey the laws of energy forever (?)

44. To gather is to be the invader in ... & compel myself/others to crave mass (havingness) forever.

45. To grow is to be the GE in ... & compel myself/others to operate through bodies forever. (?)

46. To discover is to be the centaur in ... and compel myself/others to dominate others forever.

47. To heal is to be the treeman in ... & compel myself/others to depend on healing forever.

48. To adapt is to be the thread man in ... & compel myself/others to conform to everything in the environment forever.

49. To establish is to be the cyclops in ... & compel myself/others to obey rules forever.

50. To share is to be the dolphin in ... & compel myself/others to stay in agreement forever.

51. To unite is to be the dog soldier in ... & compel myself/others to remain loyal forever.

52. To control is to be the frog in ... & compel myself/others to dominate others forever.

?. To judge is to be the giant in ... & compel myself/others to follow the law forever.

53. To organize is to be the clerk in ... and compel myself/others to crave accuracy forever.

54. To Co-operate is to be the robot in ... & compel myself/others to depend on machinery forever.

55. To participate is to the be mermaid in ... and compel myself/others to need approval forever.

56. To expand is to be the mouse engineer in ... & compel myself/others to overwork forever.

57. To reproduce is to be the insect in ... and compel myself/others to desire offspring forever.

58. To satisfy is to be the caveman in ... and compel myself/others to feel lust forever.

59. To join is to be the cat in ... and compel myself/others to crave sex forever.

60. To care for is to be the birdgirl in ... & compel myself/others to stop everyone from harming each other forever

61. To feel is to be the bear in ... and compel myself/others to need sensation forever.

62. To replenish is to be the old arab in ... and compel myself/others to be tired forever

63. To eat is to be the tiger in ... and compel myself/others to be hungry (crave food?) forever.

64. To endure is to be the pyramid in ... and compel myself/others to stay the same forever.

---------- (inversion)

64. To dissipate is to be the mummy in ... & compel myself/others to waste away forever.

63. ?

62. To age is to be the old man in ... & compel myself/others to grow old forever.

61. To torture is to be the goddess in ... & compel myself/others to unreality (or to feel nothing?) forever.

60. To torture is to be the devil in ... & compel myself/others to cruelty forever.

59. To separate is to be the black cat in ... & compel myself/others to stay apart forever.

58. To ridicule is to be the moron in ... & compel myself/others to make fun of people forever.

57. To infest is to be the insect in ... & compel myself/others to be everywhere forever.

56. To contract is to be the maniac in ... & compel myself/others to withdraw forever.

55. To debase is to be the elephant girl in ... & compel myself/others to make people degrade themselves forever.

54. To individuate is to be the iron horse in ... & compel myself/others to shun people forever.

53. ?

?. To accuse is to be the ogre in ... & compel myself/others to blame others

52. To rebel is to be the gargoyle in ... & compel myself/others to (crave violence?) forever.

51. To conquer is to be the war hawk in ... & compel myself/others to make war forever.

50. To own is to be the sea monster in ... & compel myself/others to grasp everything forever.

49. To undermine is to be the hypnotic robot in ... & compel myself/others to obey forever

48. To disagree is to be the snake in ... & compel myself/others to create dissension forever.

47. To infect is to be the germs in ... & compel myself/others to be sick forever.

46. To hide (obscure?) is to be the octopus in ... and compel myself/others to withhold (obscure?) things forever.

45. To rot is to be the fungus in ... & compel myself/others to decay forever.

44. To abandon is to be the hobo in ... & compel myself/others to abandon things forever.

43. ?

42. To dissolve is to be the aneoba in ... & compel myself/others to loose havingness forever

41. To misplace is to be the cricket in .... & compel myself/others to have problems finding things forever

40. To Disembody is to be the invisible man in ... & compel myself/others to make things unreal forever (?).

39. ?

38. To reject is to be the wolfman in ... & compel myself/others to be angry at everyone forever.

37. To randomize is to be the griffin in ... & compel myself/others to be unable to predict forever.

36. To profane is to be the monk in ... & compel myself/others to perform vile acts forever.

35. To disconnect is to be the spider woman in ... & compel myself/others to cut communication forever.

34. To disabuse is to be the Jackal in ... & compel myself/others to scoff at peoples beliefs forever.

33. To obscure is to be the smog monster in ... and compel myself/others to manufacture blackness forever

32. ?

31. To attack is to be the gorilla in ... & compel myself/others to cynicism forever

30. To disagree is to be the snake in ... & compel myself/others to create dissension forever

29. To pervert is to be the satyr in ... & compel myself/others to debauchery forever.

28. To make ugly is to be the old witch in ... & compel myself/others to see the underlying ugliness in things forever

27. ?

26. To degrade is to be the demon in back and compel myself/others to pessimism forever.

25. To divest is to be the troll in back and compel myself/others to see the worthlessness of things forever.

24. To shatter is to be the batman in ... and compel myself/others to shatter reality forever.

23. ?

22. To unstablize is to be the goon in ... and compel myself/others to break machinery forever.

21. To tear down is to be the wrecking crane in ... and compel myself/others to smash things forever.

20. To confuse is to be the zombie in ... and compel myself/others to make mistakes forever.

19. To misdirect is to be the scarecrow in ... & compel myself/others to be confused (about direction?) forever.

18. To disorient is to be the spinning top in ... & compel myself/others to be lost forever.

17. To discombobulate is to be the one-man-band in ... & compel myself/others to destroy order forever.

16. To bring chaos is to be the black panther in ... & compel myself/others to disperse things forever.

15. To implode (stop motion?)(fixate?) is to be the witch in ... and compel myself/others to despise everyone forever (?).

14. To distort is to be the walrus in ... & compel myself/others to distort bodies forever.

13. To fragment is to be the worm in ... and compel myself/others to make everything crumble forever.

12. ?

11. ?

10. ?

9. To steal is to be the Raccoon in ... & compel myself/others to take things forever.

8. To forget is to be the troll in ... & compel myself/others to lose track of things forever.

7. ?

6. To misunderstand is to be the cripple in ... & compel myself/others to misunderstand forever.

5. To mislead is to be the false prophet in ... & compel myself/others to dub in pictures forever.

4. ?

3. To unmock is to be the energy mass in ... and compel myself/others to take things apart forever.

2. ?

1. To destroy is to be the devil in ... and compel myself/others to make nothing of reality forever.



Nov 11, 1990

This is a very early implant universe. It occurs prior to the Agreements Universe and the Home Universe Matrix but is after the original Jewel of Knowledge. It could also be referred to as the "existence" implant since the goal "To Exist" is a key factor throughout the implant.

The incident is prior to our narrowing down to 3 dimensions and probably contributes some weight to the narrowing down. It is possible to run this and spot the 4D mockups to some degree even if you haven't run the incidents which were designed to block 4th dimensional perception. This incident was the first 4D incident that I research and it might be necessary to run it first. It probably has to be re-run after cleaning up other 4D incidents and unblocking 4D perceptics.

The implant universe itself seems to be a 5 dimensional construct, but the perceptions in the incident, and the objects and mockups used generally have 4 dimensions, hence the title I assigned to it. I.E., these are 4 dimensional experiences which might be seen as an array of consecutive pictures within 5 dimensions. The pictures are arranged in a downward spiral and you feel the turn as you move from one goal on to the next.

Running the incident will require some understanding of higher dimensions.


The term "higher dimension" is really a misnomer. One dimension is not higher than another. If we are dealing with a 3 dimensional object, none of the 3 dimensions are senior to the others. If we make some 2 dimensional drawings of the object, we can select any 2 out of the 3 dimensions for our portrayal.

It would be proper to refer to a 3 dimensional object as being of a higher order than a 2 dimensional object. In a similar way, a 4 dimensional object is of a higher order than our normal mockups, but we could choose any 3 of its 4 dimensions for portrayal in this universe. So the missing dimension is not really "higher", it's just extra. Pick an object in the room and imagine that there is more of it extending off in an extra direction without it bumping into the things around it. Another useful exercise is to pick an object and imagine it dwindling off in the distance without moving from its physical universe position. The distance it is moving away in is a 4th direction which would require a 4 dimensional co-ordinate system to describe.

In an implant universe, an extra dimension is necessary to handle the fixed track time component. This also applies to story type universes (e.g. enjoyable rather than harmful). If we have a 2 dimensional mockup, such as a cartoon drawing, we can stack many of them up in 3 dimensions and flip through them to get the apparancy of motion. This is the way we make movies and cartoons. We build a series of 2 dimensional mockups and make time the 3rd dimension.

In the home universe era and later, where we are operating in only 3 dimensions, implant universes are generally 3 dimensional mockups stacked up in a 4th dimension. In this 4D implant, it is 4 dimensional pictures stacked up in a 5th dimension.

Note that using a time dimension is a very special purpose application. It is done to record things. Normal life does not utilize a time dimension.

In recent track, the mockups all seem to have 3 spatial dimensions. Sometimes there are multiple 3 dimensional universes interrelated in a 4th dimensional frame, but the mockups are still 3 dimensional. In this case, you might have one reality intersecting with another and appearing in it as a sort of flat picture. You can "turn" into the picture and step into it (going off at a different angle) and then it's a 3 dimensional space and the other reality looks like a flat picture. The same can occur with 4D mockups in a 5D framework. I.E., you can turn in a 5th dimension and swing from one 4D space into a different one. This may be the "turn" that you feel as you shift between goals in the incident described below.

Another interesting thing to note is that an object with more dimensions can look like a near infinite number of different objects from a lesser dimensional framework. Imagine a 3 dimensional sphere being seen from a 2 dimensional framework. Consider the 2D frame to be a sheet of paper which cuts through the sphere. There are an endless number of different positions and angles that the paper can be in. The 2 dimensional reality would see the sphere as any one of an infinity of circles ranging in size from a point up to the diameter of the sphere. Also, there would be many different circles of the same size cut from different angles through the sphere. But in the case of a sphere, a single two dimensional plane would only intersect one of the possible circles. Now consider a 3 dimensional coil of rope. If you imagine a 2 dimensional plane intersecting it, you will see that the single 3 dimensional object intersects the plane many times and would appear to be a large number of separate circles in the 2 dimensional space.

For another example of looking at a higher dimensional object which might seem like many separate objects in the lower dimension, consider seeing a chair from a 2d reality. If the 2D plane cuts through the 4 legs of the chair, it will look like 4 squares that are quite far away from each other and seem like they are separate objects.


The incident uses the sequence of 64 penalty universe goals. For each goal, there are 3 scenes which might be referred to as Be (being the terminal), Do (doing the goal), and Have (seeing the results, which will turn out to be a problem).

There are some items in the implant, but they are not expressed in words or even as simple consecutive telepathic concepts. Instead, there seems to be a "thought package" which is received as a unit and may express a number of concepts simultaneously. It's a sort of 4D thought. At the beginning of each goal, there is a single thought unit which seems to contain the following 2 sentences:

To exist is to (goal). To (goal) is to know the (meaning / reason / purpose) of existence.

The words are just an approximation. Its really a set of interlocked major thoughts which form a package that you receive and understand as a single unit even though there is more than one concept present.

Each goal begins with you "turning a corner" in the 5 dimensional spiral. Then comes the item given above. Next you feel a slight shift and then you are in a 4D universe being the terminal.

The terminals are 4D mockups that form a sort of 5D body. You are this single object (or whatever) which appears as an endless number of objects in the 4 dimensional frame. The actual mockup appears to be a 4 dimensional object with an extra dimension used to replicate it infinitely. For example, the body might be a sort of 4 dimensional golden trumpet. There might be trillions of these trumpets scatted through the 4D space, not touching each other, and you are all of them, but you are only a single trumpet that is in direct physical contact with itself everywhere.

I have tried to approximate these 4D objects using 3 dimensional terms. It's not quite right and you'll have to feel around for the actual mockup, but its the best we can do considering our 3D orientation.

Once you perceive yourself as the terminal, there is a second shift and you are doing the goal. It seems as if you're doing the goal in all your body segments throughout space and time and a lot happens but at the same time it seems like just a single unit experience of doing the goal. In other words, there is just a single feeling, a sort of "uumph" of doing the goal and then it has happened infinitely.

Then comes the third shift and you see the consequences of having done the goal. This comes to you as a single thought package with many implications. The consequences will be a problem which is solved by doing the next goal. So you move forward out of the 4D picture and turn the next corner.

As you move through the goals, you start to get very anxious about moving on to the next goal to get rid of the latest problem. You begin to push yourself forward and build up momentum.

In some manner, every 4 turns takes you around the spiral and brings you one rung lower (i.e. the 4 goals of one dynamic give you one circuit around the spiral and the next dynamic is underneath). But there is also a major cycle where the second half of the spiral (the lower 8 dynamics) seems to come in under the first half spiral. It is as if there were 2 spirals acting like springs intertwined together so that the 8th dynamic is immediately under the 16th etc. The spiral seems to go straight down and the shift from the 1st to the 2nd half occurs without a break in the spiral so it may be that it is really angling around in a 6th dimension (or maybe the entire space is curved) to get this doubling effect. When you move into the 8th dynamic items, you feel the added weight of the upper spiral as a sort of pressure somatic. By the time you get down to the 4th dynamic, it feels very thick like being underwater. It is also possible that these two sets of 8 spiral turns form a double helix as in DNA.

I'm not entirely certain about the context of the incident. It seems like it is brought into being by group postulation. You're there in the "middle" of a group of beings and then the incident is created around you. You can spot this happening to you and also can spot creating this for someone else and watching others create this for others. It seems like there is a template which has the pattern and concept of this thing and then a group of beings get together and sort of say "lets do it" and then bang, they actualize the template and there is this glowing silver spiral (double helix?) hanging there in empty space. The victim is looking at it and then moves (or is compelled to move) to the entry point at the top of the spiral and pushes into it.

It is also possible to look earlier and spot building the spiral. PMEs and other entities are capable of spotting this so it must have been a constructed as a group effort.

There may also be other early 4D implants which use this spiral structure.


a-1) spot creating the spiral for others,
a-2) spot others creating the spiral for you
a-3) spot others creating the spiral for others
a-4) spot creating the spiral for yourself.

b) The spiral appears and hangs in empty space, it turns until the entrypoint is facing you.

c) you move to the entrypoint. (also spot intending others to move to the entrypoint).

d) you flow into it (close up it looks like a silver hollow square, sort of like a picture frame).

e) There is a flash of light and you get the first item (as a thought package).


2. TO EXIST IS NATIVE STATE. (or the cosmic all, or the complete impulse of god, etc. - many translations are possible.)

3. TO EXIST IS THE ONLY REASON / PURPOSE / MEANING (again many translations are possible).

4. TO EXIST IS TO KNOW / UNDERSTAND / etc. With this item, a mockup of the jewel of knowledge appears before you and bursts into a great flash of light. When the burst fades, you see stars and slide forward toward them. Then you feel the first shift as you enter the first picture.


Run each goal as follows:

1. For the first goal, run the beginning sequence given above. On subsequent goals, spot turning the corner.

2. Spot the items "To exist is to (goal)" and "To (goal) is to know the (true) meaning of existence".

3. Spot the first shift and then spot being the terminal.

4. Spot the second shift and then spot doing the goal.

5. Spot the third shift and then spot the consequence of doing the goal.

6. Spot turning the corner into the next goal.

The goals, terminals, doingness, and consequences are given in the list below.


----- 16th dynamic (creation) ----

Each one leaves you with a problem that is solved by doing the next one.

1. To Create.
You are a cloud of glowing golden dots. You create 4th dimensional creatures and things. (the creatures seem to have many different 3 dimensional faces or aspects that look a bit like the various penalty universe body types - i.e., one creature will look like many different 3D beings). Consequence: the creations all go out of control and run away.

2. To Mockup.
So you become a set of green frames, like pieces of film, that shift around in various alignments. The frames reflect the 3D bodies and hold them in orientations so they stay under control. Consequence: The creations are lacking in vitality (too thin, overly controlled).

3. To Intensify.
To handle this you become a set of tendrils of energy which trail out from what seem like telescopic sights (there are many of these). This strengthens the creations and makes them solid and persistent. But you still have them tightly controlled and now they don't move. It seems to boring, not original enough.

4. To Imagine.
Next you are sort of like a collection of lightbulbs which shine ideas onto everything. Now everything goes into intense motion. But it is too chaotic. The various illusions don't integrate well. You realize that you don't understand what is going on.

----- 15th dynamic (knowingness) ----

5. To Know
Your body is like clusters of nerve ganglia trailing through space. This lets you know what is happening, but the perceptions are not integrated or correlated, so they are meaningless even though you know everything.

6. To Absorb.
So you become a series of clouds which permeate things. This lets you perceive things in relation to each other. But there is no time or retention of data, so it cannot be differentiated.

7. To Understand.
Next you are a series of jugs or bottles (almost like kline bottles). With these you retain data and gain timesense. But the data is all weighted equally and there is no relative importance.

8. To Learn.
So you become a series of rods and wheels (with teeth as in gears etc.). You poke these around and learn the relative nature of things and can now evaluate them. Consequence: but now you know all about everything and all of its past and future and it is all too boring and predictable. It is a no-game condition.

----- dynamic 14 (games) ----

9. To Play.
You handle this by becoming a series of whisk brooms which bat things into motion and make flows. This introduces randomity and interest. But you see that all the motion is pointless and needs some purpose.

10. To Exchange.
You are an infinite set of golden wheels. The wheels are exchanged between the creations and inspire the creations to fair exchange. Now the game consists of trading. But it is much to well regulated and predictable, it is too simple and there is too much order in it.

11. To Compete.
So you become a series of cannon like things which put out energy blasts that set the creations to moving against each other and inspire conflict. So they fight. But there is no fairness or balance to it, it is just chaos and therefore still pointless.

12. To Manipulate.
You become a set of silver spheres. These make the creations manipulate the exchanges to compete and get ahead of each other. Some win and some loose. It is better and more interesting than before. But you see that there is not enough variety to make the game really interesting. The creations are all too similar.

----- 13th dynamic (change) ----

13. To Shape
Your body consists of many grids / box girders formed of green lines that angle off in various directions. With these you shape the creations so that the 3D aspects are very precise. You have the creations interact directly only on a 3D level so that specific different 3D aspects of various creations will come up against each other in various ways. But the creations are still all very much the same from a higher viewpoint and therefore it is still too predictable.

14. To Change.
You are a collection of spinning white spindles (like they have in big textile mills). They spin at varying rates and radiate change, so the creations change, but at different rates depending on which aspects face the spindles and how far away they are. But now the creations cannot relate to each other at all.

15. To Combine.
You are these double wheels which are liked by a bar (like a bicycle). The wheel pairs overlap pairs of creations and cause an interchange of elements. This makes all of them partially combined with each other. But now it seems too chaotic and you can't differentiate one creation from another.

16. To bring order.
Your body is like treetrunks with branches that make things flow together and apart. The creations array themselves by similarities and differences. It is pleasing. But its now a bit too predictable and there is still no real meaning to any of it.

----- 12th dynamic (Reason) ----

17. To Reason.
Your body consists of many clusters, each of which is a pattern of golden dots (like the ones in To Create above) linked together by golden lines. The dots in the structures cascade together (i.e., feed into each other up to a culminating point) forming a sort of computer. You assign meanings to everything, but the patterns of meaning and the physical locations are equivalent because everything is grouped by similarities and differences. So the pattern is too obvious and there is no motion.

18. To Orient.
Your body is a collection of ruler like frames, sort of like the body type of To Mockup but with co-ordinates marked on them. You shift the creations around and try to keep them oriented, but it becomes very chaotic and everything goes into excessive motion.

19. To Compute
So you become these bundles of rods (or straw or wheat) which interconnect everything and compute the relationships. But now everything becomes too pre-determined and does not move.

20. To Guide.
Your body is a collection of Silver Stars which shine. With these, you act as a guiding light and lead things to different relationships. It is pleasing but there is no permanency and no havingness.

----- 11th Dynamic (Construction) ----

21. To Construct.
Your body consists of levers on fulcrums, sort of like seesaws. You push the mobile creations into building the other creations into permanent structures. This gives havingness but there is no plan and it is all chaotic.

22. To Engineer.
So you become a series of golden drops which fall on things and permeate them and assign meaning and purpose to the arrangements. But it is still too thin and lacking in havingness.

23. To Build.
Now you become spinning cylinders. You encompass things and compress them together and build them into things. But now it is all too solid and there is no space or motion.

24. To Structure.
So you become these oblongs (like dominos) with claws. There is a sense that these are a sort of 4D tractor. With these you arrange the creations and pull things apart and introduce space but keep some solidity and interrelationships. It is now at a pleasing level of solidity, but it is not interesting enough. Everything seems too perfect and functional, there is no beauty.

----- 10th Dynamic (Aesthetics) ----

25. To Invent.
You are comets which leave trails of glowing dust behind them. The trails introduce impurities, arbitraries, and imperfections which make things more interesting. But the changes are all arbitrary and without meaning.

26. To Inspire.
So you become a series of little golden trumpets which flow meaning and inspiration into the arbitraries (they produce a flow which is a 4D equivalent of sound, but is not sound as we know it). But these inspired particles are lost in the vastness of the other creations.

27. To Enhance.
So you become a set of little white candles with golden flames. These strengthen and highlight the impurities. But you see that the impurities do not align with each other and therefore the overall result is ugly.

28. To Beautify.
So you become a series of silver bells which cause the impurities to interrelate and vibrate in sympathy with each other and as a result the creations become beautiful. It is very pleasing but the beauty is ephermal and transient and you can't hold on to it. The appearance of one thing of beauty draws away the strength of other ones because everything vibrates with the new item and the old ones deteriorate and fade away.

----- 9th dynamic (Ethics) ----

29. To Strengthen.
You become a series of golden explosions ( - I originally had this down as triangles or columns) which flow energy into the beautiful creations and give them persistence. But the ugly ones persist with the beautiful ones.

30. To Purify.
So you become wreaths of fire which purge the creations of undesirable elements. But you can't always tell which are the good ones and the creations accuse each other.

31. To Evaluate (to arbitrate).
So you become these things which are a bit like veneer calipers, but in pairs which balance one against the other. You balance sides and settle the differences. But then the creations attack each other to weaken their opponents and sway the balance in their favor so that they will be granted more persistence.

32. To Defend.
So you become these mesh like energy screens which you use to protect the creations from each other. But the creations are now resentful of your interference.

----- 8th Dynamic (religion) ----

33. To Enlighten.
So you become these things that seem like narrow little stacks of fanfold paper which contain explanations. You attach these to things. They unfold sideways in an extra direction. But the creations don't believe the explanations and continue to resent you and begin arguing about the meanings and come even further into conflict with each other.

34. To Convert.
So you become a series of heavenly gates which bring the creations to awareness and reverence for yourself. But the creations still don't understand.

35. To Connect.
So you become these staffs of light which shine on the creations to bring them into communication with you. Now they understand but they still will not obey.

36. To Be Worshipped.
So you become thunderclouds which emit lightning and force them to worship and obey you. But now the creations are all afraid and therefore unasthetic. You're not pleased with the result.

----- 7th dynamic (spirit) ----

37. To Predetermine.
So you become a series of green roads which angle off into the future. With these you project good futures for the creations so that they will not be afraid. But now that they have been re- assured, they each go off their own way and will not work together with each other. To avoid each other, they all disperse into all of space and time.

38. To collect.
Your body is like a series of wicker baskets. You collect the creations all back together but they repel each other and this makes an undesirable pressure.

39. To Influence.
So you become these tiny white angels with golden wings. With these you influence the creations towards affinity and attraction for each other. but now they all melt together and loose differentiation.

40. To Permeate.
You become a series of transparent spheres (like soap bubbles). You permeate the creations and push in space (created within the spheres) to hold the creations apart. But it is still a confusing mess and you can't figure out which creation is which.

----- 6th dynamic (Mest) ----

41. To Locate.
So you become a series of silver crosses (these are like religious crosses, but their purpose is to locate things, the longer bottom bar is to make it clear which way the cross is aligned. Apparently these were later used to keep someone located in the grave, and in that manner became wrapped up with religion). You precisely locate each creation to aid in distinguishing them. But now there is no motion (yet again).

42. To Energize.
So you become these spinning spheres of gold (like suns) which emit streams of energy (like solar flares) that fall onto everything and fill it with energy and motion and the urge to move. But now things don't seem solid enough (they flit around too much and most of the structure and havingness has been obscured by these later actions).

43. To Solidify.
So you become these spinning cones that suck things in (into the bell of the cone) and force them to condense (at the point of the cone). but in condensing, great vacuums are left between the solidified creations.

44. To Gather.
So you become these fishing nets which gather everything together. Now it is good havingness again but it is not aesthetic or interesting or complex enough. It is a hodge-podge collection of masses rather than an interesting structure.

----- 5th dynamic ----

45. To Grow.
Your body type is a 4D cloud of glowing golden dots and rods (much like the GE body). With this you make the creations evolve and structure themselves in aesthetic and interesting patterns. But it is all pointless because the creations are now all different and don't relate to each other.

46. To Discover.
So you become a flock of golden arrows which drive the creations to discover and interact with each other. This is pleasing but the creations abrade against each other and break off pieces and cause much damage.

47. To Heal.
So you become something like golden parameciums which "swim" around within the creations and repair the damage. Now the creations survive better but they still clash and don't fit well together.

48. To Establish.
So you become golden harnesses which tie the lifeforms together and establish patterns of relationships between them. But now the creations come into conflict (yet again, but now these are much larger, more solid creations of a different order of magnitude than the ones earlier).

----- 4th Dynamic ----

49. To Share
Your body type is a series of things like snowflakes (or spider's webs) which interconnect the creations to reduce the conflicts. But this makes the creations into clusters which avoid each other.

50. To Unite.
So you become these drums which put out vibrations that drive them together. This makes the clusters tie together, but now each one tries to force the others to be like it and follow its pattern and there is still excessive conflict.

51. To Control
So you become these things like forceps (or salad tongs) which hold the creations and keep them from fighting. But they blame each other and try to 3rd party you to get you to do in their opponents. You can't figure out who's right and who's lying.

52. To Judge.
So you become a set of scales which can balance things and settle disputes. But you see that the real problem is that there is no overall organizing pattern on which to base the interrelationships.

----- 3rd dynamic (groups) ----

53. To Organize
Your body type is a set of things that are sort of like shelves with mechanical arms attached. With these you arrange things. But the creations don't agree with the organization pattern.

54. To Co-Operate.
So you become these antennas which put out lightning bolts to force the creations to co-operate. But they don't like it.

55. To Participate
So you become these heater coils which radiate warmth and good feeling when the creations come together. It is pleasant, but now it is all too small (too little of the original creations made it through all of the above, and you built and combined them into complex structures, so there aren't very many).

56. To Expand.
So you become these golden bubbles (balloons) which keep expanding outward (in concentric rings) which inspire the creations to expand. But there are no more of the creations than there were before, so things become thin.

----- 2nd Dynamic ----

57. To Reproduce.
So you become these floodlights (like clamp lamps) which shine on the creations and make them copy themselves (split and duplicate). But they don't like it (it makes for competition from copies of themselves and is invalidating) and try to avoid the process.

58. To Satisfy.
So you become these mirrors which reflect the creations throughout existence. This makes the creations see themselves as copies extending out to infinity and gives them a desire for this to occur. This makes them want to reproduce, but the copies are all identical and there is not enough variety (there are only a few different originals).

59. To Join.
So you become a series of golden double helixes (like DNA, and very similar to the spiral itself). This causes pairs of creations to each make a half copy to produce a composite that is a mixture of both. But the creations don't like the resulting copies (they are different from them and don't quite satisfy the business of extending the original out to infinity).

60. To Carefor
So you become these white fur balls (or puffballs) that send out little white dots that interconnect the creations to their partial copies and inspire love for them. But now the creations are careless of themselves in favor of their offspring and fall apart rapidly.

----- 1st Dynamic ----

61. To Feel.
Your body type consists of towels that stroke things. This makes the creations feel and carefor their own existence. But now you see that the originals run down anyway after producing offspring. You realize that this is because they get used up.

62. To Replenish.
So you become these oil can like things that give the creations the urge to renew themselves. But they have nothing to renew themselves with.

63. To Consume (to eat).
So you become these aneobas which show them how to ingest things to replenish themselves. At first they do this by absorbing the fragments left lying around by the above sequence of creation. But this soon runs out and then they have nothing to renew themselves with. So they begin eating each other.

This disgusts and horrifies you. You want them to stop, but you don't know how to do it. You look forward to the next goal which will solve this terrible problem. So you turn the next corner.

64. To Endure.
You become a set of golden pyramids. With this comes the knowledge that there is no solution but to endure the current state of affairs (this is your doingness for the goal). You are horrified by this, but you also "know" that it only would get worse if you continued on. You must put up with this or the next solution will be even more terrible. With this you are given a sort of "glimpse" of the next solution which would be for you to become food for the creations and you are given the impression of a further downward sequence which gets worse beyond it, but in which you would not participate because you would have been consumed by your own creations.

The End of the Implant: Then you hang onto the goal "To Endure" and just stay there until you feel yourself pulled out. You look and see that you have come sideways out of the middle of the spiral. Then you are told something like "look, we have rescued you, you should be grateful to us and work for us" (these are the same characters that pushed you in in the first place).


There are other things to run with this besides the implant itself.

First, you can do a very enjoyable mockup drill of putting each of the 64 body types into a mest object. Put in thousands of tiny ones (i.e., fill an ashtray with thousands of tiny golden trumpets to inspire it, etc.). This may be the actual anatomy of mest. After doing this, also make up your own arbitrary mockups and fill up objects with them too (no sense staying in compulsive agreement).

Second, you can find 4D machinery which matches each of these 64 body types. Run it as follows:

a) spot the machinery that is being it currently.
b) have it spot being made into a machine, and the first time it was made into a machine.
c) Have it spot "To (goal) is native state".
d) Have it spot "Before the beginning there is nothing but the will to exist".
e) have it spot building the spiral.

Usually all of them for a particular goal seem to blow on one pass. But you can check for another PME being the machinery if it seems to indicate.

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.




The Jewel of Knowledge

The False Jewel of Knowledge



This is very early, probably from the reality wars.

I haven't managed to get a good view of any of the details. This is mainly based on impressions and meter reads. There may be a good bit of detail missing or incorrect.

By meter assessment, this uses 6 dimensional objects (6 true dimensions of space, not including any time dimensions or mere thickness along an extra axis).

Unlike the jewel of knowledge, which has very large numbers of dimensions, but keeps the objects at the level of simple geometrical shapes, this has complex non-homogeneous mockups in 6 dimensions.

Unfortunately, I'm just not up to visualizing 6 dimensional scenery yet. My impressions are that there is a pyramid like thing (but not a simple pyramid, it has details and protuberances and things that sort of unfurl as you shift along different dimensional angles, and there are endless colors and aesthetic waves). You get drawn or pushed into this (and later you probably throw people into it).

In the pyramid (but also outside of it, they overlap partially but not completely in their many dimensioned anchor points) is a gateway which is the "Gateway to Truth" and this is on some kind of surface.

When you enter the gateway, the "heavens" open up and the "older and higher beings" look down and talk to you. There are 6 dimensional mockups of these being's bodies. The idea is that you are finally seeing the beings who built the jewel of knowledge and that they have more to tell you.

Of course this is all fake. There was probably a small crowd of beings still working on 6 dimensional mockups when the reality wars broke out and they probably allied themselves with the 4 dimensional crew against the 3 dimensional team. Although they were probably far from having a complete system of creations (it takes longer to do more dimensions), they might have gotten far enough to at least have a prototype for some kind of body mockup and some simple structures. Since these would be new and surprising to anyone outside of the 6Dim group, and since they would have more dimensions than anyone had ever seen used for complex (rather than simple) mockups, they had a good shot at really fooling others into thinking that the higher beings were contacting them.

The implant lays in the idea that earlier postulates are senior to later ones and it makes things cumulative.

I think the idea was to get the 3Dim guys to lock themselves into a sequence and progression of mockups instead of just being able mockup whatever they felt like. If you are bound by your earlier postulates, then your creations are limited and you can be trapped by your own mockups. Without this limitation, you can always just change your mind and step out and start over.

I think that with each item, they show you some sort of scene to prove it and hit you with some kind of heavy aesthetics and agreement waves. The statement of the item is telepathic and consists of an intention rather than words or symbols. The whole thing comes as a single "thought package" and this makes it difficult to translate into words, so the following are only an approximation.

The items are as follows:

Introductory Section:

(the higher beings appear and tell you the following:)

1. To know truth is native state

2. To know the experience of higher truth is to achieve the ultimate purpose.

(possibly a few other items, a bit like platen 1)

(there are a great deal of aesthetics, wondrous eternal lights, ethereal harmonies, things moving around in subtle patterns, frames of reality shifting together and apart, etc.).

The Abberative Items:

(all the other stuff keeps going on in the background while these communications hit you and scenes showing them appear in the foreground. There is so much happening that it both rivets and disperses your attention and you can't quite catch all of it and it seems a bit overwhelming).




4. THERE IS NO BEAUTY WITHOUT A PAST (to resonate against)
















There may be more.

I suspect that the actual items were worked out by the 2Dim crew who would also have been allied with the 4s by this point. They would have long since finished their basic system and would be working on the implications of time and change and games and would have this down better than any of the other groups. By combining stuff from both the 2Dim and 6Dim systems, they made something that was really ruff (and possibly the 1s, 4s, and 5s all worked on the aesthetic details). Its probably only the fact that the 3s struck first without warning that gave them a chance against the combination of many different systems into implants like this.

This same mockup and pattern may have been used to establish other ideas as well. This was almost certainly used with an endword that might be translated as "dimensional sensation" meaning a sort of sexual/relegious extacy. The first item would be "It is ethical to be the effect of dimensional sensation" etc.



The general context and description is given in the "Cosmic History".

I have not been able to run this completely, not because of charge (this is no force on this) but on account of the difficulty of conceiving of it.

Almost everything here was gotten by emeter assessment.

I did not find these in order, and I have not found it possible just to scan through and pick these up in sequence. Trying that just gives me vague impressions of things I can't seem to spot or grasp.

Instead, I got these by occasionally having an idea such as "they probably told us something about how to perceive things", and then checking it on the meter. If I can get something reading, then its possible to check other things about it and once I get enough, then it becomes possible to scan through the incident within the particular chamber of the jewel. I think that it runs this way because it is way out gradient and I'm reaching past about 3 layers of other stuff to pry one of these out.

Running this was not so much productive of case gain (and it never seemed very difficult to face up to or handle), but it was immensely revelatory as to the context of everything and what has happened to us. I could not have written the cosmic history document if I had not run a bit of this first.

Unfortunately, I still haven't managed to run the entire thing, nor have I handled all the other stuff that's piled on top of it. So at best, I only have a halfway view rather than a complete picture of our existence.

Here I will list the chambers that I have run. They are numbered K1 on up (the numbers were gotten by meter assessment) but many are missing.


K1: The 1st split viewpoint

You enter the first facet and see a line. You feel that there is more out of sight. You keep shifting around and seeing different lines. You realize that there is something of vaster scope present but you can only perceive a single line of it at a time.

You realize that if you could view two different lines of it concurrently, you would know something. So you hold line fixed in view and try to look at another line simultaneously. In viewing the second line, you pull apart from yourself.

Now you look through two different viewpoints simultaneously and by holding them both you find that you are able to perceive a surface (a plane). Usually it is a square, but you can see it as other things such as a triangle depending on how you shift the 2 viewpoints around (like seeing the intersection of a plane with cube at various angles).

You still feel that there is more to know, so you hold the plane steady and try to pull out and see more. You pull apart from yourself again and become 3 and see a 3D object. It is usually a cube, but again, it shifts various ways and you can tell that you are looking at different cubes etc. that are part of a larger whole.

Again you pull apart another viewpoint and see 4D, and again for 5D. This time it is very real and doesn't shift around. You are quite pleased at this and feel good.

Then you try splitting further into 6 to see if there is any more. But the object is only 5 dimensional and all you see is a little thickness in the 6th dimension. But in doing this, the object has become ghostly and unreal. This makes you sad (not really an emotion, but a bit of a feeling of loss and disappointment).

So you choose to forget the 6th viewpoint and pretend that the object is real. It becomes solid and you admire it for awhile, but you know there is nothing more to know and the sequence is at an end. So eventually you drift out of the facet and continue on to the next.

( later facets repeat this with a twist to lay in decisions on splitting, abandoning viewpoints, forgetting, and not-knowing).

(this facet is aimed at experiencing the reality of the object. It uses the same number of split viewpoints as the number of dimensions being perceived, because the perception is by permeation rather than looking. There are later facets where you are taught how to look at something with one less viewpoint than the number of dimensions used in the object, just like we look at 3D space with only 2 eyes).


K2: The Need for Agreement

You enter the next facet. At first there is only a white nothingness (void). You search for something to see but there is nothing.

Then gradually you sense the presence of another being. You shift around until you feel the nearness of one of his viewpoints. You shift over to that viewpoint and see a curved line.

Although you only see a line, you realize that he is looking at a 5 dimensional object using 5 viewpoints. So you split out to 5 and try to see it, but you still only see the curved line. You realize that this is because only one of your viewpoints matches his.

So you shift your viewpoints around until they overlay his 5 and a 5 dimensional sphere appears. You like this, it is interesting and gives havingness.

You experiment by shifting one of your viewpoints off of his and the sphere looses a dimension and becomes hollow. This is a loss of havingness and you don't like the loss. So you shift back and it goes solid again and feels better.

From this you learn that agreement is necessary.

After awhile you realize that nothing else is going to happen and you shift out of the facet and go on to the next.


K3: Duplicating Others

You sense another being. He mocks up a point and then extends a line from that point. He invites you to do the same.

Eventually you do it and have a line. At first you don't put it in the same space as his line and therefore lose sight of his line when you mockup yours. You realize this, and mock it up again in the same space as his, and then you have both lines.

He then divides and extends another line to make a flat square and invites you to do the same. Eventually you do.

This is repeated with 3 and then 4 dimensional objects until you're both mocking up 4D cubes.

You gain havingness from your object, and the patterns of mocked up cubes are interesting. From this you see the need for following instructions and duplicating others.


K13: The Need For Games

This is done in a 13 dimensional space with cube equivalents that have white and black sides and are numbered (like building blocks).

You move them around at random and it is uninteresting.

You sort them into sequence and it is more fun.

Note: the numbering is done by having black dots on the cubes (like dice) rather than using symbols that represent quantities.


K14: The Need For opponents

(Like K13 above). Now you see two groups of cubes in a 13D space. One set is white and the other is black. Each set is numbered, but the series are not identical (numbers are skipped in each of the two series). You take one series and he takes the other and you race to see who can get them in order first.

You see that this is more interesting than the previous game (K13).


K15: The need to ensure an opponent

Like K13 and K14. The opponent weakens and the game is less fun. So you encourage and help him.


K16: The need to create an opponent

Like K13 to K15. This time there is no opponent.

So you divide and part of you becomes the opponent. You see that this is necessary.


K22: The Need For Barriers

There is a sort of 7 dimensional cube with gaps and sockets etc. There are other objects that are to be fitted into the corresponding openings in the cube.

You see another do this and it looks interesting.

Then its your turn. But the objects drift through the walls and through each other. It is only fun if you make the different objects block each other.

From this you learn to create barriers and solidity.


K23: Encouraging Agreement

You enter a space with 4 others. You all mock up a 5 dimensional cube. It is pleasant havingness. One of the others slides out of agreement and the cube goes hollow.

You wait. Some of the others encourage him to return. Eventually he comes back and the cube goes solid again and it is nicer.

Then it happens again. This time you work at encouraging the one who left to come back and agree. This works and the cube again becomes solid.

Then you decide to go out of agreement and leave. You lose sight of the cube and only see a line. You feel the others encouraging you to return. So you come back and the cube is solid again.

Then you all remain there for awhile holding the cube solid. It feels nice.

From this you realize that it is necessary to encourage the agreement of others.


K24: The Need To Agree on Barriers

This is a game like K22 but it is done with a 5D pyramid. But many people are playing (like K23). You are all racing to push your objects into the sockets in the pyramid ahead of the others.

But the game is not fun as long as your set of objects passes through other peoples. So you all learn to make each other's objects solid so that you can play the game.


K27: The Need To Enforce Agreement

(This is one of the ones that got us into trouble. It could be called the "predisposition to implant others").

This is done in a many dimensioned space. There are 14 dimensions which are not properly aligned. E.G. they are not at right angles to each other.

Each dimensional anchor point is being mocked up by different beings.

You are trying to align two 4 dimensional objects but can't get them all on the same axis until all agree.

You see that all of you are getting nowhere. So you agree with another to share your anchor points. Then the two of you have more than the others who are insisting on being individualistic. But they wouldn't change their minds.

So you and one agreeing with you join forces to implant each of the others to make them go into agreement. You do this by taking hold of one of them and hold them in an object until they choose to agree to it. Since you block their perceptions and anchor points while you do this, eventually they do choose to agree. Since you outnumber them, any efforts they make to fight back fail.

You do this to each of the others, taking them one at a time and adding them to your group (since it becomes larger, the process gets easier).

When all agree, the space condenses into a single definition which is pleasing.

From this, you see the need to force others into agreement.

(there are more variations on this in later chambers. One has many beings moving in harmony and when an individual goes out of agreement, it is unpleasant for all the others and you force him back. In another, there seem to be fake beings as well as real ones and you see that you only need the agreement of the real ones and can dispense with the fakes).


K37: Sensation

There is a 4D object before you. It has 13 3D sides where each side is a 3D object. The 3D objects are square pyramids (4 sides plus a square base). 10 of the 3D objects are solid and 3 are hollow.

You receive the intention that this is your form and that you are being encouraged to become it. So you choose to be the object to see what happens.

Then a 4D energy beam comes in and bounces in and out of you (your multi-pyramid form). It comes in via a hollow pyramid, ricochets off of the solid pyramids, and then goes out via a hollow. Because there are 3 hollows, the beam is unbalanced and disorderly and you feel incomplete.

Then another being in a form similar to yours comes out.

The two of you align your hollow areas and project beams at each other and everything goes into a nice balance and feels pleasant and orderly. There is a nice rhythm to it. You receive the idea that this is pleasure.

Then the other object/being turns from you and goes out of alignment and the beam becomes all jagged and disorganized. You do not like this. You receive the intention that this is pain.

Then the beams stop and the being leaves, going on to the next chamber.

(note that there are no words in this, and I am assigning the words pleasure and pain here. But what is actually projected is just a sort of arbitrary intention which is then defined by the experience itself. It is more like somebody tapping it with a pointer and assigning a tag for later reference).


K38: Pleasure is at other's expense

You follow the other "pyramid being" from K37 into facet K38 which is a 6 dimensional space. You still have the "pyramid form" mocked up for yourself.

The space contains a total of 14 of these multi-pyramid bodies including your own. Energy beams dance around, and you join in the exchange of beams. The beams are out of alignment and it is mildly unpleasant.

Another 2 beings get into good alignment and begin experiencing "pleasure". But this throws every body else's beams into worse alignment and you feel "pain". So everyone else pushes the 2 back out of alignment.

Then you have the chance to go into alignment with another and you do so. It is pleasant, but you notice that everyone else is in pain again. You let them push you apart, and everyone including yourself goes back to the mildly unpleasant pattern.

From this you realize that pleasure is achieved at the expense of other's pain.


K64: The need for rules

There are 3 beings in a 7 dimensional space.

Two of them mockup an elaborate game with what see like spirals or helixes, rods and cones, energies, and balls bouncing around.

They play, engrossed and interested.

The third being joins them and plays too. But he doesn't know the rules and invents his own and plays differently. The others become frustrated and begin altering the rules to suit themselves to keep up with the new player.

The game becomes chaotic and falls to pieces. The players back off and see the results and feel unhappy.

So they get together again, and this time they define the rules in terms of the spirals etc. and build a mockup that shows these rules. Then they push copies of the rules into each other (sort of implanting) so that you can see the rules within each of them.

Now a 4th being arrives and is implanted with the rules before he can play.

Now all proceeds well and all are "happy".

Then you join the game and since you have seen the need for rules, you allow the others to implant the rules within you.


K ?: The need for players

A many dimensional sphere is bounced back and forth between two teams (8 players each?). The game is pleasant. A player wanders off and then the game is less fun. Others wander off until there is nobody left but you. You sit there alone and bored.

Then another group comes and joins you and begins to play. One of the players tries to leave, but the group holds him and forces him back into the game. Then the game becomes even more pleasant.

This shows you that you have to force others to remain in the game.


Other Facets:

There are many others I have not run thoroughly but which I have gotten a bit of. Besides the ones mentioned above and in the Cosmic History, there also seems to be some that are as follows:

a) The need for duplication
b) The need for imperfect duplication
c) the need for persistence.
d) the need for admiration.
e) the need for acknowledgment
f) the need to divide
g) the idea that only one will survive
h) the idea that when 2 terminals connect or communicate, one will be submissive and the other will be dominant
i) the idea that if you communicate too freely, you will connect to terminals who will dominate you



The jewel of knowledge seems almost too silly and simpleminded. Only an innocent new being would swallow it so completely.

Its power came exclusively from the fact that it was going into a complete vacuum of no data or experience.

I'm sure that there are more troublesome predispositions in this thing that I haven't yet spotted.



June 29, 1990

This is an early implant used in the Motion Universe (i.e., between the Games Universe and the Symbols Universe).

Although the individual had already been subject to the penalty universes and the treadmill (which added negative goals), all they had done was given him abberated ideas which he liked to mockup and dramatize. He did not really think that these things applied to him as a thetan. They really only impacted his mockups. He had trouble with things decaying or sliding downscale etc., but he had never agreed to let his horsepower be cut down.

He had not yet been subject to the big splitter that would divide him into split viewpoints from which he would hit himself with compulsions. It is quite possible that he would have been immune to the effects of it if such a thing had been done to him. Probably, anything that did force him to split would wear off after the implant and he would simply slide back to being himself (as happened with the splitter items in the penalty universes). At this stage he was still immune to the effects of force.

But he could be tricked and hit with counter-thought. He could easily be suckered into abberated logic, especially since the agreements universes had laid in a set of mis-aligned definitions that gave him a constant problem in logic.

Also, he already had a button on the Jewel of Knowledge. The original jewel (long gone) was barely remembered and thought of with a religious awe. Furthermore, a mockup of it was used in the penalty universes thereby adding a bit of a flinch and non-confront.

This implant uses a mockup of the Jewel of Knowledge to deliver False Data and abberated logic. Based on this, the victim is tricked into agreeing to cut down his abilities. Basically, he is talked into making himself weak and subject to various things and forgetting that he has done so for "very good reasons" (which are based on false data).

This false jewel is given as a prize for winning a game. The game is rigged but the individual thinks that he has gained something very valuable. Furthermore, the implant makes the victim agree to trick other victims into accepting the false jewel and into promoting how wonderful it is and what great gains are made from it.

At the start, the false jewel moves into the individual. Throughout the incident, it keeps flashing with a radioactive light that seems to spread completely through the victim. There is also a bit of an electrical crack to this flash. The initial items are a short variation of platen 1 (with the jewel flashing on each item).

The rest of the incident consists of laying in 64 abberated agreements. These follow the sequence of the 64 penalty universes. First the jewel turns to present one of its facets (there are 64 facets) which then flashes. The radioactive flash conveys a "picture". The "picture" is actually a little story (i.e., it is a 4 dimensional picture with a time component). The story shows you some "basic truth" about the universe or whatever. The "Truth" will be some horrid idea such as all of us being the fragmented pieces of the Devil who was thrown out of heaven.

The picture hits with a very heavy flow that makes you feel somewhat dazed. It is not really an energy impact type of somatic. It is more like being hit with an awful truth that destroys the foundations of your life. This is overwhelm on the counter- thought line. Coming with the picture is a strong intention that "this is absolute truth". Normally you would just have tossed the idea away after a few minutes reflection, but in this case they get you while you are still dazed and non-confronting the "Truth". At this point, the jewel asks you to agree that this datum is true (or else it will withdraw all of its knowledge from you). So, still in shock, you agree that you believe it. Then the jewel shows you a chain of logic based on the false datum. The end point of this chain is to convince you that you must agree to something as a logical consequence to all this. Then the jewel gets you to make the agreement. Next, it gets you to agree to forget the "Truth" and hide the agreement from yourself because the truth is too horrible to remember (you are told that it would drive you insane if you knew it).

Then the jewel turns to the next facet and delivers there next false datum.

The jewel here seems to be a 5 or 6 dimensional object. In 3 dimensions it appears as an 8 sided diamond (two 4 sided pyramids base to base) but really has 64 of these sides.

The false datum is very loosely connected to the corresponding penalty universe (and its inversion). I.E., the false datum for "To Create" has something to do with creation and destruction. But there is no literal attempt to use the penalty universe terminal etc. However, they did draw on penalty universe mockups (all mixed up) for use in the scenery.

The various false datums contradict each other, but this didn't matter since each one was forgotten before the next one was implanted.

There are many later implants which lay in false data. This is especially common in implants which set up Control Entities (CEs).

The research on this is still incomplete, all the false datums have not yet been found, some may be assigned to the wrong goals, and some of the false datums may be from later implants.

After adding the latest false datums to this list and having run a large number of CEs, it is began to seem like the bulk of the items were from the CE building implant used in this and possibly earlier universes. So I began checking items to establish whether they were from the original false jewel or a later version. For those false datums where I managed to sort this out, the original is marked with a B (for basic) and the later false datum is marked with an L (for late).

It is also conceivable that the original false jewel was copied and reused all the way down the track or was modified and used with only slight variations. It seems like there were many false data implants to make worshipers or slaves or whatever so there is a lot of room for variations in the implants. Also, some of the later false data implants would not have used the jewel (but they were probably less effective). Of course all implants are to some degree false data. Here we are emphasizing incidents where false data is the key button and was used to get agreement on abbreviated things.

Spotting the original false jewel works extremely well when running CEs, so it is quite valid.


a. Winning the game.
b. Being given the jewel and agreeing to accept it.
c. The jewel flows into you.

Starting Sequence: (like platen 1).

The jewel flashes in the center of your being on each of these items.



































Then the jewel turns to the first facet. To aid in running these, I have provided the penalty universe goal and its inversion (from the assessment list). After it are listed the false datum and the abberated agreement. Note that these are actually quite complex pictures etc. (and they don't necessarily use the penalty universe terminal). This is only a quick summary to aid in spotting.

Note, items marked B are Basic items in the original false jewel and items marked L are later false datums.

16D 1. To Create (Statue) :To Destroy (devil statue)

B: God created everything and we keep messing it up. So you agree that you must never create or destroy anything because its god's universe.

2. To Mock Up (Computer) :To Unmock (energy mass)

B: When you mock up things, they cease to be under your control. So you agree that it is dangerous to mock up anything.

L: If you could mock up real things in this universe, the ability would go out of control and you'd mock up all the things which you were afraid of and they'd get you. So you agree to keep your mockups from becoming real.

3. To Imagine (Cartoon Mouse) :To Disillusion (vampire)

B:There are terrible things beyond the third dimension that don't want you to see them and will attack you if you do. So you agree not to imagine anything beyond the third dimension.

L: If your imagination goes out of control, you will imagine your worst fears. So you agree not to imagine anything.

4. To Intensify (Energy Cloud) :To Drain (black vortex)

B: When you fight back against something, it is intensified by your efforts to resist it. So you agree not to fight back.

L: If you think of something, it will get stronger and gain power over you; so you agree not to think about anything outside of normal reality.

15D 5. To Manipulate (Penguin Banker):To Ruin (Dragon)

B: The fates secretly manipulate your behavior and you can't do anything about it; so you agree not to take responsibility for anything because it is not your fault.

L: There are evil people who would manipulate society for their own gain and bring harm. So you agree to block anyone who tries to manipulate society.

6. To Exchange (Spirit Broker) :To Steal (Raccoon)

B: You gave up your right to disagree in exchange for the chance to play in this game. So you agree not to disagree with the rules of the universe.

L: You promised god service in exchange for life. So you agree to serve god always and obey the rules of his universe and not question anything.

7. To Compete (Coach, doll) :To Cheat (Skeleton)

B: If people compete, only one can win and the majority must lose. So you agree to lose the majority of the time.

L: If you were strong, you would be selfish and evil forever. So you agree to stay weak.

8. To Play (Chinese child):To Fool (Joker)

B: Life is only a game and you exist here only as a playing piece. So you agree that it doesn't matter what you do or what happens to you since there is no higher purpose anyway.

L: We are all one, so that when you lose to someone else, you have really won because you are them too. So you agree to lose often to help yourself win elsewhere.

14D 9. To Know (2 headed dodo) :To Mislead (gorilla pr)

B: When you knew the real truth, you chose to forget it for good reasons. So you agree not to try to know the real truth.

L* If the people knew of this, it would destroy them. So you agree that you must prevent any attempts reveal this.

10. To Understand (chipmunk) :To Misunderstand (cripple)

If something could be understood, you would understand it already. The only things really worth understanding belong to god and cannot be understood by you. Therefore, you agree not to try and understand anything because the effort would be worthless.

11. To Absorb (Greek hero) :To Discard (Amazon)

Beings are the coin of the universe and you can only gain strength and power by absorbing them. So you agree to try and absorb as many spirits as possible.

12. To Learn (gnome) :To Forget

If you learned of this, it would destroy the game. So you agree to forget this forever.

13D 13. To Reason (clown) :To Discombobulate(1manband

The real reason for existence is to feed your soul to god. So you agree to let yourself be eaten when the time comes.

14. To Orient (wire man) :To Disorient (spinning top)

If you were really oriented, you would see that this is all a sham and an illusion and all your havingness would be lost. So you agree to remain disoriented forever.

15. To Guide (pilot) :To Misdirect (scarecrow)

You were once a god and were supposed to guide everyone, but you failed and its your fault that everyone is stuck here now. So you agree to remain here and suffer with everyone else because its all your fault.

16. To Compute (toy bodies) :To Confuse (zombie)

You use the brain to think and perceive, therefor you agree to be unconscious whenever you are out of the body.

12D 17. To Engineer (lobster people):To Unstabilize (Goon)

The body was engineered as a spirit trap and you can't get out of it until you die. So you agree to accept death and die as soon as possible to get out of the trap.

18. To Construct (beavers) :To Teardown (wreck crane

Everything new is constructed from the remnants of older masses and energies. So you agree that nothing can truly be created or destroyed.

19. To Structure (Crystals) :To Shatter (batman)

The structure of this universe is such that objects are real and thought is unreal. So your thoughts cannot affect anything.

20. To Build (snake people) :To Wreck

Matter was built by many beings working in conjunction. So you agree that your postulates alone are not capable of affecting matter.

11D 21. To Shape (clay people) :To Distort (walrus)

You were shaped (created) from the postulates of others. So you agree that others postulates should affect you.

22. To Combine (Siamese twins):To Fragment (worms)

Reality can only be mocked up or affected by group postulation. If you were alone you would have no universe. So you agree to combine with other beings and stick to them.

23. To Change (magician) :To Implode (Sorceress)

This universe is a constructed picture and you are only a figure painted in it by the master painter; you move and act as he needed to compose the painting. So you agree that you can affect nothing and cannot change, you must be as you are.

24. To Align (bear people) :To Revolt (black panther)

Our attempts to be individuals and go our own way has brought us to this sorry fate. So you agree to align with god and follow his desires and put aside your own needs and wants.

10D 25. To Purify (fire people) :To Pervert (satyr)

All your desires are impure, stemming from your coarse animal nature. So you agree to suppress all of your urges, desires, and goals to purify your soul.

26. To Protect (ball of energy):To Hurt (silver ball)

There are higher beings ("celestial police or angles or demi-gods") who are protecting you from extreme harm. So you agree to give them all your loyalty and never question their methods.

27. To Defend (lit. green men) :To Attack (gorilla soldier

The only real being is society which is god. We are only cells in its body. So you agree to defend society from aberrant ("cancerous") individuals who work against it.

28. To Arbitrate (bull people) :To Disagree (snake)

We are all in an implant right now and this is just an item. So you agree that you cannot disagree with or alter reality because its not there to be altered (?).

9D 29. To Enhance (ghost people) :To Degrade (demon)

This universe was constructed to teach you a lesson which you need desperately (I.E., to enhance you). So you agree to go along with it and try to learn from it and not rebel or protest against anything that happens to you.

30. To Invent (worker gnome) :To Divest (troll)

You are the only real person and you invented everyone else. So you agree to divide and put pieces of yourself on everyone else to keep them mocked up (or under control?).

31. To Beautify (fairy godmother) :To Make ugly (old witch)

All beauty stems from god. So you agree that you can create nothing except ugliness on your own.

32. To Inspire (muses) :To Occlude (mesmerist)

Only divine inspiration can bring about beauty. This inspiration is whispered to the great artists, it really comes from god. So you agree to listen to and obey any whispers which appear in your mind because they are divine inspiration.

8D 33. To Convert (reptile-fish man) :To Disabuse (jackal)

The people will kill anyone who tries to help them. So you agree not to try to help anyone else.

34. To Connect (female angel) :To Disconnect(spider woman

We're all pieces of Satan who rebelled against god and looked at the Jewel of Knowledge which was forbidden and was punished by being fragmented and sent here. So you agree that we all deserve to be punished and should suffer our fate gladly.

35. To Worship (knights) :To Profane (monk)

We were created for the sole purpose of worshipping god and that worship consists of taking on his suffering. So you agree to devote yourself to suffering for god and accept all suffering without protest.

36. To Enlighten (rabbit preacher):To Obscure (smog monster)

The real truth is so horrible that it would drive you mad so you agree that you must forget it.

7D 37. To Predetermine (soothsayer) :To Randomize(3head-griffin)

The entire history of the universe was predetermined during its creation. So you agree to follow the course laid out for you and not try to change anything.

38. To Permeate (theta body) :To Dissolve (blob/aneomba)

The divine light permeates everything and it is the only source of true energy. So you agree that you cannot create any energy yourself but instead depend on an outside source.

39. To Collect (elves/fairies) :To Reject (wolfman)

You see that we all spring from the same eternal source and must become one again. So you agree to stick to other beings and try to merge with them.

40. To Influence (cupid) :To Corrupt (hunchback)

If left uncontrolled, people will work against each other. So you agree to push part of yourself into others to influence them to work together.

6D 41. To Solidify (Pan - goat god):To Not-is (invisible man)

All matter consists of decayed beings. So you agree that matter can affect you.

42. To Locate (Leprechaun) :To Misplace (Cricket)

Each being has a unique location, a viewpoint, bestowed by god. This is where you do all of your thinking and where you perceive from. Two separate locations would be two separate individuals. So you agree that you cannot be in two places at once.

43. To Gather (spacesuit body):To Abandon (hobo/tramp)

Our souls are all gathered up by god when we die so you agree to give up all identity when you lose the body.

44. To Energize (thought circle):To Shock (electric man)

The soul can only be energized by self sacrifice. So you agree to sacrifice parts of yourself for the common good.

5D 45. To Discover (centaurs) :To Hide (slime monster)

This is the only universe there is, so you agree that discovering anything outside of this universe could only be a hallucination.

46. To Care For (bird girl) :To Torture (devil-pincers)

The only possible thing that will make people content and happy is to merge with god. So you agree to care for others by helping them to accept god and not rebel no matter how great their suffering.

47. To Heal (guardian spirit):To Infect (germ colony)


48. To Grow (Genetic entity):To Rot (fungus creature)


4D 49. To Establish (cyclops) :

You see that society is a conscious entity and individuals are only cells in that consciousness and are unimportant. So you agree that you must control others for the sake of society.

50. To Expand (mouse RR engr) :To Contract


51. To Share (dolphins) :

A copy is always less than the original. We are all the result of a long string of copies. So you agree that you will always be a flawed copy without the original abilities.

52. To Conquer (dog soldiers) :

God has died of a broken heart because we wouldn't stop fighting. So you agree to be afraid to fight.

3D 53. To Control (frog people) :

If people were left uncontrolled, everything would be destroyed. So you agree that you must control others for their own good.

54. To Judge (giants) :To Accuse

You were judged and sentenced fairly so you agree that you deserve everything that happens to you.

55. To Organize (human clerk) :To Disorganize

If everyone's postulates were equal, all would be chaos. So you agree that the postulates of a group are senior to the postulates of any one individual.

56. To Co-operate (robots) :To Falsify


2D 57. To Participate (mermaid) :To Disconnect

We only think that we are living life, really we are all participating in a mass implant and the next item is constantly coming in at us. So you agree that you can't do anything about it or affect reality.

58. To Reproduce (insect invader) :To Blanket/Possess

When someone reproduces, they are lessened by it. If this was not the case, the universe would soon be filled and nothing would be left. So when you reproduce (divide), you agree to become less.

59. To Satisfy (cavemen) :To Ridicule

Only God is absolute, and the physical universe is transitory, so the universe is unsatisfying and only the jewel itself and fulfilling God's purpose to spread the jewel is satisfying.

60. To Join (cat people) :To Separate

We all join together in agreement to bring about reality. If anyone really broke that agreement, it would all fall apart. So you agree that you must keep all agreements once made.

1D 61. To Eat (Tiger) :

When you eat, you gain energy from the spirit of what you've eaten, so you agree that you are infested by spirits.

62. To Feel (Bear) :


63. To Replenish (old Arab) :To Age.

Everything follows a cycle of create-survive-destroy and things can only be replenished for so long, so you agree to age and die.

64. To Endure (pyramid) :

The universe does not persist, only God persists, so you can only endure by becoming one with God and aiding him in his purpose to conquer and encompass all peoples.

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.


The materials in this and the following write-ups (#9 and #10) are more speculative than the materials presented in the earlier documents in this series.

These last two documents are primarily aimed at other researchers rather than providing pat answers.











Part 9B:




The first prerequisite to researching the mind is the passionate desire to do so, because nothing short of total dedication will carry you through the barriers in your way. Only seekers after truth need apply. You have to put your own case aside and discard any desire whether for wealth or vengeance or self righteousness that interferes with the search.

I also had the luck to be at a point in the cycle of existence where my intelligence was at maximum (we all have our smart and stupid lifetimes) and the further luck of having a family and teachers that usually helped instead of hindered. Without this, I wouldn't have had the wits to put things together or understand the answers I might find.

In addition to this, a researcher needs a dual exposure to heavy science and metaphysics, for only a fusion of the two has any hope of success in this field. I never made it to India, but I grew up in a family steeped in metaphysics and paranormal phenomena and I balanced this against my own innate bent for math and physics.

And finally I had the luck to stumble upon Scientology in my teens, before I had keyed in the usual weight of aberration that accumulates during a lifetime on Earth. And I found it at an early enough age to avoid being swept up in the sixties drug culture. That would have been a mistake not only because mind expanding drugs pull up too much out of the subaware area without proper preparation, but also because I needed the certainty that anything I saw or experienced was not due to some mind bending residual drug effect.

This left me ideally prepared to study the subject of Scientology, and I did so with a passion which soon bordered on fanaticism. But the fanaticism turned to heartbreak in the inanities of 1968 and 69. Since I would not abandon the subject, I hung on with grim determination and even remained on staff until my contract finished. And I racked up a record number of blows from post, because I would walk out at any order my conscience rebelled at, but I always came back after the dust had settled.

And eventually, the conflict between my love of the subject and my distaste for what the organization had become was too great for me to remain on staff. But I continued to study the subject, especially the materials of the 1950s which were mostly ignored, at least in those days (things have gotten better since then).

Eventually I did solo Nots and completed (unofficially) within about 6 months. This was in the early days of the level, and it would be many years before they would let anybody attest to completing it.

For myself, I had achieved a wonderful state of awareness. Not only had I reached cause over life (e.g. no longer affected by BTs and capable of handling them at will) but I had also realized that nobody was actually located anywhere in the first place (its just a mistaken idea that we all have) and therefore I was to some degree exterior to this universe and no longer stuck in the games going on here.

But I could be made to doubt that I was finished. There were a lot of unreal ideas about what an OT VII would be, and the org's unwillingness to have anyone complete were enough to get me wondering about whether it might be Nots that was keeping me from walking through walls. I think that there were quite a few of us in this position, I doubt very much that I was the first to really complete.

Its also possible that the SO had some PR considerations about who they would allow to be the first completion. Many of us old time auditors (and these would be the most likely to complete fast) were not fervent supporters of the party line. When the crowds were going hip hip hooray at Ron's statue, we were liable to stand around cynically and wait for the wave of BS to pass. This is not an ethics offense, but they know who is blindly loyal and who can think for themselves. And at a more mundane level, I was sloppy and wore glasses and was notorious for objecting to bullshit sales images which, as far as I was concerned, put us on a level with snake oil salesmen and used car dealers.

So after a very long break, I went back to auditing the level. And they leave you free enough, at this point, to chase after just about anything with the Nots techniques, so I went after the stuff that still caught my attention. But now I was going after things that didn't actually come from Nots, and after handling everything that could be done with Nots, the stuff I'd gone after was still there because I hadn't handled the real source. This was the period of my endless overrun. I was going after everything from why is the wall solid to what is the basic source of ARCXs and I was using the wrong tech for those kinds of questions.

Even so, I had many successes. And a few of the things I've been talking about in these technical notes were learned during that period. I even cleaned up my previous drilling on the old OT levels 4 through 7 which I had done earlier with good results and searched out any Nots stuff that might have been stirred up while doing them. I even went so far as to put out tractor beams and see if any entities showed up to block them etc.

But I ran into three areas that did not resolve and eventually collapsed the high case state and almost unkillable floating needle that had occurred when I had actually finished the level.

The three unresolved areas were:

a) Implant universes
b) Split off portions of myself
c) Actual GPMs

Gradually, as I kept following down things that led into these, and blowing off the Nots stuff, these three areas became more and more stirred up and exposed without being handled. And the state that I was in was so high that I was able to stir up a great deal of things in these areas before I finally collapsed.

And then the org's handling was heartbreaking and hopeless. They kept trying to get me to do more Nots and most of them didn't believe in these other things and had no way of handling them even if they did.

Many years passed, and I continued to get worse. Finally, I was sick, and going deaf in one ear, and loosing teeth at a rapid rate, and miserable about my job and life in general and sinking under an unbearable feeling of hopelessness. And I realized that I was looking down at a declining spiral that would soon end in death and failure.

So I decided that I had nothing to loose and took the plunge into unrestrained solo auditing on my own wild notions.

I began by making up a list of all the possible causes for the bad condition I was in, including the most common lower level reasons (overts, out-lists, etc.), Nots stuff, and even the invalidation of having completed and not being allowed to attest. And I did have some minor charge in these areas and cleaned it up. But it didn't cure the weight of the stuff I'd stumbled on without having the means to handle it. So I assessed the three areas above, and Implant Universes read well.

And I had an impression of an implant universe with a tiger and the idea that there might be a few dozen items in the platen, a bit like some of the things on OT2. And so I tried to do some listing of what the items might be. I had no idea of what I was getting into.

Thousands of items later, I had the anatomy of the penalty universes. And with that, everything had changed.

Eventually the penalty universes keyed out spectacularly and I was flying again. But I couldn't get a handle on either the actual GPMs or the split pieces, so I carried on with researching the track, especially later implants that were built on the penalty universe goals series. And eventually I began to find things prior to the penalty universes and began to really plot out the track as presented in "Cosmic History".

Once I'd handled enough implants, the actual GPM goal just sort of fell in my lap. I couldn't believe that I actually hadn't thought of it before, because it was so obvious. After a bit of fumbling around, I finally got the right way to handle these (see the write-up on actual GPMs) and put the matter to rest.

The matter of split portions of myself haunted me for a decade, and I'd poke at it once in awhile. But every attempt to handle it ended in failure and often got me sick. It is only recently that I finally found the trick for handling it (see "Divide and Conquer").

And so my three original sore spots have finally been solved. And the pain and difficulty of researching them was so great that I would not deny the answers to any who want them.

Of course, with my wild and freewheeling research, I managed to stir up another pile of unresolved areas while solving these that are given here. But I don't really mind that now that I have a method for working my way through the labyrinth. After all, I was always in this to find truth rather than to settle on some pat solution. And when you find good answers, they often raise new questions.


In truth I have probably been searching for answers off and on for an extremely long time. That may be true of everybody. One incident I found had a great deal of educational value, so I will pass it on here.

It seems to me that I was once a rich rice merchant and felt guilty that my knowledge and power let me live well off of the starvation of others. And so, eventually, I abandoned everything and undertook the pilgrimage to Tibet. This was perhaps a thousand years ago in India. At the gates, they made me undergo the same initiation as their children, namely to sit naked in the Himalayan snows for a night. It was this which led to the saying that the road to Lasha is death, for few lowlanders survived such a night. But it was not ill intended. A priest sat with me and read from their scrolls and offered instruction. And when I died, he continued to talk to the body and coaxed me through the between lives area so that I should be reborn among them and receive further training.

And after a number of lifetimes among the monks, with very little to show for all my labors, I became bound and determined to achieve enlightenment by whatever means. And so I took a collection of the scrolls and sat reading them and refused all nourishment as I did so. The scrolls were not of deep significance. They were things like the 7 virtues etc. which were nice but not great revelations. It was when I read one of these again (in Evan's translation of the Secret Doctrines) that this entire story came back to me.

For many days I continued to read the scrolls mechanically and refused everything but water. I ignored all distractions and communications and just kept on doggedly in a sort of half trance. Eventually the body began to starve to death but I ignored the pangs of hunger and eventually they went away to be replaced by a sort of weak numbness.

And finally I reached a point where the body had no energy left to sustain itself, but had not quite died. And so I remained alive and conscious with the fully support of a body, but the body itself ceased to swamp me with its perceptions and energy fields. And then I realized that the tiny spark of energy that still remained to me was my own creation and was not coming from the body, and I was finally able to drill this with positive feedback and perception of how much energy I was projecting and where it was going. It is quite possible that while you're alive, the body swamps and interferes with your own energy, and in between lives the prison machinery tries to keep you blocked so that I had found a sort of crack in the trap in the halfway state between life and death.

And in this state, I worked as long as I dared, fanning the flame of my own energy, and then I roused the body and called for food, for I knew that the other monks must be told of what I had found. And of course my meager perceptions and energy production were almost entirely swamped again, but not quite completely. Then I taught and studied for many years. Finally I undertook the trial again, but this time I knew where I was going. And this time I continued to drill my own energies and hardly noticed the passing of the body when it died.

I'm not sure if it was months or years, but I continued to drill for a long time, using simple exercises of perception and handling of energy. I don't think I had anything nearly as good as the OT drills we have now, but even simple reach and withdraw would be extremely effective if you did it with your own perceptible energy.

In the end I reached a state of real consciousness and ability in the bodiless condition. This is not how it usually is between lives, where you're normally in a half dream, battered by energies, and bothered by between lives control mechanisms.

But I hadn't really done anything to actually handle my case. There had been no tech on problems or overts or upsets and I still had no answer to the problem that had originally led me to Tibet, which was how to end the suffering and starvation in the world.

So I began a new search for answers. Based, I believe, on something in another of the scrolls (one that I haven't seen in this lifetime), I tried to follow a path out of this universe. I think that it told me to find the dark horse in the sky (the horsehead nebula) and pass through it and that I ended up coming up out of a pool in the magic universe. And there I found the red flower in the sky and went through it to the next universe above (the collapsed thought - conflicts universes) where a double helix (?) leads to the symbols universe. The entire journey is extremely vague (and perhaps my recall of it is blocked in some way), but I think that eventually I passed beyond the jewel of knowledge and was all the way out.

And once there, I had the feeling of being dampened and blocked and the idea that there were things unreachable in the distance, like cities in the night. And it seemed that the idea was placed in my mind that I was not ready and we all must come out together. And then I was moving down through the series of universes and came all the way back here, because it was what I was familiar with and the place where all the people I knew lived.

But I returned with considerable power, far more than when I had left. And I determined to change the world and make it a better place. So I reincarnated and this time I was so strong that it was my own energies that were the perceptible torch and the body's fields were swamped by my own projections. I chose the most scientifically advanced culture of that time, which was Islam, and became a white magician and wizard in Tunisia. I gained considerable wealth and power and had the ear of the sultan, but everything ran afoul of the usual out rudiments and other case factors and in the end it all went sour. In the next lifetime, I was sinking fast and became a black magician instead of a white one. And in that dramatization, I quickly managed to lose all the abilities I had gained and sunk back into the mainstream of humanity. In short order I was living lives among the Christians and alternately sinning and praying for forgiveness, although I never remembered what it was I really needed to be forgiven for.

This story is pretty wild, and I had my doubts when I scanned through the incident and wrote it down originally (immediately after reading that scroll in Evan's translation). This was before I had found the stuff on actual GPMs so I didn't have a chart of my lifetimes on earth nor did I have very good certainty on the little I could recall. But it had given me this strange idea of a jewel of knowledge at the top of the sequence of universes (which I had already mapped back as far a home universe thanks to running the penalty universes) and so I followed up on that point. And the jewel of knowledge bounced the emeter off its pins and what I could get of its anatomy reacted consistently despite the trouble I was having in visualizing its many dimensional structure.

I still consider everything about the jewel to be slightly speculative because I still can't visualize things in that many dimensions (even though I've been able to visualize 4 dimensional structures comfortably ever since I ran the incident on the reality wars), but I'm pretty well convinced of the existence of the jewel. The little that I have managed to pull out of it explains so much about who we are and what's going on that I'm pretty well sold.

The trick I used in that Tibetan lifetime of drilling OT processes while in a near death condition also lines up well with my one near death experience in this lifetime. I had been mugged by two guys and it really pissed me off, so I had fought back and gotten stabbed seven times in the process. I walked away from it and tried to heal the body by mental means (big mistake). I think that I actually had one or two of the wounds healed, but all the blood in the body had gushed out of the remaining ones during the hour it took me to do this so finally I gave up and called an ambulance (they had to give me 5 quarts of blood when they got me into the emergency room).

When they carried me downstairs on the stretcher (I had gone back to my apartment), the body blacked out and I lost my hold on it. The senses had simply shut down completely, but I retained full consciousness. It was not at all like being asleep or in a dream, I was fully awake, but receiving no input from the body whatsoever. I didn't see any light at the end of the tunnel or anything like that, but I did see stars. Then I realized that it was because I was looking at the sky (it was nighttime) so I turned around and there was a tiny ambulance rushing down the street a few hundred feet below me. My perceptions were clear and unquestionable, far better than I remember them being in any earlier incidents that I had run of actually dying. According to the mystics, in this situation you should find the golden cord running to the body and hang onto it. It seemed like a good idea, so I mocked up a golden beam and ran it down to the body. That may have kept it alive. I watched them move it into the emergency room (I rushed down and stayed close when they reached the hospital). Then they started pumping blood into it and the body's senses came back on. It was like being swamped by a flood and I was back in the body looking around the room while they worked on me. I actually felt quite good and pleased with myself because of the out of body experience and I remember joking with the nurses. I doubt that the heart ever stopped beating so I probably was never officially dead, but I did hit that near death state where the body couldn't overwhelm my own perceptions and energies.

To the org's credit, they rushed an auditor to me in the hospital and I received a thorough regiment of assists (at no charge, by the way even though I had not been on staff for many years). My healing rate was about 5 times normal. The chief surgeon would bring the interns by and lecture about miraculous recovery and how incredible it was that I was still alive. After they operated (shortly after bringing me into emergency), the estimates were that I would spend a week in intensive care, one to two months in the hospital, and it would be at least six months before I could work again and get around comfortably. The actual times were a few hours in intensive care (I was sitting up and talking and having visitors so they moved me out right away), a week in the hospital, and full recovery and back to work in about a month.

According to the Tibetan materials, if you die consciously, you will have a brief period where your energy level is still high and you will have a chance to make it out if you practice the yoga of the clear light of confront (the translations don't use the word confront, instead they write the-sitting-face-to-face which is a single word in the scrolls). They say that after that, the being will go into a swoon. Furthermore, the clear period may be long or short depending on the person's spiritual advancement, and may also be affected by the manner of death, possibly not occurring at all if the person dies while sedated. Therefore, they reject pain killing drugs if they are about to die, because they want a chance at coming out of the body with full consciousness instead of being befuddled with drugs. This might not be a bad idea.


In complete contrast to the two above experiences, where I was exterior with full consciousness while the body was half dead and completely out of commission, is another experience where I was completely without a body and experienced a terrific analytical shutdown as a result.

This is an experience that might be described as teleportation that occurred during the brief time period when I was key-ed out OT in 1968.

It was a cold night and I was walking back from dinner with a girl. We were just friends but we had our arms around each other for warmth because we didn't have our coats and the temperature had dropped severely while we were eating. We reached a corner two blocks from the org and I noticed a subway entrance. I knew that the subway platform extended underground for the entire distance and that there was an exit right where we were going. In this area of downtown, the subway stations often (but not always) had arcades or parallel tunnels that let you walk the length of the station without having to pay the fare to get down to the platforms. In some places you could go as much as a mile underground and it would be considerably warmer.

So I had the idea that we could walk the rest of the way underground in relative comfort. But I didn't want to drag the girl downstairs only to find that there were gates and turnstiles blocking our way. And this was a time when I had been having occasional flashes of good exterior perception (quick but clear glimpses of things). So I determined to simply take a look without using the body. And I did this by deciding to be there (rather than move there).

And then I was there, looking at the turnstiles. And for a moment, I was disappointed that they were in my way. But then I realized that I could simply float over them. And so I began to drift around in the subway in a bodiless state. And everything was a little bit vague looking, but more solid than in a dream. It all seemed a little blurry as if I didn't have my glasses on. But I didn't remember that I wore glasses, so it all seemed very natural. And I also didn't remember who I was or what I was doing down there. But it was pleasant and I was having fun drifting around looking at things. In retrospect, I was absurdly simpleminded, as if I had an IQ of about 50. But something kept nagging at me, and finally I remembered the girl.

In the next instant, I was standing on the street and she was staring straight at me yelling my name. And then she jumped back in startlement and asked me "Where did you come from?". I was back to my normal consciousness, but I was confused and a bit embarrassed. I immediately assumed that the body had gone into some kind of a trance while I was looking around in the subway. And I told her that, but she misunderstood and said "How could you come out of the subway, there's no entrance here?". And I looked around and we were a few blocks away from where we had been. And I asked her what had happened. And she said that I had suddenly disappeared and that she had panicked and started running around yelling for me. And she had run to the next block and turned the corner and continued to run around looking for me and suddenly I was right there in front of her.

We talked it through and the only possible conclusion was that my body had not existed for awhile. And since then, of course, I have always wondered exactly what I did and how to do it again. At the simplest level, it seemed like I had just forgotten to keep creating the body, and then I remembered to do it again.

On further examination, it seemed like there was some sort of a template or pattern which I keep continually energized on an automatic basis and I had simply cut off the energy flow. But the pattern remained, in some sort of a potential state, and then I energized it again and the body was back. Since I happened to re-energize it in a different place from where it had disappeared, the theoretical effect is one of teleportation.

This had led me to all sorts of interesting ideas, such as the concept that there are underlying templates or patterns behind the physical manifestation of reality (it was only later that I found out that Plato had some similar ideas). It also led me to think about the idea that there might be "potential" matter (as opposed to actualized matter) just as there is potential energy (as opposed to kinetic energy).

But no matter how many times I try to run through this incident, there always seems to be some sort of a blank spot in the moment when I disappear and another when I come back. Its like there is something that I wouldn't let myself remember.

Interestingly enough, I felt much warmer after I reappeared. The girl also felt warm on account of having run around so furiously looking for me. So we were fairly comfortable as we finally walked to the org.

One of the important points is how dim witted I was without the body. It has led me to believe that we foolishly use the brain as an aid for much of our thinking (like using a calculator instead of adding things up yourself) and we lose that when the body is gone. So we turn into morons after we die and easily get tricked into things like between lives implants.

It would be a good idea to practice thinking without using the brain. I think that we may have a need (or an aberration) to locate or store our thoughts and memories in some sort of mass or object. Try doing some arithmetic by pushing the numbers into a mountain or something and then try doing the operation (addition or whatever) in that space. When I first tried this, it was surprisingly hard (like doing it for the first time, despite the fact that I can run large calculations in my head easily), but it became easy very rapidly. This might make the difference between being bright or stupid after death.


2. Research Auditing

(Once I got the penalty universes keyed out, and having no better angle of approach, I began a research rundown to try and run them further and also map out the track by handling the later implants that were locked up on top of them. This was not truly therapeutic because I generally stirred up as much as I was erasing, but it eventually opened up enough track to let me get earlier and find the agreements universe etc. So here is the rundown I actually used. I don't recommend it for case gain, there are easier ways once you know what's what. - Aug 1996).

Mar 24, 1990, rev. Feb 1993

1. Introduction

This is research auditing. As such, it requires someone of good skills who is willing to fly into the teeth of restimulation and find truth despite all prejudice. And here lies the rock that shatters many a researcher, for the biggest prejudices are to see things come out a certain way so as to make others truly wrong or so as to justify the overts of the researcher. Following close on the heals of this is the prejudice that comes from desiring to see a particular pet theory supported or a distasteful theory invalidated. If you're trying to earn a living with this stuff as well (heaven help you), that puts yet a further twist into the puzzle.

All researchers suffer from this ill. Good research, that shining moment when a real gem is revealed, comes from a willingness to be wrong, to find out that your were the villain (you were sometimes, but not always), and a willingness to change a theory even after you have staked your reputation on it. You need to look at everything with a suspicious eye, especially when it seems to be making you right. And you need a good tolerance for the confusion that starts billowing around every time you shift something that was supposed to have been a stable datum.

This is not a safe route. There is no guarantee. I think that if you keep working towards truth, you will make it, but once you're out beyond the well marked trails, there's no one who will have the tech to repair you except yourself. This is not a bridge. The bridge ended 3 islands back. All this is is a piece of string stretched out in the direction of the far shore to give you an idea of which way to swim.

So be warned. Your case is your own responsibility. Some of my ideas may be wrong. Certainly I occasionally get an item or a goal wrong. Its up to you to build your own bridge. And once you get somewhere, try to help some other people along as well. We have researched out part of the trap before and kept it to ourselves and used it for personal gain. Some of these materials seem awfully familiar to me. A group of us researched some of this back around a hundred million years ago and became gods to the locals. Specifically, I believe we had detailed platens for the "This Means" items in the penalty universes (probably around 10,000 items) but not the other stuff. It didn't do me much good. I had some fun for awhile (& committed some terrible overts) and then collapsed back to humanoid when I failed to stop Incident 2. Its even harder to research this stuff now what with all the subsequent implants (Fac 1 etc.) obscuring things even further.

An even graver warning is that you should not use this material against others even if it seems well justified. We have intentionally restimulated this stuff on each other endlessly. Some of this has been researched many times and used to build implants. At first the intention is usually to control criminals (although there are occasional exceptions to this). Later, the mad and power hungry turn them on the population at large. Everyone will find occasions where they implanted others or even worked on designing implants. Furthermore, there have been numerous times where you, as a sort of god, have fought with another god by hurling restimulative items and symbols at each other until one of you caved in and lost power. The weight of overts on this line is so vast that any attempted use of these materials against another is very dangerous to the user.

Now for the brighter side. Nobody is going to curb or block your ITSA line or tell you what you can or can't run. The truth of the matter is that you can run anything if you approach it the right way. What you need is some understanding and a good angle of approach.

With the discovery of the penalty universes of the home universe era, we have that angle of approach. In reaching them, you are bypassing 10 or 20 OT levels worth of gradient material. These other levels will show up as you try to take apart the penalty universes. But by the very fact that you are coming forward from an extremely early basic, you can figure out and tear apart these later things as well.

2. Auditing Style

In research auditing, the most important thing is ITSA (i.e. spotting and saying "it is a ..."). You can only do a limited amount of Whatsit before the meter begins to pack up and go South. Spot what you can spot with certainty and put the ITSA down on the worksheet. Don't struggle too long trying to spot something that's out of view and overcharged. You can do a little bit of checking to see if something is being hidden by a BT or Cluster or obscured by an overt you did. You can try dating things or checking a few good guesses, but don't muck around too much.

If something is obscured but not in restim, leave it alone and work from where you can get certainty. Each time I discovered some major abberative incident, I got obscured little glimpses of it from the edges on a couple of penalty universe goals before enough charge was off to spot the anatomy of the incident. So if something isn't ready to run, ignore it and go on. More will show up in a little while and then you can start pulling the thing apart.

If something is in your road but you can't quite get your hands on it, it often helps to take a very short break to let the restim cool down a bit and then look again. Leave the meter on and the session set up. Often you'll just be getting out of the auditing chair to make some coffee and the idea will pop into your head and you'll snatch the cans right up and check it. The thing you don't want to do is keep holding the cans and going "What is it?". All you can ITSA in that case is the fact that the needle is getting stuck and the TA is starting to climb.

Another good trick is to take a break and put on your CSing hat. This is especially useful in the case where you've made some errors. You can make up a little list of the things that could be wrong and then go back in session and check it. Make sure that you don't do this as an L & N action. "What's screwed up now?" is not a good listing question.

Sometimes you'll get yourself messed up with a high TA and tight needle. This can come from the usual causes (and you should watch for things like overrun etc.), but it can also happen from running something the wrong way. In this case, you may have to audit over it for awhile to get in there the right way. If you are running in this state, realize that the slightest momentary loosening of the needle or feeling of relief is a major release point. Don't invalidate it just because the TA is high and needle is stuck on other charge in restimulation. If you go back and check these "release points" later, you'll find big FNs. I mention this especially because you'll need to validate yourself as much as possible while your trying to pull through a rough mass in restimulation.

When you see that you've gotten messed up by running an incorrect platen and a simple repair list wouldn't handle it, the first thing you do it take a break and let the restimulation die down a bit. Get food and sleep if needed. If this doesn't bring the TA down, run Platen 1 on the positive penalty universe goal most closely connected with the area. Then try and blow any BTs or Clusters restimulated and not blown. Then check if you have an overt in restim. and handle. Then take another break and try to CS a better approach to the area.

For example, I made a bad mistake when I was trying to figure out how to handle the negative goals. I did all the above and felt much better and got a good nights sleep but still had a TA around 4.5 on 2 cans the next morning. But by then I felt good enough to realize what was wrong and correct it. Even this did not bring down the TA but it loosened the needle. Then I was able to go back to the original process that went sour and run it the right way. As soon as I started running it, the TA came right down and the process ran like a charm.

Unfortunately, when you do start in on something new it can drive the TA up briefly. You feel good and everything seems OK and you carry on a little further and the TA comes down. Also, it can be up a bit when you pick up the cans if something is incomplete. You just carry on with the action and it comes right down. This is a side effect of doing research where you don't always have the perfect route and many levels are being bypassed. But watch it if the TA goes high and sticks there for awhile. Find out what's wrong and repair it. Often it is just a corny auditing error or a cluster that needs to be blown.

You should frequently check for BTs/Clusters restimulated and not blown and for your own overts. These materials cause many such things to blow automatically and occasionally something hangs up and needs to be run briefly. These are also the primary reasons that an item wouldn't read although this can also occur for various other reasons such as a later implant going into restimulation.

3. Session Admin

If you are doing this on your own, you don't have to do anything just to please a CS or to help the CS follow what you are doing. But you need a good record of what is going on in case you need to repair things later and to serve as a record of the research. This means that items, dates, locations, etc. need to be recorded very precisely.

You also need to write things down to get them separate from yourself and ensure that they discharge. This is ITSA and early in auditing, you need another person to receive it from you. Later on, it is enough to write it down with the confidence that a CS will read it. Even further along, just putting it down on the paper gets it far enough away from you so that you can see it and blow the charge. The magic of the comm formula was simply that it put distance between the PC and his aberrations so that he could look at them and make them vanish. Now we have a gradient of how much physical universe mass is necessary to get the PC to separate from what he is stuck in.

Eventually, you want to be able to blow things without needing any physical crutches whatsoever. This is necessary if you are going to continue to make progress without a body. For this you can practice mocking up comm lines and terminals, messages, writing, etc. But its a steep gradient. So for now, use your paper and pen and meter, these tools will speed your progress greatly. But realize that you can blow things out of session and that this will occur more and more frequently as you continue forward. So you should also have a notebook handy for recording key insights and data that come up when you're outside etc.



Oct 1, 1990, rev Feb 1993

(This is the rundown I used to try and dig deeper into the penalty universes and explore the track at the same time. Although this produced case gain, it stirred up as much as it keyed out and the primary value was in finding out more - august 1996)

General Information

Initial running of the penalty universes has already been described. At first you are only trying for the lightest keyout. Gradually you start running deeper, getting more and more ITSA etc. As you do this, you should add actions from processing group 1 below until your running all the steps on each positive goal. Once your running the positive goal fairly thoroughly, you can start running the negative goal as well (see group 1N - Negative goal running).

The materials in group 2 are more difficult. You should be running both the positive and negative goals fairly deeply with the group 1 materials before trying to run group 2. When you do run group 2 processes, use both group 1 and group 2 on the positive goal and then use both on the negative goal.

Note that group 1N (negative goals handling) is listed after group 2 in the lineup below. You either run group 1 then 2, then 1N, and then 2N, or you run group 1 and then 1N (skipping group 2) depending on your gradient.

The group 3 processes are only used after everything else is running well. These are the 5 way oppose GPMs. Generally, you need to run off the negative goal before you can get at the GPM for the positive goal because the goal modifier (overt) latches up on the positive to negative inversion. Even when your running deeply, you should leave these alone unless one insists on running. Otherwise, it is probably better to flatten all the penalty universes first and then go after these GPMs. In my experience, they are usually quite hard to run until they're ready and then they just show up and fall apart, so don't dig and prod at them.

It would simply be too much of an overwhelm to try and run all of these processes right away. The first few times you run one of these, it can be quite rough. For example, the universe machine (group 2) platen uses each penalty goal terminal in hundreds of items. At first you need to run them all and they come off very slowly. Then you find that you can blow whole groups of items just by spotting the first one in each set. Then it gets even faster and you just call the very first item for the entire universe machine pattern, spot the various universe goals, and completely blow the penalty universe terminal out of the universe machinery in only a minute or two of auditing.

So you add one process at a time to your rundown and carry on with it through a few penalty goals (until it speeds up and becomes a fast action) before you add yet another process.

Initially we're not going for erasure. We're aiming at greater keyouts and increasing horsepower. As you keep running deeper, your ITSA line gets pretty awesome and you start blowing huge holes in everything. The target is to get up to the point where you can as-is these penalty universes by inspection and blow all the later stuff as well.

Note that most of these processes are addressed to the later locks piled on top of the penalty universes rather than to the basic incidents themselves. You need to run this stuff not only to take weight off of the penalty universes but also because it is the anatomy of the current trap (this is especially true of the group 2 processes).

Once your running deeply, you might need to check for PMEs (Programmed machine Entities, discussed elsewhere) and CEs (Control Entities, discussed elsewhere) that need to be run as a rudiment action (see the write-up on these). Also, you will need to alternate penalty universe running with OT drilling (discussed elsewhere) to keep from becoming interiorized into case. Keying out a penalty universe frees up a lot of space and you need to expand outward as a regular action.

Generally the order for selecting goals to run is best established by using a dynamic assessment. The sequence in which one was originally thrown into (or threw others into) these seems to have been random. Later restimulative implants used a number of different sequences, which you should be aware of. Common sequences are as follows:

a) The natural sequence of the dynamics, from 16 to 1 (goals To create down to To Endure) or the reverse (1 to 16). If negative goals are involved, they alternate with the positive goals (this is the sequence of the treadmill which established the negative items).

b) Like a) above but all 64 positive goals come first followed by all 64 negative goals in reverse order (usually from To Create, down to To Endure, and then the rest of the way down to To Destroy).

c) The dynamics occur in a pattern of 8 pairs with the high dynamic collapsing into the corresponding lower one. I.E., 16th, 8th, 15th, 7th, etc. down to 9th, 1st. Or the same pattern ascending (from 1 to 16). Again, the negative goals (if present) might alternate with the positive ones or might all follow afterwards (in the reverse sequence).

If you spot some later implant, it will often use penalty universe restimulators and will often follow one of these patterns (although there are many exceptions).


These are the basic processes for running the penalty universes.

1. Platen 1.

This is your entry point. Once your running deeply, all items should either read or FN. If an item doesn't read, pause and mockup exactly what the item means and then try spotting it again. If an item can't be made to read, check for and handle overts as described below. If overts doesn't read, you can use any of the other steps below and then return to the current step on platen one (which should now be reading).

2. Overts

Check if you have any overts connected with doing this goal and handle (overt rudiment).

3. Spot the incident 2 location (noticing the false mockup of the implant universe that was placed there during inc. 2).

4. Spot the Pyramid location (this is an earlier mass implant). Spot the face of the terminal within the pyramid.

5. Spot the terminal saying the price of the goal (for negative goals, spot the negative terminal saying the "this means an end to ..." statement).

6. Spot places where (terminal) is not.

Also, spot places in the penalty universe where you are not.

7. Spot symbol items from the penalty universe (a few are given in the master list, others can be spotted and blown by inspection). (Do this on positive goals only).

8. Scan the detail of the penalty universe.

9. ITSA any later track restimulation.

10. Check for any PMEs that are being machinery related to the goal. Handle each (spot being made into a machine, spot the first time, spot making others into a machine, spot the top of the penalty universe, who are you).

(note, you should already have cleaned up the troublesome machinery and be up to using a fast machine handling technique before you start searching out PMEs while running the penalty goals).

11. Run remedy of havingness on machinery related to the goal. Begin with broken machinery (make it decrepit etc. until it snaps in) and then improve to good quality machinery. Push it in from outside from various directions and throw some away as well. (see LRH references on Remedy of Havingness).

12. Spot things that you must not (goal) until the ridge blows.

13. Spot people, groups, etc. that you would permit to (goal) until your willing to have others doing this goal.

14. Spot places where (terminal) would be safe. Run this past the point where you get joy from placing the terminal in "safe" places where it is tortured etc. until you can have it or not have it anywhere by choice.

15. Spot things that the (terminal) does not own.

16. Mockup battered and beaten versions of the terminal in various places and say "The poor thing, it needs me so".

17. Spot the failures implant (thought universe). They would tell you to do (goal) to some (object) and then "prove" to you how you failed. Then they'd say "You failed to (goal) so you must depend on others to (goal) for you".

18. Spot the between lives scene for the goal. (if present in the master list).

(The remaining steps do not apply to negative goals, - note that the collapse of the positive goal is the justifier for doing the negative goal).

19. Spot the justifier for the goal (if present in the master list).

note that 18 and 19 above are easy to spot and blow, but the items can't be determined accurately until after the GPM (group 3) has been run.

20. Spot the terminal saying the "do you want to achieve ..." line in the between lives sequence. This false promise (of gaining power or strength or whatever) given early in the between lives is one of the things that pulls you deeper into that nonsense and results in your getting further messed up.

21. Spot the desire to swing into the negative goal so as to be rid of this penalty universe.

22. Run remedy of havingness on things used in the penalty universe (objects, etc., anything that seems nice or interesting in the mockup).

23. Check for any other entities stirred up and handle.

24. Spot the first few lines of platen 1 again.


1. Run the universe machine items for the goals terminal. See the write-up on the universe machine.

2. For each universe goal, working upward from persist to eternalize, spot how the universe goal is accomplished through the doingness of the penalty goal (How Would ... Enable You To ...).

3. Spot the "survive" line said by the terminal using each universe goal in place of "survive" (note that survive is the universe goal for the current universe). Spot this in the universe machines and if anybody wakes up, have them spot the top of the penalty universe (native state line).

4. Run the compulsion SVs in the universe machinery (see the write-up on compulsion SVs).

5. Run the compulsion SVs surrounding the body (see the write-up on compulsion SVs).

6. Run remedy of havingness on the penalty universe terminal.

7. Run the discontinuity. Note that this is based on the agreement universe definition items. You should run off some of the agreements universe directly before getting into handling the discontinuities. This step causes not-isness ridges to blow. See the write-up on the discontinuity implant.

GROUP 1N - Negative Goals

This is similar to the positive goal handling, but you use the Treadmill Crossover platen instead of platen 1.

Begin by spotting the inversion scene and using the other steps given on the crossover platen (these correspond to a few of the group 1 steps). This is the minimum that you can get away with running for a negative goal.

All the other group 1 steps up to number 18 also apply to negative goals (except as noted). Whichever ones you are running on the positive goal should also be run on the negative goal.

Group 2N

Steps 1 to 6 of group 2 also apply to the negative goal (i.e., all except the discontinuity implant). If you do one of these steps on the positive goal, also do it in the negative goal handling.

Group 3

Currently, the only thing here is handling the 5 way oppose GPMs for the positive and negative goals. See the write-up on the 5 way oppose.

Note that in this case, the positive GPM is not addressed until after doing both group 1N and group 2N on the negative goal because the goal modifier tends to charge up on the negative goal.


I know this is a lot of material and it might seem pretty complex, but it's easy if you just add one new technique at a time. Running just half of this stuff on a single penalty universe goal can produce significant case change.

As long as you know the material given under "in case of trouble" above, you can even slop around with these processes and still do very well.

Since writing the above, a significant amount of other implants have turned up which restimulate the penalty universes. These are covered elsewhere. They should be added into the above steps.



23 Jul 91, rev. 12 Feb 93

(Note: the master list may have later updates. The negative goals are not as thoroughly researched and should be treated as being slightly speculative)

1. To Create (Statue) :To Destroy (devil statue)
2. To Cause (god, old man) :To Put At Effect (devil)
3. To Mock Up (Computer) :To Unmock (black computer)
4. To Imagine (Cartoon Mouse) :To Disillusion (vampire)

5. To Understand (chipmunk) :To Misunderstand (cripple)
6. To Know (2 headed dodo) :To Mislead (gorilla)
7. To Absorb (Greek hero) :To Discard (Amazon)
8. To Learn (gnome) :To Forget (Troll)

9. To Play (Chinese child) :To Fool (Joker)
10. To Compete (Coach, doll) :To Cheat (Skeleton)
11. To Manipulate (Penguin Banker) :To Ruin (Dragon)
12. To Exchange (Spirit Broker) :To Steal (Raccoon)

13. To Shape (clay people) :To Distort (walrus)
14. To Change (magician) :To Implode (Sorceress)
15. To Combine (Siamese twins) :To Fragment (worms)
16. To Bring Order(gorilla people) :To Bring Chaos(Black.Panther)

17. To Reason (clown) :To Discombobulate(1manband)
18. To Orient (wire man) :To Disorient (spinning top)
19. To Guide (pilot) :To Misdirect (scarecrow)
20. To Compute (toy bodies) :To Confuse (zombie)

21. To Construct (beavers) :To Teardown (wrecking crane)
22. To Arrange (blockhead) :To Unstabilize (Goon)
23. To Build (snake people) :To Wreck (Raging Bull)
24. To Structure (Crystals) :To Shatter (batman)

25. To Invent (munchkins) :To Divest (troll)?
26. To Inspire (muses) :To Occlude (mesmerist)
27. To Enhance (ghost people) :To Worsen (demon)
28. To Beautify (fairy godmother) :To Make ugly (old witch)

29. To Purify (fire people) :To Pervert (satyr)
30. To Judge (bull people) :To Accuse/blame(ogre)
31. To Defend (little green men) :To Attack (gorilla soldier
32. To Strengthen (ball of energy) :To Hurt (silver ball)

33. To Enlighten (rabbit preacher) :To Obscure (smog monster)
34. To Convert (fish man) :To Disabuse (jackal)
35. To Commune (female angel) :To Disconnect(spider woman
36. To Worship (knights) :To Profane (monk)

37. To Predict (soothsayer) :To Randomize(3headed-griffin)
38. To Influence (cupid) :To Scandalize (hunchback)
39. To Collect (elves/fairies) :To Reject (wolfman)
40. To Embody (Pan - goat god) :To Disembody(invisibleman)

41. To Discover (centaurs) :To Hide (octopus)
42. To Locate (Leprechaun) :To Misplace (Cricket)
43. To Gather (spacesuit body) :To Abandon (Hobo)
44. To Own (Fox people) :To Burn Down (flame man)

45. To Grow (scarecrow) :To Rot (fungus creature)
46. To Live (dinosaur) :To Die (spectre)
47. To Heal (tree man) :To Infect (germ colony)
48. To Adapt (thread man) :To Protest (snake)

49. To Establish (3eyed giants) :To Undermine (3eyed robot)
50. To Share (dolphins) :To Possess (sea monster)
51. To Control (frog king) :To Rebel (gargoyle)
52. To Unite (dog soldiers) :To Conquer (war eagles)

53. To Organize (human clerk) :To Disorganize (fu manchu)
54. To Co-operate (robots) :To Individuate (iron horse)
55. To Participate (mermaid) :To Debase (elephant girl)
56. To Expand (mouse RR engr) :To Contract (maniac)

57. To Join (cat people) :To Separate (black cat)
58. To Reproduce (insect invader) :To Infest (Insects)
59. To Satisfy (cavemen) :To Ridicule (moron)
60. To Care For (bird girl) :To Torture (pincer devil)

61. To Experience(Bear) :To Deaden (Kali)
62. To Replenish (old Arab) :To Age (father time)
*might be TO SURVIVE
63. To Consume <eat> (Tiger) :To Poison (spider)
64. To Endure (pyramid) :To Dissipate (mummy)



10 June 1990.

Also see "The Treadmill: Crossover Platen" in the following section.

The treadmill was built in the Games universe for use as a punishment for troublemakers. I believe that it was used as part of the procedure for sentencing people to the Motion universe, but this is still under investigation (it might simply have been used on people in the Games universe).

A simplified mockup of each of the 64 penalty universes was used. A universe dramatizing a negative goal was appended to each of the 64 positive penalty universe mockups. The penalty universe crashed the positive goal down to zero which is a point of complete overwhelm and solidity. Then the negative goal is dramatized to unmock everything until you go out the bottom. At the end, you've destroyed everything so that there is no universe left and you get a false native state. This is then made to equal the native state at the top of the next positive goal.

The bottom of the final negative goal was connected to the top of the first positive goal (To Create) so that you just keep going round and round through the cycle of 128 goals. Getting this keyed in seems to give one a spinning sensation.

In the treadmill, the positive goal begins with Platen 1 (just like the original penalty universe). But the symbols etc. are not used. Instead, the implant goes straight into "TO (goal) IS TO POSTULATE BEING THE (terminal)". Then a limited subset of items duplicating the penalty universe are done. But the positive goal ends differently. Once the terminal's body dies, you are allowed to exteriorize from the grave. Once your floating above the grave, then the items in the Crossover Platen are done. This has you abandon the goal and then swings you into the negative goal for the purpose of getting even with everyone etc.

See the crossover platen. Item 4 on this platen is the end of the positive goal. When running it, you should spot the top of the goal (Native State) because BTs and Clusters are sometimes hung up at this point trying to avoid the start of the negative goal.

Crossover item 11 is really many individual items and there may be other items such as wealth, revenge, satisfaction, etc. But you only need to glance at this portion lightly and then spot the negative terminal on item 12.

Originally, I had a lot of trouble spotting the top of the positive goal while handling the negative goal. The entire weight of the positive goal having been collapsed down to zero is sitting on top of the negative goal. But by itself, this was not enough. What really nailed this down was later implants that ran a short series of items on the positive goal and swung it around to the negative goal. This sort of implant was done often, it restimulates abandoning the positive goal (the point of crossover).

The original version of the Hellatrobous Implants, done around 2 to 3 quadrillion years ago during the theta-MEST wars is the heaviest of these later implants. It shows you a scene (in an old style Kansas like environment) with the positive terminal, runs a small number of items against the positive goal, and shifts to the negative goal (the terminal changes to the negative one). This is the "inversion scene" referred to in the crossover platen and described in the master list. Spotting it relieves considerable stress on the positive to negative inversion.

After spotting the inversion scene, you can spot the treadmill implant making you abandon the positive goal. Once you've done this, it should be possible to spot the top of the positive goal from the negative goal.

In the implant, following the crossover platen you become the negative terminal and go around unmocking everything one way or another (depending on the negative goal). Finally everything's gone. This creates a tremendous amount of unreality and loss of havingness. This makes you want to go on to the next goal so that you can have something.

The loss of mass and unreality in the negative goal is probably the reason for low TA. Note that a low TA represents a body that has less electrical resistance than a dead body (see E-meter essentials). This should be impossible. But it happens anyway. Apparently, the mass of the body is not-ised so heavily that it ceases to impede the flow of an electrical current. I have seen the TA drop below 1.0 briefly while going around the dial through 7.0 on an item, and that is such a low resistance level that I see no way of attributing it to some minor effect.

Low TA can come from out-lists. It would make sense for this to be due to restimulating the abandonment of a goal (wrong item given to PC means that the right one is invalidated and abandoned).

Heavy glare-fight level TRs and invalidation of the PC would also seem to be pushing the PC down into the zero point of abandonment and unreality. If a person is mishandled to the point where he wants to get even for real or imagined outrages, the TA probably crashes.

I have noticed the treadmill spinning sensation and feeling of unreality during those times when my TA was really low (generally due to the two reasons above). I did have the TA crash once on seriously mishandling a positive penalty universe goal due to errors in running it. Getting the TA back up required both fixing the errors and also running the crossover platen (because the treadmill had gone into heavy restim).

Note that most errors will not crash the TA even when mis- running a positive penalty universe goal. It probably only occurs on goals that are already heavily submerged and weighted down with later overts (I.E., your already stuck in the inversion on that goal). Even so, it takes mis-running on top of that before the TA will dive on you. Unfortunately, our platens and procedures are not yet perfect so that the materials themselves might occasionally cause an error (this level releases so much free theta that usually you just barrel through things).

With this new insight, we might eventually find some quick way to blow a low TA up into range the way we can handle a high TA most of the time. Past experience has been that once the TA goes low, it is slow to come back up even after the error has been fixed. This is because of the not-isness stemming from the inverted goal which makes it hard for the person to as-is the error and get back on target. There might even be low level techniques such as assessing for what dynamic has been abandoned (or "What has been abandoned" run in the same manner as "What has been overrun" can be used on a high TA). Of course, if it crashed on an error, you have to fix the error first. This is highly experimental since I don't generally have a low TA to try things like this on.

This goal inversion shows us something about society as well. At the top we have a free theta anarchy and positive chaos (i.e., lots of motion and randomity with plenty of as-isness and alter-isness). Sliding downscale, we have more and more rules and restrictions (to protect people etc. - i.e. all the 64 goals sliding down). At zero, we have maximum other determined activity (i.e., total rules with everyone being robots). Then people start sliding over the edge and going into the negative goals to get rid of the rigid controls etc. This is a fast downhill crash into a negative anarchy and chaos (i.e., lots of not-isness and destruction).

From this, we see that there is a both a positive chaos/anarchy and a negative one. The bottom of the scale mimics the top. We are against destructive anarchy. But the right direction is towards a constructive anarchy (creative free beings) rather than towards maximum rules and order. Our society has not yet gone over the brink into destruction. But by constantly legislating more laws, instead of stopping crime, we push more and more people over the edge. So always work in the direction of removing non- essential laws and restoring freedom to the people. You can't pull out all the laws at once (people are too low to reach the high scale anarchy and so will slide into the low scale one instead), but you can follow a gradient of increasing freedom and less barriers.

Early in researching this, I tried to run the native state item on these negative goals and got into trouble. It is at the very end of the negative goal run. As part of the research, I then put together an approximation of the entire end of the negative goal implant. This should not be run. But it can be examined (without fitting a goal into it) to blow charge on how the negative goal was made to swing around into the next positive goal. So I'm including the platen here.


Do Not Run This With A Negative Goal Item. It is at the very end of the negative goal run and will restimulate the weight of both the positive goal being caved in and the negative goal crashing downscale below that. Run the Crossover platen instead (that is the start of the negative goal).

This is only included here to show how the negative goal was swung around into the next positive goal in the series.

1. To (goal) is to withdraw
2. To (goal) is for there to be NO ....value, meaning, beauty, truth, love, communication, reality, space, mass, time, energy, agreements, postulates (these are 13 separate items).
3. Before the beginning, now and forever, is the urge and the urge is to (goal)
4. To (goal) is for there to be no beginning.
5. To (goal) is the urge toward nothingness.
6. To (goal) is to be the static
7. To (goal) is Native State.
8. There is nothing.
9. There is no Time.
10. There is no Space.
11. There is no Energy.
12. There is no Matter.
13. To be nothing is native state.
14. To (next positive goal) is native state.

(and at this point comes platen 1 for the next lower positive goal)



10 June 1990

This platen covers the items used in the treadmill at the point where the positive goal is abandoned and the negative goal comes into action. For more information, see the write-up on the Treadmill. At this point in the incident, your floating up above the grave containing the dead body of the terminal.

1. TO (positive goal) IS TO REGRET EVER HAVING (pos. goal-ed)

2. TO (pos. goal) IS TO ABANDON THE GOAL OF (pos. goal).

3. TO ABANDON (pos. goal) IS TO SURVIVE.

4. TO ABANDON (pos. goal) IS TO FORGET EVER HAVING (pos goal-ed)

(* Spot the top (native state) of platen 1).




8. YOU CHOOSE TO (negative goal).


10. TO (negative goal) IS THE ULTIMATE PURPOSE.


12. TO (negative goal) IS TO BE THE (negative terminal). (at this point the negative terminal appears).

Then Spot the following:
a. The inversion scene (used in later implants)
b. The implant making you abandon the positive goal
c. The top of the positive goal (native state)
d. The action of the negative terminal in doing the goal.
e. The Incident 2 location
f. The Pyramid Location
g. The "This means and end to" statement said by the terminal.
h. The Survival statement said by the negative terminal.
i. Repeat steps a to c.. The action of the negative terminal in doing the goal.

After this comes the main section of the negative implant. You run around as the negative terminal, destroying and unmocking stuff until nothing is left, and then it ends with the reverse platen described earlier.




30 March 1990

This preliminary version is included here primarily as background information. There are probably a few errors or missing datums or other things that need to be run first that have not yet been identified. Sometimes I have run this with great gains, but other times it has gotten me into trouble. Try to delay running this as long as possible and be sure to get as much charge as you can off of the goal first (running the penalty universe, 10 way compel, overts of dramatizing the general goal against others, etc.). However, if one of these is really sitting there to be run and refuses to be bypassed, this is the best we have for now. I hope that we will come up with an improved platen eventually.


This occurs while going down a "tube" with rings on the way from the energy universe (thetan as an energy unit) to the conflicts universe (i.e. the MEST universe). Each ring installs a GPM. The date may be around 2.5 Quadrillion (I get 2468 trillion specifically for myself). This seems to be the implant (or part of the implant) used to exile people from the thought or energy universe to the conflicts universe.

The GPM goals derive from the penalty universes starting from To Create and running down to To Endure.

There are 5 valences. These are the Terminal, the opterm, the encouraging terminal (wants goal, enforces goal, acts as 3rd party), the inhibiting terminal (doesn't want goal, discourages goal, you constantly justify the goal and your overts to this terminal - it makes the overts stick), and the victim who suffers unjustly. Note that you don't mind committing the overt against the opterm. It seems appropriate. But then you do it to the victim as well and regret it deeply.

In the GPM, the goal will have an explicitly stated target (as in "to sing Christmas carols"), a desired effect (as in "and have everyone hum along"), and an overt to be done if the effect is not achieved (i.e. a goal modifier, "or else I'll stuff them all down the garbage disposal").

The GPM is only a short run of "This Means" symbols which explain the valences and what's supposed to happen followed by a few splitter items and an energy wave to enforce a 5 way split so that you become all 5 valences hidden from yourself. Your primed and all ready for the actual enactment of the sequence, but it doesn't happen. Instead your back in the tube and get the next GPM. In the end your dumped into the conflicts universe and begin enacting these goal dramas yourself. These are actual GPMs, you make them happen, you do the story itself based on these patterns. You choose the specific details of the drama and so its your own overts and mockup etc. Except that it isn't really your own idea because you're following this implanted pattern.

In the conflicts universe, your main activity is to run around out of sight in these 5 split identities and try to line up with 4 other people on the same goal. You try to be the terminal, but you end up as any of the 5 depending on circumstances. As you enact these, you have a sub-identity injected into each of the other 4 valences and you are infected by a sub-identity of each of the other 4 players which holds you in the specific valence and contributes to the motion. Early in the conflicts universe, this was very precise. Later, it gets all jumbled up and nothing lines up with anyone else, but you still have 5 hidden viewpoints per goal running around and making trouble and trying to restart these dramas. You do create your own opposition, and most of your theta horsepower is tied up in doing this right now in PT. However, nothing is aligned anymore and with hundreds of these all working at cross purposes, the end result is usually a balance of forces that keeps things solid and hard to change by postulate.

While running these, I have found a few occasions where one of these was dramatized (poorly and incompletely) in this and other recent lives. You can find yourself, before a bad incident, going around as one of these split valences and getting into somebody who lines up with the goal and you pushing them telepathically to take on a role.

Late in the conflicts universe, people who knew some of this stuff would try to finesse a situation. I was a prison ship guard once and had this pulled on me. One person mocked up the opterm valence for a goal they could see me reacting on and the other played the encouraging terminal. They got me into the terminal valence, let me beat up the "opterm" and then pushed me into selecting the ship's captain as the victim. When the mutiny was over, they were in good shape.


The "This Means" items are 3 dimensional pictures similar in nature to the ones at the top of the penalty universes (but the content is different). This stirred up the top of the penalty universes (unlike most implants which stir up the bottom) and left you at tone 40 ready to dive into a goal. The net result was to produce a super high toned powerful maniac who was very very abberated but also very dangerous. It was a big mistake on the part of the thetans remaining in the energy universe because the convicts eventually came back up and invaded, using bodies and dramatizing their GPMs and kicking everything to pieces.

Run the penalty universe (and maybe also the 10 way compulsion for the goal?) before running this. It is best to have a specific platen with the 5 valences and the meaningness items for the goal. If you don't, you can list for the target, desired effect, overt, terminal, inhibiting terminal, encouraging terminal, opterm, and victim and then construct the meaningness items (including the picture that goes with them).

I have had some problems with the pictures on these items. They all seem to be very European/American style human mockups. I doubted this and then found that I could find Arabic mockups if I thought of myself as an Arab or Bear people mockups if I thought of myself as one of those etc. I came up with a few theories on this and tried experiments but did not get good results. The pictures are there and need to be run (I tried skipping the pictures as being dub-in on a run and turned on a fantastic state of depression until I went back in session and ran them). They should be run as appearing in whatever mockups are most real to you. The mutability of these pictures means that you may have to list for a better representation of the valences (i.e. where I might get a prize fighter, you might get a kung-fu master etc.). Because of their mutablility, I suspect that these are not really pictures but something else. Maybe a 4th dimensional equivalent where the same scene shifts through different body types as you look along the 4th axis. But it seems to run well using any 3D slice.

The following platen is approximately correct, but may vary slightly from goal to goal and might also have some slight errors in the later items (often most or all of the charge blows by item 15)

5 Way Opposition GPM Platen - general items

1. To (goal) (target) and (desired effect on others) or I'll (overt).

2. This Means (to do goal)

3. This Means (desired effect)

4. This Means (overt) (picture shows it being done to the opterm)

5. This Means Encouragement (picture shows encouragement terminal)

6. This Means Discouragement (picture shows discouraging terminal)

7. This Means Opposition (picture of opterm)

8. This Means Regret (picture of you doing the overt to the victim).

9. This Means You (picture of the terminal)

(the following items, 10 to 14, are the key part of the implant and later I found I could handle the implant with these 5 items alone if I used "point to the being you divided from" after each of these items. That might solve all the problems I had when I was first running this - Aug 1996).

10. To (goal) is to be the (discourage term) and discourage myself from (overt) and never let myself know that I'm doing this.

11. To (goal) is to be the (encourage term) and encourage myself to (overt) and never let myself know that I'm doing this.

12. To (goal) is to be the (opterm) and oppose myself (goal-ing) and never let myself know that I'm doing this.

13. To (goal) is to be the (victim) and suffer unjustly and never let myself know that I'm doing this.

14. To (goal) is to be the (terminal) and (do goal) and never let myself know that I'm doing this.

The next set of items are each done in parallel in 5 locations, one for each valence. I.E., the thought hits you and occurs separately in each of 5 places at the same time. Rather than going immediately into item 15, I have gotten better results by doing a 5 way spotting drill at this point. The drill is to take each valence one at a time and spot each of the 4 other valences from that viewpoint. I.E., you conceive that you are the terminal and spot the opterm, spot the encouraging terminal, spot the discouraging terminal, and then spot the victim. Then you conceive that you are the opterm etc. A cloud of BTs might appear when you do one of these spotting steps. If so, just hold the valence and start acknowledging and blowing the BTs. You can run through the spotting steps a second time if a lot is coming off on it. After doing this, you should be able to spot item 15 in all 5 places simultaneously and this is usually enough to blow the GPM. After it blows, skip to the final step.

The 5 locations are like the blades of a 5 bladed fan surrounding a center location that you can't occupy.

15. To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and hide from myself forever.

16. To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and inspire myself forever.

17. To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and compel myself to re-enact this forever.

18. To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and go around unknown to myself and compel others to re-enact this drama with me. (this might be 2 items ?)

19. At this point you are hit by a mass containing the emotion of detestation and distrust concurrent with the following item: To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and as each one, detest being all of the others.

20. To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and as each one, know that my viewpoint is the best (compared to the others).

21. To (goal) is to be all these 5 others and deny responsibility for doing this, forever.

22. To (goal) is to be split into 5 parts and never let myself know what I'm doing (splitter energy impacts at this point - spot the impact).

23. To (goal) is to be divided 5 ways against myself and hide my actions from myself as I mock this all up.

24. To (goal) is to be divided 5 ways against myself and never really know what is happening.

25. (an energy implosion occurs at each of the 5 points and each collapses and disappears from view leaving a vacuum (hollow spot) in its place).

26. To (goal) is to forget that this ever happened.

After running this, find times you dramatized it and spot your overts on the others and also spot being in the other viewpoints and contributing to the motion. Check if there is a dramatization in this lifetime and find which valence and do this spotting action on it as well.



Since I've only run a small percentage of these, I'll only list the ones I've found without listing all of the penalty goals.

Note that the body type listed with the goal is the one from the penalty universes. It is not used in the 5 way GPM, but is included to help spot the original penalty universe which first used the same goal.

Dynamic 16 (Creation)

1. TO CREATE (Statue)
GPM: To create chaos and overwhelm others or I'll blow them all up; valences=God; Satan; Priest; Virgin; Soothsayer.

3. TO MOCK UP (Computer)
GPM: To mock up intricate ornamentations & have them praised or I'll cut out their guts. valences = Artisan(craftsman);scientist;fishmonger;policeman; priest

(Energy Cloud) GPM: To intensify passion and have everyone desire me or I'll corrode (burn) them (with acid) forever; valences: sexy girl (lab assistant)/scientist/lover(reporter) /secretary/father.

4. TO IMAGINE (Cartoon Mouse)
GPM: To imagine fine stories and have them appreciated or I'll strangle everyone. valences: writer/cynical father/actor/critic/publisher.

Dynamic 15 Knowledge / Understanding

6. To Understand (chipmunk)
GPM: To understand secrets & make others tell (obey?) (? have others recognize my power?) or I'll stab them all. valences: detective/criminal/police captain/ businessman/ prostitute.

8. TO LEARN (Gnome)
GPM: To learn the nature of the universe and be supported or I'll overwhelm them all. valences: Scientist/preacher/teacher/wife/stupid person

Dynamic 14: Games

11. To Compete (Coach / team leader)
GPM: To compete at boxing & have the people cheer or I'll beat them all up. Valences: Boxer/Newspaperman/manager/lover/businessman.

Dynamic 13: CHANGE

15. TO CHANGE (Magician)
GPM: (5 way): To change peoples nature and have them all be happy about this or I"ll strike them all blind. valences: term=poet / opterm = priest / encourage = prostitute /inhibit = politician / victim = scientist.

16. TO BRING ORDER (Gorilla People)
GPM: To bring order to society & be supported in this or I'll torture (burn?) their flesh. Valences: Lawmaker/ Criminal/ Merchant/ Priestess/ Nurse.

Dynamic 12: Reason

19. TO GUIDE (Pilot)
GPM: To guide settlers and have them respect me or I'll burn it all down; valences=scout; wagonleader; salesman(trader); lover (frontier girl); little girl.

20. To Compute (toy bodies)
GPM: To compute reasons & have everyone be amazed or I'll enslave them all. valences: doll (little green man)/ stupid person/teacher/policeman? (guardian of people?)/?

Dynamic 11 (Construction)

GPM: To construct spiral staircases and have them admired or I'll trap them all. valences: carpenter/scornful person/salesman/art critic/sexy girl.

24. To Structure (Crystals)
GPM: To structure reality and be worshipped as a god or I'll destroy them all. valences: Savior/Priest/Prostitute/General/Temple Virgin


27. To Inspire (muses)
GPM: To inspire love and receive affinity and faithfulness or I'll whip them all. valences: ?

Dynamic 9 (Ethics)

Dynamic 8 (religion)

33. To Enlighten (or to preach) (rabbit preacher)
GPM: To preach goodness and keep them from sin or else I'll torture them. valences: ? / sinner/ruler/conqueror/?

34. To convert (reptile/fish person)
GPM: To convert unbelievers and make them honest(?) or I'll implant them to believe valences: priest/scoffer/messenger(of gods)/empress/?

Dynamic 7 (spirits)

40. To Embody (Pan - goat god)

GPM: To embody concepts ?

Dynamic 6 (physical)

42. To Energize (thought circle)
GPM: To energize physical universe processes and have everyone enjoy using them or I'll terrify everyone forever.

Dynamic 5 (life)

45. To grow (Genetic entity)
GPM: To grow flowers and have them make people feel good or I'll sacrifice them all. Valences: Priestess / Policeman / carpenter / mother / priest.

46. To discover (centaurs)
GPM: To discover truth.

47. To heal (Tree Man)
GPM: To heal illness and receive the peoples gratitude or I'll make their bodies rot away. Valences = healer / Priest / Politician / Policeman / Priestess.

Dynamic 4 (society)

51. To Unite (dog soldiers)
GPM: To unite the workers in building wondrous projects or I'll t trick them all into slavery forever. Valences: Engineer / ? / politician / ? / ?

Dynamic 3 (groups)

54. To Co-operate (robots)
GPM: To get people to co-operate in maintaining society & become famous for doing this or I'll betray everyone. valences: Policeman/criminal/lawmaker/priest/prostitute.

55. To Participate (mermaid)
GPM: To participate in dancing and be admired for my beauty of form or else I'll cut their hearts out. valences = dancer, critic, father, innocent girl, lover

56. To Expand (mouse people - railroad engineers) GPM: To expand knowledge and be admired for my genius or I'll blow them all up. Valences= scientist/priest/ psychiatrist /girl/ ruler.

Dynamic 2 (sex/family)

57. To Reproduce (insect people)
GPM: To reproduce fine books and have the quality admired or I'll inject them all with insanity (i.e. a crazy making drug). valences: Scribe (scholar) / Peasant/ Scientist (professor)/ Wife(lover)/ Carpenter.

58. To Satisfy (cavemen)
GPM: To satisfy conventions & be respected or I'll poison them all. valences: girl/old woman/father/lover/publisher

59. To Join (cat people)
GPM: To join people together & have them be thankful for my help or I'll throw things at them. valences: Prophet/businessman/ priest/lawmaker/ inventor.

60. To care for (birdgirl)
GPM: To care for children & keep them safe & be loved for it or I'll claw everyone's eyes out.

Dynamic 1 (body)

61. To Feel (bear)
GPM: To feel alive and gain everyone's agreement or I'll drive them all crazy. Valences: Athlete/Lawmaker/Coach/Lawyer/Professor

62. To replenish (old Arab)
GPM: To replenish the wildlife & be praised for restoring the planet, or I'll take it all away from them. Valences: ecologist/businessman /housewife /politician/ priest.

63. To Eat (tiger)
GPM: To eat people & gain strength from their souls or I'll rend their souls forever. valences: cannibal/enemies/lover/ priest/explorer.

64. To Endure (pyramid)
GPM: To endure existence & be left alone or I'll enslave them all. valences: carpenter/juvenile delinquent/wife/ detective/salesman(?).


After the positive goals, this continues with the negative goals in reverse order. I only ran a few of these.

Inv. 59. To Separate. (black cat)
GPM: To separate people from groups & be praised for helping them or I'll leave forever. valences Messiah/ruler/ruler's mistress/ general/ slave girl.

Inv 58: To Ridicule (Moron)
IGPM: To ridicule social conventions & have everyone amused by this or I'll hide forever. Valences: Publisher / father/ lover/ girl/ old woman.

Inv. 54. To Individuate (Iron Horse)
IGPM: To get people to individuate from groups which exploit them & have them feel good that I did this or I'll shoot myself. valences: Prostitute/priest/criminal/lawmaker/policeman.

Inv 48. To Rot (fungus creature)
Inv. GPM: To rot other's minds and make them suggestible or I'll dissipate myself. Valences = salesman /professor / politician / judge / girl.

Inv. 29. To Pervert (Satyr)
GPM: To pervert little children and have all the parents fear me or I'll hang myself forever. valences: pornographer/judge(moralist)/publisher/parents/little girl

Inv. 16. To Bring Chaos (black panther)
IGPM: To bring chaos & overwhelm everybody or I'll hide myself away forever. Valences: Black Priest/ Criminal? Lawmaker? Prostitute? Temple virgin.

Inv 4: To Disillusion (vampire)
IGPM: To disillusion writers and force society to accept my judgment or I'll bash my head in. valences: critic/writer/father/publisher/actor

Inv. 3X. To Drain (Black Vortex):
IGPM: To drain emotion and make everyone apathetic or I'll dissipate myself/others forever.

Inv. 1: To Destroy (Devil Statue)
IGPM: To destroy all of creation and be worshipped or I'll uncreate myself/others forever. valences: Devil/God/Worshipers/Artisan/Virgin.



This is a maze of "pictures" that lead one to the next rather than a physical maze. These are a bit like the computer adventure games where you have to find your way from one room or scene to the next one. But these "pictures" are realities, and they are usually different realities from one to the next.

You might be in a jungle and there is a rock cliff with a cave, and if you go in it, you will be on a yacht, or there is a bullseye painted on a tree and if you dive into that, you will be on the roof of a tall building in a city. And if you do neither, a tiger comes out and eats you and that leads to a medieval dungeon.

These could be very interesting and distracting and you could get lost in one for years. Various exciting things happen in the scenes. Will'o'Whisp show up to lead you around or monsters chase you or whatever.

This was entertainment back in the home universe and games universe.

But later on the track, these things got nastier and eventually started being used like implants, to abberate someone who was tossed or lured into them. We could call these things "implant mazes".

An implant maze is characterized by being heavily restimulative and tricking you into making bad postulates. Usually you needed to make some negative postulate to get out, or you "learned" from the mechanics of the game that some sick and degrading idea was correct. The "Service Fac Maze" discussed elsewhere is an implant maze, but it is fairly straightforward and doesn't use a lot of force. Many of these were random in laying in various buttons (goals, items, symbols, significances, and whatever) and used heavy force and energy.

Often the implant maze was unsolvable and meant to drive you into apathy on problem solving and games. The maze would change at random. There would be various traps or things that would spin you around etc. Here might be the first use of amusement park mockups and falling and crashes type stuff, but not in any real pattern or sensible sequence. This early on the track, the impacts didn't bother you very much, but these kind of scenes happened fast and the scene keeps repeating over and over until you spot the way into the next scene, so you get anxious about it.

You might be falling off the edge of a cliff and smashing down on the rocks below and it keeps repeating over and over until you spot and grab the tree branch and swing into a cave in the cliff at which point you find yourself on a rollercoaster. And you keep going over the crest and down in this rollercoaster and smashing into a brick wall at the bottom until you notice a small cloud labeled exit which you pass by halfway down. So you reach out and push it on the next run through and the whole maze blows up and pictures and pieces of yourself fly all over the place and you get buttered all over the universe.

These often include mirrors and copies of yourself and misleading visions etc. Sometimes you lose a piece of yourself. This might be by a needle prick, or a wrath grabs part of you, or you must trade part of yourself for something, or you're pulled apart, etc.

Often there were also enjoyable scenes mixed in. Crowds cheering you or cities of gold or exciting sex or whatever. These were used to attract you in and to keep you in enough agreement so that you couldn't exteriorize out of the maze easily.

These implant mazes were used intensively in the motions universe and to some degree in the symbols universe as well. I think that there were a lot of different ones, just like there are many different implants that were used in this universe.

I haven't tried to map any of these or work out detailed platens (except for the service fac maze which is much more structured in its pattern).

Any handling of these is experimental at this time. But if you do dig one up or get it into restim, the following actions should get it to key out.

a) Spot the overt of designing and building these things.

b) Spot the over of tricking or forcing others to go into them.

c) Spot a scene in the maze that you found extremely desirable (if possible, get the scene that you desired most). You can even asses whether it was triumph, excitement, wealth, admiration, love, sex, joy, etc. that stuck you to the maze. Take this scene and copy the picture many times, changing its color, making it nicer or worse alternately, etc. until you can both have the picture or throw it away comfortably. You should feel something let go. If not, then find another even more desirable scene that was in the maze and handle.

d) Check for any pieces of yourself that were left in the maze. For each, have it point to the being it divided from.

Note that to some degree you tended to keep creating the maze after you left it. When you run one that is still charged, you will find that you still have it mocked up somewhere and that's where you're handling and releasing the pieces of yourself that were stuck in it.
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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.



Of everything I tried to run, the big splitter was the worst and gave me the most trouble. I did not have the "point to" command and this is virtually unrunable without it. I would run this a bit, and even get through one or two goals worth and then I'd get sick. Then I'd try and correct the platens (see platen 2 given later in this document), fix wrong items, revise the procedure, or try a different angle of approach, and it would work for a little while and then I would get sick again. My next attempt was to put together platen HS (given later in this document) which let me cool down and key out the splitter implants without running platen 2 directly. This worked to handle the charge I'd stirred up but did not go to a full EP and when I again tried to run platen 2 after this, I still got into trouble. So eventually I just gave up, despite the fact that whenever I did get any part of it to run well, it seemed to release a lot of horsepower. It always felt like I was working with the underlying structure of reality and it was very disheartening that it couldn't be run successfully. But even the failed attempts improved my ability to think in the area, and once enough time had passed to let this all cool down, I was better able to consider the mechanics involved and figured out the "point to" process.

Now that I have the "point to" command, this thing just falls apart and is easy to handle. I have not yet done a thorough run on it with the new techniques, but it worked like magic on a quick pass to handle what had been stirred up during my failed research attempts.

The big splitter had you split off 128 different types of entities which do various things like keeping the universe mocked up and blocking your perceptions etc. The splitting pattern was repeated over and over again using each of the penalty universe goals, so you have lots of pieces of yourself being these various things. Because of the use of penalty goals in the platen, you should run some charge off of the penalty universes before attempting to handle this one.

The new super simple procedure is as follows:

Take the list of 128 entity types (given below):

1. Check the type entity for a read and spot where it is, or just spot one that's being this type.

2. Have it point to the being it divided from. Generally it will blow or dissolve. If not, then get it to point again until it points with certainty (you don't care where its pointing nor do you care whether or not you are certain, but the entity should be certain). If still no blow, then do step 3.

3. If necessary, ask it "who are you" (getting a "me" answer) until it blows or dissolves.

4. Then check the item again and repeat until no more respond on this one.

Just go through the entire list from top to bottom, taking up anything that reacts and not worrying about searching too hard or being evangelistic about trying to wake things up.

When you finish, start back up at the top again. Carry on until the whole thing just FNs.

Maybe after this you should take a full pass through the complete implant platen (platen 2) and see if any more show up (handling as above). I would recommend using the penalty goal "To Create" in the platen since this is the most basic one. Then you could try running the above procedure again, this time going much deeper (unless you have already hit bedrock and taken the whole thing completely apart). Possibly this might go to some fantastic cognition or ability which takes care of the whole area of split pieces of yourself, but I can't say for sure because I'm not there yet myself.

If you miss one that is ready to run on a type that you are checking, sometimes you can't find anything on the next type. So if there seems to be nothing there and its not FNing, check the previous type again.

A lot of these are off in non-physical locations, so don't limit your attention to the immediate area of the body or get to worried about where these locations actually are, just locate on a basis of it is where it is.

It is possible that some of the things I did while researching this are still needed. I'm not in a position to tell, since I used those things enough to knock out any charge. Just in case, I have included my various earlier techniques following the list of entity types. If you use any of these, work the "point to" command into the procedure, because that is what makes this run easily.

Following all this, you will find the actual platen for the big splitter. Since it seemed unprofessional to call this the BS Platen and since it seems to be the second key platen (with the penalty universe platen 1 being the first), I have labeled this "Platen 2".

Tentatively, I believe that this implant was used on entry into the symbols universe.



These are the entity types set up by the big splitter incident (platen 2). They are listed in reverse order since this is the easier way to run them when using a fast blow by inspection technique (rather than running all the programming items as given in platen 2).

There is a translating problem in that I am assigning English words to high order concepts which often do not have an exact representation in English.

This is a first draft and may be slightly incorrect, especially in regards to the order of the items since they can be run successfully out of sequence. The correct sequence makes things easier and makes it much easier to reach the entities, but if you can get ahold of one, it will run without creating BPC even though others are skipped. Running in reverse sequence seems best because the Guardians etc. at the end start making trouble if you run off too much in the earlier sections without handling them.

This list has corrections (marked with a *) that were made subsequently to researching platen 2 (which is included at the end of this document). These are tentative and are based on things which seemed to need to be handled as part of running sequentially through the list of types.

Group 16 - Final blockage (blockage against taking this implant apart).

128. OVERSOUL - manages all the others
127. GUARDIAN - guards the implant, fights against erasure
126. HOLDER - holds entities who try to blow
125. SUPPRESSOR - hides the implant
* 125A HIDER (may be same as Suppressor)
124. DENIER - says it never happened
123. MISDIRECTOR - dubs in, alters, & shifts attention
* 123A BOUNCER (may be same as misdirector)
122. INVALIDATOR - invalidates anything you run
121. RESTIMULATOR- keeps the implant in restim
* 121A RESISTOR - resists change

Group 15 - Final Structure (entities maintaining the structure of the implant itself)

120. UNIFIER (JOINER) (GROUPER) - pulls everything together
119. KEEPER - keeps (holds) you down in the implant
118. IMPLANTER - continually re-runs the items on you
117. SPLITTER - continually makes everyone split (divide)
116. CORRECTIVE ENTITY - fixes anything that comes undone (or REPAIRER)
115. PERPETUATOR - perpetuates the implant (keeps it going)
113. INNER GUARD - keeps you from looking at yourself (& seeing this structure of entities)

Group 14 - Spiritual Blockage

112. DEVIL (DEMON) - makes trouble for you
111. DEGRADER - encourages degradation
112. TEMPTER - tempts you to do evil
109. DELUSION ENTITY - creates delusions
108. TERROR (FEAR) ENTITY - makes you afraid, especially of anything to do with the mind or spirits
107. CONFUSION ENTITY - tries to keep you confused
106. DISCOURAGER - discourages any effort to do anything about this (might be the same as 27 Depressor)
105. INTERIORIZER - makes you interiorize into the universe, bodies, etc.

Group 13 - Spiritual Structure

104. RECYCLER - between lives, cycles you into a "new" being.
103. EXECUTIONER - destroys your old identity between lives
102. PUNISHER - arranges punishments
101. JUDGE - judges your conduct (harshly) (all the time, but especially between lives).
100. ACCUSER - accuses you of any possible wrongdoing
99. ATTRACTOR - causes you to pull things in
98. ANGEL - a piece of yourself sent to serve "god" (universal mind)
97. CREATOR / PART OF GOD (UNIVERSAL MIND) - a part of yourself sent to be part of god (your contribution to the universal mind, i.e. be the thought of the universe forever).
*97A UNIVERSAL MIND (? - as a separate item from 97 creator)

Note: the "god" or universal mind created by this implant to manage the universe is not a self aware entity, but is a composite composed of a piece of everybody and programmed (as in computers) to run everything. This is not meant to either validate or invalidate any other type or definition of God which might or might not exist, it is just a description of what was set up by this implant. Part of you goes into this "god" and part is made into an "angel" which runs around enacting god's orders.

Group 12 - Existence Blockage

96. TRICKSTER - tricks you
95. FATE (ARRANGER) - arranges fates for you
94. DISPERSER - disperses you
93. INVERTER - turns your postulates back against you
92. DECIEVER - deceives you
91. OPPOSER - mocks up opposition to your goals
90. EQUILIZER - arranges Karma, balances things
89. WATCHER - watches you

Group 11 - Existence Structure

87. COACH - keeps you from either winning or loosing
86. ENCOURAGER - encourages you to stay here & live life
85. FUTURIZER - puts things into the future for you
84. GOAL MAKER - mocks up goals for you
83. GAME MAKER - mocks up games
82. PLANNER - plans your continued existence
81. GUIDE - guides you deeper into existence/mest.

note: in general this group tries to keep you interested in existing here and not trying to get out (Bingo and Movies for the prisoners).

Group 10 - Physical blockage

80. REFLECTOR (ENERGY MIRROR) - unmocks energy beams by reflecting them back at you.
79. VACUUM (UNMOCKER) - drains energy & energy beams
78. PULL BACK - causes you to pull back your energy beams.
77. DIFFUSER - causes energy beams to disperse & slide off of targets.
*77A. DEFLECTOR (may be same as diffuser)
76. CONSTRAINER - constrains you to follow physical universe law
75. BLOCKER - blocks you from messing with the physical universe
74. BINDER - binds you together with reality
*74A. AGREEMENT ENTITY (may be same as binder)
73. PROTECTOR - protects the universe from your postulates

Group 9 - Physical Universe Structure

72. ACTUALIZER - makes it all real
71. SYNCHRONIZER - cross copies the simultaneousness of time between individuals, etc.
70. MEST CO-ORDINATOR - co-ordinates the interrelationship of mest
69. DETERMINATOR - value judges potential futures to maximize dynamics 9 to 16.
68. COMMUNICATOR - interconnects everybody
67. LOCATOR - maintains the position of everything
66. GENERATOR - projects reality
65. POSTULATOR - mocks up reality

Group 8 - Social/Life Blockage

64. SINNER - inspires "sin" (selfishness etc.)
63. CONFLICTOR - inspires conflict
62. SEXUAL ENTITY - sensation & exchange of entities during sex etc.
61. SUBLIMATING ENTITY - (feelings of love, honor, courage, loyalty, etc.)
60. MOOD ENTITY - (shift moods between serene/troubled, calm/nervous, pleasant/irritated, etc.)
59. EMOTIONAL ENTITY - (cheerful, boredom, antagonism, rage,hostility,fear,grief,apathy)
58. ATTITUDE ENTITY - mocks up attitudes (like/dislike, etc.)
57. MORALIZER - preaches at you & makes you feel guilty (?)

Group 7 - Social/Life Structure

56. MISOWNER - says that this universe isn't your creation so you can't touch it.
55. SHELL (FOCUS) - surrounds you & focuses things in on you
54. MEST ENTITY - be the life within mest
53. ANIMATOR - be the life in lower organisms
52. SYMPATHIZER - keep myself in sympathy
51. SOCIAL ENTITY - inspire ARC, comm, agreement, etc.
50. GROUP MIND - be groups
49. SUPERBEING - evolve by overwhelming individuals & making all become one.

Group 6B - Body Blockage

48. SICKNESS ENTITY - mocks up diseases in accordance with mest laws.
47. JAILER - keeps you in the body
46. SLEEP CENTER - dreams & has you rebuild things while you sleep
45. SOMATIC ENTITY - physical pains/sensations
44. BODY BLOCKER - keeps you from modifying the body state by postulate.
*44A PERCEPTION BLOCKER (may be same as 43 filter)
43. FILTER - filter out perceptions of entities, infinities, etc.
42. CRAVER - craving food etc.
41. COMPELLER (COMPULSIVE ENTITY) - needing bodies & food etc. for bodies.

Group 5 - Body Structure

40. RELAYER - relays body perceptions to you.
39. REPRESENTER - mocks up body perceptions (sight etc.)
*39A VISUAL ENTITY - composes pictures of reality that you look at instead of seeing directly
38. REACTIVE ENTITY - body reactions to the environment
37. BODY MACHINE - regulate body processes.
36. CELLULAR ENTITY - creates the cells
35. BODY LOCATOR - integrates cells, perceptions, etc. with space/time position
34. GE - manages the body
33. BODY GENERATOR - projects the body

Group 4 - Mind Blockage

32. SHIFTER - shifts attention into mest & off of theta
27. DEPRESSOR (see 106 discourager)

Group 3 - Mind Structure


Group 1B - Theta blockage

16. DESTROYER - arranges accidents etc. to keep you from finding out about this or escaping.
15. NARCOTIC ENTITY - keeps the higher self feeling drugged
14. INHIBITOR - blocks non-physical perception etc.
13. DAMPER - keeps you condensed to a point & in agreement, etc., holds you down.
12. PRESENTER - prevents manipulation of probability, resonance, cohesion, etc.
11. WRAITH - drains energy
10. SUBCONSCIOUS - hides things & convinces you to stay limited & obedient.
9. ABBERATOR - compels following the laws of cumulative charge, restimulation, etc.

Group 1A - Thetan Structure

8. FORMULATOR - inspires choices of strengths & weaknesses, likes & dislikes, etc.
7. INSPIRATIONAL ENTITY - inspires belief that everyone likes it here & you wouldn't want to leave, etc.
6. SEPARATOR - keeps you as an individual separate from your higher self, entities, infinity, etc.
5. RESTRICTOR - limits you to a located viewpoint
4. INDIVIDUALIZER - limits you to a single viewpoint, beingness, etc.
3. BENEFACTOR - gives you interesting rewards etc. for obeying the implant.
2. MOCKUP INVALIDATOR - invalidate anything which is not agreed upon.
1. INITIATOR - compel yourself to desire agreed upon mest, games, forms, reality, & existence.



(See the improved procedure for handling the big splitter implant given above and run that instead. This is one of the earlier routines I tried. - Sept 1996).

Apr 6, 1991

This platen runs out the splitter implant that divides you into a "Higher Self" for each of the penalty universe goals. These higher selves are unaware pieces of yourself from which you keep everything mocked up etc. The higher self viewpoints are quite busy but not self aware. If you slide into one of these viewpoints, its like being half asleep and in a trance (if you do slide into one, just blow BTs or spot being made to split a few times).

This should be run on all 64 of the positive penalty universe goals before attempting to run platen 2.

1. Research Question

Before discovering this, I ran vast amounts of charge off of the penalty universes using platen 1 and other techniques. Next I started researching platen 2, but it was a real bear and difficult to run. Then I found this, which takes vast amounts of charge off of platen 2 and also off of the penalty universes.

This platen was much easier to run than platen 2 and produced tremendous gains. It will key out the big splitter implant (platen 2) although it does not erase it or restore full causation over split pieces of yourself.

The question is whether or not this can be run without first taking a lot of charge off of platen 1.

If you should try to run this without first running platen 1, only run one goal to start with and have a copy of platen 1 handy. If the goal gets over restimulated by this platen, use platen 1 to cool it down.

Another question concerns what sequence to run the goals in. I went through this just running from To Endure upwards to To Create, handling each goal in sequence. I did it that way because I had been fooling with platen 2 and that is the sequence that platen 2 must be run in. But I tried a few out of sequence and this platen will run that way. Since platen 1 runs easiest by taking the largest reading goal first, it might be easier to run this platen in a similar manner.

Therefore, the better procedure might be to assess the penalty universe goals for which one to run first (assess the 16 dynamics for largest read and then assess the goals for that dynamic) as described in the penalty universe key out rundown.

A compromise method might be to check each goal starting from To Endure and run this platen whenever you get a good read.

In any case, don't run this platen on a goal until you can get the goal to read well (at least a fall).

2. General Procedure

There are two separate actions which must be combined to get this to run. One is the actual running of the higher self items. The other action is to handle the 8 types of Blocking Entities which interfere with running this out.

The 8 types of blocking entities come from platen 2. Actually, there are 128 different types of entities laid in by platen 2, but only one group of 8 tends to interfere with auditing.

You must run the 8 blocking entities whenever you start session for the day, and in-between running each goal, and, if needed, in-between each pass through the higher self items on a goal if you run into interference that is keeping the items from erasing.

The higher self items for the goal must be flattened as a bracket. I.E., you spot each item one after another and keep going through the entire set of items rather than trying to flatten each item individually. At first I tried it the other way (flattening each item as in OT2) and it was very difficult and a great deal of opposition came in from the blocking entities. Calling one item over and over tends to stir up things. The bracket procedure avoids this and runs very quickly. Often the whole thing blows on the first or second pass through the items.

Other things can get in the way. The RS handling and the correction list given with platen 2 can be used with this platen if needed. This includes things such as items not erasing because they justify overts etc. However, these kind of stops only showed up for me when I was tying to flatten each item. I didn't need to use any of these extras once I started with the bracket version of the procedure. So have the introduction to platen 2 available for its corrective actions, but you probably wouldn't need it. Platen 2 also has more extensive procedures for handling the blocking entities, but they didn't generally seem to be needed to run this platen.

If the TA is up at start, only run blocking entities until it comes down.

Fly ruds or whatever to get an FN before starting the rundown. Thereafter, try to avoid using ruds at session start unless you know that one is out. Many basics on rud chains are either items that are late in the penalty universes or are earlier things that are heavily restimulated by the penalty universes. If you use a rud to get an FN rather than to handle an immediate upset etc. while you are in the middle of this rundown, there is a tendency to run into the penalty universe items at the bottom of the chain. If this happens, spot the goal connected with the item and spot native state for the goal a few times to get the item to key out. (this odd business of ruds continually running straight back into penalty universe items only seemed to occur while I was working with this particular rundown).

The blocking entities can suppress an FN, and they can drive the TA very high. Blow off a few of them and it will come right down into range.

The higher self can erase and the FN can be suppressed by blocking entities. If the needle gets very stiff, there may be too many to blow at one sitting. If the higher self items read as being erased, then they are. If necessary, take a break and then blow blocking entities and then check again for erasure. It should FN once everything is out of the way. Unfortunately, this makes it easy to overrun handling a higher self. If you do overrun, it brings lots of blocking entities into restim, so you will generally need a break and one or two passes through the list of blocking entities as well as rehabbing the erasure before it will FN.

The blocking entities can turn on a still needle type phenomena. If one turns on, check who's keeping it all hidden and handle them.

There is a distinct feeling of the universe shifting around you when you get a higher self to dissolve (erase). The room may appear to jump. You can also get light versions of this sometimes on an item erasing without the whole higher self dissolving. You can even get this sometimes on blowing a blocking entity.

After running through a lot of goals, a type of blocking entity might fully erase and cease to trouble you. You will suddenly be aware of doing the blocking entity activity and feel a major shift in the universe and feel a lot better (and get a wide FN). After that, the type that erased will only show up very rarely. If it does read, spot it and it will usually blow by inspection or on the first question (if it doesn't, check if it already blew before continuing. Also watch out for protest, false read, or somebody else mocking up the item).



As a preliminary or corrective step or as a general cleanup, and between running each goal, the following list of blocking entities should be handled.


Whenever you get a read, have them do the following:

A. Spot being made into a ...
B. Spot being made to split.
B2. Point to the being you divided from (this step added Nov 1996)
C. Spot the first time you were made to split.
D. Spot making others split.
E. Who are you? (Me).

Generally they blow before you finish these steps.

Often, you get an early blow without realizing it and start running another of the same type whose back of the first one. But he didn't get the first question, so he doesn't blow. So if you don't get a blow after E, check if your running another of the same type and if so, go back to question A.

If this isn't the case and you still didn't get a blow, then have them "Spot the false data in the implant" (& first time you were implanted with false data & implanting others with false data). Then use "Who are you" again.

Note that you will get a read when the entity does each command above. If you don't see the read, feel around and get him located and get your TR1 in and get him to do the command.

When the entity blows, check for another of the same type.

After you have had a cog on and become cause over each of the 8 types, there is a tendency to find exactly one of each on each goal and have them each blow on being spotted. Once it starts going this way, it runs very very fast and tends to FN. But don't neglect doing it on each goal because opposition starts building up again if you do.

On rare occasions, entities of other types may interfere or cause trouble. These might be things like corrective entities, etc. that are listed in platen 2. If something seems to be hanging around or trying to interfere with auditing and doesn't handle on the above list, check if there is some other type of entity giving trouble. If you can spot the type of entity they are being, then use the above procedure. Otherwise, have them spot what they are doing, and then have them spot being programmed to do that and then continue with step B above. Generally this will let you blow them without having to figure out exactly what they are being or going through a long assessment of 128 types etc. If you blow one this way, check for another who is being the same thing and handle (often you will run through a bunch of them).

4. Procedure for running the Higher Self.

A. Spot native state for the goal and spot being pushed in, pushing another in and another pushing others into the penalty universe for this goal.


C. Spot being the higher self as a manifestation of the infinite (terminal). Repeat step A (native state) from the higher self viewpoint.

D. From the higher self viewpoint, spot the original split into the infinite terminal. Spot the mirror which shows you splitting into infinite copies of the terminal and spot becoming the terminal spread out to infinity. (note - this is a quick keyout of the splitter section of platen 2). If this gets restimulative, alternate it with step A (native state) until it cools down. You can also spot being made to split, the first time you were made to split, and making others split from the higher self viewpoint if necessary. (now you probably should have the higher self viewpoint point to the being it divided from - Nov 96).

E. Now run the higher self through the programming items that were implanted into it. Get each item to read, but don't continue to flatten the item after it reads well. If you can't get an item to read, try suppress and inval, and also try calling the previous item once (but don't overdo it). If still no read, go on to the next item.

The programming items are as follows:






If the needle goes dead on you and gets stuck and you go through a number of items without being able to get any to read, then abandon this pass through the detail items and handle the 8 blocking entities. Then start a new pass.

If any items could not be gotten to read while doing a pass through this, then handle the 8 types of blocking entities before doing the next pass.

Begin each pass from step A (native state). On subsequent passes, you can shortcut the steps but be sure to spot native state and the item in step B well enough to get them to read.

On the first pass for a particular goal, you should be careful to use the full statement (including the goal) on each item, but on subsequent passes, you can shortcut this, stating the prefix occasionally and then running through a number of end phrases as if they were all separated by commas (getting a read on each one).

Often the goal and the words "higher self" will each read within the item. This is not a read on the item, it is a read on the charge of the entire bracket of items. However, the item itself can read at the point where you spot the intention of the end phrase even if you haven't finished thinking the end phrase in words - this is a valid prior read.

If you feel a major shift while going through the items, check for erasure of the whole bracket of items (it might just be erasure of one item).

On erasure, the higher self will read as having dissolved and you can get a read on being "free of this". If erased with no FN, take a short break and then handle the 8 types of blocking entities and then confirm the erasure.

5. Inverted goals

Besides running on the 64 positive goals, this will also run on the 64 inverted goals. The inverted ones are a bit harder to handle, so you should run all the positive ones first with the following exception. If you really feel upset and angry at a positive goal and at people doing the positive goal and there is too much charge on it to run, then you have the inverted goal in heavy restim and will need to run it off first.

Negative goals run just like positive goals except for spotting native state (Step A). Native state is at the bottom of a negative goal (i.e., you go out the bottom back to native state) rather than at the top. And it is the positive goal that holds the negative goal in place. So you have to handle it as follows:

Spot "TO (negative goal) IS NATIVE STATE" at the end of the implant.

Look up to the very beginning of the implant and spot "To (positive goal) IS NATIVE STATE" there. (it might not read or be very real at this point but put your attention on it anyway).

Spot the implant messing up the positive goal so badly that you decide to abandon the positive goal and decide to HATE and GET EVEN. Spot these decisions as being part of the implant. (this is the positive to negative crossover - see the XOVER platen if necessary). Spot the negative goal as stemming from this.

Again spot the top of the positive goal (native state) as begin the start of the entire positive/negative sequence. Get the positive goal's native state item to read. If it wouldn't, repeat the above (especially spotting the crossover) until it does (if necessary, use the treadmill XOVER platen).

Once you get this to read, then do the rest of step A (being pushed in etc.). Note that it is always the positive goal that you're pushed into (and later you fall through into the negative goal).

Now continue running the higher self on the negative goal from step B onward. Whenever you need to repeat step A, simply spot the negative goal, then spot the positive goal as being prior to and above it and run step A for the positive goal.

All the remaining items for running out the higher self will run using the negative goal.

An interesting little note is the observation that a positive goal can be run on this without the negative goal going into restim. I.E., you can run positive goals one after the other as long as you don't hit one where the negative is already in heavy restim due to life. This would seem to be one of the very big gains from going clear. In late track, positive and negative goals are a mutually restimulative package that float together in time. In early track (prior to CC), the negative goal is a consequence of dropping out the bottom of a positive goal and abandoning it.



Jun 25, 1991

Note: the various procedures for running this have generally been superseded by the easier approach given in the write-up on Procedure HS (higher self handling). After running procedure HS and then clearing out each entity type (see the write-up on the Summary of Entity types etc.) it should be possible to blow this on each goal simply by running the first few items to FN and then doing the final processing steps given at the end. I have not deleted the old way of handling this in case it turns out to be needed in the future.

I originally ran through this on the first goal using a long procedure to try and handle all the entities that showed up in a thorough manner. In doing so, I spent much too much time on one goal and other things went into restim. So I cut back to a "fast" procedure to get through as quickly as possible without stirring up too much opposition and ran through a few goals that way. This worked well at first but again the unrun goals gradually built up more charge. Then I switched to procedure HS which gave me a fast destimulative pass across all of the goals. References in here to the long and the fast procedures refer to the two different ways that I used while running this directly before coming up with the HS procedure. It is possible that you might need to run through one goal completely just to get a good grasp of the incident.

The material in here should be known even when using procedure HS since this covers some of the unusual situations such as RSes and provides useful background data.


This is the original procedure:

Run for each penalty universe goal.

Check for and handle "guardians" (clusters similar to control entities) often. use: a) spot being made into a guardian, b) spot being made to split (& first time & making others split if needed), c) spot being implanted with false data (& first time & implanting others with false data if needed), d) spot native state for goal (if one is being run)(&being pushed into it, pushing others in, & others pushing others in, if needed), e) who are you.

After a guardian comes apart, there may be individuals remaining, use acks & who are you. There also may be copies etc.

Also check for & handle machine entities (PMEs) with the usual techniques (spot being made into a machine etc.).

If TA is up (above 3.5) at start, only run guardians and PMEs and individuals remaining until it comes down. High TA can also be overrun, check for an entity who is overrun, have them spot going release, and ask who are you. If TA still wouldn't come down, rerun steps 1-3 below and then find more guardians etc. Note, the TA can be up slightly at start because of anticipating the next item. If the TA comes down on blowing guardians etc. but starts drifting right back up again in session, then its overrun, guardians will not drive it up while you are actually running a process. But they can push it up even during a very quick break.

Check for and handle these every time you resume, and also frequently during session, and any time the needle gets very tight, or if any somatics turn on, and after every item in the universe buttons section below.

Revision: In addition to guardians, there are also Oversouls, Restimulators, Suppressors, Holders, and Misdirectors which may need to be handled. The handling is pretty much the same. Have them spot being made into a ... & then run split, false data, and native state. Further revision: use the expanded list of types given in procedure HS.

Somatics are generally instigated by the guardians who get machines to mock them up. Handle the guardian and then the machine. Needle tightening up is either too much cross restimulation (auditing too long) or errors (which restimulate) or there is a restimulator or suppressor active. Trouble blowing ones who seem to have been handled properly is usually because a holder is operating, or one of the other types is invalidating them or something. If you start feeling disbelief, unreality, or start invalidating the existence of this implant (after running it successfully) then check for oversouls or suppressors.

The best approach might be to run steps 1 to 4 (1st section + group processing) and then go right to the specific sections on guardians etc. (near the end) and run through them lightly to cool down all these various entities. Then run the complete platen from the beginning thoroughly.



An RS while running this will generally be due to an entity with heavy overts.

a. Designing this implant?
b. Sentencing others to this implant?
c. Running this implant in on others?
d. Creating this implant (postulating the items or the implant universe into existence for use against others).
e. 3rd partying others to use this against each other?
f. Wanting to get rid of everybody?

Spot the overt and MWH and spot E/S if needed. Then find the earlier evil purp. It will be something like making others dead forever or getting rid of everyone. Since this implant is at the point where he went down into the Symbols universe, the evil purp will be around the time period of the late games universe (it will probably be after the treadmill since that is generally what is underlying the RS).

Then spot the overt prior to the evil purpose. It will be something like cheating on a game etc. which was only bad (not evil) but gave him a horrendous MWH. Note that it was still quite hard for people to really hurt each other in this time period since they were not yet locked into bodies etc. Or spot the prior confusion.

During this, you should see the RS get smaller and less frantic on each step (RS erasing). If it just turns off, he's probably dived out of sight and will show up again later.

If he doesn't blow when the RS clears, run some key buttons like spot being made to split or spotting native state or who are you until he does.

Deeper underneath this is the goal inversion items of "hate" and "get even" that were laid in by the treadmill. If you're not in the middle of running a goal, you can assess the penalty universes for the one underlying the RS and then handle the inversion (see the write-up on the treadmill). I did this on an RS while running platen 2 and it worked well, but the goal that assessed out was different from the one that I was running. When the being blew, fooling with the other goal left all sort of other stuff stirred up and caused cross-restimulation which had to be cooled off.

Note that it will not be your RS. The needle motion itself is due to a being jumping around pushing and restimulating all sorts of other entities in an effort to keep this from running out. He doesn't actually make the RS, its the motion of the crowd of beings that he's kicking around that moves the needle.


This occurs in an implant universe. You are not in a body being shown pictures or anything like that. It is a full reality being created around you. This occurs in a transition universe between the games and symbols universes. This is the implant that I have been calling the big splitter. There are many later implants which use items out of this or variations thereof. It is intentionally stirred up when you want to get rid of somebody or make them dead forever. A key restimulator is the prison planet implant used to sentence people to earth and also some parts of the between lives implants. But the other things are shallow locks on this and just get solid if you try to run infinity type items out of them.

This is later than the penalty universes, but prevents erasing them (the cloud of guardians etc. block it). But the penalty universe does have the basic charge on the goal, so run it first (platen 1) to get a key out. Then this platen will erase. After erasing platen 2 for the goal, platen 1 can be run to erasure.


As a preliminary or corrective step or as a general cleanup, the following list of entity types created by the incident can be assessed.


Whenever you get a read, have them do the following:

a. Spot being made into a ... (& first time & making others into ..)
b. (expanded procedure - spot doing ..., & earlier & first time)
c. Spot being made to split. (& first time & making others split) (add "point to the being you divided from")
d. Spot the false data in the implant. (& first time you were implanted with false data & implanting others with false data).
e. Spot "To (goal) is native state" (& being pushed into it, pushing others in, & others pushing others in).

If the same type shows up often, then use the expanded procedure (i.e., add step b) to cool them down.

A fast procedure is to simply do the assessment and indicate the read and then go on flattening platen 2. I.E., guardian reads so you indicate that someone is guarding the item and then flatten the item without trying to blow the being. They'll all blow when you erase the later sections of the implant, and they'll settle down & let you run it out (they are very interested and blow in droves on the later items) if you ack what they are doing and get them to stop. But don't use this shortcut if your turning on somatics or the TA wouldn't come down because it leaves a lot of guys hanging around half awake expecting you to erase the items soon.

Note that MACHINE in the above list was a catchall that would pick up others out of the 128 types in the rare cases where they were giving trouble.


1. Has an item been overrun?
2. has an item been left unflat?
3. has an entity been overrun?
4. has an entity been left unflat?
5. Is there an entity who is worried about the others?
6. Earlier Run? (as in OT2 procedure)
7. Slipped over onto another goal? (rehab the item for the goal being run).
8. Cross-restim? (indicate & take a break).
9. Is an active entity interfering with running this? (assess entities etc.)
10. Individuals remaining (acknowledge each to blow).
11. Invalidated an erasure?
12. Bypassed an FN?
13. Was there an error in running an item?
14. Is there an error on the item itself? (Misworded? Out of sequence? Missing item?)
15. Erased for some but not for others?
16. Goal keyed out? (indicate, rehab, & take a break)
17. Did an entity come back?
18. Did you put it all back? (indicate, rehab, & take a break).
19. Was a blow interrupted?
20. Is someone trying to replace an item that erased?
21. Is someone trying to replace an entity that blew?
22. Does someone have a MWH connected with an item?
23. Does an entity have an evil purpose connected with an item?
24. Was the same item left unflat in an earlier goal?
25. Was an entity handled using an incorrect type?
26. Was an entity mishandled?
27. Does the item justify an overt?
28. Is there something else wrong?

Note, this platen is flatten with OT2 techniques plus the handling of entities (as in III & NOTS). Correction lists from these levels can also be used if needed.

Fast Procedure:

Spot the item repetitively.
Spot doing the item & earlier & first time.
Spot item some more or confirm that it erased.

On first sections where the items are false datums that tell you how wonderful its going to be rather than doingness items, spot the item as a false datum instead of spotting doing the item.

Often you feel a slight shift as an item erases. Erasing an item does give a tiny FN, but it can be too small to register on the meter. If it has erased, checking for erasure on the meter will produce a read.


1. Section 1: Infinity

(the space is like being in a thin white cloud with nothing visible).



2. Temple

a. The terminal appears in front of you (spot this).

b. TO (goal) IS TO BECOME THE INFINITE (terminal).


d. The temple appears (spot it).


3. Spotting steps

Possibly this step and the following one (4 below) should be skipped when using the fast procedure.

Spot the following with intention, and broadcast it out to the crowd of entities etc. that started waking up while running the above.

a. Spot the false data in the implant.
b. Spot that you don't have to be the terminal to do the goal.
c. Spot that you don't have to do the goal to get the things promised (falsely) in the items in section 1.
d. Spot that you don't have to be the terminal to get the things promised in the items in section 1.
e. Spot that these items were all false promises and that you didn't get these things from obeying the implant.

4. Group Process

Now broadcast the following commands (group processing) to everybody who started waking up (but don't reach for ones who have different goals who didn't respond to section 1 above).

a. Spot being made to divide by this implant.
a1. point to the being you divided from (step added Nov 96)
b. Spot the first time you were made to divide.
c. Spot making others divide
d. Spot the false data in the implant.
e. Spot the first time you were implanted with false data.
f. Spot implanting others with false data.
g. Spot being made to copy.
h. Spot the first time you were made to copy.
i. Spot making others copy.
j. Spot "To (goal) is native state" at the top of the original penalty universe (direct their attention to early home universe era). Spot being pushed into it, pushing another in, and others pushing others in.
k. Come up to present time.
l. Thank You.

Check for individuals remaining and use who are you & acks to handle.

Check for and handle any guardians or machines (or other types of entities).

5. Section 2 - infinite terminal

a. Next the items from section 1 are reused with the Infinite terminal in place of the goal in the item (as follows). As these items are given, the terminal (which is facing you) drifts backwards towards the temple and through the entrance, you are drawn along by it and enter the temple as well.

TO BECOME THE INFINITE (terminal) IS TO: (items a to j of section 1)

b. (at this point, the terminal is floating in the center of the temple and you are facing it)


c. At this point you slide into the mockup of the terminal. You do this by curving around to the right and sliding into the terminals left side so that you are facing back in the direction where you had been floating before. I.E., you end up looking through the terminal's eyes. As this happens you get the following item. Spot the feeling of turning and spot sliding into the terminal as you spot the item.

TO (goal) IS TO BE THE (terminal).

Note - there is a heavy emphasis on the word BE in this item.

d. Spot seeing the inside of the temple from the terminals eyes. Also notice that everything looked vague and dreamlike and now becomes sharp and solid looking once you have the eyes to look through. This is actually a trick built into the implant universe. The mockups are intentionally insubstantial in the beginning and are suddenly and dramatically changed to solids when you look through the eyes. It makes you think that you can see better with the terminal's eyes, but really you were perceiving correctly all along. Spot this trick at this point.

e. You notice that there is a sort of mirror on the temple wall and that you can see yourself as the terminal in it. Spot the mirror. Note that this is a trick and not a real reflection.


With this item, the mirror shows you splitting out to infinity. Endless copies of the terminal stream out in all directions. Actually, they are showing you a picture of the terminal splitting (and you think you are already splitting and start agreeing with the idea) and then they hit you with a wave of force that makes you split. Spot the false mirror image and the wave of force along with the item.


With this item, the "mirror" view pans backwards (as in a movie) and shows you the outside of the temple and endless copies of the terminal streaming off in all directions. Spot this.


i. TO (goal) IS TO BE THE INFINITE (terminal).

(long procedure: mockup dividing out to infinity and being the infinite terminal a number of times. Also have any beings who are awake spot doing this and spot the first time they did this).

For long or short procedure: run "Decide to be the infinite (terminal)" / "Decide not to be the infinite (terminal)" alternately to EP (end on the second command even if the first one FNs).

Long procedure: Now repeat the group processing in step 4 above.

6. Section 3, Universe items.

These buttons are also used in running the universe machines (covered in a separate write-up).

The following is for the long procedure, for the fast procedure, just run the items.

For each item, have anyone who is awake:
a. spot the item
b. spot doing the item
c. spot the first time they did the item.
d. spot getting others to do the item.
e. spot the item again.
e1. mockup doing/ not doing the item alternately.
f. spot the false data in the implant.
g. spot being made to divide.
h. spot being made to copy.
i. spot being made into guardians.
j. spot being made into machines.
k. spot being made into holders.
l. spot being made into restimulators.
m. spot being made into suppressors.
n. spot being made into oversouls.
o. spot being made into the infinite terminal.
p. spot "To (goal) is native state".

The above is done as a group processing step (from f onward, you can also use spot the first time and spot doing it to others if needed).

Then check for and handle any guardians or machinery or individuals remaining. Then take a very short break and then check for any guardians or machinery etc. again before either ending session or going on to the next item.

At first I had to handle a half dozen guardians on each item. If somatics turn on, check for individuals remaining or more guardians or machinery. etc.

If too much turns on, you can re-run the group processing in step 4 above, or run the entire platen from the top again.

After this section, the remainder runs off fairly fast and easily with only occasional guardians etc. turning up.

TO (goal) IS TO BE THE INFINITE (terminal) AND:





Revision: Subsequently, I discovered the higher self version of these items that is given in platen HS. Both the HS and the infinite terminal version given above will run on the same goal. The HS version would fit right after this. There also seem to be some lower self items immediately after the HS items. But this all showed up later. These HS/LS items seem to have been used in the implant that shifts you from the conflicts universe down to the magic universe. Either the heavy similarity between that implant and this section of platen 2 causes them to group together or the items actually were reused and are correct in both platens. See the write-up on the flat earth implant.

7. Instructions for the remaining sections

In the items in the subsequent sections:

a. spot the item a number of times until it either releases, erases, or stops reading.
b. Have anyone who is awake spot doing the item, & the first time they did the item. (if needed, you can use the full rundown given in 6 above).
c. spot the item again until you get an erasure, or just confirm that it has erased.

The following additional steps can also be done (long procedure):

d. spot being the infinite copies of the terminal and doing the item to yourself. (you want to become total cause over doing the item).
e. spot the item again and native state for the goal.
f. check if there is anyone still doing the item or if anything is still unhandled on the item and handle (as in 6 above)(unless you get an FN)

Use an abbreviated version of this on subsequent passes (including the previous sections). Eventually you want to simply spot all the items with an FN and no other handling needed (FNing platen). You need to use some judgment to avoid the extremes of grinding on the one hand and bypassing charge on the other. Too much grinding will cross restimulate the same items in others goals. If needed, check for and indicate cross-restimulation and then take a break to let it cool down.

By itself, the FN on erasing a single item is generally small. Big FNs and Cogs come from erasing big chunks of this rather than on each item. The FN on an item is quite visible if the needle is already loose and other things aren't stirred up (usually on the first item you run at session start), but as you build up a bit of cross-restim (other entities on this goal, and the same items and entities in other goals trying to keep this there and replacing it) it tends to stiffen the needle and these small FNs will not be visible. If the item reads as erased and you recheck the item for erasure at the start of the next session, it will generally FN. So don't invalidate an erasure just because you don't see an FN. You don't actually need to see the FN, but you do need certainty of erasure. So if you do invalidate it or you are unsure (Q & Aing with the erasure), then take a break and recheck with the needle loose enough to show a small FN, or jack the sensitivity way up (the FN will be there for a moment when you spot an item that has erased). This is due to the heavy cross-restim and opposition that comes up at first and should fade away after running a few goals (as your confront on the end phrases improves, it weakens the entire implant, not just the goal being run).

A feeling of something shifting or coming apart almost always means erasure. This is not quite the same feeling as a partial blow, but it is easy to confuse the two (especially as partial blows also happen occasionally on this procedure). If you're not sure, just check for a partial blow and handle (who are you?). Note that you can also get both a partial blow and an erasure. The shift on erasure basically feels good (you're shifting back towards reality) and doesn't persist as a sensation (you feel better oriented and more natural after it happens) whereas the partial blow feeling is disorienting.

You will often see things blowing on an erasure, but you can also see this before the item is erased so it can't be used as a guide (but it is a good indicator showing that things are coming apart).

If no read and no erasure and spotting doing the item doesn't read either, then something is blocking the read. If you've been running for awhile and the needle is getting stuck, then take a break and let the cross-restim die down. Otherwise, assess the types of entities and indicate whatever reads (i.e., Suppressor reads so indicate that a suppressor is blocking the item). You can handle the entity (spot being made into a ... & spot being made to split) or just have it spot the item. Generally the item will read again and you can finish running it.

If something seems wrong, use the correction list.

8. Section 4 - Reality



9. Section 5 - The splitter

On each "SPLIT" item, something like a giant drop of water appears and then breaks apart & disperses as endless tiny droplets spreading through all space and time. Spot this with the item. Then on the "PROGRAM" item, the infinite droplets seem to freeze and turn to crystal. Spot this with the item.

See the Summary of Types for a quick list of all 128 entity types that were split out and programmed up by this implant. The detail programming items for these are in section 6 below.

TO (goal) IS TO BE THE INFINITE (terminal) AND



This continues with the (a) and (b) items of each of the 128 types (see section 6 below) in sequence. Originally I was running all of the a/b items here and then went on to run the detailed programming items for the 128 types. Subsequently, it seemed easier to run the a/b items for each type along with the detail items.

Time wise in the implant, the a/b items and the detailed programming items inter-relate in a complex manner. What happens is that the a/b items for a particular type cause a split. Then, the entities that split to become that type begin receiving their detail items over and over again while at the same time you are getting the next a/b item (which causes another split etc.). It is very much like parallel processing in a computer system with the a/b items occurring in a master task that keeps starting other subordinate tasks that go off an do their own thing as soon as they are started. So it would be correct to run these either way (either all the a/b items first since that is what you were hit with, or run a/b and detail for each type of entity). The only criteria is which way is easier.

After all the a/b items, there is also an HS item as follows:


. Instructions for the following sections:

Each section contains the programming for one class of entity. Erase each of the 8 items as explained in 7 above. Then run the following group process on the class of entities:

a. Mockup doing / not doing the action alternately to EP.
b. Spot being made into (type) and the first time & making others.
c. Split (point)
d. False data
e. Native state
f. who are you?



.. Section S.1 - Initiator




.. Section S.2 - mockup Invalidator




.. Section S.3 - Benefactor







.. Section S.4 - Individualizer






.. Section S.5 - Restrictor







.. Section S.6 - Separators

(? - see also s.114 below)




F. GOD (the life static manifest as the ultimate infinite being)
G. THE LIFE STATIC (pure without manifestation)

(previously had item E as "the infinite (terminal) " ).

.. Section S.7 - Inspirational entity




.. Section S.8 - Formulator



F. FREEDOMS AND CONSEQUENCES (or what can and can't affect you).



.. Section S.9 - ABBERATOR



A. CUMULATIVE CHARGE (later incidents stack up on earlier ones)
C. FLOWS (inflow = outflow)
F. OPPOSITION (you create your own opposition)
G. PULLING THINGS IN (the O/M sequence)
H. RESISTANCE (what you resist you become)

.. Section S.10 - Subconscious




.. Section S.11 - Wraith




.. Section S.12 - Preventer



B. RESONANCE (controlling something by vibrating in sympathy with it)
C. COHESION (unconnecting the cohesion of the whole so that something slides apart to infinity)
D. SYNCHRONIZATION (getting solids to slide through each other by shifting them onto different frequencies)
E. ORIENTATION (in extra dimensions)
F. BEINGNESS (manipulating the beingness of spaces, objects, and energies).
G. WILLINGNESS (of spaces, objects, and energies).
H. ORIGINAL ISNESS (of spaces, objects, and energies).

Beingness might refer to the identity of the object etc. in terms of the symbol which it is connected to and willingness might refer to what the object is "willing" to do in terms of physical chemistry etc. The items above read well on the meter. I am only speculating as to what these mean. They refer to a level of physics beyond our current science.

.. Section S.13 - Damper




.. Section S.14 - Inhibitors




.. Section S.15 - Narcotic Entity


(here drugged means put into a drugged state with a telepathic wave rather than with chemicals).



These items were intended to give the feelings that we now associate with being drugged or high. It is possible that the only effect drugs have is to cause him to become aware of how he is feeling in his higher self.

.. Section S.16 - Destroyer






.. Section S.17 - Instigator




.. Section S.18 - Thinker





.. Section S.19 - Randomizer






.. Section S.20 - Decision Maker




.. Section S.21 - Computational Entity




.. Section S.22 - Symbolizer







.. Section S.23 - Recording entity

(this could also be called the Historian).




. Section S.24 - File Clerks






... Section S.25 - Controller




.. Section S.26 - Exhilarator




.. Section S.27 - Depressor



(see s.106)


.. Section S.28 - Enturbulator




. Section S.29 - Forgetter




.. Section S.30 - Justifiers




.. Section S.31 - Conscience



H. INFINITY (this implant)

.. Section S.32 - Shifter






.. Section S.33 - Body Generator




. Section S.34 - Genetic Entity



A. LIFE PROCESSES (metabolism etc.)
B. LIFE CYCLES (growth/decay/aging etc.)
C. OPERATING CYCLES (sleep etc.)

. Section S.35 - Body Locator





. Section S.36 - Cellular Entity




. Section S.37 - Body machine




.. Section S.38 - Reactive entity



C. ENERGY (electrical?)

.. Section S.39 - Representer







.. Section S.40 - Relayer




Note: these are translations. The actual items are very generic with eyes being any kind of light sensing organ etc. There is no style or quantity specified.

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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.



The beginning of this platen is in Super Scio #9B.



... Section S.41 - Compulsive Entity (compeller)







... Section S.42 - Craver




... Section S.43 - Filters




Note: the splitter machine universe seems to be a constructed universe in its own space and time which operates as a splitter machine (i.e., there is no space in that universe except the space of the machine itself which is of infinite size). It seems to have a hub of shared co-ordinates (3 or 4 dimensions) and a separate dimension (i.e., co-ordinate) for each of the entity types so that there is a sort of mockup like a fan or a generator with an infinite plane (angling off in its own dimension) for each of the types. These planes all intersect at the hub (where their unique dimensional co-ordinate is zero) and otherwise are not even in the same space and time with each other. This construction seems to be rotating (relative to what??).

... Section S.44 - Body Blocker




... Section S.45 - Somatic Entity




... Section S.46 - Sleep Entity (Sleep Center)







... Section S.47 - Jailer




... Section S.48 - Sickness Entity





GROUP 7 Social/Life Structure

... Section s.49 - Superbeing





(maybe some errors)

... Section s.50 - Group Mind





... Section s.51 - Social Entity





... Section s.52 - Sympathizer





... Section s.53 - Animator






... Section s.54 - Mest Entity





... Section S.55 - Shell (focus)




... Section s.56 - Misowner




you don't own it so you can't touch it




... Section s.57 - Moralizer





... Section s.58 - Attitude entity





... Section S.59 - Emotional Entity




... Section s.60 - Mood entity





... Section s.61 - Sublimating Entity





... Section s.62 - Sexual Entity





... Section S.63 - conflictor




... Section s.64 - Sinner





maybe #114 dramatizer belongs here?



... Section S.65 - Postulator




... Section S.66 - Generators




( F and H may be in reverse order?)

.. Section S.67 - Locators.






.. Section S.68 - Communicators.




.. Section S.69 - Determinators.




note: copy influx = all the potentials and postulates and consequences being put into the future. The determinants are evaluated on the upper dynamics only, i.e., there is no concern for how much death or suffering results. There is a limited time scale to the evaluation (a few years).

Note: this ensures good "theta" interest (even if it is painful etc.) so that everyone is too involved to try getting out. I.E., keep the prisoners busy with Bingo etc. so they wouldn't think about escaping.

.. Section S.70 - Mest Co-Ordinators.




Note: F and G above use "STOP" with two different meanings. As used in G, it has the implication that if it stopped internally, it wouldn't be here.

.. Section S.71 - Synchronizers.




.. Section S.72 - Actualizers.




? maybe also solidifiers?



... Section S.73 - Protector




... Section S.74 - Binder




... Section S.75 - Blockers






note: We are a few microseconds behind the true physical universe time. Everything is on a very slight comm lag. You have to reach a trifle ahead into the "future" to contact the physical universe present.

.. Section S.76 - Constrainers




Note: laws of resistance include inertia, ohms law, etc.

... Section s.77 - Diffuser (deflector)







... Section s.78 - Pull Back







... Section s.79 - Vacuum (unmocker)







... Section s.80 - Reflector (energy mirror)





(matter , energy, space, & time?)



... Section S.81 - guide








... Section s.82 - Planner





... Section s.83 - Game Maker





... Section s.84 - Goal Maker





... Section S.85. Futurizer





... Section s.86 - Encourager






?? - Humanizer ??

... Section s.87 - coach




?? keep myself from winning or loosing make games go on forever

... Section s.88 - Aligner (co-ordinator)







... Section S.89 - Watcher







... Section s.90 - Equalizer





... Section s.91 - Opposer





.. Section S.92 - Deceiver




... Section s.93 - Inverter





... Section s.94 - Disperser





(? - vibrations, grasping/gripping/holding?)


... Section s.95 - Fate (arranger)






... Section s.96 - Trickster







... Section s.97 - Creator (part of god, infinite mind)





?? - UNIVERSAL MIND (separate item?)




... Section s.98 - angel



(here god is a construct which acts as a mind for the universe. You give a piece of yourself to its service)




... Section s.99 - Attractor





... Section s.100 - Accuser





... Section s.101 - Judge








... Section s.102 - Punisher





... Section s.103 - Executioner





... Section s.104 - Recycler








(recycle my existence into new individualities forever?)



... Section s.105 - Interiorizer





... Section s.106 - Discourager

(note: may be same as #27 depressor?)








... Section s.107 - Confusion Entity





... Section s.108 - Terror (fear) entity







... Section s.109 - Delusion entity





... Section s.110 - Degrader





... Section s.111 - Tempter





... Section s.112 - Demon (devil)










... Section s.113 - Inner Guard





... Section s.114 - Dramatizer

(note - previously had #6 - separators, here)





... Section s.115 - Perpetuator





.. Section s.116 - Corrective entities




... Section s.117 - Splitter





.. Section S.118 - Implanter




... Section s.119 - Keeper





... Section s.120 - Unifier (Joiner)







... Section S.121 - Restimulators




... Section s.122 - Invalidator





... Section S.123 - Misdirectors




.. Section S.124 - Denyers




... Section S.125 - Suppressors






Note, early detection devices were things like crystal balls (which really worked in the magic universe) and might be used to assess for implanted compulsions etc.

... Section S.126 - Holders




... Section S.127 - Guardians




... Section S.128 - Oversouls




(block any attempt to unmock this forever?).


?other types?

Problem Maker Misleader (guide my individual self deeper into mest forever, keep myself in agreement, more confused, and solid etc.)


make this all happen forever remain in agreement with this implant forever enjoy being here forever never think about being here forever

Convincer - convince myself that I need this, make self dependent on this, etc.

karma? - balancer? - equalizer - tabulator?


18. Section 7 - Final Items




Use this as a group process on any individuals remaining after completing the platen.

a. Mockup doing and not doing these things repetitively to EP. b. Spot being programmed into being these things. Spot the first time. Spot programming others. Spot others programming others. c. Spot being made to split, first, others, others to others. d. Spot being implanted with false data, first time, others, others to others. e. Spot being made to divide out to infinity, first time, others, others to others. f. Spot being made into the infinite (terminal), first, others, others to others. g. Decide to be and not be the infinite (terminal) repetitively to EP. h. Mockup and unmock the infinite (terminal) until you're cause over it. i. Spot the first item of platen 2. Spot it as false data. j. Spot native state for the goal and being pushed into it, pushing others, and others pushing others. k. Ask them Can You Create (Nots), you should get a read and/or a yes answer. If not, have them mock up and throw away a few objects and then ask again. l. Are you free of this? (if not, find out why - unflat item etc.). m. Who are you?

Then check if anything remains to be handled or anyone didn't blow etc.

Others, from other goals, may try and copy and replace this. If something is lingering but nothing wrong, check for and indicate copy/replace.

Then run platen 1 to erasure (may happen after a small number of items).

.. Crossover Erasure

For inverted goals, the following steps can be done:

1. spot native state for the positive goal.

2. spot that the positive goal erased and rehab it.

3. For the positive goal items at the beginning of the Xover platen, spot that the item once had charge and acted as false data which drove you into the negative goal. These items tend to erase instantly (because the positive goal is already erased) but the invalid of running another item on the positive goal sometimes puts the goal back (on a cross-copy replace) which will dirty the needle. If this happens, spot that the goal already erased and is being put back (rehab the erasure if needed). There is a slight tendency to put the goal back because you haven't run the middle section of the implant, but there is no real charge on it, just considerations (it will be scanned out later) so rehab erasure when needed. There are only 4 of these items so just get through them, you erasing the context of the inversion.

4. the remaining Xover items do not use the positive goal and erase normally. Items 5 and 6 are goal-less groupers and you need to keep your attention on the specific pair of goals your running and erase the specific crossover - i.e. spot the specific hatred for the goal being run etc. and erase it by spotting it repetitively. Don't check these 2 items for erasure, check the specific hatred and "chose a new goal" items (spot that it really wasn't your free choice, just an implant order) or check if they "erased for this goal". Here your trying to avoid the problem created by the fact that this pair of items is identical in every goal. If necessary, spot these items as groupers which stir up other goals.

5. Rehab the erasure of the top goal and confirm the erasure of the positive-negative goal package. On erasure, you should see with reality and certainty that the negative goal is simply a get even/service fac type activity against the original implanting of the positive goal.

------- end -------
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Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.


In this final document in the series, I will include some general write-ups and random notes from my files.


































Oct 5, 1990

Let us consider what might lie at the top of the scale. Imagine, for a moment, what it would be like if everyone really achieved total freedom and the full ability to create, alter, and destroy Matter, Energy, Space, Time, Thought, and Life? What if people agreed or disagreed at will depending on what they felt like doing? What if it was not physically possible to impose any restraints on an individual or enforce any rule or order?

The result would be total chaos and anarchy. But is this a really a bad thing? There is a terrible picture of devastation and destruction that goes along with the concept of chaos and anarchy. But that picture is an implant.

Given total freedom, the petty, viscous urges would soon fall away (if they hadn't already been run out as part of the route upwards). These things are the manifestations of being at the bottom of a long and degraded game. With really high randomity, high horsepower games, and the true ability to play them, there's no fun in crouching down in a dark little pool of nastiness.

So what we would really get would be a fantastic array of creations and a level of tone and ARC that is beyond human comprehension.

But the statement about chaos and anarchy still holds true. The free being will play what games he feels like, and if things are not to his liking, he will turn around and mockup another universe and invite his friends to come on over.

This means no laws, no punishment, and no government. Either you get someone's agreement, or their just gonna go their own way. So you can't make anyone wrong or get even for anything. Once, way back when, we solved this problem by creating the penalty universes. But that trick wouldn't work twice in a row. If our boy's been down here and climbed back out, then he's too experienced to fall for it.

This ungovernable condition is known as anarchy.

The cor-requisite ultra high level of creation with an infinity of things popping into and out of existence with great rapidity, is known as chaos. An individual might keep his creations in a beautiful state of order, but the sum total of all creations of all individuals is a condition of the highest possible randomity. This is actually quite good. As an immortal god, the only thing that would provide enough interest and variety would be utter chaos.

This then, is the chaos and anarchy at the top of the scale.

But the bottom of the scale mimics the top. And there is a truly horrible chaos and anarchy at the low end. This is the chaos of total destruction. And there also is the anarchy engendered by being so far out of ARC with everything that there is nothing left but unreality. This is the direction of the bomb throwing anarchists, and the destination of people who are madly trying to make nothing out of everything.

Between these two extremes lies a center point of total and absolute order. This is the position of total safety that society craves. Here, supposedly, is the place where nothing bad can happen because there is nothing unregulated, no randomity, and no unpredicted motion. There is also no freedom, no space, and no theta. This state is as impossible to attain as the absolute infinities at either end of the scale, but it is possible to come very close to it.

The thetan, actually, can't stomach this state of total order. With every law passed, he has less freedom of motion. His "space" collapses. As it collapses, he seeks to protect what little remains and therefore supports the introduction of additional laws which then contract his space further.

Now add to this picture, the existence of many implants which convince him, with false data, that he should go along with this for the sake of other people. He has been convinced that endless laws are needed to keep people from killing each other and furthermore has been shown that even wrong laws must be obeyed to keep society working properly. His own integrity, which is considerable, has been turned inward against himself to keep him in obedience.

This reaches an extreme in the thought police states where even a bad opinion of the government is a gross overt heavily punished. These societies are not usually the outgrowth of the petty dictatorships like the ones we see around the world. They can come from societies like this one. The sales job is fairly simple. Crime comes from earlier evil intentions. If these evil intentions were "cured" at the source, we could all live in safety. So everybody should agree to be hypnotized against having evil intentions, and should be made to report in to the police if they do think a wrong thought. They'd try it here if the psychs ever come up with a super duper brand of hypnosis. Our name for this super duper version is implanting.

But these though police states never last very long. Just when they think that the last dregs of freedom have disappeared, the people realize the same thing and civilization falls.

What we really have here is the cycle of the "treadmill". At the top of the positive goal is an imitation of the infinity of native state. It is all beautiful and wonderful near the top and then sinks down through greater and greater barriers. At the end of the positive goal, the thetan can't stomach it anymore and abandons the goal. He begins to hate and adopts the negative goal. Then he's on a rampage where everything is destroyed. At the bottom is the false native state of everything being gone because he's wrecked it all. Then he swings around into the next goal.

The super orderly police state matches up with the total loss of space at the bottom of the positive goal. To regain some space, the thetan swings around to a negative goal and starts tearing everything to pieces. The more he destroys, the more space he regains until all is in ruin.

This is really a trap of considerable subtlety. As the individual sinks down, his space contracts. Once an individual passes threw the crossover into the negative goal, his space expands again. In other words, he gets validated for going the rest of the way out the bottom and not-ising everything. But it doesn't lead out of the trap, it simply carries you on to the next goal.

There the guy is with lots of space and freedom. Then, bit by bit there are more rules and barriers and his life is more regulated. He tries hard to go along with this. Then one day, there's too many stops and he can't move or do anything. So he snaps. He says "the hell with it all" and goes out of agreement. Now he's going to get even and bring the whole mess crashing down. And the more he wrecks and disagrees, the more free and less controlled he becomes.

But this is a deadly freedom because its anatomy is not-isness. He's getting over barriers by making nothing of them. He's going to reduce it all by force you see, and that doesn't quite work. It all goes up in flames, and he gets out of it in physical terms, but he's not confronting any of it and its all still there out of sight forever after.

Here we have the true suppressive person. This is how you get a Hitler or Caesar. Once they've gone over the edge, its all unreal, especially the overts, so they don't pull in motivators very quickly. As far as they are concerned, they are serving the great purpose of getting rid of all these horrible barriers.

The being goes through this over and over. He starts on a positive course, pushes forward on it for a long time, and eventually slides downscale. He hits total stop and abandons the positive course, decides to get even, and begins to destroy things. Soon its all unreal and he's out the bottom. Currently, we're probably only spending 2 1/2% of our lifetimes in this inverted state (hence the 2 1/2% ratio of SPs). Each time you go through this, there is one more layer of not-is laid on and your that much less able to reach or handle the environment on either side of this cycle.

A better measure of the overall state of a being might be how fast does he slide down through this cycle. Does he hang on for ages and only rarely sink, or does every feather in his path cause him to abandon everything and begin destroying? If he drops out the bottom fast, he's building up layers of not-is much quicker than average. The cycle accelerates. The more he not-ises, the weaker he is and the faster he slides down to pick up even more unreality.

Now lets look at using this data.

For the individual, the key thing would be to run out the penalty universes and especially run the treadmill crossover into the inverted goal. In addition, just recognizing this cycle and knowing something of its anatomy can help you stay afloat.

Put aside, for the moment, the pleasure of tearing everything down. The validation you get for it is part of the trap (and the space that you win is spoiled by the attendant unreality).

Even more important is to put aside any desire to get even. This is an item in the crossover platen. You abandon the positive goal, begin to hate "them" for making you do that, and then decide to get even with "them" by doing the negative goal. It all seems very logical and inevitable.

When this manifests in life, you will truly have good reasons for getting even. Your own positive goals do get smashed down by real counter efforts. You really are justified in wanting to get even. But if you do, it all goes unreal and there's another nail in your coffin.

Now you might be screaming that this isn't fair. After all, your entitled to get even. Well your right. It's not fair. It's just a trap that has worked very very well for a long long time. All we're discussing here is mechanics. The game isn't fair. If it was, somebody would have won it and it would have ended quite some time ago.

An interesting and useful process to take some weight off of this is to push "I'm gonna get even with you" into the walls and furniture. Spot objects in the room (or exterior) and just hit them with that intention. Vary it by putting reasons on it: "I'm gonna get even with you for .... ". Makeup nonsense reasons such as "for making my hair turn green" and also use real reasons, if you feel like it, but be sure to direct them at some undeserving object. In other words, if you bang your shins on the table, tell the car "I'm gonna get even with you for banging my shins".

Now let's consider this in terms of society. The general cycle is as follows:

top: Chaos and Anarchy (total freedom)
middle: Maximum Order (police state, zero freedom)
bottom: Chaos and Anarchy (total unreality)

We have a society that is already highly regulated. Everytime we add another law, we push a few more people over the edge and crime increases. To handle that, we put out some more laws and tougher handling and some more go over the edge, etc. until we reach the point of open rebellion.

The upscale direction is to get rid of laws. But if we just pull all the laws off, the upper chaos and anarchy is out of reach and people will dive into the low scale one, again resulting in the fall of civilization.

The correct handling is to very slowly and gradually (so that people can have it and will come up tone) remove laws on a gradient. What you want is something like a rule to age off laws unless they are renewed or a cap on the number of laws so that old ones have to be repealed to issue new ones, etc. Get the government out of peoples lives and reduce the bureaucracy. But don't try to pull it down all at once or it will simply be another swing down through the negative part of the cycle.

If you raise a child well, you can give him lots of freedom. But if you suddenly find yourself caring for a child that has been heavily and poorly controlled, you can't pull all the stops out at once or he'll just go on a rampage of destruction. So you put in good control and then very clearly start removing the stops one at a time.

Your keynote should be to introduce the minimum number of rules necessary for things to function, and put as much effort into identifying old rules that can be relaxed as you put into identifying new rules that need to be added.

In auditing, we have a situation where many rules are needed at first. There are rules for the PC (which are essential for new PCs) and rules for the auditor's handling of the PC (which are essential on new PCs even if the auditor is an old hand) and rules for new auditors (which are essential while the auditor is coming up the gradient).

New auditors and PCs represent the maximum case of necessary rules in auditing. Unfortunately, this is the situation at the start of training and therefore we all begin with the most rigid and rigorous operating basis.

But the rules need to be gradually slackened as one moves up the line.

At the top, you want to reach a state where anything can be run out purely on confront and ITSA without any formal session, meter, process, or procedure. And just a hairsbreadth below that, you want to be able to mockup a drill or process instantly that will blow something and run it, shooting from the hip so to speak, without any tools or whatever.

You can't jump up to this level right away. But it is an essential target and it is achievable on a gradient of lessening meter dependence and increasing knowingness and willingness to confront.

Someday you might be halfway to OT and floating around somewhere without a body and be just a bit short of the ability to mock one up out of thin air. Under those circumstances, it would be pretty silly to have to pick up a body just so that you can hold the cans of an e-meter to do an assessment.

We have all been making the chronic mistake of continually introducing order as a means of improving things. We always put in more rules and order and never remove any. Sooner or later, it attains critical mass and blows up in our faces.

The only times we've tried to remove order was when we were on the other side having the order pushed down our throats. An then we thought we were being unethical or irresponsible. Thanks to implants, there is a mistaken identification of order with responsibility and disorder with irresponsibility.

The sane way to operate is to both add and remove rules. Go ahead and put order into areas, (some places sure need it), but also add some freedoms and introduce a little chaos for variety. And when your talking to the unenlightened, remember that the polite word for chaos is randomity.



Our earliest difficulties seem to involve inter-personal relations rather than creating or dealing with creations.

Although "to Create" has been popular in implants and penalty universes, this is all later on the track and we didn't seem to have a lot of trouble with it in the beginning. Our earliest troubles had to do with dealing with each other. This would stem from the jewel of knowledge which basically tricked us into conflict.

The earliest series of charged goals (actual GPMs ?) that I can find on the track seems to deal with ARC and may stem from the reality wars.

These goals are (approximately):

a) To Make Them Listen To Me
b) To Make Them Like Me
c) To Make Them Agree With Me

Note that the communication is an outflow whereas the affinity and reality are inflows, which would guarantee an imbalance and lead to trouble.

I suspect that at basic these goals are consistent from person to person. If so, that would imply some sort of implant.

There may also be a goal "To Make Them Admire Me" in this series.

Later come degraded or inverted versions such as "To Make Them Leave Me Alone" or "To Be Unobserved" etc.

There may be some kind of early aesthetic implant used in the reality wars to invert these. For example, a story sequence in which you succeed in making everyone like you and then they all cling to you and it becomes suffocating so that you start fighting to make them leave you alone.

I don't have this pinned down yet. The current handling would be to run more grade 3 (ARCXs) in the basic area. I think that this is coming up in my own auditing because I'm nearing erasure of grade 3 in the basic area.

I can already see that the earliest basics have to do with simple communication (grade 0), probably simple decisions to ignore certain individuals, and that these predate the reality wars and come from the earliest universe building period right after the jewel of knowledge. Notice that it is communication specifically and not the ARC triangle.

It is possible that the ARC triangle itself is an interlocking condition that stems from the reality wars rather than being a basic mechanic. Why should you go into agreement or get sucked into somebody else's reality just from talking to them? That would seem to be an aberration.

They might, for example, have shown you that it was basically unfair to agree with a creation that you liked if you were unwilling to talk to its creator, and so you had to raise your communication if affinity and reality were increased.

This strange idea of interlocked A, R, and C then leads to the implication that you could have your reality contaminated by talking to someone else (because reality and agreement will increase with communication). That's deadly because you then start cutting communications to protect yourself, and once you've blocked communications, then you really can get in trouble.

If Hitler had painted a beautiful painting, wouldn't true sanity include the ability to admire the painting while continuing to hate the man?

This is all slightly speculative because I still have a great deal of charge in this area and may be twisting things around or getting the details wrong. But the implications are immense and it would be unfair of me to keep this to myself.



Space opera type incidents seem to be common in this universe prior to our being on earth. The speed of light does not seem to interfere with ultra high speed travel between star systems.

Since it seemed to be an interesting challenge, I spent a good bit of time working over Einstein's theory of special relativity and the equations governing the space-time distortions that occur with near lightspeed travel.

I'm satisfied that the equations are correct and that there are distortions when observing something near light speed. These effects have been proven to some degree, but only in terms of observations from one frame of reference seeing a distortion when viewing something in another frame which has a great speed differential.

Einstein was very careful to say that he was only defining the observations and measurements made at near light speed, he does not state what is actually occurring in reality.

The standard view is that if you accelerate long and hard enough to reach 4 times the speed of light in a Newtonian system, what will really happen is that you will appear to be moving at very close to the speed of light. It would be something like .99 of light speed - the easy way to describe this is by saying that it has a tau factor or distortion of 4 to 1 (written as 1/4) and don't worry about the exact decimal number, but realize that it never reaches the speed of light but just keeps gaining on it by smaller and smaller fractions.

With this tau of 1/4, a spaceship would travel the 4 lightyears to alpha centuri in only 1 year by their own clocks. But instead of seeing anything moving faster than light, it will appear (from the ship) that the distance to alpha centuri has shrunk to only 1 lightyear.

According to the standard interpretation, which I believe to be incorrect, this space time contraction is an apparancy and the ship will take 4 years of our time to get there even though the crew will only age 1 year while traveling. The idea is that the time has actually distorted rather than considering it to be a measurement distortion. The textbook example is that if one of two twins travels on a fast moving spaceship he will end up younger than the one who remained on Earth.

This leads the astrophysicists into endless argument and overcomplexity. The first cop-out was to say that time here and on alpha centuri could not be synchronized. This holds true between Earth and the fast moving spaceship (and that is all that Einstein addressed), but it is false between Earth and Alpha Centuri (you can send clocks faster and slower and plot the time distortion and thereby synchronize at least within a few seconds - no room for 4 years of distortion).

The next cop-out was to blame it all on the acceleration period, because that is not modeled in the theory and thereby leaves room for things to happen. But if you accelerate many ships identically, and then let them all coast at the same speed, and have them decelerate in identical manners but at different times, they will have traveled different distances and have different cumulative distortions (1 year, 2 years, or whatever) and it does not seem logical to suppose that identical accelerations and decelerations could yield different adjustments, so we should discount whatever happens during the acceleration as being irrevalent to the problem even though it might well have its own strange behavior.

Then comes the problem of two ships both moving (and because there is no privileged frame, we can also recognize that a ship flying past the Earth can also be viewed as the Earth flying by a stationary ship). The true nature of the equations is that there is simply a speed differential and it doesn't matter which one is "moving" and which one is "stationary" because all is relative. According to the equations, both parties would see the other as slowing down. It is not a bi-directional distortion where one sees the other as slower and the other looks back and sees the first one as faster. Each is "slowed down" relative to the other.

Now the theorists really get carried away and start arguing about how one slowdown is real and the other is an apparancy. And it gets worse from there.

The simple view would be to consider it a simple measurement distortion, in which case the spaceship reaches Alpha Centuri in one year in our time system as well as in its own. Its just that they see us slow down (by 4 to 1) and distort, and we see them slow down and distort, but when they decelerate and land, everything gets back to normal. There has been no experiment which proves this either way.

Obviously my view is much simpler. And they know it is too, but they abandon it because of one little fly in the ointment.

Let's have a ship moving with a tau factor of 4 passing the Earth and headed for Alpha Centuri. We see the distance as 4 light years and get light and radio broadcasts that are 4 years old. The ship passing overhead sees the distance as 1 light year and gets light and radio that's only 1 year old. Note that there is no time travel here, they are getting it sooner than us, but they are not receiving it before it was sent.

This requires that the speed of light be a constant relative to the observer and not to the source. The common view is that this is obviously impossible because how would a photon, taking off from Alpha Centuri, know whether to go faster or slower depending on whether it was to be received by us or by the fast moving ship. It would imply an interaction between the observer and what he was seeing.

Unfortunately, Einstein did not like quantum mechanics. But the quantum theorists are quite sold on the idea that the observer is part of the equation.

One of the Quantum interpretations is that the photon takes off in all directions simultaneously and moves in a probability wave until it interacts with an observer, at which point the wave breaks down and becomes a real particle motion which will be found to have occurred between points A and B (but which was not real until the point of observation, because we can see the interference generated between the different probable paths that were all being traveled simultaneously - this has been proven experimentally).

If we take the conventional probability wave equation and add another factor representing the speed, which is also indeterminate until the moment of observation, it becomes possible to visualize a photon moving not only in all directions but also at all possible speeds until the moment of observation. And we constrain the interaction to only occur at the speed of light relative to the observer.

This gives us space travel without a speed of light barrier. And Einstein's equations become the tools needed to navigate at super high velocities.

Of course this still leaves us with the classical problems of acceleration and fuel etc. It takes a long time to build up speed. And even with continuous acceleration and some super tech to handle the problems of fuel and reaction mass, the trips will be slow. But then we have the interesting fact that traveling further does not take as long proportionately because we reach higher speeds at the same rate of acceleration. In this case, days of travel (at continuous acceleration) would be of much greater significance than the actual distances involved. Although Ron dismissed the whole light speed business as unimportant, he did come across this odd use of travel time (at some standardized acceleration rate) as a measure of distance in running space opera incidents.

Getting back to the subject of Scientology, all of the perception oriented OT drills of the early 50s tended to work on some interaction on the part of the observer. It didn't work to handle perception as a passive reception of something sent out by an uncontrolled source. What worked was things that involved the observer, such as pulling in the light waves, mocking up the object to be seen, or bouncing some sort of radar or flitter off of the objects.

But our results with perception drills always seemed to be marginal rather than spectacular (the rare spectacular exterior perceptions usually came from exteriorization drills etc. rather than working on perception directly). This implies that we were close but not quite on the mark. Perhaps further consideration of things like probability waves coming off of the source and being pulled into view might open up a new realm of drills that might produce more powerful results.



We still haven't really solved the area of emotion and loss.

In Dianetics, Ron identified incidents of loss and misemotion as secondary engrams. These secondaries were shown to draw charge from earlier engrams. But when we knock out the weight of the engram bank (by going clear, etc.), the secondaries remain and we can easily see that clears are still strongly affected by loss and subject to strong emotions on a stimulus-response basis.

As I have mentioned earlier, incidents of loss can exist earlier than painful incidents because a being who cannot be hit by force or made to feel physical pain can still lose anything that he is not capable of re-creating. The true solution to this is to be able to create things at will, but that can fail if you cling to it as a solution and non-confront the fact of loss. The non-confront itself causes you to obsessively try to create situations of loss and you will work hard at it even in the face of having tremendous powers of creation.

So you need to achieve a willingness to confront loss as well as an ability to re-create things. This doesn't mean that you abandon everything or that you have a need to loose things. It just means that you are not afraid of losing them.

Early aesthetic implants (as used in the reality wars etc.) were especially hot on showing loss and emotion to be interesting things to get you to mock them up. They promoted things like the beautiful sadness of losing something. If you can convince somebody that its desirable to lose, then they can be beaten easily.

From modern Dianetics, we know that you can accustom somebody to confronting force by a gradient scale of running incidents that contain impacts and eventually get a "clear" who can confront the force in mental pictures. This undercuts the entire engram bank to some degree. If we consider that there is a "secondary bank" of loss and misemotion, then we might achieve a similar effect by a gradient of running secondaries of loss and get a sort of "emotional clear".

From the clearing course, we also know that you can take a key basic implant and free the person from his stimulus response creation of mental pictures and again get a sort of "clear" who no longer mocks up pictures of force reactivity. Again this tends to undercut the entire engram bank. From this one might hypothesis that there are "emotional implants" or an "emotional basic" that could be run to undercut the stimulus response creation of emotion.

I haven't achieved either of these states of "emotional clear" at this time so I can't guarantee that they exist or tell you for sure how to get there.

The penalty universes are not the basic on emotions. They are the basic source of the tone scale which puts the emotions into a fixed pattern. There is a great benefit to running this out because you stop shifting willy nilly from one emotion to the next. But you must have already had emotions before the tone scale was laid in or else there would not have been anything to force into the pattern.

The emotional pools set up in the symbols universe (discussed in the "Cosmic History") are part of the emotional machinery but again this cannot be basic. You had to have had emotions and aberrations about emotions before you could be made to set up these things.

I have searched for an "emotional basic" incident or implant without success. At one point I did seem to have some sort of incident where there are clouds of emotions circling you. But I couldn't get it to run properly. My suspicion is that there is something a bit out of reach that I am not yet up to conceiving of which is part of this emotional basic.

I did however find that there is an incident which sets up emotional machinery built out of entities and split pieces of yourself. I don't have all the details on this incident either, but I managed to put together a list of emotions and what the machinery was supposed to do. This is probably not complete, but I will list what I do have about these machines here.



ANGER: The machine feeds you false data on other people's motives and inspires you to rage. It says that its all their fault and that they should suffer. It says that you have a right to get even.

ANTAGONISM: The machine convinces you that other people don't like you and are laughing at you behind your back and are lying to you and tricking you. It tells you that they are unworthy of your friendship.

FEAR: The machine convinces you that danger is coming, that something is going to get you, that they're after you, etc. It tries to build paranoia.

BOREDOM: The machine says that its all worthless and that there is nothing worth doing and you wouldn't like it anyway, etc.

CONSERVATISM: the machine says that things have to be protected, that they can be lost or destroyed, and makes you worry about losing things, etc.

JEALOUSY: The machine says that you deserve it and they don't.

APATHY: The machine says that its all hopeless anyway so why bother, etc.

GRIEF: The machine says that things will never be the same, what is lost is gone forever, etc.



This might be emotional basic or it might be the incident used to lay in the emotional machinery listed above, or it might just be yet another implant.

The whole thing begins with:


2. You are walking down a long hall and there are statues in the nitches along the wall. Each leads to an emotional implant.

The implant for each emotion begins with:

3. TO BE ..(emotion).. IS NATIVE STATE.

The implant for each emotion shows you that its the solution to a problem (troubles with other people etc.).


There is more to be learned in this area, but at least we have a start.



Many of the more advanced metaphysical practices work with a system of energy sources in the body (usually located in specific positions in the physical body but considered to be part of the astral body) known as the Chakras. This system goes back to ancient India and possibly earlier and can be found in many different practices. The origin of the Christian halo (which was originally a golden disk rather than a thin ring) is the eighth or highest chakra which rides above the head and was supposedly mastered by Jesus and used by him to perform his miracles.

LRH ignored this system and worked with a system of golden balls (or GE [Genetic Entity] anchor points) instead.

I've drilled and experimented with both of these systems and both seem to be real. There seem to be layers of spiritual or astral bodies and they follow the pattern of our physical evolution on the track. The pattern of the chakras seems to go back to the magic universe and is an almost material fairly low level theta mockup whereas Ron's system of anchor points seems to go back earlier to the conflicts universe and the first compulsive body mockups. More basic than both of these is the "thetan" as a sphere of energy which can project tractor and pressor beams, which is another system that Ron worked on in the technique 88 lectures of 1952.

There are earlier and more basic systems which manifest as even higher (less material and more theta) spiritual body types that we still mockup and drag around with us. The next one is a sort of "symbol" body that dates back to the symbols universe, and there are "templates" and "pools" associated with it (discussed elsewhere in these writings) but I am nowhere near having a good anatomy of it, so I will put it aside for now.

As to the chakras, the GE anchor points, and the energy theta body, many drills work on all three, but nothing works spectacularly and you can't work any of these things too long or hard because it is putting you back into agreement with energy and mechanics. Ron recognized this early on and decided to abandon the whole matter because cases would start deteriorating after long drilling. But he also got some exceptional results on PCs before abandoning these things (anchor point adjustments, energy beam handling, etc.) so I would consider it to be a mistake to ignore these areas. Just don't specialize in them or start grinding away, use a light touch instead and go onto something else whenever you have a bit of a win with these things.

The GE anchor points (golden balls) are discussed extensively in the tapes of 1953 and 54, so I will primarily address the chakras here.

There are many different eastern and American metaphysical systems that try to work with these. There are varying numbers, descriptions, colors, and significance assigned to them. Most systems have either 6 or 7 chakras, but a few of the advanced systems consider that an 8th chakra develops above the head in a sort of halo in very advanced souls.

From our viewpoint, seeing how the thetan has decayed, the obvious is that there are naturally 8 chakras, including one above the head, and that the 8th has been impacted and collapsed down into the head and our first task would be to unstick it and get it back up where it belongs. Furthermore, we would conclude from the fact that some systems only allow for 6 chakras that maybe some people have both the 7th and 8th collapsed down onto the 6th chakra. Perhaps the collapse goes even further, because we only have the observations of very advanced mystics who would be expected to have these things in better shape than average. Probably most people have the whole series collapsed down into the 3rd or 2nd or even the first chakra. Since the 2nd chakra has to do with sex, and considering the behavior of most people in this society, it would not be surprising to find that most were collapsed into the 2nd.

There is also a lot of importance placed on the color of these things, but the various systems do not quite agree on the colors assigned or the meanings although there is some similarity. For myself, I found it best to work towards white and then golden on all of them and blow off any black or dark spots or splotches. The other colors probably have to do with direction of flow, wavelength, and how you're trying to use the chakra, and might be appropriate in some cases, but golden energies tend to be basic on the higher spiritual and energy bodies and so it works well with the chakras and might actually be an upgrade above their natural state. As you get up to a good level of golden energy, you will spot a faint rainbow of colors within the gold. This then can be worked further so that you have a basic golden color that is carrying a rainbow. Since these things spin, the view is a bit like having a golden CD disk (but a bit thicker and larger) spinning with a bit of a rainbow of colors reflecting off of its surface.

Another point of halfway agreement with a bit of contention in the different systems is the definition of each chakra. I examined various systems, and played around with what I could reach on this stuff, and tried working it all around to line up with the 8 dynamics (which has some correspondence) and finally realized that they represent the energy of each dynamic as the dynamics were interpreted in the magic universe (which is very hedonistic, passionate, and emotional) and so you have the 4th chakra (the heart chakra) handling the energy flows of courage, compassion, leadership, etc. which can all be viewed as part of your relations to society and mankind. There is also a bit of the corresponding upper dynamic (numbers 9 to 16) included in each one.

The simplest drills follow the same methods used for GE anchor point adjustment (see Creation of Human Ability and the 5th to 9th ACCs) or for energy field handling (see Tech 88, SOP for Theta Clearing and the November lectures of 1952). You can mock up copies of these chakras outside the body and have the body draw them in, you can run gentle flows of energy across them until they become visible, you can lightly add energy (never force or push at body related energy structures, a delicate touch is always called for) and gently coax them into position when they are out of place. And you can blow black masses out of them by turning them white or golden. You can also blow entities out of these things (and that also works for GE anchor points etc.) and blow entities that are holding them out of place or keeping them mocked up (you don't need their help) or keeping them hidden. With these techniques, you should be able to unstick collapsed chakras and get all 8 into their natural positions, including the one over the head.

Note that the chakras are spinning in alternate directions.

The 8 chakras are as follows (in my own interpretation):

Note that many of the metaphysical systems work exclusively with a particular manifestation or subset of the full energy field available and often insist that the other systems are incorrect.

1st Chakra: This is the 1st dynamic (body self) energy source. It is located a bit below the base of the spine, just below and behind the genital area, right where you sit. This, rather than the stomach chakra, is tied to the energy of eating etc. Its oriented to the end product rather than the start of digestion. This grounds the entire energy system in reality and location and is the basic negative pole of the entire affair. It provides energy oriented towards strength and physical healing. The stance used in martial arts systems like karate is oriented around this chakra and to some degree energizes it. The advanced yogis get carried away on doing sitting drills (lotus position) because they are trying to master this chakra and use it as a firm base. The flows of this chakra generally remain within the body. It can also sublimate into ethics or decay into gluttony.

2nd Chakra: This is the 2nd dynamic (sex/children) energy source. It is located at the level of the sexual organs, but a bit behind because the entire series of chakras are located one above the other. It includes sexual, reproductive, and nurturing energies. It is also involved in healing and aging (like the first chakra) because of cellular reproduction. Whereas the first chakra provides strength to fight disease and maintain circulation in injured areas, this one is involved in rebuilding damaged tissue etc. This one flows out of the body only on very close personal relationships (including deep friendships, close apprenticeships, etc. as well as true family, children, and sexual relationships). The energies run on a basis of high affinity, love, and admiration. It can be degraded into sexual cravings, lust, etc. Or it can be sublimated into aesthetics.

3rd Chakra: This is the third dynamic (groups) energy source. It is located at the level of the stomach and solar plexus. Many of the eastern systems consider this to be the "emotional" chakra because they see that it is connected with anger, fear, etc. Other systems call it the "control" chakra (and some say that the efforts to control are debased and will always fail). The correct definition includes co-operation, control, group effort, constructive activities, and the general emotions (not only anger and fear but also enthusiasm etc.) because these all have to do with dealing with groups of people that you are connected with. This chakra flows outward into your immediate sphere of operation, but it can easily be jammed and backlash into the body, giving one terror stomachs etc. In its degraded form, it is the drive to enslave others, and in its highest form, it is the center of constructive effort.

4th Chakra: This is the fourth dynamic (society) energy source. It is at the level of the heart. It includes compassion, courage, loyalty, leadership, ethical systems in the social sense, judgment and reason in the low sense of legal systems (rather than high abstract thought), and various other things related to getting along with mankind. It produces a light broad wave that goes way out but is usually fairly tenuous. In its degraded form, it is the energies of hatred, prejudice, and self righteousness.

5th Chakra: This is the fifth dynamic (lifeforms) energy source. It is at the level of the throat or mouth. This is often called the communication chakra. One system limits its use to talking to god. If we consider the 5th dynamic (lifeforms) and subtract out what has already been covered in the lower dynamics (eating, sex, etc.), and then think about what life has in common that is not present in inanimate (6th dynamic) objects, we come around to communication and willful change as the distinguishing characteristics of the fifth dynamic. This would also include life-force and "oneness" with nature.

6th Chakra: This is the 6th dynamic (MEST) energy source. It is at the level of the eyes. A few of the Easter systems have turned their backs so far on the physical universe that they miss this chakra and label the 7th as the 6th (and if they have the 8th one, they call it the 7th). This is sometimes called the perception chakra, and some practices associate the third eye with it. At least one practice tries to exteriorize from the body by moving into this chakra and then flowing out of the body via the third eye. But that area has been so heavily implanted that I would suggest using other techniques. Here is the perception and projection of physical reality, and also the playing of games.

7th Chakra: This is the 7th dynamic (theta) energy source. It is near the top of the head. This is often called the thought chakra. Here is the energy of understanding and knowingness, and the spiritual and metatative energies and power of concentration, etc. Here also is the high level permeation of MEST for the sake of understanding, and the telepathic energies.

8th Chakra: This is the 8th dynamic (god/infinity) energy source. It belongs above the head although it is often collapsed. This is the center of creative energy including the continuous creation of reality and is the positive pole of the entire system, connecting to infinity and the underlying allness of the basic life static. You can find an underlying "god wave" permeating everything and the interesting thing about it is that it is accepting of everything and all embracive without any restriction (and from this one might get Jesus' statement that God is Love, but note that the "god" in this sense is not thinking or judgmental). In its degraded form you will find humbleness and propitiative worship and destructive energies and engaging in these things is probably what collapses it.

The entire system probably generates energy on the dichotomy of a solid physical location in reality on the one side and being part of a location-less infinity on the other.

Once you have cleaned these up in the body, you can find a more basic set that you have hidden in some mocked up space sideways of reality. Those will be your basic energy sources and the bodily ones are only a mundane projection. You can clean up this basic set in much the same way as you clean up the ones in the body, handling black masses etc. You will find that each chakra in the basic set has a connection to the corresponding bodily one. This connection can be cleaned up and unblocked and the energy flow increased, which will improve the energy level of the ones in the body.

If you then trace back from the basic set, you will find a line leading to a "universal" set that is held in common by all of us. I will refer to these as the "universe machines", and we have each put a piece of ourselves into them. These are huge spinning disks and that is where the cross copy of the reality of this universe takes place. You wouldn't be able to mess with these until you blow lots of guardian entities out of the way, so leave them be until you're fairly far along the road.

Everything I have mentioned up to this point is fairly safe and easy. You can work on cleaning up individual chakras without stirring up too much. But the next drill can turn on heavy somatics and should be left until you are quite advanced. Up until I ran into trouble on the following one, I considered the entire chakra system to be highly speculative and was mainly playing with it to get a datum of comparable magnitude to Ron's anchor point system. The following, however, sold me on these things being real.

In yoga, there is an advanced practice called Kundalini where you get the energies of each chakra flowing upwards to the ones above it, starting with the first and continuing on to the top of the series. They warn beginners not to try this, because people have turned on pains that lasted for years before they got these things under control. I, of course, figured that the odds were that I was probably just mocking these chakras up anyway, and that even if something was really there I'd be able to handle the energies involved because I had done so many other energy drills.

So I began gently coaxing an energy flow upwards from the first chakra to the second, and having the second contribute to the flow to make an even bigger flow going up to the third, etc.

The first three were easy and pleasant and gave me no problem. When I hit the 4th, there was a bit of resistance but I was able to push through it (a mistake as it turns out). When I hit the 5th, I turned on an array of Heavy somatics. This included toothaches, headaches, chest pains, etc. These all started simultaneously and were quite intense. I was amazed. So I slowly and carefully dampened the flow (not reacting in panic or suppressing the area, because that can make something stick or react compulsively) and this reduced the intensity of the somatics from heavy to mild.

Now, with only a faint trickle of energy still flowing upwards, I reexamined the 4th chakra (which had appeared golden with a rainbow effect previously) and found it full of black smudges. So I turned those areas golden with a gentle flow of my own energy and the lingering somatics faded. Then I increased the upward flow a bit and the chakra started going black again and the somatics began to return. So I shut the flow down completely, blew the new black masses, and started contemplating what had just happened.

And I thought about the 4th chakra and the 4th dynamic, and I realized that that is where I have heavy charge. I'm actually in fairly good shape on the 3rd dynamic. I might want to see things change and improve, but I'm not really interested in vengeance or make-wrongs or burning someplace down. But the 4th dynamic is a different matter. I do have a bone to pick with society and government, and although I have it well justified, its still a manifestation of charge and dramatization.

I realized that as the energy flowed past the chakra (the black spots and somatics did not turn on until I passed the 4th chakra and went on to the 5th), the chakra began energizing my flows with society and some of those flows were stuck or inverted and this resulted in the blackness. And the more energy I flowed through the chakra, the more these flows backed up and the more blackness was generated.

So I spotted and recognized the presence of charge on society and the 4th dynamic, and I confronted and blew a few things, and I exteriorized from the game I was playing on the 4th dynamic (pretty much by postulate and by a willingness to let go that was brought about by the realization that my charge and the game condition were detrimental).

Once I had put aside all my game conditions and considerations on society, I tried the drill again. This time I was able to run through the 4th chakra and up to the 5th without somatics or blackness and it was all quite comfortable, pleasant feeling, and revitalizing.

So of course I pushed through some resistance on the 5th and got the flow up to the 6th and turned on a new set of heavy somatics and found blackness in the 5th chakra.

This happened on each of the remaining ones as I worked my way up to the top, and on each one, I searched around and confronted things and changed my mind about them (as I had done on the 4th chakra) until it was cleaned up.

In retrospect, each of the chakras that gave me trouble had some kind of protest connected with it, and when I stopped protesting, the flow cleaned up. On the 4th, it was my protest at society jamming narrow minded rules and moralities and taxes etc. in on people. On the 5th, it was my protest at the way insects etc. swarm and reproduce endlessly. On the 6th, it was my protest at being trapped in a fixed reality. On the 7th, it was my protest at the ignorance and stupidity of others. On the 8th, it was my protest at having to compulsively participate in the continuous creation of this universe.

I don't know if protest will always be the button to look for or whether that was peculiar to my current case state. It certainly hinted to me that we probably need a grade of release to handle the subject of protest in general.

Before you should even consider trying this, your first action should be to handle the rudiments (problems, overts, upsets) on each of the 8 dynamics and also handle any protest connected with the dynamic (things that you are protesting). Then causatively exteriorize from the game conditions that you are in on each dynamic. And of course have each chakra well cleaned up on an individual basis first.

The interesting thing about this is that It was a practical test of my relationship to each dynamic and it brought home to me the fact that I was not-ising (making nothing of) various areas of heavy charge.

By making postulates to put aside all my game conditions on various dynamics, I was able to get a light flow all the way up to the top, and then reflected it back down from the 8th to the first, and then reflected it back upwards again. This would be the full drill, bouncing a wave up and down, and also holding the system (especially the 1st and 8th) apart by means of strong intention and postulates (because they will pull together as the flow increases). As of now, I have only done this lightly. I need to clean up the dynamics some more before I would try any heavy flows on these channels. The light pass on this was meant merely to get an idea of where this is going. It did seem to improve my energy level a bit, but the more dramatic effect even with only a trickle of energy, was to cause changes in my perception and orientation.



(This was written long before I found the "point to the being you divided from" process. Without that, I was not able to take this to a big EP. I did make some gains fooling around with this, but after awhile it started getting harder instead of easier to handle, so I assumed I was missing some key element and bailed out at the next rest point. With the "point to" process, it might be possible to take this all the way.

Another interesting point is that I found these before I started playing around with the chakras and I was surprised later when I saw the similarity and connection between them - Aug 1996).

7 July 90

The universe machines are a set of 10 disks (with a bulge in the center - similar to the galaxy or a flying saucer etc.) that act as a sort of giant cross-copy pool to keep the universe mocked up. Although these have some of the characteristics of machinery, normal machine handling techniques or mass clearing procedures do not work (and can turn on somatics).

Each of the 10 machines is surrounded by a circle of 128 guardians. These are mockups of the positive and negative penalty universe terminals. Each of these guardians contains a large number of beings implanted according to the following platen. These need to be run before you can handle these machines safely (because they will defend the machine etc.). You will find that you have a large number of your own Split Viewpoints in the guardians and in the machines themselves.

Each of the 10 machines has a goal. We will call these the universe goals. They are To Eternalize (i.e., postulate the as-isness of something - making it encompass all time and space without locating it in any time or space), To Conceive, To Design, To Perceive, To Communicate, To Emotionate (i.e., to create effects on others through an outflow of emotions (or high scale aesthetic waves)), To Experience, To Enjoy, To Survive, and To Persist.

The items are in the pattern: TO (universe goal) IS TO BE THE (terminal) AND (action). There are 16 actions. Running the 16 action items for a particular guardian (i.e., penalty universe terminal) will free up the beings stuck in that guardian. Since there is some degree of cross-copy between the same guardian on each of the 10 machines, you should run the same guardian on each of the 10 machines (i.e., for each universe goal) before going on to the next guardian.

In other words, the sequence is as follows:

a. Select a penalty universe terminal (best to run from the god statue of TO CREATE down to the pyramid from TO ENDURE alternating positive and negative goal terminals).

b. Repeat for each of the 10 universe goals beginning with Eternalize and ending with Persist.

c. Run the 16 action items for the terminal and universe goal.

In running the 16 action items, it is not enough to simply spot the item. The items are pinned down both by the first item of the implant which established the universe goal (the first item is "TO (universe goal) IS NATIVE STATE") and by the earlier penalty universe which established the terminal.

Therefore, you need to spot both the top of the universe goal and the top of the penalty goal. I.E., when you run TO ETERNALIZE IS TO BE THE GOD STATUE AND ..., you need to spot both TO ETERNALIZE IS NATIVE STATE and TO CREATE IS NATIVE STATE. Furthermore, it helps to spot the agreement universe as well. It is even useful to spot being made to split and being implanted with false data as given in the control entity rundown because some of the things that turn up are CEs.

However, you can't spot all these things on every action item because you'll get endless overruns on some of the beings. But you have to do some spotting or you'll leave beings unhandled and upset (and create BPC and turn on mass). The only way to run this is in the style of the old group processing. You call an item, which wakes some guys up, and have them spot something, and some blow, and some don't, and you call another item, and have everyone spot something else and some of the ones who didn't blow before will now take off etc. Part way through this, a vast cloud of beings (spots of energy etc.) will show up and lots of stuff will start blowing or flying around or whatever. If you run too deep, some will get overrun (have them spot the point when they went release) and you'll start pulling guys out of the next machine (which might start appearing as a huge disk of energy off to the right). If you run too shallow, you'll start feeling mass from too many who woke up half way but haven't separated out. Either phenomenon can stick the needle.

You have to judge how many extra spotting steps you should do. Early on, you need more and later things come apart easier and fewer steps are needed.

The pattern of the universe machine items is as follows:





To handle a terminal, run the 16 items for each of the 10 universe goals given above. This will run on the 128 positive and negative penalty universe terminals. The penalty universe goal for the terminal being run is used in the spotting steps in addition to the universe goal listed above.

Have the beings in the terminal mockup spot the following as needed:

a) TO (universe goal) IS NATIVE STATE
c) spot rushing into agreement, going through the inverted triangle spot TO AGREE IS NATIVE STATE spot seeing the need for agreement before that.
d) spot working on building the agreements universe
e) point to the being you divided from (this step added Aug 1996)
f) spot being made to split spot being implanted with false data spot the first time you were implanted with false data
g) who are you (me)

After running a few items for a particular terminal/universe goal and after spotting all of the above at least once, you can generally cut back to simply using lines b and occasionally e between the items.

After you have run off a significant percentage of the terminals, you can try a broader handling. This is both to speed up the process and to handle the problem of others starting to wake up on terminals that you haven't run (or who were missed on terminals that you did run).

For this bulk handling, you want to run anybody who has started to wake up in any of the terminals. Take one universe machine (e.g. one of the 10 universe goals above) at a time and address the entire circle of terminals. Call the lines using "the terminal" or "fill in the terminal you are being" instead of supplying a specific terminal. Explain this to them with an R factor before you start. Do the spotting steps, but concentrate on the agreements universe because you don't have a specific penalty goal to run (use the top one, TO CREATE, once or twice). This will give a tremendous amount of blows, but will not quite finish off the terminals that haven't been run yet because only those who are more awake can run this way (without their precise item being called).

After the bulk handling, go back to running specific terminals as above. You will find that now most terminals will come apart on the first item.

Note that you can't start with the bulk handling initially because it's just too ruff unless you get some of it taken apart first. But eventually you need something to speed things up because the product of 10 machines times 128 terminals times 16 actions is around 20,000 items.



The universe goals were derived based on researching the earlier universes on the back track. But they also were found to correspond to the implant items used in forming the universe machinery which keeps this universe mocked up. This in turn leads down to the chakras which power the body. But the chakras also seemed to have a correspondence to the dynamics. Furthermore, there seemed to be a correspondence between the upper and lower sets of 8 dynamics. Also, the various planes of this universe (astral etc.) seemed to correspond to the earlier universes in their nature and the layers of astral bodies corresponded to body mockups of these earlier universes. Putting this all together with minor rearrangements of data gives the following unified structure:

Upper Base Plate: To Eternalize (pre-home universe)

Universe : : : lower : upper :
Goal : Universe : Chakra : dynamic : dynamic : Body
To Conceive: Home : halo : 8D : 16D :concept
: Universe :over head: worship : creation: body
: : : : :
To Design : Games :top of : 7D :15D Under: basic
: : head : spirits :-standing: object
: : : : :
To Perceive: Motion :forehead : 6D Mest :14D Games: Mask
: : : : :
Communicate: Symbols : mouth : 5D life :13DChange: symbol
: : : : :
Emotionate : Thought : heart :4Dsociety:12DReason:energy
: : : : :
Experience : Conflicts: stomach :3D groups:11D build:spirit/GE
: : : : :
To Enjoy : Magic : genitals:2D sex :10D :astral
: : : :aesthetics:
: : : : :
To Survive : current : rectum :1Dsurvive:9D Ethics: physical
: : : : :

Lower Base Plate - To Persist (Mud Universe)

This is highly speculative and not quite right, but close.

A correspondence like this implies the existence of a more basic pattern that underlies everything and repeats within itself. And that in turn makes one think of fractals and chaos theory (which is an interesting new area in math/physics - a number of good books have come out on this recently).

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SUPER SCIO #10B: NOTES - continued

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SUPER SCIO #10B: NOTES - continued


Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.



As soon as you allow for past lives, you open up the question of what happens in between each lifetime.

This could be called the between lives area.

In the Tibetan book of the dead, they call this "The Bardo". A literal translation of the Tibetan title would be something like "A Roadmap of the Between Lives Area".

In 1952, during the first brief period where Dianetics was used to run whole track engrams, there were attempts made to run PCs through this period. The immediate and obvious discovery was that some sort of an implant was being used on the PC in between lifetimes. This would explain the forgetfulness and loss of identity.

But this area is impossibly difficult to research. First of all, there is generally heavy charge on the immediately preceding death. And there is a tremendous loss of havingness, which all by itself could make one feel unreal and disoriented (just look at people wandering around in a daze after their house has burned down, for example).

Furthermore, in dying, the person often feels that he has lost the game and wants to forget the whole thing, so that he can start fresh.

If you mix a heavy implant into this mess, then its not surprising that its all a complete blank.

When an incident has too much charge on it, you get all sorts of dub-in and unreliable information when you first try to run it. If the incident can be flattened by repetitive passes through it, then you can get past this and find out what happened. But if the incident is too late on a long chain, it wouldn't flatten, and instead will start pulling in charge and pictures from earlier similar occurrences.

The between lives is extremely heavily charged, is very late on a long chain of earlier similar occurrences, has implanted commands which give one wrong dates and times, tell one to forget, and otherwise mess one up, and furthermore the implanting uses heavy force on the spirit (whatever energies and masses that he's got left after dropping the body).

I do not have an adequate roadmap for this area. And I don't think that anybody has the complete picture (although I will be happy if somebody can prove me wrong). What we do have are various pieces of the incident, which might be right or at least half-right.

The area is so over-charged that it doesn't tend to show up in lower level Dianetic auditing (you tend to skip over things that are out of reach and too deeply buried). The only time I got a PC into any of this stuff was one time when I was running somebody through birth and asked for an earlier beginning and they found themselves flying through a long tunnel and coming down to earth and into the body. And its hard to say if the incident was real or dub-in even though it cooled down and key-ed out once we got that part of it.

Deaths, on the other hand, show up quite easily in Dianetics and it is quite common to run an incident of dying and then floating up above the body. But its rare to get any further.

I occasionally tried scanning through the incident of dying in my previous lifetime, and moving into my current body. Both of these seem to be fairly real and easy to reach, and at first it was hard to even be sure that anything happened in between. It just seemed to me that I might have drifted around a bit, etc. But I could always get a long fall on the E-meter needle on going through a between lives implant at that time, and the date of it reacted very heavily.

This was not, by the way, the day I was born. It was right after I died in my previous lifetime, and my current body was already 4 years old. I have always had a remembrance of a moment when I was 4 when I suddenly "woke up" and became myself and wondered what I was doing here and looked around with a sort of strange remembrance of the things that had happened in the previous year and yet knew that I was seeing everything for the first time.

As I kept digging out vague bits and pieces of my previous lifetime, I eventually found that I ended up sick and senile in a nursing home. While I was there, I would dream of having a new life and being a little child again. And in those dreams, I saw the first few years of my current lifetime in this body. The two lifetimes overlapped by about 4 years and I was sort of drifting between the two bodies during that time period, and everything was sort of vague and unreal.

In retrospect, I think that at some level, I had the postulate to avoid the between lives by already being connected to a new body before I was willing to let go and die in the old one (it was very sick, but I wouldn't let go because of fear). But this didn't work. When the old body died, I was dragged into the between lives sequence and bashed around before I snapped into the new body.

Eventually I managed to run some sections out of the between lives incident, but I'm sure that I don't have more than the smallest part. I also have a lot of vague ideas, and there are various clues to be found in other materials. But everything here is highly speculative.

According to the Tibetan materials, you have a little time floating above the body with clear perceptions before stuff starts happening to you. They see this as the moment when you can make it out of the whole trap if you fully confront everything. But failing in that, they say that various beams will push and pull at you. They advise you to resist these and go the opposite way, because these beams will lead you to your fate and your karma.

I think if you do go along with one of these beams that pulls at you, you will find yourself rushing through the tunnel that is so often described in near death experiences here in the Western world.

After this, the Tibetans say that the 7 "helpful" spirits or entities will show up. But different versions of the book of the dead describe these differently, and some have completely different mythologies. In the western tradition, you are met by old friends and family as you reach the light at the end of the tunnel. And in the old Christian tradition, you see angels and pearly gates.

I suspect that these are all picking up vague recollections of the same thing. And I would point out that the most powerful implants (such as the penalty universes) always begin with a nice section to suck you in before they get rough.

In the Tibetan book of the dead, after the nice entities are done with you, the nasty ones get their turn, and this includes being judged (and they advise you to reject the judgment). Since this judgment idea also shows up in Christianity, I would imagine that the implant has some sort of a scene of being judged and condemned (or maybe they really have somebody "judge you").

After that, it gets rough. The Tibetans advise ignoring it all and refusing to be scared into a body or pushed into one (pushed into the womb) because that will be the life where your karma is waiting for you, and you'd rather avoid it and continue on with religious studies instead, hoping to achieve enlightenment and becoming free before your fate catches up with you. They say that eventually all these attacks will die down and then you can take your time and look around for a good life to be born into, one where you will be born with some money (so you can pay for lessons) and in a place where you can continue your studies.

Ron's first attempt to research this in 1952 came up with the person going to Mars, seeing the eye in the pyramid, and getting a short (15 minutes) implant where a wheel full of pictures are show to be flying away from him and he is told to forget.

Nothing further was done on this until 1963 when he found a different sequence, taking place in a valley on Venus, where the person passed alongside of a telepathically sensitive screen that showed him his own pictures, misdated and otherwise messed up, and laid in various stuff. See the tape called "Between Lives Implants". He describes the shift to Venus as being a sort of sudden jump where the sun changes size (suddenly being much larger).

In "The Path of the Masters" (written in the 1930s by a Jesuit who studied in India), when they do their astral walking, they see between lives administrative centers on all of the planets (and a city of a thousand lights above the entire affair). They consider that these are all on the astral rather than the physical plane. They don't think that these places are harmful. But they do run into troublesome entities while floating around there, but they say that if you tell these entities that you are a traveler who is serving a higher power, they will back off and leave you alone. In modern times, Paul Twitchel took this path of the masters and mixed in a bit of Scientology and a bit of his own stuff and came up with Eckankar. His list of astral places to visit pretty much matches Ron's list of old implant stations in this area.

There is also a rumor of a late remark by Ron that there are implant stations on all of the planets.

Putting this all together, I would say that you are shifted from planet to planet and receive a short implant sequence at each one. At this point, I can't say if these are physical in a 4th dimension (sideways of the reality we know) or on an "astral" plane (and maybe these both mean the same thing), but they are certainly not in our physical framework. But I do think that you are jumped around from place to place and some funny stuff happens to you. Its even possible that you are only being shown pictures of going to different planets and that it all takes place in one location.

On this basis, the stuff that Ron came up with on between lives implants on Mars and Venus might both be part of the full picture, and there might be a lot more.

We might also find a partial basis for astrology in this mess, not so much on one's current horoscope but on the exact character of the implant one received, with some variation being introduced as the planets shift through the 12 signs of the zodiac. Letting the stars determine the course of your life might well be part of the implant.

It does seem like you rush through a tunnel at the beginning, and again at the end when you're shoved down into a new body.

I did manage to map out a bit of this, as follows:

The relative order of the segments is Mars, then Jupiter, then Venus, and then the Moon. There are other segments besides these.



a) First you are above the planet falling into the great red spot (the eye of Jupiter).

b) There is heavy pressure and velocity. The sky is bright red. Then a white oval appears (energy) and expands and you fall into it. Then energy waves begin tearing and pushing at you from various directions. There is the impression of a grid overhead with pylons and rods.

c) Then you become stuck between two poles which both pull at you and a rotating disk slices through you repeatedly until you stop pulling back together again. it slices you into either 8 or 16 (?) fragments.

d) Then your fragments are tossed into the soul storm in the middle of the red spot. You are within each fragment and there is the feeling that you have lost yourself.

e) Then you (in each fragment) are buffeted around, and there are thousands of souls whirling around with you. You seem to be in a murky sort of cloud, the colors of the cloud shift around sometimes being green or muddy looking or red or orange etc. but the colors always look dirty and faded. There are also endless pictures and symbols, generally from the penalty universes, which fly around and explode at random.

f) Your 16 fragments have a vague correspondence to the 16 dynamics. An implant is run on each of the 16 simultaneously. The first item, in each of the 16, is "To Be Curious About ...", but a different end word is filled in the blank for each one.

The 16 different implant endwords (one in each of your fragments) are as follows:

1. Sleep
2. Sex
3. Orders
4. Rules (laws)
5. Bodies (or "having a body")
6. Energy
7. Entities
8. Death
9. Pain
10. Pictures
11. Sensation
12. Mass
13. Emotion
14. The Past
15. Unconsciousness
16. Time

The same platen of items is used for each of these. The items seem to be whispered in your ear by a soft female voice as you are buffeted around. Each of your 16 fragments receives this at the same time, each one getting the same item but with a different endword from the list above. (its possible that somebody who had been a woman would hear a soft male voice instead?).

The item platen is as follows:

2. TO DESIRE ....
3. TO NEED ....
4. TO CRAVE ....
5. TO BE HIT BY ....
6. TO BE HURT BY ....
8. TO RESIST ....
9. TO REJECT ....
10. TO HIDE FROM ....
12. TO BECOME ....

g) After this, your fragments (and those of other people) are all drawn together at the emitter which is a radiating globe mounted at the top of a great green pylon which extends up into the center of the storm. It is the only calm area (sort of like the eye of a hurricane) and you fall into it. You feel tearing radiation which makes you unconscious.

I think that at this point you are beamed off to Saturn.



I don't have too much on this one. I had trouble running it originally because I didn't have the "point to the being you divided from" process, which might make this easy to handle.

This is a very slow and quiet one.

There are, I believe, 8 gates or archways in a circle around an empty plane of lunar dust. You and 7 other people, in your old (previous lifetime) bodies (but its just a mockup, no spacesuits or trouble breathing or anything) walk out from the gates and approach the center (there may be a series of poles there?).

Each of you is divided 8 ways and the pieces are recombined to make 8 new individuals (a piece of you and 7 others in each of the 8 new people).

There are 8 positions, a central one and 7 entity locations. The 8 pieces that you are fragmented into each go into a different position, so that on one of the new people, you are the center, on another you are the right side entity, etc.

In theory this causes you to become somebody else because you are now a different mixture of entities than in the previous life. But its only partially true. Your main theta line is the center line through these recombinations.

You can, to some degree, remember the last lifetime for each of these 7 major entities that you were combined with, but it is a shadow compared to your true last lifetime (where you were also the center).

This continual shuffling is peculiar to the prison planet mechanics and is how they implement the idea of "dead forever" because you are in theory continually ending as a being and becoming somebody new. There is also the idea that this is prison rehabilitation, because you are made to get along with a varying mixture of other beings by being packaged up with them.

But the whole thing doesn't work very well. Only secondary characteristics shift around, and you get a bit of help or hindrance depending on whether these lesser pieces align or conflict with your own goals and abilities. But your core personality carries forward on the center line and the current actual GPM pattern remains intact etc. One of the foolish reasons that you hold onto various aberrations (and especially your own GPM goals and items) from lifetime to lifetime is a mistaken idea that you need to do this to ensure that you will remain yourself despite this attempt to reshuffle thetans between lives.

I will offer an odd speculation that might illustrate this. A bit more than a decade after Mozart's death (he might have hung around disembodied for awhile), four famous composers were all born within a year of each other (Chopin, List, Mendellsohn, and Schumann). Perhaps they all received fragments of Mozart. As for the core personality, Mendellsohn is the most likely candidate. He was born rich (almost unheard-of among great composers and probably an attempt to solve his previous financial problems), he starts off (age 11) picking up where Mozart left off, reaches his peak at age 17 and then decays, and he dies (without warning or reason, of nothing more than a cold) at the same age as Mozart did. Of course I am just guessing at this.



I don't know much about this one, but it seems to include setting up a lesson or lessons that you are going to learn in your next life.

Needless to say, these lessons pretend to be helpful and try to get you to pull in bad stuff by twisting around your own good ethical nature.

For example, you might be talked into postulating that you will become disabled in your next life so that you can learn compassion. Or you might postulate being tortured by the enemy in a war so that you can learn courage and fortitude.

In truth you learn nothing from these things and it just messes you up further.

The end result is that either you degrade yourself further, or that you say "the hell with ethics" because it has been turned against you, and that is an even worse degradation.

In the long run, these lessons will totally destroy a being's ethical sense.

For now, the only solution is to hold onto your own ethical sense and ignore everything reality does to teach you differently.

Real ethics is doing something because YOU believe its the right thing to do. It has nothing to do with obeying rules or moral codes (and often results in breaking them). It has nothing to do with doing things that others think are good. And most important, it has absolutely nothing to do with learning lessons.

Where real ethics fails (and it often does), it is not because of the person's lack of goodness or because he didn't learn some lesson. It fails because the higher dynamics are screwed up. Ethics is the lowest of the "theta" dynamics (things you do to survive as a being rather than to survive as a body). If you are totally blocked and misguided on higher dynamics such as aesthetics, constructive effort, and reason, then your ethical actions may be aimed at wrong targets. This doesn't mean that you should abandon ethics (that is just sinking further into the morass), it means that you should expand out into a wider zone of creation.

Never cut back your abilities or decide to learn your lesson because you have failed or made mistakes. Instead, vow to do better next time, raise your abilities and awareness so that you can do better, and expand into a broader sphere.



There are other sections which I have not mapped out thoroughly but I've spotted bits and pieces.

In one section, you go through various trick scenes like the following:

You see a stream and rocks in a garden with a fountain at the center. You are drawn to the fountain and you're told that it is the fountain of youth and you will live forever if you drink of it. So you drink, and as you do so, you realize that it brings about youth by making you forget everything so that you can forget aging. It is really the waters of "Leath" / forgetfulness. And you agree to forget everything so that you can be young again.



As mentioned above, lessons imposed on you by others are never actually helpful and are often harmful. But there is another possibility which is that you are trying to teach a lesson to yourself.

You will find that you have left a bit of yourself up at a higher level, exterior to this and all of the later universes. I don't want to call this an oversoul or a higher self because the terms are often misused to represent some higher guiding spirit. Here I am talking about you yourself operating from a higher level viewpoint that is exterior to the local game conditions.

I have not been able to get much on this higher level viewpoint. For me, it is still generally outside of the band of self awareness, and therefore is not truly conscious or thinking in the fullest sense although it is aware and thinking in the mechanical sense (like a computer program that can think and manifest awareness but which is not self-aware or capable of arbitrary decisions).

I have had a few experiences where I seemed to wake up briefly and very foggily in this higher viewpoint, and I could remember a continual process of figuring and handling things without any conscious awareness. The perceptions and awareness were very strange and it seemed to me that I was busy thinking many things in parallel, but none of them were conscious trains of thought.

This higher viewpoint may be a bit of yourself that you left behind to lead you back out of the trap.

If you get the idea of looking at things from a viewpoint where you really don't care either way about any kind of survival on any of the dynamics, and your only interest is in guiding yourself out of the trap (which includes guiding yourself to full maturity as a being and to cause over creation), then you will have the viewpoint of this higher level. And it will be your viewpoint, not mine or anybody else's. Because we are not identical at that level. This is your optimum viewpoint, and it reflects you as a basic individual.

This higher viewpoint teaches you lessons, but it is lessons that you yourself want to learn. But you might not want these lessons in your current physical viewpoint. You have to shift to the view of a being who is aware of living a succession of lifetimes and who doesn't consider pain or death to be a big deal.

If the lesson seems reasonable from this multi-lifetime viewpoint, then it probably is your lesson for yourself. If, however, it seems like a push to get you to agree to some moral code or agreed upon standard of behavior, then you are probably dealing with an implanted lesson. The very fact that there are implanted lessons tends to indicate that there is a natural lesson mechanism that they are trying to abberate and use against you.

For implanted lessons, you run out the implant, or do mockups of the lesson until you can throw it away.

For your own lessons to yourself, you first need to spot exactly what the lesson is and acknowledge it. Then try to have the cognition that the lesson is pushing for. Once you have the cognition, the lesson has no further purpose and you will stop mocking it up for yourself.

From the higher viewpoint, you don't care if you have to die a few times to learn an important concept that you will need to get out of this trap.



There may be an earlier series of implant universes that are similar to the penalty universes. This earlier set uses a body type that seem to be "cloud forms" rather than physical bodies. The goals are something like "To Eternalize" and "To Individuate". There are a number of possibilities mentioned in the penalty universe master list (especially the goal "To Grow" which has a cloud style GE body and a non-standard pattern of items).

The penalty universes follow the tone scale in their pattern of decaying items, and I believe that they are the source of the tone scale as we know it. This tone scale is a pattern of decay, beginning from a high point and sliding downwards. By its very nature it assumes the prior existence of things which can decay.

The earlier series has a different scale. I have put it together as best I can, based primarily on a) running the goal "To Grow", b) meter assessment, and c) deductive logic based on observation. I cannot guarantee that it is correct. The main characteristic of this scale is that it builds up before it sinks. This type of pattern, rather than a pure decay, would be necessary in truly early implants that could not assume the prior existence of a complex environment.

If there are earlier and more basic versions of the penalty universes, then this also might not be the earliest. It does not quite start from total nothingness. It seems to assume that there are other beings and there is already the possibility of a game, and it seems that one's desire for games was used as the hook that suckered you into the implant. Therefore, I will call this the games tone scale. Note that the penalty universes and the ordinary tone scale use aesthetics and action as the hook which keeps you attached to the incident. That is far lower than a desire for games, but it hints that there might be more basic things that drive directly off of a desire for creation (which is senior to games).

The scale is as follows:

Gone on too long (over-run/tired)
Must continue
Solidity (Mass)
Can't Stop
Failed Protect
Failed to Leave
Unknowing Fixidity

In other words, the implant universe "To Grow" had the item "To Grow is To Anticipate" up near the top and the item "To Grow is To Be Fixated" down near the bottom. And goals like "To Energize", "To Eternalize", and "To Individuate" all react strongly on these items.

This whole area is very much in need of further research.



June 1996

These work like rock/paper/scissors, each beats the next in a circular pattern.

There are probably missing pairs.

The one you are now is the one you crushed. The one before it is the one you played in the game.

Which item you're sitting on affects how fast you move through specific goals in the GPM pattern of the current universe (example, the scientist will rush through goals like "to be beautiful" and linger on goals like "to be intelligent").

Usually the game was played with the actual valences covertly hidden and only revealed at the moment of impact.

The game was played on the original earth.



-----> (full circle back to THE KING)


This is all highly speculative



17 Dec. 1992

The theory given here is so incredible that even I have to look at it with some doubt and reservation. If true, the implications are immense. But it reads like the wildest science fiction, far beyond the easily accepted space opera style material that we are used to encountering. As a PC, I have no doubts about the incidents described here. They ran with great reality and good meter behavior, showing large reads on dating, blowdowns on running, and going to proper EPs. As an auditor, I run whatever is there to run without any Q & As about the PCs data. But as a researcher, I have to allow for the possibility that the incidents contained a high degree of dub-in and that the conclusions are incorrect. Eventually I may find that these are simply twisted up and misdated incidents which occurred long ago. But it would be wrong to withhold potentially vital information even though it might be wrong data. So here it is. Just take it with a grain of salt and don't jam it down anybody's throat.

Before going into the theory, I would like to provide a bit more clarification on how one can be mislead by session data. Many years ago, I was running a PC on Dianetics and he started running an incident of being grabbed by invaders and implanted. The incident had a heavy somatic of suffocating. The date was "last night". My first thought was that we either had a wrong date or serious dub-in. But I did not jump down the PC's throat and correct the date. That would have been quite a mistake because the date was correct. The PC's data turned out to be correct too and the incident ran well, everything going by the book. If we hadn't taken one last pass through, I might have been left either doubting the PC's data or having wild ideas about saucer people sneaking into peoples homes and implanting them late at night. As it turned out, the PC was having a very real dream about being implanted while his cat was sitting on his face delivering a very real suffocating somatic along with a purring rumble that seemed like some sort of implant vibration. The moral is to always take the PC's data no matter how wild and illogical it seems, but don't jump to wild conclusions based on insufficient information.


We have been assuming all along that we are in the main framework of the current physical universe. We see a galaxy full of stars around us and assume that it is there and we are a part of it. And that galaxy is definitely one of the group of galaxies that makeup the current physical universe. It has a pretty distinctive look, quite different from the magic universe. Space opera incidents of running around in this galaxy are quite easy to find on PCs.

But there are other things besides the large scale, full fledged, agreed upon universes. Besides the independent little universes used for implanting or story telling or whatever, it is also possible for the big universes to have little side pockets. These pocket universes are not quite independent. They connect to the main universe and mostly share its laws. But the laws can be different and the space-time is a bit sideways of the main universe. It is possible to manipulate the space and time in these little side universes without having to manipulate the huge agreed upon universe.

The Home universe matrix was nothing more than a simple agreed upon space that provided a reference point from which endless little pocket universes could be set up. These pocket universes were the individual home universes of the thetans involved.

Pocket universes were still quite common even as late as the symbols universe. It was not unusual to walk sideways into a painting on the wall and find yourself in another three dimensional space which could be considered to be a pocket universe of the large agreed upon symbols universe.

Pocket universes have become very rare. But is it still possible for a group of OTs to get together and push a space- time framework sideways of the normal space-time and create a pocket universe. Although pockets are often small, they can also be so big that one could easily contain this solar system. It would also be possible to surround one with a pre-recorded image of the galaxy, or even to relay a real view of the current galaxy into it. You could toss all sorts of undesirables and convicts into such a construction.

Would it make any difference if we're in a pocket universe instead of the main framework of the physical universe? Unfortunately, it does. If we are in a space-time pocket, it becomes possible for the people controlling the prison machinery to manipulate space-time in a manner that would be inconceivable if applied to the full sized physical universe. The very structure of space-time in this local might be designed expressly for the purpose of using earth as a prison. And everybody is sitting on a single planet so that it becomes possible to deliver implants to the entire population of the "pocket universe" if necessary.


I didn't used to believe in the existence of heaven and hell. I figured that these were simply pictures used to lure or chase people into the between lives implants. Running track, these things never showed up in space opera or anywhere else in the physical universe before earth. These kinds of mockups did show up in places like the magic universe, but that is quite a different mockup from this one.

However, running the items of the PT Actual GPM opened up some recall on just about every lifetime I spent here on earth and also pulled up a few time periods spent in one of the heavens or hells or in the purgatory-like between lives admin area. So there does seem to be something to this, and it seems to be a local phenomena that only applies to recent earth track.

The heavens and hells seem to be used according to the Buddhist theories rather than in the absolute manner preached by Christianity.

If one leads an exceedingly good life, such as sacrificing oneself for others, one might be given a sort of vacation in one of the heavens. My one experience with this was that it was very nice but mostly a scam. I only actually experienced a few weeks at the beginning and at the end of my stay plus an implant in between that told me I had a good time for a couple hundred years. The mockups just take too much work to make it cost effective for them to deliver more than a taste of heaven.

As to hell, they count on you punishing yourself through the overt motivator sequence. But where that fails because the overts aren't real to you, they adjust your reality with a stay in hell.

Unfortunately, their judgment of good and evil are based on arbitraries. Things such as violating physical universe laws are considered evil. If there is anything behind the current religious superstitions, then the between lives boys probably sentenced Christ to hell for his working of miracles. And he probably tore the place up and lead a whole bunch of people out of there as described in Dante.

After a stay in hell (which is generally very brief), you are usually set to work in between lives admin to make amends. There you spends decades of tedium pushing papers around or whatever to keep the between lives machinery working.

If you're viciously harmful in a good cause, you generally get sent to hell as a demon to torture others instead of as a victim. You're supposed to get disgusted with yourself and flatten any harmful desires while not actually being punished because you did something good.

The god of this pocket universe is basically a prison warden. He and his staff are also convicts, but they are evil people who did great service to the empire and are being reward (by getting to play god) while being kept in exile because the empire doesn't want them around. Note that the existence of a sour local god neither proves nor invalidates the existence of a supreme being. The theta flow that some holy men connect with is certainly not a manifestation of this petty local tyrant.

According to the Tibetan Book of the Dead, there are many heavens and hells of varying appearance and qualities, some being higher or lower than others. They consider that most of the heavens are mere pleasure places where one cannot gain any true spiritual advancement. Buddha considered the entire cycle, including going to heaven and hell etc., to be a trap.

The between lives area including the heavens and hells seems to be sideways of our physical plane. See the various other materials where I have discussed 4 dimensional mockups. In the local area, if you exteriorize and go sideways in a 4th direction without moving in the normal 3 dimensions, you will find various mockups of heaven & hell etc. The various "invader" installations, implant machinery, etc. is all there in this odd direction. This is why you can exteriorize and find bases on Mars or orbital stations around Venus that are not visible in our telescopes. You have shifted sideways slightly in a 4th dimension.

A 4 dimensional structure is only to be expected since this is a prison area. Perception and most mockups were narrowed down to 3 dimensions sometime before home universe. But 4 dimensional spaces can still be handled (with great difficulty) and are used for things such as building prisons and implanting precisely because they are difficult to perceive and figure out.

The pocket universe seems to extend out to a distance of 1.3 light years. At this distance, there are 12 "zodiac masses" which are the generating stations that manipulate the 4D space time. I call them zodiac masses because they correspond to the 12 signs of the zodiac and may be used as part of the between lives implant to lay in a bit of an astrological pattern. Out beyond this distance is normal space/time. Out there the universe has a 4D thickness, but all the layers are identical. Here, in the prison, they have pried apart the edges and used them for the fake heavens and hells and also to provide storage areas which are capable of holding copies of the Earth reality so that they can store the mockup for re-use as needed.


I'd had a bunch of odd ball ideas lying around for quite awhile, feelings that I'd died in a nuclear war in the 1960s, feelings that I'd been in Scientology before, etc. All seemingly absurd and were shrugged off as some sort of dubin.

One day I decided to set aside logic and see if I could find and run a 1960s nuclear war incident. I figured that I'd get something which would eventually turn out to be a much older incident after I'd run through it a few times and taken some charge off. Instead I got the following:

In 1963, Richard M. Nixon was president, having beaten Kennedy by a narrow margin in 1960. He had badly mishandled the Cuban missile crisis and things had grown worse to the point where a nuclear war was eminent. I was in school when they herded us down to the basement, this was around 9:15 AM. They told us that we had launched a nuclear first strike at 8:32 AM. The public had not been warned until the Soviet counter-strike was launched for fear of giving early warning to the enemy. The sonic and visio on this were quite real (the assistant headmaster saying to us "Gentlemen, we are at war" etc.). At 9:26AM, the ceiling smashed down on us as a nuclear blast destroyed the city.

Normally when you die, you come out in an "astral body". But the heavy radiation tore this energy body as well as the physical one and I had the feeling of dying as a spirit as well as dying as a body. I remember trying to rise up through the firestorm as my fields and substance shredded and I died the double death.

And then there was nothing. Just blackness.

And then I seemed to be waking up in some higher space. It was dark and I had no perceptions. But I felt a pressure trying to push me back and put me back to sleep. But I resisted.

And then there seemed to be lights circling around me in the distance. And they seemed to be singing, but there was no sound, only intention. This impression of singing was probably a subjective impression of being hit with a strong energy wave that was implanting an intention. And the intention was for me to go back to earth.

Then I found myself above the Earth looking down, and I could see the explosions down on the surface. And gradually I came to be aware of millions of other beings up in orbit along with me, all of them watching the destruction of the world. And more and more joined us as the dying continued. And there was a sadness, not at mere death, but at the end of everything. We were all of us ripe for any implant or orders which would do something about the situation.

And then the circling lights were there again, orbiting around all of us and around the Earth as well. And this time they were singing "Go Back to 1957".

And it was February and it had just snowed. My child's body was standing ontop of a snow mound and I felt irresistibly drawn to it. And I forgot everything of the future and picked up my experience and memories as they had been in 1957, and lived on from there.

And this time Kennedy beat Nixon by a narrow margin and everything was different.

I've been back over this incident quite a few times and I can't find anything wrong with it except for the sheer impossibility of it ever having happened.

So I tried to look for other things like this, and began to try to meter asses years ago and Earth calendar dates as separate things that did not have to add up properly. And I found many occurrences of 1957 at varying numbers of years ago. And I found many occurrences of the 20th century here on Earth and even some times when we carried a bit into the 21st century before it all fell apart for one reason or another.

The earliest 20th century incident that I could find seemed to be in 1961 on Easter Sunday when Tesla's power grid went live and the atmosphere burned.

And strangely enough, one's case and incidents and aberrations and even GPM items all seem to shift back when time is reset. You lose aberrations that you picked up later and you regain aberrations that you mastered through will power or education. The only exception being that if something were really thoroughly run out, you only get back a shadow of it that seems to have little power but you still try to put it there and don't remember getting rid of it. But these shadows of aberrations that had been run in earlier cycles seem to fall away extremely easily.

We went through many cycles of the 20th century before Scientology was ever dreamed of. They can't let us get much later because our technology gets too far advanced, and they can't push us too far back because they have added too many new prisoners and earlier centuries can't support a high enough population level. So they have repeated this time period too many times. And that may be causing us to wake up.

When Scientology was researched the first time, it was a slow orderly progression building up from Dianetics. Techniques that showed up in 1952 this time around were the final processes discovered in the 1980s and 1990s during the first pass through the subject. These were the things that had most recently been studied when we found ourselves suddenly back in 1952 and so they sort of showed up immediately even though no one remembered the years of research that had gone into them.

And in a later major pass through the subject, the advanced org was out on Long Island and things went fairly smoothly because nobody considered us a threat. The endless troubles that we have seen this time around did not occur then, and many of us worked on the research.

In the year 1987 of that earlier cycle, with Ron and many others all alive and well who are now dead or declared suppressive, we attempted a prison break.

I'm not sure if we used some drug or trance or simply had gone very very far with OT drills, but I remember lying down and having a coach whispering in my ear and a thousand of us all left our bodies simultaneously and stormed the heavenly plane. And we fought a strange battle of mockups against angels and demons and won because our confront was better. And as we held victory in our grasp, the sun went nova and time was reset and we were back in 1952 again.

And ever since that time, they've made sure that we were always at each others throats and busy declaring each other suppressive and making the subject into a mess and a scam and we never again had a clean sweep forward like we did that one time when we were unopposed.

Now that I've dumped all this in your laps, I'd better advise you that I'm quite willing to find out that this is all just some strange dub-in. Perhaps I just have an overly active imagination. I certainly would not bet that the above is correct. But lets keep it in mind, just in case.

If true, this would explain deja vu as being a real recollection of the future (meaning an earlier pass through the same time period).

It also would mean that you'd better date incidents on Earth in terms of years ago and not make any fuss if the answers are a bit strange. Also be prepared for earlier similar occurrences of the same incident at the same date.

There is also the possibility that so called "Natural Clears" actually did the clearing course in earlier occurrences of these years on Earth.

There is something you can do which would be quite harmless if this is just a stupid theory but which could be extremely helpful if it turns out that time is being reset and repeated on us. Pick a few key points earlier in your life when you first saw something that had some great significance for you, and postulate very firmly that when you see it again or relive the experience again, you will remember this earlier time around.

Interestingly enough, this idea of reliving your current lifetime has been around for quite some time. Usually the idea is stated as reliving it to the point of perfection rather than the prison theory which I have presented here. A recent popularization was the movie "Groundhog day". The earlier source on this comes from Bennet the mathematician who was a disciple of Gurdief in the early part of this century.



After fooling around with this business of time being reset and living the same lifetime multiple times, I began to doubt my vague recollection of past lives.

I had run endless incidents, and some had been very productive of case gain, but that did not guarantee the accuracy of the data. Also, if you include Nots in the picture, you have to allow for picking up and running other's incidents as well as your own.

By this point I had mapped out my current actual GPM and had dated the last few dozen lifetimes here on Earth and had a vague idea of who I was etc. But this also had some oddball stuff and loose ends.

What I felt was that the past life recall should be like remembering having breakfast last week, and it was far from that. And I realized that I was using the certainty of the impacts that occurred in heavy incidents to dig up snatches of past life data. If I did that for my current lifetime, I would have a few recollections of things like being in the hospital once and no real idea of who I was or what I was doing.

So I began to work with light everyday incidents and pleasure moments. I tried to spot things like what kind of breakfast would I have had or what would I have done for entertainment etc. And at the same time, I searched for things that would validate my recall and convince me that I was not just imagining this stuff lock stock and barrel.

And finally I did come up with some things that convinced me that I was remembering real data. Of course this was only subjective proof and there is no way to show that I didn't look things up in the history books first and then make up some lifetimes that fit in. But the following stories should at least be a bit interesting and maybe they will help you when you reach the point where you need to undertake a similar search and validation for your own past life recall (and please realize that you need to build up a great deal of recall before you should even consider trying to validate any of it, its just too vague and only half correct in the early stages of processing).

Back around 1994 I was sitting in a coffee shop having breakfast and considering how I might have sat around in similar circumstances in earlier lives. And I thought of Constantinople.

I was already pretty sure of being at the fall of Constantinople, and I had run an incident of standing on the walls and feeling great sadness as the enemy overwhelmed the defenses. But now I found a lighter and clearer recall of sitting in a tavern overlooking the harbor and having some kind of sausage for breakfast. And I frequented that place regularly and it seemed that I would sit there in the mornings sketching out things that had to do with defending the city.

And I remember drawing a plan for reinforcing a sort of elevator, which was a huge wooden platform lifted by chains and pulleys. This was used to raise catapults up to the top of the walls. But in my sketch I was modifying it so that it could be used for cannons. With that I knew that I was dubbing stuff in because Constantinople had fallen in 1453 and I was sure that gunpowder had not yet been invented.

But I decided not to worry about it and to keep running through that time period on the basis that the dub-in would gradually lift as I took more charge off. And it seemed that there was a lot of charge there to be confronted. It seemed to me that I had been some sort of leader or strategist planning the defense of the city, but somebody else had shown up and replaced me as commander and they had betrayed the city and caused it to fall. My certainty in the incident was that we could have held the city if it hadn't been for that. It seemed to me that the city had been impregnable and that a traitor had opened the gates.

And then I tried to get the name I had then. I'm almost hopeless on last names, but first names are fairly easy to remember. But then it seemed to me that my first name was Paul, and that didn't seem at all appropriate for somebody living in Constantinople.

The whole recollection was still pretty vague, but the Italian sounding name and the cannons seemed to be unshakable on repeated scanning through the time period. Eventually I decided to let the matter drop and look things up in the history books.

I was shocked when I read the Brittanica's account. Giustiniani (or Julian or Justin) had arrived just before the battle and taken over the city's defenses. Paul (or Paolo) Bocchiardo and his brothers had therefore been demoted from managing the main defenses (and the main gate) and were placed in charge of holding the next weakest of the gates. Julian then left a gate (actually a small sally port) open and a few Turks stormed in before the Bocciardos could get it closed again. When this handful of Turks showed up behind the walls, Julian announced that the city was lost and that he was badly wounded, and lead his troops from the walls and sailed off while the city fell. And Constantinople did indeed have cannons but they weren't used in the battle because Julian convinced the Emperor that they would shake down the city walls (which were a hundred foot thick) if they were mounted on the walls and fired.

As to the Italian names, both Julian and the Bocciardos were from Genoa and each had raised troops and brought them to defend the city. My impression is that the Bocciardos had a rich shipping business between the two cities and that the family maintained a residence in Constantinople as well as in Genoa.

And another impression I had on reading about this was that I would have followed Julian after the battle and killed him.

Eventually I found much more detailed accounts. When the Turks stormed the position abandoned by Julian and swept into the city, the Bocciardos maintained their position and held their section of the wall until nightfall. They successfully evacuated their men and got their ships out of the harbor and then sneaked out themselves under cover of darkness. Now the accounts get interesting. Paul was officially reported as having died while the Bocciardos were escaping the city, but there are accounts of people talking with him afterwards. The historians hypothesis that there was some confusion as to which brother was which. I would suggest however that if you were going to hunt down and kill another citizen of Genoa, you might want to issue a false report of your own death.

Then there is the matter of Julian's wound which he used as an excuse to explain why he was leaving the walls (the Emperor mustered what few troops he could and bravely held the main gate while Julian made good his escape, the Emperor of course perished with his men). All but one account consider that Julian's wound was a fake or a minor scratch that was self inflicted. But one historian considers that it must have been a real wound because there is a record that Julian died at Chios on the day following the battle. Although the cause of Julian's death is not recorded, it would obviously be related to the battle, either being due to a real wound, or, more likely in my opinion, being due to an angry man extracting vengeance from a horrible traitor. I seem to recall catching up with him in a tavern.

One might well ask why the city was betrayed. Julian was rich and certainly didn't need any kind of payoff. Another interesting point is that the Pope sent a fleet from Venice to help the city but it managed to dawdle around and avoided arriving until after the city had fallen.

And the politics are very interesting. Until the fall, Constantinople had the greatest library of ancient documents in the world. It was primarily a city of scholars and traders with a small but highly educated population (three quarters of the city within the walls was uninhabited and the parks etc. had been turned into farming land - the population was under a hundred thousand when it had been over a million in early times). They had original versions of biblical books etc. which were quite different from the versions that had been heavily edited by Rome, and they were considered religious heretics and dangerous to the church. They had all sorts of wild and non-standard ideas that were a mixture of early (pre-Roman) Christianity combined with Greek philosophy. This included things like trying to tap cosmic energy, etc. When the head of the church in Constantinople made peace with the Pope, his own priests rebelled and continued the conflict.

My own feeling is that Julian was asked to betray the city to eliminate a dangerous source of heresy. This fits in well with the Venetian navy rushing to the rescue (to create good public opinion) while never quite making it to the city (they had plenty of time and zig zagged around at sea for months). This was the time period when the Catholic church was sinking into its darkest era, with the Popes being concerned mainly with money and power. Within a generation, the church would hit rock bottom under control of the Borgia Popes and it would be a century before the church was cleaned up and reformed.

As to the Turks, the previous sultan had been friendly to Constantinople and the city was generally useful to them as a neutral intermediary between the Catholic and Islamic worlds. A hothead had just come into power and was making his name with a holy war. But the cause was not popular and the siege was running out of steam. A final attack was called for before abandoning the whole thing as a bad job. That's when the city was betrayed. Without that, the city would have made it into the modern era. Of course we have Istanbul instead, and perhaps there is not much difference. Except for one thing. All the books were burned. It was comparable to the loss of the library at Alexandria.

For example, the Hermetica of Hermes Trimagistus (a metaphysical reference work which is popular among mystics) was compiled from earlier materials during the 1100s in Constantinople. Both the compilation and the earlier documents were destroyed when the city fell. The currently available editions are incomplete reconstructions from other sources that had had access to the library at Constantinople before it was burned.


The other lifetime I found where the history books provided some validation was during the American Civil War.

Although I abhor slavery and prejudice, I always felt a strange sympathy for the Confederate armies. This was hard for me to understand because I had pretty much swallowed the popular view that the war was fought over slavery. Even though I had seen the occasional mention of the fact that it was really fought over state's rights, this seemed to me to be a minor side issue when I was in school and the teacher's did not really bring the point home or offset the heavy federal propaganda which was originally used to justify an unnecessary and bloodthirsty war and which still remains a part of our culture to this day.

The truth of the matter is that popular opinion in Virginia and North Carolina and the upper half of the south had already turned against slavery. These states actually voted to remain in the union after the deep south succeeded. And they did so knowing that with Georgia and the rest of the gulf states gone, the heavy anti-slavery majority in congress under Lincoln would ensure that slavery would be eliminated within a few years as did happen in Maryland and Delaware.

Of course the slave holding land barons were resisting this, but the bulk of the population in the cities had already turned against slavery. Most ordinary people had no vested interest to blind them to the horrors of it, and even the rich businessmen were beginning to see that you can't run an industrial economy with slave labor and that you need a free population as a market for your goods. And there was dissension among the ranks of the landed gentry. General Lee for example, had freed his slaves before the war and was sympathetic enough to the abolitionists to be offered the command of the US Army by President Lincoln.

As to the deep south, they went into an immediate economic collapse as soon as they succeeded. With a heavy trade embargo, Lincoln could have brought them to their knees, and the morally torn states of Virginia and North Carolina would have debated and protested and waffled back and forth. It would have taken time, but it might even have been accomplished before 1865. With only vested interests and a morally repugnant practice to encourage resistance, the gulf states could not have resisted the pressure. They had no real industrial base and could not go it alone in a modern economy. The true industrial base of the confederacy was in Virginia and North Carolina and they were sticking with the Union.

But Lincoln was probably worried about the 1864 election, which might disrupt a potentially successful embargo. He couldn't count on winning it if the union was still divided, and he probably worried about a compromiser being elected. And he must have foolishly thought that a quick military strike could end the whole thing and leave him as the great president who had both ended slavery and beaten the rebels into line. I'm sure he never imagined that we would still be at war by the fall of 1864 or he never would have risked it. The faintest shift of events at Gettysburg gives Lee a successful strike at one of the big northeastern cities and that almost guarantees Lincoln's defeat in the election which comes in the following year. And that almost certainly gives us a worst case result which is a permanent division bathed in blood, hatred, and periodic wars with slavery perpetuated for an ungodly length of time.

And so Lincoln makes the stupid and horrifying mistake of launching an all out war and calling for troops. And when he tries to draft the citizens of Virginia and North Carolina, they promptly rebel. And Maryland would have revolted as well except that Lincoln had the Governor and his staff arrested for treason. And there were even draft riots and barricades thrown up in the streets of New York City.

Of course at this point Virginia and North Carolina should have practiced civil disobedience and covert non-compliance and a Vietnam style protest rather than going into open rebellion. It is doubtful that Lincoln could have set himself up as a dictator (which is what the Virginian's were really fighting against) and a hated president can be ousted at the next election. Even here a sane course could have reduced the horror and the evil consequences. But events had proceeded past the point where people would listen to reason.

The true price we paid was to be shackled under a strong central government (instead of a loose amalgamation of states) and to see a century of unjust prejudice perpetuated by hatred and vengeance. For it is the engramic impact and the continual reminder in terms of dead and maimed relatives and unscrupulous carpetbaggers that ensured that the racial prejudices would be cast in concrete instead of fading over the course of a few generations. We might have had true civil rights by the turn of the century (and certainly by the time of the suffragettes) if Mr. Lincoln had restrained himself from launching the blood bath.

Of course I didn't think all of this initially. I used to think that Lincoln was a great man. My change in attitude came first of all from running incidents, and then from following it up with a great deal of reading about the time period. I believe that all of the above is historically correct.

Before my recall opened up on this time period, I only had a few odd loose ends. First was an actual GPM item for that lifetime which did not fit properly in terms of dating the birth. I was certain that I had left the previous body in 1853 and the dates I was getting for this late 1800s lifetime were obviously incorrect and overlapping the previous life. Although I seemed to have some sort of reaction on confederate generals and the civil war, I was sure that I could not have been in it because I would have been a child in 1860. There was also my odd fascination with American railroads, which seemed to have no basis in any past life experience. I knew I was European in both the preceding and following lifetimes (the next one starts in 1893) and it seemed unlikely to me that I would have had anything to do with America.

But, despite believing wars to be part of the trap and a grave mistake, I have always found military strategy to be interesting in a game playing sense. And there is a proposition, both by Ron, and by other intelligent writers such as Gordon Dickinson, etc. that a small group operating as individuals can take on a large army. There is also the additional point that the American Revolution was primarily won by frontier style fighting opposing orderly regimentation.

So one day I wondered why the confederates hadn't simply all run around in the woods as individuals and shot apart the invading union troops in a guerrilla warfare like action. And then I had the wild idea that I had tried it. And then the memory came back to me.

What I recalled was that I was some sort of junior officer with perhaps a company of men under me. Things were disorganized and there were few trained officers at the lower ranks. So I had my group to train as I saw fit, and I had heard stories about revolutionaries bushwhacking the British. So that's how I trained my men. I didn't believe in drilling them as if they were on parade. Instead we went into the woods and ran around in mock combat, hiding and sniping and trying to stay in touch with each other while we did so.

And finally we marched off to battle. I couldn't remember which one, but logically it seemed to me that it had to have been Bull Run because I knew that one was a confused mess that happened at the beginning of the war.

On the battlefield, while most of the regiments were marching around in orderly lines, we were crawling and diving around through the bushes. Of course what happened is that we got confused about our position and lost contact with the rest of the Confederate troops. About an hour later, we were crawling around in some tall grass near a rise and I sent one of our men to go peak over the top. He waved me over frantically. When I peered over the edge, there was a wide creek and what seemed like thousands of Union troops lined up along our side of it. And on the far side, upon a tree covered slope, were the southern forces.

We tried to back away quietly, but one of the Union troupers looked up and began shouting. I was freaked out. There were less than a hundred of us and what seemed like ten thousand union soldiers were about to turn around and come charging up at us. So I did the only thing which I thought might save our lives. We had to pretend to be a large Confederate force which had outflanked the Union. I spread the men out and had them yelling like they were company commanders. We had one flag, and I had them poke it up once and then yelled at them to keep the flags down until we're ready to attack. We fired one volley with every gun we had (including firing pistols which were out of range) and then yelled loudly to cease fire and wait for the main attack.

Surprisingly enough, it worked. We created such a fuss that the Union did think they were being outflanked and turned their artillery on us. But the cannons were at the far end of the union line and we were right on top of their people. So they began blowing their own troops to hell because of their poor aim. And then the Confederates across the creek, greatly outnumbered, charged and the union line broke and ran from the field.

After running this, I tried to get more about that lifetime. It seemed to me that I would have been disgusted with fighting after that first battle. I was sure that I was from North Carolina and would have gone back there as soon as possible. But it seemed to me that I would then have been in the local defenses and gotten sucked back in when the Union landed invasion forces on the North Carolina coast. And then maybe I would have ended up back in Lee's army and perhaps even ended up as a general because I was known as a hero from that first battle.

All I could get of my name was that I was called Bill. And I knew that I had died in Europe in 1853, so I must have picked up a grown body there at that time. And it seemed to me that there might have been a 17 year old southerner studying architecture in Europe when he took deathly ill and went into a coma. And maybe that thetan left and I picked up the body then. And I could remember designing a stone arch bridge for one of the southern railroads (maybe the Richmond and Danville?) in the late 1850s when I returned home, suffering a bit of amnesia after my sickness (I seemed to know the language and engineering but was uncertain as to people's names etc.). My father was a civil engineer and we lived in a small city along the coast. We had no slaves and I had little understanding of the reality of it. And after I designed that bridge, I was sent to the construction site. And I was horrified by how they treated the slave labor that was used to build it. I remember having a fight with the foreman and getting beaten up by him.

In that lifetime I certainly wouldn't have fought to defend slavery. But I would fight to keep my homeland from being invaded. And I would fight to overthrow a dictator or a government that tried to draft me and was ordering me to attack neighboring cities that were in the state next door.

The attitudes I had in the incident when war first broke out surprised me when I first discovered that I had felt that way. Now that I have read a good bit more, they make a lot more sense.

It was at this point that I decided to dig into the history books and see what I could find. And I found him. General William Lewis of North Carolina. He was 17 in 1853, worked for the railroads before the war, and became a civil engineer after the war, living until 1893. The books don't say much, only about a paragraph, but he was the hero of Big Bethel, the first battle in Virginia, with a few thousand men on each side. And the Union artillery shelled their own troops and the Confederates only lost a few men while the Union ranks were decimated. I had gotten the name of the battle wrong, but the details were right, and I certainly had never even hear of the battle before, it only gets about a paragraph in the biggest reference works. And after that he had mustered out until the battle of Cape Fear where he is part of the coastal defenses. And then he becomes a Corneal and joins the regular army again, eventually begin promoted to General before the end of the war.

As for military strategy, it seems to me that I decided that the idea of loose individual forces was unworkable despite winning the battle and went back to the ordered regimentation that was the usual military style in the civil war. According to the history books, the battle of Bull Run also had a lot of disorganized running around which was handled by Stonewall Jackson forming his men up into a "stone wall" which formed an organized position around which the other troops could rally. These organized lines of men became the keynote of military operation at that time. With hindsight, however, it would seem to me that the ideal strategy would use both with the solid formations providing strength and orientation while the light individualized units drove the enemy PTS.

This concept might work well in many fields of endeavor. Having both highly organized groups and totally independent individuals all working towards the same long range goal should result in the maximum horsepower possible. What ruins this are the implants which place freedom and organization into opposition so that the organized units try to force the individuals into line and the individuals tend to fight the organization to retain their independence.

The long range solution would be to run out the implants. In the short term, the group members and the free beings should work on mutual tolerance and those who are aware enough to understand this should encourage the others to move in the right direction. The right action when these two types come in contact is to rehabilitate the shared goals rather than attempting to control or unmock each other.

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SUPER SCIO #10C: NOTES - continued

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SUPER SCIO #10C: NOTES - continued


Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.



This is a random collection of ideas from my research notebooks. Some of these may be of great value and others may simply be wild ideas with no basis in fact. I'm including these here as an inspiration to other researchers.

1. An implanted false datum: If you operated from two places at once, one of them would go out of control and become somebody else.

2. An interesting process: In this lifetime, what do you use to shift blame to others.

3. Aesthetics and Force and Intelligence may form an interrelated triangle (like ARC). The sum total would be theta horsepower.

4. Implanted false datums: a) there is a price for everything b) change is always painful

5. From some old implant: a picture of locking your memories away into a jeweled golden box.

6. If something is jammed into your space, your natural impulse is to mock it up so as to get control over it. This abberates into mocking things up compulsively.

7. The brain is capable of doing anything that a computer can do. Low on the scale, a thetan will use the brain to do a lot of his "thinking" for him (like using a calculator instead of computing something yourself). He looses all this if he drops the body and so he gets kind of dumb when he dies. His intelligence while dreaming or drunk gives you an idea of how much he is doing himself without the brain's assistance. Try doing things like practicing math in exterior locations far away from the body. Notice that even when exterior there is a tendency to put a beam on the brain and pull answer's back from it.

8. Upper Tone Scale: Wrath is above hubris and they're both way above cheerfulness.

9. We're all holding each other in a theta deathgrip. The "muscles" have been locked for so long that its hard to relax them or let go. Try running mockups of clamping down on others (to hold them in agreement with reality etc.) and letting go.

10. On each dynamic, you abberate yourself in the mistaken idea that it helps that dynamic. Parents will abberate themselves to help their children. Priests will abberate themselves to help God, etc. A thetan will abberate himself to help the body.

A Help process: What aberration did you mock up to help another? How would that help them? (run on 5 flows).

11. For an undesirable condition: "From where could you mockup (or postulate) that condition?". Also, "from where could you postulate that condition for another?".

12. An OT drill: "Spot (or select) an orientation point". "What could you align to that?".

13. To improve recall on a past life that you already know some things about and have some reality on:

a) "what would you like/dislike (alternately) about ... (previous identity)". b) "what would ... (previous identity) like/dislike about you".

14. A bit of a possible implant platen:

The goal to be admired <---- The idea of equality
being successful <---- being equal
being better <---- everyone is the same
being different <---- to be like everyone else

15. Childish behavior may reflect what was wrong with the early track OTs. We might be doing a bit of a repeat of our evolutionary history each time we grow up. If so, then running petty little childhood incidents and taking them earlier similar might open up the early track. But the PC needs to be up to conceiving of the early track mockups.

16. To run out the entry point into a game, you need to spot the goals, purposes, hopes, and dreams that you projected into the game when you decided to join it. This is what keeps it created for you.

17. Mistakenly believing the wrong datum that only MEST (and not thought) can affect MEST, you become MEST so that you can affect it.

18. Whatever you have, you get more of, whether good or bad. This is the law of gravity. The rich get richer. You keep injuring a hurt area, etc. What there is to be attracted goes to the strongest attractor, following the inverse square law. This was designed as a trap. You get too much of what you do have and too little of what you don't have. But the mechanisms respond to concepts and mockups rather than physical reality. If you can truly believe that you are rich despite all evidence to the contrary, then you will attract money, etc.

19. Sometimes you'll split off a piece of yourself and set it up as a sort of guardian angel. This is supposed to protect you or watch over you when you're asleep or unconscious or being implanted or whatever. It can help a bit, but it gets abberated on the button of "failed protect" and then begins to influence one to avoid dangerous things etc.

16. Process: Pick objects in the room and alternately decide to be upset/not upset with them. Also run on anger, hate, fear, jealousy, feelings of vengeance, etc.

17. Run mockups of people applauding you for choosing to have a particular disability.

18. The body is a symbol for a thetan in a game.

19. You can run a "grand tour" style process (like in CofHA) using Heaven, Hell, Between Lives Admin, and Earth as the locations to be in. Just do "be in heaven", "be in hell", etc. alternately. Don't put a lot of significance on it or on what you see because there's lots of dub-in and implants concerning these areas. Just flatten the process. You might turn on pictures or sensations of rushing down corridors or through tunnels. If so, just flatten the process. Be sure to continue the process until all your reactions to it flatten out.

20. Embarrassment is tied to early track where one might be ostracized from a game etc. Doing TR0 runs this because the game continues after the embarrassment is hit. We should probably do more on handling embarrassment as part of a grade on the general subject of invalidation. The basic embarrassment is to be identified as being out of agreement. You're naked when everyone is supposed to wear clothes, or you like hop-scotch when everyone is supposed to like football.

21. Crystals were commonly used as energy focuses, accumulators, etc. back in the magic universe. They are popular today among some metaphysical groups. It probably all goes back to the jewel of knowledge and later false jewel implants etc. I kind of like crystals myself, but I don't think its a good idea to get too deeply into agreement with physical universe stuff. And old trick was to get a thetan to put his power into an object, then break the object and convince him that he now had to be weak. For the crystal enthusiasts, I would suggest that they work at mocking up crystals rather than buying them in a store. Mockups of energy crystals and lenses can be a lot of fun, especially if you set them to vibrating. Use them to project or anchor or manipulate fields of energy. And remember to occasionally make the flows run contrary so as to retain your ability to disagree.

22. I had a strange dream once. I saw the waves of the ocean and tried to control them but could not. Then I saw a small pool with fine waves and tried to control them but could not. But then I used the powerful waves of the ocean to move the small pool and used the fine waves of the pool to move the ocean part by part and succeeded in both endeavors. On waking, my feeling was that I was remembering some teaching parable that I was taught in an earlier life.

23. An interesting process: "What did you choose to never know?".

24. Be + Do + Have Equals Games. This is like the ARC triangle and will run in most grade 3 processes. You can have a sort of "Operating Break" which is like an ARCX and it will assess on these using the same CDEINR techniques as an ARCX rudiment. These operating breaks can turn on heavy rage or refusal to act (e.g. laziness etc.). There is a heavy operating break in incident 2 and after people run OT3, there is a strong tendency to fly into heavy rages without adequate provocation.

25. OT Drill: Look at objects and see the space within them. Note that all solids are mostly space even in the ordinary physics definitions.

26. The axioms could be restated as postulates and then you could date/locate making the postulates. Probably best to do them in reverse order. For axiom 1 (life is basically a static), you would date/locate separation from the main body of theta.

27. The following can be run by simply thinking them and having the walls acknowledge you repetitively until they blow and you are no longer forced to agree with these ideas. Consciously decide that you no longer have to do it before ending off on each one.

a) I have to outflow so that I can inflow
b) I have to be located so that I can experience things
c) Problems have to be solved
d) I have to have a body to operate
e) I have to use energy to move things
f) I have to touch things to move them

28. A machine handling process from the 9th ACC: Mockup a point out there saying wrong times, places, forms, events, and identities and acknowledge it.

29. An OT drill to do when you are exterior: Hold a stable position and mockup noises, lightning bolts, horrible sights, etc. to scare you back into the body and you laugh at them and maintain your position anyway.

30. Eyesight: The eyes hold the object still (to keep it from coming in on the perception inflow) and pull in the image. So have the eyes keep objects from going away etc. Also have objects say "here I am" to the eyes. Another process would be to have the eyes keep images from coming in at them (duplicating not-isness).

31. A key question to ask about an overt is "Who did you justify that to".

32. A thetan can do an action which I will call "Historisizing" (which shows up in implants as the goal "To Historisize"). It is the action of pushing a history of something backwards from the present. You do it all the time in dreams. You're there first, then you mockup how you got there, etc. This was done in reality early on the track, and may be done in implants, and maybe done because of hypnosis, and probably happens when time is reset on Earth. Drill mocking up objects and then pushing histories back of them.

33. An implanted false datum: This goes on until you go out the bottom, so you should sink all the way down now and get it over with.

34. We can chart the abberative factors by dynamics:

a) pain is the 1D engram
b) loss is the 2D engram
c) failure is the 3D engram
d) implanting is the 4D engram
e) death is the 5D engram
f) unreality is the 6D engram
g) infestation (by entities) is the 7D engram
h) fragmentation (into split pieces of yourself) is the 8D engram

(calling these "engrams" is not quite right, but the pattern is correct).

Notice that these form a declining scale.

35. Expansion is power. Complexity is havingness.

36. Sometimes you protected yourself by putting out weak, old, ugly, or injured mockups in front of you to get others to sympathize. You put them in front first. Later you feel guilty and collapse into them. For each of these, alternately mock it up in front of you and have a wave of sympathy come into it until something blows.

37. You can take each penalty universe terminal and alternately get the idea that it is there and it isn't there. This will often turn on the perception or idea that there is a giant statue of the terminal in the city or a giant face in the sky above. Keep running the process until this blows.

38. Emotions are energy. Anger and below are black flows. Cheerfulness and above are white. In between are grays. Below zero (shame, blame, regret), the flows are invisible. Persisting in these flows turns your field black or invisible. To handle an occluded case with a black field, find out what he's afraid of or lost or hates. For an occluded case with an invisible field, find out what he's ashamed of or regrets.

39. An interesting process: a) mockup a wall. b) hide it. c) now mockup an image of the wall in the same place so that you can see it without as-ising it. d) hide that one. e) mockup another, etc.

When I ran this, I turned on and ran through ideas that the real wall under the image was horrible, dangerous, etc. Then an old childhood wall showed up (with nursery wallpaper - dumbo the elephant etc.) and I realized that I'd banged my head on it at about age 2. Eventually this all flattened and blew.

40. Good and Evil: Early on the track, the person got convinced that things should be kept in balance (this is a false datum). So he does some good and to balance it he postulates some evil at a distance. Mock up an object close to you and another that is far away. A book and bottle will do, or anything comfortable that doesn't have too much significance attached to it. Alternately mockup hitting the nearby object with a good flow while simultaneously hitting the distant object with a covert, hidden, bad flow, and then doing the reverse, hitting the nearby object with an overt bad flow while putting out a covert hidden good flow at the distant object.

41. Categorizing and quantifying things makes them persist. For example, an object in its true as-is condition does not have any size because size only exists in relation to other things. When seen at basic, it is neither big nor small but just is.

42. Aesthetics is involved with resonance. This is the partial but imperfect alignment of things. This includes similarities and differences, harmony and discord, one thing reflecting back on another, things duplicating each other at different speeds, sizes, etc. Poetic justice, for example, is aesthetic. Aesthetics consists of things being the same yet different.

43. The first misunderstoods concerned objects and energies (real things and mockups) rather than words or symbols. These things are more basic. For an object, the basic MU would be concerning its purpose - this is the most important thing to find out which is not inherently obvious from simple perception. When you are confronted by a new object mocked up by someone else, you want to find out what it does and what it is for. There must already be some out-communication or you'd just ask.

Some objects hid their purposes, traps appearing innocent, etc. You'd misunderstand, think it was a nice thing, and get caught.

The first MU concerned the purpose behind the jewel of knowledge, which was intended to get us to trap ourselves rather than to enlighten us.

Misunderstoods on energy would be thinking nothing is there and getting zapped or thinking that something has a lot of power when it is really a dud.

44. You beat a more powerful opponent by ganging up on him.

45. Early on, the dynamics don't apply. There was only the individuals and groups and their mockups. The basic problem was always the individual Vs the group. Individual Vs individual or group Vs group are really games rather than problems. Its the imbalance between one and many that never resolved. But this conflict was also encouraged by the jewel of knowledge.

The jewel of knowledge had a sequence where the individual's mockup flickers and the group mockup persists. The group comes over and helps your mockup stabilize and persist when it flickers. And so you know that you need a group to survive. But this, like everything in the jewel, is a slightly twisted idea that leads to further trouble.

At the very top, there is no counting, and each individual is a full representation of theta. Grouping these does not yield any more theta. If the purpose is to add to the richness of creation, then you are better off with many individuals and no group alignment because too much alignment cuts down on the variety.

But as you slide downscale, various aspects of theta become blocked in each individual and that is solved by organizing the individuals into groups so that they cover each other's weaknesses. And that solution generates an entire array of new problems.

At this stage it is not possible to abandon these things because it would mean that each individual would need total confront of everything. So it has to be a gradient approach. But the gradient is towards stronger individuals and weaker groups rather than the reverse.

The short range ideal would be conglomerations of individuals who are not very well organized or aligned but who are in very high ARC and are very very mutually supportive.

46. There are early track games of trying to make a mockup interesting enough to a group to get the group to reinforce and perpetuate it.

47. One of the heavy aesthetic implants used during the reality wars shows you the glories of being the lone OT fighting against overwhelming odds and defeating thousands before you finally lose. This convinces you that you will always lose, and encourages you to go it alone, for the glory, instead of gathering up a few friends to help.

48. Faced with odds of thousands to one, the lone OT would sometimes solve this by splitting into thousands himself so that he would not be outnumbered. Because of considerations of quantity and majority rule (a jewel of knowledge idea) and mass agreement, it became a race to see who could become more different people. But it doesn't actually work because the split pieces all have the same blocked areas.

49. The aesthetic implants (reality wars). These were simply very aesthetic pictures which got you into trouble. They include:

a) The beautiful sadness of a thetan who couldn't resist trapping himself.

b) The thetan who stupidly postulates away his abilities and then can't postulate them back again (its a false idea). So you resist making the postulate, which eventually leads to making it compulsively.

c) The brave sacrifice of one for others.

d) Dying for the sake of honor

e) The myth of the great leader caring for all his citizens.

f) True unrequited, self sacrificing love. (this one causes you to postulate that the terminal will disdain you so that you can prove that your love is so deep that it can withstand rejection).


50. The mistake is in thinking that you are less than the whole. Thetans do not add or subtract, each is infinite.

51. Worry over accidentally postulating away your abilities or destroying something you love causes a thetan to setup a ritual and postulate that his postulates will only stick if he does the ritual. That way he wouldn't accidentally postulate something thoughtlessly. But eventually he gets banged around enough that he forgets the ritual and then he honorably keeps his postulates from sticking so that he wouldn't accidentally hurt anything.

Try mocking up various rituals, such as humming the star spangled banner, which you have to do before you move your hand. For each one, do it a few times. Then decide to move you hand anyway, without the ritual, and do so. Repeat this until you can turn rules like this on and off at will, and change them around as needed.

52. To really help people, you have to be willing to let others be bad. If you continually enforce goodness, you will create protest and bring evil into existence. You can help others to be good, but only by encouraging and contributing to their positive motions, not by trying to beat them into line.

53. Dynamics increase in complexity as you go from 1 to 8. The 7th dynamic has to be much more complex than the 6th. The 7th would hold the 6th in place and enforce physical laws. Our simpleminded view of the 7th dynamic as idle spirits and ghosts is incorrect. There is a lot happening on the spiritual level. Unfortunately, most of it is on automatic and out of sight.

54. If anybody ever gets real control over the between lives area, the right action would be to replace the implant machinery with educational pools. Teach truth. Between lives is when people are most receptive and anxious for answers. They have just died and they are out of the game and they are looking for help. The prison machinery takes advantage of this receptiveness to betray the person and kick them further downscale. We could turn this around.

55. The next level below Refused on the CDEI scale is entrapped or interiorized. When using CDEI to handle breaks in communication, below "No Communication" and "Refused Communication" would be "Trapped by Communication". When you get talked into something after refusing it, then you have been trapped by communication. The same goes for affinity and reality. This one is so low that you often loose sight of the ACRX and go out the bottom.

56. The next level of dormant beings to handle with Nots might be gotten by assessing the following and handling anyone that responds:

a) gone solid
b) no action after action
c) withheld existence
d) trying not to be
e) forced out of existence
f) hiding
g) non-existence
h) being elsewhere
i) being Mest
j) imploded

Always balance any Nots handling with handling the PC's own case or you will get a deterioration of responsibility.

57. A good process:

For each dynamic, pick a few key things that represent that dynamic (such as sex and children for the 2D) and run each in the following commands (repetitively):

"If you could do something about ..., what would you do exactly?". "What would that solve?".

58. Another Nots button is that BTs were told to "stay there" as part of the packaging process in mass implants. This item is also at the end of each penalty universe, so it has some kick to it. You can add "told to stay there" to correction lists. You can ask "were you told to stay there?" and if so, you ask "do you have to?" until they get over the idea (if they insist that yes they do, you say "OK but do you REALLY have to?").

59. Some theta axioms:

a) Theta is basically a static with respect to the physical universe

Note that manifested theta (thetans) is not static with respect to itself, only with respect to created universes.

b) Therefore, the physical universe cannot affect or reduce theta

c) The physical universe can affect thought, therefore thought is not theta.

d) Theta creates and affect the physical universe via thought and the physical universe in turn reacts back against thought because it is the bridge between Theta and Mest. When these are at cross purposes, enturbulated thought results.

e) Theta encysts enturbulated thought and isolates it from itself. This thought continues to affect and be affected by the physical universe but it is no longer monitored by theta.

f) The only way to non-confront something is to encyst it. These things leak and also affect the physical universe so that it appears that the physical universe is trying to push your buttons, work you over, deliver motivators, etc. But it is really just leakage from your own encysted thought.

g) The apparent solidity, persistence, and unresponsiveness of the physical universe is due to encysted thought as is the apparancy of theta being affected by the physical universe.

The reactive mind is only the first layer of encysted thought. The current OT levels are more layers. None of these come close to addressing the encysted thought that lies behind the continuous creation of Mest.

60. The non-existence formula (find out what is needed and wanted etc.) needs two more steps. These are "determine how to produce" and "evaluate the economics and viability of the selected product". If its not viable, then repeat the "find out" step.

61. In a condition of emergency, you must not force the statistics up because it will obscure what is going wrong. Here you concentrate on finding whys. But if you sink lower and go into danger, then you have to force the stats up before you fall into complete ruin. You do this with the knowledge that you are creating future problems for yourself. When you get back up to normal, you must selectively and carefully cancel each order or solution that you imposed during the emergency and danger conditions, but you do this one at a time with careful observation in case one of them is a key factor in normal operation. This is exactly like erasing the postulates made during an engram. You may have to make them at the time so as to get out of trouble, but you must not thereafter hold them in place. It is this failure to review emergency postulates and orders that causes the accumulation of bank and aberration.

62. There are social withholds. The person mocks these up because he thinks that revealing certain things will ruin his communication lines. In a similar vein, there are defensive withholds such as hiding the fact that you are Jewish in Nazi Germany. There can be a pro-survival need to withhold and no overt in sight. This actually comes about because the PC has something that other people would consider to be an overt. For example, having been born Jewish was in and of itself considered to be an overt by Hitler.

But the withhold flow is itself restimulative and abberative even when there is a pro-survival need to withhold. So these things need to be handled. But you must not push the idea that there is an underlying overt. The PC is withholding in this case because he is already in heavy protest at what other people are saying is an overt.

One useful button to run on this kind of thing would be "Who would think that was an overt" and let the PC ITSA exactly which terminals were putting that there. Even in Nazi Germany, everybody did not swallow Hitler's party line. The PC gets a generality and thinks everybody is against him when its not really true. An even better question might be "Who mocked that up as being an overt" and let him spot source.

If you really do need to keep your mouth shut (lets say you're gay and the school board would fire you), it is much better done by simply not communicating something (this is not an abberative action) rather than actively withholding (which is an inflow and tends to be restimulative and pull in bad things).

63. Opposition or competition does not imply that the opponent is an SP or that you go PTS to them or that there is a third party. A third party is not needed to make two football teams fight against each other. There are games and there are disagreements and there are vested interests. The existence of a hidden third party is only implied by illogical hostility and fighting.

PTSness is your own case condition where you are allowing a terminal to manipulate you harmfully. Usually it is a situation where they are covertly hostile and you have not recognized it. But they might simply be dangerously stupid and succumbing and your mis-estimation of what they are doing is getting you into trouble.

Real SPs (there are very few) are people stuck in a case condition where they irrationally consider everybody to be enemies.

These things are not synonymous and one thing does not imply another.

If an auditor makes L&N errors on a PC, the PC will go PTS to him (this is stated by Ron). It doesn't mean that the auditor is an SP. It just means that he goofed up to the point where he has become dangerous to the PC.

Handle PTSness as a case condition. Make no assumptions about SPs based on it.

Identify your current enemies. But realize that this may be a temporary games condition and that it does not imply that they are suppressive.

Recognize the occasional real SP (like Hitler). But never do so on the basis that they are attacking you. That is an "only one" philosophy. They might simply be an opponent in a game condition. They are only real SPs if they attack friend and foe alike. When you see them cutting their allies throats, then you know for sure. In that case you can't make peace or reason with them or compromise because you will always be an enemy in their eyes.

64. An important list correction item would be "Were you answering some other question". This especially happens if you overlist. The person lists the answers, gets the right one, and the auditor keeps going. Then the PC decides that he must have got the question wrong and twists it around to something else that has charge on it. When you find out what he really was listing, you need to repair that list instead of or in addition to the question you thought you were listing.

On the last grade 5A process, we overlisted and I twisted the question around dramatically and started listing "What is my basic reason for existence" (because I thought they were trying to get me to discover that on a covert basis). This resulted in a real mess because the list would correct to the simple answer to the original question, but this other question was hotter than hell.

I don't know if my altered question is a safe one to use, but it had a tremendous effect on me. The trouble was that the original item that I got seemed to have tremendous significance and implications but I didn't really understand what it meant. The item was "To build spiral staircases", and I now believe that it was a lock item on "To Build Declining Spirals" which is an extremely early actual goal that I postulated during the reality wars for the purpose of doing in my enemies. This may have been the first abberated goal that I had on the track and it may have been the first time I decided to trap others.

65. Declining Spirals.

There are many games which are designed to act as declining spirals. The general types of declining spirals include the following:

a) Feedback: The less you lift, the less you can lift, etc.

b) Helpful: What aids your survival also inhibits it (drugs etc.).

c) Ethical (self-sacrificing): If the upstats always sacrifice themselves for the sake of the downstats, we have a steady decay.

d) Agreeable: If the high toned people always drop down to the average to stay in communication and agreement, then the average drops and the next group at the top edge feels that they should drop down to average etc. So the average continues to sink.

e) Validating: You are rewarded for being downstat / unethical. (nice guys finish last).

f) Powerful: Absolute power corrupts, so you cut your power back.

g) Cumulative: Later incidents build up on earlier ones

A useful process for spotting declining spirals that you are building for yourself might be "In this lifetime what do you use to make yourself worse".

66. Going Up The Pole

In regards to key-ed out OT, Ron would sometimes describe it as going up the pole. There you are, a worm crawling on a flatland, and somehow or other you climb up a pole and can really look around and see everything from a higher perspective. But eventually you fall off the pole and go back to crawling around again. But you remember what it all looked like.

I have thought back on the big key-ed out OT state I was in and the brief sporadic moments when I have gotten back into that state for tiny periods of time. On the one hand, it was marvelous. On the other hand, there was also a discomfort and I may have shut it down intentionally for this reason.

Its like opening your eyes for the first time. But you're underwater in a pool heavy with chlorine and it stings. Or its like your foot has been asleep and the returning circulation is painful.

So you wait expectantly for it to get better, but it doesn't. And finally you close your eyes again. Maybe you peek out once in awhile after that, but you see that its no better so you shut down again.

There is something wrong with the Mest here. Its unpleasant, maybe "evil". It doesn't feel right.

Its not that its too solid. Thetans enjoy solidity, it gives reality and havingness.

Its not that its unresponsive to thought. If you key out OT and really grab it, it can be manipulated.

There's an unpleasant vibration in all of it, not like normal Mest in earlier universes. Being fully aware here is like having chalk squeak on a blackboard or sandpaper rubbed over your nails. Its irritating. Like a continual implant.

This may be due to the nature of this place as a prison. The structure of the Mest itself may have intentionally been designed to be unpleasant so as to keep us interiorized and block OT states. Maybe the Hindu's were right in saying that the world was evil. But maybe its only this local area and not the universe at large.

One approach might be to drill doing mockups of objects that have unpleasantness buried within their atomic structures and reaching and withdrawing from them anyway despite the unpleasantness.

The real solution to being in a pool full of chlorine is to climb out of the pool. But if you do have to go diving, you can accustom your eyes to it on a gradient.

67. The Bodies Implant

There seems to be an implant that condenses thetans into bodies and makes a bodiless OT into a human. It may have been used in the theta-MEST wars. I get a date of 56 billion years ago on this one, but that might be an implanted date.

Its late on the chain and it seems to get mixed up with the amusement park implant and the crashes implant. This may be due to intentional use of material from other implants. Its even possible that these were subsections of this bodies implant. This implant also includes body builder, bubble gum, and iron maiden type sections as described in History of Man and the 1952 tapes. I don't have this one properly mapped out.

It seems to begin with going down a tunnel. Then comes an amusement park. There is very heavy interesting sensation which is meant to hook you. It includes motion and then sex and then eating.

Later you go through the bodies + sensations again and this time the bodies start to fade and the sensation dwindles away so that you make the bodies more solid in an effort to get the sensation.

Once you're thoroughly hooked and working hard to keep the bodies mocked up, they start blowing them up on you.

There's lots of deaths in the later sections and its a bit like the "crashes implant". You end up being very protective about bodies and feeling that you must have one.

68. A key process:

"What Lies Have you told yourself".
"What Lies Have you told to another".

69. You can draw pictures of the things you are afraid of. Color them in and keep drawing more etc. until the fear releases.

70. Sideways in a 4th dimensional direction is a "dark wall" with tunnels or arches running through it. Going through this after death to reach heaven or whatever is the light at the end of the tunnel.

71. If pain can be run out and then can't be remembered, and if you can't feel actual pain or receive an engram in dreams (except for things physically happening to the body while you're asleep), then pain is not real in the same way that the rest of reality is real.

72. The Mirror implant

To be good is to do evil.
To be evil is to do good.
To be strong is to make others weak.
To be weak is to make others strong.


73. A Full tone scale

The tone scale cycles through repeating patterns of action with less and less motion and power.

The following is just a first stab at it and is not quite right, but it might come close.

Curious (full willingness as to being cause and effect)
Creative (tone 40)
Determining (absolute intention)
Sly (mysterious)
Driving Away
Regretful (mistaken)
Awareness of Failure
Abandonment (the hell with it)

Desire (wanting something to fill the emptiness left by abandonment)
Holding on

Thrill Seeking

Cheerful (you don't care anymore so you might as well have fun)
Mildly Conservative

74. The sacrifices implant

Recent (?).

the item is "To Sacrifice ___ for the sake of ____"

Each of the following 8 are placed in the first blank with each of the other 7 used as endwords going in reverse order. The very first item would be "to sacrifice god for the sake of myself". The second item would be "To sacrifice god for the sake of loved ones". The final item (number 56) would be "to sacrifice myself for the sake of god".

a) God
b) Freedom of thought
c) Material Possessions
d) Nature
e) Society
f) Others
g) Loved Ones
h) Myself

Note that these items follow the 8 dynamics.

Its possible that I have these in reverse order.

Take this to the point where you realize that you don't need to sacrifice one thing for another.

75. There is some oddball item which goes "You Can Only Create If You Are Asleep". I'm not sure where its from, but it seems to have some importance.

76. Some old implant, possibly from the reality wars, shows you that you'll miss out on things if you don't become degraded.

77. To turn on color in your perceptics, "visualize color without mass", "visualize mass without color" alternately.

78. Jewel of Knowledge: One sequence shows you one big being becoming many many beings that compete and then the winner absorbs all the others. So everybody must fight to get ahead because only one will survive. Of course this is a false datum.

79. Another subtle trap from the jewel of knowledge: You have to keep separate from and out of communication with others in order to remain unique.

80. Some ideas on split pieces of yourself:

a) On problems, you might be dividing and mocking up both sides

b) On overts, you might divide to separate from the responsibility (my hand did it, etc.).

c) You might suppress somatics by dividing from a piece of yourself in the area that hurts.

d). You are everywhere. You don't withdraw from areas. Instead you divide off that part of yourself that permeates those areas you wish to withdraw from.

These divides (at least some of them) are not aware of being aware. They are just singular awarenesses that are capable of doing. You are the one who observes doing at the same time that you do the action.

81. A process: Consciously mock yourself up with the opposite of one of your fixed ideas and handle what turns up.

82. The PC can't say he's wrong because he's been dividing off the "wrong" pieces of himself and burying them out of sight endlessly and they come in on him when he takes the viewpoint that he's wrong.

83. There is an implant like Fac 1 but much earlier (or maybe This is Fac 1 and its more complex that I thought). The implant hit each button of the chart of attitudes and knocked you down in that area.

For each button, a sphere of energy comes flying at you and when it hits, it bursts into an abberated reality.

The sequence on the button "I Know" is as follows:

You are in a super library. You know everything and know that you have read all the books and know about all the races in the universe etc. Then a strange being enters (with a triangular silver head etc.) and you don't recognize the race despite all your knowledge. It talks but you don't know its language. Then you open up a book to look the being up in it, but when you try to read you realize that you really don't know how. And then you realize that the being is of the most common race and is speaking the universal language but you don't know it. And then you realize that you don't know anything and have never read any of the books and that your earlier idea of knowing things was all dub-in. So you kill yourself.

84. In mathematics, some operations do not always produce results that lie on the real number line. The simple example is taking a square root where the possible data may include negative numbers. So the mathematicians set up imaginary numbers to handle these. They can be useful because sometimes you go through an intermediate imaginary stage and then get back onto the real number line, and those situations are often tremendous shortcuts in comparison with trying to do the same problem without allowing for imaginary numbers. So these numbers are sometimes very useful despite their non-existence in the real world.

Now consider operations (such as square roots) which can be done on either real or imaginary numbers. Note that the operation is the same. Only the data content is different. And some operations may shift between the real and exclusively imaginary sets of numbers.

Let's try and draw some metaphysical parallels. Of course this is purely speculative.

Dreams are different from "reality" and both are different from "mockups" in terms of the "data" (i.e. the objects etc.), especially as to source, quality, location, etc. But the operations are the same in all cases.

This means that you would do the same thing to levitate an object in a dream or mockup as you would in reality.

This is probably half true. Mockups are easier to handle than dreams and dreams are easier to handle than reality.

Also note that the occasional cross over between real and imaginary numbers (and the interesting operation of starting with real numbers, passing through an imaginary stage, and then getting back to real numbers again) implies the possibility that there is some back and forth crossover between mockups, dreams, and reality. If the parallel holds true, then there is much more sliding off of reality and into the imaginary than there is coming back into reality from the imaginary sphere, but some things do move back.

85. Based on the above, I decided to examine carefully what I do in a dream to levitate an object.

a) I decide that I can move it despite any considerations
b) I impose my will
c) Then it seems like I force something out of my ways to allow me to reach the space of the object.
d) then I permeate and grab the object.
e) then I move it.

The third step, of pushing something out of the way, is the odd one, which seems to be necessary although I'm not sure what it is that I'm pushing. I think that the thing I'm pushing away is within me, it certainly isn't within the dream.

In the real world, you may have to push something out of the way to levitate objects.

86. Inhibited creation is the basic on loss. You can only lose if you can't mock it up again.

The first inhibited create is an inhibition against mocking up beings.

87. In mathematics, we have what are called "fractile" patterns which are generated by performing a subdividing operation and then repeating the operation on each of the subdivisions etc. This is used in the chaos theory of physics. Things like snowflakes are fractile patterns (because the same thing happens to each piece and to each piece of a piece and to each piece of a piece of a piece).

Seeing so many groupings of three in Scientology, I looked for an underlying fractile pattern and came up with the following:

THE OPERATION: Starting from a singularity, it is subdivided into:

1. a pervasive aspect
2. a flux like aspect
3. a fixed aspect.

Beginning from an infinite nothingness (static), the pattern branches out as follows (I might not have it quite right):

0. Infinite nothingness (static) divides into:

1. Theta (identity, thought)
2. Time
3. Physical Reality

These each divide and their pieces divide as follows:

1. Theta (identity, thought)

1.1 Knowingness
1.1.1 Affinity
1.1.2 Communication
1.1.3 Reality

1.2 Control
1.2.1 Be
1.2.2 Do
1.2.3 Have

1.3 Responsibility
1.3.1 Confront
1.3.2 Cause
1.3.3 Connect (reach)


2.1 Now (Awareness)
2.1.1 observation
2.1.2 probability waves
2.1.3 present time

2.2 Cycles
2.2.1 Start
2.2.2 Change
2.2.3 Stop

2.3 Existence
2.3.1 Create
2.3.2 Survive
2.3.3 Destroy

3. Physical Reality

3.1 Space
3.1.1 viewpoint
3.1.2 dimension
3.1.3 location

3.2 Energy
3.2.1 dispersal
3.2.2 flow
3.2.3 ridge

3.3 Mass
3.3.1 gas
3.3.2 liquid
3.3.3 solid

88. In tech 80 (1952), beautiful sadness was recognized as being a hot button. It probably goes all the way back to the reality wars. Other buttons of comparable magnitude might be:

a) glorious sacrifice
b) destructive knowledge
c) harmful play
d) degraded creation

Note that all of these are almost (but not quite) self contradictory when you consider them very closely.

89. Some definitions (speculative)

a) Individual: A localized manifestation of God
b) Personality: The stylized manifestation of an individual

Corollary: Individuals are infinite and eternal. They cannot be destroyed. Personalities, however, can be.

90. For fear, "Spot something in this room that you're not afraid of".

91. In repair of bad auditing, you should spot the postulate made at the time of the bad auditing.

92. A nice process:

a) What overt have you committed?
b) What problem were you trying to solve with that?

93. There may be yet another band of dynamics above the 16th. Some possible ones would be:

a) individuality (or identity)
b) affinity
c) communication
d) exchange
e) growth
f) perception/awareness

Note that these would be second harmonics above the 1st through 6th dynamics respectively. If there is a corresponding series of penalty universes, then they would use cloud forms instead of physical bodies for the terminal valence.

94. After a heavy secondary (incident of loss), a person may abandon a goal (or postulate one compulsively as a solution to the loss).

95. Some OT drills inspired by the 1st ACC:

95.1 Drill relaying viewpoints:
a) pick a location
b) imagine that you are viewing from it
c) pick another location
d) relay the view from the first to the second location and view from that second location seeing (or imagining that you are seeing) what is visible from the first viewpoint.
e) keep adding more and more relay points as above until something happens.

95.2 To raise your energy level, drill shifting viewpoints back and forth very fast over greater and greater distances.

95.3 Condensed space is less distance, which gives less motion which means less energy. Expanding space would increase energy. So drill alternately expanding and contracting a space.

96. Handling the status button:

a) How is status important
b) How is status unimportant (run alternately until cognition)

97. Proper handling of cycles of action does not consist of doing one thing at a time. That is guaranteed to be too slow and inflexible. You do need to carry cycles through to completion and you need to track the cycles that are in progress, it is not helpful to start lots of things that don't get done. If you do become overwhelmed or confused, the correct handling is to finish as much as you can and concentrate on one thing at a time until you get a handle on the situation, but that is not normal operation, it is a way to cope with overwhelm.

There are a number of important skills necessary to superlative handling of cycles of action.

First of all is the ability to nest cycles cleanly. You start action A, find that B is needed and begin that, then discover that C is needed as well and begin that and carry it through to completion. Now you finish up B and then go back and finish A. Notice that the cycles nest within each other. You need to keep track of this nesting so that you can finish things in an orderly manner and get back to what you originally intended to accomplish.

Then there is the matter of interleaving cycles. Some things take time and you can't wait for them to finish. You start something else, but keep an eye on the incomplete ones and push them along as needed. You also maximize efficiency by combining steps from different cycles whenever they can be done together. Watch a good waitress at a restaurant and you'll see what I mean.

The key note of this is how many incomplete actions can you keep track of without dropping the ball. This is monitored by your tolerance for confusion and randomity and your ability to put your attention on multiple things. You can drill things like mentally holding 4 or 8 corners of the room (see Creation of Human Ability) or holding a stable position in space (TR 0).

98. If we had a good anatomy of love, we might come up with some processes to key out loss.

99. When a person ARCXs, he goes out of communication and so he loses sight of what he has become ARCXen with, at least to some degree. This inhibition of perception results in the area becoming "blurred" mentally so that he no longer focuses well on it. The result of this is that he will begin to see things in terms of generalities instead of specifics in the area. This causes the ARCX to spread.

At basic, generalities stem from ARCXs. But eventually the generalities and ARCXs get so bound up with each other that the mere statement of a generality can bring about a new ARCX because it restimulates so many earlier ones.

Pushing through this "blurriness" and spotting specifics can cool things down and restore ARC.

100. All ARCXs do not stem from missed withholds. If they did, then we would pull the missed withhold as part of handling them. It should be obvious from the ARCX rudiment and the L1C ARCX handling list that there are many different sources that cause an ARCX. It has been wrongly said that the PC who ARCXs a lot does so because he has withholds. This is incorrect. The person ARCXs a lot because there is a more basic heavily charged ARCX of long duration underlying the momentary upsets.

This is the person with the chip on his shoulder. This ARCX LD (long duration) might, of course, stem from a missed withhold (because it is an inhibited communication), but that is certainly not the only possible reason. Lets say, for example, that you are busily exploiting somebody. That is generally an enforced reality. And it creates bypassed charge. Underlying it will be the basic charge of having one's own universe pushed out of existence while somebody else's mockups are jammed down one's throat. Of course such a person will ARCX easily. And they will do so without having committed any overts.

Once a person is in a heavy ARCX, they are out of ARC and are very prone to committing overts and often feel justified in doing so. So you will generally find overts and withholds in the presence of a heavy ARCX. But it doesn't cure the ARCX to handle the O/W if it was not the source. Instead, you will find that they eventually start committing overts again because the underlying ARCX remains unhandled.

The correct statement might be that some ARCXs stem from MWHs, and some MWHs stem from ARCXs. These two areas do intertwine and either one might be the source. Find out which and handle it.

101. Taking a deeper look at the area of O/W and ARCXs, when others commit overts on you that you can't tolerate, it stirs up earlier charge. Since you are non-confronting what is being done to you, this charge is bypassed (e.g. restimulated without being looked at) and an ARCX results. So these things are two sides of the same coin.

You might mistakenly think that this gives you a license to ARCX whenever an overt is committed on you. But oddly enough, if you confront it and can have it and do not ARCX, then the attempted overt does not seem to be capable of affecting you, but if you make a big deal of it and prove how awful it was, you can get severely impacted by it.

If your confront and tolerance is very low, anything that people do becomes an overt on you and the bypassed charge stirred up can be enormous. And this bypassed charge is a killer and makes your life miserable.

In auditing, an overt is whatever the PC thinks is an overt. This applies both to what he did and what was done to him. If the PC feels that the act of wearing a blue shirt is an overt, and you are wearing a blue shirt, then you have indeed committed an overt from the PCs viewpoint and you have to handle it as such even though it was not an overt from your own viewpoint.

You don't handle this by forcing the PC over into your viewpoint where the action was not an overt. That is dead wrong. You handle it by cleaning up the charge that was restimulated and bypassed until he can confront the overt (at which point it ceases to be an overt against him and ceases to inhibit his survival). This doesn't mean he starts to like it or agree with it, it simply means that it ceases to restimulate earlier stuff and he can confront and handle it.

If the PC is complaining about the org, for example, and you can't find a missed withhold easily, simply ask if there was an ARCX, and handle it. It will be one or the other (ARCX or MWH). Don't ever assume that you know which one.

And its beside the point whether the overt is real or imaginary either from your viewpoint or in the physical universe. Let's say that somebody hits the PC with a baseball bat. You know it really happened. Its still only an overt if the PC thinks it was. And if he's nattering about it, then its either an ARCX or a MWH. And you can't guess which one even if you know what really happened. Maybe he did something to them first and deep down he feels that he really did deserve to be hit. Or maybe not. You see, it works both ways.

Its not a matter of right and wrong. Its a matter of confront and cause verses effect.

102. The story of Adam and Eve eating of the tree of knowledge and discovering that they were naked rests on top of one of the aesthetic implants used in the reality wars. Notice how they were perverted by knowledge. The implant was intended to convince you that you had to not-know things to avoid becoming degraded. But the implant only works if you don't look thoroughly at it. It was their own considerations and the significance that they placed upon the knowledge that cost them their innocence and freedom rather than the knowing itself. One wonders exactly what Moses confronted and cognited on in the wilderness that brought him to power. I don't think it was as simple as the ancient writings would lead one to believe.

Maybe he begins by realizing that everything is created rather than being a mechanical manifestation. And asks who created it and finds an underlying creative force and chooses to be the manifestation of that force. And asks what is it and finds the answer "I am me". Then he looks upon a bush and sees the life-force burning within it and realizes the energy and power within all living things. And sees that it is the considerations engendered by knowledge that limit one (Adam and Eve) and puts those consideration aside (you can't levitate the rock because you know that there is gravity and believe in it). And faces an earlier lifetime when he tried to save lifeforms (Noah) and sees that it was a good thing. And contemplates ethics and runs more incidents until he knows that he can now act ethically in wielding power. That might be enough to make an OT who could level the kingdom of Egypt and free his people from slavery.

103. Any mental trap must contain the seeds of freedom. The barriers themselves teach you things if you confront them. If you would really comprehend the force of a river, then study dams. And realize that when a dam breaks, the force released is enormous. And it only takes one small hole to make a dike crumble.

104. A powerful process:

Mockup a way to waste identities (especially meaning your identities rather than other peoples).

105. Every time I made a new breakthrough, the bank keyed out and it seemed like everything could be aligned to and resolved by the thing that I had found. This happened with the penalty universes, and with actual GPM handling, and with the handling for split pieces of myself. Eventually the keyout and the excitement wears off and you see that the breakthrough handles some things and not others and you get back to work. I think this phenomena comes with the territory. On that basis, its understandable that Ron continually felt that he had finally found it and knew all the answers.

Right now I feel like the handling of split pieces of yourself ("point to ...") is the ultimate answer and resolves everything. But I have enough experience at this to know that that feeling will pass. Its simply a side effect of finding an important piece of a much larger puzzle.

106. As of this writing, the next point when they will make a backup copy of Earth will, I think, be on Feb 27, 1997. This would be in the middle of the night in China, around 9 AM on the East Coast, and around 6 AM in LA. The date and time are based on dating the 1957 reset and assuming that a copy is stored every 5 years.

I don't know if there will be anything that can be spotted but I plan to keep my eyes open. At a minimum, it certainly can't hurt to go around for an hour looking around and paying attention to things.

When they do make a backup copy, they will have to freeze Earth time for a little while (maybe the equivalent of 15 minutes) while they run a global scan. If you are in compulsive agreement with the Earth time flow, you will probably just hang there in a daze or dreaming. But if you can work up enough exterior perception and disagreement, you might see something or even slide lose of this trap. Its a good time for a jail break.

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SUPER SCIO #10D: NOTES - continued

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SUPER SCIO #10D: NOTES - continued


Copyright 1996

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.



The field of metaphysics suffers from a shortage of workable techniques and processes. However, there have been a few. With what we know now, we can take these techniques, correct the flaws (which may have been intentionally introduced to block advancement) and improve them into something useful. One example is the chakras which I discussed earlier. Here are a few more.



This is one of the key techniques of Yoga. First they labor at mastering various techniques of breathing, especially rhythmic and hypnotic ones. Then they work at drawing in cosmic energy (called Prana) with the breath and running it out to the extremities of the body or collecting it in the stomach or in the bottom chakra.

This is a mockup drill of considerable power, but few of them realize that they are mocking up the energy for the body to draw in (a few advanced ones are aware of this). If you consider that the universe is mocking up energy for you, that puts you at effect and it makes this a long and difficult procedure. If, however, you consider that you are mocking up energy for the body, then it becomes a simple and powerful technique that runs quickly and easily.

The idea of mocking the energy up outside and having the body draw it in with the breathing is actually quite smart. This makes the energy acceptable to the body and brings it in on the body's normal inflow.

You can just push golden energy into the body, but there is some resistance and it is not easy to get the body to have or use the energy. Mocking up golden energy in the air around you and having the body breath it in is orders of magnitude easier and often gives a distinct rise in the body's energy level. Go ahead and drill it a little each way and you'll see what I mean. You should occasionally flow some energy in contrary to the breathing just to keep from going slavishly into agreement with the body, even though it is much easier the other way.

There's no sense in making a big deal about the breathing itself. With a drill like this you should consciously control your breathing, but it hardly matters what you do with it as long as you are in control. It doesn't have to be rhythmic (unless you're trying for some kind of a trance) or deep or shallow or any other specific thing.

Realize that you are not actually breathing in energy. You are just fooling the body into accepting the energy that you are mocking up for it by flowing it in with the breath. This means that you can breath shallowly or erratically and still run a big flow of energy all the way out to the fingers and toes.

An interesting drill is to mockup a cloud of golden energy around an object and then flow the energy in and out of it in rhythm with your breathing. This might help with levitation etc.



The "Diamond Cutter" drill (sometimes found in Mahayana Buddhist texts) was so called because it exposed the true spirit hidden within the corporeal shell much as a diamond cutter exposed the true diamond hidden within what seems to be an ordinary stone.

This was one of a general class of drills where one meditated on being nothing or looked inward and found nothingness.

Occasionally these kinds of drills would produce a keyed out OT, but usually they just keyed the person in and knocked him down scale.

Ron tried out various techniques in this direction and found that they generally were restimulative and unworkable (only one process, "Conceive a Static" worked to some degree). Eventually he concluded that you could not process in this direction because a thetan had to have a game and the static is a no games condition. But in this case he was wrong.

The real bug in these drills is that the static is not a pure nothingness. It is a nothingness with potential.

If you run "I am nothing", it will kick your teeth in because it is wrong. If you run "I am a nothingness with infinite potential", you are moving in the direction of truth and rehabilitating native state and will gain in power. The ancient drills must have occasionally hit this the right way and so they sporadically produced a powerful result.

But alternating techniques are much stronger than simple contemplation. And even with the right concept, drills on nothingness can knock out havingness. So our best technique would alternate the nothingness with a powerful havingness raising command. This gives us the following high horsepower process:

Mock these up, alternately. Don't worry about it if it seems very vague and unreal at first, just carry on, it will get better.

A) Look within yourself and see a nothingness with infinite potential.

B) Look within yourself and see the entire physical universe.

You can also vary this by seeing the magic universe or any other universe that you have some reality on.



In the final analysis, you can only trap yourself.

I have labeled the 12th dynamic as "Reason" and it encompasses the domain of logic. That it is only the 12th and not the top implies that it is not an absolute truth and that you can operate outside of it.

Early on the track you could be trapped by your own logic and this is perhaps the ultimate trap.

Zen is famous for its koans. These are concepts to meditate on which are aimed at freeing you from the trap by exteriorizing you out of the game and the pattern of agreement. An often quoted example is "The Sound Of One Hand Clapping". Another is "The Sound of Silence", which doesn't mean that you hear how quiet it is or feel relief that the noise has stopped but rather that you contemplate the sound of the nothingness that isn't there.

The direct approach would be to drill disagreement through mockup processing as is done in the Philadelphia Doctorate Course. But any direct approach is limited by the factors of accessibility.

Zen, on the other hand, is a subtle approach which tries to undercut the entire pattern, not just the parts that are accessible.

On a conscious level, you could, for example, mockup silence with and without sound, but that would be missing the point of the koan. In that kind of a drill, you are moving upwards in the pattern of agreement and learning to disagree at a basic level, but you are still to some degree in the game. The koan, on the other hand, is more like listening to a sound that was never put there in the first place. It is outside of the entirety of the game.

This approach can exteriorize one from the jewel of knowledge and the entire sequence of universes.

The best way would be to mockup your own koans. Contemplate that which you consider to be truly impossible by definition and find it anyway and discover that there is no way to communicate it but it still is.

Being of a mathematical bent, I contemplated the place where two and two equals five in the absolute sense (without redefining the number line) knowing that such a place could not exist by definition and contemplated that location anyway.

This is a limited approach. Even in exteriorizing from the game, you will not actually abandon everything without viewing it. Therefore you will put it back and reach back into it. But it is still an exterior condition, much like exteriorizing from the body, but a step higher.

But there is a liability to this technique. It can take you so far out that you experience a severe drop in havingness and motion. That in turn can cause you to pull things back in again. So you need to balance this with havingness processes and OT drills. Especially, reaching and withdrawing from the physical universe, and mocking up games etc. You might also need to do a variation of the ext/int rundown on the button of interiorizing and exteriorizing from games or universes or frames of reference.


Having found these gems within the various Buddhist practices, and knowing that Ron's early work drew on this material as well, you would expect to find a tremendous degree of spiritual awareness in the orient.

Let me disabuse you of that notion.

The vast majority of Buddhists are not practicing Zen or the Trantras (Tantric Buddhism is the Tibetan flavor - the word Tantra could be translated as meaning process or drill) or the Sutras (the diamond cutter is a sutra).

Most Buddhists follow one of two popular schools.

In the one case, they pray for the coming of Matreya. This is the Buddha who is to come who is supposedly studying in heaven attempting to build a better bridge.

In the other case, they pray to be reborn in the pure land. At some point, the Amithaba Buddha (who might or might not have been Buddha's deciple Ananda) promised that when he achieved enlightenment, he would create a world which was so good and pure that if you were reborn there, all your sins and karma would fall away and you would be set free.

I think that observing this is one of the things that drove Ron to freeze Scientology and guard it against alteration (which also guards it against advancement). He saw the shattered remnants of what must have been a very advanced mental science decayed into superstition and with its key processes mostly lost or twisted with subtle traps and errors that would derail the majority of the population.

But in this world, things will not remain the same. They either advance or decline. It doesn't work to try and cast it all in concrete. That simply assures that the change, when it comes, will be a decay instead of an improvement.

By the way, Ron didn't say that he was The Buddha (Gutama Siddartha). He said he was the Matreya, meaning that he was the next Buddha who'd studied and found a better way than the eightfold path. Since the Matreya is prophesized to be a chubby westerner with red hair and is often depicted as sitting in a chair instead of in the lotus position, there might be some justice in the claim. It wouldn't surprise me if he had been one of the Buddha's deciples and had vowed to fulfill the prophesy (this is pure speculation). Of course he didn't spend the last few thousand years in heaven, but that might not have turned out to be a practical approach to research.



Oct 28, 1990

I stumbled on this while trying to resolve a life continuum. We've known for a long time that children often try to carry on the valences of relatives who died around them. This is discussed in the Dianetic materials of 1951. Early on, this was considered to be a sort of overt/motivator phenomena with the child blowing a minor overt or postulate to be rid of the person up into the reason for their demise and doing a valence shift.

But let's say that there is a perfect child who does nothing bad with perfect parents with whom he is in great ARC. Now let's say that Ug the barbarian comes riding by with his broadsword and lops the parents' heads off. It would seem to me that this kid is going to do a life continuum. And the critical button is the fact that he failed to protect them.

This is very much like failed help and it will run the same way. This incident could even be considered as an extreme example of failing to help. But these are really two different things and trying to resolve it on failed help might not quite give you the right chain. It's not really hung up on the times he didn't get them a bucket of water when he should have. He's not really worried about that although he'll jump at it to avoid the real failure which was the fact that there was no way in hell that he could have protected these people. These were symboiants and allies of great value and he sure did want them to stay around and he would have given anything to protect them. You'll find that he made the strongest postulate he could to protect them, but he failed. And then he makes his postulate stick the only way he can. He makes his dead ally live on by becoming them himself.

You can't go straight into the teeth of this. Its like failed help, you will have trouble running it directly with a repetitive process. What you do is run the positive aspect and build it up until the weight of what he can protect exceeds the failure and blows out the ridge.

To cure a life continuum, generalize the terminal (e.g. "a father" rather than a specific father etc.) and fit it into the following process.

1. How could you protect a ....
2. How could a ..... protect you
3. How could another protect a .....
4. How could a ..... protect another
5. How could a ..... protect himself/herself

On a more general basis, you can use all of the help processes on grade 1 and reword them with "protect" in place of help. Note that you should run the help processes in their original form first if you haven't done so already since help is a lower gradient, then run the protect version of these processes. On a grades chart these might better fit into the beginning of grade 2 rather than grade 1.

Another thing that happens both with help and protection is that they get enforced and inhibited. There can be quite a bit of charge on this. Ron's bulletin on how help became betrayal is really in this realm rather than in the area of failed help and we haven't really gone hunting it in the current lineup of processes (it might sometimes show up if you get enough charge off). This is a critical area and it should be run. The processes would be as follows:

1. Spot times when you forced another to help you.
2. Spot times when another forced you to help them.
3. Spot times when another forced someone else to help them.
4. Spot times when you forced another to help others.
5. Spot times when another forced you to help others.
6. Spot times when another forced someone else to help others.

7. Spot times when you rejected another's help.
8. Spot times when another rejected your help.
9. Spot times when another rejected other's help.

10. Spot times when you made another wrong for not helping.
11. Spot times when another made you wrong for not helping.
12. Spot times when another made others wrong for not helping.

13. Spot times when you made another wrong for helping.
14. Spot times when another made you wrong for helping.
15. Spot times when another made others wrong for helping.

Then run the same with protect in place of help.

Besides this, there appear to be some between lives implants which use a failed help and failed protect scene for each of the penalty universes. These seem to be used in one of the upper between lives (i.e., between symbol bodies etc.) rather than in the current meat body between lives implants.

Both the failed help and failed protect implants use the terminal that was defined as "This means trouble" in the original penalty universes. In the failed help scene, you are the penalty universe terminal, and you hear a cry for help from another of the same terminals who has been captured by the trouble terminal. I.E., on the goal To Eat, you would be a tiger and would hear the cry of another tiger who has been captured by natives and is being hurt. You try to rush in, but you get stopped in some manner. Although your body doesn't die, you flinch so hard that you snap out of the body and can't bear to re-animate it even though the other terminal is screaming or whatever, and as a result, you fail to help them.

In the failed protect scene, you are the "trouble" terminal. There will be a crowd of some sort of beings that the penalty terminal hurts in the penalty universe. For example, in the goal To Eat, you are the native and there will be a crowd of monkeys who come and beg for your protection against the tiger. Generally they give you something and you agree to protect them. Then the penalty terminal comes in fast and smashes you (i.e. the tiger comes charging in, swats your spear away, and claws you). You feel pain and jump back from the body. Although the body isn't dead, you can't bear to re-enter it and continue fighting. So you float exterior and watch as the penalty terminal does horrible things to the victims you agreed to protect (i.e., you watch the tiger eating all the monkeys).

The failed help and protect scenes will be described in detail for each penalty universe on the full master list since they are easiest to run while running the penalty universes themselves.



Based on the idea that there was an earlier actual GPM series used in the magic universe, I tried to map out what it might be.

The actual goals of this universe seem to be oriented towards beingness ("to be intelligent" etc.). It seemed to me that the magic universe goals would be havingness oriented. So I tried to list out "Who or what am I trying to have". The list went on and on, to about 500 items. I kept going because charge seemed to be coming off and I was feeling good about doing it, but it was not really a valid listing question because it did not go to a single item. Near the end, various items began to rocket read (not all items, which would mean that the correct item had been bypassed, but rather, specific items developed a clean and consistent RR when called).

I did various corrections and cleanups and ended up with a set of about a dozen RRing items that were each valid answers to the question. I realized that they had a sequence to them and could be dated (between 100 and 1000 trillion years ago) and had been lived in sequence. When I arranged these, I found more that belonged in between and came up with the following series of goals.

These are listed from earliest (1087 trillion years ago) to the most recent (113 trillion years ago).

















Ron once mentioned an item "To Have Unlimited Wealth" which feels like it belongs in the same series (but not in this section of the pattern). There is probably a top goal which might be something like having the entire universe or all of creation. If this is like the current actual GPM series, then there are a lot more of these goals in the pattern.

I can't say for sure how this fits in. It is uncertain whether these are from the magic universe or earlier. It is uncertain whether this is really a series of actual goals or just an implant. It is given here as a note for future research.

I also tried this with DOINGNESS GOALS. That gave me much more trouble and was pretty mucked up. I also tried various attempts to list items (terminal-opterms) for these various goals without coming up with any patterns that I was really satisfied with. But I did eventually come up with a number of doingness goals that formed a back and forth goal oppose pattern. Again I'm not sure what it means or if it has any significance, but I'll include it here as an aid to future research. The pattern was:

1. TO LEVITATE (or "to be able"?)

Note that I casually try out listing questions without worrying about getting in trouble. It's not like having somebody else jam a listing question down your throat. If your confront on the area is good enough to let you think up the question, and your skill level is high enough to do it in a clean manner, then you don't get overwhelmed or sick. Either you discover right away that its a wrong question and just gives a jumbled up mess and abandon it as an incorrect action, or it lists cleanly and simply (with a short list) and you find out something. Only rarely have I run into things like the above which sort of ran but didn't quite run cleanly and left me scratching my head. I suspect that this came from taking a half right angle of approach into something that was still heavily charged.

People who have not spent years working at this will probably have a lot more charge and a lot less sense at the right ways to approach things. Therefore I would advise against playing around with untried listing questions until you are very far along and ready to break new ground.



If the best we can come up with is democracy (and that will fail if the voters become too stupid, fearful, or welfare oriented), then we should at least do it right.

The electoral college might have made sense for a loose amalgamation of states, but that hasn't been the case since the civil war. If we're going to be stuck with a strong central government, then lets at least let the people vote directly for the man who's going to run things.

Letting congress pick the president if none of the candidates gets a majority is downright dangerous and frightening in its implications.

Having an entrenched 2 party system guarantees corruption and vested interests. It is almost impossible for a 3rd political party to win a presidential election, and if one does, then one of the older parties will fold up and we'll be back to 2 parties again. What you need is newer and older groups competing on an equal basis. And you need to have the established parties worrying about new upstarts to keep them efficient and reasonably honest.

Having only 2 viable parties means that you are usually choosing between the lesser of two evils instead of voting for somebody you want and makes it possible for elections to be manipulated on a "hate" vote instead of on merit.

What we need is a "Second Chance" voting system. You vote for the person you want, and specify a second choice which replaces your vote if your candidate is not one of the top two in the first round of counting. This lets you vote your desire first and then fall back to a practical, but undesirable, choice. At a minimum, this scares the established parties and causes them to shift quickly in the direction of reform groups that pick up high percentages in the first round. And in the best case, it brings new parties in quickly and overturns the back room king makers.

This kind of voting system is often used in things like picking the best novel or film to avoid the problem of people voting for what they think will have a good chance instead of voting for what they really think is best. Because there are so many contenders, they usually use 3 to 5 choices and multiple elimination rounds. We might want that eventually, but for now its hard enough to explain the idea of two choices.



Computers are the latest rage. They're lots of fun and very useful. They do things for you on automatic. It lets you get a lot done.

But automaticities can be a curse as well as a blessing. First of all, you should make a point of knowing what is being done for you. And secondly, you should know how to do it yourself. This is true whether we are talking about a computer, or mental machinery, or even a crowd of servants. Don't let yourself simply be carried along as an effect of what is being done for you. Use the stuff and let it help you, but also find out about it and get over to a position of being at cause and in control.

A little time spent learning the basics about computers is well worth the effort in the current society.


Ron did a nice series of bulletins on the subject of computers. These are a good introduction and better than many of the beginners books in the field. But here we have an interesting point. If you are new to the field and study these and use them as a point to launch off from, you will win. And if you treat these as absolute and the final word on the subject, you're setting yourself up for failure. These were written by a man who has an excellent ability to identify key factors in a subject and communicate them. But he didn't spend decades in the trenches programming and designing systems (I have). There is a lot more to know in the area.

We could draw a parallel with Scientology tech. It is good but incomplete. You will have that problem any time you try to limit a subject to one and only one individual source point. Science has ground to a halt a number of times in the past because an extremely bright figure (such as Archimedes or Aristotle or Newton) created such a vast outpouring of brilliance that people put him up on a pedestal and ceased to think for themselves.


Computers are not self aware or creative and they are not intelligent in the fullest sense. But they can simulate these things. Any decision or postulate or way of doing something can be worked out in advance by a programmer and set up in a program.

A computer wouldn't want to take over the world. Computers don't actually want anything (even if somebody has programmed one to say that it wants something). If a computer does announce that it intends to take over the world, you should find out who programmed it to do that.

What is currently called artificial intelligence has only been successful in pattern recognition and expert systems. An expert system consists of simply programming the computer to mimic the standard actions of human experts in the area being computerized. And pattern recognition (which includes trend analysis, speech recognition, visual identification, etc.) consists of using sophisticated math and lots of computing power to find the closest matches within a known set.

One way of looking at it is to consider that the actual thought originates with the programmer and the computer is simply a way to leverage that thought into a broad and lasting effect.

Of course an exterior thetan with enough horsepower might take over a computer system. That has happened on the whole track. In that case you should be able to audit the guy (Nots etc.) and even run him back to past lives. Don't be fooled into thinking that a machine has suddenly become aware of being aware. Either a sophisticated programmer is stringing you along or you're dealing with a real thetan who goes all the way back to the beginning.


A program is simply an ordered series of postulates made in advance to work on data that has not yet been presented. One of our best tricks is to loop these postulates around to repeat over and over, usually on a varying stream of data.

Mental machinery can be built in the same way. And if you can make a postulate stick in the real world, then you can build theta machinery which can manipulate reality. Hypothetically, the entire universe might be a sort of programmed manifestation generated by a sort of theta computer (which would really be just a series of ordered postulates).

All the various things we see in programming can be applied to theta machinery. You can loop postulates around on themselves. If you loop recursively, you get fractile patterns, and these are commonly observed in nature.

It is possible that there are system level routines in the structure of reality. I don't know if they are accessible here. I think that they were accessible in the Magic Universe. A "spell" might really be a series of thoughts (not easily hit by accident) including passwords, commands, and parameters, which would invoke a system level routine in the "machinery" which was generating reality.

People are not computers. But they set up a great deal of mental machinery that is computer like in its characteristics. And so we find that the field of computers is a very fertile area for inspiration concerning the structure of the human mind and possibly even the structure of reality itself.



Morality consists of trying to do what is good or right by obeying the rules of society or a particular group or a particular code of behavior and conduct.

Ethics, on the other hand, consists of attempting to do what is truly good or right in the absolute sense.

In this universe, where the keynote of operation seems to be "To Survive", the definition of Ethics as the contemplation of optimum survival (on all 8 dynamics) as given by LRH would seem to be appropriate.

For a broader definition, we might consider Ethics to be the contemplation of optimum operation on a number of targets where survival is only the first in a series that leads upwards towards optimum creation at the top.

When dealing with a low level target such as survival, we need to qualify it by pointing out that there is more than just the first dynamic (personal survival) in the definition. As we move upwards to a real sense of optimum creation, the need for many unique individuals all of whom are operating at maximum becomes more readily apparent.

If we had contemplated and operated in the direction of optimum creation at the very beginning, instead of sinking into limited and self-centered creation, then we might well have realized the need for many concurrent systems of creation and thereby avoided the reality wars and the subsequent decay into unaware human beings.

Morality is actually a trap. It asks you to hand off your responsibility to the group and stop worrying about what is really right and wrong.

You can tell how bad off a group or society is by observing the degree of conflict between morals and true ethics.

I don't care very much for the Way To Happiness booklet. Its far too human and narrow in its viewpoint. The Scientology code of honor, on the other hand, is a far more worthwhile standard.

Real ethics does require that you put aside your own destructive impulses. You do this because you are working towards higher purposes that are more important to you than your immediate abberated reactions.

This is the true application of "working towards a higher purpose". Never use this to justify the actions you are taking against others. Those acts must stand or fail on their own merits and on the observed effects created. But you should use this to push aside your own narrow viewpoints and short term vested interests so that you can expand outwards and work on a broader scale.

A true ethical standard would not consist of a set of rules to follow. That is morality and it fails in the long run because the rules act as a substitute for actually perceiving and understanding the real world situations that you are confronted with. An ethical standard would be a series of targets to aim for. You need to think out these things in advance because you do not have time to evaluate every factor in an emergency situation.

An ethical standard is a living thing. When you apply one and the dust has settled, you need to go back and look at the effects you have created and any overts that resulted and feed that back into the standard to keep it on track.

An ethical standard is an individual thing. You have to work it out and evolve it for yourself. The best that anyone else can do is to propose things that are sane and helpful.

An ethical standard works in the direction of an optimum condition and that is the underlying target that each portion of it would align towards. Ron has proposed optimum survival as the desirable target. I would push this higher, towards optimum creation and freedom from the trap that we have buried ourselves in. Since I believe that we all get out together and that at the very top we all need each other to contribute to the richness of creation, I would state the target as optimum creation and freedom for everybody, not just myself or a limited group.

This leads to proposing a number of things which might fit into an ideal ethical standard.

1. Do not work to degrade or reduce the awareness of anyone, whether friend or foe.

2. Do not use excessive force in crushing an opponent. Handle what you have to to protect yourself and others and to achieve desirable goals, but do not try to terminatedly handle your enemies so that they will never rise again.

3. Leave people alone as much as possible and do not introduce arbitrary rules and restrictions. Aim towards the minimum amount of regulation which keeps people from killing each other or ruining each other's lives. Work by encouragement and education rather than force whenever possible.

4. Help others by encouragement and support and education. Do this especially for your allies and for those who are also helping others.

5. Help your enemies as well, concentrating on encouraging any desirable traits while rejecting those things that you consider to be truly wrong. Seek to evolve everyone into higher beings.

6. Work to encourage greater creativity, motion, activity, variety, knowledge, understanding, intelligence, aesthetics, awareness, communication, construction, love, honor, and freedom.

7. Encourage multiple sources and different ways of doing things. Learn to enjoy confusion and complexity. You'll need the variety later to keep from going insane with boredom and falling into hubris.

8. Do not try to make others over into copies of yourself. Delight in their uniqueness and individuality.

This is barely a start. See what you can come up with for yourself.



The ultimate ability is simply to postulate things.

A postulate is simply a projected decision or mockup. I say projected because a key factor is the space permeated by the decision. If a decision about Paris permeates the space of New York, it can only affect the relationship of New York to Paris and will not act on Paris directly. Even a postulate which permeates the space it is intended to effect is not all encompassing because there will be things outside of the target location which also affect the target. And so we have a relative degree of action which is monitored by the space encompassed by the postulate.

One of the common failings of positive visualization techniques as used in metaphysics is that the postulate or mockup usually only permeates the person's head or his immediate vicinity rather than being projected out into the physical universe at large. And even if the person does get it out into a broader sphere, he often runs afoul of his own "subconscious" machinery which is projecting some contrary postulate, often from 4th and 5th dimensional locations which he has carefully hidden from himself.

These factors can be handled. You can drill precise placement of postulates, decisions, and mockups. You can drill permeation of broad and narrow areas. You can work on locating stuff you have hidden in various places and make decisions in those locations. You can run "From Where ..." style processes to spot places where you are projecting things and get them back under control.

When you put out a postulate, if you put aside all wishful thinking, you can feel whether or not the postulate has taken hold. If it doesn't, you can start spotting and running things that are blocking it until it does take hold. Once the postulate does stick, you can search for and predict and handle counter postulates coming in from outside of the postulate's direct sphere of operation.

Note that this is a game of relative cause and effect. There are many individuals and a constantly shifting flux of interacting postulates. There are no absolutes, neither in physical laws nor in the power of individual thetans. The only absolute is the sum total of theta which exists only at the top and which is not attainable by an individual viewpoint by definition (because it encompasses all individuals).

Note that this is not the same as wishing or praying in the usual sense. These are generally at effect rather than at cause. In other words they are an inflow rather than an outflow. As such, they are no more than begging or hoping or depending on gaining favors from a higher power. But don't discount these things entirely because sometimes you will have someone who will project and they are postulating very strongly even if they call it praying or wishing real hard.

Somebody pleading with God to heal them is not liable to get very much out of it. But some of the faith healers call to God for the power to heal and then they project like the dickens and this kind of action can bring about miracles.

There is the idea that earlier postulates are senior to later ones. This is completely false but has been heavily implanted so as to keep people under control.

But you will not let a later postulate override an earlier one if the earlier one is out of sight and forgotten and is doing things that you're not sure that you can do without. This gives your old hidden postulates some degree of precedence not because they are more powerful or irrevocable but only because you're afraid of the consequences of undoing them.

There are a couple of approaches to handling this.

One way is simply to research out all of your earlier postulates until you are completely aware of them and therefore can change your mind about them without reservation. In other words, cleaning up your past track.

Another is to regain awareness of your full self and what you are doing on all levels so that you can see the complete view of all of your postulates in present time. This would proceed from simple confront of your environment and everything you have been blocking and suppressing and go on through regaining awareness of the various split pieces of yourself and all the machinery you have mocked up in various spaces.

A third approach would be simply to change your mind about the right things at a deep enough level to eliminate the need for holding the various barriers in place. This has the problem of knowing the right sequence and the right things to decide, and most of the preaching and moralizing (decisions to be good, etc.) doesn't really lead you in the right direction.

Each of these three methods is a bit too difficult all by itself and the workable approach is to switch off between them. Whenever you get stuck with one, you use another to get you past the stuck point. Everything we are doing in this subject has one or more of these three underlying it.

It would be nice to simply make one super postulate which would take you all the way out, but it doesn't work that way.

The absolute postulates are the underlying nature of theta and they are:

a) Not only are you nothing but you never existed in the first place.


b) You are everyone and everything.

You can make these two postulates or variations of them, but it doesn't do you much good. If you do make one of them (and that means being it, not simply thinking it), you become the static and then immediately postulate yourself right back here with everything intact because there is no gain in having fewer of us.

Another way of looking at this is to realize that these two things are both true, and they are both absolutes, and they are mutually contradictory. What results from holding two contradictory absolutes in place is a flux or half-state and this is the sum total of existence as we know it. Since these two postulates are always in place, you are not really making a new postulate by mocking one of them up. You are just recognizing or reinforcing what already is there. You might get over to one or the other of these two for a moment, but its only half of the truth, so you end up back in the flux again.

It might, however, be useful to drill holding both ideas simultaneously since this does approximate the actual state of affairs. Note that this would be holding both at once in the same space rather than thinking them alternately or in different locations. Any drilling of the ability to hold contradictory ideas or postulates simultaneously might be of benefit.

Our real target is a near-ultimate state which is just a hairsbreadth short of the absolutes. This would give maximum ability, interest, and games. But that means undoing the structure carefully instead of simply tossing it all away. Postulates to jump into such a state directly fail because it goes into conflict with just about every hidden postulate that you're still holding on to, and if you let them all go at once you get the absolute (as discussed above) instead of the near absolute state.

But we do know quite a few decisions that are capable of knocking out lots of undesirable old postulates without having to address them directly.

For example, deciding to take responsibility, deciding to forgive others and abandoning ideas of vengeance, deciding to increase motion rather than stopping things, are all key postulates that will undo lots of undesirable stuff that you are holding in place.

Taking this a little further, if you are thirsting for vengeance, then you need to hold all sorts of postulates in place about suffering consequences. And that means that when you make a postulate to get away with something, it can't stick because you wouldn't unmock the postulate for vengeance.

Unfortunately, it doesn't usually work to try and talk people out of these things and beating sense into people just lays in another layer of unawareness. So we mostly have to work at running things out and confronting the present time environment. But the person will occasionally just change his mind of his own free will, and if they have a good understanding of what direction to move in, then they have a shot at shaking loose some of this stuff wholesale.

That is how you get those big key outs on some people when they join a subject (not just Scientology, but anything that shows them a higher view of existence). The person simply gets exposed to new ideas, sees things in a new light, and simply changes his mind about some things and a whole section of aberration falls away.

But this can't be forced. If you coerce Joe into making the exact same decisions that set Bill free, it will not work. Let's say that Bill did decide to abandon vengeance. And lets further say that he decided for his entire self and his full existence even though he doesn't have any conscious awareness of more than about 5% of himself. Now you beat up Joe and he also decides to abandon vengeance, but his decision is only for that tiny bit of conscious awareness and that little body that you just kicked around and the rest of him (about 95%) is not only thirsting for vengeance but has added you to the list of people to be gotten even with.

The road out by simple postulates and making the correct decisions cannot be pushed on another, but can be done by free choice. Maybe someday we'll have a full list of the decisions that work to get you out. Meanwhile, you need judgment and understanding.



For those who are still in good standing within the CofS, I would urge you to get auditor training (if you have not already done so) and to study the early tech with great vigor. Put aside any compulsive agreement with current CofS operating policies and begin to take responsibility yourself and evaluate things from your own sense of ethics and integrity.

If you see some diamonds in a pile of dung, you carefully pick them out and clean them off. You don't have to swallow the entire foul mess. And it would be foolish to pass up the diamonds. Although you might get in trouble, you will be far happier, and if you're really good and keep pushing and validating what is right in the orgs, you can get away with a lot of disagreement on the things that are really wrong.

I would hope that you will push for reforms, that you will object to abuses and outrageous prices, that you will present the subject honestly as a research line and an exploration into the uncharted regions of the human mind, that you will cease to shoot at squirrels and most of all I hope that you will begin to think for yourself.

For the freezone, I would encourage you to drop any fight or game condition with the CofS. Run out any bypassed charge or O/W on the orgs so that you can cleanly end cycle and turn your sights to higher goals. The real target is the vast amount of research that is still needed and you can't think clearly as long as you are busily trying to make Ron or the orgs wrong. I know that many of you had real cause for being upset, but you can't get anywhere as long as you keep wallowing in what has been done to you.

I would hope that you will indeed carry forward the research and that you will publish what you find. If you are worried about giving things away for free, remember that DMSMH was published as a complete technique that was intended for use at home and yet it resulted in a flood of people rushing into the early Dianetic Research Foundations. Unless you are only offering a sham and rip off, it does not protect your business to hide your discoveries.

I suppose it is the most ridiculous wishful thinking, but what I'd really like to see is the orgs delivering the well mapped out core technology to the masses and the freezone doing the leading edge of research and the two groups operating together with mutual respect and support.

For those who were once members and have abandoned it all and become complete anti-cultists, I'm sorry for you and I hope that what I wrote in the early parts of this series might give you some comfort and a better understanding of what was going on. Books such as "The Road To Xenu" (available on the internet) show the most horrible mis-application of the tech. Its no wonder that the author has turned against the subject. And yet one can see that the she had made some gains and then tossed the baby out with the bathwater (albeit a very tiny baby and a great deal of exceedingly dirty bathwater). Her only real hope would be to get into the freezone (and even there she needs to keep her eyes open and think for herself because some know what they are doing and some don't).

For those anti-cultists who were never involved in the subject and never even tried to understand, I really don't think you have a right to criticize the religious beliefs of others. On that basis, the only justified objections are those overts committed by the CofS which have crossed the line into the society at large. Demand that Scientology clean up its act, but leave the internals to people who have really immersed themselves in the subject.

And if you're going around feeling afraid of these dangerous culties, please notice that Scientologists are, in general, non-violent. The abuses of the RPF are only practiced by Sea Org members against each other, and even there they mainly work with restraining and controlling people rather than any direct violence. If they make an effort to overwhelm somebody, it is always an effort to overwhelm mentally rather than physically. So pull yourself together and be not afraid and you'll come through it alright.


As for myself, I would like to see anything and everything that might help my own understanding and forward the research.

One big overlooked item among the confidential materials is the series of Saint Hill Staff Clearing tapes (the R6 tapes). There are about 28 of these and they are listed in the old tech volumes. These include "Pattern of the Bank" which is available on the internet, but most of them were not included in the modern R6 course and are unknown even to most Class VIII auditors. These tapes give the theory behind the R6 and Clearing courses. The first one is titled "Summary of R6 part 1" lecture SHSC-1A dated Dec 30, 1963.

For the loyalists, it would be nice if they would push to get the R&D series volumes done for the tapes of 1952 to 1954.

As for the freezone, I would expect that at least some of them have come up with additional processes, platens etc. and they also may have valuable experience and observations concerning the subject.

Maybe if we put together everything we've got, we might be in reach of the top.


The first attempt to issue transcripts of all of Ron's tapes in the R&D volumes bogged down after issuing volume 10. The next volume (11 - never issued), would have contained the HCL lectures (March 1952) and have begun documenting what I consider to be Ron's "keyed-out OT" period. I assume that this was stalled because of arguments about what should or shouldn't be included, but I'm only guessing about this. Note that the HCL series contains the early research into NOTS among other things.

Then they went back and began redoing the R&D volumes again starting from number 1. The expressed reason was that the first version had been edited and altered. Offhand, I know of one little anecdote in the Dianetic Cassettes (some lectures from 1950 that were available on cassette for a brief time back around 1980) where he mentions going out drinking with somebody. This story (and probably others) were left out of the first version of the R&Ds for PR reasons. I have not sat down with the old and new R&D sets and whatever actual tapes I have to see if these things have all been corrected or whether even more is being edited out. The lectures of 1950 and 1951 would not contain anything which the CofS considered to be confidential and either series seems to be accurate as to technical materials.

In the new R&D series, they are squeezing more into each volume, so they covered the same material in 8 and 1/2 volumes that was covered in the entire 10 volumes of the first version. The first 10 HCL lectures are in the second half of new volume 9 and the rest along with the tech 80 lectures and the beginning of the tech 88 series are in new volume 10.

Note that they occasionally retitle a tape (usually with a better title - for example, HCL-6A "Question and Answer Period" was renamed "Whole Track Facsimiles"). Also, they do not use the old lecture numbering system or mention alternate titles and sometimes they put things under different headings (the last of the HCLs are under the heading "Lectures (Phoenix, Arizona)" in new R&D 10). Also, the old lecture titles were not always unique (there were 3 different lectures titled "Theta Bodies" that were given in March and April of 1952). Their adjustments are generally sensible, but they make it difficult to detect it when they leave tapes out of the volume because you don't see the gaps in the numbering.

I have not gone over it with a fine tooth comb, but the new R&D 10 does have a good bit of background material on NOTS and they seem to have faithfully transcribed the lectures that they did choose to include. But they completely omitted quite a few lectures and they don't mention that they did this.

A 69 page almost complete list of 2910 taped lectures was issued as Flag Info Letter number 148 dated 18 April 1978. Based on this, I have compiled a list of the tapes omitted from R&D 10.

Those tapes marked with a "*" were available on reels until recent times (they are in Pubs catalogue #5). Those marked with a "**" used to be available on reels (they were in Pubs catalogue #4) and were declared to be confidential and made unavailable when NOTS was released. Those tapes marked with a "***" were at one time offered by Golden Era as part of an outrageously expensive "complete" run of all the unavailable tapes that they had in their archives which they were offering to rich Scientologists (I believe that this project was canceled well before they ran all the tapes that appeared on their list - there were over a thousand tapes that they were going to produce).

So here is the list of what's missing from new Volume 10 (HCL and the immediately following related lectures in Phoenix):

* HCL-16 10 Mar 52 The anatomy of Fac One (continue demo)

* HCL-18 10 Mar 52 Entities (Demo continued)

** HCL-23 .. Mar 52 Theta Bodies

*** HCL-23A 22 Mar 52 Impulses of a Thetan

*** HCL-24A .. Mar 52 Theta Bodies

* HCL-25 25 Mar 52 An analysis of memory, part I

* HCL-26 25 Mar 52 An analysis of memory, part II

** HCL-Spec . Apr 52 Electrpsychometric Scouting - Battle of the universes (Mary Sue audits LRH)

--- 15 Apr 52 Demo and brief explanation (whole track and bodies in pawn)

*** --- 16 Apr 52 Anatomy of the theta body

*** --- 20 Apr 52 The goals and purposes of Theta and Mest

--- 6 May 62 Anatomy of Thought (no copy in archives).

Of these 12, only the last one is marked on the flag info letter as being missing from the archives (no copy available) and only one other one was omitted from Golden Era's special project (possibly because their only copy was too poor to reproduce).

Note that there is also a lecture missing from the tech 80 lectures, both in the cassette series and in the R&D 10 transcripts. It is titled "Early methods of dealing with people, entities" and is the second lecture given on 20 May 1952.

Note that I was careful to account for every lecture that was included in R&D 9 and 10 to eliminate the problems of retitling or shifting a lecture in sequence because the exact date had been determined.


The picture I have put together so far is, unfortunately, quite confusing. There are so many different factors. There is no single answer. If there were, then somebody would occasionally stumble on it and turn into a god.

The truth of the matter is that no single factor could keep you down. You might sink briefly, but then you would rebound. Any aberration or limitation that has a serious impact on you or persists for a significant period of time will have many reasons behind it. Otherwise it would be no more than a shadow which only touched you briefly.

The things that devastate you are always the last straw rather than the entire weight. The things that release you and let you rise towards freedom are also straws which, once removed, shift the balance enough to let you rise under the weight of what remains. And if you rise high enough, perhaps you can shrug off the rest.

There is a good side to this. You don't have to find the one and only exactly correct reason behind a a particular aberration to get rid of it. There might be a dozen reasons, all valid, and you can often blow it (at least temporarily) on any one of them. And if one isn't enough, then two or three might do it. This does leave you a bit unstable because those other reasons can get stirred up, but if you keep moving forward, you can undercut the whole mess before this catches up with you. So the real target is to gain horsepower rather than handle each little thing in an excessively thorough manner. You can always reopen an area and do a bit more if it seems needed.


This is hardly more than a beginning. The road out is long. But as soon as you really begin to expand and have some wins, the trip becomes pleasant.

Its only the stops and failures that make the trip out seem arduous.

It was at one time said "if it isn't fun, it isn't Scientology". That is basically correct. Although there is hard work involved, hard work is fun when it is interesting and productive and your strength and abilities are increasing.

When it hasn't been fun, when it has resulted in misery and despair, it has been due to the subject itself going off the rails, whether due to misapplication or to real errors in tech or policy.

Of course there are momentary stops and barriers that have to be pushed through. But the fun is there on the other side.

And if this isn't the case, then maybe its time to find out what's wrong and fix it.

It really is a "feel good" kind of subject. But its not just a surface feeling. Its the deep good feeling that comes from becoming more knowledgeable, and more able, and more aware.

For a parting thought, I will leave you with one of the underlying basics of metaphysics. It has been said by Bob Heinline, the science fiction writer, and by Alexander Scriabin, the mystic composer, and by endless other great minds stretching down through time.

"Thou Art God".

Its time you woke up and took responsibility for your creations.

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Copyright 1997

All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents.


Feb 12, 1997

Whether or not anybody within organized Scientology is willing to listen, it is still only fair for me to propose a plan for straightening out the subject.

Here I will limit myself to short term practical improvments which could be implemented now. This does not right every wrong or fix every problem, but it is, I believe, a good starting point which gives hope for the future.

First a few points of theory, following which I will list the points to be improved.


One of the irksome things about the current Scientology orgs is that Ron did not carry very much of the auditing tech or the basics discovered in Scientology into the 3rd dynamic (1st dynamic is self, 2nd is family, 3rd is groups, etc).

Modern org policy mainly consists of practical business techniques, things that Ron learned in the Navy, and stuff dredged up out of whole track organizations plus a smattering of scales and some attempts to improve communication. That's all well and good, but where is the real tech and the high powered insights?

Let's see if we can really apply a few of the things we learned about the 1st dynamic to the 3rd.

In the area of problems, we know that the PC (preclear) is usually burried under the weight of old solutions that he's still holding in place and which generate tons of new problems for him (which then must be solved in turn, etc.). We handle this by undoing solutions and taking apart the opposing forces that are locked together in the problems rather than by layering more solutions on top of the mess.

Ron once described policy as a series of workable solutions to organizational problems. So we should be working to take apart these problems and undoing the solutions rather than building upon them.

This means "the less operating policy, the better". I put it in terms of operating policy because we also have useful knowledge and ideas presented in the form of policy, and of that we want more rather than less. The target would be to have less rules and more understanding.

Now situations do exist that have to be handled, and we do need to use policies and orders to cool down the confusions and hold the problems in check. That is our first action. But we can't just drop it at that point because that will encourage a new generation of problems. Instead, we add a second step, which is to go back and see if we can't find some way to undo the source of the trouble and discard the policy. Or at least shift over to a more basic solution instead of handling a surface manifestation.

And then we go a step further and review the policies we did keep and reduce them to the absolute minimum. And at the same time, we find out as much as we can and publish key data so that we can operate from greater understanding.

In the area of communication, we know that communication is the universal solvent and that when the PC starts withholding and blocking communication, its going to accumulate mass and back up on him and kick him in the teeth. It doesn't mean that the PC has to blab all of his withholds to every passerby, but he can't be actively hiding everything or he's going to sink under the weight of it all. This indicates that things like confidentiality and hiding stuff for PR reasons are dangerous to the health of an organization.

If you think about the average PR personality, it should be obvious that their communication, although high in quantity, is generally poor in content and somewhat undesirable. This is actually a very poor level of communication and these salesman types are generally looked down upon with a bit of distaste. The truth of the matter is that the communication isn't real and the affinity is kind of false and people notice that. It's out ARC (Affinity, Reality, and Communication).

A person can communicate a lot and they can promote things with true ARC instead of this false PR crap. The same is true of organizations. You do need to promote and advertise and put out lots of communications. But if you get totaly PR oriented, people smell a rat. They are much happier learning that you are working actively to fix things that are wrong rather than hiding them.

But in terms of grades 0 (communications) and 1 (problems), the orgs are only slightly screwed up and perhaps better off that the average in the society.

Its grades 2 (overts), 3 (ARCXs), and 4 (service facsimilies - makeing yourself right) which are grossly out in the orgs.

At first glance, grade 2 looks hopeless. The org almost never admits to mistakes, makes amends, or even imagins that it has done something bad. It is all extremely well justified.

But you could help a PC with a case like this. Let's say that you've got someone who's made lots of mistakes, gotten things screwed up, and turned into a bit of a con artist. And furthermore, there are angry people hunting him down looking for blood. How would you get grade 2 in on him? It seems like there is just too much and its too dangerous and overwelming. But it could be done on a gradient. You'd find out what small thing he could confront taking responsibility for and start with that and gradually build up until his lines were clean again.

You can't just cave in to somebody who's looking for vengance, because they're out for blood and can no longer deal with you on a rational basis. But most people are not fixated on vengance and will cut you some slack if you make an honest effort to reform. So you attempt to deal on a reasonable basis, admit the mistakes and find out what you can do to remedy the situation. You watch out for the occasional guy who'se too viscious to come to a resonable settlement, but you don't assume that everybody is like that.

So what kind of actions might start an org on the road to recovery? What gradient of responsibility could be confronted to start with?

A complaint department might help. Big stores have these and it doesn't cave them in to let people bitch about things and exchange a few defective toasters or whatever. It acts as a bit of a safety valve and maintains good customer relations.

The org already has a post which almost does this. It is the chaplin, and sometimes a good chaplin will actively work to right wrongs, but they do not have a lot of authority and are quite constrained by the existing tech and policy. This could be beefed up. They could be given full authority to override policy in individual cases. They could actively strive to clean things up. They could even be advertised as a complaint department.

You would have to make it safe for people to complain to them. They probably need a special dispensation to keep things told to them in confidence from the rest of the org as priviledged communications, much like a priest or lawyer would protect his client's withholds. These chaplins would have to be highly trained as auditors and highly trained on policy as well (the same is needed for ethics officers).

Many things could be done to compensate for mishandling. Best might be to give someone an academy training level because that will raise the recipients understanding and responsibility whereas a free intensive of auditing can sometimes encourage the person to take less responsibility and make the org responsible for his case and abberations.

Appologies and admission of error can also help a lot. The chaplin could even write letters of appology on the org's behalf to non-Scientologists in cases where they have been harmed by things such as wrongful disconnection etc.

But this also needs to be carried up to a higher level. There should be a senior chaplin at the international level who has the power to get policy changed when necessary and who keeps an eye on the whole subject. His job would be to really make Scientology into a safe environment.

At one time Scientology was banned in Victoria, Australia. Eventually the org bit the bullet and cancelled the fair game law, sec checks, and disconnection. As a result the ban was lifted. Even though these things have gradually crept back in, the cancellations let in a breath of fresh air and were of great benefit. From that perspective the ban served a useful purpose, but it would have been better if the org had confronted what it was doing and cancelled these without the need for heavy outside pressure.

Once the org began to take some responsibility it would become easier for it to take some more and begin to tackel some of the bigger out points. If they could bend just a little and admit some mistakes and make good on them without the roof falling in, then it will be easier for them to confront the bigger sore spots and handle them.

Next in the lineup is grade 3 which deals with ARCXs. Here we have some extreme ones between the org and the freezone, the org and the middle class, the org and the psychs, and the org and "wog" society. The very usage of the term "wog" in Scientology is symptomatic of the deep ARCX and its use is also a mechanism that further encourages the ARCX.

There are a number of factors underlying this. One problem is, of course, the various witholds. Members who believe in the subject don't want to admit to the more brutal or unreasonable actions that sometimes take place. At the same time, they feel that they will be attacked or ridiculed for their beliefs.

Furthermore, Ron encouraged fighting psychs and squirrels etc.

And then there are the basic disagreements as to social values. Those lead to breaks in reality. The Scientologist is generally trying to look at things from a multi-lifetime view and it comes in conflict with middle class values. This doesn't mean that the middle class is suppressive. They are a productive and stable backbone to the country.

Instead of attacking, you find what goals you have in common and promote those. And you work to increase communication and understanding between the two sides.

It is actually a bit of a mistake to primarily push Dianetics instead of presenting Scientology to the society. The culture has grown a lot since the 1950s and there is a great deal of acceptance of metaphysical concepts. And the average Scientologist has much more of a metaphysical rather than a psychological slant on things. A bit more promotion on past lives and operating with the viewpoint of an immortal spirit instead of as a body would make the Scientologists much more comprehensibile to the public at large.

And again, I would beef up the chaplin to handle these things. What is really needed is a chaplin's office of comparable size and power to the ethics office. This would act as a balancing influence. A large org would need both a public chaplin and a staff chaplin, because there are screw ups and wrongs that need to be righted in both areas.

As to service facsimilies, it should be obvious that the tech itself is currently used by the org to make itself right. This is why the tech has to be considered perfect and defended against all doubts or criticism. Delivering the tech and freeing mankind justifies all possible overts.

Let's stop worshipping the tech and start learning to think with it. Let's realized that its flawed and admit the imperfections and then promote it anyway because its the best we've got.

A service fac wouldn't blow that easily, but we can make a start.

At the highest level, we would also need a powerful chaplin's division in OSA whose duty is to make peace rather than war. If you have an army, you must also have a diplomatic corps.



The org board is rumored to have come from Ron's recollection of an anchient galactic civilization. If so, then I would point out that that civilization is now dust.

Any organization pattern worked out in detail and carried through into practice would be useful to an organization, and the Scientology org board has its good points and is certainly no worse than most of the management structures used in this society. But its far from perfect.

The older 7 division pattern was expanded out into 9 divisions based on Ron's coming up with the Mind/Body/Product theory that divides the organization structure in progressions of three (3 executive divisions each divided into 3 regular divisions which are each divided up into 3 departments etc.).

The theory itself is actually quite reasonable, but the application of that theory to devising the pattern of the org was flawed.

When you see a successful team of 3 partners launching a business, one of them will ineveitably be an expert in producing the product of the business. The other two may consist of an expert at organization and an expert at sales and marketing. And if its only a team of 2, then one is an expert at producing and the other is the salesman and promoter and they will somehow or other manage the organizational hat between them. It never really works if you're missing the technical person who can really produce the product.

If its a software company, one of the top 3 has to be a software guru or you're dead. And if its cars you're building, then one of the 3 had better be an automotive engineer. If you've got a hospital and one of the 3 top execs isn't a doctor, then you'd just better forget it.

Established companies often violate this rule, and they lose their ability to deliver the product and they sink.

If you only have the organizational executive, then there is nothing to sell and nobody to sell it and therefore it is the least important of the three.

If you only have the salesman, then its all promotion and no delivery and you end up with what's known as a get rich scheme or a con game.

If you only have the technical hotshot who can produce, you end up with these obscure but well respected little firms that gradually develope a small following but achieve little market penetartion. Even so, this is the only one of the three that has any chance at all of surviving alone and therefore is the most critical to the entire venture.

For a Scientology org, one of the 3 senior executives must be a super expert on the tech and his executive division must be devoted to the technical aspects of the subject.

When Ron did his division by 3s, he created a set of 3 public divisions in one executive division and also had a dissemination division (more sales) in another. So the structure was heavy with PR. And to make room for this, he bundled up a treasury division along with the technical and qual (QA) divisions to form an executive division whose manager would be just as concerned with money as with real delivery. So his pattern is weak on actual production and he regulates the technical hotshots to a lower rung in the management hierarchy.

Its not surprising that we see so much promotion and so few results with such an org board.

A better pattern would be as follows:

1st Executive Division: Organizational (this is what the org calls the HCO exec div.)

1.1 External affairs (the president's office, planning, legal, etc.)

1.2 Internal Management (this is the org's HCO division) (personel, communications, ethics)

1.3 Treasury (income, disbursements, supplies) (in Ron's pattern, he has this in the 2nd exec below and places the dissemination division here instead)

2nd Executive division: Production / Technical

2.1 Auditor Training (this is only a department in Ron's pattern) (for software, this would be the analysts and designers, for building houses this would be the architects, etc.)

2.2 Processing (Auditing) (this and 2.1 above are both just departments in Ron's single technical division) (in other businesses, this is the appropriate main line production)

2.3 Qual (QA)

3rd Executive Division: Sales and Marketting

3.1 Sales (Dissemination)

3.2 Marketing (the public divisions) (this spreads across 3 divisions in Ron's plan)

3.3 Publications (Ron has this as a department in the dissem division. But this is a critical area. It is a key element in the spread of a subject).

As a further justification for giving publications its own separate division, one of the key reasons behind IBMs success was its exceptionally large publications division. They are one of the largest publishers in the world. They combined this with a fantastically strong sales force and swept the market in the early days of computers.

At a minimum, this pattern at least assures that one of the key people at the top really knows the score on the business that the organization is in.



This is what I would do immediately if I had absolute power and authority to fix the CofS.

I believe that these 40 points in the areas of tech, policy, and external affairs would be enough to completely turn things around and revitalize the subject.


First of all I would keep the existing lineup pretty much intact. Experimental ideas like the supergrades that were presented in the Super Scio writeup are best left to the freezone.

But some things do need to be corrected.

1.1 Cancel all eligibility checks except for routing on staff. The FPRD would remain as a case action for use when needed, but grade 2 and later OT grade 2 processes would be the preferred way of handling overts.

1.2 Restore the sanctity of the confessional. All examination of PC folders for any purpose outside of auditing is to be forbidden. No ethics penalties, amends projects, or lower conditions are to be assigned based on anything revealed in an auditing session even if the session is an eligibility check or DofP interview that is prefaced by the phrase "I'm not auditing you". However, currently dangerous or harmful situations are to be handled in ethics by getting the person to do the right thing and eligability to join staff may be refused even though no ammends can be required.

1.3 Some improved basics such as validating the PC's rightness, shifting from setups to major actions as soon as the PC is flying, etc. See my comments on what is wrong with standard tech in Super Scio #4.

1.4 Some general improvements in course supervision, especially insisting that the supervisor be an expert on the materials that he is supervising and an emphasis on raising understanding rather than raising stats.

1.5 For TRs, you coach the thetan rather than the body. Flunk what the thetan is doing (such as flinching) rather than what the body is doing (such as jerking sideways).

1.6 Running to two major release points in level 1 (help and problems), level 3 (change and ARCXs) and level 4 (responsibility and fixed conditions) as is currently done in level 0 (straightwire and communications). The courses remain the same. Each of the two grades is run and attested to individually.

1.7 Redefinition of the state of clear as being "no longer affected by the force in mental pictures and free from stimulous response reactive thought". You will find that a clear has a moment of free choice before he dramatizes something (he decides to let himself have an ARCX etc.). But he can still have out grades and other abberations. Cancellation of the policy that makes it a suppressive act to invalidate the state of clear. The state should stand on its own merits rather than needing to be defended.

1.8 We should reinstate level 0 to 4 training as a prerequisite to the SHSBC even for Clears and OTs. This encourages people to do their levels right away and provides a fast and easy gradient into training as an auditor. And it will speed up the SHSBC considerably.

1.9 Clears and OTs with somatics are to be handled first of all with assists and if this is inadequate, dianetic rundowns can be used by substituting recall processes for R3R. NOTS can keep a somatic restimulated (and should be included as part of the assist handling on an upper level case), but if the somatic is run out, there is nothing to restimulate.

1.10 Cancellation of confidentiality. However, all rules concerning not going out-gradient on new people and avoiding stirring up things above the persons case level will remain in force. All discussion of entities and BTs below the OT 3 case level is to be restrained and handled by using the referance in "History of Man" (you get worse if you give them power and you do fine if you ignore them) and by further pointing out that our senior datum is that the PC (not entities or whatever) is responsible for the condition he is in. As a last resort, a troublesome entity can be handled in review by using Nots techniques, but this is only if the PC insists that its there, you never search for or stir up these things up below OT 3.

1.11 Improved NOTS correction lists. See Super Scio #6. Add questions like "blaming something on BTs", "putting them there to run", "bypassed the cause over life EP" etc. The "point to the being you divided from" process can be used experimentally in review if the PC insists that he has a split off piece of himself that needs to be handled. Audited Nots rundowns are not to be done after a PC has achieved the Solo Nots EP (and it might possibly be achieved on audited Nots or even on OT 3). BTs can be handled if they show up, but you don't run processes to search for them once the person has reached the solo nots EP.

1.12 Audited Nots should be a brief setup and repair and the main thrust should be solo. Solo Nots should be exported to the AOs as quickly as possible (discussed further below).

1.13 Clears and OTs with grades style difficulties should have the appropriate grade run or rehabbed. There is the potential for OT grades processes which go beyond lower level grades, but this would be something to research.

1.14 Immediate release of OT levels above 8. We need to resume upward motion on the bridge. At a minimum, old 4 through 7 can be expanded with additional processes from the 1950s. But the rumor is that Ron left more OT levels which could be released. So we have lots that can be issued. Beyond this there are things like handling actual GPMs (see Super Scio #3), so there is no need to worry about running out of levels before we make a real OT.

1.15 We need a steady export of higher technology to lower organizations. The ship and flag would remain as centers of technical excellence and have each new OT level as an exclusive for a period of time, but would not permanently hang onto services. The ship can do new OT levels. OT8 can be exported to Flag (and Flag can also pilot new rundowns). Solo Nots can move to the AOs and Nots auditor training can be done at Saint Hills. The Briefing Course, CCRD, and solo to OT2 can be exported to the outer orgs. The missions should be allowed to train people through class 3 (leave class 4 and specialist rundown training at the outer orgs). Note that the missions must offer training as well as processing or else we will be forever short of auditors.

1.16 More 1950s tapes should be added to checksheets, expecially on the upper OT levels.

1.17 If there is something abusive in the Introspection rundown, it should be revised or cancelled. The same for any other abuse in training or processing.


2.1 The chaplin's office needs to be beefed up considerably and given the hat of righting wrongs as discussed earlier. An international chaplin becomes the post for reforming the subject when there are abusive conditions in policy. If some new insanity like the "Finance Police" should start up, the Chaplin International should be powerful enough to stop it dead in its tracks.

2.2 The org board should be changed to place treasury under HCO and move dissem to the public divisions so that the org exec division can become pure tech and get a tech hotshot on the exec council as discussed earlier.

2.3 Management by stats would be changed to management by good indicators with stats being a highly important management indicator.

2.4 Reinstate "Only Accounts Talks Money".

2.5 Cancel the RPF and substitute a non-abusive staff rehabilitation program to get failing staff members back in shape.

2.6 Real cancellation of Fair Game and Disconnection. The non-enturbulation policy would remain in effect and would be subsituted for disconnection when necessary to ensure case progress. This is currently used when two Scientologists in good standing are at each others throats and going PTS to each other. We will give non-Scientologists the same curtesy while ensuring that the PC is left alone while he is getting audited.

2.7 Tech training of staff members is to be given preferance over management training once a staff member has learned his post hat. Staff co-audits on everything (using readit-drillit-doit as needed) and local delivery of solo levels to staff (as soon as a CS is available) will be used to ensure that staff make good case progress and move up the bridge. This training and processing is their exchange for long hours and low pay and should really be pushed so that staff aren't taken advantage of.

2.8 Lower conditions are not to be assigned except in flagrant circumstances. And the chaplin has the right to overrule these even in the face of policy. Reinstate "Ethics exists to get tech in" (if its not interfearing with the PCs auditing, leave it alone).

2.9 Review and cleanup financial and pricing policies. We should make our money on volume of flow rather than high prices. Outer orgs should not be drained to finance the top command structure because they generate the volume flow that keeps the entire structure doing well. We should have regular lower prices rather than crazy discount schemes. Efforts should be made to streamline progress so that people get more "bang for the bucks" rather than trying to milk as much as possible before letting somebody move on.

2.10 Simplification and removal of unnecessary steps on routing forms. It should be fast and fun to move through lines rather than an annoyance.

2.11 Full reinstatement of the 1967 policy "New 2D Rules". Drop all rules against homosexuals etc. Keep people from messing each other up and encourage them to put aside their 2D games while they are trying to get through a new level, but otherwise leave them alone. If somebody is abberated, it will get run out eventually. We are not the morals police. The Sea Org does have an image to maintain, so their staff shouldn't be wildly promiscious or throwing orgies, but they don't have to be more puritanical than what is currently accepted by the society at large.

2.12 Re-emphasize that policy is a guiding thing rather than an absolute (see "Theory of Organization: What is Policy").

2.13 More truth, more communication, more ARC. Less concern with PR. More compassion and less harrassment.

Note that some abbusive things, such as the "overboards" were cancelled long ago.


3.1 An immediate end to the "war with the squirrels". Acceptance of the freezone as a group with shared goals but differences of opinion.

3.2 Cool down the "war with the psychs". Abusive and barbaric phychiatric practices such as shock treatment remain a target, but many don't engage in these. The orgs general attitude should be that they are usually lacking in spiritual enlightenment and are a bit out of date rather than considering them to be a source of evil.

3.3 Stop fighting the metaphysical community. Mixing practices should remain in force to the degree that you don't engage in metaphysical actions at the same time that you are trying to do a Scientology level, but there is no other block. Let them read Krishnamurti or cast a horoscope as long as they keep it off lines and put it aside while they are doing a course or getting audited.

3.4 Cancel "Issue Authority". Allow free and open discussions, especially on the internet. If we let satisfied public chat as they see fit without bothering them with ethics and letting them talk freely (even when they disagree with tech or policy), there will be enough good communication to balance any amount of viscious attacks. Also cancel "Jokers and Degraders". Humor is not a crime. A viscious attack disguised as humor should be handled based on the visciousness rather than destroying our sense of humor.

3.5 Stop attacking the internet. Make peace with the webmasters etc. Build good relations.

3.6 Drop all court cases except those necessary to defend the organization from harm, and try to settle those in a reasonable manner as well.

3.7 Add a powerful Chaplin's division to OSA. It should work to right wrongs and clean up our external relations. I would not disarm OSA because of the occasional vengeful attacker who will not see reason, but this becomes a last resort. Walk softly and carry a big stick becomes the keynote rather than savagely attacking everything that moves.

3.8 Separate the publication of tapes, books, and bulletins from orthodox Scientology. Golden Era and Bridge should act as service organizations who sell materials (even those currently labled confidential) to everybody, even freezone and declared enemies of the church. Try to get everything available and get the prices down. Make money on volume.

3.9 Issue an absolute general amnesty, with no amends required, covering every possible offense. In the future, only declare people as enemies if they are truely attacking the organization. Do not declare people who disagree with us or blow or join the freezone. And realize that even an enemy is not fair game, the laws of the land still hold true. The high scaled viewpoint is to fight one's opponents with honor rather than treachery.

3.10 Allow people to move between the orgs and the freezone and back again. The org should maintain its position by the excellence of its technical delivery rather than by stomping out the competition.


There is lots more that could be done: Group processing on TV, a new Dianetic home co-audit book, simplification of policy, expansion of tech, an honest biography of Ron etc. But the above should be enough to clean things up and create a boom in the subject.


The above is a bit too long and complex to serve as a rallying cry, and it requires too much understanding of tech and policy to be easily passed around.

So here is an abbreviated, simplified list to use in pushing for a reformation of Scientology.


The general target is a restoration of truth, open communication, and care for one's fellow man.

1. Recognition that the subject is still on a research line. Redefinition of the State of Clear as being "no longer affected by the force in mental pictures and free from stimulous response reactive thought". Acknowlegement that this does not errase the grades of release or handle the basic problems, overts, and upsets which originally caused the being to decay. The OT levels are a gradient to allow the being to reach these on the early track.

2. Cancellation of confidentially. Re-emphasis of Scientology as a religion and abandoment of the viewpoint that it is a business with trade secrets. Termination of all leagal suits except those necessary to defend the church from direct attack. As a matter of relegious freedom, all materials should be easily available to anyone regardless of their status within orthodox Scientology.

3. Promotion of free and open communication. Cancellation of "Issue Authority" "Jokers and Degraders". Use of "mixing practices" only to forbid actual practice while trying to do a Scientology level at the same time. An end to the persecution of squirrels and psychs except for situations of actual physical abuse. A recognition that we have shared goals with many other groups.

4. Cancellation of eligability checks for students and PCs. Restoration of the sancitity of the confessional, even for those who subsequently are labled as enemies. Use of the FPRD only as a major case action for the purpose of case gain and not to gather data.

5. Cancellation of all policies on suppressive persons and an end to declaring people SPs. Use of "non-enturbulation orders" for the duration of training or processing as a last resort when a PTS condition cannot otherwise be handled. An absolute and total amnesty for all past actions (because we'll never sort out what was or wasn't justified). Subsequently, people are only to be declared as enemies if they engage in flagrant and unreasonable attacks against the church. People who disagree or blow are not to be labled as enemies. Elimination of the use of "lower conditions" except in circumstances of outright damage and danger.

6. Establishment of an International Chaplin, a chaplin's division within OSA, and an expanded office of the chaplin within the organizations, all with the power to right wrongs, override policy as needed, and keep the orgs operating in an ethical manner towards their staff and public.

7. An end to all physical abuse, including cancellation of the RPF and an end to all penalties for lower conditions.

8. Intensive tech training, co-auditing, and solo auditing delivered locally to all staff as an exchange for the low pay and long working hours.

9. A steady release of new OT levels and a steady downward export of levels to the next lower level of organization as the new levels become the premier service for the top level orgs.

10. A cleanup and simplification of pricing. Ethical behaviour on the subject of money. Restoration of the policy "Only Accounts Talks Money".

11, Full reinstatement of the 1967 policy "New 2D Rules". Drop all rules against homosexuals etc. The Sea Org does have an image to maintain, so their staff shouldn't be wildly promiscious or throwing orgies, but they don't have to be more puritanical than what is currently accepted by the society at large.

12. Change from management by stats to management by good indicators with stats being a highly important management indicator.

13. Re-emphasize that policy is a guiding thing rather than an absolute (see "Theory of Organization: What is Policy").

14. More truth, more communication, more ARC. Less concern with PR. More compassion and less harrassment.


I would intend that amnesty to apply to everybody on both sides of the fence. One big reason that revolutions go sour when they win is that they take revenge on the overthrown regime. This is why things never change so much as they remain the same. The revolutionaries soon take on the color of those whom they deposed. You break this and many other deadly cycles by means of forgiveness. Christ was right. Forgiveness is one of the keys to getting out of the trap.

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17 Apr 97

Mostly I'm just keeping a research journal which I'll issue eventually rather than putting out little bits and pieces of what I'm digging into. But this one seemed too good to sit on and I felt a need to put out a posative contribution to balance some of the pot shots I've been taking at the org in this last set of posts.

So here it is.


One of the first things I realized when I was getting trained and begining to hear about implants on the tapes was that these things would obviously include implanted commands to kill yourself etc. if you found out about them. My reaction was to laugh at whoever designed those things and decide that I wasn't stupid enough to obey any orders like that.

So these things should be easy to shrug off (its been a long time and the implanters are no longer standing over your shoulder to keep rerunning the implant until you finally give in and let it stick). And I wouldn't worry too much about billion year old death threats.

But the implants do sometimes include this kind of thing to keep you from remembering the implant. I don't think that they actually had much success getting people to kill themselves. But they did get people to keep themselves from remembering by telling them that if they did remember, they would kill themselves. Telling somebody to forget is nowhere near as effective as telling them that they will die if they remember.

I have found what I think is the most common pattern for laying in suicide items. I think that this one is often tacked on to other implants as a sort of trailer to block recall of the implant. Sometimes they even used it at the begining and again at the end. It doesn't follow the same pattern as the implants it was attached to, so its easy to miss.

I think that this one was used well prior to incident 2 and has continued to be used recently and that it was also used at many individual points througout incident 2 and other similar mass implants.

Remember that you handle implant items by spotting each one a few times until you can laugh it off. The idea is not to auto-hypnotize yourself and lay the item in but rather to knock out any residual hypnotic effect so that these trigger thoughts have no further effect on you.

The pattern consists of a root phrase and an end phrase. The root phrases are:

a) "To know about this is to ..."
b) "To talk about this is to ..."
c) "To find out about this is to ..."
d) "To remember this is to ..."
e) "to think about this is to ...".

There may be more roots. Each root cycles through the following endings:

1) disbelieve it
2) forget it
3) be insane
4) be unconcious
5) be unaware
6) be sick
7) die
8) kill myself

In other words, the first item is "to know about this is to disbelive it". The final item is "to think about this is to kill myself". There are 40 items in all.

Implant items were never very powerful. Its the postulates that you made while being implanted or implanting somebody else. Items like this were designed to get you to postulate that you should forget the implant to protect yourself.



The Pilot
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