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Добавлено: 12 янв 2016, 15:32
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Class VIII
Dian Chksht
Ds of P


A pc on antibiotics should be given Dianetic Auditing.
Very often antibiotics do not function unless the illness or injury is also audited.
The basic failures of antibiotics apparently stem from a traumatic condition which pre-vents the medical treatment from functioning.
When a person is medically treated for an illness, it is best to back up the action with auditing.
Sometimes the patient is too ill to be fully audited. It is difficult to audit someone who is running a temperature. In such a case, let the antibiotics bring the temperature down before auditing. But if the temperature does not come down, in the interest of the patient’s recovery, auditing should be done.
It is usually too late when the patient is in a coma. But one can still reach a patient who is unconscious by touching the patient’s hand to parts of the bed with “Feel that (object)”.
A patient will sometimes respond to commands even when “unconscious” if you tell them to squeeze your hand to acknowledge they have done the command.
Years ago the auditing of unconscious persons was worked out and successfully done.
Needless to say, auditing any sick person requires the most exact, careful auditing, strictly by the Auditor’s Code.


A person who has been operated on or medically or dentally treated or a mother who has just delivered a child should have the engram audited out as soon as possible by Dianetic R3R.
The after-effects of anaesthetics or the presence of drugs or antibiotics is to be neglect-ed.
The usual action is to
1. Get them medical treatment.
2. Audit them as soon as possible on the illness or injury.
3. Audit them again when they are well.
4. Get them a Review if they seem to be showing much later after-effects despite Dianetic auditing.
HEAVY DOSES OF VITAMIN B1, B COMPLEX and C should accompany all such auditing actions.


All this comes under the heading of saving lives.
At the very least it saves slow recovery and bad after-effects and resultant psychoso-matic illnesses.
Dianetics is the first development since the days of Rome that changes and improves the RATE OF HEALING.
Dianetics is also the first development that removes traumatic barriers from the path of healing.
Medicines and endocrine compounds quite often are effective in the presence of Dia-netic auditing which were once inexplicably ineffective in many cases. The barrier to healing was the engram. With that removed, healing can occur.


Any barriers or objections to using Dianetics to assist the effectiveness of medicine or to increase the rate of or even secure effective recovery place the patient at risk as certainly as failing to use antiseptics.
Such objections can be dismissed as stemming from barbaric or superstitious mentalities or from motives too base to be decent.
It would not be possible to count the number of lives Dianetics saved in the 19 years even before the advent of Standard Dianetics. Few human betterment activities have been so widely successful and so uniformly helpful as Dianetics.

